Lab 2-8 (1) Flashcards
What does the glenoid fossa/cavity attach to and what joint does it form
attaches to humeral head, glenohumeral joint
What does the humeral head attach to
attaches to glenoid fossa
What does “greater” mean in “greater tubercle”
What does “lesser” mean in “lesser tubercle”
what does the capitulum connect to
connects to radial head
What does the trochlea connect to
connects to ulna
What does the coronoid fossa connect to
anterior, connects to ulna
What does the olecranon fossa connect to
posterior, connects to ulna
What does the olecranon (process) connect to
connects to humerus
What does the trochlear notch connect to
connects to trochlea
What does the radial notch connect to
connects to head of radius
What does the coronoid process connect to
connects to coronoid
What does the radial head connect to
connects to capitulum and radial notch
What does the ulnar notch connect to
connects to ulna
What does the acetabulum connect to
attaches to the head of the femur
What does the Medial condyle of the tibia connect to
medial condyle of femur attaches here
What does the Lateral condyle of the tibia connect to
lateral condyle of femur sits here
How many bones of the skeleton are there
Skeletal system organized into two divisions
axial and appendicular
composed of the bones along the central axis of the body, which are commonly divided into three regions—the skull, the vertebral column, and the thoracic cage.
Axial skeleton
includes the bones of the upper and lower limbs, and the girdles of bones that attach the upper and lower limbs to the axial skeleton. The pectoral girdle consists of bones that hold the upper limbs in place, whereas the pelvic girdle consists of bones that hold the lower limbs in place
Appendicular skeleton
fibrous joints that connect the bones of the cranium
sagittal suture connecting the parietal bones of the skull, lamboid suture connecting the occipital bone with the parietal bones
Examples of sutures
When does the coronal suture usually close
First to close, 20s-30s
When does the sagittal usually close
30s or later
When does the lambdoidal usually close
Usually 40s