Lecture 24 Flashcards
What is Learning?
The process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in behaviour or performance capabilities
What is the behaviourist solution to the problem of how to operationalize learning?
To measure ‘doing’ (not ‘knowing’) by relying on performance based metrics
What governs learning in all organisms?
Common principles
What is personal learning adaption?
Viewing learning as a personal adaption in response to the specifics of ones own environment
What is a preferred way to operationalize learning?
What are the two simple forms of learning that are very adaptive?
What is Habituation?
Decrease in the strength of a response to a repeated stimulus
What is Sensitization?
Increase in the strength of a response to a repeated stimulus
What is an example of Classical conditioning?
Pavlov’s dogs
What does CC involve?
Learning to associate two stimuli, such that one stimulus come to elicit response originally produced by the other stimulus
What does Unconditioned stimuli elicit?
A reflecitive of innate response without prior learning
What does a conditions response elicit?
Through learning, comes to produce a CR similar to the original UCR
What is Acquisition?
The period of time in which a CC association is learned
What is considered a learning trial?
Each pairing of CS/UCS
What does the speed of Acquisition depend on?
The order/delay for the CS and the UCS presentation
What is an unconditioned stimulus?
A stimulus that innately elicits a respons
What is conditions stimulus?
A stimulus that gains value through learning
What is an unconditioned response?
A reflexitive unlearned response to an innately important stimulus
What is a conditions response?
A response elicited by a stimulus whose importance depends on past learning
What are the different types of acquisition?
Forward short delay
Forward trace
What happens in forward short delay?
CS presented first and remains, then UCS
What happens in forward trace?
CS presented first the dissapears, then the UCS
What happens in simultaneous?
CS and UCS presented at the same time
What happens in backward?
CS is presented after the UCS
What occurs when classically conditions responses are no longer relvant?
What is extinction is acquisition?
As the CS stops being pairs with UCS, the CR weakness, and eventually disappears
What is Spontaneous recovery?
The appearance of a previously extinguished CR, in the absence of any learning trials
What is Generalization?
Extension of classically conditioned association to another stimuli
When does Discrimination occurs?
Occurs when CR elicited in response to one stimulus but not to another
What do Generalization and Discrimination allow for?
Allow for organisms to leverage previous learning to anticipate consequences in novel situations and behave accordingly
What is higher-order conditioning?
Chain of events involving multiple CS
What is an example of higher order conditioning?
A neutral stimulus becomes a CS after being paired with another, already established, CS
What is Exposure therapy?
Exposing patients to fearful/anxiety-provoking stimuli under neutral circumstances to promote extinction
What is Aversion therapy?
Establishing a negative association with some stimuli that a patient wants to avoid ex. cigarettes