CS Ch. 11 Flashcards
Reason is (that it is) a woman’s dance only.
Maana ni ngoma ya wanawake tu.
Our club is preparing everything (all matters).
Chama chetu kinatayarisha mambo yote.
His father is that (person) who owns the shop near the hotel.
Babake ni yule mwenye duka karibu na hoteli.
He is the old man whom we talked with yesterday. (amba-)
Yeye ni mzee ambaye tuliongea naye jana.
All of us will go to the customs jetty next week to watch the race.
Sisi sote tutaenda forodhani wiki ijayo tuangalie mashindano.
Not even a little bit.
Hata kidogo.
Dug out canoe is (usually) used by fishermen.
Ngalawa hutumiwa na wavuvi.
We are planning to leave Thursday.
Tunakusudia kuondoka Alhamisi.
(You plural) don’t leave before the races.
Msiondoke kabla ya mashindano.
You (plural) must extend your vacation.
Lazima mwongeze likizo yenu.
likizo (N)
Meeting was postponed.
Mkutano uliahirishwa.
Groom will marry tomorrow.
Bwana arusi ataoa kesho.
Bride will be married tomorrow.
Bibi arusi ataolewa kesho.
John wrote a letter.
John aliandika barua.
That book (already mentioned) is very expensive.
Kitabu hicho ni ghali mno.
Mno - excessively
Those (already mentioned) races will be on which day?
Mashindano hayo yatakuwa siku gani?
That (already mentioned) person
Those (already mentioned) people
Mtu huyo
Watu hao
That (already mentioned) computer
Those (already mentioned) computers
Kompyuta hiyo
Kompyuta hizo
That (already mentioned) book
Those (already mentioned) books
Kitabu hicho
Vitabu hivyo
That (already mentioned) car
Those (already mentioned) cars
Gari hilo
Magari hayo
That (already mentioned) tree
Those (already mentioned ) trees
Mti huo
Miti hiyo
That (already mentioned) key
Those (already mentioned) keys
Ufunguo huo
Funguo hizo
Who said that? (those things)
Ni nani aliyesema hayo.
Hayo refers to mambo (Ji/Ma)
Those (already mentioned) people have arrived.
Hao wamefika.
Who told you that? (those things)
Ni nani aliyekuambia hayo.
I do not know how (the manner in which) they built that boat?
Sijui jinsi (namna) walivyounda boti ile.
boti (N)
Study as hard as you can. (to the extent you can).
Usome kadiri uwezavyo.
General relative structure does not have a tense marker and vyo comes at the end.
I don’t like how (the manner in which) she sewed this shirt.
Sipendi namna (jinsi) alivyoshona shati hili.
Do as you like (in the manner which).
Ufanye kama upendavyo.
General relative structure with no tense marker and vyo comes at the end.
You have been invited to a party.
Umealikwa karamu. or
Umekaribishwa karamu.
Karamu (N)
-w- is the passive form of alika and karibisha
Letter was written.
Barua iliandikwa.
John wrote a letter to Mary.
John alimwandikia barua Mary.
Letter was written to Mary.
Barua ilimwandikiwa Mary.