FFP: VACANTS Flashcards
During the initial stages of an operation at a vacant building, the Incident Commander (IC), who may be the first arriving officer, may have to determine the initial attack strategy (i.e., whether to implement an interior or exterior attack) until the arrival of a higher-ranking member. In order to make this determination, a risk assessment must be performed, bearing in mind that the highest priorities are _______.
A) members safety and the life hazard.
B) any known life hazard and water accessibility.
C) size and location of the fire.
D) verification of safe access to fire area and members safety.
ANSWER: A) members safety and the life hazard.
Vacants 5.1
As compared to occupied buildings, fire operations in vacant buildings pose an increased level of risk to FFs. Members must consider that vacant structures may be weakened and unstable because of age, neglect, vandalism, and exposure to weather. Which point listed below is incorrect?
A) A vacant building is defined as a structure that is completely unoccupied, where the owner has abandoned all efforts to maintain the building. These buildings are typically open, unguarded, lack operating utilities and are not and are not maintained in a safe condition.
B) A partially occupied building may have occupants remaining in certain portions of the building, while other sections have been abandoned. This should be considered a vacant building.
C) A temporarily unoccupied building may be well maintained while unrented, for sale or under renovation. Many PDs and Commercial occupancies (retail stores) fall into this category.
D) In order to distinguish between building categories during size-up and define a building as “vacant”, members must attempt to determine whether a building is occupied and assess the building’s current condition and degree of maintenance.
ANSWER: B) A partially occupied building may have occupants remaining in certain portions of the building, while other sections have been abandoned. This should be considered a vacant building. (INCORRECT)
- Consider this an OCCUPIED BUILDING
During a recent day tour, members of E99 were doing BISP and looking at a vacant building in their administrative area. The Officer ordered his members to mark the building since there were holes in the roof and floors and it appeared that the building had not been maintained for years. Each member of E99 made a point about marking vacant buildings. Which point is incorrect?
A) Vacant building markings shall be spray painted using lime-yellow reflective paint. The size of the square shall be approximately 18” x 18” and the lines shall be 2” wide.
B) Primary markings shall be made alongside the front entrance of the building at a height that is in line with the area directly over the front entrance. Markings should be high enough to ensure visibility. To achieve this height, a ladder may be required.
C) The letters “RO” (roof open) shall be made directly over the vacant building markings in cases when a roof is opened to the degree that there is little need for future vertical ventilation.
D) The letters “FO” (floor openings) shall be made directly over the vacant building markings and next to the letters “RO” in cases when members determine that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members.
ANSWER: D) The letters “FO” (floor openings) shall be made directly over the vacant building markings and next to the letters “RO” in cases when members determine that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members. (INCORRECT)
- “FO” - directly UNDERNEATH vacant building markings
- “RO” - directly OVER vacant building markings
- Do not mark sealed doors or windows. The structure should be marked at locations that are likely to remain undisturbed.
Lt. Beck is working a day tour in L100 and is out getting the meal with his unit. As they are returning to the firehouse they notice a PD that appears vacant. Upon closer inspection, members note that there are holes in the roof, the grass is overgrown, and the building is open and unguarded. Members ask Lt. Beck if they can mark the building as a vacant. Lt. Beck tells his members that this PD is not in L100’s administrative area, and that it is in L101’s administrative area. In this situation, Lt. Beck would be correct to take which action below?
A) Tell his members that they can mark the building as a vacant building. As soon as possible, Lt. Beck must notify the Officer on duty from L101 that the building has been marked as a vacant.
B) Lt. Beck should tell his members that they can’t mark the building as a vacant building since it is not in their administrative area. As soon as possible, Lt. Beck should notify the Officer on duty from L101 about the vacant so that they can come to mark the vacant building.
ANSWER: A) Tell his members that they can mark the building as a vacant building. As soon as possible, Lt. Beck must notify the Officer on duty from L101 that the building has been marked as a vacant.
(FFP - VACANT 3.1)
- Ensure that all vacant buildings in their administrative districts are entered into the eCIDS program.
