Categorizing places of worship based on architectural features can generally be divided into two very general categories that firefighters must be familiar with. Which point below regarding the two general categories is incorrect?
A) Older architecture is generally recognizable due to their common distinct architectural features such as ornate decorations, large arched or pointed windows, massive walls, and large columns to name a few. These older architectural structures are susceptible to early collapse.
B) Newer architecture is generally recognizable due to their large open area often without the high vaulted ceilings, simplification of form, and a lack of ornate decorations with a distinctive modern look. These newer architecture structures are not susceptible to early collapse.
ANSWER: B) Newer architecture is generally recognizable due to their large open area often without the high vaulted ceilings, simplification of form, and a lack of ornate decorations with a distinctive modern look. These newer architecture structures are not susceptible to early collapse. (INCORRECT)
- BOTH NEWER and OLDER are susceptible to early collapse
(FFP - Places of Worship 1.3.8)
Recently members were conducting MUD at a large old church in their response area. Members made the following four points during the drill and were incorrect in which one?
A) A place of worship is a building where people gather to worship together such as a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple.
B) The older style architecture is susceptible to early collapse due to high timber truss roof, the bell tower, and the steeple.
C) In the newer style of architecture lightweight truss construction may be found, however the newer structures will not have a bell tower or steeple.
D) The 5 major defects of faults in the construction of places of worship are early collapse potential, numerous concealed voids, the vast quantity of combustible materials used in truss roof construction, the lack of fire suppression and detection systems, and the large open areas with limited or no fire stopping.
ANSWER: C) In the newer style of architecture lightweight truss construction may be found, however the newer structures will not have a bell tower or steeple. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Places of Worship 1.3.1)
Occasionally, places of worship will be found occupying portions of a taxpayer (storefront), brownstone, rowframe, or private dwellings. These occupancies typically do not contain the architectural features described in the places of worship bulletin. As such, firefighting procedures for these occupanices shall be based on the tactics described in the places of worship bulletin. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- Firefighting procedures for these occupancies shall be based on the building type (e.g., Firefighting Procedures Taxpayer, Brownstone, etc.) when the described architectural features are not present. (Treat them as a taxpayer/brownstone/rowframe/PD etc.)
(FFP - Places of Worship 1.2.3)
Collapse is always a major concern for firefighters no matter what types of structure they are operating in. Places of worship have some unique architectural features such as a bell tower. The bell tower is a tower that contains bells, ringing equipment, and possibly a clock. There may be a steeple or a dome above a bell tower. From the choices below, please indicate which item, when found above the bell tower is more unstable?
A) Steeple
B) Dome
C) They are both equally unstable
D) Neither are considered unstable.
ANSWER: A) Steeple
- Steeple on top of a tower is MORE UNSTABLE than a dome on top of the tower.
(FFP - Places of Worship 4.2)
During a drill at the rock regarding the placement of TL and Aerial ladders at a fire in a place of worship, members made the following four points. Which point is not entirely correct?
A) Generally, the primary position of the 1st arriving TL is in the front of the fire building able to reach the rose window in a corner safe position when possible.
B) When the apparatus is an Aerial, it shall be placed in a corner safe position if possible, with the Aerial raised to the rose window to enable the ladder pipe to operate into the rose window.
C) When the building faces on 2 streets and the front of the building is covered by TLs; then place the additional TLs to cover the other street front.
D) Additional TLs should be positioned so that the fire can be cut off and driven back to the point of origin.
ANSWER: B) When the apparatus is an Aerial, it shall be placed in a corner safe position if possible, with the Aerial raised to the rose window to enable the ladder pipe to operate into the rose window. (INCORRECT)
- Aerial ladder should be placed AWAY FROM BUILDING. We need the front of the fire building accessible for TOWER LADDERS.
(FFP - Places of Worship 7.4)
Places of worship contain many avenues of fire extension, which contribute to rapid fire spread and early increased collapse potential. Knowledge of the avenues of fire extension and the effects of fire on the various structural members is necessary in order to develop tactics to accomplish rapid fire control and provide for the safety of members. Which point below regarding fire extension is incorrect?
A) Access to the attic space may be a narrow spiral staircase, which will slow firefighter’s entrance to the area. Finding a stairway that leads to the attic space may take time however, it is very important to check the attic since an unnoticed fire in this area could cause collapse of the roof truss beams and ceiling.
B) Old dried out lumber with an accumulation of candle wax buildup contribute to the fire load. Also adding to the fire load are chairs, wood pews, floors, pulpits, tapestry, combustible wall hangings, and holiday decorations.
C) Fire extension inside walls can quickly spread upwards unimpeded into inaccessible areas of the cockloft, attic, or truss loft area above the ceiling of the structure. The destruction of the roof supporting members results in an early increased collapse potential.
D) There are very few concealed spaces located in a place of worship due to the large open areas. Columns with stone or brick veneer are often solid columns. Likewise, walls are usually made of stone negating any concealed spaces.
