GR 2 MANAGEMENT Flashcards
the process of grouping together of men and establishing relationships among them, defining the authority and responsibility of personnel by using the company’s other basic resources to attain predetermined goals and objectives.
According to Edgar Schein, a prominent organizational psychologist, all organizations share four characteristics
-Coordination of Efforts
-Common goal or purpose
-Division of Labor
-Hierarchy of authority
Mintzberg identifies four decisional roles that reflect managers’ choice-making responsibilities:
Disturbance handler
Resource allocator
The activities of real managers
Management hierarchy
Provides advice or recommendations to management.
an approach to departmentalization based on grouping people according to their skills, and expertise, giving the authority within their areas of expertise.
Functional organization
Make decisions and see to it that they are carried out.
Decision Making
Enables communication, integration of various departments and activities that are interrelated.
improved by obtaining the right resources, organizing management and employees to work together toward organizational objectives, and efficiency is improved by using the most productive combinations of material and human resources. Effectiveness is doing the right things, whereas efficiency implies doing things right.
Management effectiveness
- Some managers do not start their own firms, but for complex organization, they act as ____________ by discovering new ways to use resources and technology.
- Managers are for resolving problems, which is their most stressful and challenging role.
Disturbance handler
- This requires careful proportioning of scarce resources such as time, money, material or manpower to accomplish all that is expected
Resource allocator
- Negotiating extends to internal and external managerial activities such as negotiating materials or supplies prices and terms, wages and conditions of employment, sales and union contracts.
Most companies appoint one person as the CEO. ____________ also includes a few highly selected executive who share the huge work load of the CEO, the corporate treasurer, the chief financial officer (CFO), and few other specialists
Top management.
This has wide variety of positions in many strata like plant managers, accounting managers, public relations officers, department heads, or regional sales managers.
Middle management.
They are called ‘first-line managers’ . They are the operational, non-management personnel.
Supervisory management.
A horizontal division of management which is based on expertise and specialization. For example, accountants may be grouped in a single department and given broad-based authority for account but severely restricted from involvement in production or sales.
Functional Management
Functional and general managers
Functional Management
Line Managers
General Managers
Conceptual Skills
Human Relations Skills
Technical Skills
concerned with primary organizational activities such as marketing and production. Departments are in-turn defined according to functional line duties such as production control, receiving, sales, shipping and customer service.
Line Managers
usually oversee collective operations that include several functional managers. These generalists are plant managers, also top management group.
General Managers
Ability to solve long-term problems and view the total organization as an inter-active system. Management ultimately spends much of their time communicating with others, making decisions and solving problems.
Conceptual Skills
Ability to work effectively, lead and assure harmonious interpersonal relations. These skills include the ability to motivate and influence others to achieve organizational objectives.
Human Relations Skills
Ability to use tools, apply specialized knowledge, and manage processes and techniques.
Technical Skills
characterized by manager making all decisions and issuing orders for the completion of work without the input of subordinate.
Autocratic Style
characterized by the manager making decisions that takes into account the input of subordinates.
Democratic style
characterized by the manager allowing subordinates to make most decisions. Managers serve as advisers.
Free-rein Style
the formal pattern of interactions and coordination designed by management to link the tasks of individuals and groups in achieving organizational goals. They are typically created by management for specific purpose.
Organizational structure
Types of organization structures
It is the simpliest form of structure and refers to a direct straight line responsibly and control from the top management to the middle management and to lower management.
This utilizes the assistance of experts or specialist.
Common organizational form used in situations where group participants and decision are required.
important to the organizing function for two major reasons: task activities need to be grouped in reasonably logical ways; and the way the jobs are configured, or designed, has the important influence on employee motivation to perform well.
Job design
is the process of designing jobs so that job holders have only a small number of narrow activities to perform.
- Is the practice of shifting workers through a set of jobs in a planned sequence. It has the advantage of cross-training workers, so that there is a maximum flexibility in job assignments.
- Is the allocation of a wider variety of similar tasks to a job in order to make it more challenging. It is the process of upgrading the job task mix in order to increase significantly the potential for growth, achievement, responsibility and recognition.
is the planned division of work into individual tasks that can be repeated efficiently.
is the process of making work uniform through repeated use of similar methods, machines and materials to achieve similar and predictable results over time.
is the result of dividing complicated tasks into simpler jobs or operations, reducing the scope of tasks,
Horizontal job specialization
results from delegating responsibilities for tasks and decisions to subordinates
vertical job specialization
the number of persons who report to a supervisor. It has two important implications
Span of Control
. the effective number of subordinates that report to a superior in a given work environment, as discussed in the previous topics.
Span of control
A _________ is a vertical line of authority between successively higher levels of management, unbroken and direct, linking each stratum in the hierarchy of management
chain of command
begins with the preplanned patters of authority and influence- the planned ‘authority’ of superior over subordinates.
Formal organizations
are concerned with the employees sense of belonging to an organization or with their alienation from the purposes of that organization.
Informal organizations
Is a group of individuals which has emerged out of personal and group needs of the members. It is an interpersonal kind of relationship in the organization. Such relationships develop camaraderie, friendship, unity and cooperation among members.
Informal organizations
the horizontal grouping of work activities based on expertise, products, markets, customers, or projects to enhance planning, leading and controlling.
An approach to departmentalization based on grouping people according to an organization’s products or services, with functional activities relocated under product or service divisions called product organization.
Product Organization
simplest type of organization. Authority is direct and general, no advisory activities attached. This is common among small firms.
LinE Organization
An approach to departmentalization based on well-defined customer groups whereby people and activities are focused on unique needs of clientele
Customer Organization
provide for advisory staff positioning. It brings expert knowledge to support management, because it is based on planned specialization
line And staff organization
type of structure in which positions are grouped according to their main specialized areas.
functional organization
This involves the partial distribution of authority to subordinates for making decisions or performing tasks
Minimum authority is delegated, where subordinates act as advisers. They influence decisions, but do not participate in decision making.
Personal Assistance
Subordinates are involved in decisions where their expertise is needed, but they do not actually participate in making major decisions.
Participative assistance
This is the line separating advising from ‘decision-making. Committees are used and superiors consider recommendations from subordinates.
Joint Decision Making
Greater delegation occurs, formal positions are created either in staff of line management, Subordinates have appropriate authority for making decisions without the direct participation of superiors.
Subordinate Decision Making
Authority is generally transferred to subordinates. Periodic reporting procedures are means to informing results to superiors.
Autonomy Decision Making
Formalized organization, particularly in the public sector, are labeled _________. a form of organization in which activities are rationally defined, division of work is unambiguous, and managerial authority is explicitly vested in individuals according to skills and responsibilities prescribed by the organizations.
Bureaucracy has two specific attributes:
chain of command and span of control
Types of Formal Organization
Line Organization
line And staff organization
functional organization