images for denise Flashcards

Atypical lymphocyte (EBV)

Blasts of acute leukemia

AML with auer rods

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B cells that express CD 5 and 20)

Hairy cell leukemia

Sezary cells (mycosis funoides)

Chronic myelogenous leukemia

Essential thrombocytopenia

Teardrop RBC of myelofibrosis

Starry Sky of burkitt lymphoma

Reed-Sternberg in Hodgkin Lymphoma

Rouleux formation - Mulitple myeloma

Birbeck granule - Langerhans cell histocytosis

Homer Wright Rosettes (medulloblastoma)

Signet Ring cells (gastric carcinoma)

Call-Exner bodies (granulosa tumor of ovary)

Curschmann Spiral (bronchial asthma)

Koilocyte (HPV)

Owl Eye (EBV)

Orphan Annie Eyes (papillary carcinoma of thyroid)

Mallory Body (alcoholic liver disease)

Lewy Body (parkinsons, lewy body dementia)

Councilman body (hepatocyte undergoing apoptosis)

Negri body (rabies)

Schiller-Duval bodies (yolk sac tumor)
Biopsy of myocardium

Aschoff bodies (rheumatic fever)
Sputum culture

Charcot-Leyden crystal (asthma)

Cowdry type A bodies (HSV or VZV)

Ferruginous bodies (asbestosis)

String sign (Crohns)
Neurofibrillay tangles (hyperphosphorylated tau; alzheimers)

Pick bodies (tau, pick disease)

Clue cell (gardnerella vaginalis)


Astrocytes, crosses midline, pseudopalisading, malignant

Aspergillis fumigatis

Fusion of basal ganglia in holoprosencephaly

Chromatolysis in axonal injury (round cellular swelling)

Epidural hematoma: biconvex (lentiform)

Subdural hematoma
Red: cresecent shapped hemorrhage
Blue: acute on chronic

Lewy bodies of Parkinson (composed of α-synuclein)

Senile plaques in Alzheimer (extracellular β-amyloid core)

Neurofibriallry tangle (tau) in Alzheimer; # of tangles correlates well to disease progression

Pick bodies (tau)

Prions in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

“Pseudopalisading”; Glioblastoma multiforme

“Fried egg” cells— round nuclei with clear cytoplasm: Oligodendroglioma

psammoma bodies: Meningioma

Hemangioblastoma: cerebellar
Seen on bone marrow biopsy

- Bone marrow infiltrated by plasma cells: abundant basophilic cytoplasm, eccentric nuceli, wagon wheel/clock face nuclear chromatin
- Indicative of multiple myeloma (>30% plasma cells)
Seen on lymph node biopsy

- Follicular lymphoma (subtype of NHL)
- tumor composed of centrocytes
- Aggregates of packed follicles, obscuring normal architecture
- t(14;18): overexpression of BCL-2

- Neuroendocrine cell tumor (carcinoid tumor)
- uniform cells that form islands
- Eosinophilic cytoplasm
- Oval-round nuclei
- Neuroendocrine tumors often cause appendicitis
Seen on bone marrow aspiration
- Gaucher cells: lipid laden macrophages
- AR
- B-glucocerebrosidase deficiency
Seen on blood smear

- Hereditary spherocytosis
- AD; defect in ankryin or spectrin
- AD; defect in ankryin or spectrin

- Enterocytes with clear/foamy cytoplasm at tips: lipid accumulation
- Seen in abetalipoproteinemia
- AR LoF of MTP
- Neurofibromas and cafe au lait (on the left side)
- NF-1
- AD
- AD
Pt with history of smoking and job in construction has this on their sputum culture. What cancer is most likely?

Bronchogenic (>>mesothelioma)
This are feruginous bodies