Engine 22 and Ladder 13 are drilling in their quarters located on 85th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenues in Manhattan. At 1330 hours, a civilian knocks on the door and states there is a fire in a tenement building on the corner of 3rd Ave and 88th street. In this situation, they would be most correct to acknowledge the response and provide the dispatcher with information regarding their response by?
A) Using the VERBAL button on the PCATS selector panel, followed by a phone call of the incident type and location to the dispatcher.
B) Using the VERBAL button on the PCATS selector panel, followed by a radio report of the incident type and location to the dispatcher.
C) immediately calling the dispatcher by phone with the incident type and location, then responding.
D) Responding and provide the dispatcher with the incident type and location via radio report.
ANSWER: D) Responding and provide the dispatcher with the incident type and location via radio report.
- The VERBAL button should be used only if the alarm is within 2 blocks of a units quarters in any direction. If the alarm is more than two blocks away, the unit should respond and give information and location via radio.
(Communications Manual 2.2.4)
After a receipt of a response, the housewatch has _____ seconds to acknowledge before the dispatcher will prompt the unit to verify a response via the Voice Alarm?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 30
- The housewatch has 20 seconds to acknowledge. If there is no response within 20 seconds, the dispatcher will prompt the unit to verify response via the Voice Alarm.
(Communications Manual 2.2.1 C)
Units responding to multiple alarm fires in a building will observe suffix letters after unit designations on their response tickets. Below are suffix letters after unit designations that may appear on a ticket:
E197P E198S E199Y T98H L99V
Regarding the task that units are assigned above, it would be correct to think?
A) E197 is a Purple K unit.
B) E198 is a Satellite Unit
C) E199 is the Lobby Control Unit
D) T98 is the High Rise Roof Team
ANSWER: D) T98 is the High Rise Roof Team
P - High Pressure Engine
S - Communications Unit
Y - Systems Control Unit
H - High Rise Roof Team (truck only) / Engines are Hazmat Tech
V - Vent Support Unit
Communications 2.12.3
After completing operations at a 3rd alarm fire, the Deputy Chief orders Engine 99 and Battalion 60, to immediately enter the collapsed condition of the building into eCIDS on return to quarters. In this situation, the Officer and Chief should?
A) Fax paper copies of the proposed immediate CIDS through the chain of command to the Deputy Chief, notifying each level of command by phone of the pending immediate CIDS.
B) Fax paper copies of the proposed immediate CIDS through the chain of command to the Deputy Chief, and then type and send an email to notify the next level of command of the pending immediate CIDS.
C) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS, notifying each level of command by phone of the pending immediate CIDS.
D) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS, and then type and send an email to notify the next level of command of the pending immediate CIDS.
ANSWER: C) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS, notifying each level of command by phone of the pending immediate CIDS.
- Faxed paper copies of the CD-201 are NO LONGER ACCEPTED.
- Select “Immediate” CIDS / Call BC by PHONE / BC phones DC
- Automatic email is generated
Communications 4 4.3.3
First alarm units responding to a phone alarm for a fire in a residential building are given the following CIDS on their response ticket:
In this situation, they would expect that the altered structure is most likely a?
A) Wood frame PD that added lightweight construction
B) Brownstone converted into a MD
C) Rowframe with either braced or balloon framing
D) MD originally of heavy timber construction
ANSWER: B) Brownstone converted into a MD.
- 1938 Building Classification Codes
Class 1 - Fireproof Class 2 - Fire protected Class 3 - Non Fireproof Class 4 - Wood Frame Class 5 - Metal Structure Class 6 - Heavy Timber
- 3 additional classifications have been added:
CL2LW - Fire protected structure using metal “c” joists / steel bar joist
CL3LW - Non fireproof structure renovated or repaired using any type of structural LW materials
CL4LW - Wood frame structure using any LW materials
Communications 4 pg 4-7
Which point below is correct regarding the use of handle talkies and cell phones?
A) HTs and cell phones shall not be used within 200 feet of vehicles transporting explosives, explosive magazines, or areas where blasting operations are in progress.
B) Apparatus, Post and Marine radios shall not be used within 350 feet of vehicles transporting explosives, explosive magazines, or areas where blasting operations are in progress.
C) HTs shall not be operated in a building in which police personnel are searching for a device.
D) If the transmitting button on the apparatus radio is depressed for longer than 30 seconds, an audible signal will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically interrupted.
ANSWER: C) HTs shall not be operated in a building in which police personnel are searching for a device.
A - Don’t use HTs or cell phones within 150 FEET
B - Don’t use Apparatus, Post, Marine radios within 300 FEET
C - Correct
D - Apparatus transmitting button held down for more than 60 SECONDS, an audible signal will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically interrupted.
- If you call dispatch and don’t get an answer, wait 30 seconds and try again. Do not make more than 3 attempts. If 3rd call is not acknowledged, assume radio is inoperative and transmit from another mobile unit. If no response after 3 attempts from another unit’s radio or indications of a problem with the borough radio frequency, switch to citywide frequency and advise the citywide dispatcher of difficulty encountered. If you can’t communicate with citywide dispatcher by radio, contact the borough or citywide dispatcher via telephone.
Communications 8 8.4.5 - 8.4.6
At 1730 hours, first alarm units arrive at the scene of an incident in Midtown where they find a transformer on fire in the street in front of a High Rise Office building. During the initial operations and size up they determine there is a medium smoke condition in the cellar of the Office Building, no fire extension in that building, but there are CO detectors sounding in the cellar and CO meter readings are reaching 200 ppm. The Battalion has asked for a 10-12. In this situation, the IC should transmit what signals?
A) 10-25 Code 1, 10-38 Code 3
B) 10-25 Code 1, 10-38 Code 4
C) 10-25 Code 4, 10-38 Code 3
D) 10-25 Code 4, 10-38 Code 4
ANSWER: C) 10-25 Code 4, 10-38 Code 3
10-25 Manhole or Transformer Fire or Emergency
Without Code: Situation other that described in codes 1-4
Code 1 - FIRE extended from manhole conduit or transformer into building
Code 2 - Fire has blown one or more covers, or smoke issuing under pressure
Code 3 - Smoke seeping from a manhole
Code 4 - Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location
10-38 Carbon Monoxide Response
Code 1 - Investigation (low battery, defective, unwarranted)
Code 2 - Incident ( 1-9 ppm)
Code 3 - Emergency (Greater than 9 ppm)
Code 4 - No detector activation; specify incident or emergency.
Communications 8 pg 8-8, 8-11
A unit dispatched as the FireIce unit will have which suffix letter on its response ticket?
A) F
B) I
C) M
D) C
ANSWER: B) I FireIce unit
F - FAST UNIT (both Engine and Truck)
C - CFRD Engine / CPC Unit Truck
Communications 2 Pg 2-37
On a busy day in Brooklyn, units respond to a reported “trauma” where they find one car accident into a tree, with one victim injured. The victim is removed by the ladder company, who used a hurst tool to get her out of the car. The engine company then performs patient care on the victim who has only suffered non life threatening injuries. The correct signals to transmit in this situation are represented in which choice?
A) 10-36 Code 3, 10-37 Code 2
B) 10-36 Code 3, 10-37 Code 3
C) 10-36 Code 4, 10-37 Code 2
D) 10-36 Code 4, 10-37 Code 3
ANSWER: D) 10-36 Code 4, 10-37 Code 3
10-36 Vehicle Accident or Emergency “WAIT”
Code 1 - Washdown
Code 2 - Accident (no injuries or Washdown)
Code 3 - Injuries
Code 4 - Trapped victims requiring extrication
No Code - Vehicle emergency other than described above
10-37 Medical Assignment not Associated with Fire Operations
Code 1 - Deceased
Code 2 - Not breathing / Life Threatening
Code 3 - Breathing / Non Life Threatening
Code 4 - Unit is 10-84 NO PATIENT CONTACT / EMS on scene
Communications 8 Pg 8-10
An Engine and Ladder company respond to a Class 3 where they find that the alarm was activated because of a low battery condition. In this situation, the Engine Officer would be correct to transmit a 10-35 __________?
A) No Code
B) Code 1
C) Code 2
D) Code 3
E) Code 4 and complete a NYFIRS report
ANSWER: A) No Code
10-35 Unwarranted or Unnecessary Alarm Activation
No Code - Unwarranted (defective condition, low battery, no known cause or no condition found)
Codes 1-4 Unnecessary Alarm
Code 1 - Testing or servicing
Code 2 - Construction Activities
Code 3 - Ordinary household activities
Code 4 - Other known cause (cigarette smoke)
- Code 4 must complete NYFIRS report
Communications 8 Pg 8-10
An Engine and Ladder company respond to a pull box at 2330 hours and on arrival they find a smoke condition coming from a detached garage adjacent to a Private Dwelling. Inside the garage they extinguish a medium contents fire, and their searches prove negative for the garage. They also find a gasoline can nearby outside the garage. When they check the house, they find it is occupied with two old seniors. The Engine officer transmits a 10-18, requests the BC to continue in, and would also be correct to transmit which 10-41 signal?
A) Code 1
B) Code 2
C) Code 3
D) Code 4
ANSWER: D) Code 4
10-41 Fire Marshall Investigation Required
Code 4 - VACANT STRUCTURE (structures not intended for dwelling)
* Detached garages / sheds fall under this category *
Communications 8 Pg 8-12
An Engine company responds to a CFRD response where they meet EMS on the 11th floor of a High Rise MD. They both find a 75 year old patient who is having difficulty breathing and has thermal burns on her body. The Engine officer learns that the victim reached for a pot on the stove, and her dress caught on fire for about 10-15 seconds, causing 1st degree burns to her stomach. There was no extension of fire to any objects other than her body. EMS has the engine assist with patient care and then states she is an “Orange Tag”. In this situation, the Engine officer would be correct to transmit what signal?
A) 10-37 Code 2 and request a BC to respond
B) 10-37 Code 3 and request a BC to respond
C) 10-45 Code 2 but no BC response is required
D) 10-45 Code 3, and request a BC to respond
ANSWER: D) 10-45 Code 3, and request a BC to respond
- Any thermal burns / burns from flame is a 10-45
- Do not use 10-37 at any fire operation
10-45 Civilian DOA or Serious Injury (Fire related only)
Communications 8 Pg 8-11, 8-13
Units operating at an all hands fire in a MD when a serious collapse occurs trapping members on multiple floors. The IC immediately transmits a 10-66 due to the seriousness of the situation. In this situation, it would be incorrect to state that?
A) The IC is required to also transmit a 10-60 in addition to the 10-66
B) A staging area will be established and an additional BC assigned above the 2nd alarm designated as the staging area manager.
C) The dispatcher will cause the response of numerous specialized 10-66 resources plus the next higher alarm - a 2nd alarm.
D) 10-66 resources include an additional FAST unit, CFR Engine, Rescue Company and Collapse Rescue, Squad with its second piece, and a SOC Support Ladder.
E) Unless otherwise directed by the dispatcher, all of the resources in the 10-66, other than Chiefs, should go directly to the staging area.
ANSWER: E) Unless otherwise directed by the dispatcher, all of the resources in the 10-66, other than Chiefs, should go directly to the staging area. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- On transmission of a higher alarm which is part of signal 10-66, all units OTHER THAN Rescue, Squad, SOC Support Ladder, FAST unit and CFRD Engine shall be directed by the dispatcher to report to and remain at the Staging Area.
Communications 8 Pg 8-17
Regulations 11.3.26
E-99 arrives at a fire showing out of one window of the 16th floor of a 26 story High Rise MD. Engine 99 takes an elevator to the 14th floor, hooks up to the standpipe outlet on the 15th floor, and the Officer calls for water to the nozzle after the line has been flaked out. The ECC hooks up to a good hydrant, and notifies his Officer that the standpipe Siamese has been supplied with the correct pressure. The Control FF then notifies E-99’s Officer that he has insufficient pressure at the standpipe outlet even though the ECC has supplied the system. When critiquing the fire, which point below would be an incorrect tactic for this incident?
A) A 10-77 was transmitted by E-99’s Officer to the dispatcher upon their arrival.
B) An “Urgent” was transmitted by E-99’s Officer on the HT to the IC for a 10-70.
C) An “Urgent” was transmitted by the IC to the dispatcher for a 10-70
D) The 3rd arriving Engine was designated as the “Water Resource Unit” by the dispatcher.
ANSWER: D) The 3rd arriving Engine was designated as the “Water Resource Unit” by the dispatcher.
- The SECOND ARRIVING ENGINE shall be designated as the Water Resource Unit by the dispatcher.
- No water at the standpipe warrants an Urgent and 10-70 given
Communications 8 pg 8-18
Regarding the signals 10-75, 10-76 and 10-77 it would be correct to state that?
A) A Rescue and Squad will always be assigned to every 10-75, 10-76, and 10-77.
B) The 3rd Ladder will always be assigned as the FAST Unit on a 10-75, 10-76, and 10-77. There are no exceptions to this policy.
C) A RAC unit will always be assigned on every 10-75, 10-76, and 10-77.
D) Every 10-77 will always have at least one High Rise Nozzle equipped Engine assigned to the incident. The 4th due Engine will be assigned the High Rise Nozzle duties.
ANSWER: C) A RAC unit will always be assigned on every 10-75, 10-76, and 10-77.
A - Squad and Rescue will be assigned IF THEY ARE AVAILABLE (not always)
B - 3rd Ladder is typically the FAST Unit, however exceptions can be made if the situation warrants.
C - RAC unit will ALWAYS be assigned at these incidents.
D - Recent change to books
The 5th DUE ENGINE is now assigned the HRN.
Communications 8 Pg 8-18, 8-20
All Officers should be aware that there are two types of radio messages on the Department radio - routine and urgent. Which of the following Department radio transmissions should be given as an “Urgent” to the dispatcher?
A) “E-152 to Staten Island, 10-75, fire on the 1st floor of a 2 story PD”
B) “Battalion 9 to Manhattan, transmit a 2nd alarm for Box 598”
C) “L-44 to the Bronx, we have been involved in a minor apparatus accident, we are unable to proceed to the odor of gas”
D) “Engine 75 to the Bronx, transmit a 10-70, we have a frozen hydrant”
E) Battalion 50 to Queens, have Tower Ladder 127 respond in from Jamaica Avenue and set up in front of Exposure 2”
F) All of the above warrant an “Urgent” message
G) Only choices A, B and D require “Urgent” messages
ANSWER: F) All of the above warrant an “Urgent” message.
- 2nd or greater alarms
- Calls for additional companies, ambulances, special units, 10-75
- Dispatchers orders to units away from quarters to respond in
- Deployment of units or important messages to units at fire/emerg.
- Report of apparatus breakdown while responding to an alarm
- Transmission of alarms and broadcast of address of fire
- Report that unit has stopped to extinguish fire while responding to another alarm.
- Signal 10-70 is given
An Engine company arrives at the scene of a serious hazardous materials incident inside of a factory building where they find about 10 civilians having great difficulty breathing. In this situation, they would be most correct to transmit a 10-80 ___________?
A) Code 1
B) Code 2
C) Code 3
D) Code 4
ANSWER: A) Code 1
No Code - Can be controlled by on scene units (Release of a small quantity / materials and hazards have been identified / PPE provides adequate protection / Special equipment and training not needed)
Code 1 - An incident requiring additional resources or specialized equipment not carried by regular field units to assist the IC in assessing the hazards and identifying the resources necessary to manage the spill or release.
- Codes 2,3 and 4 do not exist for a 10-80 signal.
Communications 8 Pg 8-21
An Engine Officer returning from a response determines that his apparatus radio is defective and not operating. When he returns to quarters, he asks the ladder officer what action to take. What would be the correct actions?
A) Obtain a portable citywide radio from the Battalion.
B) Perform an operational check of the portable citywide radio when it is received by requesting a 10-11 radio test count with the citywide dispatcher.
C) Carry the portable citywide radio in the front of the cab while responding. Also carry or wear it while off the apparatus to communicate with the dispatcher for routine transmissions.
D) Notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating apparatus radio, if a response is received while awaiting the arrival of a citywide radio.
E) Know the dispatcher is required to dispatch the nearest available Engine company with an operating radio if a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio.
ANSWER: D) Notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without n operating apparatus radio, if a response is received while awaiting the arrival of a citywide radio.
A - Portable Citywide radio is obtained from the DIVISION
B - Perform a 10-11 radio test count with your BOROUGH dispatch
C - Citywide radio SHALL NOT BE CARRIED or worn by Officer. It should remain in the cab and serve as a communications link.
E - The NEAREST AVAILABLE UNIT (Engine or Ladder) with an operating radio will be dispatched
Communications 8 Pg 8-30
A member activating their Emergency Alert Button (EAB) on their HT will cause all of the following to occur except?
A) An Emergency Alert Tone will sound on all HTs within range on the same frequency.
B) A beacon tone will sound on the HT that activated their EAB
C) The company, position and name of the member who pressed the EAB will immediately display on the EFAS, if the HT is in range of the EFAS.
D) The MDTs of EFAS enabled units within range of the HT will automatically switch to EFAS mode and print out a hard copy showing the company, position and name of the member.
E) HT transmission power on the radio that activated their EAB will be increased from 2 watts to 5 watts on the tactical channel.
ANSWER: D) The MDTs of EFAS enabled units within range of the HT will automatically switch to EFAS mode and print out a hard copy showing the company, position and name of the member.
- The MDT will print out a hard copy showing company, position and TIME WHEN IT RECEIVED THE EAB ACTIVATION.
Communications 11 2.7.2
Units are operating at an all hands fire when the IC hears an emergency alert tone indicating an EAB activation, but no radio transmission is given following the sounds of the emergency alert tone. In this situation, it would be most correct for the IC to identify the EAB activating member by stating on the HT Tactical 1 ____________?
A) “Command to EFAS, who is the Mayday?”
B) “Command to the member who activated their EAB, do you have a Mayday?”
C) “Command to the member who activated their EAB, go with your Mayday”
D) “Command to the member who activated their EAB, do you have an emergency?”
ANSWER: D) “Command to the member who activated their EAB, do you have an emergency?”
- In this scenario, no Mayday or Urgent was given after the activation of the EAB. Therefor the following statements would be correct to give
A - “Command to EFAS, who activated their EAB?”
B - “Command to member who activated their EAB, do you have an EMERGENCY?”
C - “Command to Ladder 23 Roof, do you have an emergency?”
- If the activation of the EAB is followed with a radio transmission or an Urgent or a Mayday the correct response would be - “Command to Ladder 4 Roof, go ahead with your Mayday (Urgent)”
Communications 9 Add 4 4.1
The TAC-U channel is a 5 watt channel on the FDNY HT. It is found in Zone A on HT Channel _____________?
A) 11
B) 12
C) 13
D) 14
E) 15
11 - Building Repeater
12 - MOB RP
14 - Subway 1
15 - Subway 2
Communications 11 Pg 11-12 Chapter 14 Addendum 2
The Subway Duplex channels on the HT are found in Zone A on HT channels ______________?
A) 11 and 12
B) 12 and 13
C) 14 and 15
D) 15 and 16
ANSWER: C) 14 and 15 Subway Repeater
11 - BLDG RP
12 - MOB RP
13 - TAC-U
- All 5 watts except Channel 1:Tactical and
Channel 3: Tactical 2 (2 watts)
Communications 11 Pg 11-12
The HT Duplex Channels that are used with a repeater to enhance communications within a building (Javits Center) or facility (PATH Station) are found in Zone A of the HTs on channels ______________?
A) 11 & 12
B) 12 & 13
C) 14 & 15
D) 15 & 16
ANSWER: A) 11 and 12 HT Duplex Channels (Within a building)
13 - TAC-U
14 and 15 - Subway Repeater
16 - EMRG CH
Communications 11 Pg 11-12
First alarm units are operating at a 10-76 in a 60 story High Rise Office Building. The fire is on the 22nd floor and the DC has set up the Fire Sector and SAE Group. In this situation, it would be incorrect to state that?
A) The Fire Sector should be established for units operating on 22 and 23rd floors. The SAE Group will be units operating on all floors above the Fire Sector.
B) Once the Fire Sector is established, units in this sector shall communicate with the Fire Sector Supervisor on the Primary Tactical Channel, and not communicate with the ICP unless Urgent.
C) Units operating above the Fire Sector shall initially communicate with the Fire Sector Supervisor on the Primary Tactical Channel, the switch to Secondary Tactical once the SAE Group in established.
D) Once the SAE Group is established, units in this sector shall not communicate with the ICP unless Urgent.
ANSWER: C) Units operating above the Fire Sector shall initially communicate with the Fire Sector Supervisor on the Primary Tactical Channel, the switch to Secondary Tactical once the SAE Group in established. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- Units above the Fire Sector shall initially communicate with the COMMAND POST on the Primary Tactical, then switch to Secondary Tactical once SAE Group is established.
High Rise Office Pg 18-19
Ladder 157 is the FAST Unit and is put to work in a FAST Group with Rescue 2 and Battalion 41 to search for a missing firefighter in the cellar of a commercial building. Which of the following transmissions would be correct for them to utilize on the HT while operating?
A) L157 Irons FF monitoring EFAS sees an EAB activation and calls the IC by saying “L157 FAST to Command”
B) L157 Officer finds the lost FF in the rear of the cellar and says “Mayday, mayday, mayday, L157 FAST to Command with a Mayday”
C) L157 Officer requests the FAST PAK from his OV by saying “L157 FAST to L157 FAST OV, bring me the FAST PAK”
D) L157 Officer wants to update Battalion 41 on the progress of the FF removal and says “L157 to the FAST Sector Supervisor”
ANSWER: B) L157 Officer finds the lost FF in the rear of the cellar and says “Mayday, mayday, mayday, L157 FAST to Command with a Mayday”
A - Member monitoring EFAS = “EFAS TO COMMAND”
C - “L157 to L157 OV, bring me the FAST PAK”
- Member who locates down FF
“L157 FAST to Command, missing member located” (Officer)
“L157 FAST OV to Command, missing member located” (OV) etc.
Communications 9 Pg 9-7
An Officer discussing the use of the HT was incorrect when he stated that?
A) If the PTT button is continuously held, the HT remote mic speaker emits a short audible warning tone at about 20 seconds and a continuous tone at 30 seconds.
B) When transmitting, depress the PTT button, taking a slight pause, (1/4 second) before speaking.
C) On the new 8000 HT radios, an emergency alert that is received by a HT will be held on the HT-LED screen for about 8 seconds.
D) When recalling transmissions on the new 8000 HT radios, a yellow triangle will be displayed on the LED display to indicate a received Emergency Alert activated transmission.
E) When a member depresses his EAB on the new 8000 HT radio, the transmitting radio will display the word “Emergency” in an orange stripe and blink a high visibility strobe light.
ANSWER: A) If the PTT button is continuously held, the HT remote mic speaker emits a short audible warning tone at about 20 seconds and a continuous tone at 30 seconds. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- Short audible warning tone is at TWENTY SIX (26) SECONDS
Continuous tone at approximately 30 seconds. - Choices C,D and E are fro, forthcoming HT Bulletin
Communications 11 3.4 / 5.2
An Officer discussing ARCS was incorrect when he stated that?
A) ARCS means “Auxiliary Radio Communications Systems”
B) Simplex channels transmit and receive on the same frequency (point to point)
C) Duplex channels transmit on one frequency, but receive a signal back on a different frequency, thus requiring a duplex repeater system.
D) Base Station Leaky Cable is another ARCS that is a base radio connected to a cable running throughout the structure. It is a duplex radio that operates on Channels 11 & 12.
ANSWER: D) Base Station Leaky Cable is another ARCS that is a base radio connected to a cable running throughout the structure. It is a duplex radio that operates on Channels 11 and 12 (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- Base Station Leaky Cable operates on Channels 1 through 8
- Simplex HT Channels are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,13 & 16
- Duplex HT Channels are 11, 12, 14 and 15
- Channel 9 is a digital channel for future use
Communications 13 1.1
Ladder 99 arrives first at a newly constructed 90 story High Rise Office Building for a fire reported on the 49th floor. CIDS information indicates that the building has a building repeater that works off Channel 11 on the FDNY HT. Which of the following actions by the Officer was incorrect?
A) Activated the building ARCS with a 1620 key
B) Left one member at the ICP to monitor the repeater channel and relay messages.
C) Switched to Channel 11 on his radio, having other members of Ladder 99 stay on Channel 1
D) Performed a functional test of Channel 11 upon reaching the 47th floor, 2 floors below the reported fire floor.
E) Notified the dispatcher to advise all incoming units that Channel 11 is being utilized .
ANSWER: D) Performed a functional test of Channel 11 upon reaching the 47th floor, 2 floors below the reported fire floor. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- Perform functional test PRIOR TO LEAVING THE LOBBY.
Communications 13 3.1.1
Ladder 24 is utilizing Channel 12 (a repeater system) successfully at a fire at a PATH Station when they suddenly notice the continued inability to make radio contact on Channel 12 as they reach the incident location. In this situation, the Officer would be correct to immediately take which action?
A) Notify the IC via HT Relay set up on channel 1 of repeater failure
B) Switch to Channel 11 to see if the repeater works on that Channel
C) Request in house radios to see if the repeater world off those radios
D) Return to a location where previous communications were successful to see if the incident location is just a dead spot.
ANSWER: D) Return to a location where previous communications were successful to see if the incident location is just a dead spot.
- Report dead spot to the IC and continue to operate on ARCS
- If unsuccessful, use the HT on Channel 1 to report repeater failure
Communications 13 pg 13-7
Units are operating at a multiple alarm subway incident where Channel 14 is being utilized as an Auxiliary Radio Communications System (ARCS). The BC realizes that Channel 14 has suddenly failed and is no longer operational. He then instructs the Communications Engine to transmit an emergency message on the POST radio advising all units that the radio repeater has failed and that they should switch back to Channel 1. He instructs them to utilize the Reverse Channel for Channel 14 to transmit this message. Which is the Reverse Channel for Channel 14?
A) 17
B) 18
C) 19
D) 20
- Channel 17 is the Reverse Channel for Bldg Repeater Channel 11
- Channel 18 is the Reverse Channel for Bldg Repeater Channel 12
- Channel 19 is the Reverse Channel for SUBWY RPT Channel 14
- Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for SUBWY RPT Channel 15
Communications 13 Pg 13-17
Engine 79 responds on a CFRD call for a cardiac arrest. On arrival they find an EMS BLS unit on scene. In this situation, in order to initiate contact with the EMS BLS unit, it would be correct for the Officer of Engine 79 to?
A) On Fire HT Channel 1 state “Engine 79 to EMS”
B) On Fire HT Channel 10 state “Engine 79 to EMS”
C) Proceed to the reported apartment, because BLS units do not have Fire HT channels, only EMS supervisors have that capability.
D) Call the FDNY dispatcher to advise the BLS unit that Engine 79 is on scene.
ANSWER: A) On Fire HT Channel 1 state “Engine 79 to EMS
- Fire unit can contact EMS ON HT 1 “E79 to EMS”
- If EMS is on scene first they can contact us “EMS 17 Adam to E79”
- If unable to contact EMS on HT 1, info may be relayed through the FD dispatcher to the assigned EMS unit.
- When use of HT 1 to speak to EMS is impractical, Channel 10 may be used at non fire emergencies to facilitate communications.
Example: Mass casualty incident where a Medical Branch communication plan is implemented.
Communications 14 Add 1 - 2.2
Engine 22 responds to box 865 and arrives 1st at a vehicle accident into a building at 2340 Lexington Avenue, near 85th street in Yorkville. They determine there are numerous traumatic injuries. Because they are not certain which is the proper local EMS Sector frequency, they would be most correct to transmit critical information to EMS on which channel?
A) EMS Citywide 1 - “Engine 22 to EMS, at box 865 - 2430 Lexington Avenue, we have a car into a building with five people critically injured”
B) EMS Citywide 1 - “Engine 22 to EMS, at 2430 Lexington Avenue, near 85th street, we have a car into a building with 5 injuries”
C) EMS Citywide 1 - “Engine 22 to EMS, at 2430 Lexinmgton Avenue, near 85th street, we have a car into a building with 5, 10-37 code 2’s”
D) EMS Citywide 2 - “Engine 22 to EMS, at 2430 Lexington Avenue, near 85th street, we have a car into a building with five people critically injured”
ANSWER: B) EMS Citywide 1 - “Engine 22 to EMS, at 2430 Lexington Avenue, near 85th street, we have a car into a building with 5 injuries”
- EMS Borough frequencies are available to FD units to communicate directly with EMS Dispatchers.
- Use plain speak - do not use 10 codes, fire jargon etc.
- EMS resources will typically operate on EMS-CW1 at MCI incidents.
- A fire is classified as an MCI by EMS.
- When proper EMS borough frequency cannot be determined, transmit on EMS-CW1.
- Include the following information to EMS Dispatcher:
Engine 22 to EMS
Address including cross streets (DO NOT USE BOX NUMBER)
Relevant critical information
Chiefs should precede their messages with “Fire Battalion”
Communications 14 Addendum 1 Pg 2
Battalion 37 arrives at a 10-75 for a first floor Brownstone fire when the Officer from L111 transmits 2 10-45’s found, not breathing, that are being brought out to the street now. The BC looks around and sees no one from EMS visibly on scene. In this situation, in order to communicate critical information to EMS, the BC should attempt to?
A) Contact EMS on HT Channel 1
B) Notify the FDNY Dispatcher for relay to EMS
C) Utilize any Engine or Ladder UHF radio to contact EMS via EMS-CW1.
D) Utilize a DARS Radio to contact EMS on Bklyn South
ANSWER: A) Contact EMS on HT Channel 1
- If IC needs EMS and they are not on scene or can’t be located:
- Attempt to contact them on HT Channel 1 “Command to EMS”
- If you can’t, contact FD Dispatcher with particulars to relay to EMS
- UHF radios in all Engines and Ladders can be used for direct communication with EMS. Switch to EMS-CW1 and use plain speak (no 10 codes or fire jargon)
- DARS radios can be used for direct communication with EMS Citywide dispatch for relay to EMS units by switching to the EMS Zone Channel 1 (EMS-CW1). Transmissions on this frequency will not be heard by FD units.
Communications 14 Addendum 1 3.6
You are a member of the FAST Unit that is monitoring EFAS. You hear an emergency alert button activation and notice the seven digit ID number starting with the number “3” highlighted in the radio status and Mayday areas on the screen. You would know this 7 digit number is which member from the list below?
A) Member from EMS
B) Member from Rescue 3
C) The Battalion Chief’s Aide
D) The Division Chief’s Aide
ANSWER: A) Member from EMS
- Any EAB activation from EMS personnel requires the IC to contact the Medical Branch for identification and/or communication. For some EMS personnel, their HT 7 digit Internal Radio Code (with a leading digit “3”) displays on EFAS, rather than their unit, name, and assignment.
Communications 9 / Addendum 4 / Section 4.3
The OV of Ladder 153 has just pressed his Emergency Alert Button (EAB) prior to giving a Mayday transmission. As the FAST Unit Officer you would know that all of the following below are correct except which?
A) An Emergency Alert Tone is sounded on all HTs (including the HT with EAB activation) on the same frequency.
B) The 7 digit Internal Radio Code, preceded by the letters “EM” is displayed on the LCD screen of the FAST Radio and Model III HTs.
C) Within range, the company, position and name of the member who pressed the EAB displays on the Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS)
D) HT transmission power on the tactical channel is increased from 2 to 5 watts, providing more power for the message to get through.
ANSWER: A) An Emergency Alert Tone is sounded on all HTs (including the HT with EAB activation) on the same frequency. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- TONE is sounded on all HTs OTHER THAN the HT w/ EAB activation
- Beacon tone is sounded on member’s radio who pushed EAB
Communications 9 Addendum 4 Section 2
Members are drilling on Emergency Alert Button activations and Mayday transmissions. As the Officer supervising the drill which statement should you correct?
A) To activate the EAB the member shall begin by depressing their EAB for approximately 1/2 second.
B)The EAB can be deactivated and reset by depressing and holding the EAB for approximately 2 seconds until a reset tone is heard.
C) Beacon tones repeat at regular intervals every 4 seconds.
D) A second Emergency Alert Tone will always be transmitted 10 seconds after the initial tone, this happens automatically.
ANSWER: D) A second Emergency Alert Tone will always be transmitted 10 seconds after the initial tone, this happens automatically. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- This will not occur if member who activated their EAB presses their HT push to talk button in the interim.
Communications 9 Addendum 4 section 3
The IC has just delegated you the responsibility of conducting an emergency roll call. You would know that the member conducting the ERC must have an updated list of all units on scene. Which statement below is incorrect regarding ERC procedures?
A) Press the “Incident Summary” button - a blank form will appear requesting several pieces of information (date, box etc.) This information needs to be entered.
B) Press “Send” - this will automatically default the report to the box the unit is currently assigned to. The MDT will indicate a message is waiting.
C) Press “Next” to retrieve the rundown of units.
D) Press “Print” for the MDT to print the rundown.
ANSWER: A) Press the “Incident Summary” button - a blank form will appear requesting several pieces of information (date, box etc.) This information needs to be entered. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- This information does NOT NEED TO BE ENTERED.
Communications 9 Addendum 2 Section 4.1
Members assigned to tasks which are not under the “Immediate Supervision” of their Company Officer must contact such Officer before entering a dangerous area and advise such Officer of their status at frequent intervals, especially when attempting tasks not normally associated with their assignment. If contact cannot be made with their Company Officer, they shall attempt to contact certain members based on a priority. Please choose the correct priority from the list below.
A) 1st (Chauffeur) / 2nd (IC) / 3rd (Any other HT equipped member)
B) 1st (IC) / 2nd (Chauffeur) / 3rd (Any other HT equipped member)
C) 1st (Any other HT equipped member / 2nd (IC) / 3rd (Chauffeur)
D) None of the above are correct
ANSWER: A) 1st (Chauffeur) / 2nd (IC) / 3rd (Any other HT equipped member.
Communications 9 (9.2.2)
The Officer who arrives first at the fire area must transmit the following information to the IC:
- Location of fire. If a MD, report the wing, floor, apartment & number of apartments per floor.
- Fire conditions and access to the fire area.
- Whether the fire is extending and how it is extending and the need for additional lines.
- Difficulties or delays in gaining entrance to fire area or in advancing line, give reasons.
- If any occupants have been located or are reported missing.
Please choose the most correct answer:
A) 1/2/3 only
B) 2/3/4 only
C) 1/2/3/4/5
D) 1/2/3/5 only
ANSWER: C) 1/2/3/4/5
L - Location of fire
O - Occupants reported missing
D - Difficulties / delays in gaining entrance to fire area / advancing line
A - Access to fire area (stair location)
N - Number of apts on fire floor
C - Condition of fire
E - Extension of fire
Communications 9 (9.3.1)
Which choice represents the correct situations where you would give a “MAYDAY” transmission?
- Collapse Feared
- Collapse Occured
- Unconscious or Life Threatening Injury
- Missing Member
- Lost or Trapped Member
A) 1/2/3/4/5
B) 3/4/5 only
C) 1/2/4/5 only
D) 2/3/4/5 only
ANSWER: D) 2/3/4/5 only
“I Owe You My Life”
I - Imminent Collapse
O - Collapse Occured
U- Unconscious or Life Threatening Injury
M - Missing Member
L - Lost or Trapped Member
Communications 9 (9.4.1)
You are operating at a 7 alarm fire in Queens. A fire started in a mercantile occupancy and spread throughout several buildings that are mixed occupancies. During the fire operation, you hear a transmission from your OV FF stating “severe fire in the rear impinging on a large propane storage area directly to the rear of the original fire building.” You would be correct to know that the OV should have given which type of transmission?
A) Mayday
B) Normal
C) Urgent
D) Urgent or Mayday
ANSWER: C) Urgent
“Discontinue Wife Change”
D -Discontinue Interior Attack
W - Water Loss (10-70)
I - Injured Member (non life threatening)
F - Fear of Collapse
E - Extension to exposures
Change - Any change in conditions that will have severe impact
Communications 9 (9.4.2)
You are an Officer working a 9x6 tour when you decide to conduct an emergency alert button (EAB) drill. You state the following items listed below. Your members should have corrected you in which statement made?
A) Use of any of the HT Channels 2 through 8 for the EAB drill.
B) Monitor the channel selected for the EAB drill for 2-3 minutes prior to activating the EAB to ensure the selected channel is not already in use.
C) Ensure all HTs are switched back to HT channel 1 upon completion of the drill.
D) Your members should have corrected statements A & B
ANSWER: A) Use of any of the HT Channels 2 through 8 for the EAB drill. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
- Use CHANNEL (4) FOUR through (8) eight
Communications 9 Addendum 4 (5.2)
When EFAS starts, it is programmed to automatically download the latest version of the spare radio database. This will be indicated in the bottom center of the task bar. It will show the following: channel connected to “Radio List Updated” (identifies the most current list), the date and time in __________ letters and the assigned Battalion or Division vehicle.
A) Red
B) Yellow
C) Green
D) Black
ANSWER: C) Green
Communications 9 Addendum 3 (4.2)
There may be a delay receiving the Spare Radio Database in EFAS. As a result, EFAS will show the last time a successful update took place. “Radio List: Last Updated” identifies a radio list from the last time it was updated. It will show the last time the list was updated in _________ letters.
A) Red
B) Yellow
C) Green
D) Black
ANSWER: D) Black
Communications 9 Addendum 3 (4.3)
It is imperative that members utilize their EAB when transmitting a “Mayday”. When a member activates their EAB, their identity line in EFAS will automatically be highlighted. Their company, position and name will be listed in ________ in both the “Radio Status” and “Maydays” areas.
