LC 4-14 (1) Flashcards
Specific segments of the skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
Dermatome (dermatome maps fig 14.13)
Disorder of reactivation of chicken pox virus
Three Sensory pathways
Primary sensory neuron, secondary sensory neuron, tertiary
first neuron in chain, unipolar neuron picks up signals from eg hand, sends to spinal cord, cell body in posterior root ganglia, synapses in dorsal horn of spinal cord, axon projects to secondary neuron within CNS
Primary Sensory Neuron
interneuron, multipolar, cell body in the posterior horn of the spinal cord, axon sends signal to thalamus
Secondary sensory neuron
interneuron in thalamus, multipolar, cell body in thalamus, sends signal to primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus) in parietal lobe, ends up connecting with motor portion
Tertiary neuron
upper and lower motor neuron
Two Motor pathways
multipolar, cell body in primary motor cortex (precentral gyrus) in frontal lobe, sends signals to lower motor neuron, syanpses in anterior horn of spinal cord
Upper motor neuron
multipolar, cell body in anterior horn of spinal cord, sends signal out through anterior root of spinal cord, sends signal to muscle
Lower motor neuron
Upper motor neuron problems cause what
spastic issues
Lower motor neuron causes what issues
weakness and flaccid issues
Rapid, pre-programmed, involuntary reactions of muscles and glands, survival mechanisms
5 steps of reflex arc
Stimulus activates receptor, nerve signal travels through sensory neuron to spinal cord, signal is processed by interneurons, motor neuron transmits signal to effector, effector responds to signal
Reflex effecting same side
Ipsilateral reflexes
Reflex effecting other side
Contralateral reflex
Simplest of all reflexes, one synapse, two neurons
monosynaptic reflex
Reflex involving more than 1 synapse and more than 2 neurons
Polysynaptic reflex
Reflexes that only use spinal cord, not brain, still present in paralyzed people
Spinal reflexes
Monosynaptic, ipsilateral reflex, reflexive contraction of muscle after stretching, muscle that detects the stretch is what contracts
stretch reflex
Shutting down muscles on other side during stretch reflex to prevent overstretch, eg inhibit triceps during biceps stretch
Reciprocal inhibition
Polysynaptic, ipsilateral reflex, detects overcontraction and causes muscle to relax
Golgi tendon reflex
Contraction of muscles on other side to prevent overcontraction, eg activation of triceps brachii during full flexion of biceps brachii
Reciprocal activation