ANSWER: D) There are very few concealed spaces located in a place of worship due to the large open areas. Columns with stone or brick veneer are often solid columns. Likewise, walls are usually made of stone negating any concealed spaces. (INCORRECT)
- There are NUMEROUS concealed spaces located in a place of worship.
- Hollow columns with stone or brick veneer are often DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE solid columns.
- Walls are made to LOOK LIKE stone. However, these too are many times a veneer covering wood lath and plaster. Areas behind these walls and columns can be an avenue of fire extension.
(FFP - Places of worship 2.1)
You are a new Lt. working a day tour and have just arrived at a fire in an old style Gothic Church. The fire has fully engulfed the Church and this will be an exterior operation. The church has large parking lots on both sides of the church as well as in the rear of the church. There is a large bell tower with a steeple in the front of the church. You would be correct to tell the proby that the most dangerous areas outside the church at this fire are _________________________?
A) Exposures 1 / 3 / 4
B) Exposures 2 /3 / 4
C) Exposures 1 / 2 / 4
D) Exposures 1 / 2 / 3
ANSWER: C) Exposures 1 / 2 / 4
FFP - Places of Worship 4.7
Fires in places of worship often require the use of TLs, 1st arriving units must take positions that allow the necessary units and equipment to arrive and operate effectively. In order to ensure this, a street management plan is critical to successful operations. Which point about the street management plan is incorrect?
A) If possible, 1st responding units should try to address street management and fire control. Positions by later arriving apparatus should be taken outside of the potential collapse zone but only if conditions permit.
B) Apparatus shall be parked in such a manner that special equipment, ambulances, etc. can make their way to and from the scene when ordered by the IC.
C) TLs should be placed near the front of the structure, in a corner safe area outside the collapse danger zone.
D) Subsequent arriving TLs should be positioned to reach additional sides of the structure.
ANSWER: A) If possible, 1st responding units should try to address street management and fire control. Positions by later arriving apparatus should be taken outside of the potential collapse zone but only if conditions permit. (INCORRECT)
- It is CRITICAL for first responding units to address street management and fire control. Positions should be taken outside of the potential collapse zone.
(FFP - Places of Worship 5.2)
Fire conditions discussed in places of worship are to be considered of such magnitude as to require the use of two hoselines for extinguishment. Fires in places of worship are particularly vulnerable to the quick spread of fire due to their basic design and use of combustible construction material. Which point(s) below are correct regarding hoseline size in places of worship? (More than 1 correct)
A) When the fire is located in a large open area of a place of worship or the reach of the stream is required to reach higher elevations, the initial lines will generally be 2 1/2”.
B) When the fire is located in a large open area of a place of worship or the reach of the stream is required to reach higher elevations, the initial lines will generally be 1 3/4”.
C) For a cellar fire where operations will be in close quarters, mobility of operations are a prime consideration, therefore interior hoselines stretched should generally be 1 3/4”
D) For a cellar fire where operations will be in close quarters, mobility of operations are a prime consideration, therefore interior hoselines stretched should generally be 2 1/2”
A) When the fire is located in a large open area of a place of worship or the reach of the stream is required to reach higher elevations, the initial lines will generally be 2 1/2”.
C) For a cellar fire where operations will be in close quarters, mobility of operations are a prime consideration, therefore interior hoselines stretched should generally be 1 3/4”
(FFP - Places of Worship 6.1.3)
E99 is drilling with their new probies on cellar fires in places of worship. Lieutenant Smith told the probies the following four points of information. Lieutenant Smith was correct in all but which point below?
A) Fires in places of worship may originate in the cellar where gas/oil fired boilers for heat or hot water, electrical service panel boxes, and kitchen stoves may be found.
B) Proper placement of the first hoseline requires a coordinated sizeup and communication by the first Engine and Ladder company officers.
C) The 1st line should always be stretched through the main entrance door since this provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish the fire.
D) The 2nd line will initially be positioned and charged outside the fire building as a backup for the 1st line. When not needed to backup the 1st line, it can be used to extinguish any fire that may have extended to the floor above.
ANSWER: C) The 1st line should always be stretched through the main entrance door since this provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish the fire. (INCORRECT)
- Stretch 1st line to the entrance that PROVIDES THE QUICKEST ACCESS TO THE CELLAR.
- This is also true for a fire in the 1st floor of the church.
(FFP - Places of Worship 6.2)
After a recent fire in an old style Gothic type church, members of the 1st ladder were discussing operations at this fire. Which point made during the discussion is not correct?
A) As soon as the 1st hoselines knock down the fire, it is imperative that the walls and attic area are checked for fire extension.
B) Venting the side windows, sometimes made with stain glass, will effectively ventilate the upper portions of the structure. Venting the Rose window will also provide adequate ventilation.
C) Interior operating forces at an apparent small, localized fire may be unaware of fire involvement in the trusses above them. Members shall use a thermal imaging camera from below to assess when fire has involved the truss space.
D) When fire is found to involve the truss space, exterior operations should be the primary tactical consideration. Consider the use of search ropes due to the large floor areas of these structures and be aware that seating areas are often large areas with moveable seats. This can delay searches.