- Forward a memo to all units and administrative Battalion and Division within the first-alarm area, conveying relevant information.
- When appropriate, forward a Department of Buildings (DOB) Referral Report - Normal Priority to DOB citing “Building Vacant, Open and Unguarded.”
- When appropriate, forward a High Priority DOB Referral Report citing “Structural Stability Affected” if there are structural integrity issues, noting specific building conditions.
When performing size-up, it is important to remember that the challenges and hazards at vacant building fires are substantially different as compared to occupied buildings. As such, members should initially consider four broad size-up concerns. Of the four concerns, which is the most important?
A) Member safety
B) Structural Stability
C) Protection of Life
D) Extension to Exposures
ANSWER: C) Protection of Life
- Protection of Life is the most important concern during the SIZE-UP PROCESS
- Member Safety is the highest priority during the RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS
The construction characteristics of a vacant building must be assessed in order to evaluate the current condition and stability of the structure. Which point about this assessment is not entirely correct?
A) Members should consider the degree of maintenance of the building such as signs of abandonment, lack of maintenance, and deterioration due to age and weather.
B) Members should look at the condition of the building and look for indicators of collapse dangers such as plaster walls with diagonal cracks, cracks between the ceiling and the walls, and evidence of beams pulling away from the bearing walls.
C) Look for signs of previous fires such as overhaul debris, sections of floors, roofs and interior walls that are burnt away or missing, and charred or blackened structural members.
D) Members should observe whether the building is sealed or unsealed. Sealed buildings are more likely to be structurally unstable than an unsealed building. Sealed buildings also present a higher probability of fire extension to the exposures.
ANSWER: D) Members should observe whether the building is sealed or unsealed. Sealed buildings are more likely to be structurally unstable than an unsealed building. Sealed buildings also present a higher probability of fire extension to the exposures. (INCORRECT)
- UNSEALED BUILDINGS are more likely to be
structurally unstable than SEALED BUILDINGS for a variety of reasons, such as exposure to weather, access by vandals, etc. - UNSEALED also present a higher probability of fire extension to exposures.
- On the other hand, SEALED buildings restrict egress for firefighters, making search operations extremely risky.
As members of L100 were completing overhaul after a fire in a vacant “H” type building, they started talking to the Marshal about arson fires in vacant buildings. The Marshal made four points and was incorrect in which?
A) Gasoline may be used as an accelerant since these fires will begin and progress very rapidly. Gasoline fires tend to ignite more combustible material in the fire area than diesel fuel fires and increase the severity of the fire.
B) Separate fires may be intentionally set within a building. One fire will be set on the top floor and another on a lower floor. A top floor fire may attract the initial attack and as members are advancing above, an undetected fire on a lower floor may suddenly flare up.
C) Large accumulations of rubbish and discarded furniture may be positioned and doused with an accelerant in order to create a rapidly expanding fire that extends through the building.
D) Heavy furniture may be used to block the entrance of a building or apartment. Members must use caution as blocked access and egress points could entrap members.
ANSWER: A) Gasoline may be used as an accelerant since these fires will begin and progress very rapidly. Gasoline fires tend to ignite more combustible material in the fire area than diesel fuel fires and increase the severity of the fire. (INCORRECT)
- DIESEL FUEL may be used as an accelerant. These fires begin SLOWLY but progress rapidly as vapor production intensifies.
- When encountering diesel fires, high heat will be present for a longer duration than similar fires involving gasoline (which ignites rapidly and is consumed more quickly).
- While both types of accelerants will produce intense conditions, diesel fires will ignite more of the combustible materials in the fire area and increase the severity of the fire.
