Last stuff for Exam 1: Last part of Ch3 : Electrophysiology Flashcards
message sender
presynaptic neuron
neurotransmitters in vesicles
message receiver
postsynaptic neuron
gap between the pre and postsynaptic neurons
Sequence of synaptic transmission: 1st step
action potential arrives at the axon terminal
Synaptic transmission: 2nd step
Voltage-gated Ca channels open and Ca2+ ions enter cell
- Ca channels only open if axon terminal is depolarized
- like preheating an oven (needs to be preheated before you cook)
Synaptic transmission: 3rd step
Synaptic vesicles fuse with membrane and release neurotransmitters to cleft
- exocytosis
Synaptic transmission: 4th step
transmitter crosses cleft and binds to postsynaptic neuron
Synaptic transmission: 5th step
ion flow causes IPSP (hyperpolarizes) or EPSP (depolarizes)
Synaptic transmission: 6th step
transmitter inactivated by enzymes or removed by transporters - transmission is brief
- transmitter may activate presynaptic auto receptors, decrease to release
each neuron will primarily release ______ neurotransmitter/s
general term for molecules that fit into receptors and activate or block them
- can be endogenous or exogenous
endogenous ligand
neurotransmitter, natural ligand
ex: acetylcholine
exogenous ligand
take externally like a drug
ex: cigarettes
dendrites contain lots of these
“lock and key”
each neuron can have many different types of these
receptors have ____
up-regulation neuroplasticity
increase in number of receptors
down-regulation neuroplasticity
decrease in number of receptors
What can effect neuroplasticity
- changes in developmental period in sensitivity and number
- learning
- drug use
receptors respond to ____
only one neurotransmitter
ex: you can have many diff locks, but only 1 key fits in each
open when bound by a transmitter
aka ligand gated ion channel
binding of neurotransmitter opens pore of ion channel
- other ions go into cell but NOT neurotransmitter
ionotropic receptors
activate G proteins when bound by a transmitter
Metabotropic receptors
these open channels or activate another chemical to affect ion channels
- other chemical = second messenger that helps open/close channels
G proteins
axon terminal synapses on dendrite