ANSWER: B) Venting the side windows, sometimes made with stain glass, will effectively ventilate the upper portions of the structure. Venting the Rose window will also provide adequate ventilation. (INCORRECT)
- Venting stain glass windows WILL NOT EFFECTIVELY ventilate the upper portions of the structure.
- Venting the rose window MAY NOT provide adequate ventilation.
(FFP - Places of Worship 7.1)
Lt. Beck is talking with his members about communications when fighting a fire in a place of worship. Lieutenant Beck told his members that when standing in the street in front of the church, that is considered Exposure 1. He then stated that when members enter the church the altar is usually towards the rear, however most people refer to this as the front of the church. The area where the altar is located is considered the rear or Exposure 3 for firefighting purposes and must not be mistakenly referred to as the front of the church by operating members. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: A) Agree
FFP - Places of Worship 5.3
Units have just arrived at a fire in a church. There is a medium fire condition upon arrival and Engines are in the process of stretching the initial hoselines. The fire is located on the 1st floor toward the rear of the church. Which action listed below is incorrect when stretching lines at a place of worship fire?
A) E99 stretched the 1st line into the side entrance of the church since this provided the quickest access to the fire area.
B) E98 stretched the 2nd line, a dry line, and stood fast in front of the building. E98 then entered the church to backup the 1st line and had the line charged inside of the church.
C) In most cases when fire does spread into the attic or bell tower, it cannot be extinguished by the use of handlines due to the limited access to the space and lack of ventilation.
D) For a fire in the attic, the ceiling may collapse before the roof trusses which may cause an explosion like eruption inside the place of worship, which can knock firefighters off ladders and blow out windows.
ANSWER: B) E98 stretched the 2nd line, a dry line, and stood fast in front of the building. E98 then entered the church to backup the 1st line and had the line charged inside of the church. (INCORRECT)
- 2nd line should be STRETCHED & CHARGED OUTSIDE of the church.
(FFP - Places of Worship 6.3)
Listed below are three features that may be encountered at a place of worship. Which feature listed below is not correctly described?
A) Some places of worship have a ventilation opening (attic vent) for the concealed attic space. For firefighters, this ventilation opening provides an excellent location for water application to extinguish fire in the area above the concealed attic or cockloft. this ventilation opening is typically located on the front or rear of the long side of a place of worship. When located in the front, it will be a few feet above the Rose window.
B) Access to a bell tower can be via narrow stairs that will be difficult for firefighters. The height of the bell tower increases the collapse potential. Due to an increased collapse risk, the IC must perform a risk benefit analysis prior to ordering a handline stretched into a bell tower.
C) Choir lofts are often located directly above the main altar below the large rose window. A large wide stair usually provides access to this area making access easy for firefighters.
ANSWER: C) Choir lofts are often located directly above the main altar below the large rose window. A large wide stair usually provides access to this area making access easy for firefighters. (INCORRECT)
- Located directly ABOVE MAIN ENTRANCE below the large rose window.
- A SMALL NARROW stair usually provides access to this area making access DIFFICULT.
(FFP - Places of Worship Section 3)
There are many terms listed in the glossary of this bulletin that members should be familiar with in order to safely operate at a fire in a place of worship. Which term listed below is incorrect?
A) Clearstory windows are a high section of wall that contain windows and are located below the roofline of the lower aisles in a place of worship. Often times these windows are located on the exposure 1 & 3 walls.
B) Cruciform architecture is where the structure is shaped like a cross. Usually, though not exclusively, it is a structure built with the layout developed in Gothic architecture.
C) The nave in a place of worship is the main body of the church. It provides a central approach to the altar.
D) A transcept is a transverse section of any building which lies across the main body of the building. In churches, a transept is an area set crosswise to the nave in a cruciform.
ANSWER: A) Clearstory windows are a high section of wall that contain windows and are located below the roofline of the lower aisles in a place of worship. Often times these windows are located on the exposure 1 & 3 walls. (INCORRECT)
- Exposures TWO & FOUR (2 & 4)
(FFP - Places of Worship Glossary)
A Company Officer was discussing collapse concerns at Place of Worship fires. He was incorrect when he stated?
A) A steeple found above a bell tower is more unstable that a dome found above a tower.
B) Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.
C) When the roof fails, it can push the sidewalls out into the street. When the sidewalls fail, the roof will collapse and fall.
D) The most dangerous exposure areas during a fire at a Place of Worship are usually the exposure 2,3 and 4 sides of the building.
ANSWER: D) The most dangerous exposure areas during a fire at a Place of Worship are usually the exposure 2,3 and 4 sides of the building. (INCORRECT)
- Exposures 1 / 2 / 4 MOST DANGEROUS
- Exposure 1 where steeple is
- Exposure 2 / 4 Bearing Walls
(FFP - Places of Worship 4)
NYC has over 6,000 places of worship, several thousand more than any other U.S. city. Which of the following definitions related to places of worship is correct?
A) The choir loft is a narrow-recessed balcony or loft area on an interior upper floor of a place of worship. Usually located above the main entrance and accessed by a wide stair.
