Edward Sep 16 Flashcards
I cooked the food myself.
Nilipika chakula mimi mwenyewe.
The doctor himself helped the patient.
Daktari mwenyewe alimsaidia mgonjwa
Patients themselves do not have a problem chewing the food but they have a problem swallowing. Kutafuna
Wagonjwa wenyewe hawana shida kutafuna chakula lakini wana shida kukimeza.
The book itself is good but big.
Kitabu chenyewe ni kizuri lakini kikubwa
The food itself is delicious but it does not have salt.
Chakula chenyewe ni kitamu lakini hakina chumvi
The things themselves will go through Maaimahiu to Nairobi.
Vitu vyenyewe vitapitia MM kuenda Nairobi. Or kuelekea (heading to)
Some times the tree itself bears fruit and sometimes not.
Wakati fulani mti wenyewe unazaa matunda na wakati fulani hapana
Your work will bear fruit
Kazi yako itazaa matunda
The loaves of bread themselves will need jam, peanut butter and butter before eating them.
Mikate yenyewe itahitaji jamu, siagi ya njugu na siagi kabla ya kuila
The car itself came from Japan and it was expensive.
Gari lenyewe lilitoka Japani na lilikuwa ghali.
You can find the names themselves in every book of the bible.
Unaweza kuyapata majina yanyewe katika kila kitabu katika biblia
We bought the bicycle itself when we were in America.
Tuliinunua baiskeli yenyewe tulipokuwa America.
The news themselves have weight.
Habari zenyewe zina uzito.
The board itself was bought last month in Nairobi
Ubao wenyewe ulinunuliwa mwezi uliopita katika Nairobi
The songs themselves came from the Bible.
Nyimbo zenyewe zilitoka biblia.
The place itself has water but we will make sure that it has a big building.
Pahali penyewe pana maji lakini tutahakikisha kwamba pana jengo kubwa