LB 4-16 Flashcards
Curved thick hair that keep sweat out of eyes
Hairs that extend from margin of eyelids, prevent objects from contacting eye
Function of tears
windshield fluid on your eyes
Fluid emitted by the lacrimal gland
lacrimal fluid
Path of lacrimal fluid
Lacrimal gland > surface of eye > lacrimal sac > nasolacrimal duct
Muscles that cause pupil to constrict
circular muscles (sphincter muscles)
Muscles that cause pupil to dilate
radiant (dilator) muscles
Disorder characterized by increased pressure in the aqueous humor
Olfactory nerve projects into the nasal cavity
Olfactory tract widens into olfactory bulb, olfactory nerve branches off and travels through cribiform plate to project into nasal cavity
Specialized receptors for vision; detect light, color and movement
Sebaceous glands within the eyelid; produce oily substance to prevent eyes from sticking to eyelids
Tarsal glands
Space between eyelids; size based on how open eyes are
Palpebral fissure
Pink, fleshy tissue in medial corner of eye that produces small amount of oil and sweat; forms grit in medial canthus after sleeping
lacrimal carbuncle
Conjunctiva that attaches to eyeball
Ocular conjuctiva
Conjunctiva that attaches to eyelid
Palpebral conjuctiva
Group of structures that produce, collect and drain lacrimal fluid
Lacrimal apparatus
Superior, lateral glands that produces lacrimal fluid
Lacrimal gland
Structures that drain lacrimal fluid from lacrimal gland
Lacrimal gland ducts