A) Red
B) Yellow
C) Green
D) Black
Communications 9 Addendum 3 (5.1)
A fire is burning on the upper floors of a high rise office building in lower Manhattan. A communications link must be established between the Incident Command Post and the Fire Sector. Which action below would be the correct procedure to establish this communications link?
A) The 1st arriving engine officer should bring the Post Radio from the 1st BC to a location in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the 1st hand line is being stretched. The Post Radio should be set on the command channel.
B) The 2nd arriving engine officer should bring the Post Radio from the 1st BC to a location in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the 1st hand line is being stretched. The Post Radio should be set on the command channel.
C) The 1st arriving engine officer should bring the Post Radio from the 1st BC to a location in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the 1st hand line is being stretched. The Post Radio should be set on the primary tactical channel.
D) The 2nd arriving engine officer should bring the Post Radio from the 1st BC to a location in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the 1st hand line is being stretched. The Post Radio should be set on the primary tactical channel.
ANSWER: B) The 2nd arriving engine officer should bring the Post Radio from the 1st BC to a location in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the 1st hand line is being stretched. The Post Radio should be set on the command channel.
Communications 12 (6.2)
The Post Radio is considered the keystone of our High Rise communications solution and an integral part of our communications system. It is equipped with an adjustable, removable, padded shoulder strap as well as a carrying handle and is secured in the BC vehicle. The power output of this radio is _______ watts.
A) 5
B) 25
C) 40
D) 45
Communications 12 (2.2)
The Post Radio should be fully charged _________ and after each use for at least ________ hours.
A) Weekly / 4
B) Weekly / 8
C) Monthly / 4
D) Monthly / 8
ANSWER: B) Weekly / 8
Communications 12 (2.3)
Which statement below is incorrect regarding the Post Radio?
A) Due to the radio frequency radiation hazard, members should not be within 2 feet from a transmitting radio.
B) A frequency selector switch allows for the use of HT channels with the exception of Channel 9. The channel selection is displayed through an LCD screen.
C) A push to talk (PTT) handset is attached to the side of the radio. An ON/OFF switch is located on the top of the case.
D) A speaker is built into the face of the radio.
ANSWER: B) A frequency selector switch allows for the use of HT channels with the exception of Channel 9. The channel selection is displayed through an LCD screen. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
Communications 12 (2.5 - 2.6 - 2.7 - 2.9)
While performing BISP, a company officer notices a 4 story brownstone that is being renovated using lightweight materials throughout. When updating the CIDS on this building, the Officer would be correct to classify this building as?
- CL3 (Brownstones are Non-fireproof structures)
- CL4LW would be correct for wood frame buildings such as ROWFRAMES renovated with LW materials.
(Comm 4 4.4.2 D)
When viewing the main display of the Motorola APX8000XE, it will normally show the zone the radio is on, the channel it is on, and the company and assignment for that radio. If you were the L120 Roof FF, the company and assignment for your radio will be displaced and changed on the main display in all of the following situations except?
A) The radio is receiving an ID because another member is transmitting (E321 ECC), the radio will now read “E321 ECC”.
B) The radio receives an emergency alert from another member (L175 Roof), the radio will now read “EA received - Ladder 175 ROOF” indicating the L175 Roof FF pressed their EAB.
C) If the L120 Roof radio is switched to an encrypted channel, it will now read “SECURE”.
D) If the L120 Roof FF depressed his EAB, the radio will now read “Emergency”
E) If the radio has a low battery, the radio will now read “low battery”
ANSWER: C) If the L120 Roof radio is switched to an encrypted channel, it will now read “SECURE” (INCORRECT)
- It will not change when switched to an encrypted channel.
4 times Zone / Channel / Company / Assignment is DISPLACED
- Someone else is transmitting (shows that members co. & assignment)
- Radio receives em. alert (“EA received - LADDER 175 ROOF”)
- If you hit your EAB your radio will now read “Emergency”
- If radio has low battery it will read “low battery”
(Communications 11 2.2.2)
At most operations, members will be operating on Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1. If you are a member operating at an incident on any other zone or channel, and you quickly want to switch back to Tactical Zone A, HT Channel 1, you would be correct to press the?
A) Home button for 1 second
B) Home button for 2 seconds
C) Recent button for 1 second
D) Recent button for 2 seconds
ANSWER: B) Home button for 2 seconds
- “Long Press” the home button (2 seconds) to return to Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
(Communications 11 2.2.3 D)
Members conducting drill regarding the colors for the transmit / receive LED on top of the HT radio and on top of the remote speaker mic were correct in which TWO points they stated?
A) Solid red means the HT is transmitting.
B) Blinking red while transmitting means that the HT is transmitting a secured transmission.
C) Blinking red while not transmitting means there is a low battery condition.
D) Solid amber indicates the radio is in the emergency mode.
E) Blinking amber means the HT is receiving a secured transmission.
A) Solid red means the HT is transmitting.
E) Blinking amber means the HT is receiving a secured transmission.
- Solid red is what you normally see when SENDING
- Solid amber is what your normally see when RECEIVING
- Blinking red while transmitting - LOW BATTERY
- Blinking red while NOT transmitting - Radio in EM. MODE
- Blinking amber - HT receiving a SECURED transmission
(Communications 11 2.2.5 E)
Which point below regarding the HT radio is not accurately indicated?
A) When turning the radio on, the radio will return to the last channel and zone selected when the radio was last on, no matter what current position the channel selector knob is on.
B) If the radio power up test is unsuccessful the first time, an error message will appear. This indicates the radio is defective and it should be places OOS.
C) The high visibility LED on the remote speaker mic illuminates 18.5 lumens at 120 degrees.
D) To activate the high visibility LED light for use as a flashlight, press and hold the light down for 2 seconds. To turn the light off, also press and hold down for 2 seconds.
ANSWER: B) If the radio power up test is unsuccessful the first time, an error message will appear. This indicates the radio is defective and it should be places OOS. (INCORRECT)
- If this occurs, TURN THE RADIO OFF AND BACK ON and see if it successful before placing the radio OOS.
(Communications 11 2.3 A)
The high visibility LED light on the HT remote speaker mic illuminates 18.5 lumens at 120 degrees. To activate this to use as a flashlight, press and hold the light down for ______ second(s). To turn it off, press and hold the light down for _______ second(s).
A) 1/2 and 1/2
B) 1/2 and 2
C) 2 and 1/2
D) 2 and 2
ANSWER: D) 2 and 2
Communications 11 2.5 F
Regarding the functional check and maintenance of the new HTs it would be incorrect to state?
A) They shall be checked, inspected and maintained after the 0900 and 1800 roll calls.
B) They shall be checked, inspected and maintained after use.
C) Wet batteries shall be wiped dry prior to charging.
D) If a battery has physical damage, make only one attempt to place it onto the charger to see if it can be properly charged.
ANSWER: D) If a battery has physical damage, make only one attempt to place it onto the charger to see if it can be properly charged. (INCORRECT)
- If battery has physical damage DO NOT PLACE IT IN THE CHARGER (place it OOS)
(Communications 11 5.8)
You are an officer working in an Engine who has just returned from a 3rd alarm when you learn that your Nozzle FFs HT was lost at the fire. It is now imperative that you immediately make which notification(s) listed below? (more than one correct)
A)The Borough Communications Office via email
B) BITS via email and telephone
C) Administrative Battalion by telephone
D) Administrative Division by telephone
ANSWER: C and D are correct NEW MATERIAL
C) Administrative Battalion by telephone
D) Administrative Division by telephone
When you lose Department radio notify:
- RADIO SHOPS via email (they can remotely disable radio)
- FDOC via email and phone
- Battalion and Division by phone
(Communications 11 6.1)
In order to correct the stuck button problem, the HT radio has a time out timer that sounds a short audible warning tone at approximately ________ seconds and a continuous tone cutting off the transmitter at ________ seconds?
A) 12 / 20
B) 20 / 30
C) 26 / 30
D) 30 / 40
ANSWER: C) 26 / 30
- Apparatus radio times out at 60 seconds.
- HT radios time out at 30 seconds (warning at 26 seconds)
(Communications 11 3.3)
When an EAB is depressed, audible alerts are emmitted to other HT’s within range of the transmitting HT to notify other members that a member has activated his Emergency Alert. Regarding these audible alerts, it would be correct to state which of the following?
A) The HT will transmit two impolite alerts and one polite alert.
B) An impolite alert is when the radio sends a transmission even if the channel is busy with other radio traffic, thus preempting any ongoing transmission.
C) A polite alert is when the radio sends a transmission if the channel is not busy with other radio traffic. Polite alerts are sent out approximately 8 seconds after the impolite transmission.
D) To reset the Emergency Alert feature on the transmitting radio, depress the EAB for one second or turn the HT off and then back on again.
ANSWER: C) A polite alert is when the radio sends a transmission if the channel is not busy with other radio traffic. Polite alerts are sent out approximately 8 seconds after the impolite transmission.
A - HT will transmit ONE impolite and TWO polite alerts.
B - An impolite alert is when the radio sends a transmission even if the channel is busy with other radio traffic. IT WILL NOT PREEMPT ONGOING TRANSMISSIONS.
D - To reset Emergency Alert, depress EAB for TWO SECONDS or turn HT off and back on.
(Comm 11, 3.5.1)
When an EAB is depressed, other receiving radio will receive an Emergency Alert Activation. Regarding this activation, on receiving radios, it would be incorrect to state which of the following?
A) The Main Display will show “EA received” in Orange/Amber and display the aplha-numeric identity of the radio transmitting the EA.
B) The Top Display will show “EA RCVD” in Orange/Amber. It will alternatively display “EA RCVD” and the “alpha-numeric ID” of the radio transmitting the EA.
C) This main display and top display will hold the EA message for approximately 8 seconds.
D) When a member who transmitted an EA, subsequently depresses their PTT button, members receiving this tranmissison will observe an Orange band with the words “Urgent Message” appearing on the main display with Unit and Position. Similar info will scroll across the top display.
ANSWER: D) When a member who transmitted an EA, subsequently depresses their PTT button, members receiving this tranmissison will observe an Orange band with the words “Urgent Message” appearing on the main display with Unit and Position. Similar info will scroll across the top display. (INCORRECT)
- The Orange band will have the words “EMERGENCY CALL” appearing on the main dipslay.
(Comm 11, 3.5.2)
Regarding the use of the “Recent Calls” feature on the new HT radios, it would be correct to state which of the following?
A) Depressing the double dot button under “Rcnt” will activate the recent calls.
B) The IDs of the last 20 received transmissions can be viewed.
C) Any call that displays an Orange circle indicates a call that was EA activated
D) The Recent Calls Screen is dynamic - it will continue to populate.
ANSWER: A) Depressing the double dot button under “Rcnt” will activate the recent calls.
B - The IDs of the last FIFTEEN (15) transmission can be viewed.
C - Any call that displays an Orange TRIANLGE indicates a call that was EA activated.
D - The Recent Calls Screen is STATIC - it will NOT CONTINUE to populate.
(Communications 11, 3.5.2)
Regarding the maintenance of the new HT radios, it would be correct to state which of the following?
A) If a HT becomes wet at an operation, or has been submerged in water, remove the battery, and dry the HT and battery contacts before reattaching the battery.
B) If the remote speaker mic becomes wet or submerged, remove water trapped inside the grille and microphone by heating the unit.
C) When HTs are sent for repair, they should always be sent complete with radio, antenna, battery, remote speaker mic and leather cases and straps.
D) No items (keys, key fobs..) shall be attached directly to any part of the HT, including the HT case, antenna, remote speaker mic, or HT strap.
ANSWER: A) If a HT becomes wet at an operation, or has been submerged in water, remove the battery, and dry the HT and battery contacts before reattaching the battery.
B - If the remote speaker mic becomes wet or submerged, remove water trapped inside the grille and microphone by SHAKING THE UNIT. (Do not heat unit)
C - When HTs are sent for repair, they should always be sent complete with radio, antenna, battery, remote speaker mic (DO NOT SEND leather cases and straps)
D - No items (keys, key fobs..) shall be attached directly to any part of the HT, including the HT case, antenna, remote speaker mic (YOU CAN ATTACH TO HT STRAP)
Communications 11 , 5
When charging HTs, a flashing red light showing on the battery indicator status means that the battery is?
A) In trickle mode - where the charge is at 90% or better.
B) In fault mode - it is too hot to charge.
C) In fault mode - it is too cold to charge.
D) Not charging, it should be reinserted.
ANSWER: D) Not charging, it should be reinserted.
A - Trickle mode (Flashing green, charged 90% or better)
B & C - Fault mode (Flashing Amber, too hot or too cold)
- Steady Green = fully charged
Steady Red - in rapid charge
(Communications 11 Add 1, 2.3)
You are responding as the Officer of the FAST Unit to a 10-75 where there is an ongoing aggressive deadly behavior incident and the IC has decided to implement encrypted communications for tactical and command channels. In this situation, you would be incorrect to think that?
A) Channel 9 in the tactical zone is the encrypted tactical channel for secure tactical communications.
B) An encrypted channel can only be monitored on an apparatus based EFAS.
C) Encrypted channels HT-9 and HT-10 in the tactical zone are strapped.
D) The encryption on HT-9 and HT-10 is always active.
ANSWER: B) An encrypted channel can only be monitored on an apparatus based EFAS. (INCORRECT)
- Can only be monitored on a PORTABLE EFAS.
- “Strapped” means these channels are always active.
(Comm 11 - Add 3 - 2.1)
You are responding as the Officer of the FAST Unit to a 10-75 where there is an ongoing aggressive deadly behavior incident and the IC has decided to implement encrypted communications for tactical and command channels. While responding , the Borough Dispatch Office notifies all incoming units to switch to a portable radio to an Encrypted Dispatch Channel. In this situation, you would be correct to believe that?
A) Citywide Fire 4 (Zone C / Fire Dispatch) is the primary encrypted dispatch channel.
B) Encrypted dispatch channels are strapped.
C) Encrypted dispatch channels are always active.
D) To activate an encrypted dispacth channel, you must move the concentric switch on top of the HT from the Off position to the ON position.
ANSWER: D) To activate an encrypted dispacth channel, you must move the concentric switch on top of the HT from the Off position to the ON position.
A - Citywide Fire THREE (3) is primary encrypted dispatch.
B - Ecrypted dispatch channels ARE NOT STRAPPED.
C - Ecrypted dispatch channels ARE NOT ALWAYS ACTIVE.
(Comm 11 - Add 3 - 3.6)
You are the Officer on duty in Engine 99 where the Backup FF portable radio needs to be placed OOS. In this situation, you would be incorrect in which choice below?
A) Immediately notify the Battalion of the need for a spare radio.
B) Prepare an RT-2 describing the defect and indicate the unit and position of the radio.
C) Prepare an unusual occurence report if there is excessive damage to the radio.
D) Verify the time of day clock is correct when you receive the spare radio - insuring the time is set to a 24 hour time.
ANSWER: A) Immediately notify the Battalion of the need for a spare radio. (INCORRECT)
- Notify DIVISION for spare readio.
(Communication 11 - Add 4 - 2.1.1)
You are the Officer on duty in Engine 99 where the Backup FF portable radio needs to be placed OOS. Upon receipt of the spare radio, you should transmit from the received spare HT to another unit HT to insure proper ID. As the Officer, you must check which HT channels for the proper ID - Engine 99 Backup?
A) HT-1 / HT-2 / HT-3
B) HT-1 / HT-2 / HT-9
C) HT-1 / HT-2 / HT-3 / HT-9
D) HT-1 / HT-2 / HT-9 / HT-14
ANSWER: B) HT-1 / HT-2 / HT-9
“LADDER 129”
- Must check these 3 channels upon recipt of new radio.
(Comm 11 - Add 4 - 2.1.5)
An engine and ladder respond to a report of fire in a PD. On arrival, they transmit a 10-18 for a small fire in a detached garage next to the house. There is no one in the garage, but the occupants of the associated house state they saw kids run away from the garage just before the fire started. In this case, it would be most correct to transmit a 10-41?
A) Code 1
B) Code 2
C) Code 3
D) Code 4
ANSWER: D) Code 4 (Vacant buildings, buildings under construction / demolition, DETACHED GARAGES, sheds or similar structures)
Code 1 - Occupied Structure or Vehicle
Code 2 - Unoccupied Structure
Code 3 - Unoccupied Vehicle
Code 4 - Vacant Structure, or Structures NOT INTENDED for Dwelling Purposes.
Note: If any of the above are occupied at the time of the fire transmit Code 1.
(Communications 8)
All of the following situations listed below would require notification to Starfire except which choice?
A) The red border around the PC/ATS remains steady.
B) The voice alarm is not working.
C) The housewatch computer is malfunctioning.
D) All require Starfire notification.
ANSWER: B) The voice alarm is not working (INCORRECT)
- Call Starfire for any HW COMPUTER PROBLEMS.
- Notify Dispatcher for problems with the VOICE ALARM or the Interruptible Power Supply (IPS) as this will require the dipsatcher to call an electrician to fix the problem.
(Comm 2 - 2.8.1)
The Class “E” and Class “J” response program has been in effect for over 20 years in the response area of Division 3 and Division 1 and has now been expanded to citywide. This program has been effective in reducing many of the unnecessary responses to Class “E” (Office Building) and “J” (Hotels) type alarms for our units. Which choice below is incorrect regarding these alarms?
A) One engine or one ladder with a BC will be assigned to all Class “E” and Class “J” alarms citywide, on a 24 hour basis.
B) Engine companies are assigned to respond during the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. Ladder companies are assigned the remaining months.
C) Class “E” alarms from certain occupancies require a minimum response of 3 Engines, 2 Trucks and a BC. This response will be indicated in the CIDS message when the alarm is received.
D) A subsequent alarm of any type from the same address shall call for the remainder of the full first alarm assignment.
ANSWER: A) One engine or one ladder with a BC will be assigned to all Class “E” and Class “J” alarms citywide, on a 24 hour basis. (INCORRECT STATEMENT)
Comm 6 - Addendum 2
- Class “E” alarms (1 Eng / 1 Lad / 1 BC on 24 hr basis)
- Class “J” alarms (1 Eng / 1 Lad / 1 BC 0700 to 1900 only)
1900 to 0700 units assigned as per box assignments
Captain Manning and his Engine company arrive at the location of a Class “E” alarm in a high rise office building in Midtown Manhattan. The Captain and his members take the following actions. In which action is the unit correct?
A) The Captain and all firefighters, other than the ECC, entered the building. The FFs each carried one length of rolled up hose.
B) The Captain made contact with building personnel, inquired as to the alarm source, and immediately investigated the reported fire floor.
C) Since the alarm activation was above the 7th floor, the Captain used a fireman’s service elevator, leaving one FF in the lobby.
D) After arriving at the fire floor and finding a heavy smoke condition, the Captain radioed for additional help by transmitting a 10-76, and dropped to the floor below to initiate standpipe operations.
ANSWER: C) Since the alarm activation was above the 7th floor, the Captain used a fireman’s service elevator, leaving one FF in the lobby.
C - Correct
D - RETURN TO LOBBY with FFs and secure necessary hose and equipment in preparation to operate as per high rise operations.
(Comm 6 - Addendum 2)
You are a new Lieutenant working a day tour in E16 and have just arrived as the 2nd due Engine for a fire on the 14th floor of a 102 story office building located at 350 5th avenue. As you walk into the lobby the 1st arriving BC sees you and hands you the post radio. You then took the following actions. Which action is incorrect?
A) You took the Post radio and reported with your company to their normal location, in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the 1st line is being stretched.
B) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, you established contact with the ICP on the command channel via the Post radio, verified that the Post radio was in place, and gave your location to the IC.
C) You then used your HT radio on the tactical channel to announce to units in the fire area that a communications link with the ICP has been established.
D) Instead of performing your normal duties, you maintained the communications link with the lobby until the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director arrived on the floor below the fire. You notified the 1st due Engine Officer to supervise your firefighters while you performed this task.
D) Instead of performing your normal duties, you maintained the communications link with the lobby until the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director arrived on the floor below the fire. You notified the 1st due Engine Officer to supervise your firefighters while you performed this task. (INCORRECT)
- IN ADDITION TO YOUR REGULAR DUTIES, maintain a communications link with the ICP.
(Communications 12 - 6.2)
The communications system developed to address FDNY field communications includes handie talkies, post radios, repeaters, VHF repeater handie talkies, and VHF mobile apparatus radios. Which point about the POST Radio is incorrect?
A) The battery provides sufficient wattage for 4 hours of operation when using the 20/20/60 formula.
B) The battery provides sufficient wattage for 7 hours when using the 10/10/80 formula.
C) Due to the radio frequency radiation hazard, members shall not be within 5 feet from a transmitting Post radio.
D) The Post Radio may cause interference with electrical equipment.
ANSWER: C) Due to the radio frequency radiation hazard, members shall not be within 5 feet from a transmitting Post radio. (INCORRECT)
- Not within TWO (2) FEET
- 20/20/60 & 10/10/80 are percentages when radio is transmitting/receiving/in standby
(Communications 12 - 2)
The Post Radio transmits at how many watts?
A) 5 watts
B) 25 watts
C) 40 watts
D) 45 watts
ANSWER: D) 45 watts
25 watts - helicopter radio
40 watts - UHF radio
45 watts - Post radio
(Communications 12)
Units are operating at a fire on the 39th floor of a 63 story office building. The 1st arriving BC was delayed into the box due to traffic and the 2nd arriving BC is also going to be severely delayed due to traffic. When the 1st arriving BC arrives in the lobby he realizes that both the 1st and 2nd Engine companies have already gone up to the fire area. In this situation, the 1st due BC shall give the Post radio to who to ensure that the 2nd due Engine Officer can use it?
A) The 3rd arriving Engine Officer
B) The member operating the fireman service elevator
C) The FAST Truck
D) The 4th arriving Engine Company Officer
ANSWER: B) The member operating the fireman service elevator.
(Communications 12 - 6.3 notes)
Which point below regarding auxiliary radio communications systems (ARCS) is not entirely correct?
A) A duplex radio repeater system has both a radio receiver and transmitter. When a low strength signal is received, it re-transmits the signal allowing it to travel longer distances, encompassing a larger area and providing improved penetration through building materials via an antennae/cable system.
B) Duplex radio repeater systems do not support multiple transmissions. A transmission close to the antennae/cable may override a transmission given at the same time at a distance. Additionally, multiple transmissions given at the same time may cancel out all transmissions.
C) Duplex UHF repeaters that are FDNY programmed have a transmitter/receiver radio which receives a signal on one frequency and simultaneously re-transmits it on another frequency in the same UHF wavelength band. To allow the FDNY to use our HT’s with this system, the radio repeater is programmed to our duplex radio frequencies.
D) Some building owners and agencies have installed proprietary duplex UHF and duplex VHF repeaters in their facilities which can operate on our frequencies. These systems can be utilized with FDNY HT’s. Additionally there are numerous in-house UHF or VHF radios stored at the site for FDNY members.
ANSWER: D) Some building owners and agencies have installed proprietary duplex UHF and duplex VHF repeaters in their facilities which can operate on our frequencies. These systems can be utilized with FDNY HT’s. Additionally there are numerous in-house UHF or VHF radios stored at the site for FDNY members. (INCORRECT)
- Proprietary systems = our radios WON’T WORK, they utilize in-house radios, however there are only a limited number of them.
(Communications 13)
Members in a Midtown Manhattan company were talking about the Chrysler Building which has a base station leaky cable simplex radio system. Which point made about this type of system is not correct?
A) A base station leaky cable simplex radio system is a base radio that is connected to a cable that runs through the building or infrastructure.
B) It is a simplex radio that can either operate on FDNY UHF H/T’s channels 1 through 8 or it may utilize in-house radios.
C) Transmissions captured by the cable are received by the base station radio and are re-transmitted automatically so that important messages are heard by all members.
D) Transmissions made from the base station will be carried by the cable to all areas of the building or infrastructure.
ANSWER: C) Transmissions captured by the cable are received by the base station radio and are re-transmitted automatically so that important messages are heard by all members. (INCORRECT)
- Transmissions captured by the cable are received by the base station radio but are NOT RE-TRANSMITTED.
- Therefore, important messages that are needed to be heard by all members should be re-transmitted at the base station radio by the member monitoring transmissions.
(Communications 13 - 2.2)
Recently Lt. Jones and members of L99 responded to a report of a transformer fire on the 33rd floor of a high rise office building. The building was equipped with an ARC system so Lt. Jones decided to utilize this system. Lt. Jones should re-read this bulletin because he was only correct in which action listed below?
A) Lt. Jones had the building engineer activate the ARC system since he had a special key for it.
B) Lt. Jones notified the dispatcher for re-transmittal to all incoming units that the building duplex UHF radio repeater system and H/T Channel 11 has been activated.
C) Lt. Jones stayed on H/T channel 1 and told his Can FF to monitor channel 11 since he, Lt. Jones must always remain on the tactical channel.
D) Lt. Jones performed a functional test of the ARC system after leaving the lobby.
ANSWER: B) Lt. Jones notified the dispatcher for re-transmittal to all incoming units that the building duplex UHF radio repeater system and H/T Channel 11 has been activated.
A - Turn system on with the ON/OFF SWITCH or 1620 key
C - Lt. Jones can stay on channel 1 or go to channel 11. If he goes to 11, then the firefighter who is with him will monitor 1.
D - Perform test PRIOR TO leaving lobby
(Communications 13 - 3.1.1)
Lt. Gray made the following statement during an ARC system drill: “If operating units encounter any dead spots in duplex radio repeater coverage, they should immediately abandon the use of an ARCS channel. The dead spot should also be immediately reported to the IC”. Do you agree or disagree with Lt. Gray’s statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- Prior to abandoning the use of an ARCS channel, Chief and Company Officers shall instruct units to RETURN TO A LOCATION WHERE PREVIOUS COMMUNICATIONS WERE SUCCESSFUL. If communications at this location are now successful on the ARCS Channel, REPORT THE DEAD SPOT AND CONTINUE TO OPERATE on the ARCS Channel. If unsuccessful, use the HT on Channel 1 to report the repeater failure to the Incident Commander.
(Communications 13 - 5.1)
Captain O’Reilly is standing fast with his unit in the lobby of a 30 story high rise office building. Units are using the building duplex UHF radio repeater system when suddenly there is a loud noise and it appears the ARC system has failed. The IC is unable to communicate with the members operating and the POST radio is OOS. The IC turns to Captain O’Reilly and tells him to run out to the Battalion car and use the reverse channel on the UHF radio in the car for H/T channel 11 to transmit an emergency message to the members using the ARC system. In this situation Captain O’Reilly would know that the reverse channel for the H/T channel 11 is?
A) Channel 17 on the UHF radio or the Post radio.
B) Channel 18 on the UHF radio or the Post radio
C) Channel 19 on the UHF radio or the Post radio
D) Channel 20 on the UHF radio or the Post radio
ANSWER: A) Channel 17 on the UHF radio or the Post radio.
Reverse Channels
17 - 11
18 - 12
19 - 14
20 - 15
11 and 12 = Add 6
14 and 15 = Add 5
(Communications 13 - 5.2)
Once operations in subways equipped with duplex UHF radio repeater systems are underway and conditions dictate, the IC can have the repeater system tested to see if it is functioning. Once confirmed it is functioning, the IC may attempt to use the repeater system as a Command Channel. Which point about this operation is incorrect?
A) All FDNY members, other than those designated to switch to the repeater channel, will remain on channel 1.
B) The NYC Transit duplex radio repeater is always on.
C) Experience has shown that the Post Radio is extremely reliable when communicating to below grade conditions.
D) An effective HT relay, on HT channel 1, must be established whether the station is equipped with a repeater or not.
ANSWER: C) Experience has shown that the Post Radio is extremely reliable when communicating to below grade conditions. (INCORRECT)
- Post radio MAY PROVE UNRELIABLE in below grade conditions.
(Communications 13 - 3.2)
Members operating at an incident in the subway system and are using channel 14, the subway repeater channel. If the repeater system fails, what is the reverse channel for channel 14 that can be used to broadcast an emergency message?
A) Channel 17
B) Channel 18
C) Channel 19
D) Channel 20
ANSWER: C) Channel 19
Reverse Channels
17 - 11
18 - 12
19 - 14
20 - 15
11 and 12 = Add 6
14 and 15 = Add 5
(Communications 13 - 5.2)
You are the Captain of Engine 227 responding on a CFR run for a reported child struck by a vehicle. On arrival, you encounter a critically injured child and operate as follows. All of your actions are correct except which one?
A) You attempt to contact EMS via Channel 1.
B) After receiving no response on the HT, you relay information regarding the critically injured patient via the fire apparatus dispatch radio directly to the EMS dispatcher.
C) You transmit “Engine 227 to EMS” and make sure you include the box number and relevant critical information in your report to the EMS dispatcher.
D) Because you are uncertain of the proper EMS Borough Frequency, you transmit on EMS-CW1.
ANSWER: C) You transmit “Engine 227 to EMS” and make sure you include the box number and relevant critical information in your report to the EMS dispatcher. (INCORRECT)
- DO NOT give box number or speak in fire jargon.
(Communication 14 - Addendum 1 2.6)
Direct communication with the EMS Borough Dispatcher relieves the units of their responsibility to maintain communications with the FD Borough Dispatcher as per existing fire department procedures.
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- It DOES NOT relieve units of their responsiblity to maintain communications with FD Borough Dispatcher.
(Communications 14 - Addendum 1 2.8)
All of the following statements pertaining to FDNY/NYPD TAC “U” Channel are correct except which?
A) When the TAC “U” channel is activated, all operating units shall switch to TAC “U” channel unless specifically instructed to remain on the Primary Tactical Channel.
B) The TAC “U” Channel transmits at 5 watts
C) If an emergency alert tone is activated on the TAC “U” channel, the IC shall inform the ranking on scene police officer.
D) The emergency alert tone is audible only on FD HTs and only on the channel in which the emergency alert has been activated.
ANSWER: A) When the TAC “U” channel is activated, all operating units shall switch to TAC “U” channel unless specifically instructed to remain on the Primary Tactical Channel. (INCORRECT)
- REMAIN ON PRIMARY TACTICAL unless ordered to switch to TAC “U”
(Communications - Addendum 2 2.1)
You are a covering Captain working in Engine 24 and you receive a ticket to respond as the communications Engine to a large scale crane collapse operation in the borough of Manhattan. You anticipate that a NYMAC interoperability channel may be implemented at this operation and have the following thoughts. Which thought is incorrect?
A) In the confines of NYC (5 Boroughs), NYMAC Channels 1-3 have been designated as primary channels
B) The NYMAC channels are used primarily for command and control but may be used for tactical use when necessary.
C) A NYMAC channel will be assigned without FDNY reuest for second alarms or greater.
D) Once a communications Engine is on scene, if the NYMAC Channel has not been established, the communications Engine will establish it and inform the IC once the channel has been activated by the NYPD.
ANSWER: B) The NYMAC channels are used primarily for command and control but may be used for tactical use when necessary. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 14 - Addendum 3 1.2)
UCALL/UTAC are national interoperability radio frequencies used by FDNY Incident Commanders to communicate with public safety agencies. Which of the following choices is correct regarding the UTAC Interoperability frequency?
A) The IC (Chief Officers only) will adjust their radio channel to the primary interoperability channel at all mutual aid responses.
B) UTAC 42D is the primary interoperability channel to be used by cooperating agencies in the NY region.
C) UTAC repeater channels are intended for interior structural communications and cannot be relied upon for outside operations.
D) When transmitting on a repeater channel, member must press and hold the Push to Talk for 1/2 a secons before beginning to speak to allow the repeater to activate and not cut off the beginning of the message.
ANSWER: B) UTAC 42D is the primary interoperability channel to be used by cooperating agencies in the NY region.
C - Intended for OUTSIDE OPERATIONS and not cannot be relied upon for INTERIOR OPERATIONS.
D - Press and hold the PTT button for TWO (2) seconds.
(Communications 14 - Addendum 4 2.1)
On a busy day tour in Brooklyn, you respond to a CO alarm in a PD. Upon your investigation you find a CO Detector was present but did not activate. There is 60 PPM reading throughout the PD. What is the most accurate signal to give in this scenario?
A) 10-38 Code 1
B) 10-38 Code 2
C) 10-38 Code 3
D) 10-38 Code 4
ANSWER: D) 10-38 Code 4
- No detector activation / detector present but did not activate.
- Do not be thrown off by PPM #.
(Comm 8 pg 11)
A CO investigation will determine if a response is just an investigation, an incident or an emergency. Choose the most correct regarding a CO incident or emergency.
A) Transmit a 10-38 Code 1 for CO incidents if no occupants are symptomatic and meter readings are 1-9 PPM.
B) If there are CO meter readings of 6 PPM but the occupant is complaining of flu-like symptoms you should transmit a 10-38 code 3.
C) SCBAs shall be worn at all CO emergencies and used at all CO investigations.
D) When a fatality or serious injury associated with a CO incident is discovered, the IC shall have NYPD notified through the dispatcher.
ANSWER: B) If there are CO meter readings of 6 PPM but the occupant is complaining of flu-like symptoms you should transmit a 10-38 code 3.
A - Code 1 is defective / unwarranted / low battery. In this scenario trasmit a a 10-38 Code 2 for an Incident.
C - SCBA shall be worn at all CO INVESTIGATIONS & used at all CO EMERGENCIES.
D - Fatality or serious injury associated with CO, contact BFI through the dispatcher.
(Comm 8 pg 11 - HM 4 5.1.2)
Engine 99 is responding to a multiple alarm when they note “E99 S” on the dispatch ticket. In this situation, the Officer would be correct to know that the suffix “S” indicates that they are responding as a?
A) Satellite Unit
B) Communications Unit
C) Systems Control Unit
D) 3rd Stage pumper
ANSWER: B) Communications Unit
Comm 2 - pg 38
Engine 65 prepares an eCIDS entry for a Brownstone that has been renovated with wooden I-Beams and now has a duplex apartment on the 3rd and 4th floors. Entry to the duplex apartment is from the 4th floor. The eCIDS entry they made is indicated below:
A) Not properly prepared - there is a mistake on line 1
B) Not properly prepared - there is a mistake on line 2
C) Not properly prepared - there is a mistake on Line 3
D) Prepared properly
ANSWER: A) Not properly prepared - there is a mistake on line 1
- Should state CL3LW
- CL4LW would be correct for a ROWFRAME
(Communications 4 - pg 4)
A Company Officer working in Ladder 2 has 4 runs during a 6x9 tour where he responded in emergency mode. The Officer should have responded in the 10-20 mode as per the Modified Response Procedures for which incident?
A) 1st due to a lock-out at 1810 hours
B) 1st due to a Class J alarm at 1922 hours
C) 2nd due to a Class 3 Manual alarm at 2215 hours
D) 2nd due to a manhole fire at 0045 hours
ANSWER: C) 2nd due to a Class 3 Manual alarm at 2215 hours
A - Lock IN would respond in 10-20
B - Class J After 1900 (3 Eng / 2 Lad) 1st due goes in Emergency Mode
D - Manhole FIRE everyone goes in emergency mode
(Comm 6 - Addendum 1 2.1)
You are a company Officer operating at a 3rd alarm fire, when the IC directs you to stretch a line into the pizzeria in Exposure 2, which is a taxpayer, that is laid out as follows:
/ Barber / Pizza / Bagel / Insurance / Flowers / Cards /
You would know that the pizza store in known as exposure___________?
A) 2D B) 2E C) 20D D) 20E
- This taxpayer is to the left of the fire building (Exposure 2)
Card Store is 2O Flowers is 2OA Insurance is 2OB Bagel is 2OC Pizza is 2OD Barber is 2OE
(Comm 10 - Addendum 2 - pg 6)
A member is operating at a 2nd alarm when she notices that while transmitting she sees a blinking red color from the LED on top of her remote speaker microphone. She should realize that blinking red indicates?
A) No issue, a blinking red color is normal while transmitting.
B) A low HT battery condition
C) HT is in emergency mode
D) HT is in the Encrypted Mode
ANSWER: B) A low HT battery condition
- Solid RED / Solid AMBER is normal transmissions (Transmitting and receiving)
- Blinking red while TRANSMITTING - Low Battery
- Blinking red while NOT transmitting - Emergency Mode
- Encrypted Mode - Amber
(Comm 11 - pg 11)
An Engines Officer responds to 4 incidents on a day tour during which he transmitted the following radio code signals. In which radio transmission was he correct?
A) 10-25 Code 2 for smoke issuing under pressure from a transformer in the street.
B) 10-29 Code 2 for an elevator emergency where a civilian was removed from the elevator car.
C) 10-34 Code 2 for a sprinkler system emergency due to a surge in pressure
D) 10-35 Code 2 for an unnecessary alarm activation due to servicing of the system.
ANSWER: C) 10-34 Code 2 for a sprinkler system emergency due to a surge in pressure.
10-34 “DUH” Defective / Unwarranted / Heat Source
A - Should be 10-25 Code 4 for a TRANSFORMER
B - Should be 10-29 Code 1 for OCCUPIED
D - Should be 10-35 Code 2 for CONSTRUCTION “SCOHOK”
(Comm 8)
A Ladder Officer responds to an explosion in Manhattan where the IC instructs all units to go to the encrypted tactical channel. In this situation, the Officer should switch his HT to?