B) The nave is the main body of the church. It provides the central approach to the altar.
C) The Rose Window is used as a generic term applied to a circular window. Operating a tower ladder stream into a Rose Window will not extinguish fire at the upper reaches of the church.
D) Buttresses are fairly common on older places of worship, as a means of providing support to act against the vertical forces from the roof structures that lack adequate bracing.
ANSWER: B) The nave is the main body of the church. It provides the central approach to the altar.
A - Usually located above the main entrance and accessed by a NARROW stair.
C - Operating a tower ladder stream into a Rose Window MAY extinguish fire at the upper reaches of the church.
D - Buttresses act as a means of providing support to act against the LATERAL forces from the roof structures that lack adequate bracing.
Categorizing places of worship based on architectural features can generally be divided into two very general categories that firefighters must be familiar with: older architecture and newer architecture. Which type of places of worship are susceptible to early collapse?
A) Older architecture only
B) Newer architecture only
C) Both older and newer architecture
D) Neither older or newer type of architecture
ANSWER: C) Both older and newer architecture
(FFP Places of Worship Fires 1.3.8)
“Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.”
When fire is not visible within the large area of a place of worship but is suspected to be within the concealed area of the cockloft what is the priority for water application?
A) Operate a TL from below.
B) Operate a hand line from below.
C) Operate a TL into the attic vent.
D) Operate a TL into the Rose Window.
ANSWER: C) Operate a TL into the attic vent.
FFP Places of Worship Fires 3.2
Places of worship have some unique architectural features and when coupled the large amount of wood used in their construction can result in early collapse as fire weakens the structure. Which of the following collapse considerations at places of worship is incorrect?
A) The exposure side of the steeple or bell tower (front of the building) is one of the most dangerous areas during a fire.
B) The exposure 1 and 3 walls are also a collapse danger. The roof of a place of worship is supported by the front and rear walls.
C) The older style places of worship are susceptible to early collapse due to the large high timber truss roof.
D) A steeple atop a bell tower is more unstable than a dome above a tower.
ANSWER: B) The exposure 1 and 3 walls are also a collapse danger. The roof of a place of worship is supported by the front and rear walls. (INCORRECT)
(FFP Places of Worship Fires 4.2; 4.4; 4.6; 4.7)
- The EXPOSURE 2 AND 4 SIDEWALLS are also a collapse danger. The roof of a place of worship is supported by the front and SIDEWALLS.
At a fire in a place of worship, taking into account the many variables that may be encountered, tower ladders are positioned correctly in all choices below except?
A) Generally, the primary position of the 1st arriving tower ladder is in front of the fire building, able to reach the Rose window in a corner safe position when possible.
B) When the building faces on two streets and the front of the building is covered by a tower ladder, then place an additional tower ladder to cover the other street front.
C) Additional tower ladders should be positioned so that the fire can be cut off and driven back to the point of origin.
D) When an apparatus is a rear mount aerial ladder, place it immediately in front of the fire building in order to supplement operations.
ANSWER: D) When an apparatus is a rear mount aerial ladder, place it immediately in front of the fire building in order to supplement operations. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Places of Worship Fires 7.4.2)
- When an apparatus is a rear mount aerial ladder, place it AWAY FROM the immediate fire building in order to leave the area accessible for a tower ladder.
Some places of worship have a ventilation opening for the concealed attic space called an “attic vent.” Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding Department operations relating to this structural feature?
A) For firefighters, this ventilation opening provides an excellent location for water application to extinguish fire in the area above the concealed attic or cockloft.
B) This ventilation opening is typically located on the front or rear of the long side of a place of worship. When located in the front, it will be a few feet above the Rose window.
C) When fire is not visible within the large area but suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into the rose window is the priority.
D) Water application into the ventilation opening should be the priority following the control of a fire within the large open space using the rose window.
ANSWER: C) When fire is not visible within the large area but suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into the rose window is the priority. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Places of Worship Fires 3.2)
- When fire is located within the large open area, the first priority is a tower ladder stream into the ROSE WINDOW.
- However, when fire is NOT visible within the large area but suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into the VENTILATION OPENING is the priority.
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding collapse considerations at fires in places of worship?
A) Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.
B) The steeple is the tapered, pointed structure, usually with a Crucifix or other religious artifact at its tip. A dome above a tower is more unstable than a steeple above a bell tower.
C) When the roof fails, it can push the sidewalls out into the street. Conversely, when the sidewalls are weakened by fire and fail, the roof will collapse and fall, along with the ceiling, into the nave or floor area.
D) When evaluating the collapse potential and establishing collapse zones, the exposure 2 and 4 sides due to the bearing walls and the exposure side of the steeple or bell tower (front of the building) are the most dangerous areas during a fire.
ANSWER: B) The steeple is the tapered, pointed structure, usually with a Crucifix or other religious artifact at its tip. A dome above a tower is more unstable than a steeple above a bell tower. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - PW 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7)
- The steeple is the tapered, pointed structure, usually with a Crucifix or other religious artifact at its tip. A STEEPLE atop a bell tower is MORE UNSTABLE than a DOME above a tower.
