Exam 4: Language and Lateralization Flashcards
left and right hemispheres of the brain are nearly ______
do they function independently?
are they identical?
mirror images of eachother
corpus callosum
connects the right and left hemispheres
- bundle of axons
- allows for rapid communication and integration of sensory and motor information
hemisphere specialization
- handedness implicated in lateralization
10-15% population left handed - often excluded from analysis
left hemisphere
- verbal abilities
- analysis of sequences
right hemisphere (3)
- spatial cognition, puzzles, drawing
(faces, geometric shapes, direction/navigation, 3D rotation of objects) - organizing narrative (telling story)
- understanding prosody (emotional tone of voice)
is there evidence that links 1 brain hemisphere to personality traits/strengths ? aka being creative or analytical
injection of fast acting sedative sodium amytal into carotid artery unilaterally
- usually done to epileptics undergoing surgery
Wada Test
What happens in a Wada test?
ipsilateral anesthesia - stimulates stroke (shuts down ipsilateral brain activity that receives blood from carotid)
- allows assessment of contralateral hemisphere
- helps determine “dominant hemisphere”
Wada Test: injections into dominant speech hemisphere
patient temporarily mute
- usually left hemisphere
- rarely language lateralized to right hemisphere, these individuals usually left handed - not common
Wada Test: injections into non-dominant speech hemisphere
negligible changes in speech
what hemisphere is specialized for spoken language
left !
dichotic presentation
- present sound to both ears simultaneously
- ask patient to identify BOTH sounds
right ear advantage
right handed people identify verbal stimuli delivered to right ear better than left ear - 90% of time
- for left handed it is 50/50 which side they hear better from
verbal information to the right ear is process by the ___ auditory cortex and passes directly to speech systems in the ____ hemisphere
verbal information presented to left ear is first processed by _____ auditory cortex and then transmitted to speech systems in the ____ hemisphere
Tachistoscope Test
- briefly presents visual stimuli to the left OR right half of the visual field without the other half being able to see
verbal stimuli (words/letters) presented to ____ visual field recognized more accurately than when presented to the ____ visual field
nonverbal stimuli (faces, shapes) presented to ____ visual field recognized more accurately than when presented to ____ visual field
planum temporale
in temporal lobe
auditory processing, distinguishing fine details
- larger in left hemisphere
- includes part of Wernicke’s area
- asymmetry evident before substantial experience with speech
which hemisphere does music activate more
- especially if instrumental and no words
- musical perception impaired by damage to right hemisphere
- only damage to BOTH can abolish musical perception
which hemisphere is associated with perfect pitch
- measurements of left planum temporale are bigger in musicians with perfect pitch
which hemisphere is essential for facial discrimination
face blindness
people fail to recognize familiar faces, including their own
what causes complete prosopagnosia?
bilateral damage to fusiform gyrus
- worse if the right fusiform gyrus