A) HT-9 / TAC SEC, and realize no further action is required to encrypt communications.
B) HT-9 / TAC SEC, then activate the encryption by use of the concentric switch.
C) HT-10 / TAC SEC, and realize no further action is required to encrypt communications.
D) HT-10 / TAC SEC, then activate the encryption by use of the concentric switch.
ANSWER: A) HT-9 / TAC SEC, and realize no further action is required to encrypt communications.
- HT-9 Encrypted Tactical / HT-10 Encrypted Command
- These channels are STRAPPED (Always on)
(Comm 11 - Addendum 3 - 2.1)
Engine 54 responds to a Class E alarm for a smoke detector activation on the 27th floor in a HROB. In this situation, they would be correct to take which action?
A) The Engine Officer ordered the ECC to stay with the apparatus, and had the other members bring three roll ups and FE tools with them into the lobby.
B) The Officer directed building personnel to reset the alarm system and then waited one minute to insure the alarm system resets.
C) When the alarm reactivated, the Officer viewed the alarm panel for the alarm location, went into an elevator with 3 firefighters to investigate, and ordered the ECC to report to the lobby.
D) Upon seeing a smoke condition on the 27th floor, the Officer transmitted a 10-76, returned to the lobby to secure the necessary hose, recalled the elevators, and rechecked the alarm panel.
ANSWER: D) Upon seeing a smoke condition on the 27th floor, the Officer transmitted a 10-76, returned to the lobby to secure the necessary hose, recalled the elevators, and rechecked the alarm panel.
A - DO NOT bring hose at this time / FE tools only
B - Wait TWO to THREE (2-3 MINUTES)
C - The officer and remaining member(s) investigate while one firefighter remains with the elevator. In this situation the ECC was at the rig / 1 members remains at lobby / that would leave 2 FIREFIGHTERS REMAINING with the Officer / 1 FF also stays with the Officer
(Comm 6 - Addendum 2)
You are a company Officer that just extinguished a car fire that you deem to be suspicious in nature. The car is a brand new 2020 Mercedes Benz, but has no plates, and was unoccupied at the time of the fire. Additionally, you find evidence that you want to bring back to the firehouse for the Fire Marshals. In this case, you would be most correct to transmit a _________________?
A) 10-23, 10-41 Code 3, and place the evidence in two, new, heavy gauge plastic bags.
B) 10-24, 10-41 Code 2, and place the evidence in a clean glass jar with a tight fitting lid.
C) 10-23, 10-41 Code 3, and place the evidence in a clean glass jar with a tight fitting lid.
D) 10-24, 10-41 Code 3, and place the evidence in a new paint can.
ANSWER: D) 10-24, 10-41 Code 3, and place the evidence in a new paint can.
- 10-23 for having value greater than salvage
- 10-41-3 for Unoccupied Vehicle
- Best Method of evidence collection is NEW paint can
(TB Arson 5.3 - Comm 8 Codes)
A Lieutenant discussing housewatch procedures with a new firefighter made the following statements. Which statement was correct?
A) When an alarm is received via the PC/ATS, the housewatch has 30 seconds to acknowledge. If there is no response in 30 seconds, the dispatcher will prompt the unit to verify response via the a Voice Alarm.
B) Upon return to quarters check received alarms to see if they were previously responded to. All alarms to which a unit responded while 10-8 will be printed and the Selector Panel will be “beeping”. Check the box number on the printed tickets to verify this is a previous response.
C) The Verbal Button should be used only if a received verbal alarm is within three blocks of a unit’s quarters in any direction.
D) The ACT’G button can only be used by the first relocation into the original unit. If subsequent relocations are made into that unit, the ACT’G button can no longer be used.
ANSWER: D) The ACT’G button can only be used by the first relocation into the original unit. If subsequent relocations are made into that unit, the ACT’G button can no longer be used.
B - Check the TIME OUT on response ticket
C - Verbal button if within TWO (2) BLOCKS
(Communications 2 2.2.6 B)
Which choice below shows incorrect information regarding the general maintenance of the PC/ATS?
A) The only maintenance to be performed by members is that of changing the paper roll and replacing the printer ink cartridge.
B) Each unit shall maintain at least two rolls of teleprinter paper in the company office. Spare rolls may be secured from the Battalion.
C) The Officer shall contact the Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher to report any computer equipment problems. An entry shall also be made in the company journal indicating the nature of the problem, the time notification was made and the name of the Supervisor notified.
D) On the first of every month the teleprinter emergency power system shall be examined and tested.
ANSWER: C) The Officer shall contact the Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher to report any computer equipment problems. An entry shall also be made in the company journal indicating the nature of the problem, the time notification was made and the name of the Supevisor notified. (INCORRECT)
- Contact STARFIRE
- Journal entry - nature of problem / time / STARFIRE employee name
(Communications 2 2.7.1)
An Engine company responding to an incident, as a FireIce Unit will be indicated by which suffix on the response ticket?
A) F
B) I
C) G
D) M
(Communications 2 pg 37)
A 10-76 has been transmitted for a fire on the 10th floor of a 40 story High Rise Office Building. The following response ticket is sent to responding units:
To fill 10-76
E100C E101S E102L E103Y L200F
BOX 3456 - 123 MAIN STREET
12/11/2019 14235
Which unit operated incorrectly at this fire?
A) Engine 100 and Ladder 200 should be assigned to the Fire Sector Supervisor / Branch Director
B) The Officer of Engine 101 will be designated as the Communications Leader and shall report in to the Resource Unit Leader.
C) The Officer of Engine 102 shall operate on the Primary Tactical Channel and take a position in the Elevator Lobby.
D) The Officer of Engine 103 shall review any CIDS information available while responding and shall check in and obtain a briefing from the Logistics Section Chief or the Incident Commander.
ANSWER: B) The Officer of Engine 101 will be designated as the Communications Leader and shall report in to the Resource Unit Leader. (INCORRECT)
- Engine Officer of Communications Unit is called OFFICER OF THE COMMUNICATIONS UNIT. (Not Communications Leader)
- The Communications Leader is a special called BC.
- If the Communications Leader is not yet on scene, report to the RESOURCE UNIT LEADER
- If neither is there then report to the IC
(Communications 2)
Your unit is responding to a 3rd alarm in a taxpayer. The Dispatcher informs you to report to the Staging Area Manager. In order to determine which Battalion Chief is the Staging Area Manager you should find the Chief with which suffix listed on the response ticket?
A) S
B) M
C) P
D) G
- S - Safety Officer
- P - Staging Area Manager
(Communications 2 pg 37)
The Voice Alarm is a firehouse public address system that provides two way communications between the Borough Communications Office and company quarters. It consists of a console and a handset that is normally located in the housewatch and company office. All of the following are true about the Voice Alarm except which choice?
A) It cannot be used to communicate between line units.
B) The “acknowledge” button on the console will illuminate when the system is in use.
C) A member transmits a calling signal by depressing and releasing the “push to talk” button on the handset. When the dispatcher acknowledges, the member depresses the “push to talk” button on the handset and proceeds with the message, releasing the button when finished.
D) When acknowledging a response via the Voice Alarm, the member must either respond verbally by using the handset or push the “acknowledge” button on the console.
ANSWER: D) When acknowledging a response via the Voice Alarm, the member must either respond verbally by using the handset or push the “acknowledge” button on the console. (INCORRECT)
- DO NOT use this button to acknowledge responses
(Communications 3 3.1.3 B)
The CIDS program utilizes the teleprinter or MDT dispatch message to provide critical information about specific buildings to responding units. Of the following statements, which one shows incorrect information about the CIDS program?
A) CIDS may be entered by any unit finding a hazardous condition. Units finding a building that requires a CIDS entry outside of their administrative area shall enter the CIDS and notify the administrative unit.
B) The address and/or Special Name of the building is the key to the CIDS program.
C) CIDS can only be provided if the address and/or Special Name/Place of the building is known. Therefore it is incumbent upon the first arriving officer to give the address and/or Special Name/Place as soon as possible if it has not been identified previously or if it differs from the original address given.
D) If the address of the fire or emergency is not a CIDS building but is on the same side of the street and is within 3 house numbers of a CIDS building, the computer will identify the CIDS building to the dispatcher.
ANSWER: A) CIDS may be entered by any unit finding a hazardous condition. Units finding a building that requires a CIDS entry outside of their administrative area shall enter the CIDS and notify the administrative unit. (INCORRECT)
- Only the building’s administrative unit can submit or revise a CIDS.
- If you find a building outside of your admin. area with a hazardous condiiton, notify that building’s administrative unit and they will enter the CIDS.
- You can however, mark up vacant buildings outside of your admin. area if discovered)
(Communications 4 - 4.2.1)
A Lt. and her Engine company are performing BISP at a MD when they discover a hazard that they would like to be entered into CIDS immediately. The Lt. would be correct to take which action below?
A) Fax a paper copy of the CIDS (CD-201) to the administrative Battalion. Notify the BC by telephone to inform the Chief of the immediate CIDS.
B) Fax a paper copy of the CIDS (CD-201) to the Fire Department Operations Center (FDOC). Notify FDOC by phone to inform the Officer in charge of the immediate CIDS.
C) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS. After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the administrative BC by phone to inform the Chief of the immediate CIDS.
D) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS. After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the FDOC by phone to inform the Officer in charge of the immediate CIDS.
ANSWER: C) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS. After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the administrative BC by phone to inform the Chief of the immediate CIDS.
(Communications 4 - 4.3.3)
A Captain explaining how to enter CIDS messages to a new Lt. would give incorrect information in which choice?
A) CIDS information has enough space for four lines of CIDS information. Each line has room for 40 characters (letters, spaces, dashes or punctuation marks)
B) Common or universal abbreviations shall be used when necessary.
C) Grammatically complete sentences are not required. Use dashes to separate information and to split a word at the end of a sentence.
D) Buildings that have multiple official street addresses associated with them may not need all addresses entered into CIDS. It is the responsibility of the unit officer submitting the CIDS entry to determine which additional addresses or AKA’s, if any, are required.
ANSWER: C) Grammatically complete sentences are not required. Use dashes to separate information and to split a word at the end of a sentence. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 4 - 4.4.1)
A newly constructed wood frame 2 story private dwelling using lightweight materials should be classified in CIDS as?
Communications 4 - pg 7
A Brownstone, recently renovated using lightweight materials, should be classified in CIDS as?
Communications 4 - pg 7
3 Engines, 1 Ladder and a BC are dispatched to a run for smoke in the area. Engine 100 arrives first and is on scene by themselves when a second source is received for a structural fire. Which choice is correct concerning this box being filled out?
A) It will always be filled out.
B) It will be filled out only if the responding BC or Officer of Engine 100 requests it be filled out.
C) It will be filled out only if the responding BC requests it be filled out.
D) It will never be filled out
ANSWER: B) It will be filled out only if the responding BC or Officer of Engine 100 requests it be filled out.
- If FD Units are ALREADY ON SCENE and 2nd source is received, Dispatcher will notify the responding BC in an attempt to contact a unit on scene.
- The box will NOT BE FILLED OUT unless requested to do so by the BC or the ON SCENE INCIDENT COMMANDER (Engine 100 Officer in this situation)
(Communications 6 6.2.3)
Verbal alarms may be received while in or out of quarters. Which is the incorrect action to take when a verbal alarm is received?
A) Engine, Ladder, Marine, Rescue and Squad companies receiving a verbal alarm while at quarters that is within 2 blocks of their quarters in any direction shall notify the dispatcher by using the verbal button on the PC/ATS. Units shall not await teleprinter confirmation before responding.
B) Engine, Ladder, Marine, Rescue and Squad companies receiving a verbal alarm while at quarters that is more than 2 blocks from quarters shall respond and give information and location via radio.
C) Any unit observing a fire or emergency or receiving a verbal alarm while out of quarters shall immediately notify the dispatcher by radio of the alarm location and nature of incident and proceed to the location of the verbal alarm.
D) In the event a unit responding to another alarm receives a verbal alarm and arrives at the scene of that verbal alarm, they must remain on scene until another FD unit arrives.
ANSWER: D) In the event a unit responding to another alarm receives a verbal alarm and arrives at the scene of that verbal alarm, they must remain on scene until another FD unit arrives. (INCORRECT)
- Stop / Advise dispatch of the verbal / wait for acknowledgment / dispatch may decide to keep you at the verbal or proceed to the original box.
(Communications 6 6.5.1)
Upon receiving a ticket to respond to a 10-75, Lieutenant Green notices that there are 4 Ladder companies assigned, and her unit has an “F” suffix as the 4th Ladder Company. What would be a correct action for her to take?
A) She should call the dispatcher to correct this error, due to the 3rd Ladder Company always being designated as the FAST Unit.
B) She should prepare for FAST duties and assume that both the 1st and 2nd Ladder Companies are staffed with 4 FFs.
C) She should prepare for FAST duties and assume that the 1st Ladder Company only is staffed with 4 FFs.
D) She should prepare for FAST duties and assume that the 2nd Ladder Company only is staffed with 4 FFs.
ANSWER: B) She should prepare for FAST duties and assume that both the 1st and 2nd Ladder Companies are staffed with 4 FFs.
- An additional Ladder Company (above the FAST Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when BOTH of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding with 4 FFs.
- The additional Ladder Company shall be the THIRD TRUCK and the 4th truck shall be designated as the FAST TRUCK.
- Note a 4 FF company can also be assigned as a FAST UNIT.
(Communications 6 6.9.2)
A unit would respond in the 10-20 mode while responding to which call type?
A) Tree down onto a vehicle
B) Lock out with food in the stove
C) Salvage Truck
D) ERS reporting a car fire
ANSWER: C) Salvage Truck
Respond in 10-20 for “WELTS”
W - Water leaks
L - Lock IN (not lock out)
T - Tree down (NOT involving wires, buildings, vehicles)
S - Salvage Truck
(Communications 6 - Addendum 1 2.1)
Which choice correctly indicates responses where only the units that are assigned 1st due will respond in the emergency mode?
- All odors
- Sprinkler Acitvation
- Class 3 alarms
- Electrical fires
- Manhole emergencies
- Class J 1900-1700 hours
A) 2,3,5,6,7 only
B) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
C) 1,4 only
D) 2,5,7 only
ANSWER: A) 2,3,4,6,7 are correct
(1 and 4 are INCORRECT)
1st due only in emergency mode “3SOME-BARS EJ”
3 - Class 3
S - Sprinkler activation
M - Manhole EMERGENCIES (not fires)
E - Electrical EMERGENCIES (not fires)
BARS - Only 1 Engine responds in emergency mode
Class E - Only 1st due Engine OR 1st due Ladder (depending on alternating months) responds in emergency mode 24 hours a day.
Class J - (0700 to 1900) 1st due Eng OR 1st due Lad emergency mode
(1900-0700) Receive box assignment and only 1st due units respond in emergency mode.
(Communications 6 - Addendum 1 2.2)
Engine 20, which is staffed with 4 FFs, receives a Class E response at 1400 hours. Which action taken was incorrect?
A) Upon arrival, the Officer and all members except the ECC enters the building. FE Tools were brought to the lobby, but rolled up hose was not.
B) After building personnel reset the alarm, the Officer waited 2-3 minutes to ensure the reset held.
C) When the reset did not hold, the Officer left a member other than the ECC in the lobby and entered the elevator with the remaining members to investigate a smoke detector activation on the 30th floor.
D) Upon indication of smoke on the 30th floor, the Officer contacted the ECC with the request to “transmit the box” and began searching for the source of the smoke with the remaining members.
ANSWER: D) Upon indication of smoke on the 30th floor, the Officer contacted the ECC with the request to “transmit the box” and began searching for the source of the smoke with the remaining members. (INCORRECT)
- RETURN TO LOBBY to secure necessary hose and equipment making sure to RECHECK THE ALARM PANEL.
(Communications 6 - Addendum 1 3.7)
A Brooklyn Engine whose MDT is not working, attempts to call the Brooklyn Dispatcher to transmit a signal 10-18 for the on scene Engine and Ladder, but is getting no response. In this situation, the Engine Officer would be correct to think that he should?
A) Repeat the call if not acknowledged within 20 seconds
B) Only make 2 attempts to contact the dispatcher from his apparatus radio.
C) If he determines his apparatus radio is inoperative, switch to a different Borough frequency.
D) If the Ladder apparatus radio on scene is also unable to make contact with the Brooklyn Dispatcher, switch to citywide frequency and Advise of the difficulties being encountered.
ANSWER: D) If the Ladder apparatus radio on scene is also unable to make contact with the Brooklyn Dispatcher, switch to citywide frequency and Advise of the difficulties being encountered.
A - Repeat call if not acknowledged within THIRTY (30) seconds.
B - Only make THREE (3) attempts from your radio
C - Then switch to ANOTHER MOBILE UNITS RADIO (In this scenario you would try to contact dispatcher from the Ladder Apparatus)
(Communications 8 - 8.4.3)
If the transmitting button on the apparatus radio is depressed for longer than _______, an audible signal will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically interrupted?
A) 15 seconds
B) 30 seconds
C) 45 seconds
D) 60 seconds
ANSWER: D) 60 seconds
- Apparatus radio times out at SIXTY (60) seconds
- Handie Talkie times out at THIRTY (30) seconds
(Communications 8 - 8.4.6)
Which radio code signal must be transmitted with a sub-code?
A) 10-25
B) 10-35
C) 10-36
D) 10-41
ANSWER: D) 10-41
- 10-41 always requires sub code given
- You can give 10-25 / 10-35 / 10-36 without codes
(Communications 8 Radio Codes)
An Engine company responds to a report of smoke from a transformer in the street and on arrival the officer notes that smoke is seeping slowly from the transformer. In this situation, the Officer would be correct to think that he should?
A) Transmit a 10-25-3 specifying they have a transformer incident.
B) Transmit a 10-25-4 and be aware that a utility emergency crew will be immediately dispatched on the 10-25 Code 4.
C) Transmit a 10-25-4 and be aware that a utility emergency crew will be immediately dispatched only for a 10-25 Code 1.
D) Initially transmit a 10-25 Code 4 but upgrade it to a 10-25 Code 1 if a smoke condition is found in any building.
ANSWER: B) Transmit a 10-25-4 and be aware that a utility emergency crew will be immediately dispatched on the 10-25 Code 4.
- Transformer is ALWAYS Code 4
- Utility Crew sent on Code 1 AND Code 4
D - FIRE has to extend from street into building for a Code 1 (Fire in TWO PLACES)
(Communications 8 Radio Codes)
A company officer working a day tour transmits 4 radio code signals for 4 different runs. He was correct in which transmission?
A) 10-28-3 for a person in a subway station having severe chest pains, where members provided oxygen.
B) 10-29-2 for a person removed from a stuck elevator car in an H-Type
C) 10-31 for a person who was locked out of their apartment, where entry was made by the FDNY through a window off the fire escape.
D) 10-33-1 for an odor of fumes in an apartment building that dissipated.
ANSWER: C) 10-31 for a person who was locked out of their apartment, where entry was made by the FDNY through a window off the fire escape.
A - 10-28-3 shall be used for a subway emergency that is NON-MEDICAL.
B - 10-29-2 is for an UNOCCUPIED stuck elevator
D - 10-33-1 is for an odor of SMOKE . Fumes would be a 10-33-2.
(Comm 8)
1st alarm units arrive at the scene of an alarm system emergency in a catering hall where a fraternal group was having a “Cigar Party”. The hall manager informs members that the smoke from the “stogies” set off the alarm. In this case you would be correct to give which signal?
A) 10-35 No Code
B) 10-35-2 and know a NYFIRS Report must be completed indicating the cause of the alarm.
C) 10-35-3 and know NYFIRS will auto-close
D) 10-35-4 and know a NYFIRS Report must be completed indicating the cause of the alarm.
ANSWER: D) 10-35-4 and know a NYFIRS Report must be completed indicating the cause of the alarm.
10-35 No Code - Unwarranted (Defective / Low Battery / Unknown cause / No condition)
10-35-1 - Servicing
10-35-2 - Construction
10-35-3 Ordinary Household
10-35-4 Other known cause
(Comm 8)
A Ladder Officer arrives at the scene of an auto extrication incident and finds a one car accident into a tree, with two injured civilians in the car. The Hurst Tool is put to work to remove a damaged driver’s side door. Members find one patient who is not breathing and another who has non serious bruises on her arm. The Officer advises the LCC to transmit the appropriate signals and advise the dispatcher to have the NYPD and an ambulance respond. The LCC would be correct to provide the dispatcher with which codes?
A) 10-36-3 / 10-37-2 / 10-37-3 / 10-44 / 10-48
B) 10-36-4 / 10-37-3 / 10-37-4 / 10-44 / 10-47
C) 10-36-4 / 10-37-2 / 10-37-3 / 10-44 / 10-48
D) 10-36-4 / 10-37-2 / 10-37-3 / 10-44 / 10-47
ANSWER: D) 10-36-4 / 10-37-2 / 10-37-3 / 10-44 / 10-47
10-36 “WAIT” (Washdown / Acc. No Injuries / Injuries / Trap)
- Any Extrication is Code 4
10-37 (Deceased / Life Threatening / NLT / No Pt. contact)
10-44 Request for Ambulance
10-47 Request for PD
10-48 - Request PD for HARASSMENT
(Comm 8)
A Ladder Officer responds to the following 4 incidents on a night tour and transmits 4 different radio codes. In which transmission was he correct?
A) 10-38-3 for a CO detector that activated, where there were readings of 9 ppm on the detector due to a defective gas stove, and no occupants had any symptoms.
B) 10-25-3 for steam seeping from a manhole in the street
C) 10-18 / 10-24 / 10-41-3 for a suspicious car fire with plates, on a highway, in an unoccupied vehicle.
D) 10-41-1 for a small but suspicious fire in a unoccupied detached garage behind a private dwelling
ANSWER: C) 10-18 / 10-24 / 10-41-3 for a suspicious car fire with plates, on a highway, in an unoccupied vehicle.
- Needs to be 10-18 because it is on a highway and you need a Ladder company to block traffic (10-19 would be wrong)
- 10-24 because the car has plates and is not an ADV
10-41-1 Any Occupied Structure / Vehicle
10-41-2 Unoccupied Structure
10-41-3 Unoccupied Vehicle
10-41-4 Vacant / Structures NOT intended for dwelling
(Comm 8)
Engine 282 responds to a CFRD call for difficulty breathing. They meet EMS in the dwelling and find an 82 year old woman whose dress caught fire causing 1st degree burns to her stomach and smoke inhalation. E282 assists EMS with patient care and is informed by EMS that they are transporting the woman who is now an “Orange Tag” due to her age. The boss of E282 would be most correct to transmit to the dispatcher a _____________?
A) 10-37-3
B) 10-37-3
C) 10-45-2
D) 10-45-3
ANSWER: D) 10-45-3
- Signal 10-37 with any code shall NOT BE USED at any fire operation (food on the stove is a fire / always going to be a 10-45 even if victim fell down stairs and broke ankle)
10-45-1 Deceased
10-45-2 Life Threatening Injuries (RED TAG)
10-45-4 Ambulatory (GREEN)
(Communications 8)
E92 responds to a fire reported on the 4th floor of an 18 story FPMD. During the initial operations, the ECC located a good hydrant and supplies the FDC with water. The Control FF then informs his officer via an “URGENT” message that he has no water at the standpipe outlet on the 3rd floor as the Engine Officer confirms there is a working fire in Apartment 4C on the 4th floor. In this situaiton, it would be most correct to take which action(s)?
- Transmit an URGENT message via HT to all on scene units indicating a WATER LOSS.
- Have the ECC transmit an URGENT to the dispatcher for a 10-70.
- A 10-75 should be transmitted for a working fire on the 4th floor.
- The 2nd arriving Engine will be designated as the Water Resource Unit and should check the standpipe system for open valves, broken pipe etc.
A) 1 / 3 B) 1 / 2 / 4 C) 2 / 3 / 4 D) 2 / 4
ANSWER: D) 2 / 4 are CORRECT
1 / 3 are INCORRECT
- “WATER LOSS” is for burst length or kinks
3 - Transmit a 10-77 (NOT a 10-75)
(Comm 8 - pg 18)
Which radio code would be an incorrect transmission by an officer?
A) 10-75 for a 5 car accident with no fire but numerous injuries
B) 10-76 for a major emergency in a HROB
C) 10-77 for a fire out one window on the 5th floor of a Mega High Rise MD.
D) 10-80 No Code for a small spill of fuel oil in the basement of a PD.
ANSWER: B) 10-76 for a major emergency in a HROB (INCORRECT)
- 10-76 is only transmitted for a FIRE in a HROB
(Comm 8)
All of the following situations require an automatic 10-80 Code 1 to be transmitted except?
A) Chemical suicide incident
B) Lithium Ion Battery alarm at an outdoor Energy Storage System location
C) Major Gas Emergency
D) Fentanyl discovered in a room on a CFRD response
ANSWER: D) Fentanyl discovered in a room on a CFRD response (INCORRECT)
Three times you give a 10-80 Code 1
1 - Chemical suicide incident
2 - Lithium Ion Battery alarm at an outdoor Energy Storage System location
3 - Major Gas Emergency
(Comm 8 / Natural Gas Bulletin / HM 11, 18, 19)
After a 3rd alarm fire in a taxpayer, members are discussing some confusion they had over using plain speak on the fire ground. Which statement about plain speak is correctly stated?
A) It is particularly effective for taxpayer fires.
B) Plain speak replaces the standard exposure identification system.
C) If used it shall be used in all progress reports on the department radio.
D) The benefit of using plain speak is that all members on the fire ground always know what occupancy you are referring to.
ANSWER: A) It is particularly effective for taxpayer fires
(Communications 10 - Addendum 2 - 10.1)
B - It DOES NOT replace standard exposure identification.
C - It shall NOT be used on department radio.
D - This is not true, especially members on the roof.
You are a ladder officer whose unit has just responded to a report of wires down in the street following a heavy storm. After operating at this incident and mitigating the “wires down” condition, you would be most correct if you transmitted which code?
A) 10-39
B) 10-40 Code 3
C) 10-40 Code 2
D) 10-31
ANSWER: C) 10-40 Code 2
*10-40 = Utility Emergency “GEWS”
Code 1 - Gas
Code 2 - Electric
Code 3 - Water
Code 4 - Steam
(Communications 8 10-40)
E-37 and L-40 respond to a car fire on 125th street and find a fully involved vehicle. After members extinguished the fire, the officer of E-37 gathered some info for his fire report and determined the vehicle to be a 1986 dodge, on cinderblocks with it’s tires removed and abandoned for some time. The vehicle also had out of state license plates and the fire was determined to be suspicious. What is the proper radio code to give to the dispatcher?
A) 10-18, 10-24, 10-41-3
B) 10-19, 10-24, 10-41-1
C) 10-18, 10-23, 10-41-No Code
D) 10-24
ANSWER: A) 10-18, 10-24, 10-41-3
(Comm ch 8)
A- Even though vehicle is abandoned and possibly valueless, it still has plates so it’s a 10-24 and not a 10-23.
B - 2 units operated so it’s a 10-18, 10-41-1 also wrong.
C - Vehicle has plates so 10-23 is no good, 10-41 must have code.
D - Suspicious fire code required in this situation
Lt. Doyle is working in Ladder company 175 during the 9x6 tour and enjoying his first day as a new Lieutenant. Of the codes he gave during the tour, which one was correct?
A) 10-32 for a compactor or incinerator fire.
B) 10-40 Code 1 for an electrical emergency
C) 10-77 for a fire in a High Rise Commercial building.
D) 10-28 Code 2 for a rubbish fire on the tracks.
D) 10-28 Code 2 for a rubbish fire on the tracks.
(Comm ch 8, section 8.5)
A = 10-32 Defective Oil Burner
B = 10-40 Code 1 Gas Emergency
C = 10-77 Fire in a HR Multiple Dwelling
D = Correct (Fire on Platform is structural Code 1)
Please choose the most correct code for the 10-25 signal listed below?
A) Code 1 = Transmit only when fire extends from a manhole into a building.
B) Code 3 = Fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure.
C) Code 2 = Smoke is seeping from a manhole.
D) Code 4 = Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location, i.e. Pole, vault, room etc.
ANSWER: D) Code 4 = Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location, i.e. Pole, vault, room etc.
(Communications, chapter 8)
10-25 Manhole Emergency
Code 1 - Fire extends from manhole/conduit/transformer into building. (Fire in 2 places)
Code 2 - Fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke issuing under pressure.
Code 3 - Smoke seeping from manhole
Code 4 - Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location ( pole, vault, room etc.)
If an electric skillet went on fire because the cooking oil became too hot and the skillet was inside of a structure with no extension beyond the skillet and only one Engine and one Ladder were required, which radio signal would be transmitted?
A) 10-18 for a 10-33-1
B) 10-18 for a 10-33-2
C) 10-18 for a 10-26
D) 10-18 for a 10-31
ANSWER: C) 10-18 for a 10-26
(Communications 8)
*Food on the stove or other cooking carelessness
If a rubbish fire on a subway platform occurs, what 10-28 code would you give?
A) Code 1
B) Code 2
C) Code 3
ANSWER: A) Code 1
(Communications 8)
10-28 Subway Emergency
Code 1 - Structural (platform fire)
Code 2 - Non structural (track fire)
Code 3 - Emergency (non medical)
Please choose the correct reason(s) to use a 10-31 from the list below. (More than 1 Correct)
A) All calls for assistance other than medical assignments, not including a unit assigned to protect EMS by diverting or blocking traffic at a highway incident.
B) Good intention calls
C) Calls handled by other agencies
D) Any type of investigation
E) Searches and complaints
F) Elevator emergencies and lockouts
ANSWER: B / C / D / E / F are CORRECT
- Use 10-30 for:
Good intention calls
Calls handled by other agencies
Any type of investigation
Searches and complaints
Elevator emergencies and lockouts
A - All calls for assistance other than medical assignments, INCLUDING a unit assigned to protect EMS by diverting or blocking traffic at a highway incident
(Comm 8, 10-31)
If you were operating at a Commercial building where the fire alarm activated for a steam leak from the heating unit, which 10-35 code would you transmit?
A) 10-35 No code
B) 10-35 Code 1
C) 10-35 Code 2
D) 10-35 Code 3
E) 10-35 Code 4
F) None of the above
ANSWER: F) None of the above
(Comm 8)
- 10-35 is not used for legitimate emergencies (fires, steam leaks etc.) In this instance a 10-40 code 4 is needed.
If you were operating at a 40 story hotel and it was determined that the fire alarm was activated maliciously by the use of a manual pull station, which radio signal would you transmit from the list below?
A) 10-35 no code
B) 10-92
C) 10-35-4
D) 10-35 1
ANSWER: B) 10-92
(Comm 8)
*The malicious transmission of a false alarm by activation of a manual fire alarm box shall not be considered an unnecessary alarm.
You have just started a night tour working in E-1 when you respond to an EMS run for a child burned by a flame. Upon arrival EMS informs you that a two year old child suffered a minor burn after directly touching the heating element from a hot electric stove and no flame or fire existed. As a sharp student you should instruct the ECC to transmit which radio code for the victim?
A) 10-45
B) 10-37 with appropriate sub code
ANSWER: B) 10-37 with appropriate sub code
(Comm 8)
- No flame or fire existed = 10-37
- Burn as a direct result of a flame = 10-45
While operating at a fire in a detached garage associated with a Private Dwelling you determine as the IC that the fire is suspicious. You had just given. 10-45 code 1 at this box for a victim found within the garage and now decide to transmit the appropriate 10-41 code. Which choice below is appropriate for this situation?
A) 10-41 code 4
B) 10-41 code 3
C) 10-41 code 2
D) 10-41 code 1
ANSWER: D) 10-41 code 1
(Communications 8)
*10-41 code 1 includes an OCCUPIED detached garage/shed.
A 10-70 is a notification that the first arriving Engine does not have a positive water source. This shall be an “urgent” message to the dispatcher from the unit transmitting the signal. It will also require an “urgent” HT transmission to all units on scene. All of the below are examples of situations that would require a 10-70 except which?
A) Dead or frozen hydrant
B) Unable to access a hydrant
C) Unable to hookup to a hydrant
D) Insufficient hydrant pressure
E) No water/insufficient pressure at sprinkler outlet.
ANSWER: E) No water/insufficient pressure at sprinkler outlet.
- No water/insufficient pressure at STANDPIPE OUTLET.
(Communications 8)
You arrive on scene as the 1st due Engine Officer and the 1st due truck reports that a serious fire has been verified on the 25th floor of a 50 story High Rise Office Building. The Truck Officer requests that you transmit the appropriate radio signal, from the list below please choose the correct signal to transmit.
A) 10-76/2nd Alarm
B) 2nd Alarm/10-76
C) 2nd Alarm
D) 10-76/3rd Alarm
ANSWER: A) 10-76/2nd Alarm
(Communications 8)
- 10-76 2nd alarm (Smoke or fire emanating from skin on building / SERIOUS FIRE CONFIRMED)
- Cannot just give a 2nd alarm (This would potentially cause confusion among other units and dispatch)
The 10-80 no code is used as a radio signal at incidents that can be controlled by the on scene units and requires no additional resources. Guidelines for transmitting signal 10-80 no code are correctly found in which choice below?
A) Release is of a small to medium size quantity.
B) The material has been identified, the hazards are pending Haz-Mat verification.
C) Firefighters PPE provides adequate protection against the hazards.
D) Special equipment and specialized training are needed.
ANSWER: C) Firefighters PPE provides adequate protection against the hazards.
(Communications 8)
A - Release is of a small quantity (not medium)
B - Material AND hazards have been identified.
D - Special equipment and training NOT needed.
Upon notification of a defective/non operating apparatus radio, the Division shall supply the affected unit with a portable citywide radio capable of direct communications with all borough dispatchers. Which is an incorrect procedure for a unit officer when utilizing a portable citywide radio on a response?
A) During a response, the affected unit will use the citywide radio in lieu of the non operating apparatus radio for all communications to the borough dispatcher until the apparatus radio is repaired.
B) The citywide radio can be carried/worn by the company officer or it can remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher.
C) If a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio, the Officer shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating apparatus radio.
D) The dispatcher will then ensure that an additional unit (nearest available Engine or Ladder) with an operating apparatus radio is dispatched to the same alarm.
ANSWER: B) The citywide radio can be carried/worn by the company officer or it can remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 8, section 8.14)
- Citywide radio NOT TO BE CARRIED OR WORN by officer.
- Remains in the front cab of the apparatus and serve
as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher
Lt. Reilly is working in a ladder company during a 6x9 tour when he notices the department radio on the apparatus is not functioning properly. Lt. Reilly takes the following actions. How many of them were correct?
- He telephoned the Battalion and Division Chiefs
- He telephoned the dispatcher to request a response from the radio mechanic.
- He requested a portable citywide radio from the Division, to be used while awaiting repairs.
- He placed the unit OOS while awaiting the arrival of the portable citywide radio.
- Once received, a 10-11 radio test was performed on the citywide radio.
- The portable citywide radio was carried by the company officer during a response for a stuck elevator.
- Once the apparatus radio was repaired, Lt. Reilly notified the Battalion, Division and dispatcher.
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7
ANSWER: B) 5 (1, 2, 3, 5, 7 are correct)
(4 and 6 are INCORRECT)
4 - Unit remains IN SERVICE. Notify dispatch you are responding without an apparatus radio.
6 - Officer DOES NOT CARRY portable citywide radio. Radio remains in front cab.
(Communications 8)
Your engine company responds to an EMS run for a report of a child with burns to his arms. When you arrive, you find that a child has minor burns to his left arm. The child’s mother states that the child was playing with a lighter which caused the burn. EMS arrives and determined that the child’s injury is non-serious and transport to the hospital is not required. You would be most correct to take which action?
A) Transmit a 10-45 Code 4 and request the response of a BC.
B) Transmit a 10-45 Code 4 and telephone the particulars to the BC upon return to quarters.
C) Transmit a 10-37 Code 3 and request the response of a BC.
D) Transmit a 10-37 Code 3. Notification to the BC is not required.
ANSWER: A) Transmit a 10-45 Code 4 and request the response of a BC.
(Communications 8)
Which of the following 10-25 codes would cause an immediate response by a utility company emergency crew? (More than 1 correct)
A) 10-25 Code 1
B) 10-25 Code 2
C) 10-25 Code 3
D) 10-25 Code 4
ANSWER: A) 10-25 Code 1 / D) 10-25 Code 4
Communications 8
Engine 444 is performing BISP in a taxpayer when they find multiple hazards in the cellar. The officer has her members write the building owner a summons. The building owner becomes irate with the members and attempts to strike one of the firefighters with a baseball bat. The officer radios to the ECC to have the NYPD respond immediately. Which code should the ECC give to the dispatcher?
A) 10-13
B) 10-47
C) 10-48
D) 10-85
ANSWER: C) 10-48
- 10-48 Request PD for HARASSMENT
- 10-47 Police Response (crowd/traffic control, security apprehension, EDP)
(Communications 8)
An engine company responds to an EMS run for an unconscious male inside a storage facility. As the members enter the facility the officer’s CO meter begins to alarm. The engine members locate the patient, who is not breathing and has no pulse. The officer notices a reading of 101 ppm on his CO meter. He also notices a CO detector on the wall which is not alarming. The patient is removed from the contaminated area and the engine company members perform CPR until EMS arrives and transports to the hospital. The officer would be most correct to transmit which of the following codes?
