You are a newly assigned LT. working in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn surrounded by dozens of HRFPMDs. Members in the kitchen are discussing some of the prominent variables that affect smoke movement in these types of buildings. They make the following statements. Which choice represents the only correct statement?
A) Smoke and hot fire gases increase the air pressure inside the fire area or fire apartment. This higher pressure will always travel towards areas of lower pressure, creating a flow path for fire travel.
B) Lower pressure areas include public hallways, vertical shafts, stairwells, elevators and other open apartment doors especially on the same side of the fire apartment.
C) All horizontal ventilation inside the fire apartment should be limited and controlled by the ladder company officer operating in the fire apartment and/or the Fire Sector Supervisor.
D - Vertical ventilation will only be performed under the direction of the IC, and/or Fire Sector Supervisor.
ANSWER: A) Smoke and hot fire gases increase the air pressure inside the fire area or fire apartment. This higher pressure will always travel towards areas of lower pressure, creating a flow path for fire travel.
B - Lower pressure areas include public hallways, vertical shafts, stairwells, elevators and other open apartment doors especially on the same OPPOSITE SIDE of the fire apartment.
C - Horizontal ventilation in fire apartment controlled by the LADDER OFFICER ONLY.
D - Vertical ventilation performed under the direction of the INCIDENT COMMANDER ONLY.
- This differs from HROB where the IC controlls all horizontal and vertical ventilation.
(FFP - MDs 6.2.1)
Additional factors that influence smoke, heat and air movement inside HRFPMDs are stack effect, wind and HVAC. Regarding these factors, which of the following is correct?
A) The stack effect is influenced by the height of the building, temperature differential between the upper and lower floors, air leakage to other floors, and the wind.
B) Wind pressures external to the building create pressures within the structure on both the windward side (low pressure) and the leeward side (high pressure) because of leakage through windows, walls or other openings, however small.
C) An IC should confirm that all HVAC systems are shut down prior to commencing any fire operations. They are most commonly installed in hotels and the hallways of upscale high rise apartment buildings.
D) Generally, wind moving across roof level will cause a higher pressure to be created which can increase negative stack inside the stairwell, regardless of which side of the building the wind is impacting or the position of the bulkhead on the roof.
ANSWER: C) An IC should confirm that all HVAC systems are shut down prior to commencing any fire operations. They are most commonly installed in hotels and the hallways of upscale high rise apartment buildings.
A - Stack effect influenced by height of building, TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIAL BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF THE BUILDING, air leakage to other floors, and the wind.
B - Windward side is HIGH PRESSURE / Leeward side is LOW PRESSURE.
D - Wind moving across roof level will cause a LOWER PRESSURE to be created which can increase POSITIVE STACK inside the stairwell, regardless of which side of the building the wind is impacting or the position of the bulkhead on the roof.
(FFP - MDs 6.2.2)
Ventilation procedures in HRFPMDs vary greatly from the procedures we use for non-fireproof multiple dwellings. You are a Captain responding to a reported fire in an 18 story fireproof MD and have the following thoughts about ventilation. All of the following are correct except which choice?
A) Stairways other than the evacuation stairs may be used for venting the fire floor.
B) Like HROB fires, ventilation of the fire apartment should not take place until the fire is controlled.
C) Where only two stairways are present, the attack stair will be the primary means for vertical ventilation when the main body of fire has been knocked down and when authorized by the IC.
D) The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should never be used for ventilation.
ANSWER: D) The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should never be used for ventilation. (INCORRECT)
- Do not vent elevator machinery rooms until the FIRE IS UNDER CONTROL.
(FFP - MDs 6.4.3)
Understanding the proper use of elevators is critical to effectively operating at a fire in a HRFPMD. Which of the following choices regarding the use of elevators at a fire in a HRFPMD is incorrect?
A) Stairs shall be used when the fire is below the eight floor.
B) The 1st arriving ladder company shall recall the elevators whether or not they will be used.
C) Some building designs for the more exclusive type of HRFPMDs have elevators opening directly into apartments or foyers. No stairs or other means of egress are provided from this type of foyer and these types of elevators should not be used by members until approved by the IC.
D) A service/freight elevator shall not be used until it has been evaluated and declared safe for use by the company officer.
ANSWER: C) Some building designs for the more exclusive type of HRFPMDs have elevators opening directly into apartments or foyers. No stairs or other means of egress are provided from this type of foyer and these types of elevators should not be used by members until approved by the IC. (INCORRECT)
- These elevators SHALL NOT BE USED PERIOD.
- Book states use stairs for 7th floor and below. (8 is great)
(FFP - MDs 6.4.7)
After all units are in position, and two elevators are available and serviceable, maintain one elevator on standby in the lobby and one on the floor below the fire.
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- One in lobby / One 2 FLOORS BELOW (forward staging)
(FFP - MDs 6.4.8)
The 10-77 signal should provide sufficient units to initially manage which of the following conditions in a HRFPMD:
- Heavy smoke on numerous floors
- Advanced fire on arrival
- Wind impacted fire conditions
- Numerous reports of people in difficulty due to smoke
A) 1,4 B) 1,3,4 C) 1,2,4 D) 1,2,3,4
ANSWER: D) 1,2,3,4 (All are correct)
10-77 can handle the following: “HAWN”
Heavy smoke on numerous floors
Advanced fire on arrival
Wind impacted fire conditions
Numerous reports of people in difficulty due to smoke
(FFP - MDs 6.6.2)
At a fire in a HRFPMD the FAST Unit and CFRD Engine shall be assigned to the ________ when the fire is on the _______ floor or above.
A) Fire sector / 7th floor
B) ICP / 7th floor
C) Fire sector / 6th floor
D) ICP / 6th floor
ANSWER: A) Fire sector / 7th floor
- Books state ABOVE THE 6TH FLOOR.
(FFP - MDs 6.6.3)
You are a Lt. working in Engine 33 in Manhattan. After roll call you get a phone call from the Chief asking you to meet him at a nearby HRFPMD to drill on a job members operated at the night before. At the drill, the Chief makes the following points. You politely correct him on which one?
A) Due to the complexity of supplying and stretching from standpipe systems, the first and second arriving engine companies will always operate together in order to ensure prompt and efficient placement of the first line.
B) Variations from stretching initial lines from standpipe outlets on a floor below the fire due to building configurations shall be approved by Division Commanders and entered into CIDS program.
C) The ladder company officer will select the attack stairway.
D) The attack stairway need not be the stairway with a standpipe outlet.
ANSWER: C) The ladder company officer will select the attack stairway. (INCORRECT)
- BOTH THE ENGINE AND LADDER OFFICERS will decide which stair will be designated as the attack stairway.
- In HROB the attack stairway has to have a Standpipe outlet.
(FFP- MDs 6.7.2)
You are a Captain working in Engine 1 assigned 1st due to a fire on the 33rd floor of a HRFPMD. You are delayed to the box due to heavy traffic so Ladder 24 arrives on scene first. When you arrive as the 1st due Engine, Ladder 24s officer gives a report over the radio confirming a fire in apartment 33D on the 33rd floor. He reports a heavy smoke condition in the hallway indicating that the apartment door has been left opened. Which action taken by Engine 1 is incorrect?
A) You enter the fireman service elevator being operated by Ladder 24s OV and direct him to take you to the 30th floor.
B) Once the attack stairway is selected, all hoselines will be stretched and operated from this stairway.
C) You notify the 2nd Engine and the IC of the designation of the attack stairway.
D) You direct your Control FF to complete the connection to the standpipe outlet, charge the line when ordered, provide proper water pressure, and remain at the standpipe outlet until relieved by the 2nd due engine control firefighter.
ANSWER: D) You direct your Control FF to complete the connection to the standpipe outlet, charge the line when ordered, provide proper water pressure, and remain at the standpipe outlet until relieved by the 2nd due engine control firefighter. (INCORRECT)
- 1st due Control FF will remain at standpipe THROUGHOUT THE OPERATION.
- Take elevator to AT LEAST 2 FLOORS BELOW (can be 3 or 4 floors below)
(FFP - MDs 6.7.3 F)
You are a Captain working in Engine 1 assigned 1st due to a fire on the 33rd floor of a HRFPMD. You are delayed to the box due to heavy traffic so Ladder 24 arrives on scene first. When you arrive as the 1st due Engine, Ladder 24s officer gives a report over the radio confirming a fire in apartment 33D on the 33rd floor. He reports a heavy smoke condition in the hallway indicating that the apartment door has been left opened. As Engine 1 ascends the attack stairs to the 33rd floor with an uncharged line, you hear Ladder 24 inform the IC that they were unable to gain control of the fire apartment door. You now consider the following points, and are correct in which one?
A) In all cases, the line shall not enter the public hallway until the ladder company locates the fire apartment and provides direction for the advancing engine company.
B) The hoseline should be charged before exiting the attack stairway.
C) Engine companies shall only enter the IDLH with an uncharged hoseline in an extreme emergency situation
D) Officers must be aware that, when entering a hallway with a charged hoseline, if window failure occurs and a wind impacted fire develops, a hoseline will be needed to provide sufficient cooling of the hallway to protect exposed members.
ANSWER: B) The hoseline should be charged before exiting the attack stairway.
A - IN MOST CASES, the line will not enter hallway until ladder located the fire apartment.
C - NEVER stretch uncharged line into an IDLH
D - A hoseline WILL NOT PROVIDE sufficient cooling of the hallway to protect members.
(FFP - MDs 6.7.3)
At a fire in a HRFPMD, the 2nd Engine company to arrive will operate with the 1st Engine to stretch and place the 1st line into operation. The 1st and 2nd Engine officers must communicate and ensure that there are sufficient members properly positioned on the 1st line to rapidly advance and extinguish the fire. Which of the following choices is incorrect regarding the 2nd due Engine at a fire in a HRFPMD?
A) Their equipment includes one length of hose per firefighter, the standpipe kit, and the Post radio obtained from the 1st arriving BC.
B) Upon arrival, ensure the siamese is supplied and provide assistance where necessary.
C) Obtain the Post radio from the 1st arriving BC and bring it to the standpipe outlet where the first line is being connected and establish a communications link on the tactical channel between the fire sector and the IC if necessary.
D) The 2nd Engine officer must advise the IC when their members are assisting the 1st Engine advance into the IDLH. The IC would then be aware of the resources required for relief.
ANSWER: C) Obtain the Post radio from the 1st arriving BC and bring it to the standpipe outlet where the first line is being connected and establish a communications link on the tactical channel between the fire sector and the IC if necessary. (INCORRECT)
- Establish communications link on the COMMAND CHANNEL.
(FFP- MDs 6.8.1)
The 3rd Engine to arrive is responsible to start the stretch of the 2nd hoseline when required at a fire in a HRFPMD. They will be assisted by the 4th Engine company. If a 2nd line is not needed, the IC shall be notified. The 2nd line may be used for how many of the following choices?
- Backup the 1st line
- Advance with the 1st line
- Operate the Hi-Rise nozzle
- Operate into a breach in the adjoining apartment while the 1st line is protecting the public hallway.
- Go to the floor above due to auto exposure via windows or air conditioner sleeves.
- Operate on the floor above due to extension via utility voids or steam pipe risers.
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
ANSWER: D) 6 All are correct
- In HROB, taking the 2nd line to the floor above as in choices 5 and 6 is NOT AN OPTION.
(FFP - MDs 6.9.4)
The High Rise Nozzle (HRN) is designed to be used when standard interior handline attack methods are not possible, such as conditions caused by wind driven fires. When a 10-77 is transmitted, the 5th assigned Engine company is responsible for placing the HRN into operation, if this alternate strategy is needed. Which one of the following choices is correct?
A) If the 5th assigned Engine is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall contact the Incident Commander for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned on the 10-77.
B) The 5th arriving Engine will carry 1 length of hose per FF, the standpipe kit, and the HRN. The 5th engine is not required to carry forcible entry tools.
C) Upon arrival, the 5th assigned Engine company shall bring all their equipment and report directly to the floor below the fire.
D) Every 10-77 will have at least 2 HRN equipped Engine Companies assigned to the incident. Each battalion has at least 2 Engine companies that are equipped with a HRN.
ANSWER: B) The 5th arriving Engine will carry 1 length of hose per FF, the standpipe kit, and the HRN. The 5th engine is not required to carry forcible entry tools.
- Notify the IC or Fire Sector Supervisor for assistance if needed with the hose stretch or forcible entry.
A - Contact the DISPATCHER for ID of unit carrying HRN
D - Each 10-77 will have ONE (1) HRN equipped Engine assigned to the incident. Each battalion has ONE (1) Engine Company that is equipped with the HRN.
(FP - MDs 6.11.2)
You are a Lt. working in L176 responding 1st due to a fire on the 12th floor of a HRFPMD. Upon arrival on the fire floor, you encounter high heat and heavy smoke conditions in the hallway. You take the following actions. All of them are correct except for which?
A) Prior to entering the public hall, you get a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the Roof FF operating on the floor above.
B) If it is determined that smoke and/or heat conditions in the public hallway is due to a wind impacted fire, you direct your members to remain on the stairwell.
C) If unable to determine if this is a wind impacted fire, you and one member of the forcible entry team shall enter the public hallway to locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door. The other member of the interior team will remain at the attack stair door on the hallway side of the door.
D) If while operating in the public hall, it is determined to be wind impacted fire, you ensure your members exit the public hallway if the fire apartment door cannot be controlled in a short period of time.
ANSWER:D) If while operating in the public hall, it is determined to be wind impacted fire, you ensure your members exit the public hallway if the fire apartment door cannot be controlled in a short period of time. (INCORRECT)
- Leave hallway if fire apartment door cannot be controlled IMMEDIATELY.
(FFP - MDs 6.14.2)
You are a Lt. working in L176 responding 1st due to a fire on the 12th floor of a HRFPMD. Upon arrival on the fire floor, you encounter high heat and heavy smoke conditions in the hallway. After determining that these conditions were not due to a wind impacted fire, you successfully entered the hallway and gained control of the fire apartment door. You would be incorrect to take which action below?
A) You notified the IC and directed the Engine company to advance the line to the fire apartment door.
B) You ensured the door to the fire apartment was not chocked open until the charged line was in position at the fire apartment door.
C) The Ladder company member who remained at the stairwell door shall also advance to the fire apartment door.
D) Control of the fire apartment door can be accomplished by positioning a member inside the door with the door closed, but not locked.
ANSWER: B) You ensured the door to the fire apartment was not chocked open until the charged line was in position at the fire apartment door. (INCORRECT)
- Do not chock open until the charged line is MOVING INTO THE FIRE APARTMENT.
(FFP - MDs 6.14.2 E)
1st alarm units are operating a 10-77 for a fire on the 8th floor of a 14 story HRFPMD. The building has an “A” stair and a “B” stair. The “B” stair has been designated the attack stair. The 1st due ladder company is searching apartment 8C for the location of the fire, while the 1st due Engine is hooking up to the standpipe on the 7th floor. There are 2 elevators which both serve all floors. All of the units dispatched on the 10-77 have arrived on scene and are operating. Ladder 9 was the 1st to arrive Ladder company at this operation. Their OV was incorrect in which of the following actions?
A) He took a halligan and axe and conducted an outside survey with Ladder 9’s LCC.
B) If VEIS can be made with ladders, the outside team must communicate with the ladder officer in the fire apartment to request permission before commencing VEIS of the fire apartment.
C) If the fire building has fireman service elevators, he should proceed into the lobby to take control of the elevator and transport the inside team to two floors below the fire floor.
D) If the fire building does not have fireman service elevators, he should proceed to the fire floor to assist with the search of the public hallway.
ANSWER: D) If the fire building does not have fireman service elevators, he should proceed to the fire floor to assist with the search of the public hallway. (INCORRECT)
- Proceed to fire floor to assist in search of thr FIRE APARTMENT.
- The 2nd due truck is responsible for the search of the public hallway.
(FFP - MDs 6.14.3)
1st alarm units are operating a 10-77 for a fire on the 8th floor of a 14 story HRFPMD. The building has an “A” stair and a “B” stair. The “B” stair has been designated the attack stair. Ladder 9 is 1st due ladder company and is searching apartment 8C for the location of the fire, while the 1st due Engine is hooking up to the standpipe on the 7th floor. There are 2 elevators which both serve all floors. All of the units dispatched on the 10-77 have arrived on scene and are operating. Ladder 9’s Roof FF took the following actions at this fire. He should re-read HRFPMDs because he was only correct in which action below?
A) He proceeded to the apartment directly above the fire apartment via the “A” stair with the halligan, hydra ram and KO curtain.
B) By keeping the “B” stair door open, the apartment door open, and opening a window in the room over the fire room, the Roof FF was able to simulate how the wind will flow through the fire apartment.
C) After realizing that the KO curtain deployment may be needed he broke the glass to the window over the fire room and readied the curtain for deployment.
D) Due to the heavy fire pulsating from the window below, the Roof FF was concerned about auto-exposure and called for an extinguisher to be brought to his location.
ANSWER: D) Due to the heavy fire pulsating from the window below, the Roof FF was concerned about auto-exposure and called for an extinguisher to be brought to his location. (OR HOSELINE)
A - Roof FF proceeds to apartment directly over the fire via the ATTACK STAIR which in this scenario was the “B” stair. This is the only time the Roof FF will take the attack stair to reach the floor above.
B - By keeping the apartment foor open and opening a window he can simulate wind conditions on the floor above (NOT THE “B” STAIR DOOR OPEN)
C - DO NOT BREAK GLASS when deploying KO curtain. Open window / deploy / close window on device
D - Call for extinguisher or hoseline on floor above if concerned with auto-exposure.
(FFP - MDs 16.4.4)
1st alarm units are operating a 10-77 for a fire on the 8th floor of a 14 story HRFPMD. The building has an “A” stair and a “B” stair. The “B” stair has been designated the attack stair. Ladder 9 is 1st due ladder company and is searching apartment 8C for the location of the fire, while the 1st due Engine is hooking up to the standpipe on the 7th floor. There are 2 elevators which both serve all floors. All of the units dispatched on the 10-77 have arrived on scene and are operating. After positioning the apparatus and realizing that the building is not within reach of the TL bucket, Ladder 9’s LCC conducts an outside survey with the OV. There are no outside operations, wind control device or LSR evolutions indicated so the LCC proceeds as follows. Which action below is not in accordance with FDNY procedures?
A) He teamed up with the 2nd due LCC and proceeded to the roof via the fireman service elevator.
ANSWER: A) He teamed up with the 2nd due LCC and proceeded to the roof via the fireman service elevator. (INCORRECT)
- Members shall NEVER take a Fire Service elevator which services all floors to go above the fire.
- When assigned to go above the fire via an elevator, choose an elevator which has a blind shaft on the fire floor.
- In this scenario there are 2 elevators in the building that serve all floors. Therfore, the LCC would have to take the elevator to at least 2 floors below the fire and then proceed to the roof via the EVACUATION STAIRWELL.
1st alarm units are operating a 10-77 for a fire on the 8th floor of a 14 story HRFPMD. The building has an “A” stair and a “B” stair. The “B” stair has been designated the attack stair. The 1st due ladder company is searching apartment 8C for the location of the fire, while the 1st due Engine is hooking up to the standpipe on the 7th floor. There are 2 elevators which both serve all floors. All of the units dispatched on the 10-77 have arrived on scene and are operating. Ladder 3 is operating as the 2nd due Ladder Company at this operation. Which action taken below by Ladder 3 was incorrect?
A) They conducted a search of the public hallway, and ensured the door to the “A” stair remained closed on the fire floor.
B) Ladder 3’s officer coordinated the wind control device deployment when ordered deployed by the 1st due Ladder officer.
C) After searching the hallway on the fire floor, they initiated search of the “B” stair for 5 floors above the fire floor and communicated the results to the IC or Fire Sector if established.
D) They controlled ventilation in areas other than the fire apartment as directed by the IC.
ANSWER: B) Ladder 3’s officer coordinated the wind control device deployment when ordered deployed by the 1st due Ladder officer. (INCORRECT)
- ONLY THE INCIDENT COMMANDER can order the deployment of the wind control device.
(FFP - MDs 6.15.1)
The 3rd arriving ladder company officer shall confirm the evacuation stairway door(s) have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in the closed position. This may be accomplished by positioning members on the stairwell side of the evacuation stairway door(s) until the Fire Sector supervisor and/or the IC deems that the situation no longer presents a hazard in that particular stairwell.
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: A) Agree
(FFP - MDs 6.22 F)
- The 1st and 2nd arriving ladder companies ENSURE the evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in the closed position.
- The 3rd ladder will CONFIRM that they are closed and maintained in that position.
Which unit on the 10-77 will be assigned as the ventilation support group?
A) 4th Ladder
B) 5th Ladder
C) 6th Ladder
D) There is no ventilation support unit assigned on the 10-77, it must be special called.
ANSWER: C) 6th Ladder
FFP -MDs 6.19
The ventilation support group (VSG) will be assigned to pressurize the attack and evacuation stairwells in HRFPMDs in order to keep heat and smoke from entering the stairwell. All of the following statements regarding this unit are correct except which one?
A) The VSG will report in with 2 positive pressure ventilation fans.
B) The evacuation stair is the 1st consideration for pressurization and will be pressurized upon the order of the IC.
C) The VSG will inform the IC of the recommended placement of the PPV fans.
D) The PPV fans may arrive after the fire has been knocked down or extinguished. Depending on the remaining smoke and heat conditions, removing smoke and CO may become a priority.
ANSWER: B) The evacuation stair is the 1st consideration for pressurization and will be pressurized upon the order of the IC. (INCORRECT)
- The ATTACK STAIR is the 1st consideration for pressurization.
(FFP - MDs 16.19.2)
The 2008 NYC Building code requires _______ way voice communication from the fire command center to all stairways and dwellings for all new R-2 buildings greater than ______ feet in height. HRFPMDs with communication systems should be entered into the CIDS program.
A) One / 100
B) Two / 100
C) One / 125
D) Two / 125
ANSWER: C) One / 125
FFP- MDs 6.21.2
At HRFPMDs the ECC of the 1st arriving Engine shall connect a 3 1/2” line to the standpipe siamese and charge the system if any evidence of fire is present. Additional points regarding the use of standpipes and sprinklers are listed below. Indicate the correct statement.
A) Only stretch a second 3 1/2” line to supply the siamese when more than 2 lines are to be used from the standpipe.
B) The 2nd or 3rd supply line shall be connected to a lower floor outlet if there is a riser control valve stuck open between the siamese and the riser.
C) An indication that no water or insufficient water is being supplied is no change in pump pressure when the discharge gate is closed. If water was flowing, the pressure should decrease on the gauge.
D) Anytime the siames is being supplied and an Engine Officer or the IC communicates there is not enough water pressure, the ECC supplying the siamese shall communicate to the IC the flow meter reading.
ANSWER: D) Anytime the siames is being supplied and an Engine Officer or the IC communicates there is not enough water pressure, the ECC supplying the siamese shall communicate to the IC the flow meter reading.