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding fires and fire operations in “places of worship?”
A) Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.
B) Fire extension inside walls can quickly spread upwards unimpeded into inaccessible areas of the cockloft, attic or truss loft area above the ceiling of the structure. The destruction of the roof supporting members results in an early increased collapse potential.
C) The first arriving officer should locate and size-up the fire and determine if the fire can be extinguished by a handline. When it is determined that the fire cannot be controlled with handlines, the initial strategy must be an exterior fire attack.
D) Tower Ladders should be placed directly in front of the structure, to ensure an adequate stream available to operate into the Rose Window, if present.
ANSWER: D) Tower Ladders should be placed directly in front of the structure, to ensure an adequate stream available to operate into the Rose Window, if present. (INCORRECT)
(PW 1.3.8, 2.1.4, 5.1.2, 5.2.4, 5.2.5)
- Tower Ladders should be placed NEAR THE FRONT of the structure, in a “corner safe” area outside of the collapse danger zone.
- Subsequent arriving Tower Ladders should be positioned to reach additional sides of the structure.
There are many unique construction features encountered in places of worship. Which of the following is not a completely accurate description regarding these characteristics?
A) The purpose of any buttress is to resist the lateral forces pushing a wall outward by redirecting them to the ground
B) Choir lofts are usually located above the main entrance
C) When present, clearstory windows are often located on the exposure 2 and 4 sides of these structures
D) A steeple may be incorporated into the entrance or cellar of the building.
ANSWER: D) A steeple may be incorporated into the entrance or cellar of the building. (INCORRECT)
(FFPs Places of Worship Fires - Glossary)
- Entrance and CENTER of the bldg.
Which of the following is not listed as a major defect or fault in the construction of places of worship?
A) Early collapse potential.
B) Numerous concealed voids.
C) The vast quantity of combustible material used in the wood joist roof construction.
D) Lack of fire suppression and detection systems.
ANSWER: C) The vast quantity of combustible material used in the wood joist roof construction. (INCORRECT)
(Places of Worship 1.3.11)
Note: another defect is the large open areas with limited or no fire stopping
Of the following choices, which is the only correct point regarding proper FDNY operations at a place-of-worship fire?
A) Firefighters must gain access to the attic, this is especially important during the beginning stages of the operation, preferably before the main body of fire is knocked down.
B) Attic ventilation openings are typically located on the front or rear of the long side of a place of worship.
C) A dome above a bell tower is more unstable than a steeple atop a tower.
D) The newer style places of worship are susceptible to early collapse, due to the presence of large high timber truss roofs.
ANSWER: B) Attic ventilation openings are typically located on the front or rear of the long side of a place of worship.
(POW 3.2)
A - FF’s must gain access to the attic during SALVAGE AND OVERHAUL / imperative as soon as first lines KNOCK DOWN FIRE
B - When in the front, it will be a few feet above the rose window
C - Steeple is more unstable than dome
Out of the four choices below, which is the only one containing a proper engine operation followed at a church fire?
A) At a cellar fire a 1 3/4” line was stretched via the entrance door that provided the quickest access to the cellar.
B) For a first floor or choir loft fire, the first hoseline should be stretched through the main entranceway.
C) In most cases when there is extension into the bell tower, an 1 3/4” hoseline will be adequate to extinguish fire at that location.
D) Satellite units can lay a 6” hose and manifold to the exposure 2 or 4 sides of the structure.
ANSWER: A) At a cellar fire a 1 3/4” line was stretched via the entrance door that provided the quickest access to the cellar.
(POW 6.1.3)
B - Via the entrance door that provides the QUICKEST access to the fire
C - In most cases it CANNOT be extinguished by handlines
D - To the FRONT OR REAR / 2 and 4 sidewalls are a collapse hazard
Which of the following is not a collapse consideration of a place of worship being affected by fire?
A) Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.
B) An unnoticed fire in the attic area can cause collapse of the roof truss beams and ceiling.
C) If an engine company arrives at the scene of a minaret fire prior to all other responding units, the officer shall immediately cause a handline be stretched to the fire via the narrow spiral staircase.
D) The exposure 2 and 4 sides of the structure along with the exposure side of the steeple or bell tower (front of the bldg.) are the most dangerous areas during the fire.
ANSWER: C) If an engine company arrives at the scene of a minaret fire prior to all other responding units, the officer shall immediately cause a handline be stretched to the fire via the narrow spiral staircase. (INCORRECT)
(Places of Worship Fires, sec. 1.3.8)
- NOT IMMEDIATELY, the IC must perform a risk benefit analysis prior to ordering a handline stretched into a bell tower. Minaret presents a similar hazard.
The officer of Ladder 148 was conducting drill with his members at a synagogue and made the following statements regarding “Places of Worship fires”. He was only incorrect in which point?
A) For a one room fire in a place of worship that is occupying a portion of a brownstone, the first line stretched into the interior to extinguish the fire shall be a 2-1/2” hoseline.
B) Kitchen stoves may be found in the cellars of places of worship.
C) Truck companies shall consider the use of search ropes.