A) 10-37 Code 1 and 10-38 Code 3
B) 10-37 Code 2 and 10-38 Code 3
C) 10-37 Code 1 and 10-38 Code 4
D) 10-37 Code 2 and 10-38 Code 4
ANSWER: D) 10-37 Code 2 and 10-38 Code 4
(Communications 8)
10-37 Code 1: Deceased Code 2: Not breathing / life threatening Code 3: Breathing / non life threatening Code 4: Unit is 10-84 / no patient contact / EMS on scene
10-38 Code 1: Investigation (low battery / defective /unwarranted) Code 2: Incident 0-9 ppm Code 3: Emergency: Greater than 9 ppm Code 4: NO DETECTOR ACTIVATION
During a busy 9x6 tour, you respond as the first arriving engine officer to many alarms in which the BC was delayed and requested a 10-12. In which instance did you transmit the incorrect signal?
A) A 10-34 Code 2 was transmitted for a sprinkler activation where it was determined the alarm activated due to routine maintenance work being performed.
B) A 10-31 was transmitted for an auto accident that NYPD arrived at prior to FDNY units and the FDNY units did not operate.
C) A 10-26 was transmitted for a small fire in a microwave located in a dorm room at a local college.
D) A 10-35 No Code was transmitted for an alarm activation due to a power fluctuation in the neighborhood.
D) A 10-35 No Code was transmitted for an alarm activation due to a power fluctuation in the neighborhood. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 8)
10-34 “DUH”
Code 1: D – Defective sprinkler device or system (defective valve, broken pipe)
Code 2: U – Unwarranted sprinkler alarm (not defective / surge in pressure / working on system / it did what it was supposed to do)
Code 3: H – Heat source not associated with accidental fire causing sprinkler activation (steam room causing alarm activation)
10-35 No Code – Unwarranted alarm. Alarm system activation caused by the defective condition of alarm device, equipment or system. (e.g., low battery condition, alarm activations WITHOUT A KNOWN CAUSE or when no condition is found warranting an emergency response).
- Should have given a 10-40-2 “Electric emergency” due to power fluctuation.
Lt. Davis and her Engine company responded with a ladder company to a car fire. The car was located in a vacant lot, is unoccupied and has had its wheels, doors and windows removed. There is no one on scene claiming to be the owner of the vehicle and it has one Georgia license plate on it. After extinguishing the fire, Lt. Davis believes the fire to have been intentionally set and would like to request an investigation by the Fire Marshals. Which would be the correct code for her to transmit?
A) 10-23, 10-41 Code 3
B) 10-24, 10-41 Code 2
C) 10-24, 10-41 Code 3
D) 10-23, 10-41 Code 2
ANSWER: C) 10-24, 10-41 Code 3
(Communications 8)
- Vehicle has LICENSE PLATE = NOT Abandoned/Derelict (give 10-24)
10-41 (Must be provided with sub-code)
Code 1: Occupied structure or vehicle
Code 2: Unoccupied structure
Code 3: Unoccupied vehicle
Code 4: Vacant
Lt. Davis and her Engine company responded with a ladder company to a car fire. The car was located in a vacant lot, is unoccupied and has had its wheels, doors and windows removed. There is no one on scene claiming to be the owner of the vehicle and it has one Georgia license plate on it. After extinguishing the fire, Lt. Davis transmitted a 10-18 for 10-24. Do you agree or disagree that the correct code was given?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: A) Agree
(Communications 8)
- Because the car has a LICENSE PLATE, it is NOT
CONSIDERED an abandoned derelict vehicle (10-23)
Engine 100 and Ladder 200 are dispatched to an automatic alarm activation in a private dwelling. After arriving at the scene the units find an ADT alarm serviceman at the location. The serviceman states that he was repairing the alarm and accidentally “tripped” the system, causing it to alarm. The officers of these units would be most correct to transmit which code?
A) 10-35 No Code
B) 10-35 Code 1
C) 10-35 Code 2
D) 10-35 Code 4
ANSWER: B) 10-35 Code 1
(Communications 8)
1 - Servicing / testing
2 - Construction activities
3 - Ordinary Household
4 - Other known cause (cigarette smoke)
HTs and cell phones shall not be used within ______ of vehicles transporting explosives, explosive magazines, or areas where blasting operations are in progress. Apparatus, Post and Marine Radios shall not be operated within ______ of such areas.
A) 150 feet / 300 feet
B) 150 yards / 300 yards
C) 100 feet / 250 feet
D) 100 yards / 250 yards
ANSWER: A) 150 feet / 300 feet
Communications 8
You respond as the first arriving engine officer to a report of a fire in a subway station. The assigned BC is responding from a distance and has requested a 10-12. Upon entering the station, you find a small rubbish fire inside an occupied subway car located in the station. You feel this fire is suspicious and the fire will be handled by the units on scene. You would be correct to transmit which of the following codes?
A) 10-28 Code 1 and 10-41 Code 1
B) 10-28 Code 1 and 10-41 Code 3
C) 10-28 Code 2 and 10-41 Code 1
D) 10-28 Code 2 and 10-41 Code 3
ANSWER: C) 10-28 Code 2 and 10-41 Code 1
(Communications 8)
- Fire in TRAIN = Non structural (10-28 Code 2)
- Suspicious fire in OCCUPIED structure or vehicle = (10-41 Code 1)
One engine and one ladder are dispatched to a report of a car fire on Queens blvd. Upon arrival the units find a car with a broken radiator hose that is steaming. The owner is on the scene and states he has called a tow truck. The officers at this scene would be most correct to transmit which code?
A) 10-91
B) 10-36 Code 2
C) 10-36 No code
D) 10-24
ANSWER: C) 10-36 No code
10-36 Vehicle Accident or Emergency “WAIT”
No Code: Vehicle Emergency other than described below (overheated car)
Code 1: W – Washdown
Code 2: A – Accident
Code 3: I – Injuries
Code 4: T – Trapped people
(Communications 8)
Ladder 146, a SOC Support Truck, has just been released from an operation in East New York, miles from their normal response area. To make the unit available from the scene, the officer would be most correct to transmit which code to the dispatcher?
A) 10-8
B) 10-8 Code 1
C) 10-8 Code 2
D) 10-9
ANSWER: C) 10-8 Code 2
(Communications 8)
Code 1: Used only by a Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms had been routed.
Code 2: Used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area. When the unit returns to its response area, the dispatcher must be notified again using 10-8.
While performing BISP, the borough dispatcher contacts your unit and instructs you to “10-3”. You would be correct to take which action?
A) Call your quarters
B) Call the dispatcher by telephone
C) Return to your quarters
D) Telephone your administrative Battalion Chief
ANSWER: B) Call the dispatcher by telephone
Communications 8
Engine company 345 arrives first on the scene for a telephone alarm in a 10 story fireproof building. The first three stories of the building are commercial occupancies. The seven remaining stories are residential units. The officer of Engine 345 finds a power outage throughout the entire building and elevated CO levels. Hundreds of occupants will need assistance in evacuating the building. He would be most correct to transmit which code in order to request additional units?
A) 10-75
B) 10-76
C) 10-77
D) 10-76 / 2nd Alarm
ANSWER: A) 10-75
- 10-76 and 10-77 are used for FIRES ONLY
(Communications 8)
The officer of E-99 is ordered by the IC at a multiple alarm fire to conduct an emergency roll call utilizing the EFAS system. In this situation, the officer would be correct to think that an unaccounted for position will be represented by what color?
A) White
B) Yellow
C) Red
D) Gray
ANSWER: B) Yellow
- As members respond to the Roll Call, their riding position color will change from yellow to green, any members activating their Emergency Alert will be highlighted in Red.
(Comm 9, Add 3, pg 10)
Engine 100 responds on a Class 3 alarm in a hospital where they find the alarm was transmitted due to cigarette smoking in the emergency room of the hospital, an unauthorized location. In this situation, the officer would be correct to transmit a 10-35?
A) No code, and a NYFIRS report will be auto-closed
B) No code, and a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause.
C) Code 4, and a NYFIRS report will be auto-closed.
D) Code 4, and a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause.
ANSWER: D) Code 4, and a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause.
(Comm 8, 10-35)
Code 1 = Servicing/testing
Code 2 = Construction activities
Code 3 = Ordinary household activities
Code 4 = Other known cause (cigarette smoke)
- When a code 4 is used, a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause of the unnecessary alarm and the relevant particulars.
Units are designated by the following letter suffix when assigned a specific task at an incident. Next to each company listed below is a suffix, please fill in the blank as to what specific task each unit has been designated.
- E295D ____________________
- E016N ____________________
- E075P ____________________
- E282F ____________________
- L144S ____________________
- L007H ____________________
- L033C ____________________
- E295D = Tech Decon Task Force Engine
- E016N = High Rise Nozzle
- E075P = High Pressure Pumper
- E282F = FAST Unit
- L144S = SOC Support Truck
- L007H = High Rise Roof Team
- L033C = CPC Unit
Comm 2, pg 37)
The alarm teleprinter/selector panel requires minimal maintenance to ensure that it is in proper working order. Which point below regarding the maintenance procedures is incorrect?
A) The PC/ATS shall be clear of all obstructions. Do not place coffee cups or magazines on or near the PC/ATS.
B) On the first of every month, the teleprinter emergency power system shall be examined and tested in accordance with instructions contained on the decal affixed to the front panel.
C) Each unit shall maintain at least 3 spare rolls of teleprinter paper in the company office. Spare paper rolls can be obtained by calling the administrative Division.
D) The user should visibly determine that each light works as specific buttons are depressed. Failure of any light is an indication of trouble and requires servicing.
ANSWER: C) Each unit shall maintain at least 3 spare rolls of teleprinter paper in the company office. Spare paper rolls can be obtained by calling the administrative Division. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 2, 2.6)
- Each unit must maintain TWO (2) spare rolls of teleprinter paper. Spare rolls can be obtained at BATTALION HQ.
As an officer working in Ladder 1, your unit receives a teleprinter alarm to respond to a water leak. After taking up, you then receive an assignment to respond to an all hands fire as the salvage truck. You would be correct to respond in which mode?
A) 10-20 for water leak / emergency mode for salvage truck
B) 10-20 for both water leak and salvage truck
C) Emergency mode for both water leak and salvage truck
D) Emergency mode for water leak and 10-20 for salvage truck
ANSWER: B) 10-20 for both water leak and salvage truck
Respond in 10-20 for “WELTS”
W - Water leaks
L - Lock IN (not lock out)
T - Tree down (NOT involving wires, buildings, vehicles)
S - Salvage Truck
(Communications 6 - Addendum 1 2.1)
Lt. Walsh knows that supervising our members is a critical role for any Company Officer while at a fire operation. From the situations below, which member would be under the Immediate Supervision of the Officer?
A) Roof FF communicating to the Officer “Roof’s open” via the radio.
B) OV FF on the fire escape talking to the Lt. through broken window.
C) The LCC overhauling an adjacent apartment on the same floor and radios his officer that they have fire extension.
D) After the Irons FF removed the 10-45 to the street, he calls his Officer via radio to find out his location.
ANSWER: B) OV FF on the fire escape talking to the Lt. through broken window.
Immediate Supervision “SH-SH”
S - Sight
H - Hearing
S - Search line
H - Hose line
- When a roll call is being conducted, Officer shall account for his members within his SIGHT/HEARING without using the radio.
(Comm 9 9.2.1)
Ladder 123 is operating 1st due at a fire on the 5th floor of a 6 story H-Type MD. While operating on the fire escape, the OV FF is trying to call his Officer to let him know that there is fire blowing out of two rear 5th floor windows. The OV calls his Officer a few times, but the Officer does not answer him. In this situation the OV FF would be correct to contact which member listed below?
A) The Ladder 123 LCC
B) The Incident Commander
C) The Ladder 123 Can FF
D) The 1st due Engine Officer who is operating in that fire apartment with the Officer from Ladder 123.
ANSWER: A) The Ladder 123 LCC
C - Chauffeur
I - Incident Commander
A - Another handle talkie equipped member
(Comm 9, 9.2.2 B)
MAYDAYS will be one of the most stressful times on the fire ground. All of the following transmissions are correct regarding MAYDAY messages except which?
A) “Ladder 4 Roof to Command, MAYDAY - COLLAPSE IMMINENT”
B) “Ladder 44 OV to Command, MAYDAY - COLLAPSE HAS OCCURRED”
C) “Ladder 11 to Command, MAYDAY - MISSING MEMBER”
D) “Engine 222 to Command, MAYDAY - MEMBER COLLAPSED”
- COLLAPSE shall only be used when referring to a structural collapse.
- In this situation you would give a “MAYDAY - INJURED MEMBER”
Ladder 99 was assigned the FAST truck for a fire in the cellar and 1st floor of a two story peaked roof, 20x40 PD with window bars on the 1st floor and cellar. On arrival at the Command Post, they hear “Ladder 1 LCC to Command, MAYDAY - MEMBER TRAPPED”. Upon hearing this transmission the IC orders you into the building as the FAST unit to locate and help the member with the MAYDAY. From the transmissions below which one is the most correct?
A) “Ladder 99 FAST Can to Ladder 99 FAST, the PAK Tracker is giving me high readings on the second floor”
B) “Ladder 99 to Command, we located the member on the second floor with his foot stuck in the floor, we are removing his boot to get him out”
C) “Ladder 99 FAST to Ladder 99 FAST OV, can you bring us the FAST PAK”
D) Upon finding the trapped member, Ladder 99 activated his EAB. He then transmitted the following to the IC “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Ladder 99 FAST to Command, MAYDAY”
ANSWER: D) Upon finding the trapped member, Ladder 99 activated his EAB. He then transmitted the following to the IC “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Ladder 99 FAST to Command, MAYDAY”
A - L99 Can (NOT L99 FAST Can)
B - When finding a trapped member you must give a MAYDAY transmission
C - L99 OV (NOT L99 FAST OV)
(Communications 9 - 9.1.4)
URGENT transmissions are used to indicate that a member has suffered an non life threatening injury, or to inform members of a serious change of conditions that may affect the operation. If possible, the member shall press their EAB ensuring that this transmission is heard at maximum wattage. Which of the following transmissions is most correct regarding URGENT messages?
A) “URGENT URGENT URGENT Command to all units, URGENT - ALL UNITS BACK OUT” was given when the IC decides to discontinue an interior attack and institute an exterior attack.
B) “Engine 161 to Command, URGENT - INJURED MEMBER” was given for a member discovering another member with a life threatening injury that requires medical attention.
C) “Engine 254 Chauffeur to Command, URGENT 10-70” was given when any arriving Engine Company is unable to secure a positive water source.
D) “Ladder 127 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENDING” was given when a member discovering fire extending into an exposure and any delay may considerably enlarge the fire problem.
ANSWER: D) “Ladder 127 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENDING” was given when a member discovering fire extending into an exposure and any delay may considerably enlarge the fire problem.
A - “URGENT - ALL UNITS BACK OUT, WE ARE TRANSITIONING TO AN EXTERIOR ATTACK” (Recent change highly testable material)
B - URGENT INJURED MEMBER for NON life threatening
C - 10-70 when FIRST ENGINE is unable to secure a positive water source.
“DC WIFE 10-70”
URGENT - 10-70
(Comm 9, 9.4.2)
At an all hands fire in a 200x100 Taxpayer, the IC orders your unit to search the Liquor Store. If the fire originated in the Smoke and Vape Shop, you would be correct know that the Liquor Store can be identified as?
A) 2OD
B) O2D
C) 2OC
D) O2C
02E 02D 02C 02B 02A 02 0
(Communications 10 - Addendum 2)
Ladder 124 responds on the 3rd alarm for a fire in a Rowframe with extension to a Taxpayer, where the IC tells you to go into the store denoted below by a star and search. You would be correct to know this occupancy as?
ROWFRAME | Pizza | Deli | Bank | Liquor | Guns | Vape
A) 40B
B) 04B
C) 04C
D) 40C
ROWFRAME | Pizza | Deli | Bank | Liquor | Guns | Vape
0 40 40A 40B 40C 40D 40E
(Communications 10 - Addendum 2)
Ladder 135 responds on a 5th alarm for a fire in an H-Type with extension to an OLT where the IC tells you to go into the building denoted below by a star and conduct a search. You would be correct to know this occupancy as?
OLT | Deli | Bank | Pizza | Gym | Cards | Vape | H-TYPE
A) 2
B) 2A
C) 2F
D) 2G
OLT | Deli | Bank | Pizza | Gym | Cards | Vape | H-TYPE
2A 20E 20D 20C 20B 20A 20 0
Regarding EFAS it would be most correct to state?
A) When a member activates their EAB, their identity line in EFAS will automatically be highlighted. Their company, position and time will be listed in yellow in the “RADIO STATUS” area and red in the “MAYDAYS” area.
B) The EFAS system is capable of handling multiple Emergency Alert transmissions at the same time.
C) In addition, when an EAB is pressed, a hard copy automatically prints, showing the company, position and name of the member of gave the MAYDAY.
D) The portable EFAS can replace the current procedures where EFAS is monitored in the Battalion vehicle by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
ANSWER: B) The EFAS system is capable of handling multiple Emergency Alert transmissions at the same time.
A - Company, position and NAME will be highlighted RED IN BOTH the RADIO STATUS and MAYDAY areas.
C - Hard copy prints position and TIME
D - Portable EFAS DOES NOT REPLACE the current procedure of EFAS trained member monitoring EFAS in the BC vehicle.
(Comm 9 - Addendum 3 5.1.1)
Lt. Quinn is conducting a roll call in Ladder 137. As he is giving out the FAST Unit assignments for the 9x6 tour, one of his firefighters asked him four points about the EFAS in the Battalion Vehicle. Which was the most correct statement made?
A) Upon arrival of the FAST Unit, the EFAS trained member designated at roll call to monitor EFAS shall report to the closest Battalion vehicle to the fire scene.
B) When the Division is on scene, it shall be the responsibility of the Division Backup FF, if available, to report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS to relieve the EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
C) When the member monitoring EFAS needs to call command, he used the terminology “Ladder 137 OV EFAS to command”
D) All Officers arriving at an incident, after they have transmitted their 10-84 via the MDT, must key their HT remote mic once in order to check in.
ANSWER: D) All Officers arriving at an incident, after they have transmitted their 10-84 via the MDT, must key their HT remote mic once in order to check in.
A - Report to Battalion Vehicle USED TO MONITOR THE EFAS.
B - Division B/U FF ASSISTS EFAS member in monitoring EFAS. The EFAS FF stays in the Battalion Vehicle throughout the operation.
C - “EFAS to Command”
(Communications 9 - Addendum 3 3.1.4)
Engine 1 responds 1st due to a fire on the 19th floor of a 25 story HRFPMD. On arrival they are unable to secure a positive water source; certain actions must be taken to solve this problem as quickly as possible. Which action below is most correct when units are unable to secure a positive water source?
A) All members on the scene must be aware that a positive water source may still be available through other means (booster water / roof tank)
B) The 3rd arriving Engine will be designated the “Water Resource Unit” and must be prepared to initiate water supply operations compatible with conditions encountered at the scene.
C) Engine 1 transmitted the following “URGENT URGENT URGENT, Engine 1 ECC to Command, URGENT” / “Command to Engine 1 ECC, go ahead with your URGENT” / “Engine 1 ECC to Command, URGENT 10-70” and provide information to assist the IC. This message is only required over the HT network.
D) When a reliable and uninterrupted flow of water has been supplied to the nozzle at the correct operating pressure, the IC shall notify all units on the scene and the borough dispatcher.
ANSWER: D) When a reliable and uninterrupted flow of water has been supplied to the nozzle at the correct operating pressure, the IC shall notify all units on the scene and the borough dispatcher.
A - All members on the scene must be aware that WATER may still be available through other means, e.g., booster water, roof tank; HOWEVER A POSITIVE WATER SOURCE HAS NOT BEEN ATTAINED.
B - 2ND ENGINE is Water Resource Unit
(Comm 9 9.4.2)
Ladder 28 was assigned on a 10-66 as the new FAST truck for a fire in a 2 story factory 500 x 200. The 1st FAST truck was put to work to find three members, as one was lost, one was trapped, and one was missing. The IC had the Captain of Ladder 28 initiate the Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue to help locate the members. The Captain was correct in all his actions except one?
A) This procedure takes advantage of the increased wattage of the Emergency Alert Tone and maximum volume output regardless of the member’s volume setting and required only one HT.
B) All members, except the member designated to produce the Emergency Alert Tone, are to operate on the newly designated primary tactical channel. This designated member should be located in an area away from the Command Post.
C) The EAB is pressed every few seconds to transmit the emergency alert tone and then pausing, allowing for the possibility of response from the missing, lost or trapped member.
D) When the definite location of the member has been determined, the emergency alert tone should be discontinued to lessen the discomfort of the trapped member and to enable communication between this member and searchers.
ANSWER: B) All members, except the member designated to produce the Emergency Alert Tone, are to operate on the newly designated primary tactical channel. This designated member should be located in an area away from the Command Post. (INCORRECT)
- Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue - member should be located in an area away from the SEARCH ACTIVITY
- Roll Call - RCO should in an area remote from the COMMAND POST.
The Department has developed a HT recorder system to record HT transmissions at Fire Department operations. Each battalion vehicle is outfitted with a HT recorder. These recordings are an excellent training tool and can be used to correct and improve fire ground communications. From the following choices, which is the incorrect statement?
A) The Officer requesting HT recordings shall complete the HT recording request form and fax it to the HT Recording Unit.
B) Company Officers can request a recording of HT transmissions on the Primary and Secondary Tactical Channels.
C) Recordings are the property of the Department and are only to be used for Department business.
D) Recordings can only be obtained if a Battalion Vehicle was on the scene of an incident.
ANSWER: A) The Officer requesting HT recordings shall complete the HT recording request form and fax it to the HT Recording Unit. (INCORRECT)
- Officers or units requesting handie-talkie audio must send an EMAIL from an FDNY address to (NEW CHANGE)
Included in the email shall be:
- The Date and Time of the Incident.
- The Borough and Box number associated with the Incident.
- The First Due Battalion which responded to the Incident.
- The rank, name and assigned unit of the member requesting the audio.
- The reason for the request e.g. Drill, Legal, Post Incident Review, etc.
(Comm 9 Addendum 1 8.1)
Ladder 31 is operating at a 3rd alarm for a fire on the top floor of a 6 story H-Type MD. The IC decides to pull everyone off the top floor and has all units prepare for a Roll Call. Which of the following choices states the correct way for a company Officer to respond when called by the Roll Call Officer?
A) State the number of FFs they responded with and accounting for only the members under their Immediate Supervision.
B) State the number of FFs they started the tour with and accounting only for the members within their sight or hearing.
C) State the number of FFs they responded with and accounting for all members in their immediate area.
D) State the number of FFs they responded with and accounting for only the members within sight or hearing without using the HT.
ANSWER: D) State the number of FFs they responded with and accounting for only the members within sight or hearing without using the HT.
(Comm 9 - Addendum 2)
Captain Smith who has been assigned the Roll Call Officer (RCO) by the IC on the 3rd alarm fire, should know which point below is correct regarding Emergency Roll Calls?
A) The RCO must have an updated list of all companies on the scene. An updated printout can be obtained only from a Battalion or Division vehicle MDT on scene.
B) The RCO must be assisted by another member who is responsible for monitoring the HT frequency that the emergency roll call is being conducted on and recording the members by position as they reply.
C) Every apparatus has a pad of pre-printed Emergency Roll Call forms. These forms will help keep track of companies and members as they reply to the roll call.
D) The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the roll call forms should be in an area away from the search activity.
ANSWER: D) The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the roll call forms should be in an area away from the search activity. (INCORRECT)
- An area away from the COMMAND POST.
(Comm 9 - Addendum 2 - 4)
Company officers must maintain communications with members not operating under their immediate supervision. Which of the following firefighters is not under immediate supervision?
A) Can FF in an adjoining room that the officer can see through the smoke, but cannot hear due to the noise of the operating hose line nearby.
B) FE FF of the FAST truck monitoring the EFAS in the battalion car, which is parked out of sight of the Command Post.
C) Control FF on a hose line positioned on the half landing below the fire floor, and out of sight and hearing of the officer.
D) LCC who is at the deployment point of the company search rope, while the officer is 100’ indicator knot on the rope, out of sight and hearing of the LCC.
ANSWER: B) FE FF of the FAST truck monitoring the EFAS in the battalion car, which is parked out of sight of the Command Post.
(Comm 9.2.1)
Working within a SEARCH line or HOSE line
Upon notification of a defective/non operating apparatus radio, the Division shall supply the affected unit with a portable citywide radio capable of direct communications with all borough dispatchers. Which is an incorrect procedure for a unit officer when utilizing a portable citywide radio on a response?
A) During a response, the affected unit will use the citywide radio in lieu of the non operating apparatus radio for all communications to the borough dispatcher until the apparatus radio is repaired.
B) The citywide radio can be carried/worn by the company officer or it can remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher.
C) If a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio, the Officer shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating apparatus radio.
D) The dispatcher will then ensure that an additional unit (nearest available Engine or Ladder) with an operating apparatus radio is dispatched to the same alarm.
ANSWER: B) The citywide radio can be carried/worn by the company officer or it can remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher. (Incorrect)
(Communications 8, section 8.14)
- Citywide radio NOT TO BE CARRIED OR WORN by officer.
Members under functional supervision of an officer who cannot contact such officer shall contact any of the following in which priority order?
A) Company chauffeur, sector supervisor, IC
B) Branch director, company chauffeur, IC
C) Company chauffeur, IC, an available Engine chauffeur
D) IC, company chauffeur, member of the FAST unit.
ANSWER: C) Company chauffeur, IC, an available Engine chauffeur.
(Comm 9.2.2 B)
A Lt. arriving first at the fire area must transmit all of the following points of information to the IC except which?
A) Access to the fire area
B) Location of the fire
C) If a MD, the number of apartments on the fire floor.
D) Configuration of the building.
ANSWER: D) Configuration of the building (INCORRECT)
(Communications 9.3.1)
*The Roof FF gives the configuration of the building.
L - Location of fire
O - Occupants
D - Delays or Difficulties with line A - Access to fire N - Number of Apartments C - Conditions of fire E - Extension of fire
Assuming that in all of the following instances the member initiated his transmission with “Mayday Mayday Mayday” and was acknowledged by the IC, which of the transmissions was given correctly?
A) A Lt. fears that a collapse is imminent and transmits “E-91 to Command, MAYDAY Collapse Imminent, get out of the building, get out of the building.”
B) A Lt. becomes aware of an unconscious member and transmits, “E-82 to Command, Mayday Unconscious Member”
C) A Lt. becomes aware of a FF suffering a life threatening injury who has collapsed, and transmits “L-149 to Command, Mayday Member Collapsed”
D) A Lt. cannot find his way out of a maze like floor layout and transmits “L-43 to Command, Mayday Member Missing”
ANSWER: B) A Lt. becomes aware of an unconscious member and transmits, “E-82 to Command, Mayday Unconscious Member.”
(Comm 9.4.1)
A - IC orders units out of the building
C - Use “Collapse” for a STRUCTURAL FAILURE only
D - MEMBER LOST not missing
How many of the following situations are not considered one of the seven that requires an “Urgent” transmission?
- Member suffers a broken leg on the fire floor and is bleeding profusely.
- Member discovers a running crack in a cinderblock wall which is puffing smoke.
- Unit discovers fire extending into an exposure and items in that exposure are starting to ignite.
- An ECC loses water in the handline he is feeding to the fire floor.
- A BC initiates an exterior attack on a vacant building from the moment first due units arrive.
- A 1st due ECC is unable to secure a positive water source and needs to transmit a 10-70.
- Member sees flames impinging on LPG tanks stored in a room adjoining the main fire area.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
ANSWER: A) 2 (Choices 1 and 2 are “MAYDAYS”)
(Comm 9.4.2)
Mayday "IOU MY LIFE" I - Imminent Collapse O - Occurred collapse U - Unconscious member or life threatening My - Missing member Life - Lost or trapped
Urgent "Discontinue WIFE" "Change 10-70" Discontinue - Discontinue Interior attack W - Water loss I - Injured member (non life threat) F - fear of collapse E - extension into exposures Change - Change significantly affecting operations 10-70 - transmission of a 10-70
After an IC has an underground subway repeater system tested by members, and determines it is functioning properly, he may release the members from the 1st due Ladder Company from the responsibility of establishing a HT relay? Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
(Comm 9.7)
*An effective HT relay must be established whether the station is equipped with a repeater or not.
Since the number of FF’s riding in any company can change during the tour due to medical leave, emergency leave, and details, all officers of all companies will answer when called by the roll call officer stating the number of firefighters they responded with and accounting for only the members ______________________________.
A) Within sight or hearing without using the HT
B) Within sight or hearing using the HT
C) Within sight or hearing without using the HT or working on a hose or search line that the officer is supervising.
D) Within sight or hearing using the HT or working on a hose or search line that the officer is supervising.
ANSWER: A) Within sight or hearing without using the HT.
Comm 9 ADD 2, 1.4
While discussing emergency roll call procedures at drill, Lt. Drebin made the following statements. In how many statement(s) was Lt. Drebin incorrect? (More than 1 correct)
- The member conducting the roll call must have an updated list of all companies on the scene. An updated printout can be accessed only from any battalion or division vehicle on the scene.
- To obtain the updated list on an apparatus 1st press the “incident history” button, 2nd press the “send”, 3rd press the “next” button, and 4th press the “print” button.
- The RCO and member assisting him/her should be in an area away from the command post to reduce radio feedback. If weather is an issue the RCO will have to take a position in a dry area such as an apparatus cab or battalion vehicle.
- Units should be called in order of their assignment on the response ticket. For example if E-1 and L-2 were the first 1st due engine and ladder then these units will be called first regardless of the type of emergency.
- If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO will call either a firefighter operating with that officer or another company operating in the immediate area of that officer, in an attempt to locate them.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
1/2/4 are INCORRECT
3/5 are CORRECT
(Comm 9 ADD 2, Section 4)
1 - An updated printout can be obtained FROM ANY UNIT ON SCENE.
2 - Incident SUMMARY / Send / Next / Print
4 - Call the companies in THE GREATEST DANGER FIRST.
Which units(s) listed below answered incorrectly when called by the RCO during an emergency roll call? (More than 1 incorrect)
- L-101 to RCO, L-101 has 5 firefighters, my Can and Irons FF’s are accounted for.
- E-101 to RCO, E-101 has 4 FF’s; my nozzle team is accounted for.
- L-102 to RCO, L-102 has 4 FF’s; my Irons and Can FF’s are accounted for.
- E-102 to RCO, E-102 has 4 FF’s; my Nozzle and Backup FF’s are accounted for.
- Rescue 100 to RCO, Rescue 100 has 5 FF’s; my Can, Irons, and Hook are accounted for.
- Squad 200 to RCO, Squad 200 has 5 FF’s; my Irons and Hook are accounted for.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
ANSWER: B) 3 (2/3/6 are INCORRECT)
1/4/5 are CORRECT
(Comm 9 ADD 2, 5.2)
2 - “Nozzle team accounted for” is INCORRECT, must account for each member individually; “Nozzle FF AND Backup FF are accounted for”
3 - If a truck is riding with 4 FF’s you must state WHICH MEMBER YOU ARE DOWN: “Down my OV”
6 - Squad companies answer according to ENGINE POSITIONS.
When emergency roll call is conducted FF’s should follow the directions in the mayday/urgent transmission and maintain radio discipline. Firefighters should transmit in all but which condition listed below?
A) If you are called by the RCO.
B) If you have any information regarding the mayday/urgent.
C) If you have a mayday/urgent of your own.
D) If you have a critical message affecting the ongoing operation.
ANSWER: B) If you have any information regarding the mayday/urgent. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 ADD 2, 6.1)
*You must have CRITICAL INFORMATION regarding the mayday/urgent.
The electronic fire ground accountability system (EFAS) is designed to improve the accountability of members at all operations. EFAS is installed on the MDT of all battalion and division vehicles. Which point about EFAS is incorrect?
A) It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving battalion firefighter to immediately monitor EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST unit.
B) Upon arrival of the FAST unit, the EFAS trained member designated at roll call to monitor EFAS shall report to the battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS. This member will monitor both EFAS and the battalions FAST radio.
C) If the responding battalion is not equipped with EFAS, and it’s use is anticipated, the dispatcher shall be notified by department radio. Incoming units and the FAST unit will be notified by the dispatcher.
D) When the division is on scene, it shall be the responsibility of the division backup FF, if available, to report to the battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS to either assist the EFAS trained member of the FAST unit or to relieve the battalion FF.
ANSWER: A) It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving battalion firefighter to immediately monitor EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST unit. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 ADD 3, 2.1)
A - AFTER PERFORMING INITIAL DUTIES the first arriving battalion FF will monitor the EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST unit.
When a member pushes his emergency alert button and transmits a MAYDAY all of the following will occur regarding EFAS except which?
A) The members company, position, and name will be listed in red in the “radio status” and “MAYDAYS” area on EFAS.
B) The members identity line in EFAS will automatically be highlighted.
C) A hard copy will automatically print showing the members name, company and position.
D) None of the above will occur.
ANSWER: C) A hard copy will automatically print showing the members name, company and position. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 ADD 3, 4.1.1)
Units are operating at a 3rd alarm in a multiple dwelling on 25th Street. The Roof Sector Supervisor notices that fire has extended to the roof of a building in the rear of the fire building. The fire on the roof in the rear is beginning to spread to the roofs of two adjoining buildings on 26th Street, which runs parallel to 25th Street. The IC has designated 25th Street as Exposure 1. What would be an incorrect way for the IC to designate the 3 buildings on 26th Street that have fire on their roofs?
A) Designate all 3 buildings as Exposure 3.
B) Designate the buildings as Exposures 3, 3A, and 3B
C) Create a 26th Street Sector and assign a Sector Supervisor to manage the area.
D) Create a 26th Street Branch and assign a Branch Director to manage the area.
ANSWER: B) Designate the buildings as Exposures 3, 3A, and 3B. (INCORRECT)
(Comm Ch 10 ADD #2)
In an “H” type building, choose the choice which correctly describes the way to designate wings of the “H” and connection between these wings.
A) Each of the arms will be designated as a Wing. Starting from right to left, the wings will be designated as “A” Wing, “B” Wing, etc.
B) The connection between the A wing and B wing shall be called the AB throat.
C) The connection between the A wing and B wing shall be called “the throat between the A wing and B wing”
D) None of the above are correct.
ANSWER: C) The connection between the A wing and B wing shall be called “the throat between the A wing and B wing”
(Comm Chapter 10 ADD #2)
A - Starting from LEFT to RIGHT wings will be designated as A, B, etc.
B - Connection is called “throat between A and B” NOT AB throat
When a single building 100 x 200 has a single address, for example, 123 Main Street, and it fronts on two streets, the company officer should prepare how many CIDS entries?
A) 1 entry
B) 2 entries
C) One entry for the posted address and then determine which additional listed addresses are applicable and submit the additional CIDS entries if required.
D) None of the above
ANSWER: A) 1 entry
(Comm 4, 4.4.2)
- 1 Building / 1 Address / 1 CIDS entry
When a single building has a multi-number address range listed in the FDNY building information search or FDNY Map Application, but only has a single address number from within that range posted on the building, the unit officer should prepare how many CIDS entries?
A) 1 entry
B) 2 entries
C) One entry for the posted address and then determine which additional listed addresses are applicable and submit the additional CIDS entries if required.
D) Three
ANSWER: C) One entry for the posted address and then determine which additional listed addresses are applicable and submit the additional CIDS entries if required.
(Comm 4, 4.4.2)
After inspecting a building complex in your area you return to the firehouse. You decide to enter CIDS information on the three buildings found within the complex that have separate posted addresses of 81, 83, and 85 Main Street. It should be noted that after checking the FDNY Bulletin Information Search, 85 Main Street has an AKA associated with that building identification number. How many of the following CIDS entries should be prepared by you for this complex?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) None of the above
(Comm 4, 4.4.2)
- 1 for each posted address and 1 for AKA address.
Many newly constructed or renovated buildings do not conform to the construction classifications of the 1938 building code and are constructed using lightweight construction materials. To assist in identifying these structures, 3 additional construction classifications have been added for use as follows: which point below is the most correct?
A) A building constructed of metal “C” joists or steel bar joists would be classified as a CL2LW.
B) A Class 3 building renovated or repaired using any type of structural lightweight materials would be classified as a CL3LW.
C) A wood frame building using wood truss construction or laminated I-Beams would be classified as CL4LW.
D) All of the above
ANSWER: D) All of the above
- A Brownstone renovated using LW materials would be classified as CL3LW.
(Comm 4, 4.4.2)
You are responding as the 4th ladder company on a 10-75 where the two initial ladder companies reported having only 4 firefighters, you would know that you would be assigned to which duty listed below?
A) Additional truck for fire duty.
B) Fast Truck
(Comm 6, 6.9)
- An additional ladder company (above the FAST Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when both of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding with 4 firefighters.
- The additional ladder company shall be the THIRD LADDER COMPANY (for fire duty), and the 4th Ladder Company shall be designated as the FAST Truck.
You are responding on a structural phone alarm as the 1st due Engine officer when you hear the 1st two ladder companies state they are responding understaffed, you would now expect to be operating with how many ladder companies on the initial alarm?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 1
(Comm 6, 6.9)
- An additional ladder company (above the FAST Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when both of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding with 4 firefighters (understaffed)
- The additional ladder company shall be the THIRD LADDER COMPANY (for fire duty), and the 4th Ladder Company shall be designated as the FAST Truck.