A - Only stretch a second 3 1/2” line to supply the siamese when more than ONE (1) line is to be used from the standpipe.
B - The 2nd or 3rd supply line shall be connected to a lower floor outlet if there is a riser control valve stuck CLOSED between the siamese and the riser.
C - An indication that no water or insufficient water is being supplied is no change in pump pressure when the discharge gate is closed. If water was flowing, the pressure should RISE on the gauge.
D - The ECC supplying siamese shall inform the IC of the problem (closed valve, broken pipe etc.)
(FFP - MDs 6.27.3)
Which of the following tools should be included in the Engine companies standpipe kit? (more than one correct)
A) 2 1/2” controlling nozzle, with 1 1/8” MST and 1/2” OST, and 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” increaser
B) Hand control wheel(s) for outlet valve
C) 2 1/2” x 2 1/2” in line pressure gauge
D) Pipe wrench (minimum 18” in length)
E) Spanner wrenches
F) Chocks
G) Special adapters as required.
ANSWER: A-G) All are correct
C - Chocks
A - Adapters
P - Pipe wrench (minimum 18”)
S - Spanner
O - Operating wheel
N - Nozzle (2 1/2” w/ 1 1/8” MST & 1/2” OST & 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” increaser)
G - Gauge (2 1/2” x 2 1/2”)
(FFP - MDs 6.27.5)
Motor vehicle fires in the cellar of a HRFPMD can create extremely heavy smoke conditions whihc can delay in locating the vehicle even though the sprinkelr system may be discharging water. Which of the following statements concerning this type of operation is incorrect?
A) The Engine company must conduct a hand stretch into below grade areas. The standpipe shall not be used.
B) Access to below grade areas may be via interior, enclosed, fireproof stairways or outside ramps and driveways.
C) A search line should be used in these situations and a limited number of personnel should be used.
D) The noise from discharging sprinkler heads and the use of the thermal imaging camera will help locate the fire.
ANSWER: A) The Engine company must conduct a hand stretch into below grade areas. The standpipe shall not be used. (INCORRECT)
- CONSIDER USING A HAND STRETCH into below grade areas.
- When the fire is controlled by the sprinkler system and connecting to a standpipe outlet would not expose our members to an IDLH, an Engine officer can, with sound judgment, use the standpipe and notify the IC.
(FFP - MDs 6.30)
Of the following choices, which is not an accurate description of Old Law Tenements?
A) They were built before 4/12/1901 and are three to seven stories in height.
B) They are 20’ or 25’ wide and 50’ to 85’ deep.
C) They are of Class 3, non-fireproof construction.
D) There are 2 means of egress from each apartment, always consisting of two separate interior stairs.
ANSWER: D) There are 2 means of egress from each apartment, always consisting of two separate interior stairs. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - MD 2.1)
Of the following choices, which is incorrect regarding Old Law Tenements?
A) These buildings have 2 to 4 apartments per floor.
B) To provide light and air to each room, shafts of different shapes and sizes are provided between adjoining buildings.
C) The stairway of the cellar will not be located inside the building; it is usually accessed via a rear or side alley.
D) Originally the atairs and stairway enclosures were wood with lath and plaster partitions. In 1934 however, most of these buildings were required to fire retard the stairway enclosure.
ANSWER: C) The stairway of the cellar will not be located inside the building; it is usually accessed via a rear or side alley. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - MD 2.1)
Proper size-up is important upon arrival at a fire in an Old Law Tenement. Of the following choices, which is not entirely correct?
A) “Railroad Flats” are apartments which extend from the front of the building to the rear; there are usually 4 of these apartments on each floor. This will also apply to corner buildings.
B) When the building has 4 windows per floor and no front fire escape, it usually indicates three or four apartments per floor with another fire escape in the rear.
C) When the building has 4 windows per floor and a front fire escape, it usually indicates 3 to 4 apartments per floor with another fire escape in the rear.
D) The ever dangerous exception is buildings with railroad flats whose secondary means of egress is a front fire escape. The absence of a rear fire escape is of major concern for the safety of the operating forces and this information should be immediately relayed to the IC.
ANSWER: A) “Railroad Flats” are apartments which extend from the front of the building to the rear; there are usually 4 of these apartments on each floor. This will also apply to corner buildings. (INCORRECT)
- Railroad Flats = TWO (2) APARTMENTS per floor.
- DOES NOT necessarily apply to corner buildings.
(FFP - MDs 2.1)
Of the following choices, which is not an accurate description of New Law Tenement?
A) They were built on or after 04/12/1901 and before 1940. They are generally two to four stories high.
B) They are 35’ to 50’ wide and 85’ deep.
C) Steel “I” beams were introduced to carry floor joists which couldn’t span the enlarged floor areas. These steel beams were generally supported by masonry walls.
D) There are 5 to 6 apartments per floor.
ANSWER: A) They were built on or after 04/12/1901 and before 1940. They are generally two to four stories high. (INCORRECT)
- On or after 1901 and BEFORE 1916.
- Generally SIX TO SEVEN stories in height.
(FFP - MDs 2.2)
New Law Tenements generally have greater fire safety features than previous buildings (OLTs). Of the following choices which is described incorrectly?
A) The 1st floor is of fireproof construction and unpierced. The entrance to the cellar is by way of exterior stairs.
B) The interior stairs are fireproof and enclosed in partitions of fireproof construction. Apartment doors are constructed of fire-resistant materials.
C) The second means of egress is either another stairway or an exterior fire escape. A second stairway is more generally found in these buildings as fire escapes were being phased out.
D) All interior walls and furred partitions are required to be fire stopped at each story.
ANSWER: C) The second means of egress is either another stairway or an exterior fire escape. A second stairway is more generally found in these buildings as fire escapes were being phased out. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - MD 2.2)
New Law Tenements built between 1916 & 1929, otherwise known as “H” types, had unprotected steel beams that were supported by vertical steel columns which ran the height of the building. Which feature of these buildings listed below is incorrect?
A) They had a much larger floor area (ex: 150’ x 200’) and to avoid being required to be built of fireproof construction, the floor areas were broken up into areas of 2,500 square feet or less.
B) Entrance to the basement is via one or more interior stairways.
C) There are dumbwaiter shafts located in the apartments and in most cases, 2 apartments share 1 dumbwaiter. Dumbwaiters terminate on the roof in a bulkhead with a skylight on top.
D) Elevators are provided in some buildings and they run from the cellar to the top floor with a bulkhead on the roof.
ANSWER: B) Entrance to the basement is via one or more interior stairways. (INCORRECT)
- Entrance to basement is via EXTERIOR ENTRANCE
(FFP - MD 2.3)
Non-fireproof MDs built on or after 04/18/1929 were no longer called “Tenements” and became known as “Apartment Houses”. All of the following choices contain correct information regarding these buildings except?
A) The size of the area to be enclosed by fire walls is 2,000 square feet.
B) The limitation of height (6 stories or 75 feet) was bypassed for buildings built on grades. It is not unusual to find a non-fireproof multiple dwelling seven, eight or nine stories in height with no standpipe.
C) Fire escapes as a second means of egress were still very common; some of the newer buildings may have 10 or more.
D) Some of the newer buildings have non storage garages below. A sprinkler system may be required, depending when the building was erected.
ANSWER: A) The size of the area to be enclosed by fire walls is 2,000 square feet. (INCORRECT)
“30 - 30” rule
Before 1930 - 2,500 sq feet
After 1930 - 3,000 sq feet
“CUT 234”
1916 to 1929 (Top floor of Ceiling)
1930 to 1940 (Underside of roof boards)
After 1940 (Top of roof boards)
Of the following choices, which is inaccurate regarding the features of fireproof multiple dwellings, including housing projects?
A) They usually consist of poured concrete floors and cinder block or gypsum block walls. Newer buildings use gypsum board (sheetrock) in the interior construction.
B) Apartments may be served by two remote, fireproof stairways which generally lead into a public hallway, or sometimes directly into the apartments. As an alternative, scissor stairs may be installed.
C) Smaller 4 to 6 story fireproof buildings usually have 2 fireproof stairways which may be open or enclosed. If one stairway in encountered, the secondary means of egress will be a fire escape.
D) Although there are rarely exposure problems in these buildings, the potential exists for rapid fire development and extensive smoke on the fire floor and all the floors above, especially the top floor.
ANSWER: C) Smaller 4 to 6 story fireproof buildings usually have 2 fireproof stairways which may be open or enclosed. If one stairway in encountered, the secondary means of egress will be a fire escape. (INCORRECT)
- ONE (1) FIREPROOF stairway.
(FFP - MDs 2.5)
A newly promoted Lt. proficient in Engine operations should know which choice below to contain correct statements regarding Engine operations in non-fireproof tenements?
- In most cases, the 1st line stretched via the interior stairs to the location of the fire. The purpose of this line is to protect the primary means of egress for occupants evacuating the building and to confine and extinguish the fire.
- An exception to stretching the 1st line up the interior stairs may be made when smoke is issuing from windows opening onto the fire escape which may inconvenience people trying to come down the fire escape. In this case, the 1st line may be operated from the street to protect people on the fire escape.
- A 2nd line should be promptly stretched to the interior of the building.
- TL and Aerials should be utilized to their fullest extent by having hoselines stretched up them to facilitate extinguishment.
- Hoselines should be operated into ventilation holes fromt he roof to facilitate rapid extinguishment in the cockloft and on the top floor.
A) 1,3 B) 1,3,4,5 C) 1,3,5 D) 1,2
2 - Exception is when FLAME is issuing from window ENDANGERING occupants.
4 - TL / Aerials SHOULD NOT BE TIED UP with hoselines
5 - DO NOT operate lines into ventilation holes
“TEC” (When you operate a roof line)
T - Trench
E - Exposure protection
C - Cornice fire / cant reach from below
(FFP - MDs 3.2.9)
Two members of a busy Bronx company were discussing Engine operations in a non-fireproof tenement when one incorrect comment had to be adressed. Which is the incorrect comment?
A) The 2nd line is usually stretched by way of the interior stairs to the same floor as the 1st line and is meant to augment the 1st line, if necessary. If not needed on the original fire floor, it is then advanced to the floor above.
B) The 3rd line in the building should usually be stretched via the interior stairway to the floor above to ensure proper coverage and prevent extension.
C) In some cases, the 2nd or 3rd line may be urgently needed in one of the exposure. The decision as to the location to which these lines shall be stretched rests with the IC, and is based on his size-up of the fire situation.
D) At a fire in an OLT it is often necessary to stretch the 2nd or 3rd line into exposure 2 or 4 because the fire has extended, or is about to extend, across the narrow shaft or shafts between buildings..
ANSWER: B) The 3rd line in the building should usually be stretched via the interior stairway to the floor above to ensure proper coverage and prevent extension. (INCORRECT)
- 3rd line usually stretched via FIRE ESCAPE OR ROPE STRETCH.
- No more than 2 lines should be stretched through the front door and up the interior stairs in these types of buildings.
(FFP - MD 3.2.11)
Ladder company operations in non-fireproof MDs presents many challenges. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A) All horizontal ventilation shall be coordinated and controlled by the Ladder company Officer operating inside the area to be vented (fire floor, floor above, etc.)
B) When ventilating, discretion should be used in the breaking of windows in apartments not involved in fire and efforts made to open these windows where possible and necessary. Windows should be opened 1/4 from the top and 3/4’s from the bottom.
C) Officers must not permit any material to be thrown out of windows unecessarily. No materials shall be thrown onto roofs of building setbacks or into narrow or enclosed shafts.
D) A member should always be posted in the yard or street below to prevent injuries to anyone from falling material. Examination of the yard must be made before discarding any material to ensure no occupant has jumped into the yard prior to the arrival of FD units.
ANSWER: B) When ventilating, discretion should be used in the breaking of windows in apartments not involved in fire and efforts made to open these windows where possible and necessary. Windows should be opened 1/4 from the top and 3/4’s from the bottom. (INCORRECT)
- 2/3 from top
- 1/3 from bottom
- Top is the larger opening
(FFP - MD 3.3.3)
The IC (this can be the 1st arriving Officer) must keep in mind that fire in non-fireproof MDs can extend very quickly to the floors above and to the exposures. The IC must transmit special calls and/or greater alarms promptly when conditions warrant such actions. Of the following choices, for fire in an Old Law Tenement or New Law Tenement, which is incorrect?
A) Special call an extra Engine & Ladder for fire on two floors.
B) If progress cannot be made on at least one floor in a short period of time, transmit a 2nd alarm.
C) If the fire is in a shaft extending into an exposure, transmit a 2nd alarm.
D) If fire is extending into two exposures, transmit a 2nd alarm.
ANSWER: D) If fire is extending into two exposures, transmit a 2nd alarm. (INCORRECT)
- 3rd ALARM
- OLT/NLT - fire on two floors (extra E & T)
- H Type - fire on two floors (2nd alarm)
(FFP - MDs 3.4.6)
During MUD at a local OLT, BC Blue made a number of comments regarding proper tactics in these buildings. Which choice below indicates the most correct comments?
- Members inside the building and not engaged in operations should remain in the hallways on the floors below the fire and not crowd the stairs and landings.
- The 1st Officer inside the fire building must make known to the IC and other members the manner in which the floors and apartments are designated, i.e., whether numerically or aplhabetically.
- If gas meters are burning, the fire should be immediately extinguished and the area ventilated as much as possible.
- A leak or break in gas piping inside one of these buildings may be stopped or greatly diminished by stuffing rags, paper, etc. into the break.
- Only a Chief Officer may order the use of outside streams.
- As a general rule, outside streams should not be directed into occupied buildings; occupants should be removed first. However, in some cases, life safety or fire conditions may require that outside streams be used in occupied buildings.
A) 1,2,4,5,6 B) 1,2,4,6 C) 1,2,3,4,6 D) 2,3,4,6
ANSWER: B) 1,2,4,6 (3 & 5 INCORRECT)
3 - If gas meters are burning the fire should BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE TO BURN, until gas supply can be shut off.
5 - Only the INCIDENT COMMANDER can order the use of outside streams (could be first arriving Officer)
(FFP - MDs 3.5.1)
A covering Officer in a busy Queens Engine made a number of comments to members working the 6x9 tour regarding operations in OLTs. Which choice below reflects the most correct comments?
- For a cellar fire, the 1st line should be stretched to the cellar entrance door inside the building, under the interior stairway on the 1st floor. In all cases, this line should remain at this position and not be advanced down if there is an outside entrance to the cellar at the front or rear of the building.
- For a store fire in an OLT a 2 1/2” line should be stretched for large volumes of fire and a 2nd line stretched immediately to the floor above the fire.
- Stores in OLTs may have a door which opens into the public hallway on the 1st floor. The first floor public hallway should be examined immediately to determine whether the means of egress for the occupants of the building is in danger from the store fire and if so, a hoseline should be positioned to protect the interior stair.
- At a stairway fire, the 1st line should be stretched up the stairway, operated to extinguish the fire, shut down and advanced further up the stairway. When possible, the line should be operated up the well hole to cool off the hall and stairs above.
- At a stairway fire, a 2nd line should follow the 1st to finish up extinguishing operations and to serve as protection for members advancing the 1st line.
- At a sgaft fire, the line should be stretched to the nearest point from which water can be directed onto fire in the shaft and sufficient hose must be stretched to reach the upper floors of the building.
- At a shaft fire with rooms in the vicinity of a shaft, after the fire in the room has been knocked down the line should be operated into the shaft in order to knock down the shaft fire before continuing through the apartment for knockdown and final extinguishment.
A) 1,3,4,7 B) 2,4,5,6,7 C) 3,4,5,6,7 D) 1,2,3,4
ANSWER: C) 3,4,5,6,7 (1 & 2 INCORRECT)
1 - There are TWO (2) exceptions to where the 1st line must remain at the cellar entrance under the interior stairway on the 1st floor.
You can advance the 1st line into cellar if:
A) Fire is minor OR
B) No outside entrance to the cellar exists
2- Second line stretched to the ENTRANCE HALLWAY. When assured that the second line is not needed on the first floor, it may be advanced to the FLOOR ABOVE the fire. (Note 2 1/2” for LARGE volume of fire in OLT Store)
(FFP - MD 4.5.2)
Of the following statements detailing features of OLTs and tactics recommended for fires therein, which is incorrect?
A) Portable ladders may be placed over weakened, damaged or burnt out stairs in order to safely gain access to upper stories of a building. The preferred ladder for this is an extension ladder.
B) Cockloft are s of OLTs are much smaller than those in NLTs and therefore are not as much of a problem.
C) Because of the short span of floor beams (25’), and the fact that the floors are not heavily loaded, the collapse of floors in OLTs are usually not a problem.
D) The danger of fire extending to exposed buildings is great and buildings in the rear are the greatest danger as these rear tenements are of frame or non-fireproof construction, and only 10 to 25 feet away.
ANSWER: D) The danger of fire extending to exposed buildings is great and buildings in the rear are the greatest danger as these rear tenements are of frame or non-fireproof construction, and only 10 to 25 feet away. (INCORRECT)
- Rear is not as seriously exposed because they are 10-25 feet apart.
- Rear tenements are also 10-25 feet away from building.
(FFP - MDs 4.5.5)
Which construction feature commonly found in H Type buildings is incorrect?
A) Steel columns are erected vertically from the foundation to the cockloft and are often located in voids behind closets. They are not fire stopped and these vertical voids, about one square foot, may be larger when the void is built to include waste and water pipes.
B) The most common roof has the top floor ceiling several feet below the main roof beams. The roof boards are fastened directly to the top of the roof beams and this provides for a sturdy roof.
C) Wing stairs are usually located at points remote from each other, but a person can go from one stairway to another via the public hallway on all floors of the building. They are a tremendous asset in heavy fire operations on the fire floor.
D) Gooseneck ladders to the roof will not be found on fire escapes on the street side or on those in the street side courtyards.
ANSWER: C) Wing stairs are usually located at points remote from each other, but a person can go from one stairway to another via the public hallway on all floors of the building. They are a tremendous asset in heavy fire operations on the fire floor. (INCORRECT)
- This sentence describes TRANSVERSE stairs.
(FFP - MDs 5.2.6)
Agressive fire tactics in H-type buildings can be critical to effectively controlling these fires. Which of the choices below is incorrect?
A) Every effort must be made to get the 1st line into operation before additional lines are stretched. All available Engine Companies should be used to stretch the 1st line.
B) Aerial Ladders, if 1st to arrive, should not be positioned so as the block off the front of the entrance courtyard. When possible, this position should be taken by a TL.
C) If fire is showing out windows in the throat, courtyard and front windows, and a TL stream is being used, it should be directed at the windows in the throat first. The stream should then be advanced toward the front of the building and finally operated into the front windows.
D) The primary means of getting to the roof would be the 1st arriving Aerial or TL.
ANSWER: D) The primary means of getting to the roof would be the 1st arriving Aerial or TL. (INCORRECT)
- The primary means of getting to the roof would be WINGED OR ISOLATED STAIRS in the same building or any stairway in an adjoining building, if feasible.
- In an H-Type when conditions indicate “roof operation (top floor fire, shaft fire, two floors involved, heavy fire condition etc.) the AERIAL may initially be raised to the roof for rapid ascent of the Roof & OV FFs.
(FFP - MDs 5.4.3)
Trenching a roof is a defensive operation that is often employed in H-Type buildings to limit the extension of fire in the cockloft. Which choice below contains correct information regarding this tactic?
A) A trench cut should be cut and opened before there is a vent opening directly over the fire.
B) Two or more inspection holes should be cut on the clean side of the trench. When fire reaches the inspection holes, the precut trench is pulled.
C) To be effective, the trench must be properly located, at least 2’ wide, and cut from wall to wall or other suitable fire stop such as a stair or elevator bulkhead.
D) The trench should be cut about 20 feet from the initial vent hole and should be cut at the narrowest available roof section, taking advantage of bulkhead structures, outside walls, skylights etc.
ANSWER: D) The trench should be cut about 20 feet from the initial vent hole and should be cut at the narrowest available roof section, taking advantage of bulkhead structures, outside walls, skylights etc.
A - Can cut trench but DO NOT PULL until vent hole over fire is made. “Precut but not pulled”
B - Two or more inspection holes cut on CLEAN SIDE of trench.
C - Trench should be cut AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET WIDE.
(FFP - MDs 5.9.9)
An officer explaining the characteristics of LRFPMDs made the following statements concerning these types of buildings. Which one requires correction?
A) Usually standpipe equipped
B) Will vary in height from 3-7 stories
C) May be isolated or attached buildings, or built as one building with two separate sections, separated by fire doors on each floor
D) Can have one single stairway or two remote stairways
ANSWER: A) Usually standpipe equipped (INCORRECT)
- Usually NOT EQUIPPED with standpipe systems, thus requiring a hand stretched hoseline, supplied by a pumper
(FFP - MDs 7.2)
You are the officer of Engine Company 90. Your unit has arrived 1st for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 3 story LRFPMD. The officer of the 1st ladder has just informed you that the fire apartment is approximately 20 feet from the stairwell door and the public hallway is approximately 150 feet long with apartments on either end. There is only one fireproof stairwell in this building and it is not standpipe equipped. In this situation __________________________________?
A) An 1 3/4” line may be stretched
B) 2 1/2” hose must be stretched
C) Either 2 1/2” or 1 3/4” line can be stretched
D) A 2 1/2” line shall be stretched unless the fire is minor
ANSWER: B) 2 1/2” hose must be stretched
- If the hallways in these structures are small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1¾” hose can be stretched from the pumper when compatible with fire conditions.
- However, if a LRFPMD has long hallways, that is, any apartment door is more than 50’ from any stairway on that floor, then the additional GPM available from 2½” hose may be needed and 2½” hose should be hand stretched from the pumper.
(FFP - MDs 7.6)
The officer of the 1st ladder company to arrive at a fire in a LRFPMD should be prepared to take some heat if he were to believe which statement concerning their duties at buildings of this type?
A) Proceed to the fire floor and notify the IC whether the stairs are open or enclosed. If there are two stairways notify the IC and engine officer of the attack stairway, as well as smoke and heat conditions in the stairway and public hall.
B) If the door to the fire apartment has not been left open, locate it and force entry.
C) All ventilation on the fire floor shall be under the control of the 1st ladder company officer
D) If conditions allow, enter the apartment to search
ANSWER: C) All ventilation on the fire floor shall be under the control of the 1st ladder company officer. (INCORRECT)
- The officer of the 1st ladder company will initiate and control ventilation of the FIRE APARTMENT ONLY.
- IC controls vertical ventilation and all other horizontal ventilation on the fire floor.
(FFP- MDs 7.7.1)
Firefighters from L110 were discussing the duties of the 1st to arrive OV & LCC at fires in LRFPMDs. They made these 4 statements, one of which requires correction. Which one was it?
A) Conduct an outside survey. It is quicker if these members split up and survey the building from opposite directions.
B) If the building is isolated with only one interior stair and no adjoining buildings, the LCC will have to provide access to the roof for the Roof FF.
C) If the fire floor can be laddered, the OV/LCC team shall perform VEIS from the exterior.
