Geology - MT2 - Part 1 Flashcards
What did the science of geology arise from? (2)
- Practical questions
2. Theoretical questions
How did mountains form?
Use to be seen as blemish’s on the earth
- arose after the flood (scars form Noah’s flood)
Where do rivers come from? (2)
- Glacial melting
2. Run off/rain fall
What are fossils?
Remains of distinct organisms
What is the fossil hoax (Beringer)?
Planted fossils on the nearby mountain that were easy to find and then expose him later
What does Newtons law of universal gravitation explain?
A hitherto mysterious terrestrial phenomenon
- the daily tides
- inspired the search for theories on the earth and this origin that were based on physcial laws –> cosmogony
A branch of science that deals with the origin of the universe, especially the solar system
What is the implication of the genesis view?
Is that only one geological event in history significantly shaped the earth
- its was the flood of Noah
- consistency ever since the flood
What does the early scientific model try and do?
Incorporate the new knowledge of physics and astronomy into an account of the earths origin and history
What did William Whiston come up with?
New theory of the earth
What does the new theory of the earth try and explain?
Biblical events by means of cometary
What is Whiston’s operating principle?
Accept the Bible as literally true, except if you have reason to believe otherwise
What is genesis not?
An account of the origin of everything
What are Whiston’s 6 days of creation?
- The earth was a comet with a highly elliptical orbit
- the orbit was made more circular by god, working through Newtons physical laws as the tools of god - The fall of man and the expulsion of Adam and Eve
- The flood occurred due to a close encounter between earth and the water in the tail of a passing comet
- The coming conflagration
- Tidal forces create an upward surge of subterranean water
- The consummation
What did tidal forces cause?
Caused open cracks in the earths surface
What did the cracks in the earth caused by the tidal forces result in?
An upward surge of subterranean water, which contributed to Noah’s flood
- the bible talks about fountains from the deep
The coming conflagration
Soon, another comet will approach the earth, stripping our atmosphere, raise molten interior material and make the earths orbit more elliptical
The consummation
Christ will reign for 100 years, the battle of Armageddon will be fought, the righteous will win and go to heaven
- the earth will take a direct hit from yet another comet and will be knocked back into a highly elliptical orbit
Who wrote the book Telliamed?
Beniot de Maillet
What did the book Telliamed describe?
De Maillets conversations with a mysterious philosopher from the east
What did De Maillets do to avoid trouble with the authorities?
He put radical ideas in the mouth of a character in a fictional story
What were some of the ideas De Maillets had? (3)
- The earth has seen eternal cycles of creation and destruction
- Oceans once covered the earth
- The origin and evolution of life
When did fossils start appearing?
After the flood
What was the origin and evolution of life theory? (3)
- If you learned to do something (like play the piano), the next generation benefits from ti and the offspring will learn whatever it was faster
- Life emerged from seeds and led to adaptation
- Inheritance of acquired characteristics
What was Buffon the last person to try and do?
Integrate a theory of earths origins and with a theory of geological change