lecture 11 muscles of the body Flashcards
- produces movements
- general principles of leverage
- muscle act with or against each other
- criteria used in naming muscles
skeletal muscles of the body
- origin of the muscle is broad
- fascicles converge toward the tendon of insertion
fascicles run parallel to the long axis of the muscle
-two types ; straplike (sternocleomastoid) and fusiform (biceps bronchi)
types of fascicle arrangment
unipennate, bipennate, multipennate
fascicles insert into one side of the tendon
fascicles insert into the tendon from both sides
fascicles insert into one large tendon from all sides
fascicles are arranged in concentric rings
- surround external body openings
- sphincters
has major responsibility for a certain movement
prime mover
opposes or reverses a movemnt
helps the prime mover
a type of synergist that holds a bone firmly in place
squeeze food into the esophagus
pharyngeal constrictors
-largest of deep back muscles
1 iliocostalis
2. longissimus
3. spinalis
erector spinal group
- deep muscles used for providing movements for breathing
- lift the rib cage
external intercostal muscles
-aid expiration during heavy breathing
internal intercostal muscles
-most important muscle of respiration
a strong flat sheet of fibrous connective tissue that serves as a tendon to attach muscles to bones or as fascia to bind muscles together or to other tissues at their origin or insertion
feeling internal structures through the skin
-living anatomy provides important information about palpation of arterial pulses, skeleton, muscles, and blood vessels, sounds of the heart and lungs, where to give injections
- superciliary arches
- external occipital protuberance
- mastoid process
- termporalis muscle
- frontalis muscle
selected structures felt through the skin
also called Adams apple
laryngeal prominence
inferior to the laryngeal prominence
cricoid cartilage
depression in the superior part of the sternum
jugular notch
most prominent neck muscle
posterior aspect of the neck
white line extending from xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis
linea alba
linea semilunaris ; lateral margin of
rectus abdominis
vertical groove along the midline
- spinous process of vertebrae
- spine of the scapula
posterior median furrow
where armpit hair grows
base of the axilla
axillary lymph nodes and blood vessels
deep to the axilla
pectoralis major
anterior axillary fold
latissimus dorsi and teres major
posterior axillary fold
lateral end of the spine of the scapula
covers greater tubercle of the humerus
deltoid muscle
runs along the medial epicondyle of the humerus
ulnar nerve
forms anterior surface of forearm
cubital fossa
diamond shaped hollow on posterior knee
popliteal fossa