D) This team shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire when they have determined that no outside operations are possible.
ANSWER: D) This team shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire when they have determined that no outside operations are possible. (INCORRECT)
- If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall proceed to the FIRE FLOOR to team up with their officer and assist in the search of the fire floor hallway and fire apartment.
(FFP - MDs 7.7.2)
You are the 1st to arrive ladder company officer at a fire in a 4 story LRFPMD. This is your Roof FFs 1st tour in this position. You should order this member to the roof of this building utilizing which priority order of access?
A) Aerial or TL, an enclosed evacuation stairway, stairway in an attached adjoining building.
B) An enclosed evacuation stairway, Aerial or TL, attack stairway.
C) Stairway in an attached adjoining building, an enclosed evacuation stairway, Aerial or TL.
D) Aerial ladder, TL, Open evacuation stairway, any available stairway.
ANSWER: C) Stairway in an attached adjoining building, an enclosed evacuation stairway, Aerial or TL.
(FFP - MDs 7.7.3 B)
Members of the 2nd ladder company to arrive for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 7 story LRFPMD should be aware that their duties include all of the following with which exception?
A) The officer and FE team reported to the floor above the fire and forced entry into the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
B) The tools of the FE team included a CO meter, thermal imaging camera and KO curtain.
C) This unit is responsible for the floor above the fire only. Additional ladder companies will search the upper floors at these types of buildings.
D) The Roof FF reported to the roof with a halligan hook, halligan tool, LSR and lifebelt.
ANSWER: C) This unit is responsible for the floor above the fire only. Additional ladder companies will search the upper floors at these types of buildings. (INCORRECT)
- This unit is responsible for ALL FLOORS AND STAIRS ABOVE the fire floor.
(FFP - MDs 7.8)
The member responsible to bring the KO Curtain to the roof at top floor fires in LRFPMDs is the ___________________?
A) 1st to arrive Roof FF
B) 2nd to arrive OV FF
C) 1st to arrive OV FF
D) 2nd to arrive Roof FF
ANSWER: D) 2nd to arrive Roof FF
FFP - MDs 7.8.3 C
If practical, the priority for performing a LSR rescue operation on the 3rd floor rear of a 6 story LRFPMD fire is to operate from the _____________________?
A) Roof
B) Apartment directly above the fire apartment
C) Apartment two floors above the fire apartment
D) Top floor apartment
FFP - MDs 7.11
The NYCHA has installed electromagnetic locking devices on the main entrance lobby doors in most of their buildings, openable with a Frequency Operated Button (FOB). Concerning these FOB keys, it would be incorrect to state which of the following?
A) These FOBs are building specific and will only work at their assigned address.
B) Lost or damaged FOBs are replaced by NYCHA personnel. No lost property (FS-112) or damaged tool (RT-2) report is required for replacement.
C) Should the building lose power, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate but the building will remain locked.
D) The doors can be unlocked remotely by NYCHA personnel, should the FOB key fail to open the door.
ANSWER: A) These FOBs are building specific and will only work at their assigned address.
*These key FOBs will grant UNIVERSAL ACCESS to all NYCHA buildings.
(FFP - MDs - Addendum 4 1.1)
Units from Division 7 are heavily engaged at 3rd alarm top floor and cockloft fire in an H-Type building. Sharp FFs realize that a correct feature of an H-Type building can be found in which answer?
A) Older H-Type buildings may have cockloft vents
B) The flange of an “I” beam connects the webs
C) The inverted, raised or reversed roof is normally springy.
D) A door found with no apartment number, no peephole, and no outside doorknob will generally be a primary entrance door to an apartment in the throat spanning the wings.
ANSWER: C) The inverted, raised or reversed roof is normally springy.
B - The WEB connects the TWO FLANGES (flat part)
D - This door is not an entrance door. It is the secondary means of egress from this apartment, which was in the throat connecting the wings. These doors are frequently blocked by heavy furniture.
(FFP - MDs Add 1 & 2 Figures)
A wind impacted fire in a fireproof MD is one of the most severe challenges members of this department may ever face. Within seconds, conditions can change from routine to life threatening. Which of the conditions would a unit not expect when encountering fires of this type?
A) A fire in an apartment, and wind
B) Window left open or failed
C) An area of high pressure inside the public hallway opposite an area of low pressure in the fire area.
D) Fire apartment door left open or partially open
ANSWER: C) An area of high pressure inside the public hallway opposite an area of low pressure in the fire area.
- Area of LOW PRESSURE in public hall / Area of HIGH PRESSURE from fire area.
(FFP - MDs Addendum 3 2.2)
Size-up is one of the most important consideration when arriving at what may be a wind impacted fire. A lieutenant instructing her members during a company drill would be considered correct in which statement concerning size-up at wind driven fires?
A) Wind direction and speed at street level is a reliable indicator of wind conditions on upper floors.
B) Wind impacted fires will only occur above the 4th floor.
C) Fire or smoke pulsing from a wind is an indication that the fire is darkening or cooling down.
D) Fire or smoke visible inside the fire apartment and not venting from an open or failed window is the classic ventilation profile of a wind driven fire.
ANSWER: D) Fire or smoke visible inside the fire apartment and not venting from an open or failed window is the classic ventilation profile of a wind driven fire.
A - The direction and speed at the street level is NOT a reliable indicator of windconditions above the street level.
B - Wind impacted fires have occurred on UPPER & LOWER FLOORS.
C - Members operating in the fire area must be aware that when the fire and smoke pulse outward from the window, the condition in the interior will temporarily subside, giving a FALSE SENSE that the interior conditions improved.
(FFP - MDs Addendum 3 3.2.1)
When a wind driven fire occurs, the IC may have to resort to an alternate strategy. Which one of the following would a Lt’s candidate know is not one of the strategies to be implemented?
A) A flanking strategy (breaching)
B) Advancing two 2 1/2” handlines into the apartment
C) Wind Control Devices (Fire Blanket or KO Curtain)
D) Outside streams including HRNs, TLs, or handlines operated from a setback.
ANSWER: B) Advancing two 2 1/2” handlines into the apartment. (INCORRECT)
- In FPMDs, water applied to the main body of fire from a high rise nozzle (HRN), exterior stream, or flanking strategy can provide an offensive tactic designed to rapidly knock down the fire.
(FFP - MDs 4.2.1)
You are a ladder company Lt. Your unit has just arrived at the 19th floor of a Class 1, High Rise Occupied MD. Upon exiting the stairwell door to the public hallway you are presented with extremely high heat, thick smoke and visible fire from the open fire apartment door. In this situation you were incorrect when you performed which action?
A) You immediately exited the public hallway and notified the Engine Officer & IC of conditions encountered.
B) You waited in the stairwell with the stairwell door closed for an alternate strategy to be successfully implemented.
C) Upon hearing on the HT that an alternate strategy was successfully implemented, you immediately entered the public hallway to locate and gain control of the fire department door.
D) When the ladder company officer gains control of the fire department door, the Engine company shall advance their charged line to that site.
ANSWER: C) Upon hearing on the HT that an alternate strategy was successfully implemented, you immediately entered the public hallway to locate and gain control of the fire department door. (INCORRECT)
- After a successful alternate strategy has been implemented, approval to enter the public hallway MUST BE GIVEN BY THE IC, Operations Section Chief or Fire Sector Supervisor. (Not hearing transmissions)
(FFP - MDs Addendum 3 5.1)
While operating at a fire in a HRFPMD, officers from B31 are notified by the 1st to arrive OV FF that window failure has occured and he believes that there is a wind impacted fire. The door to the fire apartment is closed and the public hallway is clear. These officers would be correct in which action?
A) The Engine company shall enter the fire apartment prior to the Ladder company.
B) The hoseline must be charged in the stairwell prior to advancing to the fire apartment door.
C) Prior to entering the fire apartment, the Engine officer shall contact the all hands chief for a description of the fire apartment, location of the main body of fire, and most direct route to the fire.
D) The fire apartment door should be chocked open prior to the Engine company’s advance.
ANSWER: A) The Engine company shall enter the fire apartment prior to the Ladder company.
B - Door closed / charge line at apartment door
C - Engine Officer shall contact the ROOF FF, or other member operating in the apartment above the fire apartment.
D - Once the hoseline advances towards the interior fire area as directed by the Engine Officer, the fire apartment door shall be chocked open.
(FFP - MDs Addendum 3 5.2)
You are the officer of a ladder company at a severe wind driven fire where the door to the apartment has been left open. Conditions are severe and there is a confirmed life hazard in the fire apartment. At this fire you were incorrect if you were to believe which of the following?
A) Notify all units and the IC of the location of the known life hazard.
B) You may make the decision to undertake rescue at this fire prior to the implementation of alternate strategies being completed
C) Keep the stairwell landing clear to allow for victim removal and/or emergency egress.
D) No rescue attempt shall be permitted until the alternate strategy is complete.
ANSWER: D) No rescue attempt shall be permitted until the alternate strategy is complete. (INCORRECT)
- If a decision is made to attempt a rescue, it MAY BE PERFORMED while alternate strategies are being implemented.
(FFP - MDs Addendum 3 5.4.1)
You are the Captain of L127, supervising members on the roof of an H-Type when the Roof Sector Supervisor orders you to make a trench cut to try and save the A-wing. In this situation, you would be correct to think?
A) There is a massive amount of wood in the cockloft of an H-Type, as these cocklofts can be up to 6 feet deep.
B) The trench should be cut at least 20 feet from the initial vent hole, and be cut at least 2 feet wide.
C) The trench should be cut at the narrowest roof section available, taking advantage of bulkhead structures, interior firewalls, skylights or bulkheads.
D) A charged line should be in position on the roof to protect personnel and the trench opening. This line may be operated into the trench in a brief, sweeping, side to side motion.
ANSWER: D) A charged line should be in position on the roof to protect personnel and the trench opening. This line may be operated into the trench in a brief, sweeping, side to side motion.
A - Cockloft can be up to FOUR (4) FEET deep.
B - At least THREE (3) FEET WIDE
(FFP - MDs 5.9.9)
An Officer conducting drill on operations in HRFPMDs was correct when he stated which of the following?
A) If the fire is on the 7th floor or below, the first arriving ladder is responsible to recall the elevators and ensure all of them are returned and searched.
B) A service/freight elevator found in an exclusive type of HRFPMD shall not be used until evaluated and declared safe by the IC.
C) The 5th arriving Engine is responsible for placing the HRN into operation, using hose already in place for the 2nd line, or stretching their own line.
D) When the fire is on the 6th floor or below, the FAST Unit and CFRD Engine should, on arrival, proceed directly to the floor below the fire and report to the Fire Sector Supervisor.
ANSWER: C) The 5th arriving Engine is responsible for placing the HRN into operation, using hose already in place for the 2nd line, or stretching their own line.
A - SECOND LADDER ensures elevators are SEARCHED
B - HRFPMD (Ladder Officer can OK Service/frieght)
Lofts (Need CHIEF approval to use service/freight)
D - Above 6th FAST/CFRD Engine assigned to Fire Sector
6th or below their position determined by IC
(FFP MDs - 6.6.3)
1st alarm units arrive at a 5th floor fire in the rear of a 6 story LRFPMD. The fire apartment, because of its location, is unable to be laddered. Which action taken below was incorrect at this operation?
A) The 1st Roof FF took a halligan hook, halligan and LSR and Life Belt to the roof. He reached the roof via a stairway in an adjoining building.
B) The 1st OV / LCC team proceeded directly to the fire floor to team up with their officer.
C) The 2nd Roof FF took a halligan hook, halligan and KO Curtain to the roof. He reached the roof via a stairway in an adjoining building.
D) When a trapped civilian showed at a rear window, the Roof FFs initiated LSR operations from the roof level.
ANSWER: C) The 2nd Roof FF took a halligan hook, halligan and KO Curtain to the roof. He reached the roof via a stairway in an adjoining building. (INCORRECT)
*2nd Roof FF will bring the KO Curtain in a LRFPMD for a TOP FLOOR FIRE.
(FFP - MDs 7.7.2)
The single best architectural design feature to identify Class 2 High Ride Residential Building is?
A) Horizontal bands or belt courses found on building walls that face a street.
B) Different color brick found on the lowest three floors.
C) Different type of brick found on the lowest three floors.
D) Limestone block found on the lowest three floors.
ANSWER: A) Horizontal bands or belt courses found on building walls that face a street.
- While not always present horizontal bands or belths typically indicate a Class 2 building.
- Bands/belt courses will be present on a building wall that faces the street.
- These bands/belts may also be present on Class 1 buildings.
- Usually found ABOVE windows of the 1/2/3 floors (On one floor or a combo of floors)
- Usually BELOW windows on any top 3 full floors (On one floor or a combo of floors)
- 1/2/3 floors may have a different color, type of brick or be of limestone block
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.3.1)
A company Officer conducting drill on Class 2 High Ride Residential Buildings was correct when he stated the horizontal bands or belt courses of masonry?
A) Are usually present below the windows on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floors of Class 2 residential buildings, although they may be located below only one of the floors, all or any combination.
B) Are usually present above the windows of any of the top three full floors of Class 2 Residential buildings, although they may be found above only one of the floors, all or any combination.
C) Clearly indicate a Fire Resistive building as they are always found somewhere on these Class 2 High Rise Residential Buildings.
D) Typically indicate a Class 2 Building, but may also be found on Class 1 HRFPMD.
ANSWER: D) Typically indicate a Class 2 Building, but may also be found on Class 1 HRFPMD.
A - Present ABOVE windows on 1/2/3 floors, may be located ABOVE only one floor, all floors or a combination of floors.
B - Present BELOW windows on top three floors, may be located BELOW only one floor, all floors or a combination of floors.
C - TYPICALLY indicate a Fire Resistive building as they are USUALLY found somewhere on Class 2 buildings.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.3)
Class 2 Fire Resistive High Rise Residential Buildings may be found to have all of the structural elements below except which?
A) Wood framing
B) Wood flooring
C) Wood stairways
D) Steel channel rails framed out with wood.
ANSWER: C) Wood stairways
- No wooden stairways in Class 2 HRR buildings.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.3.2)
In most Class 2 High Rise Residential buildings that are divided into wings, members may transverse from one wing to another via all of the following methods except?
A) Cellar
B) Lobby
C) Top floor
D) Roof
E) A shared fire stair
ANSWER: C) Top floor
- Members may transverse wings through the CELLAR / LOBBY / ROOF / SHARED FIRE STAIR.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.5.1)
Fire stairs found in Class2 High Rise Residential buildings are usually used by occupants as a second means of egress. These stairs act as a fire escape placed on the inside of the building and may be open, enclosed or shared. Regarding these fire stairs, it would be incorrect to state that?
A) An enclosed fire stair is a stair separated from an apartment door by a fire rated door
B) An open fire stair is a stair with no fire rated door between the apartment door and the stair.
C) A shared fire stair is an open stairway shared by apartments in two separate wings.
D) The enclosed fire stair is the most common fire stair encountered.
ANSWER: D) The enclosed fire stair is the most common fire stair encountered. (INCORRECT)
- The OPEN FIRE STAIR is the most common
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.5.3)
Which type of open stair usually contains a standpipe, an elevator, and doors to apartments that are NOT the main entrance to those apartments?
A) Service stair
B) Primary open stair
C) Open fire stair
D) Shared fire stair
ANSWER: A) Service stair
FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR pg 95
A member assigned the OV position is operating at a fire on the 16th floor of an 18 story, Class 2 HRR Building which has a fire escape that services the fire apartment. In this situation, the member would be most correct to think that he?
A) May use the fire escape without making any notifications, if he deems the fire escape is safe.
B) Must notify his company officer prior to using the fire escape
C) Must notify the IC prior to using the fire escape.
D) Should never use any fire escape above the 10th floor of a High Rise Residential Building.
ANSWER: B) Must notify his company officer prior to using the fire escape.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.5.4)
First alarm units arrive at a heavy fire condition out of two windows on the 2nd floor of an 8 story Class 2 HRR building. Which action was correct?
A) The 1st Engine Officer transmitted a 10-75 and requested an extra Engine and Ladder.
B) The 1st Engine hand stretched an 1 3/4” line to the 2nd floor to attack the fire
C) The 3rd Engine assisted with getting the 1st line into operation because the fire apartment was very large. This officer notified both the IC and 4th Engine Officer of his actions.
D) Members began removing overcome civilians found in the hallways on the 8th floor and insured they communicated with both the IC and 2nd ladder officer regarding these removals.
ANSWER: C) The 3rd Engine assisted with getting the 1st line into operation because the fire apartment was very large. This officer notified both the IC and 4th Engine Officer of his actions.
A - Transmit a 10-77
B - ALWAYS 2 1/2” for fires in Class 2 HR
D - Communicate with FIRST LADDER AND IC because the first truck may choose to delay their attack if there are a lot of people in the stairway, especially if the stairs are open.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.7.3)
At 0300 hours, first alarm units arrive at a fire on the 6th floor of a 12 story Class 2 High Ride Residential building that has open interior stairs as the only access to the roof. In this situation, the 1st ladder officer would be correct to think that?
A) The IC must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted.
B) If roof access is feasible, one member must be assigned to vent the roof, unless the stairway is an IDLH, then two members must be assigned.
C) The fire apartment door must be controlled until members verify their arrival on the roof and the bulkhead door is closed or they have attained an area of refuge.
D) If door control cannot be maintained after members are deployed, the ladder officer should immediately cancel the roof ventilation order.
ANSWER: C) The fire apartment door must be controlled until members verify their arrival on the roof and the bulkhead door is closed or they have attained an area of refuge.
A - 1st LADDER OFFICER decides whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted.
B - TWO members must be assigned to vent the roof whether the stairway is an IDLH or not.
D - If door control can’t be maintained the 1st Ladder Officer must COMMUNICATE THIS INFORMATION TO THE MEMBERS ASCENDING TO THE ROOF.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.2)
At 0300 hours, first alarm units arrive at a fire on the 6th floor of a 12 story Class 2 High Ride Residential building that has open interior stairs as the only access to the roof. When the 1st Roof FF is proceeding to ventilate the roof via an open interior stairway, they should be teamed with another member who can be either the 2nd Roof FF or the __________________?
A) 1st OV FF or Forcible Entry FF
B) 1st LCC or 1st Extinguisher FF
C) 1st Extinguisher FF or 1st Forcible Entry FF
D) 1st OV or 1st LCC
ANSWER: C) 1st Extinguisher FF or 1st Forcible Entry FF
- Great test point (One member of inside team can accompany ROOF FF to the roof)
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.2)
Which Roof FF should bring the LSR and Life Belt as part of their tool assignment at a Class 2, HRR building fire?
A) The 1sr Roof FF only
B) The 2nd Roof FF only
C) Both Roof FFs
D) Neither Roof FFs
ANSWER: B) The 2nd Roof FF only
FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.9
The priority order for access to the roof in Class 2, HRR buildings, for both the 1st and 2nd Roof FFs is?
A) Adjoining building / unaffected stair with roof access / Aerial / Fire escape / Open Stair
B) Remote or unaffected stair with roof access / Open stairs / Adjoining Building / Fire escape / Aerial
Remote or unaffected stair with roof access
C) Remote or unaffected stair with roof access / Adjoining Building / Aerial / Fire escape / Open stairs
D) Remote or unaffected stair with roof access / Adjoining Building / Aerial / Open Stairs / Fire escape
ANSWER: C) Remote or unaffected stair with roof access / Adjoining Building / Aerial / Fire escape / Open stairs.
R - Remote / unaffected stair with roof access
A - Adjoining Building
L - Aerial Ladder
F - Fire escape
O - Open stair
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.9)
Which point conerning the 1st ladder company operations at Class 2, HRR buildings is stated incorrectly?
A) In any instance where the 1st OV FF operates on the exterior of the building, the 1st Ladder Officer must be informed.
B) The first Roof FF should bring a Halligan, Maul/Axe and Hydra Ram
C) All members of the first Ladder will generally operate as LRFPMD FFP.
D) In an isolated roof building with open stairs, the 1st Ladder Officer will need to coordinate apartment entry with both roof access and floor above access.
ANSWER: C) All members of the first Ladder will generally operate as LRFPMD FFP. (INCORRECT)
- 1st ROOF FF and 1st LCC FF operate as per LRFPMD tactics for Class 2 HRR buildings.
- All other members operate as per HRFPMD tactics.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.4)
The 2nd Ladder company duties for fires in Class 2 High Rise Residential MDs are stated correctly in all points below except which?
A) Ensure all elevators are recalled and searched and ensure that all evacuation stair doors (if any) are closed on the fire floor.
B) Communicate with the 1st Ladder upon arrival to determine if their assistance is needed on the fire floor.
C) Ensure the KO Curtain is brought by the Inside Team and be ready to deploy it from the apartment above the fire.
D) For fires on the top two floors, ensure the KO curtain is brought to the roof.
ANSWER: D) For fires on the top two floors, ensure the KO curtain is brought to the roof. (INCORRECT)
- For TOP FLOOR FIRES bring the KO Curtain to roof.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.7)
At a fire in a Class 2 High Rise Residential building, the 2nd Roof FF would be correct to take which action?
A) Always proceed to the roof to assist the 1st Roof FF
B) Bring a Halligan Hook, Maul/Axe, LSR and Life Belt
C) Assist with any LSR rescue that is being conducted from a lower floor below the roof.
D) Normally bring the LSR to the roof
ANSWER: C) Assist with any LSR rescue that is being conducted from a lower floor below the roof.
A - GENERALLY proceeds to roof to assist 1st Roof FF / unless assisting in a roof rope rescue on floor above fire
B - 1st Roof brings Halligan, Maul/Axe and Hydra ram. 2nd Roof FF takes HALLIGAN HOOK, HALLIGAN, LSR and LIFE BELT.
D - PRIOR to proceeding to the Roof, he brings the LSR to the floor above the fire. If fire is WITHIN 2 FLOORS of the roof proceed to the roof with the LSR.
(FFP - MDs Class 2 HRR 8.8.9)
First alarm units arrive at a fire on the 16th floor of an 18 story Class 2 HRR building. In this situation, the 2nd Roof FF would be correct to bring the LSR to the ___________________?
A) 16th floor
B) 17th floor
C) 18th floor
D) Roof
ANSWER: B) 17th floor
18th FLOOR
17th FLOOR
16th FLOOR
16th to 17th = 1 floor
17th to 18th = 1 floor
18th to roof = 1 floor
- In this scenario the fire floor (16th floor) IS NOT within TWO FLOORS of the roof.
- The 16th floor is THREE FLOORS (3 flights of stairs) from the roof.
- LSR is brought to the floor ABOVE the fire (17th)
(FFP - MDs Class 2 8.8.9)
You’re an engine company officer responding first due to a reported fire in the cellar of an old law tenement. CIDS information indicates that there are window bars on the first floor, a wide well-hole, and a BILCO door in the rear which gives access to the cellar. On arrival, you give a 10-75 for a confirmed fire in the cellar. Which of the following points regarding hoseline placement at this fire is incorrect?
