L4 :Skull (and Hyoid) Flashcards
what is calvaria?
cranium without face
what is splanchnocranium?
the facial skeleton
what is the structure of cranial flat bones
diploe between two plates of compact bone
how many bones in the skull?
how many bones in the calvaria
name the 8 bones in the calvaria
- occipital bone (1)
- parietal bone (2)
- frontal bone (1)
- temporal bones (2)
- sphenoid (1)
- ethmoid (1)
how many bones in the face ?
name the bones in the face
- maxillary bones (2)
- palatine bones (2)
- nasal bones (2)
- vomer (1)
- inferior nasal conchae (2)
- zygomatic bones (2)
- lacrimal bones (2)
- mandible (1)
where is the sella turcica?
- lies behind optic groove (skull)
what are the three parts of the sella turcica?
- tuberculum sellae
- hypophseal fossa
- dorsum sellae
Where is the ramus?
- the mandible
what does the ramus consist of?
- condyle
- coronoid process
- notch
- angle
what does the body of the mandible consist of?
- mental foramen
- mandibular foramen
- symphysis menti
what is the temporomandibular joint?
- condylar head of ramus of mandible/ glenoid fossa of temporal bone
what are the four sutures of the skull?
- coronal
- sagittal
- lambdoidal
- squamosal
what is a common feature of neonate skulls?
- fontanelles (anterior/posterior)
- frontal/metopic suture
what is the use of the foramen magnum?
- for medulla oblongata, meninges, vertebral arteries
what is the use of the foramen spinosum?
- internal maxillary artery
what is the use of the foramen ovale?
- for mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve, CNV)
What is the use of the carotid canal?
- for internal carotid artry
what is the use of the jugular foramen/notch?
- jugular vein, and 3 cranial nerves (glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory)
what is the use of foramen lacerum?
- mostly filled with cartilage
function of para nasal sinuses?
- all communicate with the nasal cavity
what is the largest communication in the para nasal sinuses?
- the semilunar hiatus into the maxillary sinus