genetic engineering Flashcards
which methods can you use to clone plants?
Tissue culture
which methods can you use to clone animals?
embryo transplant
adult cell cloning
what are the stages in plant tissue culture by micropropagation?
-group of cells removed from the adult plant(explant)
-explant placed in nutrient growth medium
-cells divide to form mass of undifferentiated cells called a callus
-small groups of cells removed from callus + placed on growth medium to simulate shoot growth
-Shoots placed in growth medium to stimulate root growth
-growing plants transferred to a greenhouse before placing outside
what are the six steps to somatic cell nuclear transfer?
- isolate donor cells
- remove nucleus from egg cell
- trasnfer somatic cell nucleus into enucleated egg cell
- stimulate cell division
- implant embryo into surrogate mother
- deliver baby
what is the third step of somatic cell transfer?
what is the first step of somatic nuclear cell transfer?
isolate donor cells:
take somatic cells from organism you want to clone
harvest eggs from a donor. you may need to give them hormones so they will super-ovulate
what is the second step of somatic cell transfer?
hold egg in place w/ blunt pipette
use sharp pipette to remove+discard nucleus
this is called enucleation
what are the steps to genetic engineering?
enzymes are used to isolate the required gene and inserted into a vector, usually a bacterial plasmid or virus
the vector is used to insert the gene into the required cells
genes are transferred into the cells of organisms at an early stage in their development so they can develop the desired characteristics
what is a transgenic organism?
when an organism contains genes from a different species
what is the name for an organism containing genes from a different species?
a transgenic species
advantages and disadvantages of the process genetic engineering
more predicatable
more targeted (moving single gene)
less natural
longer term impact not known
what are restriction enzymes?
a special group of enzymes that cut DNA into short lengths
look for patterns in the DNA sequence different enzymes cut DNA in different places
what is used to rejoin DNA strands?
what are ligases?
enzymes used to rejoin strands of DNA
what are the advantages of GM crops
grow bigger, faster
disease/weedkiller resistant
poor conditions (salty water/ droughts)
produce other chemicals eg vitamins
What are the disadvantages of genetic engineering?
spread of genes to wild plants (possible superweeds)
build up of toxins in food chain
lasting environmental damage predicted by some
may affect human health
How does embryo splitting work?
Zygote created with IVF
Zygote allowed to divide
The cells are separated and continue to divide
Each group of cells placed into the womb of a surrogate mother