A) You ordered the first line stretched to the cellar entrance door located inside the building, under the interior stairway on the first floor.
B) At this operation, the first line should not be advanced down the interior stairs to the cellar unless the fire is minor.
C)The second line is stretched to the first floor to backup the first line or, if not needed, advanced down the interior stairs to the cellar.
D) The first line remained on the first floor to provide protection from people coming down the stairway and to extinguish fire which may be extending upwards from the cellar
ANSWER: C)The second line is stretched to the first floor to backup the first line or, if not needed, advanced down the interior stairs to the cellar. (INCORRECT)
- The second hoseline stretched should be advanced into the cellar by way of the FRONT OR REAR entrance to the cellar.
(MDs 4.2.1, 4.2.3)
Which member is responsible to chock open the front entrance door at a multiple dwelling when the door is equipped with a self closing locking device?
A) 1st Ladder Officer
B) 2nd Ladder Officer
C) 1st Engine Officer
D) First member entering the building
ANSWER: D) First member entering the building.
- If the entrance door to the building is self-closing and equipped with a locking device, the FIRST MEMBER ENTERING THE BUILDING should use a chock, rug or other means of preventing the door from locking and thereby delaying other members trying to enter the building.
(Multiple Dwellings sec 3.2.2)
The incorrect procedure when operating at a multiple dwelling can be found in which choice?
A) Officers must not permit any material to be thrown out of windows unnecessarily. No material shall be thrown onto roofs of building setbacks or into open shafts
B: In an effort not to break windows unnecessarily, windows should be opened 2/3’s from the top and 1/3 from the bottom to allow heat and smoke to vent and cool air to enter the room
C: It is the responsibility of the 1st Ladder Company to arrive to determine the location of the fire, whether it is extending and, if so, where it is extending
D: When serious fires occur on the top floor or in the cockloft, it may be necessary to cut openings in the roof to ventilate and stop the horizontal spread of the fire
ANSWER: A) Officers must not permit any material to be thrown out of windows unnecessarily. No material shall be thrown onto roofs of building setbacks or into open shafts. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 3.3.4)
A - No material shall be thrown onto roofs of building setbacks or into NARROW shafts.
The most correct signal to transmit as the 1st arriving officer for 2 floors of fire in an OLT can be found in which choice?
A) 10-75 only
B) 10-75 with an extra engine and truck
C) 2nd alarm on arrival
D) 3rd alarm on arrival
ANSWER: B) 10-75 with an extra engine and truck
- 2 floors of fire in OLT or NLT 10-75 extra engine and truck
(Multiple Dwellings sec 3.4.6)
When operating at multiple dwelling fires, all of the following engine company operations should be adhered to except?
A) A roof line should be used only to prevent fire from extending past the trench, to protect exposures, or to extinguish fire that cannot be reached below, such as fire in a cornice
B) The third line in the building should usually be stretched via the fire escape or rope stretch via a window
C) The purpose of the 1st line being stretched up the interior stairs is to protect the primary means of egress for occupants evacuating the building and to confine and extinguish the fire
D) If a roof line is needed, it should be stretched up the aerial for speed
ANSWER: D) If a roof line is needed, it should be stretched up the aerial for speed
(Multiple Dwellings 3.2.8)
- Aerial ladders SHOULD NOT be tied up by stretching lines up them.
The 5 conditions that must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur include all of the following except?
A) Failed or opened window anywhere in the fire apartment
B) Wind
C) Fire in an apartment
D) Fire apartment door leading to the public hall left open or not fully closed
E) An area of low pressure such as an opened stairwell door, or an opened apartment door on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment
ANSER: A) Failed or opened window anywhere in the fire apartment. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings Add 3 sec 2.2)
- Failed or opened window IN THE FIRE ROOM
To provide easy access and reduce damage to NYCHA building entry doors and elevator machinery rooms, key FOBs and elevator machinery room keys have been issued to all FDNY units. Choose the most correct statement regarding these keys.
A) Should the key FOB fail to unlock the building entry door, resort to conventional forcible entry techniques
B) When an FDNY unit receives an Elevator Machinery Room key, the officer on duty shall record the serial number in the Office Record Journal
C) If the key FOB or Elevator Machinery Room key is lost or damaged, the officer on duty shall complete and forward a FS-112 (lost property report) via chain of command
D) Any unit that forces a NYCHA building entry door or elevator machinery room door shall forward a letterhead report via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations with full particulars
ANSWER: D) Any unit that forces a NYCHA building entry door or elevator machinery room door shall forward a letterhead report via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations with full particulars.
(Multiple Dwellings add 4)
A - The entry door can be unlocked remotely by NYCHA Security. This can be done by calling the 24 hour NYCHA Emergency number, either directly or through the dispatcher. Units can also seek assistance from the building management office at the premise location.
B - When an FDNY unit receives a key FOB, the office on duty shall record the serial number in the Office Record Journal…Elevator Machinery Room keys are standard issue and do not have serial numbers….sec 2.1 and 3.1
C - Call the 24 hour NYCHA emergency number to obtain new keys. If the loss or damage involves the key FOB, the serial number must be provided…sec 3.3
D - Also notify NYCHA via dispatcher that a door has been forced.
According to FFP - Multiple Dwellings, the incorrect procedure, when resorting to outside streams, can be found in which choice?
A) The use of outside streams into a building can cause injuries to members operating inside the building. Except in extreme lifesaving instances, outside streams may be used without warning members and ensuring members are in a safe location
B) Outside streams should be used in one position only as long as necessary to extinguish visible fire
C) Only the IC may order the use of outside streams. This may be the first arriving officer
D) Some of the situations which may call for the use of outside streams include: protect life by putting a stream between the fire and the occupants, to protect exposures, to confine the fire, and to diminish heavy fire so that an interior attack can be made
ANSWER: A) The use of outside streams into a building can cause injuries to members operating inside the building. Except in extreme lifesaving instances, outside streams may be used without warning members and ensuring members are in a safe location. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings p-13)
- The use of outside streams into a building can cause injuries to members operating inside the building. Except in extreme lifesaving instances, members inside the building must be warned, and moved to safe location BEFORE outside streams are directed into the building. This safe location must be verified by radio or personal contact, by the IC
You arrive at a store fire on the first floor of a mixed occupancy old law tenement. The IC tells you to proceed to the first due engine and stretch the second hoseline. You would be correct to stretch this hose line to what location?
A) To the involved store as a backup line.
B) Immediately to the floor above.
C) To the entrance hallway.
D) Immediately to the top floor.
ANSWER: C) To the entrance hallway.
(Multiple Dwellings 4.3.1)
- At a store fire in an OLT a 2 ½ shall be stretched for LARGE volume fires and a SECOND LINE STRETCHED TO THE ENTRANCE HALLWAY.
The incorrect procedure when operating at an OLT can be found in which choice?
A) A 2 1/2” line should be stretched for a store fire when there is a medium size fire
B) For a store fire, the 2nd line is stretched to the hallway entrance
C) For a stairway fire, the first hoseline should be stretched up the stairway, operated to extinguish fire, shut down and advanced further up the stairway. When possible, the line should be operated up the well hole to cool off the hall and stairs above. This procedure should be repeated until line is advanced to the top floor
D) For a stairway fire, portable ladders may be placed over weakened, damaged or burnt-out stairs in order to safely gain access to upper stories of a building. The preferred ladder for this is the extension ladder, rather than a straight ladder
ANSWER: A) A 2 1/2” line should be stretched for a store fire when there is a medium size fire (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 4.3.1)
- 2 1/2” for LARGE VOLUME OF FIRE.
During a fire in a High-Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling, which Engine Company is responsible for placing the High-Rise Nozzle (HRN) into operation?
A) 2nd assigned Engine
B) 3rd assigned Engine
C) 4th assigned Engine
D) 5th assigned Engine
ANSWER: D) 5th assigned Engine
(Multiple Dwellings sec 6.11)
- If the 5th assigned Engine Company is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned to the 10-77
Units are operating at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story old law tenement. Hoselines are deployed in the following manner. Which line is deployed correctly?
A) In all cases, the first line must be stretched to the 3rd floor via the interior stairs.
B) After receiving a report that the fire is about to extend across a narrow shaft to exposure 2, the IC orders the 2nd line stretched to that exposure.
C) At this fire, the second line is usually stretched by way of the interior stairs to the 4th floor.
D) The 3rd hoseline is usually stretched via the interior stairs to a floor above the fire.
ANSWER: B) After receiving a report that the fire is about to extend across a narrow shaft to exposure 2, the IC orders the 2nd line stretched to that exposure.
(Multiple Dwellings 3.2.2; 3.2.11)
A - In MOST CASES, the first line is stretched via the interior stairs to the location of the fire. An EXCEPTION to stretching the first line up the interior stairs may be made when FLAME is issuing from windows opening onto the fire escape and endangering people trying to come down the fire escape. In this case, the first line may be operated from the street to protect people on the fire escape. A second line should be promptly stretched to the interior of the building.
C - The second line is usually stretched by way of the interior stairs to THE SAME FLOOR AS THE FIRST LINE. IF NOT NEEDED ON THE ORIGINAL FIRE FLOOR, it is advanced to the floor above.
D - The third line in the building is usually stretched via the FIRE ESCAPE OR ROPE STRETCH via a window.
NOTE B: In some cases, the second or third lines may be urgently needed in one of the exposures. The decision as to the location to which these lines shall be stretched rests with the Incident Commander, and is based on his/her size-up of the fire situation. For example, at a fire in an Old Law Tenement it is often necessary to stretch the second or third line into Exposure 2 or 4 because fire has extended, or is about to extend, across the narrow shaft or shafts between buildings.
A Flanking strategy is the application of water from inside the fire building to control the main body of fire via a non-frontal attack. From the choices listed below, select the most correct procedure for the Flanking strategy.
A) A small opening is made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the interior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path
B) Initially, the hole in the wall should be large enough for the entire nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
C) With the fire apartment door left open, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope
D) With the fire apartment door left closed, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope
ANSWER: C) With the fire apartment door left open, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope.
(Multiple Dwellings add 3 sec 4.2.4)
A - A small opening is made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the EXTERIOR wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path
B - Initially, the hole in the wall should be ONLY large enough for the MAIN STREAM TIP of the NOZZLE to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
D - With the fire apartment door left closed, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the hoseline will be stretched via the fire floor public hallway into the adjoining apartment to operate into the fire apartment.
Which statement is incorrect regarding Low Rise Fireproof MD’s (LRFPMD)?
A) 1st arriving Ladder Company ensures elevators are recalled and searched
B) Emphasis will generally be placed on venting the attack stair bulkhead after approval of the IC
C) If the hallways in these structures are small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1” 3/4 hose can be stretched from the pumper when compatible with fire conditions
D) If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall proceed to the fire floor to team up with their officer and assist in the search of the fire floor hallway and fire apt
ANSWER: A) 1st arriving Ladder Company ensures elevators are recalled and searched. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 7.2)
- 1st arriving Ladder recalls the elevator.
- The 2nd arriving Ladder shall ENSURE all elevators are recalled and searched.
The incorrect tactic, when operating at an old law tenement (OLT), can be found in which choice?
A) At least the first length of hose should be brought up to the fire floor and the hose strap attached to prevent hose from slipping back down the well hole of the stairway
B) If there is fire in two apartments on a floor or fire involves an apartment from front to rear, two lines may be needed on that floor
C) If people are out on the fire escape when the first engine company arrives, and it appears that those people are in danger because of fire coming out of the windows, then the first engine will quickly stretch one line and provide protection to the people on the fire escape on the street, while the second arriving engine stretches the second line to the fire floor for extinguishment.
D) Engine companies with lines in exposures can extinguish a great deal of fire in the fire building by operating cross the shaft. However, this should not be done without permission of the IC
ANSWER: C) If people are out on the fire escape when the first engine company arrives, and it appears that those people are in danger because of fire coming out of the windows, then the first engine will quickly stretch one line and provide protection to the people on the fire escape on the street, while the second arriving engine stretches the second line to the fire floor for extinguishment.
(Multiple Dwelling secs 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5)
- If people are out on the fire escape when the first engine company arrives, and it appears that those people are in danger because of fire coming out of the windows, then two lines should be stretched. One line will remain in the street to protect the people on the fire escape and the other line will be taken into the building.
When operating at an air/light shaft fire, the incorrect procedure can be found in which choice?
A) A hoseline should be stretched to the nearest point from which water can be directed onto fire in the shaft. Sufficient hose must be stretched to reach the upper floors of the building
B) A second hoseline may be necessary if it appears that fire might have extended into adjoining building
C) Shafts may be open or covered. It is important to ventilate those shafts with skylights or any other covering
D) For fires in rooms in the vicinity of a shaft, first operate line into the shaft knocking down all visible fire, before extinguishing fire in the room
ANSWER: D) For fires in rooms in the vicinity of a shaft, first operate line into the shaft knocking down all visible fire, before extinguishing fire in the room. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings sec 4.7)
- For fires in rooms in the vicinity of a shaft, after the fire in the room has been knocked down, the line should be operated into the shaft in order to knock down the shaft fire before continuing through the apartment for knockdown and final extinguishment.
Generally, wind moving across a roof level in a Multiple Dwelling will cause a _________ pressure to be created, which can _________ positive stack effect inside the stairwell, regardless of which side of the building the wind is impacting or the position of the bulkhead on the roof.
A) higher / decrease
B) lower / decrease
C) higher / increase
D) lower / increase
ANSWER: D) lower / increase
(MDs 6.2.2)
- Wind blowing across roof level into an open roof bulkhead door will cause heat and smoke to flow DOWNWARD.
At a HRFPMD apartment fire, ventilation of the fire apartment should take place _________________.
A) After the main body of fire is controlled
B) After the main body of fire is knocked down
C) As soon as water is on the fire
D) As the hose line advance begins
ANSWER: A) After the main body of fire is controlled
(MDs 6.3.1)
Fire apartment vent - after fire is “controlled”
Attack Stair vent - after fire is “knocked down”
Elevator Machinery room - after fire is “under control”
At a HRFPMD apartment fire, ventilation of the attack stairway should take place _________________.
A) After the main body of fire is controlled
B) After the main body of fire is knocked down
C) As soon as water is on the fire
D) As the hose line advance begins
ANSWER: B) After the main body of fire is knocked down
(MDs 6.3.4)
Fire apartment vent - after fire is “controlled”
Attack Stair vent - after fire is “knocked down”
Elevator Machinery room - after fire is “under control”
Regarding ventilation at HRFPMD fires, it is incorrect to state that?
A) The attack stairway will be the primary means of vertical ventilation.
B) The evacuation stair may be used for venting the fire floor, if necessary.
C) Positive pressure fans may be used to clear smoke from a stair before attack commences.
D) All members will be notified of the stair being used for ventilation and smoke removal.
ANSWER: B) The evacuation stair may be used for venting the fire floor, if necessary. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.3.4)
- Stairways OTHER THAN EVACUATION may be used for venting the fire floor.
Regarding elevator operations in Multiple Dwellings, which is the only correct statement below?
A) The 3rd arriving Ladder shall ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched.
B) The IC must ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched before leaving the scene.
C) The 1st arriving Ladder shall recall and search the elevators, whether they will be used or not.
D) The 2nd arriving Ladder shall ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched.
ANSWER: D) The 2nd arriving Ladder shall ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched.
(MDs 6.4.2)
A - 2nd due ensures elevators are recalled and searched
C - 1st Ladder RECALLS only (whether or not elevators are to be used)
The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level of Multiple Dwellings should not be used for ventilation pruposes _________________________.
A) Until the fire is under control
B) Until the fire is probably will hold
C) Until the fire is knocked down
D) Under any circumstances
ANSWER: A) Until the fire is under control
(MDs 6.4.3)
Fire apartment vent - after fire is “controlled”
Attack Stair vent - after fire is “knocked down”
Elevator Machinery room - after fire is “under control”
At a fire in a HRFPMD, the FAST Unit and CFRD Engine shall be assigned to the Fire Sector if the fire is above the ______ floor.
A) 8th
B) 6th
C) 7th
D) 5th
ANSWER: B) 6th
MDs 6.6.3
Variations from stretching hoselines from standpipe outlets on a floor below the fire in a HRFPMD due to building configuration must ___________________.
A) Never be approved
B) Be approved by the Division Commander
C) Be approved by the Chief of Operations
D) Be approved by the Borough Commander
ANSWER: B) Be approved by the Division Commander
MDs 6.7.1
At a fire in a HRFPMD, an Engine Company Officer should call for a fog tip to be brought to the fire floor to vent the fire apartment after the fire is extinguished when?
A) To assist the positive pressure fans which are being used to vent the fire apartment.
B) Immediately after the fire is extinguished.
C) Only if the positive pressure fans are ineffective in venting the fire apartment.
D) Immediately after the fire is under control.
ANSWER: C) Only if the positive pressure fans are ineffective in venting the fire apartment.
(MDs 6.7.5)
Which Engine is tasked with helping the 1st Engine to ensure the Siamese is supplied if there are issues such as a long stretch, broken Siamese, frozen hydrants etc?
A) 3rd Engine to arrive
B) 4th Engine to arrive
C) 5th Engine to arrive
D) 2nd Engine to arrive
ANSWER: D) 2nd Engine to arrive
MDs 6.8.2
The 2nd line at a fire in a HRFPMD may be used to? (More than 1 correct)
A) Backup the 1st line
B) Operate into a breach
C) Operate on the floor above for fire exposure
D) Advance with the 1st line
E) Operate the High Rise Nozzle
(MDs 6.9.4)
2nd Line at HRFPMD can:
Backup the 1st line
Operate into a breach
Operate on the floor above for fire exposure
Advance with the 1st line
Operate the High Rise Nozzle
At a fire in a HRFPMD, the KO Curtain shall be brought to the floor above by which members?
A) 1st and 3rd Roof FFs
B) 2nd and 3rd Roof FFs
C) 1st and 2nd Roof FFs
D) 2nd and 4th Roof FFs
ANSWER: A) 1st and 3rd Roof FFs
MDs 6.14.4 / 6.15.4 / 6.16.4
At a fire in a HRFPMD, the LSR shall be brought to the floor above by which member?
A) 4th Roof FF
B) 2nd Roof FF
C) 3rd Roof FF
D) 1st Roof FF
ANSWER: B) 2nd Roof FF
MDs 6.14.4 / 6.15.4 / 6.16.4
You are the Officer of the 2nd due Ladder at a fire on the 15th floor of a HRFPMD. You should know that all of your responsibilites include the following except which?
A) Control ventilation in areas other than the fire apartment as directed by the IC.
B) Search the evacuation stairway for 5 floors above the fire floor.
C) Ensure all evacuation doors are closed on the fire floor.
D) Coordinate WCD deployment, if ordered by the IC.
E) Ensure all elevators are recalled and searched.
F) Search the public hallway on the fire floor
ANSWER: B) Search the evacuation stairway for 5 floors above the fire floor. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.15.1)
- Search ATTACK STAIR for 5 floors above fire
The ________ shall confirm evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor and maintained closed by positioning members on the __________ side.
A) 4th ladder / stairwell
B) 4th ladder / hallway
C) 3rd ladder / stairwell
D) 3rd ladder / hallway
ANSWER: C) 3rd ladder / stairwell
The Ventilation Support Group will be the _______ assigned on the 10-77 for a fire in a HRFPMD.
A) 7th ladder
B) 8th ladder
C) 6th ladder
D) 5th ladder
ANSWER: C) 6th ladder
MDs 6.19
The priority order for use of the PPV fans at a fire in a HRFPMD are?
A) Pressurize evacuation stair for smoke and CO control / Pressurize the attack stairs to support the fire attack / Ventilate the public hallways for smoke and CO control
B) Pressurize the attack stairs to support the fire attack / Pressurize evacuation stair for smoke and CO control /
Ventilate the public hallways for smoke and CO control
C) Ventilate public hallways for smoke and CO control / Pressurize the attack stairs to support the fire attack / Pressurize evacuation stair for smoke and CO control
D) Pressurize evacuation stair for smoke and CO control / Ventilate the public hallways for smoke and CO control / Pressurize the attack stairs to support the fire attack
ANSWER: B) Pressurize the attack stairs to support the fire attack / Pressurize evacuation stair for smoke and CO control /Ventilate the public hallways for smoke and CO control.
(MDs 6.19.2 C)
Attack / Evacuation / Public Hallway
The 2008 NYC Building Code requires _________ voice communications from the Fire Command Center to all stairways and dwellings for all new R-2 buildings greater than ________ in height?
A) Two way / 125 feet
B) One way / 125 feet
C) Two way / 150 feet
D) One way / 150 feet
ANSWER: B) One way / 125 feet
MDs 6.12.2
What is the most common roof found in a NLT?
A) Springy roof where the main roof beams are several feet above the top floor ceiling beams.
B) Sturdy, inverted roof
C) Springy, inverted roof
D) Sturdy roof where the main roof beams are several feet above the top floor ceiling beams.
ANSWER: D) Sturdy roof where the main roof beams are several feet above the top floor ceiling beams.
(MDs 5.4.2 B)
Of the following types of stairs found in various MDs, which are described as being a tremendous asset at fire operations?
A) Wing
B) Scissor
C) Isolated
D) Transverse
ANSWER: D) Transverse
(MDs 5.2.5)
- Their layouts ease evacuation, assist in examination and permit lines to be stretched to any apartment via any stairs.
Regarding the use of steel used in NLT’s, it would be incorrect to state?
A) Steel when heated, expands and can elongate substantially at fires.
B) Columns are also known as channel rails.
C) Steel when heated to high temperatures may fail.
D) I-shape columns and I-beams can transmit fire, heat and smoke.
ANSWER: D) I-shape columns and I-beams can transmit fire, heat and smoke. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 5.2.3)
- H-SHAPE COLUMNS and I-beams can transmit fire, heat and smoke.
NLT’s built before 1929 may contain all of the following except?
A) Dividing walls creating floor areas of 2500 square feet or less.
B) Steel I-beams
C) Dividing walls up to the underside of the roof boards
D) Steel columns
ANSWER: C) Dividing walls up to the underside of the roof boards. (INCORRECT)
(MDs pg 3)
“30 - 30” rule
Before 1930 - 2,500 sq feet
After 1930 - 3,000 sq feet
“CUT 234”
1916 to 1929 (Top floor of Ceiling)
1930 to 1940 (Underside of roof boards)
After 1940 (Top of roof boards)
For an apartment fire in an OLT, which line may be stretched to exposure 2 or exposure 4?
A) The 2nd or 3rd line only if fire has actually extended across a shaft into an exposure.
B) The 2nd or 3rd line, if fire has actually extended or is about to extend across a shaft into an exposure.
C) The 2nd line, only if fire has actually extended across a shaft into an exposure.
D) The 3rd line if fire has actually extended or is about to extend across a shaft into an exposure.
ANSWER: B) The 2nd or 3rd line, if fire has actually extended or is about to extend across a shaft into an exposure.
(MDs 3.2.11)
At a store fire in an OLT, it would be incorrect to state?
A) No plate glass windows are to be broken without a charged line ready.