D) use caution at fires where a TL stream is placed into operation. The force of the water may dislodge slate or terracotta tiles and cause injury.
ANSWER: A) For a one room fire in a place of worship that is occupying a portion of a brownstone, the first line stretched into the interior to extinguish the fire shall be a 2-1/2” hoseline. (INCORRECT)
(Places of Worship fires, sec. 1.2.3)
- Firefighting procedures for places of worship occupancies in brownstones, taxpayers, etc. will be BASED ON THE BUILDING TYPE.
- 1 3/4” for Brownstones
Note: there was a similar question for embassy fires on a recent DC’s exam.
The members of Engine 99 and Ladder 100 operated at 4 separate church fires in the same month. At which fire did they operate incorrectly?
A) At the first fire, a proby considered that the attic ventilation opening is typically located on the front or rear of the short side of places of worship.
B) At the second fire there was no fire is visible in the large open area, but it was suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, so water application into the ventilation opening became the priority.
C) At a third fire, a member determined the location of the roof supporting members by locating buttress projections on the side walls.
D) At the last fire, a cellar fire, units immediately checked for extension in the attic area.
ANSWER: A) At the first fire, a proby considered that the attic ventilation opening is typically located on the front or rear of the short side of places of worship. (INCORRECT)
(Places of worship fires, sec 3.2)
- On the front or rear of the LONG SIDE
Which of the following trucks operated according to FDNY procedures at a fire in a church?
A) Ladder 96 initially vented the side windows in order to alleviate smoke found in the upper portions of the structure.
B) Ladder 97, the second ladder to arrive ensured that the cellar was examined.
C) The LCC from Tower Ladder 98, the first arriving ladder positioned the apparatus directly in front of the structure.
D) Ladder 99, an aerial ladder was positioned near the fire building.
ANSWER: B) Ladder 97, the second ladder to arrive ensured that the cellar was examined.
(Places of Worship, sec. 7.2.1)
A - This will NOT effectively ventilate upper portions
C - Position the rig in front, in a CORNER SAFE position.
D - Rear mount ALs placed AWAY from the immediate fire building.
Fires in places of worship are particularly vulnerable to the quick spread of fire due to their basic design and use of combustible construction material. Which general tactic below is correct regarding fires in places of worship?
A) According to the Places of Worship Fires bulletin, fire conditions discussed are to be considered of such magnitude as to require the use of three hoselines for extinguishment.
B) In most cases when the fire does spread into the attic or bell tower, it can be extinguished by the use of handlines.
C) For a fire in the attic, the ceiling may collapse after the roof trusses which may cause an explosion-like eruption inside the place of worship, which can knock firefighters off ladders and blow out windows.
D) Venting the side windows, sometimes made with stain glass, will not effectively ventilate the upper portions of the structure.
ANSWER: D) Venting the side windows, sometimes made with stain glass, will not effectively ventilate the upper portions of the structure.
(Places of Worship Fires 6.1.1; 6.4.1; 6.4.2; 7.2.1)
B - IT CANNOT be extinguished by handlines
C - The ceiling may collapse BEFORE the roof trusses…
Fires in places of worship are low frequency high consequence operations that are often difficult, fast spreading, and resource intensive. Which tactic described below is incorrect for a fire in a place of worship?
A) A 2 ½-inch hoseline must be stretched for any fire in a place of worship.
B) For a fire in the choir loft the first hoseline should be stretched through the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire.
C) For a first floor fire, whenever two hoselines are stretched and operating and the fire does not show immediate signs of extinguishment, the IC should prepare for an exterior attack.
D) When fire is found to involve the truss space, exterior operations should be the primary tactical consideration.
ANSWER: A) A 2 ½-inch hoseline must be stretched for any fire in a place of worship. (INCORRECT)
(Places of Worship Fires 6.1.2; 6.1.3; 6.3.1; 7.1.3)
- When the fire is located in a large open area of a place of worship or the reach of the stream is required to reach higher elevations, the initial lines will generally be 2-1/2 inch.
- For a cellar fire where operations will be in close quarters, mobility of operations are a prime consideration, therefore the interior hoselines stretched should generally be 1 3⁄4 inch.
Fires in places of worship present unique challenges to firefighting forces. When the fire is not brought under early control, a heavy loss to the structure and contents may be expected. Which of the following points about fires at places of worship is incorrect?
A) The first arriving officer should locate and size-up the fire and determine if the fire can be extinguished by a handline.
B) Tower ladders are the only apparatus allowed to be positioned inside the collapse zone, provided that they are located in a “corner safe” area.
C) There are many terms used to describe features and locations unique to places of worship. Firefighters should use these terms when communicating on the fire ground.
D) When the initial attack is delayed, the fire may force an exterior fire attack, virtually conceding loss of the building and contents.
ANSWER: B) Tower ladders are the only apparatus allowed to be positioned inside the collapse zone, provided that they are located in a “corner safe” area. (INCORRECT)
(FFP Places of Worship Fires 5.1.2; 5.1.7; 5.2.4; 5.3.1)
- Tower Ladders should be placed near the front of the structure, in a “corner safe” area OUTSIDE OF THE COLLAPSE DANGER ZONE.