The VERBAL button on the PC/ATS should be used only if the alarm is within ___________ of a units quarters in any direction.
A) 2 blocks
B) 1 block
C) 4 blocks
D) 3 blocks
ANSWER: A) 2 blocks
Comm 6, 6.5.1
The FDNY uses different radio codes for fires in certain structures. Which of the following codes is given correctly?
A) 10-75 on arrival if you see fire blowing out two windows of an 18 story project.
B) 10-77 confirmed fire at a high rise office building.
C) 10-75 for a small fire in a high rise office building.
D) 10-77 for heavy smoke on numerous floors at an 18 story project.
ANSWER: D) 10-77 for heavy smoke on numerous floors at an 18 story project.
(Comm 8 and MDs 6.1.6 A)
A: 10-77 given for visible fire on arrival (MD 6.1.6 B)
B: 10-76 for confirmed fire at HROB.
C: 10-76 for small fire in HROB.
Lt. Maldonado, who was smoking his 4th cigar of the night and was drilling on Maydays and Urgents was correct in all the following statements except which?
A) Transmit a Mayday for a missing member.
B) Transmit a Mayday for a collapse that has occurred.
C) Transmit an Urgent for a collapse feared.
D) Transmit an Urgent for a member with a life threatening injury.
ANSWER: D) Transmit an Urgent for a member with a life threatening injury. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9, pg 4-8)
- Life threatening injury is a MAYDAY.
You are the lieutenant in a ladder company and respond to a stuck occupied elevator. You arrive to discover the A car is stuck in the lobby with people trapped inside. Your FFs remove the people and find one lying on the floor of the elevator not breathing and without a pulse. Your members begin CPR. What is the most correct code to transmit?
A) 10-29-1, 10-44, 10-37-2
B) 10-31 10-44, 10-37-3
C) 10-31, 10-44, 10-37-2
D) 10-29-2, 10-44, 10-37-1
ANSWER: A) 10-29-1, 10-44, 10-37-2
(Comm Ch. 8)
10-31 is no longer used for stuck elevators
10-29-1 for Occupied stuck elevator
10-44 for a request for ambulance
10-37-2 for a patient not breathing/life threatening
Code 1 = Victim deceased
Code 2 = Not breathing / Life threatening
Code 3 = Breathing / Non Life threatening
Code 4 = Unit is 10-84, has NO patient contact and EMS on scene
Which of the following building(s) are mandated to be in the CIDS program? (More than 1 correct)
A) Bowstring Truss (BWSTRG)
B) CFR Hold (CFRH)
C) Major Alteration (MJALT)
D) Pre-Incident Guideline (PG)
E) Rehabilitated (REHAB)
ALL of these buildings are mandated to be in the CIDS
A) Bowstring Truss (BWSTRG) B) CFR Hold (CFRH) C) Major Alteration (MJALT) D) Pre-Incident Guideline (PG) E) Rehabilitated (REHAB)
(Comm 4, 4.3.1)
You are a company officer directed by a Deputy Chief to put a building into the CIDS program via an “Immediate Entry” upon return to quarters from a 2nd alarm fire. In this situation, you would be most correct to enter it via?
A) The eCIDS application and notify the administrative BC by phone of the pending immediate CIDS on the computer.
B) The eCIDS application and notify the administrative DC by phone of the pending immediate CIDS on the computer.
C) A fax to the Battalion and notify the administrative BC by phone of the pending immediate CIDS on the fax machine.
D) A fax to the Divisiom and notify the administrative DC by phone of the pending immediate CIDS on the fax machine
ANSWER: A) The eCIDS application and notify the administrative BC by phone of the pending immediate CIDS on the computer.
(COMM 4, 4.3.3)
A Lieutenant should know when preparing a eCIDS entry that?
A) Proper grammar is required on eCIDS entries
B) Words may be split at the end of a line to maximize use of the space
C) The intent of CIDS entries is to only enter addresses that would actually be used by callers reporting a fire / emergency at that location.
D) AKAs must always be recorded as CIDS entries.
ANSWER: C) The intent of CIDS entries is to only enter addresses that would actually be used by callers reporting a fire / emergency at that location.
(Comm 4, 4.4.2)
A - Proper grammar NOT required on eCIDS
B - Words SHOULD NOT be split at the end of a line
C - Correct
D - AKAs should ONLY be recorded as CIDS entries if they might be used by a caller.
You are the Lieutenant conducting research on a commercial building on Williams Avenue that has an address range of “100-112” posted on the building. During research you determine there are no other addresses or AKAs for this building. In this situation, you should know that at a minimum you must record how many CIDS entries on eCIDS?
A) One entry for 100 Williams Ave
B) Two entries; one for 100 Williams Ave, one for 112 Williams Ave
C) Seven entries, one each for 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, and 112 Williams Ave.
D) Thirteen entries, one each for 100-112 Williams Ave
ANSWER: B) Two entries; one for 100 Williams Ave, one for 112 Williams Ave
(Comm 4, 4.4.2 B)
- Minimum requirement = One entry for first address / One entry for last address
CIDS entries must be listed in which priority order?
A) FD designation, occupancy, construction, height, dimensions
B) FD designation, occupancy, height, dimensions, construction
C) Occupancy, FD designation, construction, height, dimensions
D) Occupancy, FD designation, height, dimensions, construction
ANSWER: B) FD designation, occupancy, height, dimensions, construction
(Comm 4, pg 4-7)
- Same as when giving a progress report.
A company officer responding to a fire and reading CIDS information should know that an entry indicating “CL 2” indicates what kind of structure?
A) Fireproof
B) Fire-protected
C) Non-fireproof
D) Heavy Timber
ANSWER: B) Fire-protected
(Comm 4, page 4-7)
Class 1 = Fireproof (1 word) Class 2 = Fire-protected (2 words) Class 3 = Non Fire Proof (3 words) Class 4 = Wood (4 letters) Class 5 = Metal (5 letters) Class 6 = Timber (6 letters)
You are a company officer recording a CIDS entry for a Brownstone building that has been renovated with metal “C Joists” throughout the building. In this situation, when preparing the eCIDS entry, you should use what construction classification?
(Comm 4, Pg 4-7)
- A Non-Fireproof structure renovated or repaired using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be
classified as CL3LW. - Even though building has been renovated with lightweight materials, it still classified as a Class 3 Non Fireproof building.
You are a company officer recording a CIDS entry for a newly constructed wood frame building that has been constructed with metal “C Joists” on its walls in certain parts of the building. In this situation when preparing the eCIDS entry, you should use what construction classification?
Comm 4, pg 4-7
An engine company is requesting NYPD to respond to a report of a suspicious package inside a subway station. After arriving on scene, NYPD informs the engine officer that the Bomb Squad is enroute and would like the FDNY to standby until the package is searched. 30 min later, the Bomb Squad declares the package safe and no further action is required of the FDNY. Which would be the correct code to transmit?
A) 10-31
B) 10-39
C) 10-91
D) 10-92
ANSWER: D) 10-92
- MALICIOUS false alarm
(Communications 8)
How many of the following situations would require the transmission of a 10-70?
- Dead or frozen hydrant
- Units unable to access a hydrant
- Units unable to hookup to a hydrant
- A hydrant is providing insufficient water pressure
- Receiving insufficient pressure at a standpipe outlet.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Communications 8
Lt. Jones and his ladder company have just shut the power to a stalled elevator in an apartment building. No occupants were found in the elevator after they opened the hoistway door. Lieutenant Jones should transmit which code at the end of this operation?
A) 10-31
B) 10-29 Code 1
C) 10-29 Code 2
D) 10-91
ANSWER: C) 10-29 Code 2
(Communications 8)
The exposure ID system used by the FDNY uses a series of numbers and letters to develop an identification code which is directly related to the building or occupancy the communicator is talking about. Which choice incorrectly describes this system?
A) Numbers indicate direction (front, left, rear, right)
B) Letters indicate distance from the main fire building or area.
C) The letter “A” is used to indicate the first building or subdivision from the main fire building or fire area.
D) The letter “C” is used to indicate the fourth building or subdivision from the main fire building or area.
ANSWER: C) The letter “A” is used to indicate the first building or subdivision from the main fire building or fire area. (INCORRECT)
(Comm Chapter 10 ADD #2)
- Letter “A” is used to indicate the 2ND BUILDING or subdivision from main fire building or area.
An officer recording an eCIDS entry would be incorrect to think that?
A) The date a lightweight building was constructed or altered must be entered in the transmitted data.
B) Any MINRESP entry must be located at the end of the transmitted data section.
C) Always include the area or location of pertinent information.
D) Only the administrative unit shall submit or revise CIDS entries for buildings within their administrative district.
ANSWER: A) The date a lightweight building was constructed or altered must be entered in the transmitted data. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 4, pg 4-8)
- The date a LW building was constructed or altered DOESN’T have to be entered in the transmitted data. Enter only if space allows and you deem it necessary.
A ladder company officer arrives at a High Rise Office building with an ARCS system that utilizes Channel 11 on the FDNY HT. In this situation, the Ladder officer would be incorrect to think that he should?
A) Activate the Building ARCS using a 1620 key or ON/OFF switch at the Fire Command Station.
B) Utilize the member designated to staff the ICP to monitor the tactical and/or repeater channel.
C) Switch his HT channel to 11 and ensure a functional test of channel 11 is performed after leaving the lobby.
D) Notify the dispatcher to retransmit to incoming units if channel 11 has been activated.
ANSWER: C) Switch his HT channel to 11 and ensure a functional test of channel 11 is performed after leaving the lobby. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 13, 3.1.1)
- Functional test performed BEFORE leaving lobby.
When operating at railroad infrastructures like Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal where an ARCS system is activated and functioning, members should still establish a HT relay.
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: A) Agree
(Comm 13, 3.2.3)
- Always set up CORE relay at any railway incident.
Members performing searches in the SAE Group in a 40 story building have utilized an ARCS system on HT 12 successfully for searches on floors 29 through 36. When they move up to the 37th floor, they suddenly lose transmissions on channel 12. In this situation, it would be most correct to?
A) Switch to HT channel 11
B) Switch back to HT channel 11
C) Go to the 38th floor and see if the HT channel 12 works now
D) Go to the 36th floor and see if the HT channel 12 works now
ANSWER: D) Go to the 36th floor and see if the HT channel 12 works now
(Comm 13, 5.1)
- Go back to area where it was previously working.
You are the lieutenant working in Ladder 174 and receive a Class 3 alarm for 578 Church Avenue. You are met by occupants at the door of their home who inform you that they set off the smoke detector while cooking. After investigating you discover that they had left a burning pot on the stove and the resultant smoke and heat had set off the detector with no extension. You check for CO and vent the apartment, then reset the alarm and transmit which of the following codes to Battalion 41?
A) 10-35-3
B) 10-26
C) 10-35-2
D) 10-33
ANSWER: B) 10-26
(Comm 8, pg 9)
- 10-35-3 is for “ordinary” household activity (NOT FOOD ON THE STOVE)
- 10-35-2 is for construction activity
Who should a company officer notify if the 0845 hours test of the voice alarm is not received in quarters?
A) Administrative DC
B) Administrative BC
C) Supervising Fire Dispatcher
D) Fire Department Operations Center (FDOC)
ANSWER: C) Supervising Fire Dispatcher
Comm 3, 3.1.4
You respond with E-227 on an EMS run to discover that a female patient has been burned with a candle by her boyfriend. Your members perform patient assessment and help the ambulance crew bring her down the stairs. She informs you that she sees her boyfriend running down the street. You transmit the following: 10-84, 10-19, 10-37-3, 10-47. Which of the codes was incorrect?
A) 10-84
B) 10-19
C) 10-37-3
D) 10-47
(Comm 8 pg 13)
- Fire related burn injury (direct burn by flame) is a 10-45
You would be correct to transmit which code for an alarm activation resulting from cigarette smoking in an unauthorized area in the second floor of a 10 story building with construction activities on the 6th and 7th floors?
A) 10-35 no code
B) 10-35-2
C) 10-35-3
D) 10-35-4
ANSWER: D) 10-35-4
(Comm 8, 10-35)
- Unnecessary alarm caused by other known cause (alarms resulting from cigarette smoke in unauthorized areas)
What does the abbreviation “PV” on a CIDS stand for?
A) Private house
B) Polyvinyl Chloride
C) Private vehicle
D) Photovoltaic
ANSWER: D) Photovoltaic
Comm 4, appendix A
You are a lieutenant returning from a response where you found 10 PPM of CO in apartment 9E due to a defective boiler. The tenants in apartment 9E had a CO alarm that did not activate because of dead batteries. You would be most correct if you transmitted which code?
A) 10-38-1
B) 10-38-2
C) 10-38-3
D) 10-38-4
ANSWER: D) 10-38-4
(Comm 8 10-38)
- 10-38-3 would only be correct if there was a CO detector activation.
- Any CO emergencies or incidents with a detector present but did not activate is a 10-38-4.
Your unit, L-20, is special called to respond to a 10-60 from quarters. The response ticket lists you as L020C. You would be most correct to assume you will be operating as a?
A) Rescue collapse transport
B) CFRD company
C) CPC unit
D) Tech Decon Task Force
(Comm 2.12.3)
A - Rescue Collapse Transport (R)
B - CFRD for Engines only
C - CPC unit (C)
D - Tech Decon Task Force (D)
Which of the following radio codes is most correct?
A) 10-45 code 4 for a deceased patient
B) 10-45 code 2 for a non serious injury
C) 10-45 code 3 with an orange tag
D) 10-45 code 1 with a red tag
ANSWER: C) 10-45 code 3 with an orange tag
(Comm 8)
A - Code 4 = non serious/ambulatory (Green)
B - Code 2 = LIFE THREATENING Injury (Red)
C - Correct (Yellow or Orange tag = code 3)
D - Code 1 / deceased / black tag
According to FDNY’s CIDS procedures, a 5 story non fireproof old law tenement building renovated using metal “C” joists would be classified as?
(Comm 4, pg 8)
A - CL2LW: Class 2 Fire Protected building constructed of metal “C” joists or steel bar joists.
B - CL4LW: Class 4 Wood frames building using wood truss construction or laminated I-beams
C - A Class 3 NFP building renovated or repaired using ANY type of structural lightweight materials would be classified as CL3LW.
You are the officer of Ladder 101 operating at a fire in a 4 story OLT. Earlier in the tour, your OV FF took emergency leave so you responded to the box with only 4 firefighters. Halfway through the operation, while working within sight of your Can and Irons FFs and maintaining radio contact with your Roof FF and LCC, you hear “Roll call officer to Ladder 101, account for your members.” Which response listed below would be correct?
A) “L-101 to RCO, L-101 has 4 FFs, we are riding without an OV. My Can, Irons, and a Roof FFs are accounted for.”
B) “L-101 to RCO, L-101 has 4 FFs, my Can and Irons FF are accounted for”
C) “L-101 to RCO, L-101 has 4 FFs, we are riding without an OV, my Can and Irons FFs are accounted for”
D) “L-101 to RCO, we are riding without an OV, my Can and a Irons FFs are accounted for”
ANSWER: C) L-101 to RCO, L-101 has 4 FFs, we are riding without an OV, my Can and Irons FFs are accounted for.
(Comm 9, ADD 2, 5.4)
- Number of FFs / who you are missing / who is accounted for in sight or hearing WITHOUT using the HT.
A young firefighter is being drilled on her responsibilities when assigned the a Roof position. She relays all of the following information to the IC. This member should correct which point she made?
A) The configuration of the buiding
B) Fire showing out exposure 1,2,3 and 4 windows
C) Location of stairways, fire escapes and party wall balconies
D) Whether there is any difference in the height of the buiding from front to rear, from side to side, or street to street.
ANSWER: B) Fire showing out exposure 1,2,3 and 4 windows (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9, 9.3.2 B)
- Fire showing out windows (how many and location) NOT visible from the street. (IC can see exposure 1, therefore you do not have to report these conditions)
In which of the following situations is the FF working under the immediate supervision of their officer?
A) The Roof FF on the first truck company is performing ventilation on the roof directly above their officer on the top floor.
B) ECC of an Engine company supplying water to the company operating on the 4th floor of a building.
C) The Control FF who is a couple of lengths back on the line from the officer at a fire in a taxpayer.
D) The OV FF staffing a fireman service elevator in a FPMD.
ANSWER: C) The Control FF who is a couple of lengths back on the line from the officer at a fire in a taxpayer.
(Comm 9, 9.2.1)
- Members are under “immediate supervision” of an officer when they are within sight or hearing and working with a search line or hose line which is under an officer’s supervision.
- “SH-SH”
You are covering a 6x9 tour in E-218 and respond to an EMS run for a hand injury. Upon arrival you find a 32 year old male with a minor burn to his hand which he received from a defective stove flame. You would be correct to take which action?
A) Transmit a 10-37-3 and notify BC upon return to quarters.
B) Transmit a 10-37-3 and request response of BC.
C) Transmit a 10-45-4 and notify BC upon return to quarters
D) Transmit a 10-45-4 and request response of BC
ANSWER: D) Transmit a 10-45-4 and request response of BC
Comm 8, 2.8
You are the lieutenant in E-214 for the 6x9 tour and receive a Class 3 for a valve alarm. You and Ladder 111 arrive 1st due and discover a defective alarm valve. Which choice below represents the correct code to transmit in this situation?
A) 10-18 for a 10-35-no code
B) 10-18 for a 10-40-3
C) 10-18 for a 10-34-1
D) 10-18 for a 10-35-2
ANSWER: C) 10-18 for a 10-34-1
10-34 “DUH”
Code 1 - D - Defective sprinkler device or system (defective valve, broken pipe)
Code 2: U - Unwarranted sprinkler alarm (not defective / surge in pressure / working on system / it did what it was supposed to do)
Code 3: H – Heat source not associated with accidental fire causing sprinkler activation (steam room causing alarm activation)
(Comm 8, pg 9)
As a sharp student you would know that the 10-31 signal can be used for several reasons. Which are the correct reasons from the list below?
- All calls for assistance other than medical assignments, including a unit assigned to protect EMS by diverting or blocking traffic at a highway incident.
- Good intention calls and calls handled by other agencies
- Any type of investigation, searches (except searches on water), and complaints.
- Elevator emergencies and lockouts
A) 1 and 2 only
B) 1, 2 and 3 only
C) 1, 2 and 4 only
D) 1, 2, 3, 4
ANSWER: A) 1 and 2 only
3 and 4 are INCORRECT
3 - ALL SEARCHES (air land and sea)
4 - Lockouts / NOT elevators (Use 10-29)
(Comm 8, 10-31)
You have just reported to work for a 6x9 tour. A response comes in just as you introduce yourself to the officer you are relieving. You decide to take in the response and as you review the response ticket you notice the letter “I” after your unit number. You would know that your unit has been assigned which task listed below?
A) Systems Control Unit
B) Lobby Control Unit
C) Communications Unit
D) Fire and Ice Unit
ANSWER: D) Fire and Ice Unit
(Comm 2, 2.12)
Systems Control Unit “Y”
Lobby Control Unit “L”
Fire and Ice Unit “I”
Communications Unit “S”
You have been dispatched as a CFRD Engine company for a child who suffered a burn injury from boiling hot water. EMS determines that the child is breathing, however the burns are serious due to the child’s age and apparently life threatening. After providing first aid at the scene and assisting EMS you would know to transmit which radio code from the list below?
A) 10-37-3
B) 10-45
C) 10-37-4
D) 10-37-2
D) 10-37-2
(Communications 8, 10-37)
Code 1: Deceased
Code 2: Not breathing requiring resuscitation OR serious life threat
Code 3: Breathing AND non serious life threatening injury
Code 4: Unit is 10-84 and no patient contact
- Use 10-45 only when victim receives burn as the direct result of heat from a flame. In this scenario the child was burned from boiling water and not flame.
From the list below which company officer is responsible to obtain the post radio from the first arriving BC at a fire in a High Rise building?
A) First Engine Officer
B) First Ladder Officer
C) Second Ladder Officer
D) Second Engine Officer
ANSWER: D) Second Engine Officer
Comm 12, 6.2.2
You are the first due truck officer at a fire in a small non-commercial barbecue (less than 10 square feet of total grate area) in the rear of a one family private dwelling. The BBQ is on a brick patio 15 feet away from the house and any other combustibles. The fire was isolated to the BBQ. Your unit extinguished the fire with the use of the garden hose located near the BBQ. Which radio code signal would you recommend to the BC?
A) 10-18 for a 10-26
B) 10-18 for a 10-33-1
C) 10-18 for a 10-33-2
D) 10-19 for a 10-33-1
ANSWER: A) 10-18 for a 10-26
(Communications 8)
- This is a food on the stove (or other cooking carelessness)
- 10-33-1 is for an odor of smoke, however, there was a fire involved in this situation therefore this code is not applicable.
Immediate entry of an immediately hazardous condition in the E-CIDS can be accomplished with the approval of the administrative Deputy Chief. The administrative unit officer shall do all of the following below except which?
A) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS. Faxed paper copies of the CD-201 are no longer accepted.
B) Change the “CIDS type” drop down from “original” or “revised” to “immediate”
C) After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the administrative DC by phone to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS.
D) An immediate CIDS entry will always appear at the top of units pending list and be in bold print.
ANSWER: C) After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the administrative DC by phone to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 4, 4.3.3)
- Notify administrative BATTALION CHIEF by phone.
BC will then advise DC
Members shall promptly report any problems with voice alarm equipment to the company officer. Company officers shall notify who of any problems with the voice alarm or if the test of the voice alarm is not received in quarters?
A) Starfire
B) Supervising Dispatcher
C) HELP desk
D) Computer Desk
ANSWER: B) Supervising Dispatcher
Comm 2, 3.1.4
On the new Motorola APX8000XE handie-talkie radio, whenever a member who has transmitted an Emergency Alert depresses the PTT button, members receiving such a transmission will observe the Emergency call appearing on their radio’s main display with the Unit and Position and a band of what color?
A) Yellow
B) Orange
C) Red
D) Green
ANSWER: B) Orange
Comm 11
You are the officer of a Ladder Company that extinguished a small fire in a vacant apartment located on the 3rd floor of a 4-story building. Floors 1 and 2 had residents who were home at the time of the fire and floors 3 and 4 were scheduled for renovation and completely vacant. As you determined a Fire Marshal investigation was required for this fire, you would be correct to transmit which 10-41 sub code?
A) Code 1
B) Code 2
C) Code 3
D) Code 4
ANSWER: A) Code 1
Code 1: Occupied Structure or Vehicle - A structure or vehicle (car, bus or train) which is occupied at the time of the fire. This also includes a vacant apartment in an occupied building, a store with a dwelling above, or an occupied detached garage, shed or similar structure.
Code 2: Unoccupied Structure - A structure normally occupied which is unoccupied at the time of the fire.
Code 3: Unoccupied Vehicle - A vehicle (car, bus or train) with or without plates, which is unoccupied at the time of the fire.
Code 4: Vacant Structure, or Structures not intended for Dwelling Purposes (I.e. buildings under construction or demolition, detached garages, sheds or similar structures.)
Note: If any of the above are occupied at the time of the fire, transmit a Code 1.
(Comm 8)
You are working a 9X6 tour in E200 and are assigned as “E200Y” to a fire in a high rise office building. You would be correct to assume you will be operating as a?
A) Systems Control Unit
B) Communications Unit
C) Satellite Unit
D) Decon Engine
ANSWER: B) Communications Unit
Comm Ch 2 p37
You are working a 9X6 tour in E200 and are assigned as “E200Y” to a fire in a high rise office building. You would be correct to assume you will be operating as a?
A) Systems Control Unit
B) Communications Unit
C) Satellite Unit
D) Decon Engine
ANSWER: A) Systems Control Unit
Comm 2 Ch. 2 pg 37
Officers should be aware that the “primary” Interoperability Channel to be used with cooperating agencies in the NY region is?
Comm 14 Add 4 2.1
If Ladder 100 is being assigned as a Technical Decon Task Force Ladder, you would be correct to assume this unit would appear on the response ticket as?
A) L100F
B) L100T
C) L100C
D) L100D
(Comm Ch 2 p37)
- L100T is the “Transport Backup Unit”
When completing an eCIDS, it’s important to use the proper 1938 Building Code construction classification when describing the building. Which description is correct?
A) Class 2: Fireproof
B) Class 3: Fire-Protected
C) Class 4: Wood Frame
D) Class 5: Heavy Timber
ANSWER: C) Class 4: Wood Frame
1938 Building Code
Class 1: Fireproof
Class 2: Fire-Protected
Class 3: Non-Fireproof
Class 4: Wood Frame
Class 5: Metal
Class 6: Heavy Timber
(Comm 4 4.4.2 D3)
Which of the following choices should be a MAYDAY transmission?
A) Collapse Imminent
B) Non Life Threatening Injury
C) Interior Attack Discontinued
D) Danger of Collapse
ANSWER: A) Collapse Imminent
B- (of a member) URGENT
(Comm ch 9 sec 9.4.1 and 9.4.2)
As a newly promoted Lieutenant working in a Brooklyn Division, you decide to conduct a drill on proper use of the Emergency Alert Button (EAB). Which of the following choices in incorrect?
A) Use any of the handie-talkie channels 1 through 16.
B) Monitor the channel for 2-3 minutes prior to activating the EAB to ensure the selected channel is not already in use.
C) Ensure all HTs are switched back to HT 1 upon completion of the drill.
D) When the EAB is pressed, HT transmission power on the tactical channel is increased from 2 watts to 5 watts, providing more power for the message to get through.
ANSWER: A) Use any of the handie-talkie channels 1 through 16. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Add 4 2.2, 5.2)
- Use any of the handie-talkie channels 4 through 8.
- Note: Channels 4-8 can be in use at any time for numerous purposes. Examples of such use include tactical training, full scale exercises, secondary command channel activation, etc.
Which is the proper code to be transmitted for a Missing, Lost, Trapped, or Seriously Injured Member where Additional Resources are Required?
A) 10-60
B) 10-66
C) 10-45
D) 10-31
ANSWER: B) 10-66
Comm 8 10-66
When the decision is made to transition to an exterior attack, the IC and affected units must follow certain procedures to ensure an orderly withdrawal of members. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding this tactic?
A) The communication from the IC to all units must be an urgent transmission.
B) The IC’s EAB shall be depressed and the message should be as follows: “urgent-urgent-urgent, command to all units, urgent-all units urgent-back out back out.”
C) On the transmission of this message, the IC immediately contacts each unit individually via the HT to confirm receipt of this message and to verify they are in compliance.
D) Consider the need to utilize multiple routes when members are withdrawing from a structure. All members may not need to utilize the interior stairs if there are other horizontal and vertical exits available.
ANSWER: B) The IC’s EAB shall be depressed and the message should be as follows: “urgent-urgent-urgent, command to all units, urgent-all units urgent-back out back out.”
(Communications Chapter 9: 9.4.2C)
B - ”urgent-urgent-urgent, command to all units, urgent-all units back out, we are transitioning to an exterior attack.”
In a high rise building equipped with a “Base Station Leaky Cable Simplex UHF Radio System” that is programmed to FDNY radios, you would be most correct to know that all of the following channels can be utilized except?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 8
D) 16
(Comm 13 2.2)
- Channels 1 - 8
- Base Station Leaky Cable Simplex UHF or VHF Radio System - a base radio connected to a cable that runs through a building/infrastructure. It is a simplex radio that can either operate on FDNY UHF HT channels 1 through 8 (FDNY Programmed) or it may utilize in-house radios (Proprietary).
The FDNY has purchased new Motorola APX8000XE Radios. This multi-band radio will provide access to every mode of voice radio communications currently used in the FDNY. The multi-band capability greatly enhances the department’s efficiency, increases intra and interoperability and overall safety of our members. Which feature of the new radio is described correctly?
A) The radio will hold the IDs of the last 20 transmissions.
B) When turning the radio on, it will return to the last channel that it was set to when it was powered off, no matter what position the channel selector knob is on.
C) Pressing and holding the “Home” button for 1 second returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
D) A “2” or a “5” on the display screen indicates Low (2 watts) or high (5 watt) power level.
ANSWER: B) When turning the radio on, it will return to the last channel that it was set to when it was powered off, no matter what position the channel selector knob is on.
(Comm 11 - 2.2.2)
A - Holds last FIFTEEN (15) transmissions
C - Pressing and holding the “Home” button for TWO (2) SECONDS returns the radio to Tactical Zone A, HT 1.
D - “L” (Low 2 watts) / “H” (High 5 watts)
Lt. Jones is working the 9x6 tour in a busy Bronx Ladder Company. After roll call, he hears his members discussing some of the features of the new HTs. One of the probes turns to the Lt. and asks what it means when you see a solid amber LED light illuminate on top of the remote mic. Lieutenant Jones would be correct to give which response below?
A) The HT is receiving a transmission
B) The HT is transmitting a message.
C) The HT is receiving a secured transmission
D) The HT is in Emergency Mode
ANSWER: A) The HT is receiving a transmission
(Comm 11 - 2.5 B)
BLINKING RED while transmitting - Transmitting at low bat.
BLINKING RED while not transmitting - Emergency Mode
On the new HT, when the PTT button is depressed, a member should pause for ____ second, allowing the HT ID to be transmitted. The time out timer on the radio cuts off the transmitter after _____ seconds of continuous transmission and is especially useful to correct the “stuck button” problem.
A) 1/4 ; 60
B) 1/2 ; 60
C) 1/4 ; 30
D) 1/2 ; 30
ANSWER: D) 1/2 ; 30
Comm 11 - 2.5 C
Members of Engine 233 are operating at an all hands structural fire on the 1st floor of a 4 story Brownstone. While advancing the charged line through the 1st floor, the line suddenly loses pressure endangering operating members. Engine 233’s Officer depresses her EAB and transmits an “urgent” message to the IC regarding this loss of water. She should expect this to cause which of the following actions on her HT?
A) The transmit/receive light on top of the MIC blinks amber.
B) The LED light blinks out SOS signal (2 dots / 2 dashes / 2 dots)
C) Main screen displays “urgent” in an orange stripe.
D) Top display will illuminate in Orange/Amber and alternate between Emergency and Unit ID.
ANSWER: D) Top display will illuminate in Orange/Amber and alternate between Emergency and Unit ID.
(Comm 11 - 3.5.1)
A - Transmit/receive LED blinks RED
B - SOS signal THREE dots THREE dashes THREE dots
C - Main screen displays “Emergency” in orange stripe
Ladder 120 is the FAST Truck at a fire on the 1st floor of a 4 story Brownstone. After hearing an EAB activation and an “urgent” transmission from Engine 233, Ladder 120’s Officer glances down at his radio. He would expect to see all but which of the following displayed on his radio?
A) “EA received” in orange/amber on the main display?
B) “ENG 233-OFF” on the main display
C) The radio will hold this display for approximately 10 seconds.
D) The top display will alternate between “EA RCVD” and “ENG 233-OFF”
ANSWER: C) The radio will hold this display for approximately 10 seconds. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 11 - 3.5.2)
- Approximately EIGHT (8) SECONDS
When a member depresses their EAB, audible alerts are emitted. Alert tones are the audio signal transmitted to other HTs within range of the transmitting HT notifying others a member has activated his EAB. There are two types of alert tones, Impolite and Polite. Which of the following statements is correct regarding these tones?
A) The new radios transmit one impolite and two polite alerts.
B) An impolite call is when the radio sends a transmission even when the channel is busy with other radio traffic, and it will preempt any ongoing transmissions.
C) A polite call is when the radio sends a transmission when the channel is not busy. This will always be transmitted 8 seconds after the impolite transmission.
D) The emergency alerts may only be reset by depressing the EAB for 2 seconds.
ANSWER: A) The new radios transmit one impolite and two polite alerts.
(Comm 11 - 3.5.1)
B - An impolite call is when the radio sends a
transmission even when the channel is busy with other radio traffic, however it will NOT preempt any ongoing transmissions.
C - A polite call is when the radio sends a transmission
when the channel is not busy with other radio traffic. Approximately 8 seconds after the impolite transmission,
the Polite Alert is sent. Therefore, the Polite Alert MAY BE MORE THAN 8 seconds after the Impolite Alert tone if other members are transmitting.
D - EA may be reset by depressing EAB for 2 seconds, OR by turning HT OFF THEN BACK ON.
The new HTs offer the ability to recall recent transmissions, including emergency alerts. The IDs of the last ____ transmissions can be viewed. When scrolling through recent transmissions, emergency alert activated transmissions will be indicated by a ________ triangle.
A) 36 / Red
B) 15 / Red
C) 36 / Orange
D) 15 / Orange
ANSWER: D) 15 / Orange
Comm 11 / 3.5.3 / Figure 13
You are a newly assigned Lt. working a day tour in a Queens Engine Company. After roll call, you head up to your office to begin your administrative duties. A few minutes later one of your firefighters enters the office and informs you that one of the company’s new HTs is not working properly and needs to be replaced. When acquiring a spare radio, which procedure below is described incorrectly?
A) Immediately notify the administrative Division of the need for a spare.
B) Prepare an RT-2 with a complete description of the defect of the radio and position of the radio being placed OOS.
C) An Unusual Occurrence Report shall be made for any excessive damage to the radio.
D) Upon receipt of the spare radio, the following channels must be checked for proper ID; HT 1 / HT 2 and HT 3.
ANSWER: D) Upon receipt of the spare radio, the following channels must be checked for proper ID; HT 1 / HT 2 and HT 3. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 11 - Addendum 4 - 2.1)
“Ladder 129”
- Channels 1 / 2 / 9 must be checked.
One of the features of the new APX radios are the encrypted channels. When the IC at any operation determines that compromised FDNY communications may endanger either FDNY members or the public at large, he should implement encrypted communications. Which statement below regarding these new encrypted channels is correct?
A) Encrypted channels can only be monitored on the portable EFAS.
B) Two encrypted channels have been provided in the tactical zone, HT 9/CMD SEC (command) and HT 10/TAC SEC (tactical)
C) Only tactical operations have encryption (secure) capabilities, dispatch communications do not have this feature.
D) The encrypted channels in tactical zone A are not strapped (i.e. the encryption feature must be activated prior to use)
ANSWER: A) Encrypted channels can only be monitored on the portable EFAS.
(Comm 11 - Addendum 3 - 2.1 / 2.3)
C - Dispatch channels ALSO HAVE ENCRYPTION FEAT.
D - Encypted channels 9 and 10 are STRAPPED (they are always on)
Which of the following choices contains correct information?
- Company Commanders responsible for quarters can request a copy of their alarm assignments through the chain of command to the Chief of the Bureau of Communications.
- All recommendations for unit alarm assignment changes shall be submitted through the chain of command to the Chief of Department for final endorsement.
A) Both choices 1 and 2
B) Only choice 1
C) Only choice 2
D) Neither choice 1 or 2
ANSWER: A) Both choices 1 and 2 are CORRECT
(Comm 5.5.3 B, C)
- BC and DC endorsements are required. If the change is approved, it will be forwarded to the Alarm Assignment Unit.
As the first arriving officer to a collapse of a 4-story Brownstone, you would be correct to know that responses for Collapse PODS (Portable-On Demand Storage) Units will only be by order of?
A) An Incident Commander
B) A Command Chief
C) A Battalion Chief
D) A Deputy Chief
ANSWER: B) A Command Chief
(Comm 7 p7-9)
- Don’t confuse this with “COLLAPSE RESCUE UNITS” which may be special called by the Incident Commander to an operation where a shoring operation may be needed.
Standing in front of a fire building, the IC orders your unit to stretch a line to the “3-4 corner” of the building. You would be most correct to know this is?
A) The front left corner
B) The rear left corner
C) The rear right corner
D) The front right corner
ANSWER: C) The rear right corner
(Comm 10 Add 2 5.7)
*When viewed from the Exposure 1 perspective, the building corners can be further identified as follows:
The front left corner is the “1-2” corner.
The rear left corner is the “2-3” corner.
The rear right corner is the “3-4” corner.
The front right corner is the “1-4” corner.
If an IC wishes to use the reverse frequency feature on the POST Radio to broadcast an emergency message to members operating on repeater channel 14, what channel would he/she need to switch to?
A) Channel 17
B) Channel 18
C) Channel 19
D) Channel 20
ANSWER: C) Channel 19
(Communications 13 - 5.2)
Channel 17 - Channel 11
Channel 18 - Channel 12
Channel 19 - Channel 14
Channel 20 - Channel 15
What code should be transmitted after a single Truck Company removes two victims from a stuck elevator?
A:) 10-31
B) 10-29 code 1
C) 10-29 code 2
D) 10-27
ANSWER: B) 10-29 code 1
(Comm 8 10-29)
Elevator Emergency
Code 1: Occupied
Code 2: Unoccupied
10-31 - Assist Civilian
10-27 - Compactor or Incinerator Fire (has not extended from compactor or shaft.)
If a building’s duplex UHF radio repeater system fails, consider utilizing the “Reverse Channels” of the Post Radio or FDNY mobile UHF radio to transmit an emergency message. Which Reverse Channel description is correct?
A) Channel 14 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 11
B) Channel 22 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 12
C) Channel 18 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 14
D) Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 15
ANSWER: D:Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 15.
(Comm 13 5.2)
- Channel 17 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 11
- Channel 18 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 12
- Channel 19 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 14
- Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 15
While working in Ladder 7, you receive a ticket to respond to a fire, with your unit designated as “L007H”. You would be most correct to know your unit is the?