B) A 2 1/2” line must be stretched for large or medium fires.
C) Metal ceilings can communicate heat to the 2nd floor
D) Store ceilings are usually constructed of metal panels.
ANSWER: B) A 2 1/2” line must be stretched for large or medium fires. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 4.3.1 / 4.3.2 / 4.3.3)
- LARGE fires only
Regarding “Rear Tenements” it would be incorrect to state?
A) They range from 2-5 stories
B) The distance between the front and rear building is usually 10-25 feet.
C) They are all of Class 3 NFP construction.
D) Raising ladders at the rear tenement may be a problem.
ANSWER: C) They are all of Class 3 NFP construction. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 4.8.8)
- FRAME CLASS 4 or Class 3 construction.
Regarding channel rails used in construciton of various Multiple Dwellings, it would be incorrect to state that?
A) Some vertical voids may contain channel rails along with the waste and water pipes.
B) The main concern is that they are not fire stopped
C) They are vertical columns found from the foundation to the cockloft.
D) They are located in voids about 2 feet square.
ANSWER: D) They are located in voids about 2 feet square. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 5.2.6 A)
Cellars in NLTs and apartment houses have all of the following construction features except which?
A) Holes for wiring or pipes to upper floors that are always sealed and totally reliable.
B) Concrete ceilings, rated at 2 hour fire resistance.
C) Wood sleepers are embedded in the top of the concrete to nail to the first floor floorboards.
D) Fireproof construction throughout the cellar.
ANSWER: A) Holes for wiring or pipes to upper floors that are always sealed and totally reliable. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 5.8.1)
- They are USUALLY sealed / full reliance cannot be made
Trenching of a roof in a MD is a defensive operation. Effective trenches have all of the following characteristics except?
A) At least 3 feet wide
B) Not opened until there is an adequate vent opening directly over the fire.
C) Two or more inspection holes may be cut on the fire side on the trench.
D) Pulled when the fire passes the inspection holes.
ANSWER: D) Pulled when the fire passes the inspection holes. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 5.9.9 B)
- When fire REACHES the inspection holes
The most probable point of vertical fire extension in an H-Type is?
A) Waste pipe voids
B) Closets
C) Vertical Steel Channels
D) Dumbwaiter shafts
ANSWER: C) Vertical Steel Channels
MDs 5.10.1
Members operating at a fire in a HRFPMD would be incorrect to think?
A) The attack stair door should be the only stair door that should be left open on the fire floor.
B) Smoke will travel via vertical shafts, most notably the stairwells and elevator shafts.
C) The Borough Dispatcher and members on scene must be notified of the evacuation stair letter designation.
D) If there are enclosed stairwells, doors to any and all evacuation stairs must be maintained closed on the fire floor.
ANSWER: C) The Borough Dispatcher and members on scene must be notified of the evacuation stair letter designation. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.1)
- Must be notified of ATTACK STAIR letter designation
Regarding smoke movement at an apartment fire in a FPMD, it is incorrect to state?
A) Smoke and hot fire gases increase the air pressure inside a fire apartment.
B) Higher air pressure will always travel towards areas of low pressure.
C) Vertical vent will only be performed at the direction of the IC or Fire Sector Supervisor.
D) Lower air pressure areas include public hallways, vertical shafts, stairways and elevators.
ANSWER: C) Vertical vent will only be performed at the direction of the IC or Fire Sector Supervisor. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.2.2)
Regarding the effects of wind on HRFPMDs, it is least correct to state what?
A) Wind creates low pressure within the structure on the leeward side of the building.
B) Wind blowing into an apartment after a fire is controlled will push smoke to higher pressure areas.
C) Wind creates high pressure within the structure on the windward side of the building.
D) The degree of increased internal pressure depends on the extent of the leakage.
ANSWER: B) Wind blowing into an apartment after a fire is controlled will push smoke to higher pressure areas. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.2.2)
- Will push smoke to LOWER pressure areas.
If a unit loses or damages a NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA) key FOB, the Officer on duty should contact _____________ to obtain a new key.
A) Research and Development
C) FDNY Tech Services
D) Their administrative Division
(MD - Addendum 4 - 3.3)
- Call the NYCHA 24 hour emergency number
A unit that forces a NYCHA building entry door or elevator machinery room door shall notify NYCHA via the dispatcher that a door has been forced. In addition, the unit shall forward a letterhead report through the chain of command to the ________________ with full particulars.
A) Chief of Operations
B) Division Commander
C) Borough Commander
D) Chief of Department
ANSWER: A) Chief of Operations
MDs - Addendum 4 - 3.2
A “High Flow” reading registered on the Engine Company Apparatus Flow Meter indicates which possibilities? (More than 1 correct)
A) A Riser Control Valve may be closed
B) Standpipe outlet valve may be open.
C) A pipe may be fractured.
D) A Post Indicator Valve may be closed
B) Standpipe outlet valve may be open.
C) A pipe may be fractured.
(MDs 6.27.1)
You are the ECC of E239 at a fire in a HRFPMD on the 20th floor. After supplying the siamese and discovering there is not enough water pressure, you would know to communicate to the ____________ the ___________ reading.
A) Engine Officer / pressure
B) IC / pressure
C) Engine Officer / flow meter
D) IC / flow meter
D) IC / flow meter
MDs 6.27.1
Which statement regarding Duplex apartment fires is incorrect?
A) Most duplexes have two means of entrances from a public hallway or open air walkway.
B) The simplest duplex has all doors on the public hall entering apartments with identical floor layouts.
C) Sandwich apartments have only one public hall every 3 floors.
D) Sandwich apartments are found in groups of 3, with 3 separate doors that open on the same floor leading to 3 apartments that are found only on one level.
E) Duplex apartments may have stairs that lead up to the bedroom areas or stairs that go down to a second level below.
ANSWER: A) Most duplexes have two means of entrances from a public hallway or open air walkway. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.28.1)
- Most duplexes have ONE means of entry.
It would be incorrect to state that many newer types of HRFPMD apartments have?
A) Outside balconies that usually serve only one apartment.
B) Double 5/8” sheetrock walls.
C) Inadequate sealing of floor and ceiling areas, especially in kitchens and bathrooms.
D) Doors with no letter or number designations indicating that they are a second exit.
ANSWER: A) Outside balconies that usually serve only one apartment. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 6.28.1)
- Serving TWO (2) APARTMENTS
If a fire window faces onto a balcony or terrace in a HRFPMD, which of the following will be impossible to utilize on that window? (More than one correct)
A) High Rise Nozzle
B) KO Curtain
C) Fire Window Blanket
D) All of these tools will be obsolete in this situation
ANSWER: B) KO Curtain and C) Fire Window Blanket
(MDs 6.28.2)
- Curtain and Blanket cannot be used if there is a balcony or terrace.
Regarding the use of open interior stairs by the Roof FF to reach the roof in buildings with only one open interior stairway where the roof cannot be accessed via an aerial or TL, it would be correct to state?
A) If the stairway is an IDLH, it may not be used by the Roof FF.
B) The fire apartment door must be maintained closed until the Roof FF communicates to the IC that he is in a safe area and the bulkhead door is closed.
C) The fire apartment door must be maintained closed by either the Engine Officer or the Ladder Officer.
D) The Ladder Officer must grant permission for the Roof FF to use the stairs.
ANSWER: D) The Ladder Officer must grant permission for the Roof FF to use the stairs.
(MDs pg 86 Note)
A - If stairway is IDLH - Roof FF MUST TEAM UP
B - Roof FF communicates to LADDER OFFICER
C - Maintained closed by the LADDER OFFICER
You are the Officer of L131 assigned 1st due at a fire on the 12th floor of a HRFPMD. After reaching the 12th floor, you enter the fire floor hallway and find the fire apartment door in the closed position. You are then contacted by your Roof FF on the floor above stating “The windows in the fire apartment have not yet failed but be advised there is a heavy wind condition blowing into the apartment above”. You would know all of the following tactics would be correct except which?
A) A line can be advanced and charged at the fire apartment door.
B) A HRN should be ordered to the apartment on the floor below.
C) The IC shall assign a member with a TIC to scan the windows of the fire apartment.
D) A WCD may be deployed over an intact window on the orders of the Ladder Officer.
E) A WCD should be in position above, ready for immediate deployment.
ANSWER: D) A WCD may be deployed over an intact window on the orders of the Ladder Officer. (INCORRECT)
(MDs - Addendum 3 – 5.3)
- The INCIDENT COMMANDER may decide to deploy a WCD over an intact window.
With the 1st alarm assignment in position during a fire at LRFPMD, the FF that was in the correct position can be found in which choice?
A) When ordered, the venting of the attack stairway will be accomplished by the 1st and 2nd arriving Roof FFs.
B) If the fire floor can be laddered, then the 1st arriving OV/Roof team will perform VEIS from the exterior. Often the 4th floor can be reached with a 35’ portable ladder
C) 1st arriving Roof FF proceeded to the roof with a Halligan hook, Halligan, KO Curtain, and Life belt
D) 2nd arriving Ladder Company Forcible Entry team carried an Extinguisher, Hook, axe or maul, Halligan, Hydra-Ram, SCBAs, CO meter, TIC, and Window Blanket
ANSWER: A) When ordered, the venting of the attack stairway will be accomplished by the 1st and 2nd arriving Roof FFs.
(Multiple Dwellings 7.4)
A - Correct / Approval given by the IC.
B - OV/Chauffeur perform VEIS from exterior.
C - Halligan hook, Halligan, LIFE SAVING ROPE, and Life belt. Top floor fire, the 2nd arriving Roof FF to bring KO Curtain to Roof in lieu of the LSR.
All units are 10-84 and in position for a fire in apartment 12C on the 12th floor of a 18 story 100X100 High-Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling (HRFPMD). Choose the unit/member in the incorrect position.
A) The FAST Unit and CFR Engine staged on the 11th floor
B) With the door to the fire apartment left open, the first arriving engine charged the hoseline before exiting the attack stairway
C) The 2nd arriving engine obtained the Post Radio from the 2nd arriving BC and brought it to the standpipe outlet where the first hoseline is being connected and established a communications link on the Command Channel 2 if necessary.
D) The 1st and 3rd arriving Roof FFs brought the K.O. Curtain to the apartment directly above the fire
ANSWER: C) The 2nd arriving engine obtained the Post Radio from the 2nd arriving BC and brought it to the standpipe outlet where the first hoseline is being connected and established a communications link on the Command Channel 2 if necessary. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 6.8.2)
- Obtain Post Radio from FIRST ARRIVING BC.
A - FAST Unit and CFRD Engine staged on the floor below ready for rapid deployment when the fire is above the 6th floor
The Unit that is responsible to confirm the evacuation doors are closed on the fire floor in a HRFPMD can be found in which correct choice?
A) 3rd arriving ladder company
B) 2nd arriving ladder company
C) 1st arriving ladder company
D) Rescue company
ANSWER: A) 3rd arriving ladder company
(Multiple Dwellings 6.14.1)
- 1st arriving ladder CONTROLS.
- 2nd arriving ladder ENSURES.
- 3rd arriving ladder CONFIRMS.
The second hoseline at a high rise fireproof multiple dwelling may be used for which of the following? **1. Backup the first line. **2. Advance with the first line. **3. Operate the hi-rise nozzle. **4. Operate into a breach in the adjoining apartment wall while the first line is protecting the public hallway. **5. Operate on the floor above.
A) 1,2,3,4,5
B) 1,2,4,5
C) 1,2,3,4
D) 1,2,4
ANSWER: A) 1,2,3,4,5
(Multiple Dwellings 6.9.4)
During a fire in a LRFPMD, which unit shall ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched?
A) 1st arriving ladder company
B) 2nd arriving ladder company
C) Rescue
D) Squad
ANSWER: B) 2nd arriving ladder company
(Multiple Dwellings sec 7.2)
- 1st arriving ladder company shall recall the elevators, whether or not they will be used
- 2nd arriving ladder company shall ENSURE that all elevators are recalled and searched
With the 1st alarm assignment in position during a fire on the 3rd floor of a 6 sty LRFPMD, which member/tool assignment was incorrectly carried out?
A) 2nd due forcible entry team carried the Window Blanket to the floor above.
B) 1st due and 2nd due Roof FF proceeded to roof with Halligan hook, Halligan, and LSR, and Life Belt
C) The Roof FFs shall remain on the roof until the fire is Under Control and the interior stairway is safe to descend
D) If no outside operations, the 2nd due OV/Chauffeur Team shall proceed to the floors above the fire to assist in the search
ANSWER: A) 2nd due forcible entry team carried the Window Blanket to the floor above. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 7.8.1)
- 2nd due FE team carries KO CURTAIN to floor above
The five conditions that must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur can be correctly stated in all of the following except?
A) Failed or opened window anywhere in the fire apartment
B) Wind
C) Fire in the apartment
D) Fire apartment door leading to the public hall left open or not fully closed
E) An area of low pressure such as an opened stairwell door, or an opened apartment door on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment.
ANSWER: A) Failed or opened window anywhere in the fire apartment. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings sec 2.2)
- Failed or opened window IN THE FIRE ROOM
Select the incorrect tactic when operating at a HRFPMD.
A) Prior to advancing to the reported fire floor, member must gather information by surveying the floor below or two floors below if scissor stairs are present
B) All members must access the fire floor from the same stairway until the attack stairway has been determined
C) To simulate how the wind will flow through the apartment, the Roof FF shall operate on the floor above, and keep the apartment door closed and open a window.
D) When deploying a WCD (K.O. Curtain/Fire Blanket), the deployment window must be closed after deployment of the device
ANSWER: C) To simulate how the wind will flow through the apartment, the Roof FF shall operate on the floor above, and keep the apartment door closed and open a window. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 3.3.5)
- Open window AND open apartment door.
During a High Rise Fire Proof Multiple Dwelling fire, which FFs are responsible to bring the K.O. Curtain to the floor above?
A) 1st and 3rd Roof FFs
B) 1st and 2nd Roof FFs
C) 1st Roof FF and Squad Roof FF
D) 2nd and 3rd Roof FFs
ANSWER: A) 1st and 3rd Roof FFs
Multiple Dwellings sec 6.14.4 and 6.16.4
When responding to, and operating at a fire in a HRFPMD, size-up will play a key role in the overall outcome of the fire, especially when it comes to wind. Select the choice that would be considered an incorrect size-up.
A) The direction and speed at the street level is a reliable indicator of wind
B) Wind behavior is not consistent or predictable. Wind impacted fires have occurred on upper and lower floors. Building height, size, shape and location of adjoining or adjacent buildings add to the unpredictability of the effects of wind on fire conditions
C) Members operating in the fire area must be aware that when the fire and smoke pulse outward from the window, the condition in the interior will temporarily subside, giving a false sense that the interior conditions improved. When the wind gusts back into the window the interior conditions will dramatically deteriorate
D) The firefighter performing the outside survey may be the first member to observe this wind impacted fire condition
ANSWER: A) The direction and speed at the street level is a reliable indicator of wind. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings add 3 sec 3.2)
- The direction and speed at the street level is NOT a reliable indicator of wind
In order to effectively supervise the deployment of the K.O. Curtain or the Window Blanket during a wind impacted fire in a HRFPMD, supervisors need to know the effects of these wind control devices (WCD). Choose the incorrect effect the WCDs will have once deployed.
A) Will dramatically increase visibility in the fire area due to a decrease in smoke production.
B) Fire may periodically vent around the sides and top of the deployed WCD with the potential for auto-exposure to the floor(s) above. The deployment window must be closed after deployment of the device
C) Advancing a hoseline into the fire apartment after a WCD is deployed, may increase steam and/or heat production
D) All are correct as written
ANSWER: A) Will dramatically increase visibility in the fire area due to a decrease in smoke production. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings add 3 sec 4.2)
- Possible REDUCTION of visibility in the fire area due to an INCREASE in smoke production
The Captain of Ladder 100 is drilling with her members following a challenging fire in a high-rise fireproof multiple dwelling. The fire was on the 8th floor of a 15 story building. She is discussing several actions performed by members at this fire. Which one is correct?
A) The first ladder officer consulted with the second ladder officer before selecting an attack stair.
B) After discovering smoke and heat in the public hallway, the first ladder officer got a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the roof firefighter operating on the roof prior to entering the public hallway.
C) The first ladder officer was unable to determine if it was a wind-impacted fire so she entered the public hallway with one member of the forcible entry team to locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door.
D) The other member of the forcible entry team remained at the attack stairwell door on the stairwell side of the door to ensure the stairwell door remained closed limiting the flow path and to act as a beacon in case members needed to evacuate the hallway.
ANSWER: C) The first ladder officer was unable to determine if it was a wind-impacted fire so she entered the public hallway with one member of the forcible entry team to locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door.
(Multiple Dwellings 6.14.2)
A - The first ladder officer consulted with the ENGINE OFFICER before selecting an attack stair.
B - After discovering smoke and heat in the public hallway, the first ladder officer got a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the roof firefighter operating on the FLOOR ABOVE prior to entering the public hallway.
D - The other member of the forcible entry team remained at the attack stairwell door on the HALLWAY side of the door to ensure the stairwell door remained closed limiting the flow path and to act as a beacon in case members needed to evacuate the hallway.
You are in charge of a trenching operation to stop the spread of fire in a cockloft of a multiple dwelling. Choose the incorrect procedure used for a trenching operation.
A) The trench should be at least 3’ wide
B) No inspection holes shall be cut on the fire side of the trench
C) The trench should be cut at about 20 feet from the initial vent hole
D) A charged line should be in position on the roof to protect personnel and the trench opening. This line may be operated into the trench in a brief, sweeping, side to side motion to prevent fire from extending across the opening. Such operations should only be conducted after adequate precautions are taken to prevent injury to interior operating forces
ANSWER: B) No inspection holes shall be cut on the fire side of the trench. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 5.9.9)
- Two or more inspection holes may be cut on the fire side of the trench
From the choices listed below, the most probable point of fire extension in a multiple dwelling can be found in which choice?
A) Vertical steel channels
B) Closets
C) Pipe recesses
D) Shafts of any type (dumbwaiter, elevator, etc)
ANSWER: A) Vertical steel channels
(Multiple Dwellings sec 5.10)
- These are all possible points of vertical extension, but Vertical steel channels is the most probable. Closets are another very probable point
- The officer who arrives first on the fire floor shall transmit to the IC “Whether fire is extending, and how it is extending
A flanking strategy has just been ordered at an upper floor fire at a HRFPD because wind is impacting the fire. With the door to the fire apartment left open, the most correct procedure for you to take can be found in which choice?
A) Enter an adjoining apartment via a different stair because its closer from the designated attack stair. You immediately close the adjoining apartment door and stretch a hoseline from the apartment below via an exterior window using a utility rope and breach the wall as close to the exterior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path. Initially the hole in the wall should be only large enough for the main stream tip of the nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room.
B) Enter an adjoining apartment via the designated attack stair even though another stair is closer to the adjoining apartment. You immediately close the adjoining apartment door and stretch a hoseline from the apartment below via an exterior window using a utility rope and breach the wall as close to the exterior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path. Initially the hole in the wall should be only large enough for the main stream tip of the nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
C) Enter an adjoining apartment via a different stair because its closer from the designated attack stair. You immediately stretch hoseline via the public hallway into the adjoining apartment and breach the wall as close to the exterior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path. Initially the hole in the wall should be only large enough for the main stream tip of the nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
D) Enter an adjoining apartment via the designated attack stair even though another stair is closer to the adjoining apartment. You immediately close the adjoining apartment door and stretch a hoseline from the apartment below via an exterior window using a utility rope and breach the wall as close to the interior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path. Initially the hole in the wall should be only large enough for the main stream tip of the nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the base of the fire of the fire room
ANSWER: A) Enter an adjoining apartment via a different stair because its closer from the designated attack stair. You immediately close the adjoining apartment door and stretch a hoseline from the apartment below via an exterior window using a utility rope and breach the wall as close to the exterior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path. Initially the hole in the wall should be only large enough for the main stream tip of the nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room.
(Multiple Dwellings add 3 Wind Impacted Fires sec 4.2.4)
- This option is available based on the location of the fire apartment, the location of a stairway closer to the selected apartment and the interior hallway conditions.
Stretching via the public hallway into the adjoining apartment is for when the fire apartment door is CLOSED
Which unit/position operated correctly at a HRFPMD?
A) 2nd arriving Ladder Company ensured all elevators are recalled and searched and confirmed all evacuation doors are closed on the fire floor
B) 2nd arriving Roof FF takes a Halligan, Maul, and K.O. Curtain and proceeds to the apartment directly above the fire via the attack stair
C) For a fire on a lower floor or below grade, a hand stretch of 2 1/2” from the pumper is acceptable.
D) Since the 5th assigned Engine is not equipped with the High-Rise nozzle, the dispatcher will designate the Engine Company carrying the High-Rise nozzle as the “High-Rise Nozzle Engine Company”
ANSWER: C) For a fire on a lower floor or below grade, a hand stretch of 2 1/2” from the pumper is acceptable.
(Multiple Dwellings 6.13)
A - 2nd Truck ENSURED all evacuation doors are closed on the fire floor / THIRD (3rd) arriving Ladder CONFIRMS.
B - 2nd Roof FF takes Halligan, Maul, and LIFE SAVING ROPE / 1st and 3rd Roof FF takes Hydra Ram and K.O. Curtain and proceeds to the apartment directly above the fire via the attack stairway.
C - Correct if there is no access to an available standpipe outlet or one that is not in the IDLH. A hand stretch from a pumper may also faciliate a smooth advance into the fire area on these lower floors.
D - 5th assigned engine is responsible for placing the HRN into operation. If the 5th assigned engine is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned to the 10-77.
Choose the tactic that was carried out correctly at a HRFPMD fire.
A) 1st arriving Ladder Company officer will select the attack stair and notify the 1st/2nd due Engine officers, and the IC
B) 2nd arriving Engine shall ensure the Siamese is supplied. Obtain the Post Radio from 1st arriving BC and bring it to the standpipe outlet where the first hoseline is being connected and establish a communications link on channel 2 between the fire sector and the IC if necessary.
C) After all units are in position, and two elevators are available and serviceable, maintain one elevator on standby in the lobby and the other one floor below the fire
D) A service/freight elevator shall not be used until it has been evaluated and declared safe for use by the IC
ANSWER: B) 2nd arriving Engine shall ensure the Siamese is supplied. Obtain the Post Radio from 1st arriving BC and bring it to the standpipe outlet where the first hoseline is being connected and establish a communications link on channel 2 between the fire sector and the IC if necessary.
(Multiple Dwellings 6.8.2)
A - The 1st arriving Engine officer will COMMUNICATE with the Ladder Company officer to select the attack stair. The attack stairway need not be the stairway with a standpipe outlet.
C - One in the lobby, and one TWO floors below the fire.
