Edward 14 sep Flashcards
The shop owner is selling things.
Mwenye duka anauza vitu.
The car owner does not know the road going to Mahuimaui.
Mwenye gari hajui barabara kuenda Mahuimaui.
I am waiting for the doctor who has the white coat.
Ninamngojea daktari mwenye koti jeupe.
I entered the house but did not see the owner of the house. I do not know where he was.
Niliingia nyumbani lakini sikumwona mwenye nyumba. Sijui alikuwa wapi.
I ate the food that was in the kitchen on the table.
3 Ways?
Nilikula chakula chenye kilikuwa jikoni mezani.
Nilikula chakula ambacho kilikuwa…
Nilikula chakula kilichokuwa …
I will buy the basket that has only one color.
Nitakinunua kikapu chenye rangi moja tu.
A knife that has sharpness is good (suitable) for cutting up vegetables and fruits.
Kisu chenye ukali kinafaa kukatakatia mboga na matunda.
The patient will not use the cup that has water.
Mgonjwa hatatumia kikombe chenye maji.
We need to eat bread that has peanut butter and jam.
Tunahitaji tule mkate wenye siagi ya njugu na jamu.
The tree that has fruits and flowers will not be useful (suitable) for building a house.
Mti wenye matunda na maua hautafaa kujenga nyumba.
The hunters will need spears that have three colors.
Wawindaji watahitaji mikuki yenye rangi tatu.
The players will use the ball that has air.
Wachezaji watatumia mpira wenye hewa.
The building that has a green roof needs paint anew.
Jengo lenye paa la kijani linahitaji rangi upya.
I bought the car that has a red color.
Nililinunua gari lenye rangi nyekundu.
The water that has the color yellow is orange juice.
Maji yenye rangi ya manjano ni maji ya machungwa.
I saw the farm that has maize, beans and wheat.
Niliona shamba lenye mahindi, maharagwe na ngano.
Letters that have stamps is not going to the post office today, maybe tomorrow.
Barua zenye stempu haziendi posta leo, labda kesho.
The road that has many potholes is not good for small cars.
Barabara yenye mashimo mengi si nzuri kwa magari madogo.
I need the computer that has the report about the patients.
Ninahitaji kompyuta yenye ripoti kuhusu wagonjwa.
A house that has many rooms is good for many guests.
Nyumba yenye vyumba vingi ni nzuri kwa wageni wengi.
The report that has the patient’s history will be useful (suitable) for me.
Ripoti yenye historia ya mgonjwa itanifaa.
A song that has many words will need much practice.
Wimbo wenye maneno mengi unahitaji mazoezi mengi.
We will use the wall that has 3 small pictures.
Tutatumia ukuta wenye picha tatu ndogo.
The students will use a board that has white color to calculate mathematics.
Wanafunzi watatumia ubao wenye rangi nyeupe kupiga hesabu.
It is not good to sit at a place that has much garbage.
Si vizuri kukaa katika pahale penye takataka nyingi.
We will build for him a house at a place that has few trees.
Tutamjengea nyumba katika pahale penye miti michache.
They will play in the shamba.
3 Ways for in the shamba
Watacheza kwenye shamba.
Watacheza shambani.
Watacheza katika shamba.
Have you seen any patient who has a basket out here.
3 ways
Umemwona mgonjwa yeyote ambaye ana kikapu hapa nje.
Aliye na
Is there anyone who needs to go to Nairobi with me?
4 different ways
Kuna mtu yeyote anayehitaji kuenda Nairobi nami.
Kuna mtu yeyote ambaye anahitaji kuenda Nairobi nami.
Kuna mtu yeyote aliye na haja kuenda Nairobi nami.
Kuna mtu yeyote mwenye haja kuenda Nairobi nami.
Any doctor can help you treat the patient.
Daktari yeyote anaweza kukusaidia kumtibu mgonjwa.
Any lion in Masai Mara can hunt.
Simba yeyote katika Masai Mara anaweza kuwinda.
Kuna mtu yeyote anayetaka chakula. Negative of
Kuna mtu yeyote asiyetaka chakula.
Do you need anything?
Unahitaji kitu chochote?
Unahitaji chochote?
You can get the report in any book anywhere in the world.
Unaweza kupata ripoti katika kitabu chochote pahali popote duniani.
Anywhere Jesus went he did good work. He caused (made) many to become Christians.
Pahale popote Yesu alipoenda alifanya kazi nzuri. Aliwafanya wengi kuwa wakristo.
We will use any knife to cut up the meat.
Tutatumia kisu chochote kukatakatia nyama.
The visitor does not have any problem. He can use any cup to drink the tea.
Mgeni hana shida yoyote. Anaweza kutumia kikombe chochote kunywa chai.
Do you need any drink?
Unahitaji kinywaji chochote?
Do you need anything to drink?
Unahitaji kitu chochote kunywa.
So that
The visitor who has a car is coming here to visit us.
3 Ways?
Mgeni mwenye gari anakuja hapa kututembelea.
Mgeni ambaye ana gari …
Mgeni aliye na gari …