Lecture 12 Flashcards
What is Polygenic Transmission?
A given characteristic is controlled by two or more genes
What did the human genome project involve?
Identifying and mapping all known human genes, with the goal of understanding both structure and function
What is the Recombinant DNA procedure?
Enzymes cut/combine DNA from different organisms
What is the Gene knockout procedure?
Particular genes are disables
What is the major limitation of the Gene procedures?
Few behaviours are controlled by a single gene
What is Heredity?
Passage of characteristics via genes
What is Heritability?
How much variation in something can be attributed to genetic difference
How much DNA do siblings share?
How much DNA do Grandparents and Grandchildren share?
What is the Heritability Coefficient?
An estimate of the extent to which variation in a characteristic among a group of people can be attributed to genetic factors
What does the Heritability Coefficient refer to?
Variances (differences) in a trait across individuals within a group
What do Twin (and adoption) studies provide?
A natural experiment that allows us to estimate the variance associated with both genetic and environmental factors
What is the Concordance rate?
The rate of co-occurance of characteristics among individuals
How much do genetic influences account for variance in IQ scores?
What is Reaction Range?
The genetically influenced limits within which environmental factors can be expected to exert their effects on an organism
What is the Minnesota twin study?
A large scale study which attempted to estimate genetic contributions to dimensions related to personality