D - A service/freight elevator shall not be used until it has been evaluated and declared safe for use by the COMPANY OFFICER. (Cross Reference - Lofts - Freight Elevators are not to be used during INITIAL operations / They MAY BE USED after IC grants approval for greater movement)
Class 2 multiple dwellings create interesting scenarios for the OV firefighter. Which of the following additional considerations is INCORRECT regarding the 1stArriving Outside Vent position at fires in these buildings?
A) The OV should anticipate elevators equipped with firefighter service in these buildings.
B) In any instance where the OV operates on the exterior of the building, the 1st Ladder Officer must be informed.
C) If elevator operations are not required for an upper floor fire, the OV shall report to their officer and team up with the inside team and assist with the search of the fire apartment.
D) If elevator operations are not required for an upper floor fire, the OV may be assigned to locate secondary entrances to the fire apartment and/or additional stairways servicing the fire apartment/floor.
ANSWER: A) The OV should anticipate elevators equipped with firefighter service in these buildings. (INCORRECT)
- The OV should anticipate elevators NOT being equipped with Fire Service.
The roof firefighter from Ladder 199 was discussing access to the roof during operations at Class 2 Buildings following roll call. Which choice is CORRECT as usually not a viable option for the roof firefighter to get to the roof at a fire in one of these dwellings?
A) Adjoining Building
B) Aerial Ladder
C) Fire Escape
D) Open Stairs
ANSWER: B) Aerial Ladder
- Access to the roof in priority order. Aerial ladder is the 3rd option and usually not a viable option.
Access to roof in order of priority:
1 - Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof access
2 - Adjoining Building
3 - Aerial Ladder (usually not a viable option)
4 - Fire Escape
5 - Open Stairs
Which of the following is CORRECT regarding record keeping for the Key FOB and Elevator Machinery Room Keys issued by NYCHA to FD Units?
A) If a Key FOB or Elevator Machinery Room key is lost or damaged, the Officer on duty must immediately notify Housing Emergency via the department dispatcher.
B) A Lost Property report (FS-112) is required for lost key FOBs or elevator keys.
C) A NYCHA employee will deliver the new Key FOB or Elevator Key to the unit’s quarters in 1-2 Business days.
D) Any unit that forces a NYCHA building door or elevator machinery room door must notify NYCHA at their emergency number 212 306-8800 even if the door is able to be secured.
ANSWER: C) A NYCHA employee will deliver the new Key FOB or Elevator Key to the unit’s quarters in 1-2 Business days.
A – Not via the dispatcher, directly at the EMERGENCY NUMBER to obtain new keys.
B – NO LOST PROPERTY REPORTS ARE REQUIRED for lost or damaged key FOBs or elevator keys.
D – Unit shall notify housing via the DEPARTMENT DISPATCHER that a door has been forced. Not directly.
The members of Ladder 99 were discussing the new Class 2 Buildings section of multiple dwellings and were discussing the priority order of access to the roof for the roof firefighter. Which choice below is CORRECT as the first option for the roof firefighter?
A) Adjoining Building
B) Fire Escape
C) Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof Access
D) Open Stairs
ANSWER: C) Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof Access
R - Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof Access
A - Adjoining Building
L - Aerial Ladder (usually not a viable option)
F - Fire Escape
O - Open Stairs
Following confusion at a recent High-Rise Multiple Dwelling fire, the members of Ladder 99 were discussing the delivery and use of the Window blanket at a fire. Which Choice below is CORRECT regarding the blanket?
A) All Battalions carry the blanket and the 1st BC will assign a unit to deliver the blanket to the floor below the fire (the normal location of the fire sector supervisor).
B) The Squad and Rescue companies will deliver their window blanket to the floor above the fire and assist in deployment if necessary.
C) The Squad Company will deliver their Window Blanket to the floor below the fire (the normal location of the fire sector supervisor).
D) The Squad will deliver their Window Blanket to the Command Post and the IC will assign a unit to deliver and deploy if necessary.
ANSWER: C) The Squad Company will deliver their Window Blanket to the floor below the fire (the normal location of the fire sector supervisor).
(MDs 6.20.1B)
- Only the SQUAD is responsible for delivery of the Window Blanket and the location is to the FLOOR BELOW THE FIRE. Any unit can still be used to deploy, assigned by the fire sector.
A – Only select Battalions carry the Window Blanket – (Training Bulletin 3)
B – Only the Squad and to the floor below.
D – To the floor below.
In order to provide easy access and prevent unnecessary damage to housing authority building entry and elevator doors, Key FOBs and Elevator Machinery Room keys have been provided to department units. Which of the following regarding these items is INCORRECT?
A) Elevator Machinery Room Keys are standard issue with serial numbers which when issued must be recorded in the Office Record Journal.
B) Key FOBs have an individual serial number assigned to them which when issued must be recorded in the Office Record Journal.
C) Should a Key FOB fail to unlock a NYCHA door, it can be opened remotely by Housing Security by calling the Housing Emergency number directly or through department dispatcher.
D) In the event of a power outage, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate but the doors will remain locked. A special key not issued to the department will be needed to unlock the doors.
ANSWER: A) Elevator Machinery Room Keys are standard issue with serial numbers which when issued must be recorded in the Office Record Journal. (INCORRECT)
- Elevator Machinery Room Keys are Standard issue and DO NOT have serial numbers.
Which one of the following choices is not in accord with FDNY policy for fires in class 2 high-rise multiple dwellings?
A) The 3rd ladder will search apartments above and below the fire as necessary.
B) The 3rd ladder will search all hallways and stairs above the fire on a continual basis.
C) The 4th ladder roof FF will proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with the KO curtain.
D) If the 3rd ladder is operating in the apartment above the fire, the 4th ladder will search all hallways and stairs above the fire on a continual basis.
ANSWER: C) The 4th ladder roof FF will proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with the KO curtain. (INCORRECT)
(Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.8.11)
- 3rd ladder roof firefighter does this.
- The Roof Firefighter shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with a KO Curtain, in addition to his/her normal complement of tools, to assist members operating on that floor.
While conducting a drill at a class 2 high-rise residential building, the captain of Engine Company 99 would be right to correct her members on all except which point below?
A) If 4 lengths of hose are required, that particular information, need not be included in the building’s CIDS message. However, if more than 4 lengths of hose is required, that should be identified in CIDS.
B) The fifth assigned/arriving engine is responsible for placing the high rise nozzle into operation.
C) The 3rd engine may need to assist in getting the first line into operation. In this case, the 3rd engine officer must notify the IC and 2nd due engine officer.
D) If the 3rd engine is assisting with the first line, the 4th engine should relieve them, in order to allow the 3rd engine to stretch the second line.
ANSWER: B) The fifth assigned/arriving engine is responsible for placing the high rise nozzle into operation.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires pg 99)
- The bulletin indicates the 5th engine to arrive and the 5th assigned engine. The assumption is they are 1 in the same. (Know what the bulletin says)
A - More than 3 lengths should be identified in CIDS,
NOTE: More than 4 lengths may be required.
C - Notify IC and FOURTH (4th) engine officer.
D - In this case, FOURTH (4th) engine should stretch a second line.
At a fire in a class 2 high rise residential building, who must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted?
A) The Incident Commander.
B) The 1st due Roof FF.
C) The Fire Sector Supervisor.
D) The First Ladder Officer.
ANSWER: D) The First Ladder Officer.
Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.8.2
Which of the following is an inaccurate description of fire resistive residential buildings (A.K.A. Class 2 high rise residential buildings)?
A) The majority are 8-18 stories, and some apartments may have more than 30 rooms.
B) They can be as tall as 32 floors with a single stair.
C) The structural elements are constructed of concrete and steel, with some interior wood framing and flooring.
D) Compactor chutes may be present, but dumbwaiter shafts will not be.
ANSWER: D) Compactor chutes may be present, but dumbwaiter shafts will not be. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.3.2)
- BOTH compactor AND dumbwaiter shafts may be present.
Which of the following actions taken at a class 2 high-rise residential-building fire was not in accord with FDNY protocols?
A) Because no exterior operations were feasible, the 1st ladder Chauffeur (LCC) proceeded to the fire floor to team up with his officer.
B) The 3rd due ladder officer informed his unit that they were responsible to ensure all elevators were recalled and searched.
C) The 2nd due truck officer ordered The 2nd OV firefighter to assist with KO curtain deployment.
D) The 2nd truck officer ordered the 2nd OV firefighter to assist with the search of the fire apartment.
ANSWER: B) The 3rd due ladder officer informed his unit that they were responsible to ensure all elevators were recalled and searched. (INCORRECT)
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2)
- SECOND (2nd) LADDER ensures all elevators are recalled and searched.
Which of the following is not one of the five most common types of open stairs encountered in class 2 high rise residential buildings?
A) Service stair.
B) Primary open stair.
C) Secondary open stair.
D) Shared fire stair.
ANSWER: C) Secondary open stair. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.5.3)
1 - Service stair
2 - Primary open stair
3 - Open fire stair
4 - Shared fire stair
5 - Stair separated from public hall/vestibule that has 1 or more apt doors in the stairwell
Which of the following is not a common characteristic of any of the 3 types of fire stairs found in Class 2 high rise multiple dwellings?
A) Fire stairways are of standard width, rise and run.
B) They usually terminate in a bulkhead at the roof level.
C) If a penthouse is present, the stair will usually terminate at the roof terrace level of the penthouse apartments.
D) Entry to these stairs may be in the lobby or street, or they may bypass both and start in the cellar.
ANSWER: A) Fire stairways are of standard width, rise and run. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.5.3)
- Fire Stairs are STEEP AND NARROW stairways
A sharp Ladder officer would know which point regarding FDNY operations at a Class 2 high-rise residential building fire is correct?
A) Some stairs may by-pass the lobby and terminate in the cellar.
B) Some elevators open directly into apartments or serve isolated vestibules with no access to stairways. These elevators provide an excellent way for Firefighters to access the upper floors.
C) If no outside operations are indicated, and there is no fire service elevator, the 1st OV firefighter shall not operate the elevators and they shall report to their officer for assignment.
D) In any instance where the OV operates on the exterior of the building, the IC must be informed.
ANSWER: A) Some stairs may by-pass the lobby and terminate in the cellar.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.8)
B - These elevators should be AVOIDED if possible.
C - Elevators may need to be operated in the MANUAL MODE / if elevator ops are not required then report in to officer.
D- FIRST LADDER OFFICER must be informed.
Members must use balanced judgment, and notify their officer prior to using a fire escape at a class 2 high-rise residential building. Which is not listed as a factor to consider prior to using the fire escape at one of the buildings?
A) Condition of the fire escape.
B) Presence of a suspected life hazard.
C) Weather conditions.
D) Height of the fire floor.
ANSWER: B) Presence of a suspected life hazard. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.5.4)
B - A KNOWN life hazard. (not suspected)
1 - Condition of FE.
2 - Height of fire floor.
3 - Presence of known life hazard.
4 - Weather conditions.
5 - Ability to access the roof via alternative route.
6 - Fire conditions.
Horizontal bands or belt courses are an architectural design encountered on class 2 high-rise residential buildings. These are the single best architectural feature to identify these structures. Which of the following points is accurate regarding these features?
A) These features will always be found on class 2 buildings.
B) They may also be found on some class 1 buildings.
C) When found on the lower floors, they will usually only be present above the windows on the 1st and/or 2nd floor.
D) Typically this design feature will be found on all of the exposed walls of a structure.
ANSWER: B) They may also be found on some class 1 buildings.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.3)
A - NOT ALWAYS PRESENT / typically indicate Class 2
C - Above windows on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. (Could be on one floor or any combination of floors)
D - Non-street facing wall will typically use only plain brick.
Which of the following is inaccurate regarding the duties of the 2nd ladder at a fire in a class2 high-rise residential building?
A) This unit is responsible to ensure all evacuation stair doors are closed on the fire floor.
B) Upon arrival they shall contact the 1st ladder to see if their assistance is needed on the fire floor.
C) If not needed on the fire floor, the Inside team will operate on the floor above.
D) For a top floor fire, the 2nd arriving ladder officer will ensure that his inside team brings the LSR (life saving rope) to the roof.
ANSWER: D) For a top floor fire, the 2nd arriving ladder officer will ensure that his inside team brings the LSR (life saving rope) to the roof. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 8.8.6)
- Ensure KO CURTAIN is brought to roof.
- 2nd due roof FF brings LSR to roof. (If fire floor is within 2 floors of the roof, proceed to roof with LSR / if not LSR goes to floor above)
The Multiple Dwelling Fires bulletin mentions 3 types of fire stairs that are found in Class 2 high-rise buildings. Which of the following is not listed as one of those 3?
A)+ Enclosed fire stair.
B) Open fire stair.
C) Single fire stair
D) Shared fire stair.
ANSWER: C) Single fire stair (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.5.3)
- Open fire stair is most common one found.
A newly promoted lieutenant made the following statements about open stairs in class 2 high-rise residential buildings. In which point was he wrong?
A) A service stair will have a standard width, rise and run; it usually contains a standpipe, a service elevator, and doors to the apartments.
B) Open stairs will have no fire-rated doors between the apartment doors and the stair.
C) Primary open stairs usually end in a bulkhead on the roof, but occasionally will terminate on the top floor.
D) A shared fire stair, is an open stair that accesses more than 1 apartment in the same wing.
ANSWER: D) A shared fire stair, is an open stair that accesses more than 1 apartment in the same wing. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 pg 95)
- Shared by apts. in TWO SEPARATE WINGS.
A standard CIDS worksheet has been created for class 2 high-rise residential buildings. Which of the following information should be included in the CIDS:
1 - stair descriptions,
2 - standpipe locations,
3 - best roof access,
4 - various types of secondary egress (if applicable and space permits).
A) 1, 2, 3 and 4.
B) 2, 3 and 4 only.
C) 1 and 3 only.
D) 1, 3 and 4 only
ANSWER: A) 1, 2, 3 and 4.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.4 - Class 2)
- ALL are correct
A salty engine lieutenant would know that which of the following points regarding standpipe operations at a class 2 high-rise residential building fire is least correct?
A) Standpipes may be found in unusual locations, including half landings, in wall recesses and with outlets that are higher than normal.
B) If encountering difficulty in removing the house line from the outlet, members must communicate this to the ladder officer.
C) In buildings without a public hall or small landings, engines may need access to adjacent apartments to flake out the hoseline.
D) If a second apt entrance is present and the 1st line may be endangered by fire from this door, the second line may need to be stretched to this location to protect the advance of the first line.
ANSWER: C) In buildings without a public hall or small landings, engines may need access to adjacent apartments to flake out the hoseline. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.7)
- Apartment on the FLOOR BELOW, not adjacent.
B - Tell BOTH the engine and ladder officers
Which statement is true regarding the upper termination points of fire escapes on Class 2 high-rise residential buildings?
A) All fire escapes must terminate within 2 floors of the roof or penthouse.
B) All fire escapes must terminate on the top floor.
C) All fire escapes must terminate on the roof.
D) In some instances, the upper termination point will be 4 floors below the top floor. Even when there is no set-back present.
ANSWER: D) In some instances, the upper termination point will be 4 floors below the top floor. Even when there is no set-back present.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - D Photo)
- Choices A B C is NOT mentioned in the bulletin.
- Photo D pg 114 - FE only goes to 6th floor of 9 story building.
Regarding a fire in a class 2 high-rise residential building with a single open interior stair, which point indicates proper operations by the 1st and/or 2nd due roof firefighters?
A) The first roof FF ascended the stairs to the roof; he did this alone because the stairway was not an IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Health).
B) For a 7th floor fire in a 15 story building, the first roof FF will carry the halligan, maul, hydra-ram and Life Saving Rope(LSR). Typically, He will report to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
C) The second due roof FF brought the LSR to the floor above the fire, prior to proceeding to the roof.
D) For a fire on the 13th floor of a 14 story building, the 2nd due roof FF reported to 14th floor directly above the fire apartment with the LSR.
ANSWER: C) The second due roof FF brought the LSR to the floor above the fire, prior to proceeding to the roof.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.8.2)
A - TWO FFs must be assigned to vent the roof, whether or not the stairway is an IDLH.
NOTE: 1st roof and member of the forcible entry team, or 2nd roof FF.
B - To the ROOF WITHOUT THE LSR (typically operates as per low rise class 1 MD).
D - If fire floor is within 2 floors of roof, 2nd due roof to the roof with LSR. (If not within 2 floors, bring LSR to floor above before proceeding to the roof)
Which of the following is an inaccurate point regarding enclosed stairs found in class 2 high-rise residential buildings?
A) One type has a standard width, rise and run, and may or may not contain a standpipe.
B) An enclosed fire stair, will usually contain a standpipe.
C) There are two distinct types of enclosed stairs.
D) Only doors leading to a public hall or vestibule are present in these stairwells.
ANSWER: B) An enclosed fire stair, will usually contain a standpipe. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.5.3)
- Enclosed Fire Stair usually DOES NOT contain standpipe riser.
C - Two types = Normal and enclosed fire stair.
Which of the following is not listed as a challenge that an open stair in a class2 high-rise residential building may pose during a fire operation?
A) Difficulty or delay with roof access and ventilation.
B) Rapid movement of heat and smoke throughout the floors above.
C) Positive stack effect, which could impact standpipe operations on the floors below.
D) Occupants trapped above the fire when attempting to evacuate.
ANSWER: C) Positive stack effect, which could impact standpipe operations on the floors below. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.6.1)
- NEGATIVE stack effect impacting standpipe operations on lower floors.
Acronym: “FORMS”
F - Fire extension via main stair or remote open stair.
O - Occupants trapped above fire, when trying to evacuate.
R - Roof access & ventilation difficult or delayed.
M - Movement (rapid) of heat and smoke throughout the floors above.
S - Stack (negative) effect could impact standpipe operations on the floors below.
Features found in fire-resistive high-rise multiple dwellings may hamper fire operations. Which one of the following choices is the only fully accurate description of these buildings?
A) When constructed to a height taller than 75 feet, a fire escape will never be encountered.
B) Due to the height of these buildings, well holes will not be found.
C) Some of these structures are divided into wings or sections above the first floor. In most these instances, members may only transverse from one section to another in the cellar, lobby and/or roof.
D) Standpipe outlets will be found at the standard height of 5 feet from the floor.
ANSWER: C) Some of these structures are divided into wings or sections above the first floor. In most these instances, members may only transverse from one section to another in the cellar, lobby and/or roof.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.5.1)
- Sometimes they will have a shared fire stair, which will also allow access to different sections above the first floor.
A - Fire Escapes (FE) may or may not be encountered / FEs may be 18 stories or more in height.
B - Some have well holes for entire height of stairwell.
D - Stand pipe outlets will be at various heights, sometimes over 7’ high.
A smart Manhattan Captain knew that all of the following points regarding Class 2 high-rise residential buildings and their elevators were incorrect except which one?
A) Service elevators may be small and/or open into isolated vestibules.
B) Passenger elevators often provide access to standpipe and stair areas.
C) Service elevators will always have fire service installed. However, they may require the use of manual mode for firefighting operations.
D) At a fire operation, unused elevators without fire service, should be called to the lobby and chocked open.
ANSWER: D) At a fire operation, unused elevators without fire service, should be called to the lobby and chocked open.
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.8)
A - PASSENGER ELEVATORS may be small and/or open into isolated vestibules.
B - SERVICE ELEVATORS often provide access to standpipe and stair areas.
C - Service elevators MAY NOT have fire service installed.
What is the correct priority order for a roof FF to access the roof in a Class 2 High Rise residential building? **1-open stairs, **2-adjoing building, **3-remote unaffected stair with roof access, **4-aerial ladder, **5-fire escape
A) 2,4,3,1,5
B) 2,5,4,3,1
C) 3,2,4,5,1
D) 4,2,3,1,5
ANSWER: C) 3,2,4,5,1
(Multiple Dwelling Fires - Class 2 - 8.8.9)
R - Remote/unaffected stair with roof access
A - Adjoining building
L - Aerial ladder (usually not a viable option)
F - Fire escape
O - Open stairs
Engine 3 arrives 3rd due for a fire in a store on the first floor of an old law tenement building. The first line is advancing into the store fire. The officer of Engine 3 would be correct to stretch the second hoseline to which location?
A) Immediately to the second floor of the fire building.
B) Into the store as a backup line.
C) To the entrance hallway.
D) To the top floor of the fire building.
ANSWER: C) To the entrance hallway.
(Multiple Dwellings 4.3.1)
- 1st line: Stretched to the involved store (2 ½” for large volume fires)
Live fire testing and fireground deployments have shown that the deployment of WCD’s like the KO Curtain and Fire Window Blanket will have the following effects. Which one below is INCORRECT?
A) Deployment will cause an immediate reduction in heat and intensity of the fire.
B) Advancing a hoseline into the fire apartment after a WCD is deployed may increase steam and/or heat production.
C) Possible improvement of visibility in the fire area due to a decrease in smoke production.
D) Fire may periodically vent around the sides and top of the deployed WCD with the potential for auto-exposure to the floors above. The deployment window must be closed after deployment of the device.
ANSWER: C) Possible improvement of visibility in the fire area due to a decrease in smoke production. (INCORRECT)
(MDs - Wind Impacted Fires 4.2.1)
- Possible REDUCTION of visibility in the fire area due to an INCREASE in smoke production.
Which of the following is CORRECT regarding operations in Class 2 Multiple Dwellings?
A) All handlines will be stretched from the standpipe system.
B) Due to open stairs and the possibility of rapid spread of smoke, all officers should be cognizant of members going above the fire floor as well as occupants evacuating via the attack stair.
C) Fires in these structures will be extinguished using 2 ½ hose stretched from the standpipe outlet on a floor below or when compatible with fire conditions, 1 ¾ stretched from the apparatus.
D) If a building contains open and enclosed stairs, consideration should be given to leaving the open stair for evacuation when possible.
ANSWER: B) Due to open stairs and the possibility of rapid spread of smoke, all officers should be cognizant of members going above the fire floor as well as occupants evacuating via the attack stair.
A – Typically, handlines will be stretched from the standpipe system. Due to the age and condition of the system and location of the outlests, 2 ½ may have to be stretched from the apparatus.
C – 2 ½ hose stretched from the apparatus.
D – Consideration should be given to leaving the ENCLOSED stair for evacuation when possible.
Which of the following represents the CORRECT actions taken at a HRFPMD fire that involved a closed apartment door, a failed window and a wind impacted fire?
A) The Engine Company stretched and charged the hose line in the stairwell prior to advancing to the fire apartment.
B) The Ladder Company Officer contacted the roof firefighter for a description of the fire apartment, location of the main body of fire, and most direct route to the fire area.
C) Once the decision was made to enter the fire apartment, the ladder officer and one member of the FE team lead the entry into the apartment.
D) Once the hose line advanced towards the interior fire area as directed by the Engine Officer, the fire apartment door was chocked open.
ANSWER: D) Once the hose line advanced towards the interior fire area as directed by the Engine Officer, the fire apartment door was chocked open.
A – The hose line can be advanced to that location (FIRE APARTMENT) and charged.
B – The ENGINE OFFICER shall contact the roof firefighter or other member operating in the apartment above.
C – Once the decision has been made to enter the apartment, the ENGINE OFFICER must enter the apartment FIRST followed by the Ladder Company.
