KIU I Flashcards
It is hot. (Weather)
Kuna joto.
Ni joto.
It’s possible in this part of the world.
Inawezakana katika upande huu wa dunia.
This weather is confusing.
Hii hali ya anga inachanganyisha.
The rain is falling on the street.
Mvua unanyesha barabarani.
Is the bus going to Nakuru?
Basi linaenda Nakuru?
How much is the ticket to Nairobi?
Tiketi ya hadi Nairobi ni pesa ngapi?
How many hours to go from here to Nairobi?
Ni masaa mangapi kutoka hapa hadi Nairobi?
It will take 7 hours.
Itachukua masaa saba.
What is the next stop?
Kituo kinachofuata ni gani?
Can I pay by using a credit card?
Ninaweza kulipa kutumia kadi kope?
I would like a first class ticket please.
Ningependa tiketi ya daraja la kwanza tafadhali.
How far is Malindi from here?
Kutoka hapa hadi Malindi ni umbali upi?
The buses going to the beach leave every hour.
Mabasi ya kuenda pwani huondoka kila saa moja.
I will take you to the bus station.
Nitakupelekea kituo cha basi.
Do you have other luggage?
Una mizigo mingine?