At a fire in a place of worship who has the responsibility to ensure that the cellar is examined for fire?
A) 1st Ladder
B) 2nd Ladder
C) 3rd Ladder
D) 4th Ladder
ANSWER: B) 2nd Ladder
(Places of Worship Fires 7.3.1 & 7.3.2)
- 1st Ladder: ATTEMPT examination of the cellar for fire.
- 2nd Ladder: ENSURE that the cellar is examined for fire.
When using a tower ladder to extinguish a fire in a place of worship which one of the following tactics outlined below is correct?
A) A properly positioned tower ladder can cover a building with a frontage of 150 feet.
B) When fire is located within the large area of the nave, the first priority is water application into the ventilation opening for the concealed roof space.
C) When fire is not visible in the large area of the nave but is suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into the Rose window is the priority.
D) When fire is not visible in the large area of the nave but is suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into the ventilation opening is the priority.
ANSWER: D) When fire is not visible in the large area of the nave but is suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into the ventilation opening is the priority.
(Places of Worship Fires 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12)
A - A properly positioned tower ladder can cover a building with a frontage of 100 FEET.
B - When fire is located within the large area of the nave, the first priority is A TOWER LADDER STREAM INTO THE ROSE WINDOW.
C - When fire is not visible in the large area of the nave but is suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft, water application into THE VENTILATION OPENING is the priority.
As the first arriving officer to a fire in a Place of Worship, size-up is a major concern, especially when it comes to early collapse. From the choices listed below, choose the most correct statement as it relates to collapse in a Place of Worship.
A) A steeple atop a bell tower is more stable than a dome above a tower
B) Both older and newer architecture Places of Worship are susceptible to early collapse
C) When evaluating the collapse potential and establishing collapse zones, exposures 2, 3, and 4 sides are the most dangerous areas during a fire
D) Tower Ladders should be placed directly in front of the building to provide direct access to the Rose window and attic ventilation opening for water application to extinguish fire in the concealed attic or cockloft
ANSWER: B) Both older and newer architecture Places of Worship are susceptible to early collapse
FFP Places of Worship
A - A steeple atop a bell tower is MORE UNSTABLE than a dome above a tower…sec 4.2
B - Sec 4.3
C - Exposures 1,2,4……sec 4.7
D - TLs should be placed NEAR the front of the structure, in a “corner safe” area outside of the collapse danger zone……..1,2 corner 1,4 corner p-1 and sec 5.2.4
You are a newly assigned captain in an area that has numerous Places of Worship. When stretching hoselines in these types of buildings, the incorrect hoseline placement can be found in which choice?
A) When stretching a hoseline for a cellar fire in a Place of Worship, generally the hoseline should be 2 1/2”
B) After the initial size-up, for a fire in the Choirloft in a Place of Worship, the first hoseline should be stretched through the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire
C) When ever two hoselines are stretched and operating for a choirloft fire in a Place of Worship, and the fire does not show immediate signs of extinguishment, a third line will not be stretched. The IC will prepare for an outside operation
D) If the fire spreads to the attic or bell tower, the FDNY will not stretch any hoselines to extinguish the fire. An outside operation will be conducted
ANSWER: A) When stretching a hoseline for a cellar fire in a Place of Worship, generally the hoseline should be 2 1/2” (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Places of Worship - 6.1.3)
- Generally 1 3/4”
During the annual Captain’s meeting, one of the topics of discussion you led off with was the tactics/operations used at Places of Worship involving fires. You were incorrect in which tactic/operation?
A) Venting the side windows, sometimes made with stain glass, will not effectively ventilate the upper portions of the structure. Likewise, venting the Rose window may not provide adequate ventilation
B) The second arriving Ladder Company will ensure the cellar is examined for fire
C) The primary position of the first arriving tower ladder is in front of the fire building able to reach the Rose window in a corner safe position when possible
D) When fire is found to involve the truss space, hoselines shall operate at least one truss behind the truss involved and use the reach of the stream to extinguish all visible fire
ANSWER: D) When fire is found to involve the truss space, hoselines shall operate at least one truss behind the truss involved and use the reach of the stream to extinguish all visible fire. (INCORRECT)
(Places of Worship Fires 7.1.3)
A - sec 7.2.1
B - sec 7.3.2
C - sec 7.4.2
D - When fire is found to involve the truss space, EXTERIOR operations should be the primary tactical consideration (7.1.3)
As the initial IC during a fire in a place of worship, all of the following are correct except?
A) You special called and extra engine and ladder when fire was discovered in a void
B) You considered transmitting a 2nd alarm when the use of two handlines were in operation on the interior of the building
C) You established a collapse zone on exposure 1, 2, and 4 sides, since these are the most dangerous areas during a fire in a place of worship
D) You ordered the first arriving Tower Ladder to position in front of the building, but in a corner safe area with the bucket reaching the Rose window
ANSWER: A) You special called and extra engine and ladder when fire was discovered in a void. (INCORRECT)
(Places of Worship Fires 8.9)
- CONSIDER transmitting an ADDITIONAL ALARM for an advanced fire in the cellar, when the fire is venting from any window, or fire is discovered in any void.