Lt. O’Reilly is working a 6x9 tour in E99 and has just arrived 1st due to a fire in a vacant PD. The fire building is 2 1/2 stories with a cellar, 20’ x 50’ and of Class 4 construction. There is fire on all floors except the cellar. The CIDS for the building says there are holes in the floors and to use extreme caution. Exposure 2 is a similar detached PD and Exposure 4 is a 2 story Commercial building that is a paper warehouse. The fire is wind impacted and has extended into Exposure 4. The fire is also starting to melt the siding on Exposure 2 but has not extended to the building yet. There are numerous people in exposure 2. Exposure 4 is locked up tight and there doesn’t appear to be any people in the building. In this situation, Lt. O’Reilly would be correct to order the 1st hoseline stretched to where?
A) Order the 1st line to enter the fire building to knock down the fire
B) Order the 1st line to be stretched to protect people in Exposure 2.
C) Order the 1st line to be stretched to Exposure 4 since the fire has already extended into that building.
D) Wait for the arrival of a Chief Officer and have the members hook up to a hydrant and take a defensive position.
ANSWER: B) Order the 1st line to be stretched to protect people in Exposure 2.
- At large or advanced fires, the primary attack strategy should consist of a defensive exterior attack and should focus on the protection of exposures.
- The IC may vary from this guideline in critical situations involving LIFE HAZARDS.
- When a vacant building is heavily involved on arrival, hose streams should be placed between the involved building and the most severe life exposure.
- For example, if a fully-involved vacant building fire is extending to both an unoccupied commercial building and also an occupied dwelling, then the first stream should be positioned to protect the people in the occupied dwelling, even if the commercial building is more exposed.
Lt. Doyle is working a 6x9 tour in E99 when he arrives 1st due at a fully involved 2 story vacant PD fire. Exposure 2 is a Lexus dealership and Exposure 4 is a similar detached vacant PD. It is 0600 hours and the Lexus dealership is closed. There is no life hazard in the fire building or either exposure. The fire has extended to and has fully involved Exposure 4. The fire has also extended to the Lexus dealership. In this situation, Lt. Doyle would be correct to order the 1st line stretched to which positon?
A) Wait for the arrival of a Chief Officer and have the members hook up to a hydrant and take a defensive position.
B) Order the 1st line to enter the fire building to knock down the fire.
C) Order the 1st line stretched to extinguish the dealership building.
D) Order the 1st line to be stretched to extinguish the fire in Exposure 4.
ANSWER: C) Order the 1st line stretched to extinguish the dealership building.
- When life is not endangered in any exposure, the first stream should be positioned to protect the GREATEST AMOUNT OF PROPERTY.
- For example, if a vacant building fire is exposing another vacant structure and communicating at the same time, but less severely, to an unoccupied commercial building, the priority should be positioning the stream to protect the unoccupied commercial building.
Roof operations at vacant building fires present greater risks than roof operations at occupied buildings. This is because of vacant building’s questionable roof support systems, the potential for rapidly expanding fires, and the falling hazards caused by pre-existing hole, roof openings and deteriorated parapet walls. Due to all of these hazards, members would be correct to know which point?
A) Members should not operate on the roof of a vacant building under any circumstances.
B) Members can only operate on the roof of a vacant building if there is a known life hazard.
C) Members can operate on the roof of a vacant building but must operate with due regard for safety.
D) Members can only operate on the roof of a vacant building if approval is given by a Chief Officer.
ANSWER: C) Members can operate on the roof of a vacant building but must operate with due regard for safety.
Members of E99 were discussing vacant buildings during a drill and made the following four points listed below. In which point were they mistaken?
A) The probability of encountering a life hazard in vacant buildings is extremely low as compared to occupied buildings; however members should consider the possibility of transient occupants being trapped inside vacant buildings.
B) Members must consider that prolonged exposure to the elements can exact a heavy toll on the stability of vacant buildings, creating a collapse hazard. Wooden structural members may be rotted from water damage.
C) Vacant residential fires tend to occur most frequently during the late night to early morning hours, peaking from 10 PM to 2 AM. At this time fires may go unnoticed for longer periods, lending to delayed reports.
D) Building height can also increase the potential for collapse in wood frame buildings. A 2 story wood frame building may be more collapse prone than a similar 3 or 4 wood floor frame building because shorter buildings are built with smaller wood components.
