Lecture 13 Flashcards
What is Evolution?
Change over time in frequency with which genes, and characteristics they produces, occur within an interbreeding population
What do Mutations do?
Continually introduce new genetic variation
What are Adaptations?
Changes that promotes survival/reproduction
What allows Adaptations to become more frequent in the population?
Natural selection
What do domain specific adaptation?
Solve particular problems (e.x. mate section, finding safe food, avoiding particular environmental hazards)
What are Broad Adaptations?
General, multi purpose, and versatile (e.x. language, logical reasoning)
How does the environment help?
It provides input to evolutionary mechanisms that predispose infants to learn particular things
What does Evolutionary Psychology ask?
How behaviour and tendencies have evolved in response to environmental demands
How much variance in personality is attributed to genotype differences?
What does the Five factor model of personality suggest about genotype?
Genotype contributes to 40-50% of the difference in personality
What does the Genetic contribution to personalities imply?
There is an evolutionary role in shaping personality
What is the Basis for the Evolutionary Personality theory?
There is an evolutionary role in shaping personality
Why do some extremes for personality get selected by evolutionary mechanisms?
Because there is always some natural variation and some traits are adaptive in different environments
What do different environments exert?
Different evolutionary/selection pressures. And different environment are always changing
What do many different characteristics and behaviours have to potential to become?
Adaptive or maladaptive in different times/places
What is Parental Investment?
The resource investment (time, effort, energy etc) and risks associated with caring for each offspring
What does Variation in parental investment reflect?
Different strategies that have been optimized by particular selection pressures
What is the range of Parental investment?
Some species produce many offspring and invest little and some invest large amounts of resources in few offspring
What did Trivers predict for parental investment?
1) The sex with the grater parental investment will be more discriminating when choosing mates
2) The sex with the lesser parental investment will more aggressively compete for potential mates
What does Sexual Dimorphism refer to?
Difference in characteristics between males/females within a species
What is Sexual Dimorphism shaped by?
Differences in evolutionary selection pressures for males/females
What is Polygyny?
One male with many females
When is Polygyny predicted to occur?
If female investment in offspring high, male investment is low
What do Polygynous species tend to have?
Greater sexual dimorphism
What is Polyandry?
One female mates with many males
What do Females of Polyandrous species tend to be?
Larger than the males, in line with Trivers prediction
What is Cooperation?
One individual helps another and each gains some advantage
What is Altruism?
One individual helps another but there are costs involved and no apparent advantage to the helper
What is Kin selection theory?
Applies to helping one’s relatives
What does Kin Selection theory do?
Increases the survival of relatives, promoting survival of common genetic material
What is Reciprocal Altruism theory?
General helping, not based on genetic relatedness
Why might some physical/behaviour attributes like aggression be chosen?
Because they can carry certain benefits
What can Dominance Hierarchies do?
Can reduce conflict