The second ladder company to arrive at a 10-77 for a fire in a class 1 high rise multiple dwelling (FPHRMD) has a number of responsibilities and may be assigned a myriad of other tasks by the Incident Commander or fire Sector Supervisor. Which of the following is not an accurate description of a concern of that ladder company?
A) They are responsible to search the attack stairwell for 5 floors above the fire.
B) They are responsible to ensure all elevators are recalled and searched.
C) They are responsible to ensure all evacuation stair doors are closed on the fire floor.
D) If a fire window blanket is ordered deployed by the IC, they shall coordinate the procedure. The officer should be aware that both Rescue and Squad Companies will deliver their blankets to the floor below the fire.
ANSWER: D) If a fire window blanket is ordered deployed by the IC, they shall coordinate the procedure. The officer should be aware that both Rescue and Squad Companies will deliver their blankets to the floor below the fire. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwelling Fires 6.15.1)
- The SQUAD COMPANY will deliver their Window Blanket to the floor below the fire (recent Change - Rescue no longer brings it)
- NOTE: As per MDs if a WCD (KO Curtain or Blanket) is ordered deployed by the IC, the 2nd to arrive ladder is responsible to COORDINATE deployment.
- As per TB Tools 3, if a BLANKET is deployed the fire sector supervisor will assign a unit. Any unit may be used to deploy the blanket.
- Coordinating and deploying may not be the same thing.
Class 2 high rise residential buildings pose unique obstacles to FDNY members during a fire. The proper operating positions of members can be confusing. Which members below are operating in line with the FDNY’s protocols for fires in these types of structures?
A) Typically, the first ladder roof firefighter proceeds to the apartment above the fire apartment.
B) When outside operations are not in progress and the building does not have fire service elevators; typically, the second ladder OV firefighter shall proceed to the floors above the fire to assist in the search.
C) Typically, if no outside operations are possible the first ladder Chauffeur (LCC) shall team up with the 2nd LCC and proceed to the roof.
D) If no outside operations are possible; typically, the second LCC should communicate with their officer to determine duties.
ANSWER: D) If no outside operations are possible; typically, the second LCC should communicate with their officer to determine duties.
(Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires 8.8.10)
A - Roof FFs typically operates as per Low Rise FPMDs (GO TO THE ROOF)
B - OV FFs Typically op as per High Rise FPMDs (REPORT IN TO OFFICER ON THE FIRE FLOOR)
C - Typically operate as per Low Rise FPMDs (TEAM UP WITH OFFICER ON THE FIRE FLOOR - if 2nd ladder is delayed officer may send LCC/OV to apt above)
D - Operates as per Low Rise FPMDs
NOTE: In the Class 2 HRMD section, when a position operates as per HRFPMDs they do so entirely; however, When they operate according to LRFPMDs it is not entirely.
- 1st roof as per sec 7.7.3 A only / 1st LCC as per sec. 7.7.2 A-D only AND 2nd LCC as per sec. 7.8.2 A-C only (Also take note of the word TYPICALLY)
Fires on the top floor of H-type multiple dwellings create the concern of fire extending to the cockloft. Which choice below about cockloft operations is CORRECT?
A) A trench may be opened simultaneously with a vent opening directly over the fire.
B) A trench should be cut about 20 feet from the initial vent hole. It should be cut at the narrowest, available roof section, taking advantage of bulkhead structures, outside walls, skylights and firewalls.
C) A charged line should be in position on the roof to protect personnel and the trench opening. This line may be operated into the trench in a brief, sweeping, side to side motion to prevent fire from reaching the trench opening.
D) Two or more inspection holes may be cut on the fire side of the trench. When, and if, the fire reaches the inspection holes, the precut trench is pulled.
ANSWER: D) Two or more inspection holes may be cut on the fire side of the trench. When, and if, the fire reaches the inspection holes, the precut trench is pulled. (A/B/C are INCORRECT)
A - A trench may be cut, but should not be opened, until there is an adequate vent opening directly over the fire. (5.9.9A)
B – Do not depend on firewalls constructed within the structure. (5.9.9E)
C – A charged line should be in position to prevent fire from EXTENDING ACROSS the opening. (5.9.9H)
Wind is always part of the scenario, but which of the remaining conditions that must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur is described INCORRECTLY?
A) Fire in an apartment
B) Failed or open window in the fire apartment.
C) Fire apartment door leading to the public hall left open or not fully closed.
D) An area of low pressure such as an opened stairwell door, an opened apartment door on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment.
ANSWER: B) Failed or open window in the fire apartment. (INCORRECT)
- Failed or open window in the FIRE ROOM.
The terminology associated with Class 2 buildings can have a great impact on fire operations. Which choice below is CORRECT regarding an Open Fire Stair?
A) If the doors in the stairs lead to apartments in different wings, then it is an Open Fire Stair.
B) If the doors in the stairs lead to apartments in the same wing, then it is an Open Fire Stair.
C) If the doors in the stairs open into a vestibule or hallway which leads to apartment doors, then it is an Open Fire Stair.
D) If the stairs typically contain a standpipe riser, then it is an Open Stair.
ANSWER: B) If the doors in the stairs lead to apartments in the same wing, then it is an Open Fire Stair.
A – Shared Fire Stairs – 8.5.3C4
C – Enclosed Fire Stairs – Photo 7A pg 112
D – Open Stairs do not typically contain a standpipe PG95 8.5.3C3
Roof access for fires in Class 2 buildings with open stairs is a constant consideration especially during fires on lower floors. Which of the following is NOT listed as a consideration in determining whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted?
A) Number of floors between the fire floor and the roof
B) Knowledge of occupants in halls and stairs above the fire.
C) Reports of occupants trapped in the fire apartment necessitating immediate entry for search.
D) Weather conditions indicating increased stack effect.
ANSWER: D) Weather conditions indicating increased stack effect. (INCORRECT)
(CLASS 2 MD’S - 8.8.2)
- Weather conditions NOT listed.
2nd due truck responsibilities are many at fires in Class 2 MD’s. Which choice below is in accord with department policy for a fire on the 15th floor of an 18-story building? (CORRECT)
A) The 2nd Ladder Company will operate in the apartment above the fire in all circumstances.
B) The 2nd Ladder Officer will ensure the curtain is brought to the roof.
C) If a life-saving rope rescue is required, the 2nd roof firefighter will proceed to the roof to initiate a rescue attempt.
D) The 2nd Ladder Company will ensure all evacuation stair doors (if any) are closed on the fire floor.
ANSWER: D) The 2nd Ladder Company will ensure all evacuation stair doors (if any) are closed on the fire floor.
A – Unless needed to augment operations on the FIRE FLOOR, the 2nd ladder company will proceed to and operate in the apartment above the fire. (8.8.7)
B – For a TOP FLOOR FIRE, the 2nd arriving ladder officer will ensure the curtain is brought to the roof. (8.8.7)
C – When the fire floor is WITHIN TWO (2) FLOORS of the roof. If a rescue is not required, proceed to the roof to assist the 1st roof firefighter (8.8.9)
When responding to a reported fire in a Fireproof Multiple Dwelling, an overriding consideration concerning size-up must be wind conditions and its effects on the fire. Which choice below is INCORRECT regarding these concerns?
A) Building height, size, shape and location of adjoining or adjacent buildings add to the unpredictability of the effects of wind on fire conditions.
B) The direction and speed at the street level is a reliable indicator of wind conditions above the street level.
C) Fire or smoke visible inside the fire apartment that is not venting out of an open or failed window is a potentially dangerous, life threatening condition. This is the classic ventilation profile of a wind impacted fire.
D) It does not take high winds to dramatically increase fire conditions inside the building. When the wind subsides or shifts, pressure will equalize allowing the fire and smoke to vent out the window
ANSWER: B) The direction and speed at the street level is a reliable indicator of wind conditions above the street level. (INCORRECT)
- Directions and speed at the street level is NOT a reliable indicator.
A discussion was had regarding ventilation in HRFPMD’s and the following statements are made. Which is INCORRECT regarding ventilation operations in these buildings?
A) Horizontal ventilation of the fire floor is limited and controlled by the 1st arriving Ladder Company Officer.
B) All other ventilation must be strictly limited and controlled by the IC.
C) Vertical ventilation shall only be performed at the direction of the Incident Commander.
D) Ventilation of the fire apartment in HRFPMD’s should take place after the main body of fire has been controlled.
ANSWER: A) Horizontal ventilation of the fire floor is limited and controlled by the 1st arriving Ladder Company Officer. (INCORRECT)
- 1st arriving ladder officer controls ventilation of the FIRE APARTMENT (not fire floor)
Special calls and the transmission of multiple alarms can sometimes fall in the hands of the first arriving company officer based on the conditions they encounter upon arrival. Which of following is NOT in line with the general guidelines for special calls? (INCORRECT)
A) Engine 1 transmits a second alarm for a taxpayer fire that has extended into the adjoining occupancy.
B) Engine 2 transmits a second alarm for fire on two floors in a Old Law Tenement.
C) Engine 3 transmits a second alarm for heavy fire in the cellar and 1st floor of a Brownstone.
D) Engine 4 transmits a second alarm for an extensive cockloft fire in an H-Type MD.
ANSWER: B) Engine 2 transmits a second alarm for fire on two floors in a Old Law Tenement. (INCORRECT)
(MDs 3.4.6)
B IS INCORRECT – EXTRA ENGINE AND TRUCK for fire on two floors in an old law tenement. If progress is not made on at least one floor in a short time, transmit a second alarm.
A – Correct – Taxpayers 5.7.4
C – Correct – Brownstones 4.4
D – Correct – Multiple Dwellings 5.5.2
Elevator operations at High Rise MD’s can be critical to the success of an operation. Which choice below is CORRECT regarding these operations?
A) The first officer to enter the lobby shall place the elevators in firefighter service and recall the elevators.
B) When outside operations are indicated, the elevator cars will be operated by a member from the second ladder company and/or other members designated by the IC.
C) A service elevator shall not be used until it has been evaluated and declared safe for use by the IC.
D) After the line is advancing into the fire apartment and the main body of fire is extinguished, the elevator machinery room located at the roof level, can be vented by opening doors to the exterior as long as wind will not force smoke back into the building.
ANSWER: B) When outside operations are indicated, the elevator cars will be operated by a member from the second ladder company and/or other members designated by the IC.
A – The FIRST LADDER OFFICER shall recall the elevators (6.4.2)
C – Evaluated and declared safe for use by the COMPANY OFFICER. (6.4.7)
D – Until the fire is UNDER CONTROL. (6.4.3)
Alternate strategies are now applied at HRFPMD fires to decrease the likelihood of members suffering serious injuries during wind impacted events where the apartment door is left open. Which of the following is the CORRECT use of an alternate strategy?
A) Only the IC can approve of members entering the public hallway.
B) Only the Ladder Company Officer and inside team shall enter the public hallway to locate and gain control of the fire apartment door.
C) The Engine Officer will remain on the hallway side of the stairwell door for control and coordination
D) Once the Ladder Officer gains control of the fire apartment door, have the Engine Company advance the charged hoseline to the fire apartment door.
ANSWER: D) Once the Ladder Officer gains control of the fire apartment door, have the Engine Company advance the charged hoseline to the fire apartment door.
A – IC, Operations Section Chief, Fire Sector Supervisor
B – Only the Ladder Company Officer and ONE MEMBER OF THE INSIDE TEAM shall enter the public hall to locate the fire apartment door. The other member will remain at the attack stair door on the hallway side to ensure the hallway door remains closed. The entire inside team does not enter to locate the and gain control of the fire apartment door
C – The Engine Officer shall be responsible for control and coordination on the STAIRWELL side of the door.
A 1077 is transmitted for a fire on the 13th floor of a 21-story, Class 2 MD where there are multiple rescues in progress on the fire floor and the first and second ladder companies are heavily engaged in fire operations on that floor. Which choice is CORRECT about Ladder Company Operations?
A) The 3rd Ladder Company is responsible for searches of the stairways for five floors above the fire.
B) The 4th Ladder Company is responsible for Searches of apartments above and below the fire as necessary and directed.
C) The 2nd Ladder Roof Firefighter uses an open stair with roof access as the first option to proceed to the roof.
D) The 2nd Ladder Company will confirm the evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in the closed position.
ANSWER: B) The 4th Ladder Company is responsible for Searches of apartments above and below the fire as necessary and directed.
(FFP MDS – CLASS 2 MD’S - 8.8.12)
A – 3RD Ladder Company is responsible for operations in the apartment above. (8.8.11)
C – Open Stairs is the 5th priority for access to the roof. (8.8.4) “RALFO”
D – The 3rd Ladder company will CONFIRM the evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor. The 2nd ENSURES… (6.16.2)
Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding elevator operations at a High-Rise MD fire on the 8th floor where the elevators are equipped with Firefighter service and Outside operations are indicated?
A) Members of the 1st arriving ladder company recalled the elevators and searched them upon reaching the ground floor.
B) The first available elevator was placed in firefighter service and members of the first due engine and truck took the elevator to the 6th floor.
C) The Engine Officer, Nozzle, and Control firefighters rode along with the inside team of the first arriving ladder company.
D) The IC designated a member from the 2nd arriving ladder company to operate the firefighter service elevators.
ANSWER: A) Members of the 1st arriving ladder company recalled the elevators and searched them upon reaching the ground floor. (INCORRECT)
- The first arriving ladder company recalls the elevators whether or not they will be used. The 2nd arriving ladder ensures all elevators are RECALLED & SEARCHED.
B – Correct – Stairs shall be used when the FIRE is on the SEVENTH FLOOR OR BELOW.
C – Correct – Outside operations were indicated therefore the Engine Officer, Nozzle and Control make up the first elevator team
D – Correct – If the OV is involved in an outside operation and the fire is above the 7th floor, the elevator will be operated by a member from the second ladder and/or other members designated by the IC
Engine 199 and Ladder 99 arrive on the fire floor in a High Rise MD where the apartment door is closed, window failure has not occurred yet there is a very heavy wind condition outside. Which operations decision was INCORRECT based on the scenario?
A) The Engine officer had the line advanced to the apartment door and charged.
B) Prior to opening the door of the fire apartment, the Ladder Officer shall get a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the Roof firefighter operating on the floor above.
C) The Ladder officer and one member of the forcible entry team shall enter the fire apartment to perform search while the other member stays at the apartment door on the hallway side of the door making sure the door remains controlled in the closed position.
D) Once the hose line advances towards the interior fire area as directed by the Ladder Officer, the door shall be chocked open.
ANSWER: C) The Ladder officer and one member of the forcible entry team shall enter the fire apartment to perform search while the other member stays at the apartment door on the hallway side of the door making sure the door remains controlled in the closed position. (INCORRECT)
- The other member stays INSIDE the apartment door making sure the door remains controlled in the closed position thereby limiting the flow path.
Of the following choices, which tools shall be taken by the second ladder company inside team at a 10-77 in a Class 2 high rise fireproof multiple dwelling:
1) Axe or Maul
2) Axe and no option of taking the Maul
3) Search Rope
4) Carbon Monoxide Meter
5) KO Curtain.
A) 1,3,4 and 5, only
B) 1,3,and 4, only
C) 2,3,4 and 5, only
D) 2,3 and 4, only
ANSWER: A) 1,3,4 and 5, only
(FFP - Multiple Dwelling 8.8.7)
There are minor differences in tool assignments for the 2nd Ladder Company Inside Team in HRFPMDs, LRFPMDs and Class 2 HRMDs:
For 2nd ladder inside team:
HRFPMDs - axe ONLY (no option for maul), search rope and NO KO curtain.
LRFPMDs - axe OR maul / NO search rope / KO curtain
Class 2 HRMDs - axe OR maul, search rope / KO curtain.
REHAB-MD 5-STY 20X60 CLASS-3 – 2 APT’S PER FLR – FRONT & REAR FIRE ESCAPES – NO EXT ENT TO CELLAR – GUARD DOGS IN CELLAR – RAZOR WIRE FENCE ON ROOF. There is a medium fire condition in the cellar of this multiple dwelling and the assigned companies will arrive on the scene. Which tactical choice is CORRECT regarding a fire in this building?
A) The first line shall be stretched to the interior cellar entrance stairs and advanced down into the cellar to extinguish the fire.
B) Initial vertical ventilation shall be coordinated and controlled by the Incident Commander.
C) The second line shall be stretched to the rear entrance and advanced into the cellar to extinguish the fire.
D) All horizontal ventilation of the cellar and first floor shall be controlled by the first arriving ladder company officer.
ANSWER: A) The first line shall be stretched to the interior cellar entrance stairs and advanced down into the cellar to extinguish the fire.
- The first line should not be advanced down the cellar stairs if there is an outside entrance to the cellar at the front or rear of the building, unless the fire is minor. CIDS STATES NO EXTERIOR ENTRANCE
B – Initial vertical ventilation shall be coordinated and controlled by the LADDER OFFICER WORKING IN THE FIRE AREA (FIRE FLOOR).
C – There is NO CELLAR ENTRANCE to the building.
D – All horizontal ventilation shall be coordinated and controlled by the LADDER OFFICER IN THE AREA TO BE VENTED (Fire Floor, Floor above, etc). IT’S NOT BOTH.
At a high rise fireproof multiple dwelling, when the door to the fire apartment is found closed on arrival, window failure has not occurred, but size-up indicates there is a wind condition, take all of the following actions except?
A) Prior to entry into the fire apartment, a Wind Control Device should be in position above the fire apartment ready for immediate deployment. As a precautionary tactic, the IC may decide to deploy the Wind Control Device over an intact window of the fire room/area.
B) The hoseline can be advanced to the fire apartment and charged.
C) Prior to opening the door of the fire apartment, the Ladder Officer shall get a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the Roof firefighter operating on the floor above.
D) The Ladder Officer and both members of the forcible entry team shall enter the fire apartment to perform a search for the interior fire area location.
ANSWER: D) The Ladder Officer and both members of the forcible entry team shall enter the fire apartment to perform a search for the interior fire area location. (INCORRECT)
(MD Add 3 5.3)
- The Ladder Officer and ONE MEMBER of the forcible entry team shall enter the fire apartment to perform a search for the interior fire area location while the OTHER MEMBER stays at the fire apartment door INSIDE the apartment, making sure the door remains controlled in the closed position, thereby limiting the flow path.
- The door to the fire apartment must remain controlled in the closed position until the Ladder Officer requests the charged hoseline be advanced into the fire apartment or requires other assistance. Generally, the charged hoseline should not be advanced into the fire apartment until the main fire area/room has been located and if possible confined by closing a door. Once the hoseline advances towards the interior fire area as directed by the Ladder Officer, the door shall be chocked open.
In an effort to provide better security for its tenants, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) has begun installing electromagnetic locking devices on the main lobby entrance doors to their buildings. Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information?
A) From the outside, these locks are deactivated by a frequency operated button (FOB). When the key FOB is placed by the reader located on the door frame, there will be an audible tone (buzzing) emitted for 7-9 seconds; this tone indicates the electromagnetic lock has been deactivated, at which time the door may be opened.
B) A crash bar lock, also known as a panic bar, is located on the inside of the door. Pushing the crash bar retracts the mechanical latching device and deactivates the electromagnetic lock, allowing the door to be opened from the inside.
C) Should the key FOB fail to unlock the door, it can be unlocked remotely by NYCHA Security. This can be done by calling the 24 hour NYCHA Emergency number directly or through the dispatcher. Units can also seek assistance from the building management office at the premise location.
D) Should the building lose electrical power, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate, and the door will remain unlocked. In this case, units will be able to access a NYCHA building without the use of keys.
ANSWER: D) Should the building lose electrical power, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate, and the door will remain unlocked. In this case, units will be able to access a NYCHA building without the use of keys. (INCORRECT)
(MD Add 4 1-1.4)
- Should the building lose electrical power, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate, BUT THE DOOR WILL REMAIN LOCKED by the crash bar lock. A special key will be needed to unlock the door from outside the building and can be requested for use from the building management office at the premise location.
All units must know how to recognize Class 2 Multiple Dwellings. Which of the following choices is correct?
A) Horizontal Bands or Belt Courses will usually be present below the windows of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd floors. This feature varies from building to building and it may be located above only one of the floors, all or any combination.
B) Horizontal Bands or Belt Courses will usually also be present above the windows of any of the top 3 full floors. Again this feature varies from building to building and may be located below only one of the floors, all or any combination.
C) The lower one, two or three floors may have a different color or type of brick or be constructed of limestone block.
D) The presence of horizontal bands or belt courses is the single best architectural design feature to identify these buildings. This design feature will be present on all building walls on all exposures of a building.
ANSWER: C) The lower one, two or three floors may have a different color or type of brick or be constructed of limestone block.
(MD 8.3.1)
A - Horizontal Bands or Belt Courses will usually be present ABOVE the windows of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd floors. This feature varies from building to building and it may be located above only one of the floors, all or any combination.
B - Horizontal Bands or Belt Courses will usually also be present BELOW the windows of any of the top 3 full floors. Again this feature varies from building to building and may be located below only one of the floors, all or any combination.
A and B Note: These design features are usually at these locations, but may be on other floors as well.
D - The presence of the horizontal bands or belt courses is the single best architectural design feature to identify these buildings. This design feature will be present on a building wall that FACES A STREET. A non-street facing wall will TYPICALLY use ONLY PLAIN BRICK.
For a fire on the 15th floor of a 16-story Class 2 building, units should follow the procedures in each of the choices below except?
A) The 2nd Ladder Roof FF should bring the Halligan Hook, Halligan, LSR and Life Belt, drop off the LSR to the floor above (floor 16), then proceed to the roof.
B) If fire escapes are not available/accessible and no outside operations are required, the 2nd LCC should communicate with their officer to determine duties.
C) If fire escapes are not available/accessible the 2nd OV FF should anticipate elevators not being equipped with fire service and realize service elevators may need to be operated in manual mode.
D) The 2nd Ladder Officer & Forcible Entry Team will communicate with the 1st Ladder Company upon arrival. Unless needed to augment operations on the fire floor, the 2nd Ladder Company will proceed to and operate in the apartment above the fire.
ANSWER: A) The 2nd Ladder Roof FF should bring the Halligan Hook, Halligan, LSR and Life Belt, drop off the LSR to the floor above (floor 16), then proceed to the roof. (INCORRECT)
(MD 8.8.7-8.8.10)
- Prior to proceeding to the roof bring the LSR to the floor above the fire. When the fire floor is WITHIN TWO FLOORS OF THE ROOF, proceed to the roof with the LSR. If LSR rescue is required, assist in rescue.
- Be careful, in this scenario the 15th floor is considered within two floors of the roof (15 to 16 / 16 to roof)
- The 14th floor in this scenario would not be considered within two floors of the roof (14 to 15 / 15 to 16 / 16 to roof)
A newly promoted Captain is working his first tour in upper Manhattan. At roll call, members are discussing some of the design features of Class 2 High Rise Residential Buildings. They make the following points. Which one is incorrect?
