Lecture 7: Histology I: Cartilage Flashcards
bone and cartilage are specialized CT formed from ?
mesecnchyme derived from mesoderm
what does the lateral plate mesoderm form
green arrow
limb skeleton and sternum
what does the paraxial mesoderm form
light blue arrow
vertebrae, ribs and some of the skull
what does the neural crest form
parts of the skull
perichondrium cartilage is composed of how many layers and what are they
2 (outer fibrous and inner cellular)
what is the outer fibrous layer of cartilage composed of ?
- dense CT
- type I collagen
- fibroblasts
- vasculature
what it the inner cellular layer of cartilage composed of ?
chondrogenic cells = cartilage stem cells
- impt for appositional growth, maintenance and some repair
what cell type is arrow pointing to
chondrogenic cell = cartilage stem cell, a specialized fibrocyte producing cartilage ECM
characteristics of the chondrogenic cells
- narrow and spindle shaped
- ovoid nucleus w/ one or two nuclei
function of chondrocytes
secrete ECM
characteristics of Chondrocytes?
- ovoid to rounded shape
- large nucleus with prominent nucelolus
what cells are the blue arrows pointing to
what type of cell is this?
what do the colored arrows each refer to
- blue = euchromatin
- pink = golgi
- yellow = rER
term for chondrocytes that are actively secreting ECM
As ECM forms around a chondroblast, it forms a ______, a fluid filled space where the inactive chondrocyte resides
what is the blue arrow pointing to ? yellow arrow? green arrow?
Blue = chondrocyte in lacuna
Yellow = empty lacuna
green = ECM