A) Transport Backup Unit
B) Tech Decon Task Force Ladder
C) Hi-Rise Roof Team
D) CPC Unit
ANSWER: C) Hi-Rise Roof Team
(Comm p37 H)
Transport Backup Unit - T
Tech Decon Task Force Ladder - D
Hi-Rise Roof Team - H
CPC Unit - C
While working in Ladder 122 and performing a primary search in the cellar of a taxpayer with a medium fire condition, you notice your Can FF stumble and collapse onto the floor. As the member is now unresponsive, you correctly make which transmission after activating your EAB?
A) “Ladder 122 to Command, URGENT UNCONSCIOUS MEMBER.”
B) “Ladder 122 to Command, MAYDAY UNCONSCIOUS MEMBER.”
C) “Ladder 122 to Command, MAYDAY COLLAPSED MEMBER.”
D) “ Ladder 122 to Command, URGENT INJURED MEMBER.”
(Comm 9 9.4.1 C1)
- An Unconscious or Life Threatening Injury is a MAYDAY.
- The term “COLLAPSE” is to be used to indicate STRUCTURAL FAILURE only.
In order to remove a facility from the CFR-D response matrix, a company officer shall ensure
that the facility meets all the following criteria except?
A) On duty personnel are trained in CPR.
B) Trained personnel are able to provide oxygen to the patient.
C) On duty personnel are trained in the use of a defibrillator, and all the necessary equipment is available to the trained personnel.
D) All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
ANSWER: D) All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 4 Add 1 2.1, 3.1.3)
- All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available during all hours of OPERATION. Include the facilities hours of operation in the Transmitted Data field.
D - Defib
O - O2
C - CPR trained personnel
While operating at a fire in a taxpayer with 7 occupancies, you determine the original fire occupancy to be in the exact center occupancy of the row of stores. With your knowledge of appropriate sectoring and exposure identification, you should know that the occupancy two occupancies/stores to the left of the original fire occupancy should be exposure?
A) O2
B) O2A
C) O2B
D) 2
(Comm 10 Add 2)
- Since the original fire occupancy is “O”, the 1st occupancy to the left is “O2” and the second to the left is “O2A”.
- “O” always comes first if the “taxpayer” is the original fire building, and not simply an exposed building.
- If an H-type is the original fire building and a taxpayer (with multiple occupancies) is an exposure, the “O” will come second (2O, 2OA, 2OB. Etc.)
The responding unit should operate in the 10-20 mode while responding to each of the following call types except?
A) Water leaks
B) Trees down (no wires, buildings or vehicles affected)
C) Lock-ins with possible food on the stove
D) Salvage Truck
ANSWER: C) Lock-ins with possible food on the stove
(Comm 6 Add 1 2.1)
- Lock-ins (no reported food on the stove or other associated emergency)
“WELTS” (Respond in 10-20 Mode)
W - Water Leak
E - ERS no contact 2300 to 0800 hrs)
L - Lock-ins (no reported food on the stove / emergency)
T - Trees down (no wires, buildings or vehicles affected)
S - Salvage Truck
Of the following choices, which is not in accordance with a single unit investigation of a Class “E” or “J” alarm?
A) On arrival at a Class “E” or “J” alarm, the officer shall enter the building with all firefighters except the chauffeur, who shall remain in the apparatus to monitor both the Department Radio and handie-talkie for additional information.
B) Members entering the building shall be equipped with their personal protective equipment and SCBA. Ladder Companies shall bring their usual compliment of tools and Engine Companies shall bring forcible entry tools into lobby; at this time no rolled up lengths of hose will be required.
C) The officer shall make contact with building personnel, inquire as to the alarm source and personally reset the alarm system. If the alarm panel does reset, the officer shall remain approximately one to two minutes to ensure that the reset holds.
D) The Battalion Chief may either monitor the radio or respond, based on their discretion. If the Battalion Chief responds, the dispatcher shall be notified. If a preliminary report is not received in a reasonable time frame (5-10 minutes), the monitoring Chief will contact the dispatcher and request a preliminary report.
ANSWER: C) The officer shall make contact with building personnel, inquire as to the alarm source and personally reset the alarm system. If the alarm panel does reset, the officer shall remain approximately one to two minutes to ensure that the reset holds.
(Comm 6 - Add 2 - 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.2, 4.3)
- The officer shall make contact with building personnel, inquire as to the alarm source and DIRECT BUILDING PERSONNEL to reset the alarm system.
- If the alarm panel does reset, the officer shall remain approximately TWO to THREE minutes to ensure that the reset holds.
Your unit is assigned to a 3rd alarm fire in the borough of Brooklyn. You should report to the Staging Area Manager which is?
A) BC01S
B) BC02P
C) BC04R
D) BC06C
(Comm 2 p37 - P)
S - Safety Officer
P - Staging Area Manager
R - Resources Unit Leader
C - Communications Unit Leader
Immediate entry of an imminently hazardous condition can be accomplished in eCIDS how?
A) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS and change the “CIDS type” dropdown to “Immediate”. Then notify the administrative BC by phone to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS.
B) Fax a paper copy of the CD-201 to the administrative BC and email the Chief, notifying the BC of the condition and need for the pending immediate CIDS.
C) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS and change the “CIDS type” dropdown to “Immediate”. Then notify the administrative BC by email to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS.
D) Fax a paper copy of the CD-201 to the administrative BC and call the Chief, notifying the BC of the condition and need for the pending immediate CIDS.
ANSWER: A) Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS and change the “CIDS type” dropdown to “Immediate”. Then notify the administrative BC by phone to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS.
(Comm 4 - 4.3.3)
- A phone call is required to alert the BC if the need to approve the immediate eCIDS.
On the Motorola APX800XE HT, a ______ LED indicates the HT is transmitting with a low battery condition.
A) Blinking amber
B) Solid red
C) Solid amber
D) Blinking red
ANSWER: D) Blinking red
(Communications 11 - 2.2.5)
- Solid red - HT is transmitting
- Solid amber - Transmission being received
- Blinking red - HT transmitting with low battery
- Blinking amber - HT receiving secured transmission
The Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue can be utilized to home in on the location of missing, lost or trapped members. One member will be designated to produce the emergency alert tone by pressing the Emergency Alert Button how often?
A) Once every second
B) Once every 1/4 second
C) Only once
D) Once every few seconds
ANSWER: D) Once every few seconds
Communications 9 - 9.5.6
When transmitting an URGENT or MAYDAY message, the member shall depress their EAB for approximately how long?
A) 1/2 second
B) 1/4 second
C) 1 second
D) 2 seconds
ANSWER: A) 1/2 second
Communications 9 - Addendum 4 - 3.1
Engine 54 has just returned to quarters after responding to 3 alarms. The selector panel in the HW is “beeping: and the previous alarms are printed on the Alarm Teleprinter. The HW should now check the ______ on the last response ticket to verify that this is the previous alarm and not a new response.
A) “Time Out”
B) “Incident Number”
C) “Box Number”
D) “FDID Number”
ANSWER: A) “Time Out”
Communications 2 - 2.3
The teleprinter emergency power system shall be examined and tested how often?
A) Every Sunday
B) The 1st of every month
C) The 15th of every month
D) Daily
ANSWER: B) The 1st of every month
Comm 2 - 2.6.5
A company Officer who is instructed to “10-3” by the dispatcher would be correct to think?
A) Call the dispatcher by telephone
B) Return to quarters
C) Call their quarters
D) Provide the units location
ANSWER: A) Call the dispatcher by telephone
(Comm 8)
10-1 = Call Quarters or Other Unit
10-2 = Return to quarters
10-3 = Call Dispatch by telephone
10-10 = Unit Location
An Engine and Ladder respond to a Class 3 alarm in a PD. Upon arrival they determine the alarm was due to a low battery condition. The Officers would be correct to transmit which signal?
A) 10-35 No code
B) 10-35 Code 1
C) 10-35 Code 2
D) 10-35 Code 3
E) 10-35 Code 4
ANSWER: A) 10-35 No code
(Comm 8)
- A low battery in a 10-35 NO CODE
Which code below would be appropriate for a false alarm activation caused by construction in the cellar of a high rise multiple dwelling?
A) 10-35 no code
B) 10-35 code 1
C) 10-35 code 2
D) 10-35 code 4
ANSWER: C) 10-35 code 2
(Comm 8 10-35)
10-35 “SC-OH-OK”
No Code - Unwarranted
Codes 1-4 - Unnecessary
S - Code 1: alarm system testing or servicing
C - Code 2: construction activities
OH - Code 3: ordinary household activities (toast, steam, aerosol spray)
OK - Code 4: other known cause (e.g., alarms resulting from cigarette smoking in unauthorized areas). When this code is used, a NYFIRS report must be completed
When relocating in the quarters of another unit, Officers shall notify the Borough dispatcher at each of the following times except?
A) When in the response district of the unit they are covering.
B) When returning to their own quarters.
C) When back in their own response district.
D) When leaving their own quarters to proceed to the relocation.
ANSWER: D) When leaving their own quarters to proceed to the relocation. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8.11.6)
Response district of relocated quarters
Returning to quarters
Response district of own quarters
At a high rise building fire, the second arriving engine officer provides the communications link between the lobby and the fire area pending the establishment of the Fire Sector/Branch on a floor below the fire. Of the following choices, which is incorrect regarding this procedure?
A) The first arriving Battalion Chief shall give the Post radio to the second engine officer. The second engine officer will then take the Post radio and report with his/her company to their normal location, in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the first handline is being stretched.
B) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the second engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post (ICP) on the tactical channel via the Post radio. The officer will verify that the Post radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC.
C) After establishing contact with the Incident Command Post (ICP), the second engine officer will use their handie-talkie radio on the tactical channel to announce to units in the fire area that a communications link with the ICP has been established. Communications will be relayed through the second engine officer.
D) In addition to his/her normal duties, the second engine officer must maintain the communications link with the lobby until the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director arrives on the floor below the fire.
ANSWER: B) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the second engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post (ICP) on the tactical channel via the Post radio. The officer will verify that the Post radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 12 6.2)
- Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the second engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post (ICP) on the COMMAND CHANNEL (HT2) via the Post radio. The officer will verify that the Post radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC.
What is the appropriate code to transmit for a fire or emergency requiring High Expansion foam?
A) 10-60
B) 10-85
C) 10-86
D) 10-87
ANSWER: D) 10-87
(Comm 8 10-87)
- 10-60 - Major Emergency Response
- 10-85 - Fire Marshal requires emergency police assistance (specify reason)
- 10-86 - Alcohol Resistant Foam Operation
The HT battery charger can reflect many conditions as indicated by the LED. Of the following choices, which is listed incorrectly?
A) Steady Green - fully charged.
B) Steady Red - in rapid charge.
C) Flashing Yellow - fault mode, battery is too hot/cold and waiting to charge.
D) Flashing Green - trickle mode charge is at 90% or better.
ANSWER: C) Flashing Yellow - fault mode, battery is too hot/cold and waiting to charge.
(Comm 11 Add 1 2.3 chart)
- FLASHING AMBER - fault mode, battery is too hot/cold and waiting to charge.
A newly assigned Captain was conducting a drill on the NYMAC interoperable (I/O) channels with members of his unit. Which statement made was incorrect?
A) A NYMAC I/O channel will be assigned without FDNY request for 2nd alarms or greater and pre-planned interagency events.
B) When using an I/O channel, the FDNY IC shall use the Box Number of the incident at the beginning of each transmission (e.g. Box 7184 in Queens) as simultaneous events may be taking place on the channel.
C) When a Communication Engine responds to an incident, they will determine if a NYMAC channel has already been established prior to their arrival. If not, the Communication Engine will establish a NYMAC channel and inform the IC once the channel has been activated by NYPD.
D) If a NYMAC channel is established by a Communication Engine, they will monitor the NYMAC channel. If established prior to the Communication Engine arrival, the Communication Engine could then assume monitoring of the NYMAC channel.
ANSWER: B) When using an I/O channel, the FDNY IC shall use the Box Number of the incident at the beginning of each transmission (e.g. Box 7184 in Queens) as simultaneous events may be taking place on the channel. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 14 Add 3 2.2.1-2.4)
- When using an I/O channel, the FDNY IC shall use the NAME of the incident at the beginning of each transmission (e.g. 2nd alarm on Northern Blvd in Queens) as simultaneous events may be taking place on the channel.
On the apparatus MDT, all of the following are “single action keys” except?
A) 10-4
B) 10-14
C) 10-84
D) 10-8
ANSWER: D) 10-8
(Comm 2 p31)
- 10-8 is a double action key
- 10-20 is a single action key
In which choice below should a 10-80 Code 1 be transmitted?
A) Release is of a small or medium quantity.
B) The material and its hazards have been identified.
C) Firefighters’ PPE provides adequate protection against the identified hazards.
D) Special equipment and specialized training are not needed.
ANSWER: A) Release is of a small or medium quantity.
(Comm 8 10-80)
- Signal 10-80 No Code include “SIPS”
S - Small quantity release (e.g., gas leak in a stove).
I - Identified material and hazards.
P - PPE provides adequate protection against the identified hazards.
S - Special equipment and specialized training are not needed.
There are times when the dispatcher may have to institute a Telephone Turnout Procedure. This can occur when both the PC/ATS and voice alarm are out of service. Which of the following choices is incorrect regarding this procedure?
A) The telephone is rung in company quarters and is answered by the housewatch.
B) The dispatcher announces the alarm over the telephone when the phone is answered.
C) The housewatch acknowledges the response, hangs up, and the unit responds as directed.
D) If there are any doubts about a telephone message from a dispatcher, the officer on duty should check the validity of the dispatch by calling the on-duty Battalion Chief.
ANSWER: D) If there are any doubts about a telephone message from a dispatcher, the officer on duty should check the validity of the dispatch by calling the on-duty Battalion Chief. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 3 3.3.1)
- If there are any doubts about a telephone message from a dispatcher, the officer on duty should check the validity of the dispatch by calling the BOROUGH COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE to verify the message.
Which choice below is incorrect regarding entries made in the company journal?
A) In quarters housing two (2) or more companies the officer in command of each unit shall write a separate roll call.
B) Military Time shall be used when making entries except that the terms 9x6 and 6x9 shall be used to designate tours of duty.
C) Civilian employees of the Department shall not make entries when entering and leaving quarters; the member in housewatch is responsible for these entries.
D) Entries of members reporting for duty shall be limited to one such member per line.
ANSWER: C) Civilian employees of the Department shall not make entries when entering and leaving quarters; the member in housewatch is responsible for these entries. (INCORRECT)
(Company Journal 2.6, 2.9, 2.11, 2.13)
- Civilian employees of the Department SHALL make entries in their own handwriting in company journal when entering and leaving quarters.
All members should be familiar with the function and operation of the newly issued Motorola HTs. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A) A functional check, inspection and maintenance of the HT shall be made immediately after the 0900 and 1800 hour roll calls, and after each use.
B) When a HT has damage only to the remote speaker mic, it should be sent for repairs complete (radio, antenna, battery, remote speaker mic, and leather goods included) with the defect and company number recorded on the RT-2.
C) No items (keys, key fobs, etc.) shall be attached directly to the HT, case, antenna or remote speaker mic, as this may cause interference with radio transmissions. Items may be attached to the HT strap; however, they must be secured in a manner that does not allow movement or contact with the HT, case, antenna or remote speaker mic.
D) Some buildings throughout the city have been equipped with proprietary repeaters and amplifiers for their in-house two way communication needs. The potential exists for these systems to interfere with Fire Department HT communications.
ANSWER: B) When a HT has damage only to the remote speaker mic, it should be sent for repairs complete (radio, antenna, battery, remote speaker mic, and leather goods included) with the defect and company number recorded on the RT-2. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 11 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 7.4)
- When HTs are sent for repair, they should be sent complete (radio, antenna, battery, and remote speaker mic) with the defect and company number recorded on the RT-2. Leather goods (cases and straps) should NOT be sent UNLESS they need repair.
What signal would you transmit if your unit stopped to extinguish a minor brush fire on the side of a highway returning from another alarm?
A) 10-21
B) 10-22
C) 10-23
D) 10-24
ANSWER: A) 10-21
(Comm 8 - Radio Codes)
10-21 - Brush Fire
10-22 - Outside Rubbish Fire
10-23 - Abandoned/Derelict Vehicle Fire (ADV)
10-24 - Auto Fire
Harlem units respond to a reported fire in a subway station. Upon arrival, the first engine officer saw it was a train car fire. He correctly transmitted a 10-__.
A) 28 no code
B) 28 code 1
C) 28 code 2
D) 28 code 3
ANSWER: C) 28 code 2
(Communications Ch 8 page 9)
10-28 code is transmitted for a Subway or Railroad System
10-28 code 1 Structural fire
10-28 code 2 Non-Structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks, etc.)
10-28 code 3 Emergency (non-medical)
The correct suffix when responding in as a System Control Unit can be found in which choice?
A) E100Y
B) E100S
C) E100I
D) L100S
B - E100S Communications Unit
C - E100I FireIce Unit
D- Ladder companies are NOT designated as a System Control Unit Communications Ch 2 p-37
The HT is equipped with a “time-out-timer” which cuts off the transmitter after how many seconds?
A) 15 seconds
B) 20 seconds
C) 25 seconds
D) 30 seconds
ANSWER: D) 30 seconds
Communications ch 9 sec 9.5.10.Note
If E200 was assigned as the “Systems Control Unit” at a high rise fire, this unit would correctly be indicated on the response ticket as?
A) E200S
B) E200L
C) E200P
D) E200Y
(Comm 2 p37)
E200S - Communications Unit
E200L - Lobby Control Unit
E200P - High Pressure Engine
In situations where size, construction, layout, or operational requirements of a building warrant, an enhanced “minimum response” representing the number of engines and ladders required, placed last in the “transmitted data” section of eCIDS, would trigger a predetermined response. Which choice below most correctly reflects how this should be entered?
Comm 4 4.4.2 D5
A company office may be tasked with utilizing a Post radio at an operation in a high rise building. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A) The second arriving engine officer provides the communications link between the lobby and the fire area pending the establishment of the Fire Sector/Branch on a floor below the fire.
B) The first arriving BC shall give the Post radio to the second engine officer, who will then take the Post radio and report with his/her company to a location two floors below the fire floor.
C) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the second engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post (ICP) on the command channel via the Post radio. The officer will verify that the Post radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC
D) If the first arriving Battalion is delayed and the second engine has already ascended to the upper floors, once on scene, the Battalion shall give the Post radio to the Fire Department member operating the fire service elevator. Upon arrival 2 floors below the fire floor, the elevator operator will contact the second engine officer who shall then ensure that the Post radio is obtained.
ANSWER: B) The first arriving BC shall give the Post radio to the second engine officer, who will then take the Post radio and report with his/her company to a location two floors below the fire floor. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 12 6.2, 6.3.7 Note)
- The first arriving BC shall give the Post radio to the second engine officer, who will then take the Post radio and report with his/her company to their NORMAL LOCATION, IN THE VICINITY OF THE STANDPIPE OUTLET FROM WHICH THE FIRST HANDLINE IS BEING STRETCHED.
Your unit, Ladder 100, receives a response ticket that displays you as “L100C.” This indicates you will be responding as a ____.
A) CPC Unit
B) CFR Unit
C) Technical Decon Task Force
D) Water - Ice Rescue Unit
(Comm 2 p37)
- D - Tech Decon Task Force Ladder
- W - Water - Ice Rescue Unit
What is the proper terminology for a firefighter to transmit when he/she finds an unconscious member?
(Comm 9.4.1 C3a)
Provide the following information: “LUNA”
L - Location
U - Unit and identity of the injured member
N - Nature and extent of the injuries, if known
A - Additional Resources needed
Engine 39 receives an alarm for a fire on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The transmitted data of the CIDS message for the reported address starts with MEGA. The members would be correct to think that this information indicates the building is how tall?
A) Over 500 feet
B) Over 600 feet
C) Over 700 feet
D) Over 800 feet
ANSWER: D) Over 800 feet
Comm. Ch 4, sec 4.3.1
After operating at an incident where two people were successfully removed from a stuck elevator car, the ladder officer gave the appropriate radio signal. What signal did he give?
A) 10-40-2
B) 10-29-1
C) 10-29-2
D) 10-31-0
ANSWER: B) 10-29-1
(Communications Ch 8)
A - Electrical Emergency
B - proper code for occupied
C - proper code for an unoccupied elevator
D - assist civilian
The FDNY has recently acquired new Handie-Talkies. The Motorola APX8000XE is a unique device with many capabilities. Which of the following is an accurate description of this device and what it can do?
A) With its Recent/Mayday retention, it will hold the IDs of the last 20 transmissions.
B) An arrow displayed on the top of the screen indicates that the device is on a Trunked or Repeated channel.
C) An H on the screen indicates 5 watt power level.
D) If a member hits their Emergency Alert Button (EAB), all screens on HTs that are in range will display “Emergency” in an orange stripe.
ANSWER: C) An H on the screen indicates 5 watt power level.
(Communication manual, Chapter 11 - 2.2.2)
A - Will hold last FIFTEEN (15)
B - Arrow shows it is on a Direct/Simplex channel, Blank indicates a repeater channel.
C - H is 5 watt, L is 2 watt.
D - It only mentions that happening on the HT of the member who pressed the EAB.
Which of the following is a correct statement about the FDNY’s HT Batteries and Chargers?
A) When the charger displays a green/amber alternating light that is flashing, the battery is fully charged.
B) Wet batteries shall be allowed to air dry prior to placing them in the charge receptacle. Wiping them dry may cause damage to the terminal ends.
C) A flashing red light on the charger indicates that the battery is too hot or cold to charge.
D) A Flashing green light displayed on the charger indicates the battery is charged 80% or better.
ANSWER: A) When the charger displays a green/amber alternating light that is flashing, the battery is fully charged.
(Communication Chapter 11, Addendum 1 2.3)
A - Solid green = fully charged, but green/amber alternating indicates fully charged too. This indicator is for radio shop info only.
B - If wet, wipe dry prior to charging
C - Flashing red = not charging/reinsert
D - Flashing green = trickle mode charge 90% or better
Steady red = rapid charge
Flashing amber = battery too hot/cold to charge/reinsert.
What is a correct point regarding the FDNY Modified Response Policy?
A) When responding as salvage truck, a ladder shall respond in 10-20 mode.
B) When responding to a tree down on a parked vehicle, a ladder shall respond in 10-20 mode.
C) When responding to a manhole fire only the first due units responded in emergency mode.
D) Only a responding chief officer or dispatcher can cancel the 10-20 and have all units respond in emergency mode.
ANSWER: A) When responding as salvage truck, a ladder shall respond in 10-20 mode.
(Communication Chapter 6, Addendum 1)
10-20 for “WELTS”
W - Water leaks E - ERS no contact 2300-0800 L - Lock Ins (no food on stove) T - Trees down (no wires, buildings, vehicles effected) S - Salvage Truck
C - For manhole/electrical emergencies only 1st due units in emergency mode, BUT for manhole/elec. FIRES all units in emergency mode.
D - When chief or officer receives new info they may cancel the 10-20 response mode.
Note: This is not new info, but it has recently been moved from ABCs to Communications.
The new Handie Talkies have some unique operating features. Which point below is an inaccurate description of these?
A) If a firefighter accidentally turns the radio off, they do not need to search for the channel they were on prior to the mistake. The radio will return to the last channel that it was set to when it was powered off.
B) The EAB is adjacent to the base of the antenna.
C) The Time-Out-Timer will cause the radio to emit a short-warning tone at 56 seconds and a continuous tone at 60 seconds. A FF can re-key the PTT to reset the timer.
D) Depressing any button will illuminate both displays for approximately 20 seconds.
ANSWER: C) The Time-Out-Timer will cause the radio to emit a short-warning tone at 56 seconds and a continuous tone at 60 seconds. A FF can re-key the PTT to reset the timer. (INCORRECT)
(Communications Chapter 11 - 3.3)
- Short tone at TWENTY SIX (26) sec, continuous at THIRTY (30).
- Dept. radio on the apparatus times out at 60 seconds.
A - Correct, no matter the knob position
B - The antenna is 7 inches
The officer of Ladder 81 was drilling with the members on Handie Talkie operations. He was correct in all except which point below?
A) After depressing the Push To Talk Button (PTT), the member should pause 1/2 a second to allow the HT ID to be transmitted.
B) After an EAB is activated by a member’s radio, all the HTs within range will emit an audible beacon tone.
C) Channel annunciation will occur anytime the zone or channel is changed.
D) When depressing the EAB, hold it for approximately 1 second to ensure activation of the Emergency Alert features.
ANSWER: B) After an EAB is activated by a member’s radio, all the HTs within range will emit an audible beacon tone. (INCORRECT)
(Communications Chapter 11 - 3.5.1)
- Only the member who activated the EAB has a beacon, everybody else gets the POLITE/IMPOLITE ALERTS.
As a result of The FDNY’s Reduced response to Class “E” and “J” Alarms Policy, a single Engine or Ladder may respond to a reported alarm and the Battalion chief may monitor the response from quarters. Which of the following units below operated at one of these incidents incorrectly?
A) Upon arrival Engine Company 99 members brought one set of forcible entry tools and the required lengths (three 2 1/2” roll ups) of hose into the lobby.
B) The salty Captain of Engine 16 directed the building manager to reset the alarm system. He then waited 2-3 minutes to ensure that the reset held.
C) After the initial reset did not hold, the Ladder 13 officer when up to the 8th floor to investigate. He left the LCC on the apparatus, the Roof FF in the lobby, and the OV FF in the elevator, While he and the 2 remaining members went to investigate.
D) After finding a fire, The Captain of Engine 33, took the elevator back down to the lobby, and awaited the arrival of the first due ladder company, the ladder was responding from a block away.
ANSWER: A) Upon arrival Engine Company 99 members brought one set of forcible entry tools and the required lengths (three 2 1/2” roll ups) of hose into the lobby. (INCORRECT)
(Communications Chapter 6, Addendum 2 - 3.3)
- At this time, NO ROLLED UP LENGTHS of hose will be required.
C - Unless there is an undue delay of additional units, the engine shall stay in lobby awaiting the truck. NOTE: if a ladder was the single unit on the response, they would not return to the lobby, but they would return the elevator car to the lobby.
NOTE: not new information, but recently moved from ABCs to Comms.
Which of the following is not a proper maintenance procedure of a Handie Talkie?
A) The internal clock of the device shall not be manipulated by members.
B) If the remote speaker gets wet, shake the unit well to remove the water trapped inside.
C) Members shall ensure the antenna is hand tight.
D) If sending an HT out for repair due to excessive damage, an unusual occurrence report is required.
ANSWER: A) The internal clock of the device shall not be manipulated by members. INCORRECT)
(Communications Chapter 11 - Addendeum 5 - 1.3)
- Time must be reset 2x each year for daylight savings, this is done at the UNIT LEVEL.
Note: it is set to 24 hour time
What is an inaccurate action taken by an officer who was requesting the HT recording of a recent fire that he and his members extinguished?
A) He emailed the request via his FDNY Email address.
B) He requested a recording of both the primary and secondary tactical channels but not the command channel.
C) He faxed the request to the Handie-Talkie recording unit and forwarded the original request through the chain of command.
D) The recording was delivered electronically, and he kept it in a designated secure location in the company office when not in use.
ANSWER: C) He faxed the request to the Handie-Talkie recording unit and forwarded the original request through the chain of command. INCORRECT)
(Communications Chapter 9, ADD 1 - 8.1)
- No longer faxed / changed 10/01/20
- Email from an FDNY address.
- Co. officer may request on primary and secondary tactical but not command channel
The Motorola APX Handie talkies have encryption capabilities. Which is the least accurate statement below regarding this feature?
A) Two encrypted channels have been provided in the tactical zone, HT 10/TAC SEC (tactical) & HT 11/CMD SEC (command)
B) Only APX radios are encryption capable.
C) Citywide fire 3 and 4 can be encrypted by the user using the concentric switch at the base of the channel selector knob on top of the HT.
D) When encryption of citywide 3 is activated on a HT, the voice annunciator will state “Encryption On”
ANSWER: A) Two encrypted channels have been provided in the tactical zone, HT 10/TAC SEC (tactical) & HT 11/CMD SEC (command) (INCORRECT)
(Communications Chapter 11, Add 3 - 2.1)
- HT-9/TAC SEC (tactical) and HT-10/CMD SEC (command), encryption on these channels is always active. (Strapped)
- Citywide Fire 3 and 4 - These channels are not always encrypted, they require the user to hit a switch.
As soon as an HT is discovered missing, it is imperative that the officer on duty immediately make which of the following notifications?
1 - Radio Shop by E-mail 2 - FDOC by E-mail 3 - FDOC by telephone 4 - Administrative Battalion by telephone 5 - Administrative Division by Telephone
A) 1,2,5 only
B) 1,2,3,4 and 5
C) 1,3,4 and 5 only
D) 1 and 5 only
ANSWER: B) 1,2,3,4 and 5
(Communications Chapter 11 - 6.1)
- All are correct notifications.
- Radio shops can remotely disable radio)
The Handie Talkie currently used by field units has a transmit/receive light between the antenna and channel selector knob. What is an accurate statement regarding this feature?
A) Solid red indicates it is transmitting.
B) Blinking red while transmitting indicates the HT is in Emergency Mode.
C) Solid Amber means the HT is receiving a secured transmission.
D) A blinking Amber indicates the HT is receiving a normal transmission.
ANSWER: A) Solid red indicates it is transmitting.
(Communications Chapter 11 A-sec. 2.2.4)
B - BLINKING RED while transmitting indicates transmitting at LOW BATTERY,
Note: blinking red while not transmitting means it is in Emergency Mode.
C - SOLID AMBER means receiving transmission.
D - BLINKING AMBER -receiving a secured transmission
At the top of the main display screen on the HT, you notice a “H”. What does this indicate?
A) Heat detected
B) You are operating at 5 watts
C) Hot battery
D) You are operating at 2 watts
ANSWER: B) You are operating at 5 watts.
(Comm 11 2.2.2 D)
- High wattage (5 watts)
- TX Power: An H or L on the display indicates high (5 Watt) and low (2 Watt) power level.
A knowledgeable company officer would be correct to know that, on the HT, the “Transmit/Receive LED” illuminates?
A) Solid Red when transmitting and Solid Green when receiving.
B) Blinking Red (while not transmitting) - HT transmitting at low battery condition.
C) Blinking Red (while transmitting) - HT is in Emergency Mode.
D) Blinking Amber - HT is receiving a secured transmission.
ANSWER: D) Blinking Amber - HT is receiving a secured transmission.
(Comm 11 2.2.5 E)
- Solid Red when transmitting and Solid Amber when receiving. (Solid/Solid)
- Blinking Red (while transmitting) - HT transmitting at low battery condition.
- Blinking Red (while not transmitting) - HT is in Emergency Mode.
According to communications chapter 8, which choice below includes the most correct answers on when a unit may transmit a 10-91?
- Fire Unit is canceled enroute to a medical emergency due to EMS on scene.
- Medical assignment where the Fire Unit is 10-84, has no patient contact and EMS is on-scene.
- EMS downgrades the job to a segment that does not require a Fire Unit response, prior to the unit going 10-84 at a medical emergency.
- Fire Unit arrives at a stuck elevator response where NYPD has already safely removed passengers.
A) Only 1 and 3
B: All of the above
C: Only 1, 2 and 3
D: Only 2 and 3
ANSWER: A) Only 1 and 3
(Comm 8)
2 - 10-37 Code 4 - medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact and EMS is on-scene.
4 - This signal shall be used ONLY for medical emergency incidents.
- CFR ch 2 sec 3.8.2 is in conflict with Comm ch 8.
- CFR states… If the Company is not required, they shall clear the scene (using signal 10-91) and go 10-8 via MDT
In some cases, HTs receiving transmissions from spare radios may display only numeric IDs due to programming limitations. Which of the “first” numerical digits below indicates a “spare radio”?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 6
D) 9
(Comm 11 Add 4 p4 chart)
3 - EMS
4 - ARCS
6 - Spare and Communications
9 - Special Units
Company Commanders can place a facility on CFR Hold for calls other than segment one type calls if the facility meets certain criteria. Choose the incorrect criteria.
A) On duty personnel are trained in First Aid
B: Trained personnel are able to provide oxygen to the patient
C) On duty personnel are trained in the use of a defibrillator, and all the necessary equipment is available to the trained personnel
D) All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available during all hours of operation
ANSWER: A) On duty personnel are trained in First Aid (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 4 add 1 sec 2.1)
- On duty personnel are trained in CPR. (NOT First Aid)
There are times when Fire units may transmit on EMS borough or citywide frequencies. Of the following choices, which would be an incorrect way of transmitting on these frequencies?
A) Identify yourself (e.g. “Engine 100 to EMS”)
B) Use the address of the incident, including cross streets; however do NOT use the Box Number.
C) Realize that for a fire or CFR response, the assigned medical resources will typically respond on their borough frequency (e.g. EMS Queens West, EMS Queens East, etc.)
D) Relay critical information. Understand that direct communication with the EMS borough dispatcher does not relieve units of their responsibility to maintain communications with the FD borough dispatcher as per existing Fire Department procedures.
ANSWER: C) Realize that for a fire or CFR response, the assigned medical resources will typically respond on their borough frequency (e.g. EMS Queens West, EMS Queens East, etc.) (INCORRECT)
(Comm 14 Add 1 2.6-2.8)
- Realize that a FIRE is classified as an MCI by EMS, and the assigned medical resources will typically switch to EMS-CW1 and respond on that channel.
As the Officer of the FAST Unit responding in to an “All Hands” fire, you should direct your member dedicated to monitoring the FAST radio and EFAS to grab which handle-talkie in the Chief’s vehicle?
A) No tape
B) Red tape
C) Green tape
D) Yellow tape
ANSWER: D) Yellow tape
(Comm 11 Add 6 1.3)
No tape – Chief and Aide Tactical radio
Red tape – Dispatch radio
Green tape– Auxiliary radio (to be used at the discretion of Chief)
Yellow tape – FAST radio
While operating as the FAST Unit at a 2nd alarm Taxpayer fire, you remain especially alert as earlier in the tour the Department sent out a 65-2 message indicating that portions of the HT system have malfunctioned and that units would have to rely on the internal 7-digit ID for identifying members making transmissions. You here a garbled message that may be an “Urgent” and see “1003004” transmitted that message. What does 1003004 indicate?
A) OV of Ladder 3
B) Chief of Division 4
C) Rescue 3 Hook
D) Rescue 4 Roof
ANSWER: C) Rescue 3 Hook
(Comm 11 Add 4 p4)
3 - EMS
4 - ARCS
What code should be transmitted if firefighters are being harmed and police assistance is needed immediately?
A) 10-47
B) 10-48
C) 10-44
D) 10-85
ANSWER: B) 10-48
(Comm 8 10-48)
10-44 - Request for Ambulance (specify the reason and type, when possible.
10-47 - Police Response (needed for crowd or traffic control, security, apprehension, etc. The dispatcher shall be advised of the specific reason for the request.)
10-48 Police Response for Harassment (firefighters are being harmed and police assistance is needed immediately.)
10-85 - Fire Marshal requires emergency police assistance (specify reason).
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the newly issued Motorola APX8000XE Handie-Talkie (HT) radios?
A) When the PTT button is depressed, member should pause ½ second, allowing the HT ID to be transmitted.
B) Depressing the Emergency Alert Button (EAB) for approximately 1 second will activate the emergency alert.
C) The high visibility LED light mounted in the front of the remote speaker microphone can be used as a flashlight by depressing the light for 2 seconds. To turn off the light, depress the light for 2 seconds.
D) Pressing and holding the Home button for 1 second returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
ANSWER: D) Pressing and holding the Home button for 1 second returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
(Comm 11 2.2.3 D, 2.5 C, F 3.5)
- Home Button: Pressing and holding the Home button for LONG PRESS (2 seconds) returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
Note: No matter what channel the channel selector is on, you return to Channel 1. If you wish to use a different channel, use channel selector knob.
When transmitting a MAYDAY for an unconscious member, the member transmitting the MAYDAY should provide the IC with each of the following except?
A) Location
B) Unit and identity of the injured/unconscious member
C) SCBA status of the injured/unconscious member
D) Resources needed
ANSWER: C) SCBA status of the injured/unconscious member. (INCORRECT)
(COMM 9)
L - Location
U - Unit of member
N - Nature and extent of the injuries, if known
I - Identity of member
R - Resources needed
During an emergency roll call, officers shall maintain radio discipline. However, there are exceptions and an officer may transmit in each of the following cases during the emergency roll call except?
A) When called by the RCO
B) To transmit a Mayday/Urgent of their own
C) The officer has any information pertaining to the Mayday/Urgent
D) The officer has critical information regarding the on-going operation
ANSWER: C) The officer has any information pertaining to the Mayday/Urgent (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Add 2 5.1)
- The officer has CRITICAL information affecting the Mayday/Urgent
At a large, multi-agency incident, you are instructed to operate on a UTAC “Repeater Channel”. When transmitting on a repeater channel, you must press and hold the Push to Talk for how long, before beginning to speak to allow the repeater to activate and not cut off the beginning of the message?
