bio paper 2 Flashcards
how do you reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes
more excercise
less sugar/carbohydrates
Explain the effect a high concentration of insulin has on blood glucose concentration
lowered bc glucose converted to glycogen
three harmful substances that can cause water pollution
toxic chemicals
describe the effect of fertiliser leaking into rivers
algae multiply and block light so plants can’t photosynthesise
lack of oxygen 4 respiration – fish die
effect of carbon monoxide on organisms
combines w/ haemoglobin
less o2 carried by blood
effect of particulates/soot on organisms
damage to lungs, bronchitis, ashtma
cover leaves, less photosynthesis, less glucose
effect of acidic gases- so2,nox
damage to leaves, less photosynthesis
damage to roots/alters ions in soil- (eg phosphates) so less protein made
damage to lungs, bronchitis, asthma
effect of GHGs on organisms
climate change->
flood, fires, droughts, ice melt,sea
level, extreme weather
o loss of habitat / food
o migration
how can oil affect organisms
damages birds’ feathers
can’t fly and escape predators/get food
effect of acid rain / acid on organisms
lowers pH of water
damages fish gills
bleaches coral
effect of toxic substances on animals
damages / harms cells or bioaccumulation
o interferes with metabolism – e.g. respiration / protein
uses of water in plants
solvent for translocation
It is more energy-efficient to rear cows indoors than to rear cows outdoors
less energy lost as
Suggest possible disadvantages of rearing cows indoors
- increased spread of disease
increased use of drugs
/ antibiotics (to
reduce disease) - more antibiotics in meat / milk
- (extra) cost of heating /
lighting / food / drugs - aggressive behaviour
(causing harm)
‘emotional’ stress reduces
what is a mutation?
a change in DNA
why did the scientist dilute the pond water?
to make the algae cells easier to count
2 Explain why the decrease in body temperature is an advantage to the echidna
during hibernation.
lower temperature gradient
(between echidna and air) (1)
(so) loses less energy (1)
more energy available for vital life processes
Explain why the echidna has a higher body temperature when it is active.
activity / movement requires
energy from respiration
(and) respiration / metabolism
releases heat (which increases
body temperature)
respiration / metabolism
releases heat (which increases
body temperature) (1)
(which) increases the rate of
chemical reactions
increases enzyme activity (1)
Explain how the dilation of blood vessels in the skin can help to decrease
body temperature
more blood flow to skin-> more heat is lost from blood
cools blood ->cools the
Suggest why the athlete was advised to take salt tablets each day.
replace salt lost in sweat
what is represented by a pentagon in drawings of DNA?
what is A complementary?
ideas for constant variables
when a person drinks ice cold water, their brain’s temperature decreases- why?
blood cooled at stomach and flows to brain
How does the thermoregulatory centre send information to sweat glands in the skin?
via neurones
During exercise, the skin appears red.
What causes the skin to appear red?
dilation of blood vessels in the
- how microorganisms in the layers of soil help to recycle chemicals in the
dead plants - how the chemicals are used again by living plants.
produce co2
release ions
in plants
co2 taken in by leaves by diffusion via stomata for photosynthesis which makes glucose/sugar/starch/cellulose or making
named ions taken in by roots by AT
nitrate ions to make AAs/proteins
phosphate for DNA
is shade from a building abiotic or biotic
How should the student decide where to place the quadrat?
Give the reason for your answer.
to achieve randomness
Using the mean from this investigation to calculate the number of daisy plants on the
lawn may not be accurate.
Give two reasons why
too few quadrats
or quadrat too small
sample may not be
representative of the lawn
What is meant by the term ‘reflex action’?
response / reaction
automatic or no thinking or not
conscious or involuntary
ignore ref to brain
A woman’s hand accidentally touches a hot object.
The woman moves her hand away rapidly.
Describe how the woman’s nervous system coordinates the reflex action.
receptor in skin of hand detects stimulus (temp change)
electrical impulses pass along neurones
impulses pass from sensory to relay to motor neurones
synapse between neurones where chemical crosses gap
synpases in spinal cord/CNs
effector is a muscle to pull the hand away
endocrine vs nervous
slower, chemical, longer-lasting
Describe how hormones control the menstrual cycle
FSH release from pituitary
stimulates maturation of egg
oestrogen from ovary inhibits FSH production, stimulates LH production
LH from pituitary
stimulates ovulation
progesterone release from
ovary inhibits FSH and LH
oestrogen and progesterone
maintain uterus lining
The biomass of mackerel is much less than the combined biomass of krill and squid.
One reason for this is that the mackerel cannot digest all parts of the krill and squid.
Give two other reasons.
non eaten parts of squid/krill
energy used in respiration
excretion by mackerel
Give evidence from Figure 17 to support the scientists’ suggestion.
parents of a given beak depth
produce offspring with several
beak depths