KIU M Flashcards
Normally, there are 4 seasons in Dar es Salaam.
Kwa kawaida, kuna misimu minne katika Dar es Salaam.
From January to middle of March, there is the Kiangazi season. It is the hot period.
Toka Januari hadi katikati ya Machi, Kuna msimu wa Kiangazi. Ni wakati wa joto.
From middle of March to May, there is the Masika. It is the rainy period.
Toka katikati ya Machi hadi Mai, kuna msimu wa Masika. Ni wakati wa mvua.
It rains an average of 23 inches.
Inanyesha wastani wa inchi ishirini na tatu.
From June to September, it is Kipupwe. It is the cold and windy period.
Toka Juni mpaka Septemba ni msimu wa Kipupwe. Ni wakati wa baridi na upepo.
From October to December, it is the Vuli season. It is the period of rain with thunder but it (usually) rains for a short period.
Toka Octoba hadi Desemba, ni msimu wa Vuli. Huu ni msimu wa mvua zenye radi lakini hunyesha kwa muda mfupi.
Thank you for educating me.
Asante sana kwa kunielimisha.
Farmers plant crops during the rainy season.
Wakulima hupanda mazao katika msimu wa masika (mvua).
After May, weather (usually) changes again.
Baada ya mwezi Mei, hali ya hewa hubadilika tena.
It is very hot during Kiangazi season.
Ni joto sana wakati wa kiangazi.
We use it (rug) for sitting on, eating on and sleeping on.
Tunautumia kwa kukalia, kulia na kulalia.
Planes fly from Nairobi to Amsterdam.
Ndege zinaruka toka Nairobi mpaka Amsterdam.
Because planes are few, many times trips get cancelled.
Kwa kuwa ndege ni chache, mara nyinge safari zinafutwa.
There are boats that transport passengers to Zanzibar.
Zipo boti zinazosafirisha abiria katika Zanzibar.
If we don’t finish this work, we will be late.
Tusipomaliza kazi hii, tutachelewa.
(Please I beg you to) explain (to me) the weather in Nairobi?
Naomba unieleze hali ya hewa ya Nairobi?