KIU J Flashcards
How do you say that in Swahili?
Unasemaje hiyo kwa kiswahili?
How do you pronounce it?
Unatamkaje hii?
Excuse me how do you say cheese in Swahili?
Kunradhi, unasemaje cheese kwa Kiswahili?
Sorry I did not understand. Please repeat again?
Samahani sikuelewa. Rudia tena tafadhali.
Please speak slowly.
Tafadhali tamka pole pole.
Write this down for me in Swahili please.
Tafadhali niandikie hii kwa Kiswahili.
Can you repeat that please?
Unaweza kurudia hiyo tafadhali?
Can you say that again please?
Unaweza kuisema tena tafadhali?
How many people are you?
Mko watu wangapi?
We are (a party of) 3 people.
Tuko watu watatu.
Tuko watatu.
I am alone (party of 1).
Niko pekee yangu.
I would like to make a reservation for two people tonight.
Ningependa kuhifadhi nafasi ya watu wawili leo jioni.
Is smoking forbidden here?
Uvutaji sigara hauruhusiwi hapa?
Is smoking allowed here?
Uvutaji sigara unaruhusiwa hapa?
Can you give me a menu please?
Tafadhali, unaweza kunipa menyu?
I would like ugali, kale and cold water.
Ningependa ugali, sukumawiki na maji baridi.
Would you like anything else?
Ungependa kitu kingine chocohote?
Where is the bathroom?
Bafu liko wapi?
Where is the toilet?
Msala uko wapi?
Where is the men’s room?
Msala wa wanaume uko wapi?
Where is the women’s room?
Msala wa wanawake uko wapi?
What is your lowest price?
Bei yako ya chini ni ngapi?
It costs only 100 shillings.
Inagharimu shilingi mia moja tu.
All of it costs one hundred shillings.
Yote inagharimu shilingi mia moja.
What time is check out?
Saa ya kutoka ni saa ngapi?
Please take me to the hospital?
Tafadhali, nipelekee hospitalini.
My head hurts.
Kichwa changu kinauma.
My head is hurting me.
Kichwa changu kinaniuma.
She is complaining that her whole body is aching.
Analalamika kwamba mwili wake wote unauma.
Her whole body hurts.
Mwili wake wote unauma.
I would like to send this letter to America.
Ningependa kuipeleka barua hii America.
Or kutuma
I would like to send this package to America.
Ningependa kutuma kifurushi hiki America.
What is in the package?
Ndani ya kifurushi imo nini?
The doctor has not yet arrived.
Daktari hajafika bado.
(I am) coming!
How do you say this in Swahili?
Unasemaje hii kwa kiswahili?