final: Manure/Odor control Flashcards
Manure is one of the most important problems facing the swine industry because:
must be removed due to sanitation
the volume makes it hard to store
too expensive to burn
too bulky to bury
most manure on swine farms are in what form
Swine manure is a ____________ fertilizer
swine produce the most manure based on _____________
body weight
swine manure contains _______________ plant nutrients which include
13 essential
plant nutrients originate from the feed, supplements, _____________, and __________ consumed by the animal
the nutrient content in swine manure depends on:
collection/storage methods
moisture content (liquid vs. bedded system)
what are the three most critical nutrients we look at in plants
manure is a ___________________ and has positive impacts on soil and soil health, but management decisions during land application influence the ______________________ resulting from manure
desirable plant fertilizer
relative environmental benefit or risk
Broadcasting is the process of placing manure onto the
surface of a field
**oldest method of spreading manure
T/F broadcasting is cheap, easy, and can be done during any season
disadvantages of broadcasting
Substantial loss of nitrogen loss within a few days of application (happens when ammonium converts to ammonia–a process called volatilization)
odor concerns
possibility of nutrients or pathogen runoff in large rain or snowmelt events
injection is used with what form of manure
what is the injection method of applying manure
when manure is placed below the surface of the soil
why was the injection method of manure developed
reduce odor and ammonia issues/gas loss
is broadcasting or injection more expensive
injection= more expensive
It is more expensive because it takes longer and requires more fuel/horsepower.
methods to decrease dust
clean barns
diet ingredients (fat,oil, mixing diet with water)
mist pigs (w/ water or oil)
Things that can lead to the generation of dust
insect parts
**Most barn dust is very fine, allowing for it to be drawn deep into the lungs
** dust can also be a health risk for workers
dust particles can carry _______ and _________. A large portion of the odor associated with exhaust air from mechanically ventilated bars are _____________
gases, odor
dust particles that have absorbed odors from the building
control of dust improves the working conditions for _________ and helps significantly in ____________
the producer
odor reduction
_______________ is the most often cause of critically high gas levels in confinement facilities
ventilation breakdown
if fresh air in confinement facilities are not replenished during power failure, ______________ levels can reach a lethal proportion in _____________
carbon dioxide
8-10 hours
death due to ventilation break down is usually hastened by ___________________ and _________________ in a confinement facility
rising temp
T/F agitating manure that has been stores in a pit for several months can release dangerous quantities of noxious gas, even if ventilation is operating properly
what are the dangers of agitation
release of highly toxic hydrogen sulfide
release of carbon dioxide in quantities sufficient to deplete the oxygen supply
entering the manure store pit can be potentially lethal for _____________
carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are__________ than air and tend to collect at the__________
manure surface
in pits equipped with a cover or manhole opening only, ____________ can accumulate, creating potentially _________ conditions
what dangerous gasses can be put out by the following:
- space heater
- agitating manure
- entering a manure storage facility
- space heater= carbon monoxide
- agitating manure= carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide
- entering a manure storage facility= carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane
gases in a confinement facility result from bacterial action on __________________. Gases produced in greatest quantities are:
biodegradable parts of swine waste
- methane
- carbon dioxide
- ammonia
- hydrogen sulfide
__________, the gas produced in greatest volume during the anaerobic stabilization process, results from organic acids being degraded
methane usually escapes into the atmosphere and is a potential _______________. Methane is colorless, __________, and lighter than ___________
air pollutant
how is methane formed
by a highly specialized group of bacteria and conditions normally found in confinement facilities are not conducive to producing significant amounts of methane
The most important danger of methane is its _______________ characteristics at concentration of _______%
______________ the second most abundant gas in the anaerobic process and is also produced as organic acids are degraded
carbon dioxide
Because carbon dioxide is odorless, the pollution potential of this gas is ofter overlooked
carbon dioxide is odorless, ________, and __________ than air
carbon dioxide makes up ____________% of the gas resulting from anaerobic stabilization of manure
T/F carbon dioxide is highly toxic
carbon dioxide is dangerous because of _______________ due to the depletion of the oxygen supply in the air
concentrations greater than ______% of carbon dioxide are cause for concern for both humans and _______
what season are carbon dioxide issues more prevalent
winter; shut down ventilation
ammonia is released as ________________ are broken down by bacteria
amino acids in protein
**nitrogen in manure and urea in urine is converted to ammonia
ammonia is easily identified because of its strong ______
ammonia is a ____________ gas that makes up less than _______% of the gases produced during the decomposition of ___________
animal manure
ammonia concentrations greater than __________% in confinement buildings are likely to cause _______________ to both humans and animals
considerable discomfort (tissue/eye irritation, death)
____________ reduction of sulfur-containing compounds such as certain amino acids result in the formation of ______________
hydrogen sulfide
hydrogen sulfide is colorless, _________ than air, and _____________
smells like rotten eggs
given off in small quantities during anaerobic decomposition, ____________ is the most toxic manure gas
hydrogen sulfide
concentrations of __________ % of hydrogen sulfide cause considerable discomfort to humans and livestock. Levels greater than 0.05% are likely to be __________
** cause pneumonia, respiratory disease, death
odor is most often the result of the ___________________________ resulting in the production of _____, esters, carbonyls, aldehydes, and amines which all cause oder
uncontrolled anaerobic decomposition of manure
**feed spoilage can also contribute to odor
the most significant complaint about odor from swine farms is during and after __________
spreading manure on fields
**spreading manure on top of the soil by tankers or irrigation can cause high odors
methods to reduce odor include:
barn location
diet manipulation
manure additives
solid cover
straw cover
manure handling
injecting manure into soil can reduce odors ___________% compared to broadcasting spreading of manure
how does straw cover reduce odor
8-12 inch blanket of dry wheat, barley or other good quality straw is floated on top of the liquid surface of the manure storage basin
reducing the amount of emissions
allow oxygen in
how does a solid cover reduce odor
a non-porus cover is floated on or suspended over the liquid surface of the manure storage basin
cover traps gases before they escape
gas must be drawn off and treated
how does natural crust reduce gas
swine storage basins can for a natural crust
this crust will reduce odor emissions
how does biofilters reduce gas
Odorous gases are passed through a bed of compost and wood chips, bacterial and fungal activity help oxidize organic volatile compounds, reducing odor
** drawing exhaust air through a bed of compost and wood chips with bacteria/fungi can reduce odor, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and dust
how does manure additives reduce gas
chemical or biological products are added to the manure to reduce the formation of gas
how does diet manipulation reduce gas
enzymes are added to swine diets can improve nutrient utilization, reducing odor.
diets can be formulated to reduce crude protein content, lower nitrogen levels in feces, thus reducing odor
what is bad about diet manipulation to reduce gas
not recommended
decrease ADG
decreased CP= decreased growth
how does barn location reduce gas
location of barn in relation to nearby dwellings and wind direction can impact odor spread.
trees around the barn can help reduce odor spread, trees also provide visual barrier
***easiest/ cheapest way to reduce odor= consider wind direction