CS Ch. 8 Flashcards
I like to visit my friend who lives there.
Ninapenda kumtembelea rafiki yangu anayekaa huko.
I hope he will be there when I will arrive.
Ninatumaini atakuwapo nitakapofika.
If you have the chance, you should stay at our place until my brother comes.
Ukiwa na nafasi, ukae kwetu mpaka kaka yangu aje.
Your second day, you (plural) will board a bus to Nairobi.
Siku ya pili yake, mtapanda basi ya kwenda Nairobi.
It is a journey of few hours.
Hii ni safari ya masaa machache.
Will you agree to accompany him?
Utakubali kufuatana naye?
Unfortunately, I left my map at home.
Kwa bahati mbaya, niliacha ramani yangu nyumbani.
It doesn’t matter.
People who I saw are Americans.
Watu niliowaona ni Wamerikani.
O is relative pronoun who. Relative pronoun cannot be used with -me- tense.
Wa is object infix, referring to watu. Wa may be left out in casual speech.
She gave me the book that she bought.
Alinipa kitabu alichokinunua.
Cho is relative pronoun that. Relative pronoun cannot be used with -me- tense.
Ki is object infix referring to kitabu. Ki may be left out in casual speech.
He who does not have a ticket does not board the train.
Asiyekuwa na tiketi hapandi treni.
I don’t know if I will get the chance to visit the South Beach.
Sijui kama nitapata nafasi kutembelea pwani ya kusini.