A) The presence of horizontal bands or belt courses is the single best architectural design feature to identify these buildings.
B) Horizontal Bands or Belt Courses will usually be present above the windows of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors.
C) Horizontal Bands or Belt Courses will usually also be present below the windows of the top 3 full floors.
D) The lower one, two or three floors may have a different color or type of brick or be constructed of limestone block. This design feature is typically found on all sides of the building.
ANSWER: D) The lower one, two or three floors may have a different color or type of brick or be constructed of limestone block. This design feature is typically found on all sides of the building. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 8.3.1)
- The lower one, two or three floors may have a different color or type of brick or be constructed of limestone block. THIS DESIGN FEATURE WILL BE PRESENT ON A BUILDING WALL THAT FACES A STREET. A NON-STREET FACING WALL WILL TYPICALLY USE ONLY PLAIN BRICK.
A Captain, operating at a fire in a high-rise fireproof multiple dwelling where it is determined that the smoke and heat condition in the hallway is due to a wind impacted fire with the fire apartment door left open, must be aware that which of the following members may give permission to enter the public hall once confirmation is received that an alternative strategy has been successfully implemented?
A) The IC only.
B) The IC or Fire Sector Supervisor only.
C) The IC or Operations Section Chief only.
D) The IC, Operations Section Chief, or the Fire Sector Supervisor.
ANSWER: D) The IC, Operations Section Chief, or the Fire Sector Supervisor.
(Multiple Dwellings Addendum 3 5.1 E)
Code “FIOS”
F - Fire Sector Supervisor
I - IC
OS - Operations Section
Captain Carter responds first due to a fire in an H-Type Multiple Dwelling. She notices a medium fire condition on the 3rd floor. She would be most correct to transmit which one of the following signals?
A) 10-75
B) 10-75 and call for additional engine and ladder.
C) 2nd alarm
D) 3rd alarm
ANSWER: B) 10-75 and call for additional engine and ladder.
(Multiple Dwellings 5.5.2)
- Medium fire (that is where its anticipated two lines will be required): Extra engine and ladder
- Two floors involved: 2nd alarm generally necessary
- Extensive cockloft fire: 2nd alarm generally necessary
Units are responding to a fire in a Class 2 fire resistive high rise residential building. CIDS indicates that the building has only one open interior stair that provides access to the roof. Which one choice below is incorrect concerning operations at this fire?
A) The 1st ladder officer must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted.
B) If the stairway is not an IDLH, the officer may assign one member to vent the roof.
C) The fire apartment door must be controlled until members verify their arrival on the roof and the bulkhead door is closed or they have attained an area of refuge.
D) If door control cannot be maintained, or any other condition exists that will impact the members assigned to roof ventilation, the officer shall immediately communicate this information to them.
ANSWER: B) If the stairway is not an IDLH, the officer may assign one member to vent the roof. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 7.7.3, 8.8.2)
- CROSS REF LOW RISE FP MD PG 86: If the stairway is not an IDLH and safety permits, the Roof Firefighter may be ordered to take the interior stair to the roof, provided that the fire apartment door is controlled and maintained closed by the ladder company officer. If the stairway is an IDLH, then the Roof Firefighter must be teamed up with another member before ascending to the roof.
The Captain of a busy Bronx ladder company is operating on the roof of a large H-Type cockloft fire. His units is engaged in performing a trench. Which one tactic mentioned below is not in accordance with Department procedures?
A) A trench may be cut but should not be opened, until there is an adequate vent opening directly over the fire.
B) To be effective, the trench must be properly located, at least 3’ wide, and cut from wall to wall or other suitable fire stop.
C) If during the trenching operation there are indications of fire existing in the cockloft beneath you, members must evacuate the roof.
D) It is good practice, especially on larger buildings, to have two ladders raised to the roof at different ends of the building to provide egress.
ANSWER: C) If during the trenching operation there are indications of fire existing in the cockloft beneath you, members must evacuate the roof. (INCORRECT)
(Multiple Dwellings 5.9.9)
- If during the trenching operation there are indications of fire existing in the cockloft beneath you, members THEN RETREAT AND START A SECOND TRENCH A GREATER DISTANCE FROM YOUR PREVIOUS POSITION, EVEN IF THIS MEANS GIVING UP THE ENTIRE WING.
Captain Biden was discussing assignments at a fire on the 20th floor of a 40-story High Rise Fireproof MD with the members of Engine 54 and Ladder 4. In which statement was the boss incorrect?
A) The 1st Roof FF should bring a halligan, hydra ram and KO Curtain. He will proceed to the apartment above the fire via the attack stairway
B) The 1st LCC should deliver the LSR to the floor above if the Roof FF has called for it.
C) The 2nd Roof FF should bring a 6’ halligan hook, axe, LSR and Life Belt. She will proceed to the apartment above the fire via the attack stairway.
D) The 3rd Roof FF shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with a KO Curtain in addition to his normal tool complement
ANSWER: C) The 2nd Roof FF should bring a 6’ halligan hook, axe, LSR and Life Belt. She will proceed to the apartment above the fire via the attack stairway. (INCORRECT)
(FFP—MDs—6.14.4, 6.14.5, 6.15.4, 6.16.4)
- 2nd Roof brings HALLIGAN, Maul, LSR and Life Belt
- 1st Roof brought KO Curtain
As a Captain working on the west side of Manhattan you hold a drill with your members regarding the construction features of Class 2 high-rise multiple dwellings. You would be correct to state that in most cases a FF can traverse from one wing to another via all but which one method listed?
A) The top floor
B) The roof
C) The cellar
D) A shared fire stair
ANSWER: A) The top floor (INCORRECT)
(MD 8.5.1, 8.5.3)
- Lobby, Cellar, Roof, Shared fire stair
You are the Officer on duty in Ladder 99 that discovers the key FOB that operates and opens NYCHA lobby entrance doors has been lost by the unit. In this situation, in order to obtain a new key FOB, you would be most correct to call the?
A) NYCHA Emergency number and prepare an FS-112.
B) Resource Center and prepare an FS-112.
C) NYCHA Emergency number, and no FS-112 is required.
D) Resource Center, and no FS-112 is required.
ANSWER: C) NYCHA Emergency number, and no FS-112 is required.
(FFP MDs—Add 4)
A company officer was discussing the placement of handlines at Old Law Tenement fires. He was most correct to state that?
A) The first line at a cellar fire should be stretched to the outside cellar entrance door.
B) At store fires in OLT’s, always stretch a 2 ½” hose line to the store
C) At stairway fires, if there are damaged or burnt out stairs, the preferred ladder to place over these stairs is a straight ladder
D) When there is a shaft fire, a hoseline should be stretched to the nearest point from which water can be directed onto fire into the shaft
ANSWER: D) When there is a shaft fire, a hoseline should be stretched to the nearest point from which water can be directed onto fire into the shaft.
(FFP MDs—4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.5.5)
A - Cellar entrance door located INSIDE the building under the interior stairway on the first floor.
B - 2 1/2” for LARGE volume fires with 2nd line being stretched to the entrance hallway. (Cross reference: Taxpayer 2 1/2” required for MEDIUM and LARGE fires)
Following a recent Wind Impacted fire in a HRFPMD, several fire officers were discussing parts of the operation. Which was the only CORRECT action taken when confronted with an open apartment door during a flanking attack?
A) Upon discovery of an open door, an officer and one member immediately entered the public hall to locate and gain control of the fire apartment door.
B) Once members were able to get into the adjoining apartment an opening was made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the exterior wall as possible to avoid creating a flow path.
C) The hoseline was stretched via the public hallway to the adjoining apartment and the door closed once the line was charged to limit the possibility of a flow path.
D) The initial opening in the wall was only large enough to place the main-stream tip of the nozzle in the opening and direct the stream onto the main body of fire.
ANSWER: B) Once members were able to get into the adjoining apartment an opening was made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the exterior wall as possible to avoid creating a flow path.
B IS CORRECT – Opening made near EXTERIOR wall
A – Tactic used FOLLOWING deployment of wind control device
C – Line is stretched via the exterior from the APARTMENT BELOW. Also done this way when the fire apartment door is closed.
D – Stream is directed at the CEILING of the fire room.
A discussion was being had regarding ventilation in HRFPMD’s and the following statements are made. Which is CORRECT regarding ventilation operations in these buildings?
A) Horizontal ventilation of the fire floor is limited and controlled by the 1st arriving Ladder Company Officer.
B) All ventilation outside of the fire apartment must be strictly limited and controlled by the IC.
C) Vertical ventilation shall only be performed at the direction of the Ladder company officer in the fire area.
D) Ventilation of the fire apartment in FPMD’s should take place once the line is in place and advancing on the fire.
ANSWER: B) All ventilation outside of the fire apartment must be strictly limited and controlled by the IC.
A – 1st Ladder Officer has FIRE APARTMENT
C – Incident Commander controls all vertical ventilation
D – Ventilation of the fire apartment in FPMD’s should take place AFTER the main body of fire has been controlled.
Ladder 171 is an aerial ladder company and they are assigned first due to a fire on the 4th floor of a 6 story 100x100 H type MD with similar exposures on both sides. Which choice is INCORRECTLY listed as one of the primary means for getting to the roof at this fire?
A) First Arriving Aerial Ladder
B) Wing Stairs in the Fire building
C) Isolated Stairs in the Fire building
D) Any stairway in an adjoining building
ANSWER: A) First Arriving Aerial Ladder (INCORRECT)
- When conditions indicate roof operations (top floor fire, shaft fire, two floors involved, heavy fire condition, etc.) the aerial may initially be raised to the roof for rapid ascent of the roof and outside vent firefighter.
- The PRIMARY means of getting to the roof would be winged or isolated stairways in the same building or any stairway in an adjoining building, if feasible.
During roll call, the members of Tower Ladder 188 were discussing HRFPMD’s and the responsibilities of the companies that are assigned on the transmission of a 10-77. Which choice is CORRECT regarding the company who is responsible for confirming that the evacuation stair doors on the fire floor have been closed and maintained in a closed position?
A) The 1st arriving ladder company
B) The 2nd arriving ladder company
C) The 3rd arriving ladder company
D) The 4th arriving ladder company
ANSWER: C) The 3rd arriving ladder company
- The 3rd ladder company officer shall CONFIRM the evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in a closed position. The 2nd arriving ladder company ENSURES all evacuation stair doors are closed on the fire floor.
Class 2 Multiple Dwellings may have fire escapes that affect operations. Which factor is INCORRECT to consider prior to using the fire escape on these buildings?
A) Height of the Building
B) Presence of a known life hazard.
C) Weather Conditions.
D) Fire Conditions
ANSWER: A) Height of the Building (INCORRECT)
- Height of the FIRE FLOOR
For a fire on the 12th floor of an 18 story Class 2 Multiple Dwelling where elevator operations are not required, the 2nd Ladder OV should report to their officer for assignments which may include all EXCEPT which of the following?
A) Assist with the search of the fire apartment.
B) Assist with the search of the apartments on the floor above the fire.
C) Assist with searches of all the floors above the fire.
D) Assist with KO curtain deployment or LSR rescue if necessary.
ANSWER: C) Assist with searches of all the floors above the fire. (INCORRECT)
- OV is NOT used to assist with searches outside of the fire floor or floor above.
Engine 269 is out conducting building inspection on a Hi-Rise Multiple Dwelling under construction and he is gathering information to add to his CIDS card once complete. The building when complete will be a 75 story (850’ tall) 150x100 Class 1 constructed under the 2008 building code. Which piece of information that he jotted down was INCORRECT?
A) The CIDS information should include that a top floor fire in this building will require the assignment and use of a 3rd stage pumper.
B) The CIDS information should include the designation as a Mega Hi-Rise.
C) The CIDS information should include the presence of a one-way communications system between the Fire Command Center and the residences and stairways.
D) The CIDS information should include the presence and location of the low zone and high zone standpipe Siamese.
ANSWER: A) The CIDS information should include that a top floor fire in this building will require the assignment and use of a 3rd stage pumper. (INCORRECT)
- Pressure required is 500 psi (floors 71-80) – 3rd stage engines are the PREFERRED choice for pumping operations requiring discharge pressures OVER 500 PSI.
- Pressures EXCEEDING 600 PSI will REQUIRE a 3rd stage engine. 4.1
B – Mega Hi-Rise is any building OVER 800’ TALL – COMM Ch 4 -4.3.1
C – MD’s 6.21.2 pg 67.
D - Under the 2008 building code, a building having a standpipe riser over 600’ in height shall have separate Low and High Zone Siamese connections. Eng Ops 9.3.13.
Which Engine Company tactic below is not entirely correct when employed at an Old Law Tenement during a fire operation?
A) The first line should be stretched by way of the interior stairs. The primary purpose of this line is to safeguard the stairway so that it can be used by the escaping occupants.
B) The door to the fire apartment must not be opened while people are coming down the stairway from the floors above. When the safety of the stairway is assured, the first line may be advanced to extinguish the fire.
C) The second hoseline is immediately stretched by way of the interior stairs to the floor above the first line. It is meant to extinguish any extending fire on the floor above and protect escaping occupants.
D) The third line in the building should usually be stretched via the fire escape or rope stretch via a window. This is because the stairway is narrow and the stretching of a third line via the interior stairs would result in congestion and inability to move any of the hoselines.
ANSWER: C) The second hoseline is immediately stretched by way of the interior stairs to the floor above the first line. It is meant to extinguish any extending fire on the floor above and protect escaping occupants. (INCORRECT)
(MD 3.2.11)
- The second hoseline is also USUALLY stretched by way of the interior stairs to the same floor as the first line. It is meant to AUGMENT THE FIRST LINE, if necessary. If NOT NEEDED on the original fire floor, it is THEN advanced to the floor above.
D Note: In some cases, the second or third lines may be urgently needed in one of the exposures. The decision as to the location to which these lines shall be stretched rests with the Incident Commander, and is based on his/her size-up of the fire situation.
Engine and Ladder companies have a number of responsibilities to carry out upon arrival at a fire in a HRFPMD. Which contact made to command by members was CORRECT according to assignments & department procedures for fires in these structures?
A) The 2nd Arriving Ladder Company officer contacts command to confirm the evacuation stair door was being maintained in the closed position.
B) The 4th arriving ECC contacts command to relay information gathered from calls received from building occupants.
C) The 1st arriving ladder company contacts command to request the high-rise nozzle as the first alternate strategy because in most circumstances due to its availability and time it takes to put into operation it’s used.
D) The 3rd and 4th Arriving Engine Companies contact command to place the high-rise nozzle in operation using the 2nd line.
ANSWER: B) The 4th arriving ECC contacts command to relay information gathered from calls received from building occupants.
- Book states utilize a 3rd or 4th ECC to do this.
A – 3rd Due Truck Responsibility
C – KO Curtain would normally be the 1st tactic
D – 5th Due Engine responsibility.
The members of Ladder 88 have just finished up roll call and are discussing with the officer the new Class 2 bulletin and some of the assignments during FPMD fires. Which choice below is INCORRECT regarding position assignments during an upper floor fire?
A) If the officer believes roof access is feasible, a member of the forcible entry team is assigned along with the roof firefighter for roof operations.
B) If elevator operations are not required, the OV shall report to their officer for assignment which may include locating the secondary entrance to the fire apartment and/or additional stairways serving the fire floor.
C) If outside operations are not feasible or required, the first LCC may be assigned to duties including teaming up with the inside team to assist with the search of the fire apartment.
D) If heavy smoke conditions exist and roof ventilation is required, the roof firefighter will proceed to the roof and vent as ordered by their company officer.
ANSWER: D) If heavy smoke conditions exist and roof ventilation is required, the roof firefighter will proceed to the roof and vent as ordered by their company officer. (INCORRECT)
- Vent as ordered by IC
Access to the roof of Class 2 Fireproof Multiple Dwellings can be a challenge, especially in buildings with an open interior stair as the only access to the roof. Members may have to team up to assure access to this critical position. Which choice indicates the INCORRECT combination of firefighters for access to the roof?
A) 1st Roof FF / 2nd Roof FF
B) 1st Roof FF / 1st LCC
C) 1st Roof FF / 1st FE FF
D) 1st Roof FF / 1st Can FF
ANSWER: B) 1st Roof FF / 1st LCC (INCORRECT)
- If the officer believes roof access is feasible (in a building with an open stair), the following MUST be done: Whether or not the stairway is an IDLH, two members must be assigned to vent the roof (1st roof and a member of FE team or 2nd roof)
Ladder 99 is assigned to BQBX Houses for a stuck elevator at 0300 hrs and have to force entry into the building lobby upon arrival. There was no visible damage and the entrance door was able to be secured upon the completion at the box. Which choice below is the CORRECT action for the officer to take upon leaving the scene?
A) Make a notification to the complex’s maintenance office regarding forcing the door during normal business hours.
B) Notify Housing via the borough dispatcher that a door has been forced, even if the door was able to be secured.
C) Forward a letterhead report through the Chain of Command addressed to the Borough Commander with full particulars
D) No action is necessary because the company was able to secure the entrance door following their operation.
ANSWER: B) Notify Housing via the borough dispatcher that a door has been forced, even if the door was able to be secured.
A – Not stated
C – Chief of Operations
D – Even if the door was able to be secured, a notification is necessary
Open Stairs are a common occurrence in Class 2 MD’s and there are five most common types. Which choice below is INCORRECTLY describes one of these staircases?
A) Service stairs usually contains a standpipe, service elevator and the main entrance doors to the apartments.
B) Primary open stairs usually lead to the front entrance doors of the apartments. These usually end in a bulkhead on the roof, but occasionally will terminate on the top floor.
C) Open fire stairs generally have 2 doors serving separate apartments in a building or wing of a building. They may be found anywhere in the apartment and usually do not have a standpipe.
D) A Shared fire stair provides the secondary means of egress for apartments in different wings, creating an additional crossover and potential fire/smoke spread.
ANSWER: A) Service stairs usually contains a standpipe, service elevator and the main entrance doors to the apartments.
- Typically NOT the main entrance to the apartment.
Which of the following 1st Arriving Ladder Company procedures is CORRECT for operations at a fire in a Class 2 MD?
A) The primary means of getting the roof for the roof firefighter is a similar Adjoining building.
B) In any instance where the OV operates on the outside of the building, the Incident Commander must be informed.
C) When outside operations are not feasible or required, the 1st LCC’s duties may include teaming up with the inside team to assist with searches of the fire apartment.
D) In a building with an open stair where outside operations are not required and roof operations are feasible, the 1st OV may team up with the 1st Roof FF to vent the roof.
ANSWER: C) When outside operations are not feasible or required, the 1st LCC’s duties may include teaming up with the inside team to assist with searches of the fire apartment.
A – Primary means is Remote/unaffected stair with Roof Access (RALFO - Remote stairs - Adjoining bldg. - Aerial - fire escape - Open stairs)
B – The 1st Ladder Officer must be informed.
D – OV may team up with inside team for search of the fire apartment. A member of the inside team may team with the roof for roof ventilation.
The members of Ladder companies 99 and 98 arrive at the scene of a fire on the 20th floor of a 40-story high-rise MD. Which member operated INCORRECTLY according to FFP MD’s?
A) The 1st Roof FF went to the apartment directly above the fire apartment via the evacuation stair and advised the IC of the conditions in the public hall on the floor above the fire.
B) The 1st LCC verified the identification of the attack and evacuation stairways prior to taking a blind shaft elevator that did not service the fire floor to go above the fire.
C) The 2nd LCC took the Fire service elevator to 2 floors below the fire floor and proceeded to the roof via the evacuation stairway.
D) The 2nd OV did not have a serviceable FF service elevator so he teamed up with his officer on the fire floor.
ANSWER: A) The 1st Roof FF went to the apartment directly above the fire apartment via the evacuation stair and advised the IC of the conditions in the public hall on the floor above the fire. (INCORRECT)
- Proceed to the apartment above the fire apartment via the ATTACK stairway.
The Companies in Battalion 99 were assembled at a MUD and were discussing a recent fire during which there were multiple 1045’s on the fire floor and a heavy smoke condition throughout the HRFPMD. The following actions were taken by the companies on scene. Which was the only CORRECT action taken by members of the companies according to FPMD’s?
A) The 3rd Arriving ECC assisted the Battalion in receiving calls from the occupants on the floors above the fire.
B) The 2nd Arriving Ladder Officer confirmed the evacuation stairway doors were closed on the fire floor and maintained in a closed position.
C) The 3rd Arriving Ladder ensured all of the elevators were recalled and searched.
D) The 4th Arriving Engine responded in with their High-Rise Nozzle and placed it into operation.
ANSWER: A) The 3rd Arriving ECC assisted the Battalion in receiving calls from the occupants on the floors above the fire.
A IS CORRECT – The 3rd or 4th ECC’s can be utilized by the BC to assist in receiving and/or recording the information of calls from occupants on floors above, or as otherwise deemed necessary.
B – 3rd Ladder Company Responsibility
C – 2nd Ladder Company Responsibility
D – 5th Engine Company Responsibility
Cockloft construction varies greatly depending on which type of building you are referring to. Which of these cockloft descriptions is CORRECT according to our department manuals?
A) In flat roof Brownstones, the cockloft space between the top floor ceiling and the roof is approximately 2’ to 3’ in height & the roof if pitched toward the front of the building.
B) The salient feature common to all Rowframe buildings, regardless of variations of design is the common cockloft spreading over all the buildings in the row. The cockloft may vary from 6” to more than 6’ in height.
C) The cockloft is usually a common area extending over all the stores in a taxpayer and can vary from a height of a foot to tall enough for a man to stand in.
D) There is a mass of wood in the cockloft of an H-type equal to a small lumber yard. Some cocklofts are as much as four feet deep.
ANSWER: D) There is a mass of wood in the cockloft of an H-type equal to a small lumber yard. Some cocklofts are as much as four feet deep.
(5.9.9I MD’s)
A – BROWNSTONES - Approximately 2’ to 3’ in height and the roof is pitched toward the REAR of the building. (2.2.18)
B – ROWFRAMES - The cockloft may vary in height of one foot to tall enough for a member to stand in – (5.2.2)
C – TAXPAYER – From four inches to more than six feet. (3.2.1)
Class 2 Multiple Dwellings create interesting scenarios for members attempting to access the roof. Which choice contains the CORRECT priority order of access to the roof in these multiple dwellings for the 1st Ladder Roof Firefighter?
A) Adjoining building, Aerial Ladder, Remote/unaffected stair with roof access, Open Stairs. Fire Escape
B) Open Stairs, Remote/unaffected stair with roof access, Adjoining building, Aerial ladder, Fire Escape
C) Remote/unaffected stair with roof access, Adjoining building, Aerial ladder, Fire Escape, Open Stairs
D) Aerial Ladder, Remote/unaffected stair with roof access, Adjoining building, Open Stairs, Fire Escape
ANSWER: C) Remote/unaffected stair with roof access, Adjoining building, Aerial ladder, Fire Escape, Open Stairs
Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof Access Adjoining Building Aerial Ladder (usually not viable but still listed 3rd) Fire Escape Open stairs