A Ladder Officer discussing construction features at Place of Worship fires was correct when he stated that?
Select one:
A) The attic vent is typically located on the front or rear of the long side of a Place of Worship. When located in the front, it will be a few feet below the Rose Window
B) When fire is located within the large open area of a Place of Worship, the first priority of a Tower Ladder stream is water application into the attic vent in order to confine the fire
C) High vaulted ceilings may be 60 feet or more in height making the use of thermal imaging cameras a must in order to evaluate heat and fire conditions above
D) The height of high vaulted ceilings requires the use of 1 ¾” hose to adequately reach the ceiling and apply water
ANSWER: C) High vaulted ceilings may be 60 feet or more in height making the use of thermal imaging cameras a must in order to evaluate heat and fire conditions above
(FFP—Places of Worship—3.2, 3.7)
A - A few feet ABOVE the Rose Window
B - TL stream into the ROSE WINDOW.
D - Height requires TWO AND A HALF (2 1/2” hose)
First alarm units arrive at a 1st floor fire in a Place of Worship that has a large open area on the first floor and very high ceilings. In this situation, it would be most correct for the first alarm engines to think that?
A) The initial lines will generally be 1 ¾”
B) Proper placement of the first hoseline requires a coordinated size-up and communication by the first engine officer and second engine officer
C) The first hoseline should be stretched through the main entrance door
D) The second hoseline should be initially positioned and charged outside the fire building as a back-up for the first hoseline
ANSWER: D) The second hoseline should be initially positioned and charged outside the fire building as a back-up for the first hoseline
(Place of Worship—6.1.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2)
A - Large open areas where you need reach of stream (Stretch and operate a 2 1/2”)
B - First Engine and FIRST Ladder Officer
C - Entrance door that PROVIDES QUICKEST ACCESS to the fire.
The Captain of Ladder 400 is discussing firefighting operations at Places of Worship fires. The discussion is focused on some of the construction features and their associated problems as they relate to fires in these buildings. Which comment made during this discussion is correct?
A) Older architecture is generally recognizable due to their large open area often without the high vaulted ceilings, simplification of form and lack of ornate decorations.
B) Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.
C) The newer style is susceptible to early collapse due to the large high timber truss roof.
D) One of the 5 major defects or faults in construction of places of worship is the small quantity of combustible material used in the truss roof construction.
ANSWER: B) Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.
(Places of Worship 1.3.8, 1.3.9, 1.3.10, 1.3.11)
D - VAST QUANTITY or combustible material used in roof construction
While conducting a drill on fires in places of worship, one member made an incorrect comment. Indicate the incorrect comment.
A) Tower Ladders should be placed near the front of the structure, in a “corner safe” area outside of the collapse danger zone. Subsequent arriving Tower Ladders should be positioned to reach additional sides of the structure.
B) A steeple atop a bell tower is more unstable than a dome above a tower.
C) When evaluating the collapse potential and establishing collapse zones, the exposure 2 and 4 sides due to the bearing walls and the exposure side of the steeple or bell tower (front of the building) are the most dangerous areas during a fire.
D) The first arriving officer should locate and size-up the fire and determine if the fire can be extinguished by a handline. When it is determined that the fire cannot be controlled with handlines, consider conducting an exterior fire attack, where possible.
ANSWER: D) The first arriving officer should locate and size-up the fire and determine if the fire can be extinguished by a handline. When it is determined that the fire cannot be controlled with handlines, consider conducting an exterior fire attack, where possible. (INCORRECT)
(PW 4.2, 4.7, 5.1.2, 5.2.4, 5.2.5)
- The first arriving officer should locate and size-up the fire and determine if the fire can be extinguished by a handline. When it is determined that the fire cannot be controlled with handlines, the initial strategy MUST be an exterior fire attack.
Fires in places of worship can be stubborn. While reviewing procedures for a fire in a typical church, a number of comments were made. Which one was incorrect?
A) Cellar ceilings often support heavy religious statues and may have terrazzo or other stone type flooring, increasing the potential for floor collapse when fire enters the basement ceiling weakening the 1st floor support.
B) Cellar windows are often large and accessible. These windows make excellent access/egress points and will enhance ventilation during a cellar fire.
C) Cellar fires may extend via hidden voids. Units operating above the cellar must immediately check for extension on the first floor and in the cockloft/attic area.
D) Choir Lofts are often located directly above the main entrance, below the large rose window. A small narrow stair usually provides access to this area, making access difficult, and when a fire involves the underside of the choir loft, the possibility of collapse is present.
ANSWER: B) Cellar windows are often large and accessible. These windows make excellent access/egress points and will enhance ventilation during a cellar fire. (INCORRECT)
(PW 3.5, 3.6)
- Cellar windows are often SMALL and covered with thick window bars. This will LIMIT ventilation and make access or egress via these windows DIFFICULT and time consuming.