ANSWER: D) Building height can also increase the potential for collapse in wood frame buildings. A 2 story wood frame building may be more collapse prone than a similar 3 or 4 wood floor frame building because shorter buildings are built with smaller wood components. (INCORRECT)
- A THREE (3) story wood-frame building may be MORE collapse prone than a similar TWO (2) story wood-frame building because of the increased dead load imposed on first-floor structural supports by the weight of the upper floors).
E99 and L100 are enroute to a report of an “alarm ringing” in a PD. Upon arrival E99 transmits a 10-75 for a fire on the 1st floor (rear) of a vacant 2 story PD. The building is all sealed up except for two windows in the rear on the 1st floor where fire is blowing out. The Ladder Officer would be most correct to take which action at this fire?
A) Immediately conduct a primary search on the fire floor to locate any possible squatters.
B) Conduct a primary search on the fire floor after conducting a proper size-up.
C) Conduct a primary search on the fire floor after all visible fire is knocked down and the IC has completed a size-up and risk assessment.
D) None of the above are correct
ANSWER: C) Conduct a primary search on the fire floor after all visible fire is knocked down and the IC has completed a size-up and risk assessment.
- Members may vary from this guideline when confronted with a KNOWN LIFE HAZARD.
Member safety is the highest priority while conducting fire operations in vacant buildings. Which point below abut safety in vacant building operations is not correct?
A) Members should remember that a slower and more cautious risk assessment shall be performed when sizing-up vacant buildings.
B) Wood frame buildings often experience inward-outward or ninety-degree wall collapse, especially corner buildings and isolated (stand-alone) frame buildings.
C) A defensive exterior attack is the cornerstone of a safe operation at vacant building fires. This strategy is the most effective way of ensuring member’s safety.
D) When operating at vacant building fires, members should establish a collapse zone during the later stages of the fire since the building will be weakened at this point in the fire operation.
ANSWER: D) When operating at vacant building fires, members should establish a collapse zone during the later stages of the fire since the building will be weakened at this point in the fire operation. (INCORRECT)
Lt. Johnson of L100 was giving a drill on operations at vacant building fires and made the following comments to his members:
- When the stability of a stairway is in doubt, members should place an extension ladder over the stairway, ensuring that it is properly supported at both the top and bottom of the stairs. It is imperative that the header beams at the top of the staircase support the ladder.
- Generally there is no need to VEIS from fire escapes, portable ladders or aerial ladders since we are not agressively searching for trapped occupants. Fire escapes on vacant buildings should never be used.
- Members should form a habit of climbing stairs by placing the middle of their foot above the step riser and stepping as close to a supporting wall as possible. Placing downward pressure on the risers and climbing close to supporting stringers is the safest way to climb stairs because these areas are the most structurally stable areas of the staircase.
Which statement(s) is/are correct?
A) All statements are correct
B) Statements 1 and 3 are correct
C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct
D) Statements 1 and 2 are correct
E) All statements are incorrect
ANSWER: B) Statements 1 and 3 are correct
- Statement # 2 is INCORRECT
- Generally there is no need to VEIS from fire escapes, portable ladders or aerial ladders, since we are not aggressively searching for trapped occupants.
- The use of fire escapes should be AVOIDED.
- If you are to use a FE / use a Fire Department Ladder over a FE drop ladder / stand below fire escape balcony when lowering drop ladder to avoid injury / pay attention to rusted or loose areas of FE / feet as close as possible to supporting stringers.
Vacant buildings have many potential hazards and some may even be “booby trapped.” Of the following choices which is correct?
A) Gasoline fires will ignite more of the combustible materials in the fire area and increase the severity of the fire.
B) Separate fires may be intentionally set within a building all at the same time.
C) Fires are always set in the front part of the building to add to the difficulty in fighting the fire.
D) When encountering diesel fires, high heat will be present for a longer duration than similar fires involving gasoline.
ANSWER: D) When encountering diesel fires, high heat will be present for a longer duration than similar fires involving gasoline.
