Lecture 18: Heart + Some Lung Flashcards
what is the pericardium composed of
fibrous layer
parietal layer
what is the name for the visceral layer of tissue surrounding the heart
epicardium - layer closest to heart
the cranial vena cava brings blood from where to the right atrium
blood from the head, neck and forelimbs
the caudal vena cava brings blood from where to the right atrium
blood from the thorax and all things caudal to it
what valve is between the right atrium and right ventricle
tricuspid (R. Atrioventricular valve)
what valve is between the L. atrium and L. ventricle
Left Atrioventricular valve (bicuspid)
what brings blood from the R. Ventricle to the right and left pulmonary arteries
pulmonary trunk
what brings blood from the lungs to the L. atrium
R+L pulmonary veins
what is the paraconal interventricular artery
a branch of the left coronary artery
what is the embryological remnant of fetal heart circulation that forms a foramen ovale if it is not sealed all the way
Fossa Ovalis
where are pectinate muscles found
right auricle
- has ridges of pectinate muscles that end at the crista terminalis
what is the cristae terminalis
the boundary to the main compartment of the right atrium
control blood flow from the atria to the ventricles, prevent back flow
atrioventricular valves
structures that have 3 leaf-like shapes cusps that control blood flow from ventricles to higher pressure systems, also prevent backflow
aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves
what valve has only 2 components, the septal and parietal
left atrioventricular