Lab Test 1 CH5 Flashcards
lining against the organ
Visceral pleura
lining against the cavity wall
Parietal pleura
lining against the heart
Visceral pericardium
lining against the pericardial cavity
Parietal pericardium
lining against the abdominal organs
Visceral peritoneum
lining against the abdominal cavity
Parietal peritoneum
cell feature to increase surface area
cell feature to produce mucus
goblet cells
location of adipose tissue
subcutaneous layer
Location of Simple squamous epithelium
Location of Simple cuboidal epithelium
lining thyroid gland
Location of Simple columnar epithelium
Location of Stratified squamous epithelium
Location of Transitional epithelium
Urinary bladder
Location of Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Nasal cavity
Location of Glandular epithelium
thyroid gland
Nucleation of skeletal muscle
Nucleation of smooth muscle
Nucleation of cardiac muscle
1 or 2 nucleii
Cells of adipose tissue
Function of tactile corpuscle
superficial touch
Function of lanellated corpuscle
deep touch
Function of free nerve endings
sense pain
A collection of cells that perform a specific function
Study of tissues
Three cell shapes for epithelial tissue
i. Squamous: squished, flat cell
ii. Cuboidal: cube shaped
iii. Columnar: column shaped
Four cell arrangements of epithelial tissue
i. Simple: one row of cells, all cells reach apical surface and all cells reach basal surface
ii. Stratified: more than one row of cells, not all cells reach apical surface, not all cells reach basal surface
iii. Pseudostratified: not all cells reach apical surface, all cells reach basal surface, cells have different heights
iv. Transitional: looks different every time you look at it, transitions from simple, stratified, and pseudostratified
squished, flat cell epithelial cells
cube shaped epithelial cells
column shaped epithelial cells
Epithelial arrangement, one row of cells, all cells reach apical surface and all cells reach basal surface
Epithelial arrangement, more than one row of cells, not all cells reach apical surface, not all cells reach basal surface