(Vacants sec 4.3)
A - DIESEL FIRES will ignite more of the combustible materials in the fire area and increase the severity of the fire.
B - In some cases, such fires have been initiated using DELAYED IGNITION DEVICES.
C - Fires may be purposely set in the CENTER OR REAR of a building.
During the initial stages of an vacant building operation, the IC, who may be the first- arriving officer, may have to determine the initial attack strategy (i.e., whether to implement an interior or exterior attack) until the arrival of a higher-ranking member. In order to make this determination, a risk assessment must be performed, bearing in mind that the highest priorities are _________________.
A) members’ safety and the life hazard.
B) members’ safety and exposure protection.
C) members’ safety and access to water.
D) members’ safety and apparatus positioning.
ANSWER: A) members’ safety and the life hazard.
Vacants sec 5.1
You are an S/A Lt. working in Wood City, Brooklyn. Your first run is a phone alarm for fire in a vacant and on arrival, you find heavy fire venting from all floors of a four-story vacant frame in the middle of a row of 7 vacant frames. Which of the following line placement options is INCORRECT for the second line at this fire when the first line was stretched to exposure 2?
A) The second line was needed to back up the first and was stretched to exposure 2.
B) The second line was stretched to the fire building.
C) The second line was stretched through exposure 4 to operate in the rear yard.
D) The second line was stretched to exposure 4.
ANSWER: B) The second line was stretched to the fire building. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Vacants 6.7 B)
If not needed to back up the first hose line, stretched to the opposite exposure or through an exposure to the rear yard.
Lt Welch is drilling the members of a slashing Staten Island firehouse about the danger of vacant structures. He makes 4 statements and is correct in all except?
A) Primary markings shall be made alongside the front entrance of the building at a height that is in line with the area directly over the front entrance. Markings should be high enough to ensure visibility. To achieve this height, a ladder may be required.
B) The letters “FO” (floor openings) shall be made directly underneath vacant building markings in cases when members determine that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members.
C) Any company may place vacant building markings using the prescribed format. As soon as possible thereafter, the supervising officer must notify the administrative company that the building has been marked and an eCIDS card was entered.
D) The letters “RO” (roof open) shall be made directly over the vacant building markings in cases when a roof is opened to the degree that there is little need for future vertical ventilation.
ANSWER: C) Any company may place vacant building markings using the prescribed format. As soon as possible thereafter, the supervising officer must notify the administrative company that the building has been marked and an eCIDS card was entered.
(Vacants Sec 3.1)
- Company officers from the ADMINISTRATiVE UNIT shall ensure that all vacant buildings in their administrative districts are entered into the eCIDS program.
The letters “RO” (roof open) shall be made _________________ in cases when a roof is opened to the degree that there is little need for future vertical ventilation (e.g., the roof has been previously cut or burned away). The letters “FO” (floor openings) shall be made _________________ in cases when members determine that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members.
A) directly over the vacant building markings; directly underneath vacant building markings
B) directly underneath the vacant building markings; directly over vacant building markings
C) above and to the side of the vacant building markings; below and to the side of vacant building markings
D) above and to the side of the vacant building markings; directly underneath vacant building markings
ANSWER: A) directly over the vacant building markings; directly underneath vacant building markings
(Vacants sec 3.1)
While performing a size-up, it is important to remember that the challenges and hazards at vacant building fires are substantially different as compared to occupied buildings. As such, members should initially consider four broad size-up concerns. Which concern is listed correctly?
A) Member Safety is the most important concern during the size-up process.
B) Protection of Life is the highest priority during the risk-assessment process.
C) Structural Stability of vacant buildings is a serious concern during all phases of the size-up process.
D) Extension to Exposures is not a serious concern during fire operations. Instead, focus on the vacant building.
ANSWER: C) Structural Stability of vacant buildings is a serious concern during all phases of the size-up process.
A. Protection of Life is the most important concern during the size-up process.
B. Member Safety is the highest priority during the risk-assessment process.
D. Extension to Exposures is a serious concern during fire operations at vacant buildings.