A) 1/2 second
B) 1 second
C) 2 seconds
D) 3 seconds
ANSWER: C) 2 seconds
(Comm 14 Add 4 2.2)
- When transmitting on a repeater channel, member must press and hold Push to Talk for TWO SECONDS before beginning to speak to allow the repeater to activate and not cut off the beginning of the message.
- Handie Talkie is 1/2 second press on the PTT button.
On the new Motorola APX8000XE radios, the time is shown on the main display of the radio. A newly promoted officer should know which point below to be incorrect?
A) Time must be set to 24 hour time.
B) Time must be reset twice yearly for Daylight Saving Time.
C) Time does not need be reset when the radio is returned from repair.
D) Once time is set, removing the battery will not affect the time.
ANSWER: C) Time does not need be reset when the radio is returned from repair. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 11 Add 5)
- Time MUST be reset when the radio is returned from repair.
When an Incident Commander at any operation determines that compromised FDNY Dispatch communications may endanger FDNY members or the public at large, the IC should implement “encrypted dispatch” communications. The IC shall notify that Borough Dispatcher that they need to activate the “primary” encrypted dispatch channel which is?
(Comm 11 Add 3 3)
- CITYWIDE FIRE 3 - Primary encrypted dispatch
- The IC should be guided by the Borough Dispatcher if directed to the “secondary” encrypted dispatch channel CITYWIDE FIRE 4.
Note: Dispatch frequencies CITYWIDE FIRE 3 or CITYWIDE FIRE 4 may be accessed in either DISPATCH Zone C or FIRE DISPATCH B/U Zone. The CITYWIDE FIRE 3 & 4 are NOT strapped like the “tactical” encrypted channels. That is the channels are not always encrypted. Activating encryption is accomplished by the use of the concentric switch at the base of the channel selector knob on top of the HT.
HT-9/TAC SEC (Tactical), and HT-10/CMD SEC (Command) are Strapped (Encryption is always active). No further action is required to encrypt communications.
While working a 9X6 tour in a Brooklyn Engine, your unit receives a response along with “ST06” on the ticket. You would be correct to know this should prompt you to?
A) Respond as a Safety Team.
B) Respond with Satellite 6.
C) Respond as Engine 6 - the Communications Unit.
D) Respond as a Engine 6 - the Systems Control Unit.
ANSWER: B) Respond with Satellite 6.
Comm 2 p36
While operating at an explosion in a multi-story garage, the IC orders all units to change to the dedicated encrypted tactical channel. You would be correct to have your members?
A) Change to Channel 9. No further action is required to encrypt communications.
B) Change to Channel 10. No further action is required to encrypt communications.
C) Change to Channel 9. Encryption is accomplished by use of the concentric switch at the base of the channel selector knob on top of the HT.
D) Change to Channel 10. Encryption is accomplished by use of the concentric switch at the base of the channel selector knob on top of the HT.
ANSWER: A) Change to Channel 9. No further action is required to encrypt communications.
(Comm 11 Add 3 2.1)
- Two encrypted channels have been provided in the Tactical Zone, HT-9/TAC SEC (Tactical), and HT-10/CMD SEC (Command).
- These channels are Strapped (Encryption is always active). No further action is required to encrypt communications.
While working in L100, you receive a ticket to respond as L100H. You would be most correct to anticipate operating under which BC?
A) BC01D
B) BC02F
C) BC03R
D) BC04H
(Comm 2 p37)
- L100H indicates you are a High-Rise Roof Team.
- BC01D - Tech Decon Task Force Leader
- BC02F - Foam Coordinator
- BC03R - Resources Unit Leader
- BC04H - High Rise Roof Chief
The officers and members of Engine 296 and Ladder 196 were looking to get their hands on the audio recordings from a recent multiple alarm fatal fire. Which statement below regarding HT recordings is CORRECT?
A) Officers or units requesting handie-talkie audio must send an email from an FDNY email address to the HT Recorder unit.
B) Incidents Involving serious injuries, fatalities, and high profile incidents will be made available only at the direction of the Chief of Department.
C) Company officers can only request recordings from incidents at which they operated.
D) Company and Chief Officers can request recordings of the primary tactical and command channels.
ANSWER: A) Officers or units requesting handie-talkie audio must send an email from an FDNY email address to the HT Recorder unit.
(Communications 9 - Addendum 1 - 8.1)
C – Unusual to request recordings for an incident at which an officer’s unit did not operate. Any such request considered by Operations and only granted if there are VALID REASONS justifying such request.
D – Company officers – primary and secondary tactical. Chief officers can request any available channel.
A member of Ladder 100 discovering fire extending into an exposure where any delay may considerably enlarge the fire problem shall immediately press the Emergency Alert Button, and then transmit to the IC “URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT.” The IC will respond “Command to Ladder 100, go ahead with your URGENT.” The member shall respond in which format?
A) “Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE ENTERING AN EXPOSURE.”
B) “Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENDING.”
C) “Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - EXPOSED PROPERTY.”
ANSWER: B) “Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENDING.”
Comm 9.4.2 E3
The Officer transmitting a “10-75” shall also state if it is for a fire or emergency. If a building is involved, state each of the following except?
A) Location of fire - What floor?
B) Height of building - How many stories?
C) Type of construction- Fireproof or Nonfireproof
D) Type of building - What kind of occupancy?
ANSWER: C) Type of construction- Fireproof or Nonfireproof (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8 p18)
What code signifies units operated at an outside rubbish fire?
A) 10-75
B) 10-21
C) 10-22
D) 10-31
ANSWER: C) 10-22
(Comm 8 p8)
10-75 - Notification of a Fire or Emergency
10-21 - Brush Fire
10-31 - Assist Civilian
Upon receipt of a spare HT radio, the officer should ensure the proper ID has been placed in the HT by transmitting from the spare HT to another unit HT. Which choice shows the channels that MUST be checked for proper ID?
A) HT-1, HT-2, and HT-9
B) HT-1, HT-2, and HT-3
C) HT-1, HT-2, HT-9 and HT-10
D) All HT channels
ANSWER: A) HT-1, HT-2, and HT-9
(Comm 11 Add 4 2.1.5)
- The following channels MUST be checked for proper ID: HT-1/Tac 1, HT-2/CMD-1, and HT-9/Tac SEC.
“LADDER 129”
Ladder 100 is assigned to respond to a Box where the unit reads “T100T” on the response ticket. What does this signify?
A) Ladder 100 is an Aerial Ladder assigned as a Transport Backup Unit
B) Ladder 100 is a Tower Ladder assigned as a Transport Backup Unit
C) Ladder 100 is an Aerial Ladder assigned as a component of a Division Task Force
D) Ladder 100 is a Tower Ladder assigned as a Transit Liaison Unit
ANSWER: B) Ladder 100 is a Tower Ladder assigned as a Transport Backup Unit
(Comm 2 p36-37)
- Prefix “L” - Ladder
- Prefix “T” - Tower Ladder
- Suffix “K” indicates a a component of a Division Task Force
- Suffix “T” indicates Transport Backup Unit
An officer drilling with a probationary firefighter on proper use of the UTAC channels made an incorrect comment in which choice?
A) The IC (who may be a company officer)or a designated member will adjust their radio channel to UTAC 42D at all Mutual Aid responses. The designated member will make contact with the cooperating agency to ascertain information about the incident.
B) Conversations on UTAC channels should be in plain speak. Refrain from using FDNY “10” codes or other language that is not familiar to outside agencies.
C) If unable to establish contact with other jurisdictions using UTAC channels, request the NYPD Dispatcher to contact the cooperating agency and have them monitor the proper UTAC channel.
D) UTAC channels shall not be used by FDNY units to communicate with each other in daily routine activities.
ANSWER: C) If unable to establish contact with other jurisdictions using UTAC channels, request the NYPD Dispatcher to contact the cooperating agency and have them monitor the proper UTAC channel. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 14 Add 4 3.2-3.5)
- If unable to establish contact with other jurisdictions using UTAC channels, request the FIRE DISPATCHER to contact the cooperating agency and have them monitor the proper UTAC channel.
- Note: The IC should have UTAC channels monitored via EFAS for all incidents where deemed necessary to ensure the safety of members.
- “A” Note: After initial contact is made and information is exchanged, the IC must designate a member to monitor and relay additional information.
While working in Engine 200 (assigned to a double house which also quarters L200), you return to the firehouse from an incident, and since your unit is “available”, you direct the housewatch member to update your unit’s status by bringing the unit “in service” on the PC/ATS. In how many choices below can the housewatch member make Engine 200 “AQ” simultaneously with another unit?
- Both E200 and L200 are 10-8 from different Boxes and return to quarters to go AQ at the same time.
- Both E200 and L200 return to quarters to go AQ from the same Box. E200 is 10-8 and L200 did not yet go 10-8.
- Both E200 and “L201 acting L200” are 10-8 from the same Box and return to quarters to go AQ.
- Both E200 and L200 are 10-8 from the same Box and return to quarters to go AQ.
A) Four
B) Three
C) Two
D) One
(Comm 2.2.2)
- Only Choice #4 *
All units in the same quarters can make themselves AQ simultaneously unless:
Units responded to different boxes.
Units did not go 10-8.
One unit is a relocated unit.
What code is used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area?
A) 10-9
B) 10-8
C) 10-8 Code 1
D) 10-8 Code 2
ANSWER: D) 10-8 Code 2
(Comm 8 p 7)
10-9: A unit will be out of radio contact. (State the reason: entering tunnel; visiting quarters; at a fire or emergency, etc.). A 10-8 is to be transmitted, with code if necessary, when radio contact is re-established.
10-8: A unit leaving the scene of an incident where it had either operated or stood fast is on the air and available. This signal is also used when the AT/SP or PC/ATS is not in service and a unit is leaving quarters. This signal is not used when unit is leaving quarters for non-emergency response.
10-8 Code 1: Used only by a Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms had been routed.
10-8 Code 2: Used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area. When the unit returns to its response area, the dispatcher must be notified again using 10-8.
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the EFAS?
A) If a vehicle with EFAS capability is within HT range of a member activating their Emergency Alert button, the MDT will automatically switch from Starfire to EFAS.
B) If a member transmits a MAYDAY message on their HT, and does not activate their Emergency Alert Button, the member monitoring EFAS shall highlight that member by utilizing the MDT touch screen and manually assign them a MAYDAY.
C) EFAS has the capability to convert the digital data designated by the spare radios. As a result, members who are assigned a spare radio from the HT Depot will be identified by their Company, Riding Position and Name.
D) EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels, with the exception of UTAC and NYMAC channels. It can only monitor one channel at a time.
ANSWER: D) EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels, with the exception of UTAC and NYMAC channels. It can only monitor one channel at a time.
(Comm 9 Add 3 4.1, 5.1.1, 5.2, 6.1)
- EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels INCLUDING UTAC and NYMAC channels. However, it can only monitor one channel at a time, therefore, a separate Battalion/Division/EFAS equipped vehicle in conjunction with an EFAS trained member is required for each channel in use e.g., primary tactical, secondary tactical, primary command.
- Conflict (Comm ch 11 add 3 sec 2.3 Note): Encrypted Channels can ONLY be monitored on the portable EFAS (as of 05-01-2018) Channels 9 and 10 are encrypted.
B Note: Once a MAYDAY is assigned, a hard copy will print showing the members company, position and time MAYDAY was assigned.
Maintenance of HTs is important to ensure successful operations. Which maintenance requirement is listed incorrectly below?
A) If the HT becomes wet at an operation, or has been submerged in water, remove the battery and dry the HT and battery contacts before re-attaching the battery to the HT.
B) If the remote speaker mic becomes wet, or submerged, water trapped inside the speaker grille and microphone can be removed by shaking the unit well.
C) When there is a defect of the radio and the HT requires repair, it shall be sent complete (always consisting of the radio, antenna, battery, remote speaker mic, leather case and strap) with defect and company number recorded on an RT-2.
D) No items (keys, key fobs, etc.) shall be attached directly to the HT, case, antenna or remote speaker mic. Items may be attached to the HT strap, however, they must be secured in a manner that does not allow movement or contact with the HT, case, antenna or remote speaker mic.
ANSWER: C) When there is a defect of the radio and the HT requires repair, it shall be sent complete (always consisting of the radio, antenna, battery, remote speaker mic, leather case and strap) with defect and company number recorded on an RT-2. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 11 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6)
- When HTs are sent for repair, they should be sent complete (radio, antenna, battery, and remote speaker mic) with defect and company number recorded on an RT-2. Leather goods (cases and straps) should NOT be sent unless they need repair.
As soon as a HT is discovered missing, it is imperative that the officer on duty immediately take all of the following actions except?
A) Notify the Radio Shop via email. A telephone call is not necessary.
B) Notify FDOC via email. A telephone call is not necessary.
C) Telephone the administrative Battalion and Division.
D) Forward an RT-2 stating “Radio Missing” and have the HT temporarily replaced.
ANSWER: B) Notify FDOC via email. A telephone call is not necessary.
(Comm 11 6.1)
- Notify FDOC via email AND telephone.
- FYI….the notification shall include the Unit and Position of the missing HT. If it is determined that the HT is either lost or stolen, the officer on duty shall adhere to Requisitions and Payroll manual section 1.15 for property accountability (i.e. Lost Property Report, etc.)
Which radio code is correctly described below?
A) 10-25 Code 1: Smoke has extended from a manhole, conduit, or transformer into a building.
B) 10-25 Code 2: Fire has blown one or more manhole covers.
C) 10-25 Code 3: Smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure.
D) 10-25 Code 4: Only when fire or smoke is coming from a transformer that is located in an occupied building.
ANSWER: B) 10-25 Code 2: Fire has blown one or more manhole covers.
(Comm 8 p8)
10-25 - Manhole or Transformer Fire or Emergency. (Any type of manhole or transformer fire or emergency.)
Without Code: Situation other than as described in Codes 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Code 1: FIRE has extended from a manhole, conduit, or transformer into a building.
Code 2: Fire has blown one or more manhole covers, OR smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure.
Code 3: Smoke is SEEPING from a manhole.
Code 4: Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at ANY location (i.e., pole, vault, room, etc.)
Note: The Utility Company will dispatch an emergency crew immediately upon receipt of a Code 1 or Code 4 signal.
Acronym: "BUST" 10-25 Code 1: Building - fire extending 10-25 Code 2: Under pressure or blown 10-25 Code 3: Smoke seeping 10-25 Code 4: Transformer
Prefixes of units on a response ticket help to identify what resources are responding to a particular incident. Which prefix is correct?
A) HR - High Rise Unit
B) RC - Recuperation and Care Unit
C) F - Foam Tender
D) RV - Rapid Response
ANSWER: A) HR - High Rise Unit
(Communications Chapter 2 / p36)
RA - Recuperation and Care Unit
FT - Foam Tender
RR - Rapid Response
- AUC 159 add 8 sec 3.2.1 states…These units will be identified in the CADS system as follows: R and ladder company number associated with the S.S.L. (R025 is Ladder 25 second piece)
Which feature of the newly issued Motorola APX8000XE radios is incorrect?
A) Pressing and holding the “Home” button for 1 second returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
B) A short (momentary) press of the side button with one square Illuminates both the main and top displays for 20 seconds.
C) A long press (2 seconds) of the side button with one square reverses the orientation of the top display.
D) A feature cuts off the transmitter after 30 seconds of continuous transmission and is especially useful to correct the “stuck-button” problem. At the remote speaker mic, the radio emits a short audible warning tone at approximately 26 seconds and a continuous tone at approximately 30 seconds.
ANSWER: A) Pressing and holding the “Home” button for 1 second returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 11 - 2.2.3 D, 2.3 C, 3.3)
- Pressing and holding the “Home” button for a LONG PRESS (2 SECONDS) returns the radio to the Tactical Zone A, HT channel 1.
D Note: The continuous tone indicates that the transmitter has been shut off. The operator can re-key the PTT again if a longer transmission is required. This resets the Time-Out-Timer.
All facepieces are equipped with voicemitters. The proper procedure for use of the HT with the voicemitter is to:
A) Always keep the microphone on the harness clip.
B) After completing transmission, the microphone has a 2-second delay.
C) Place the microphone directly on the voicemitter when transmitting.
D) Place the microphone 1-2 inches from the voicemitter when transmitting.
ANSWER: C) Place the microphone directly on the voicemitter when transmitting.
(Comm ch 9 sec 9.8.1)
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the Department’s use of the TAC “U” channel?
A) All Fire Department handie-talkies have been programmed with the TAC “U” channel, which allows members to communicate directly with police on the scene at joint operations and permits better communications and control during multi-agency operations.
B) Users of TAC “U” are reminded to use plain language and refrain from using 10 codes or FD terminology while communicating.
C) Zone “B” channel 13 is designated as the TAC “U” Channel. This channel transmits at 2 watts.
D) The emergency alert tone, when activated on the TAC “U” channel, is audible only on Fire Department handie-talkies and only on the channel in which the emergency alert has been activated.
ANSWER: C) Zone “B” channel 13 is designated as the TAC “U” Channel. This channel transmits at 2 watts. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 14 Add 2 1 - 2.2)
- Zone “A” channel 13 is designated as the TAC “U” Channel. This channel transmits at FIVE (5) watts.
What would be the appropriate code to transmit for an incident in the subway system that involved burning rubbish on the tracks?
A) 10-22
B) 10-28 code 1
C) 10-28 code 2
D) 10-28 code 3
ANSWER: C) 10-28 code 2
(Comm 8 p9)
10-22: Outside rubbish fire
10-28: Subway or Railroad System - Fire, Emergency (non-medical) or Smoke Condition
Code 1: Structural fire
Code 2: Non-Structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks, etc.)
Code 3: Emergency (non-medical)
For the purposes of eCIDS, a nonfireproof structure renovated or repaired using metal “C” joists should be classified as?
B) CL2
D) CL3
(Communications 4 - 4.4.2 D3)
A FIRE PROTECTED structure constructed using metal “C” joist or steel bar joist would be classified as a CL2LW.
A NON FIREPROOF structure renovated or repaired using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be classified as CL3LW.
A WOOD FRAME structure constructed using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be classified as CL4LW.
In which case below would you expect the dispatcher to assign 3 Engines, 1 Ladder and 1 BC for a single source structural response?
A) Normal Response
B) Fallback Step 1
C) Fallback Step 2
D) Fallback Step 3
ANSWER: D) Fallback Step 3
(Comm 6 6.4.3 C)
Note: On a verified second source on Fallback Step 3, 3 Engines, 2 Ladders and 1 BC will be dispatched.
When a unit has a defective or non-operating apparatus radio, the officer on duty shall ensure each of the following actions are taken except?
A) Notify the Battalion and Division. In addition, the officer shall call the dispatcher requesting radio mechanic response for repairs to the apparatus radio.
B) The Division shall supply the affected unit with a portable citywide radio capable of direct communications with all borough dispatchers. Once received, the company officer shall perform an operational check by requesting a 10-11 radio test count from their respective borough dispatcher.
C) During a response, the affected unit will use the citywide radio in lieu of the non-operating apparatus radio for all communications to the borough dispatcher until the apparatus radio is repaired. The citywide radio is to be carried/worn by the company officer and kept in his/her possession at all times; including during the response and subsequent investigation after going 10-84.
D) If a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio, the officer shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating apparatus radio. The dispatcher will then ensure that an additional unit (nearest available Engine or Ladder) with an operating apparatus radio is dispatched to the same alarm.
ANSWER: C) During a response, the affected unit will use the citywide radio in lieu of the non-operating apparatus radio for all communications to the borough dispatcher until the apparatus radio is repaired. The citywide radio is to be carried/worn by the company officer and kept in his/her possession at all times; including during the response and subsequent investigation after going 10-84. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8 8.14.3-8.14.6)
- During a response, the affected unit will use the citywide radio in lieu of the non-operating apparatus radio for all communications to the borough dispatcher until the apparatus radio is repaired.
- The citywide radio is NOT to be carried/worn by the company officer; it shall remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher.
- Although we have new radios capable of communicating with the dispatcher, this section is still in effect for test day.
Which of the following codes should be transmitted for a fire or emergency requiring Alcohol Resistant foam concentrate in addition to that carried by units on the scene?
A) 10-86
B) 10-86 Code 1
C) 10-87
D) 10-85
ANSWER: A) 10-86
(Comm 8 p82)
10-85 - Fire Marshal requires emergency police assistance (specify reason)
10-87 - High Expansion Foam Operation
While operating at a structural fire, an emergency roll call is conducted due to a potential missing member. All of the following choices are correct except?
A) If firefighting operations are to continue, you should complete your assignment.
B) If at anytime while operating at a fire or emergency you come across a downed member, immediately notify the IC and continue to complete your original assignment.
C) Members not in the immediate vicinity of the member in distress must refrain from self deploying and becoming involved in any rescue efforts, unless specifically ordered. Your assignment must be addressed as assigned.
D) If involvement in the rescue is necessary and you are unable to complete your firefighting assignment, the IC must be notified.
ANSWER: B) If at anytime while operating at a fire or emergency you come across a downed member, immediately notify the IC and continue to complete your original assignment. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Add 2 5.10, 5.11)
- If at anytime while operating at a fire or emergency you come across a downed member, immediately notify the IC via the proper radio transmission and TAKE THE REQUIRED ACTIONS TO ASSIST THE DOWNED MEMBER.
Because of an upgrade to the newly-issued Motorola radios, only numeric radio identifiers will be displayed for the 9X6 tour you are working. While operating at a stubborn 2nd alarm brush fire, you hear what you think to be a verbal Urgent on the radio, and as you look down to the screen, you see “8008005.” Which member does this indicate?
A) Engine 8 Control
B) Squad 8 Hook/Control
C) Squad 8 Irons/Backup
D) Squad 1 Irons
ANSWER: C) Squad 8 Irons/Backup
(Comm 11 Add 4 p4)
CONFLICT - Comm 11 Add 4 p4 is in Confict with MMID ch 2 Add 1 page 2.
MMID ch 2 add 1 is from 2011. Comm 11 is from 2019.
On test day, go with Comm 11 and let the others protest.
While working in L100, the dispatcher calls you and states your unit is going to be assigned as a “Rescue Collapse Transport” Unit. What will be your designation on the response ticket?
A) L100R
B) L100C
C) L100T
D) L100B
(Communications 2 p37)
C - CPC Unit
T - Transport Backup Unit
If you need the dispatcher to repeat a message over the Department Radio because you could not hear it clearly, which code would you transmit?
A) 10-3
B) 10-5
C) 10-6
D) 10-9
ANSWER: B) 10-5
Comm 8 p6
All officers should be familiar with EFAS. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A) EFAS will pick up all HT transmissions within range even if a company is not assigned to the incident. The units will show up in the “Roll Call” screen on the lower half as “Unassigned Units.”
B) If a member transmits a MAYDAY message on their HT, and does not activate their Emergency Alert Button, the member monitoring EFAS shall highlight that member by utilizing the MDT touch screen and manually assign them a MAYDAY.
C) During a roll call using EFAS, when the remote microphone is keyed three times, the member’s riding position will change from red to yellow.
D) EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1, though it has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels, including UTAC and NYMAC channels. However, it can only monitor one channel at a time, therefore, a separate Battalion/Division/EFAS equipped vehicle in conjunction with an EFAS trained member is required for each channel in use.
ANSWER: C) During a roll call using EFAS, when the remote microphone is keyed three times, the member’s riding position will change from red to yellow. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Add 3 5.2, 6.1, 7.1.6, 8.1)
B Note: Once a MAYDAY is assigned, a hard copy will print showing the members company, position and time the MAYDAY was assigned.
For a fire that originated in a taxpayer, how would you define the taxpayer occupancy that is three occupancies to the right of the main fire occupancy?
A) O2C
B) O4C
C) O2B
D) O4B
Comm 10 Add 2 Ills 2
Proper dispatch and communication are essential components of any response agency. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A) All firehouses have been equipped with an Interruptible Power Supply (IPS) unit to maintain normal operation of the Alarm Teleprinter System during periods of commercial power failure.
B) The Interruptible Power Supply (IPS) unit is adjacent to the electrical service entry in the basement and is connected to the PC/ATS system so that the PC/ATS unit is automatically powered during “blackouts” or power interruptions.
C) The audible alarm (buzzer) located on or near the teleprinter stand will sound where the IPS will not function. The alarm silence switch is located inside the locked IPS cabinet.
D) The officer in charge of a firehouse where the IPS alarm is going off must notify the FDNY Help Desk of the condition.
ANSWER: D) The officer in charge of a firehouse where the IPS alarm is going off must notify the FDNY Help Desk of the condition. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 2 2.8)
- The officer in charge of a firehouse where the IPS alarm is going off must notify THE SUPERVISING FIRE ALARM DISPATCHER of the condition. The Supervising Dispatcher will in turn have the borough communications electrician investigate.
What is the proper code to transmit for a fire in a vehicle that has no value other than salvage and no owner can be located?
A) 10-21
B) 10-22
C) 10-23
D) 10-24
ANSWER: C) 10-23
(Comm 8 p8)
10-23: Abandoned/Derelict Vehicle Fire (ADV) - A fire in a vehicle that has no value other than salvage and no owner can be located.
10-24: Auto Fire - A fire in a vehicle with plates or in any vehicle having a value greater than that of salvage.
As a company officer at the Command Post, ready to be deployed at a large-scale structural fire, the IC designates you the Roll Call Officer (RCO) and tasks you with conducting an emergency roll call. Which of the following is incorrect?
A) First monitor the HT and make sure you are not interrupting any emergency transmissions before transmitting “Roll Call Officer to All Units, Prepare for an Emergency Roll Call”. Then pause to give officers a chance to account for members.
B) Each incident will determine which companies should be called first when the emergency roll call is being conducted. The RCO will have to evaluate the situation to determine which company will be called first.
C) Companies will be called individually. When called, company officers will account for the firefighters of their company that are within sight or hearing without using the HT.
D) If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO must immediately notify the IC, who in turn must take the required actions for a Missing Member.
ANSWER: D) If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO must immediately notify the IC, who in turn must take the required actions for a Missing Member. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Add 2 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.10)
- If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO will either CALL A FIREFIGHTER operating WITH that officer or CALL ANOTHER COMPANY operating IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA of that officer, in an attempt to locate them. For LADDER COMPANIES this would be the CAN or IRONS firefighter; for ENGINE COMPANIES, the NOZZLE or BACK-UP firefighter should be able to account for their officer. IF these members are unable to account for the officer and the officer STILL has not responded to the roll call, the RCO must notify the IC who in turn must take the required actions for a Missing Member.
What code should be transmitted when your Engine Company performs CPR on a patient on a CFRD response?
A) 10-37 Code 1
B) 10-37 Code 2
C) 10-37 Code 3
D) 10-37 Code 4
ANSWER: B) 10-37 Code 2
(Communications 8 - pg 11)
10-37 - Medical Assignment Not Associated with Fire Operations
Code 1: Victim deceased.
Code 2: Victim/Patient is NOT breathing and requires resuscitation or may be suffering from a serious, apparently life threatening injury or illness.
Code 3: Victim/Patient IS breathing and suffering from a non-serious, apparently not life threatening injury or illness.
Code 4: Medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact and EMS is on-scene.
If Engine 200 is special called to a manhole fire as the “FireIce Unit”, you would be correct to expect the company to be displayed on the response ticket as?
A) E200I
B) E200F
C) E200M
D) E200P
Communications 2 p37
Interoperable communications can be a great asset at Fire Department operations. UTAC channel 42D is the primary UTAC channel for use in the NYC region and can be found on which zone and channel on the handie talkie?
A) Zone B- CH 5
B) Zone B- CH 10
C) Zone C- CH 10
D) Zone A- CH 5
ANSWER: B) Zone B- CH 10
Comm 14 Add 4 1.1, 2
What code should be transmitted when an Engine is treating a child with 1st degree burns, received from flame from a stove, and EMS designates the child a “yellow tag,” on a CFRD response?
A) 10-37 Code 3
B) 10-37 Code 4
C) 10-45 Code 3
D) 10-45 Code 4
ANSWER: C) 10-45 Code 3
(Communications 8 p11)
- Signal 10-45 with appropriate sub-code SHALL be transmitted in lieu of signal 10-37 for THERMAL burn injuries which occur as a direct result of heat from a FLAME.
- The officer transmitting signal 10-45 for this type of burn injury SHALL request the response of a Battalion Chief to the scene.
- Where doubt exists as to which signal to transmit, a Battalion Chief SHALL be requested to respond to the scene.
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information regarding scanner/radio sets for use in quarters?
A) Scanners/radio sets assigned to quarters shall be kept at the housewatch desk to allow housewatch members to be aware of radio traffic in the borough.
B) Two scanner/radio sets shall be issued to each firehouse; one for the housewatch and one for the Company office.
C) FDNY housewatch sets (or substitute models) are issued for use in Battalion and Division offices and these sets are in addition to those located at the housewatch desk. Requests for additional sets in a given quarter may be forwarded via the Chain of Command to the Bureau of Communications.
D) Company Commanders responsible for company quarters may forward requests via the Chain of Command to the Bureau of Communications for a housewatch set for their quarters.
ANSWER: B) Two scanner/radio sets shall be issued to each firehouse; one for the housewatch and one for the Company office. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 8 - 8.10)
- ONE (1) scanner/radio set shall be issued to each firehouse, except where there are two housewatch areas.
- FDNY-issue housewatch scanner/radio sets are NOT permitted in Company offices.
Of the following choices regarding communications policy, which is correct?
A) An additional Ladder Company (above the Fast Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when either one of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding with 4 firefighters.
B) Dispatchers shall, when notified of complaints, overcrowding or unusual conditions related to places of public amusement and entertainment such as theaters, sports arenas, convention halls, dance halls, cabarets or similar occupancies, promptly notify the administrative Company Officer.
C) When notified that a company is responding understaffed (less than four firefighters), the dispatcher shall special call another unit (Engine for Engine, Ladder for Ladder, etc.) to respond in addition to the understaffed unit. Under this response policy, the total First Alarm response shall not exceed a total response of (5) Engine Companies and (5) Ladder Companies.
D) The dispatcher shall dispatch a minimum of two Engines, two Ladders and a Battalion Chief when a report is received for a fire or emergency for a bridge, tunnel, elevated or depressed vehicular highway, parkway or expressway for which there is no special alarm system box. No fewer than two units shall operate at an incident on an express highway or other potentially dangerous roadway.
ANSWER: D) The dispatcher shall dispatch a minimum of two Engines, two Ladders and a Battalion Chief when a report is received for a fire or emergency for a bridge, tunnel, elevated or depressed vehicular highway, parkway or expressway for which there is no special alarm system box. No fewer than two units shall operate at an incident on an express highway or other potentially dangerous roadway.
(Communications 6.4.7, 6.8.4, 6.9.1, 6.9.2)
A - An additional Ladder Company (above the Fast Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when BOTH of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding with 4 firefighters.
Note: The additional Ladder Company shall be the 3rd Ladder Company, and the 4th Ladder Company shall be designated as the Fast Truck.
B - Dispatchers shall, when notified of complaints, overcrowding or unusual conditions related to places of public amusement and entertainment such as theaters, sports arenas, convention halls, dance halls, cabarets or similar occupancies, promptly notify the administrative BATTALION CHIEF.
Note: If unable to contact the administrative Battalion Chief, the administrative Deputy Chief shall be notified.
C - Under this response policy, the total First Alarm response shall not exceed a total response of FOUR (4) Engine Companies and FOUR (4) Ladder Companies.
At a fire operation, EMS tells you they have one orange-tagged victim. You would be correct to know that this individual would be designated a?
A) 10-45 code 1
B) 10-45 code 2
C) 10-45 code 3
D) 10-45 code 4
ANSWER: C) 10-45 code 3
(Communications 8 / 10-45)
Deceased - BLACK - Code 1
Life Threatening Injury - RED - Code 2
Non-Life Threatening Injury - ORANGE/YELLOW - Code 3
Non-Serious Injury/Ambulatory - GREEN - Code 4
At a 10-76 third alarm in the borough of Manhattan, due to increased radio traffic, the IC notifies all units that a tertiary tactical channel will be implemented. You would be most correct to know the recommended channel for this is?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 8
(Communications 12 7.1 D)
Queens 4 / 5
Brooklyn 5 / 8
Manhattan 6 / 8
Bronx 7 / 6
Staten Island 8 / 4
You respond to a call for fumes on the 3rd floor of a Brownstone. On arrival, your CO meter alerts you to the presence of 160ppm of CO in the building. The occupants had a CO detector but the batteries were removed so they were unaware of the hazard. Which code should you transmit?
A) 10-38 Code 1
B) 10-38 Code 2
C) 10-38 Code 3
D) 10-38 Code 4
ANSWER: D) 10-38 Code 4
(Communications 8 p11)
- Code 4 because, regardless of the ppm, there was NO DETECTOR ACTIVATION
10-38 - Any type of Carbon Monoxide Response
Code 1: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Investigation (low battery, defective detector, unwarranted alarm, etc.)
Code 2: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident (CO Meter Reading of 1-9ppm)
Code 3: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Emergency (CO Meter Reading of greater than 9ppm)
Code 4: No Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident or Emergency (Specify) e.g.: no detector present in affected area, detector present in affected area, but did not activate.
Auxiliary Radio Communication Systems (ARCS) can be an asset to Department operations; however, members should know what to do when such systems fail. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A) FDNY personnel should be alert to the signs of ARCS failure. Indications may include unusual periods of radio silence or continued inability to make radio contact on the ARCS Channel(s).
B) If an ARCS system is not operational, the Incident Commander (IC) will attempt to contact members through utilization of the HT on Channel 1 (Primary Tactical).
C) Operating units may encounter dead spots in Duplex radio repeater coverage. In this case, Chief and Company Officers shall instruct units to immediately abandon use of the ARCS channel and operate on HT Channel 1.
D) When an ARCS channel is abandoned, the Incident Commander will continue to monitor the ARCS channel in case system service is restored and/or a member, who was unable to hear the emergency transmission to switch from the ARCS channel, tries to make contact.
ANSWER: C) Operating units may encounter dead spots in Duplex radio repeater coverage. In this case, Chief and Company Officers shall instruct units to immediately abandon use of the ARCS channel and operate on HT Channel 1. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 13 - 5.1, 5.3)
- Operating units may encounter dead spots in Duplex radio repeater coverage. PRIOR TO ABANDONING THE USE of an ARCS channel, Chief and Company Officers shall instruct units to return to a location where previous communications were successful.
C Note: If communications at this location are now successful on the ARCS Channel, report the dead spot to the IC and continue to operate on the ARCS Channel. If unsuccessful, use the HT on Channel 1 to report the repeater failure to the Incident Commander.
The newly issued Motorola HTs have the ability to recall and view the last ______ transmissions.
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 25
Communications 11 - 3.5.3
You have just attended your last study group and discussed the final topic, which was units designated with a suffix when assigned a specific task. Choose the most correct suffix in relation to the task.
A) E100S Responding as a Satellite Unit
B) E200I Responding as a High Pressure Engine
C) E300P Responding as a Planning Section Engine
D) E400K Responding as a Division Task Force
ANSWER: D) E400K Responding as a Division Task Force
(Communications ch 2 page 37 - updated 1/29/2019)
A - E100S - Communications Unit
B - E200I - FireIce Unit
C - E300P - High Pressure Engine
Which CIDS entry is written correctly?
(Communications Ch 4 p-7-8)
Criteria for CIDS: “FOD”
2 - Occupancy
3 - Description of Building (Height, Dimensions, Construction Class)
4 - Critical information
- A fire protected structure using metal C joists or steel bar joist would be CL2LW
- Non-Fire-Proof structure using ANY type of structural LW material would be CL3LW
- Wood frame structure using ANY type of structural LW material would be CL4LW
The modified response program has been adopted citywide. The policy goal is to increase responder and civilian safety by reducing apparatus collision exposure, while still providing a high level of service to the public. Of the following, select the most correct choice, which would require a modified response (10-20 mode).
A) Lock-in with reports of food on the stove
B) Salvage Truck
C) 1st due Engine for a BARS
D) 1st due Ladder for a Class “J”
ANSWER: B) Salvage Truck
(Communications ch 6 add 1)
A - Emergency mode (no reports of food or other emergency then modified mode)
B - Modified mode
C - Emergency mode
D - Emergency mode
Class E - 1st due Engine OR Ladder response (emergency mode)
Class J - 0700-1900 1st due Engine OR Ladder response (emergency mode)
Class J - 1900-0700 1st due units in emergency mode
You responded to several calls on your first day out of FLSTP, which included a Class 3, Vehicle accident, CO, Vehicle fire, and a Stuck Elevator. Which signal did you transmit incorrectly?
A) Class 3, you transmitted a 10-35-2 for construction activities
B) Vehicle accident, you transmitted a 10-36-1 for an accident with no injuries and no washdown
C) C.O. run you transmitted a 10-38-2 for CO meter reading of 6 ppm
D) Vehicle fire you transmitted a 10-24 because the vehicle had plates
E) Stuck Elevator call, you transmitted a 10-29-1 because the elevator was occupied
ANSWER: B) Vehicle accident, you transmitted a 10-36-1 for an accident with no injuries and no washdown. (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 8)
10-36 “WAIT”
- 10-36-1 = vehicle accident or emergency requiring WASHDOWN.
- 10-36 = 2 vehicle ACCIDENT, no injuries and no washdown
- 10-36-3 = vehicle accident with INJURIES
- 10-36-4 = vehicle accident, with or without injuries, with a TRAPPED victim requiring EXTRICATION.
Members assigned to tasks which are not under the “Immediate Supervision” of their Company Officer must contact such Officer before entering a dangerous area and advise such Officer of their status at frequent intervals, especially when attempting tasks not normally associated with their assignment. If contact cannot be made with their Company Officer, they shall contact certain members in priority order. Choose the correct priority order
A) IC, Company Chauffeur, any other HT equipped member
B) Company Chauffeur, IC, any other HT equipped member.
C) IC, nearest Company Officer, any other HT equipped member
D) Fire Sector Chief, IC, Company Chauffeur
ANSWER: B) Company Chauffeur, IC, any other HT equipped member.
(Communications ch 9 sec 9.2.2)
C - Chauffeur
I - IC
A - Any other HT equipped member
You are giving a drill on the Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS) during a recent Company Drill. You were incorrect in which choice?
A) The EFAS trained member designated at roll call shall monitor EFAS and the Battalion’s FAST Unit HT for the duration of the incident
B) When communicating by HT the member monitoring EFAS shall be identified by radio designation “EFAS”
C) EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. EFAS has the capability of monitoring several channels at a time.
D) Only EFAS trained members can be assigned to monitor EFAS
ANSWER: C) EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. EFAS has the capability of monitoring several channels at a time. (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 9 - add 3)
- EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels, including UTAC and NYMAC channels. However, it can only monitor ONE channel at a time, therefore, a separate Battalion/Division/EFAS equipped vehicle in conjunction with an EFAS trained member is required for each channel in use.
- Encrypted Channels can ONLY be monitored on the portable EFAS as of 5/1/2018
The terms “MAYDAY” and “URGENT” are intended for use in situations where immediate communication is necessary to protect life or protect injury. From the list below, choose the most correct MAYDAY/URGENT transmission given.
A) MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY, Ladder 100 FAST OV to Command, MAYDAY. Command to Ladder 100 FAST OV go ahead with your MAYDAY. Ladder 100 FAST OV to command MAYDAY, MISSING MEMBER LOCATED
B) URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Ladder 100 FAST OV to Command, URGENT. Command to Ladder 100 FAST OV go ahead with your URGENT. Ladder 100 FAST OV to command URGENT, LOST MEMBER LOCATED
C) MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY, Ladder 100 FAST OV to Command, MAYDAY. Command to Ladder 100 FAST OV go ahead with your MAYDAY. Ladder 100 FAST OV to command MAYDAY, COLLAPSE FEARED
D) URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Ladder 100 FAST OV to Command, URGENT. Command to Ladder 100 FAST OV go ahead with your URGENT. Ladder 100 FAST OV to command URGENT, UNCONSCIOUS MEMBER
ANSWER: A) MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY, Ladder 100 FAST OV to Command, MAYDAY. Command to Ladder 100 FAST OV go ahead with your MAYDAY. Ladder 100 FAST OV to command MAYDAY, MISSING MEMBER LOCATED.
(Communications ch 9 pages 3-12)
D - MAYDAY (Life threatening injury or Unconscious)
When using the APX8000XE HT radio, how long should you pause after the Push To Talk button is depressed?
A) 1/4 second
B) 1/2 second
C) 3/4 second
D) 1 second
ANSWER: B) 1/2 second
Communications ch 11 add 2 sec 1.3
You are responding into a possible terrorist incident when the dispatcher comes on the air and states that all responding units are to switch over to the encrypted tactical channel as per the IC on scene. The correct channel you switched over to can be found in which choice?
A) Channel 3
B) Channel 6
C) Channel 9
D) Channel 10
ANSWER: C) Channel 9
(Comm - ch 11 add 3 sec 2.3.2.note 7/17/2019)
- Channel 3 is secondary tactical but not encrypted
- Channel 10 is encrypted Command Channel
- Encrypted Channels can ONLY be monitored on the portable EFAS as of 5/1/2018
In order to give an adequate drill on the new Motorola APX8000XE HT, all company officers should be well versed in its use. From the list below, choose the most correct statement made in regards to the APX8000XE radio.
A) When making a long transmission on the APX8000XE HT, a short audible warning tone at approximately 20 seconds and a continuous tone at approximately 30 seconds will be heard
B) To activate the Emergency Alert Button (EAB), depress the orange button approximately one second
C) To reset the EAB, depress EAB for 1/2 second or by turning HT off and then back on
D) The 7 digit numeric ID for Squad 288 BU is 8288004
ANSWER: B) To activate the Emergency Alert Button (EAB), depress the orange button approximately one second
(Communications ch 11 new as of 7/17/2019)
A - Warning at TWENTY SIX (26) seconds
C - TWO SECONDS or by turning HT off and then on.
D - 8288004 is Hook/Control - Squad 288 FE/BU- 8288005
Before the arrival of the 2nd arriving BC, the 2nd arriving engine officer shall provide the communications link between the lobby and the fire area pending the establishment of the Fire Sector/Branch during a High-Rise Office Building fire. Choose the incorrect procedure when establishing the communications link.
A) The 2nd arriving Engine Officer will take the 1st arriving BC’s Post Radio and report with his/her company to their normal location, in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the first handline is being stretched
B) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the 2nd engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post on the command channel via the Post Radio. The officer will verify that the Post Radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC
C) The 2nd engine officer will then use the Post Radio on the tactical channel to announce to units in the fire area that a communications link with the Incident Command Post has been established
D) In addition to his/her normal duties, the 2nd engine officer must maintain the communications link with the lobby until the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director arrives on the floor below the fire
ANSWER: C) The 2nd engine officer will then use the Post Radio on the tactical channel to announce to units in the fire area that a communications link with the Incident Command Post has been established. (INCORRECT)
(Communications Ch 12 sec 6.2)
- The 2nd engine officer will then use THEIR HANDIE-TALKIE radio on the tactical channel to announce to units in the fire area that a communications link with the Incident Command Post has been established.
In order to enhance FDNY communications in some facilities, auxiliary radio communications (ARCS) have or are being installed. Choose the most correct tactic/statement in regards to ARCS.
A) Base Station Leaky Cable is a simplex radio that can either operate on FDNY UHF HT channels 1-8 (FDNY Programmed) or it may utilized in-house radios (Proprietary)
B) Building duplex UHF radio repeater channels are 14 and 15
C) When using a building ARCS, the 1st arriving Ladder officer will remain on channel 1 or switch his/her HT to the building duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 14/Channel 15)
D) To activate a building ARCS, the 1st arriving Ladder officer will request the Fire Safety Director to activate the communication system
ANSWER: A) Base Station Leaky Cable is a simplex radio that can either operate on FDNY UHF HT channels 1-8 (FDNY Programmed) or it may utilized in-house radios (Proprietary)
(Communications ch 13)
A - 2005 Lts exam
B - 11,12………..14,15 are subway repeater channels
C - When using a building ARCS, the 1st arriving Ladder officer will remain on channel 1 or switch his/her HT to the building duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 11/Channel 12)
D - Use the 1620 key or on/off switch
You the Lieutenant are working in E-100 for the 9X6 tour when you receive a CFRD cardiac run to 2300 Southern Blvd in the great Borough of the Bronx. Upon arrival, and EMS already on scene, you initiate contact to EMS utilizing what HT channel?
A) Channel 1
B) Channel 10
C) Channel 11
D) Channel 14
ANSWER: A) Channel 1
(Communications ch 14 add 1 sec 2)
- Fire unit will initiate contact utilizing Fire HT Channel 1 with the unit designation (e.g. Engine 100 to EMS)
When the use of HT Channel 1 is impractical, EMS/Fire frequency (Channel 10) may be used at non-fire emergencies to facilitate communications such as a MCI
As the highest ranking officer on scene of a water rescue operation, and before the arrival of the battalion chief, you decide to establish a TAC “U” channel since NYPD is assisting in the operation. The TAC “U” channel can be correctly found in which choice?
A) Zone “A” channel 13 and transmitting at 5 watts
B) Zone “A” channel 13 and transmitting at 2 watts
C) Zone “B” channel 10 (42D) transmitting at 5 watts
D) Zone “B” channel 10 (42D) transmitting at 2 watts
ANSWER: A) Zone “A” channel 13 and transmitting at 5 watts
(Communications ch 14 add 2 sec 2.1)
- Zone “B” channel 10 (42D) transmitting at 5 watts is the UTAC channel used to communicate with public agencies for the NYC region (primary channel) …..not normally established by a Captain, but you might be asked to switch to 42D…..(Communications ch 14 add 4)
For Company Commanders, teaching young Lieutenants the eCIDS program can be complex. From the list below, choose incorrect administrative process when it comes to the eCIDS program.
A) When a unit discovers a potential CIDS entry for buildings not located within their administrative district, the officer shall enter the CIDS into the eCIDS program upon return to their quarters. The officer shall notify administrative unit of the particulars
B) Questions related to logging into the eCIDS application as well as Single Sign-on issues shall not be directed to the CIDS Desk, but be directed to the FDNY help desk
C) Information entered into CIDS must be listed in this order: FD Designation, Occupancy, Description of Building (height, dimensions, construction class), Description of hazardous condition
D) To ensure clarity and readability of the CIDS message, do not split a word at the end of a line
ANSWER: A) When a unit discovers a potential CIDS entry for buildings not located within their administrative district, the officer shall enter the CIDS into the eCIDS program upon return to their quarters. The officer shall notify administrative unit of the particulars (INCORRECT)
(Communications Ch 4 - 4.5.4)
- Only the ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT shall submit or revise CIDS entries for buildings within their administrative district. Units discovering a potential CIDS entry for buildings not located within their administrative district shall immediately notify the administrative unit of the full particulars
You just emerged from a Captains meeting, and the hot button issue on the agenda was companies not adhering to the Modified Response Program. The BC in charge of the Captains meeting made several statements referencing this program. She was incorrect which choice?
A) Ladder Companies responding in as a Salvage company, shall respond in the 10-20 mode
B) A company responding in for a tree down with no wires, vehicles, or buildings involved shall respond in the 10-20 mode
C) Companies responding other than first due for a sprinkler activation shall respond in the 10-20 mode
D) For a Class J alarm between 0700-1900 hours, only the first Engine and Ladder shall respond in the emergency mode
ANSWER: D) For a Class J alarm between 0700-1900 hours, only the first Engine and Ladder shall respond in the emergency mode (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 6 add 1)
- Class “J” 0700-1900 1st due Engine OR Ladder shall respond in emergency mode
- Class “J” 1900-0700 1st due units in emergency mode
During a High-Rise Office building fire, the second arriving engine officer plays a critical role in establishing a communication link from the Fire Sector to the Command Post prior to the arrival of the second arriving chief. The incorrect procedure for establishing the communication link can be found in which choice?
A) The second arriving engine officer provides the communications link between the lobby and the fire area pending the establishment of the Fire Sector/Branch on a floor below the fire
B) The first arriving Battalion Chief shall give the Post Radio to the second Engine Officer
C) The second engine officer will then take the Post Radio and report with his/her company to their normal location, in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the first handline is being stretched
D) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the second engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post on the tactical channel via the Post Radio. The officer will verify that the Post Radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC
ANSWER: D) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the second engine officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post on the tactical channel via the Post Radio. The officer will verify that the Post Radio is in place and give his/her location to the IC.
(Communications ch 12 sec 6.2)
When using the Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue and/or the Feedback-Assisted Rescue, the incorrect procedure can be found in which choice?
A) The Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue procedure takes advantage of the increased wattage of the Emergency Alert Tone and maximum volume output regardless of the missing member’s volume setting, and requires only one handie talkie
B) The IC announces over the HT that an “Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue” is to be implemented and designates a new primary tactical channel. This new channel is now to be used for the Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue for a missing, lost, or trapped member
C) When using the Feedback Assisted Rescue, one member is assigned two HTs and the HT speakers are held one to two inches apart
D) When using the Feedback Assisted Rescue, the feedback created will be transmitted to other HTs on the same frequency as far as a mile away
D- 9.5.10
ANSWER: B) The IC announces over the HT that an “Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue” is to be implemented and designates a new primary tactical channel. This new channel is now to be used for the Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue for a missing, lost, or trapped member (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 9)
A - sec 9.5.1
B - This channel shall not be the same one on which the missing, lost, or trapped member was operating.
C - 9.5.10
Which Mayday/Urgent transmission is incorrect?
A) Engine 200 to Command, Mayday Unconscious Member
B) Ladder 100 to Command, Mayday Missing Member
C)Ladder 600 to Command, Urgent Fire Extending
D) Ladder 300 to Command, Urgent, Missing Member Located
ANSWER: D) Ladder 300 to Command, Urgent, Missing Member Located (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 9 p- 4-13)
- Missing Member Located is a Mayday transmission
You are a Captain Gabby working in Ladder 99 and have responded as the FAST Unit to a 10-75 in a 4-story MD. While monitoring your HT, you hear an Emergency Alert activation involving the Roof FF from Ladder 100. In this situation, you would be correct to think that?
A) Your HT will show on the Main Display “EA Received LAD 100-Roof” in Orange/Amber and hold that display for approximately 5 seconds
B) If the Ladder 100 Roof FF speaks while his EAB is activated, the words “Emergency Call-Lad 100-Roof” will appear on your Main Display.
C) If you miss the Emergency Alert activation on your radio, you can view the RECENT CALLS LIST which will display the most recent to the previous 12 calls
D) When viewing the RECENT CALLS LIST, calls that display an Amber circle indicate that they were EA activated
ANSWER: B) If the Ladder 100 Roof FF speaks while his EAB is activated, the words “Emergency Call-Lad 100-Roof” will appear on your Main Display.
(Comm 11 Page 11-15—11-17)
A - TOP display on your HT will read “EA RCVD” in orange/amber and alternate between “EA RCVD” and the alpha numeric ID of the radio transmitting the EA. Holds display for EIGHT seconds.
C - Last FIFTEEN calls
D - Orange TRIANGLE indicate EA activated.
Which one of the following “Emergency Communications” would be the most correct for a member to transmit on the fireground?
A) “Mayday-Collapse Feared”
B) “Mayday-Collapsed Member”
C) “Urgent-Missing Member Located”
D) “Urgent-We have a Gypsum Roof”
ANSWER: D) “Urgent - We have a Gypsum Roof”
(Comm 9—Pgs 1-12)
- An URGENT for a discovery of a gypsum roof would be appropriate. (Any CHANGE in conditions that would severely impact operations or safety of members - gypsum plank roof is specifically mentioned)
A - Collapse feared is an URGENT transmission
B - UNCONSCIOUS member is a MAYDAY (not collapsed)
C - Missing member located is a MAYDAY transmission
Tower Ladder 105 is responding to a 3rd Alarm fire in a warehouse. While enroute they are directed to report to the Staging Area. The Officer would be correct to report in to the BC designated on the response ticket by which suffix?
A) S
B) P
C) L
D) A
(Comm 2 Page 37)
- P for PARKED
Engine 275, Ladder 133 and Battalion 50 have been assigned to an active shooter incident as a Division Task Force. These units would be identified on the response ticket by which one of the following suffixes?
A) A
B) S
C) K
D) D
(Comm. 2 Page 37)
K - Division Task Force for Engines, Ladders and Battalions
D - Technical Decon Task Force.
The Officer of a unit designated by the suffix “L” on a response ticket should operate on which HT channel during the operation?
A) Tactical Channel
B) Secondary Tactical Channel
C) Command Channel
D) Tac-U Channel
ANSWER: A) Tactical Channel
(Comm. 2 Page 37, ICS Chap.2 Add. 4)
L - Lobby Control Unit which uses the Tactical Channel
While operating on the scene of an EMS run in a private dwelling the Officer of Engine 38 notices imminently hazardous conditions within the premise that he wants to enter into CIDS immediately. The Officer would be correct to take which action?
A) Fax a completed copy of the Form CD-201 directly to FDOC
B) Fax a completed copy of the Form CD-201 to the Admin BC
C) Enter the immediate CIDS into eCIDS and telephone FDOC
D) Enter the immediate CIDS into eCIDS and telephone the Admin BC
ANSWER: D) Enter the immediate CIDS into eCIDS and telephone the Admin BC
(Chap. 4 4.3.3)
- Select “Immediate” from the drop down in eCIDS, enter the message and notify the BC by telephone
Captain Lisani is preparing a CIDS entry for a mixed occupancy building that has one address posted on the front of the building. While conducting a building search via the FDNY BIS application, he notices the building has two additional official addresses that are not posted on the building itself. How should the Captain enter this building into eCIDS?
A) Enter a CIDS for the posted address and in the AKA section list the addresses that are not posted
B) Enter a CIDS for the posted address only
C) Enter a CIDS for the first and last official addresses for the building. Include the combined number range in the Transmitted Data portion of the CIDS entry.
D) Complete a separate CIDS entry for all addresses associated with the building.
ANSWER: B) Enter a CIDS for the posted address only
(Comm 4 - 4.4.2)
- The intent of CIDS is to only have CIDS entries for the address or addresses THAT WOULD BE USED when a caller or alarm company reports a fire or emergency at that location.
Captain Burke is preparing a CIDS entry for a building that is constructed of Heavy Timber Construction. The Captain would be correct to enter this building as what type of Construction Class?
A) Class 3
B) Class 4
C) Class 5
D) Class 6
ANSWER: D) Class 6
(Comm 4 Page 7)
“Timber”- 6 letters (Class 6)
“Metal”- 5 letters (Class 5)
“Wood”- 4 letters (Class 4)
“NFP” - 3 letters (Class 2)
“Fire-Protected” - 2 words (Class 2)
“Fireproof” - 1 word (Class 1)
Ladder 35 is entering a CIDs entry for a Fire-Protected structure that has steel bar joist construction. This building should be entered as?
B) CL2
D) CL3
(Comm 4 Page 7)
- NFP structures (OLT, Brownstones, etc.) renovated or repaired with any type of lightweight construction are entered as CL3LW
- Wood Frame structures using any type of LW construction are classified as CL4LW
- This section was asked on the Last Captain’s Test.
Choose an incorrect statement regarding CIDS entries.
A) Grammatically correct sentences are not required. Use dashes to separate information or thoughts
B) Do not split a word at the end of a line
C) If deemed necessary and space allows, the date the building was altered or constructed can be included with the “Transmitted Data”
D) A unit that enters a CIDS entry for a building within another unit’s admin area must immediately notify the admin unit that an entry was made.
ANSWER: D) A unit that enters a CIDS entry for a building within another unit’s admin area must immediately notify the admin unit that an entry was made. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 4 - 4.4 and Pages 8-9)
- ONLY THE ADMIN UNIT shall submit or revise CIDS entries for buildings within their admin district.
- Other units that find potential CIDS must notify the ADMIN UNIT of the particulars. (Do not confuse with marking Vacant buildings which any unit may do)
Ladder Company 11 is responding 1st due to a phone alarm reporting a fire in an OLT. The Officer notifies the dispatcher that Ladder 11 is responding “Understaffed”. Based on the Officer’s transmission?
A) An additional ladder company will be assigned to the response.
B) An additional ladder company will be assigned to the response only if the 2nd ladder company is also responding “understaffed”.
C) An additional ladder company will only be assigned to the response if both the 1st and 2nd ladder companies are responding “understaffed” and a 10-75 is transmitted.
D) No additional units will be assigned unless requested by the responding BC.
ANSWER: A) An additional ladder company will be assigned to the response.
(Comm 6 6.9)
- When a unit is responding “understaffed” (less than 4 FFs) the dispatcher will special call another unit to respond in addition to the understaffed unit.
- An additional ladder company will be assigned if both the 1st and 2nd ladder companies are “Responding with 4 FFs” AND a 10-75 is transmitted.
- The 3rd ladder will be assigned for firefighting and the 4th will be the FAST Unit.
Units responding to all but which one of the following Call Types shall respond in the 10-20 mode?
A) Tree down, no buildings, wires or vehicles affected
B) Salvage Truck to an All-Hands fire
C) ERS No Contact at 0300 hrs.
D) 1st due Engine to a BARS Alarm
ANSWER: D) 1st due Engine to a BARS Alarm (INCORRECT)
(Comm 6 Add.1 2.1, 2.2)
- BARS is a Group 2 Call Type (1st due in em. mode)
- Group 1 “WELTS” - All respond in 10-20 mode
W - Water Leaks
E - ERS No contact (2300 - 0800)
L - Lock-Ins (not lock outs)
T - Tree Down (no wires, buildings or vehicles involved)
S - Salvage Truck
Engine 8 arrives at the scene of a Class E Alarm in a high-rise office building. Engine 8 would be correct to take all but which one action listed?
A) The officer entered the building with all members except the ECC. Each member carried one length of rolled hose.
B) The officer made contact with the building personnel and directed them to reset the alarm.
C) When the panel did not reset, the officer verified the floor from which the alarm was transmitted. One member was left in the building lobby.
D)Upon investigation, if a smoke condition is found, the officer will contact the member in the lobby or the ECC to request additional help and return to the lobby with the investigating members.
E) If it was a ladder company, they would already have their tools and would not need to return to the lobby.
ANSWER: A) The officer entered the building with all members except the ECC. Each member carried one length of rolled hose. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 6 Add.2 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6)
- Engine members DO NOT bring roll ups initially. They should carry forcible entry tools. Ladder members would bring their normal compliment of tools, 3.7 states “Engine waits in the lobby for the ladder company unless there will be an undue delay”
On your last 6x9 tour you transmitted the following codes. In which one were you incorrect?
A) 10-34 Code 2 for a valve alarm activation due to a surge in water pressure
B) 10-35 Code 4 for an alarm activation due to people smoking in an elevator lobby
C) 10-38 Code 4 for a CO emergency with Co readings of 34 PPM in a building with no CO Detector present
D) 10-35 No Code for an alarm activation caused by an electric power fluctuation
ANSWER: D) 10-35 No Code for an alarm activation caused by an electric power fluctuation. (INCORRECT)
(Communications Chap. 8)
- Utility Power Fluctuation is a 10-40-2, would be a Code 3 if there was a working detector available
An engine and ladder operate a car fire in which the vehicle has one out of state license plate, no tires, doors or windows and is located in a vacant lot. After extinguishing the fire a severely burned deceased body is found in the trunk. The officers would be correct to transmit which codes?
A) 10-23, 10-45 Code 1, 10-41 Code 1
B) 10-24, 10-45 Code 1, 10-41 Code 1
C) 10-23, 10-37 Code 1, 10-41 Code 3
D) 10-24, 10-45 Code 1, 10-41 Code 3
ANSWER: B) 10-24, 10-45 Code 1, 10-41 Code 1
(Comm. 8)
- The vehicle had a license plate which makes it a 10-24.
- The body was found in a fire which makes it a 10-45 Code 1 (not 10-37).
- Suspicious fire in an occupied vehicle or structure is a 10-41 Code 1
At the scene of a major collapse the IC has ordered you to conduct an “Emergency Roll Call” of all units at the scene. In order to obtain an updated list of all companies that have responded to the scene you should go to an apparatus MDT and take which of the following steps?
A) Press “Send, Incident History, Next, Print”
B) Press “Incident History, Send, Next, Print”
C) Press “Incident Summary, Send, Next, Print”
D) Press “Print, Incident Summary, Send, Next”
ANSWER: C) Press “Incident Summary, Send, Next, Print”
Comm Ch.9 Add.2 4.1
You are a covering officer working in Engine 99 when you respond to an incident with dispatch information that has a suffix after E99 indicating you have a specific task. Which point below would you be most correct to believe in this situation?
A) “E99 K”—indicates you are responding as a Purple K unit
B) “E99 F”—indicates you are responding as a Foam Tanker unit
C) “E99 P”—indicates you are responding as a High-Pressure Engine
D) “E99 C—indicates you are responding as a Communications Unit
ANSWER: C) “E99 P”—indicates you are responding as a High-Pressure Engine
(Comm 2–2-37)
K - Division Task Force
F - FAST Unit (Engine can also be FAST)
C - CFRD Engine / (CPC Unit for trucks)
A Company Officer preparing an E-CIDS entry would be most correct to believe that the construction class “CL3LW” in transmitted data should be used for a?
A) Three-story, brownstone type of Row Frame building with metal C-joists
B) Four-story Brownstone with wooden I-beams
C) One-story Taxpayer with a bowstring truss roof
D) One-story commercial, fire-protected structure with a steel bar joist roof support
ANSWER: B) Four-story Brownstone with wooden I-beams.
(Comm 4—Pg 4-7)
- A Fire-Protected structure constructed using metal “C” joist or steel bar joist would be classified as a CL2LW.
- A Non-Fireproof structure renovated or repaired using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be classified as CL3LW.
- A Wood Frame structure constructed using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be classified as CL4LW.
In which one of the following situations would a company officer be most correct to order the chauffeur to respond in the 10-20 mode?
A) First due Engine to a Class “E” alarm at 0300 hours
B) First due Ladder to a tree down on an unoccupied car at 1215 hours
C) Second due Ladder to a Class “J” alarm at 1915 hours
D) Second due Engine to a reported manhole fire at 2055 hours
ANSWER: C) Second due Ladder to a Class “J” alarm at 1915 hours.
(Comm 6—Add 1—2.1, 2.2)
A - 1st Engine OR Ladder in Emergency Mode 24 hours a day.
B - Modified if NO BUILDINGS WIRES VEHICLES affected.
D - Modified for manhole EMERGENCIES (not manhole fires)
Captain Codes is working a day tour during which he transmits the following four radio codes. Which code was transmitted correctly?
A) 10-29 Code 2 for a small fire in a stuck unoccupied elevator
B) 10-25 Code 3 for smoke seeping from a street transformer
C) 10-31 for a lockout
D) 10-34 Code 2 for a defective alarm valve on a sprinkler system
ANSWER: C) 10-31 for a lockout
Comm 8—Pg 8-8, 8-9
You are the Officer of Engine 100 who has just responded to a Class “E” alarm on the 34th floor of an office building at 0815 hours. In this situation, you would be most correct to think that?
A) Your ECC should remain at the apparatus while you and other members report into the lobby with forcible entry tools and rolled up lengths of hose
B) After the building personnel reset the alarm system, wait approximately 60-90 seconds to ensure the reset holds
C) If the alarm activates again, ask the building personnel to view the panel to verify the floor
D) If you find any indication of smoke on reaching the 34th floor contact the firefighter in the lobby or the ECC and request the box be transmitted
ANSWER: D) If you find any indication of smoke on reaching the 34th floor contact the firefighter in the lobby or the ECC and request the box be transmitted.
(Comm 6—Add 2—Pg 2)
A - Engine companies will bring FE tools, NO ROLLED UP LENGTHS OF HOSE REQUIRED AT THIS TIME.
B - Wait approximately TWO TO THREE MINUTES to ensure alarm holds.
C - If the alarm panel does not reset or is again activated, the OFFICER must view the panel for the alarm location and verify the floor from which the alarm is being transmitted.
Ladder 4 arrives first at a fire in a High-Rise building that has an “In Building Repeater System”. When they arrive in the lobby of the building, they find a “Dedicated Receiver Console” for the ARC system near the Fire Command Station. In this situation, Ladder 4 would be correct to think?
A) The Primary HT Repeater Channel is Channel 12
B) The 1620 key that is inserted into the Dedicated Receiver Console should be rotated counterclockwise to activate the building ARCS
C) The 1620 key is removable when it is in the ON/Active position on the dedicated Receiver Console
D) When using the ARCS, members can communicate to members on Channel 11 or 12 from the console using a Push To Talk feature on the Dedicated Receiver Console
ANSWER: D) When using the ARCS, members can communicate to members on Channel 11 or 12 from the console using a Push To Talk feature on the Dedicated Receiver Console
(Comm 13—Pages 4-5)
A - Primary is CHANNEL 11
B - Rotate one position CLOCKWISE
C - It is NOT REMOVABLE in the ON/Active position (unlike elevator lobby key)
Ladder 4 arrives first at a fire in a High-Rise building that has an “In Building Repeater System”. When they arrive in the lobby of the building, they find a “Dedicated Receiver Console” for the ARC system near the Fire Command Station. After activating the building’s ARCS and operating, Ladder 4 should remain on the ARCS channel until?
A)Throughout the entire operation
B) The fire has been placed under control
C)The First Arriving Battalion Chief establishes the Incident Command Post
D)The Second Arriving Battalion Chief arrives at the Fire Sector location
ANSWER: D)The Second Arriving Battalion Chief arrives at the Fire Sector location
(Comm 13—Page 6)
- 2nd Arriving Battalion Chief – Shall test whether building Repeater channel is operational in the lobby. Once determined that system is operational, 2nd Battalion Chief shall proceed up building to establish Operations Post. Upon arrival at Operations Post, 1st Ladder shall be notified that Operations Post has been
established and advise 1st Ladder that all members shall put H/T’s to H/T-1.
An Officer submitting a request for a “CFR Hold” for a facility would be correct to think that which points below are required for the CFRH to be valid?
- The facility is operational on a 24/7 basis
- The facility must be “CFR Hold Eligible” on all floors of the building’s address.
A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1, 2
D) Neither are correct
ANSWER: C) 1, 2
(Comm 4 Add 1—2.1)
- On duty personnel are trained in CPR.
- Trained personnel are able to provide oxygen to the patient.
- On duty personnel are trained in the use of a defibrillator, and all the necessary
equipment is available to the trained personnel. - All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available during all hours of
operation. To qualify for removal, the facility shall be operational on a 24/7 basis.
Ladder 126 operates at a tree down in the street that they must drag to the sidewalk to create a lane for emergency response vehicles. When taking up, the dispatcher should be notified that Ladder 126 operated at a?
A) 10-42
B) 10-43
C) 10-46
D) 10-49
ANSWER: A) 10-42
(Comm 8—Pg 13)
10-42 - Any downed tree incident/ emergency
10-43 - Any non fire related rescue (any persons removed from a dangerous situation)
10-46 - Maritime fire or emergency
Code 1: Any fire in a maritime environment
Code 2: Emergency in maritime environment
10-49 - no such code
In which one of the following situations would a 10-31 be the correct radio code to transmit?
A) report of a possible facade collapse on a taxpayer, where an evaluation made by the first arriving ladder of the structural stability of the building indicates no collapse occurred
B) A confined space incident where one person was rescued with minor injuries.
C) A report of a fire which turns out after investigation to be a complaint
D) An unoccupied hanging scaffold incident, where actions were taken by FDNY members to mitigate the incident.
(Comm 8—10-31)
ANSWER: C) A report of a fire which turns out after investigation to be a complaint.
(Comm 8—10-31)
Members utilizing the new Motorola APX8000XE HT radio should know that if the Transmit / Receive LED is Blinking Red while transmitting, this indicates that the HT?
A) Is transmitting properly
B) Has a low battery
C) Is in the Emergency Mode
D) Is operating on an encrypted channel
ANSWER: B) Has a low battery
(Comm 11 Pg 11-7)
A - SOLID RED (transmitting properly)
B - BLINKING RED while transmitting (Low Battery)
C - BLINKING RED while not transmitting (EM mode)
D - BLINKING AMBER (receiving a secured transmission
SOLID AMBER (HT is receiving)
SOLID/SOLID is what you should see normally (red or amber)
The Roll Call Officer has just asked the Officer of Ladder 44 to account for the members during an Emergency Roll Call. Because Ladder 44 was riding without an OV, the Officer would be most correct to state “Ladder 44 to Roll Call Officer”?
A) “Ladder 44 is understaffed, we are riding without an OV, my can and irons are accounted for”
B) “Ladder 44 has 4 firefighters, we are riding without an OV, my can and irons are accounted for”
C) “Ladder 44 had 5 firefighters, we are riding without an OV, my can and irons are accounted for”
D) “Ladder 44 had 5 firefighters, my can and irons are accounted for, we are riding without an OV”
ANSWER: B) “Ladder 44 has 4 firefighters, we are riding without an OV, my can and irons are accounted for”
(Comm 9 Add 2—5.4)
Engine 100 and Ladder 200 are operating at a car fire. During extinguishment, one of the members of Ladder 200 suffers a serious laceration to his wrist. The Captain of Ladder 200 made the proper notifications regarding this injury except in which one incorrect choice below?
A) The initial notification to the dispatcher was made with the “mixer off.” This notification included the name and unit number of the seriously injured firefighter.
B) Following this notification, an immediate telephone notification was made to the dispatcher with full particulars.
C) As soon as possible thereafter, particulars were also telephoned to FDOC.
D) Signal 10-45 shall not be used to indicate a fatality or serious injury to an on-duty member.
ANSWER: A) The initial notification to the dispatcher was made with the “mixer off.” This notification included the name and unit number of the seriously injured firefighter. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8 8.2.6)
- This notification shall NOT include the name or unit number of the fatally or seriously injured member and shall be followed immediately by a telephone notification with full particulars.
All members should be aware of the limitations and safety precautions necessary when operating on mobile radios. Which point below regarding mobile unit radio operations is incorrect?
A) Handie-talkies and cell phones should not be operated within 150 feet of vehicles transporting explosives, explosive magazines, or areas where blasting operations are in progress.
B) Apparatus, post and marine radios should not be operated within 300 feet of such areas.
C) Only handie-talkies may be operated in a building in which police personnel are searching for an explosive device.
D) If the transmitting radio on the apparatus radio is depressed for longer than one minute, an audible signal, will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically interrupted.
ANSWER: C) Only handie-talkies may be operated in a building in which police personnel are searching for an explosive device. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8 8.4.5, 8.4.6)
- HT shall NOT be operated in a building
Ladder 100 responds to an elevator emergency reporting a stuck elevator with people trapped. On arrival, they encounter a malfunctioning unoccupied elevator. Members shut off the power and secure the elevator shaft. The officer would be most correct to transmit which signal?
A) 10-40 Code 2
B) 10-31
C) 10-29 Code 1
D) 10-29 Code 2
ANSWER: D) 10-29 Code 2
(Comm 8)
10-29 Code 1: Occupied
10-29 Code 2: Unoccupied
Engine 300 responds to a Class 3 for a valve alarm Home Depot. Upon investigation the Captain of Engine 300 discovers that there are workers servicing the system which caused the alarm to activate. The Captain would be most correct to transmit which of the following signals?
A) 10-35 Code 1
B) 10-34 Code 1
C) 10-35 Code 2
D) 10-34 Code 2
ANSWER: D) 10-34 Code 2
(Comm 8)
- Valve alarm / read carefully
10-34 Sprinkler “DUH” (Defective/Unwarranted/Heat)
Units respond to a Class 3 alarm in a commercial establishment in Manhattan. On arrival, the Fire Safety Director informs the first arriving officer that he’s not sure why the alarm activated. After performing a thorough investigation, the officer cannot determine the cause of the alarm. This officer would be most correct to transmit which one of the following signals?
A) 10-35 No Code
B) 10-35 Code 1
C) 10-35 Code 2
D) 10-35 Code 3
ANSWER: A) 10-35 No Code
Comm 8
One engine and one ladder operate at a minor MVA involving two vehicles. There are no injuries to any civilians but the ladder company is required to extricate a passenger from one of the vehicles. Following this operation, the officers would be most correct to transmit which one of the following signals?
A) 10-36 Code 1
B) 10-36 Code 2
C) 10-36 Code 3
D) 10-36 Code 4
ANSWER: D) 10-36 Code 4
(Comm 8)
10-36 “WAIT” (Washdown / Accident / Injuries / Trapped)
Ladder Company 299 is taking up from a routine unoccupied car fire. After leaving the scene, they are waved down by a civilian who states that they witnessed someone attempting to light the car on fire a few minutes before the fire department’s arrival on scene. The Captain of Ladder 299, who was the IC at this fire, would be most correct to take which of the following actions?
A) Transmit a 10-41 Code 3 via department radio.
B) Notify the dispatcher and BFI by telephone, that the fire has been declared suspicious.
C) Request the response of a Battalion Chief to the scene.
D) Transmit a 10-41 Code 2 via the department radio.
ANSWER: B) Notify the dispatcher and BFI by telephone, that the fire has been declared suspicious.
(Comm 8)
- IF AFTER LEAVING THE SCENE, information becomes available which would indicate the fire being suspicious IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE DISPATCHER AND BFI BY TELEPHONE.
A - 10-41 Code 3 would be correct for suspicious unoccupied vehicle, if you determined the fire to be suspicious at the scene. In this scenario, information was brought to your attention about the fire being suspicous AFTER you left the scene.
C - There is NO mention of requesting a BC
D - Code 2 is for unoccupied STRUCTURE (Also see explanation for choice A)
The Captain of Engine 399 is drilling with members about the proper procedures when the first arriving engine transmits a 10-70. He makes the following comments but was incorrect in which one?
A) The signal 10-70 is a notification that the first arriving engine does not have a positive water source.
B) This notification shall be an “urgent” transmission to the dispatcher only.
C) An example of a situation that requires a 10-70 is no water/insufficient pressure at a standpipe outlet.
D) The second arriving engine will be designated the “water resource unit’ and must be prepared to initiate water supply operations compatible with conditions encountered at the scene.
ANSWER: B) This notification shall be an “urgent” transmission to the dispatcher only. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8)
- DOUBLE URGENT (Dispatch and all units on scene)
When transmitting a 10-75 for fire in a building, the company officer shall state all of the following pieces of information except which one?
A) Whether it’s occupied or unoccupied
B) What floor on which the fire is located
C) The height of the building in stories
D) The type/occupancy of the building
ANSWER: A) Whether it’s occupied or unoccupied (INCORRECT)
(Comm 8)
(Location / Height / Type)
Ladder 400 is operating at a stubborn cellar fire in a brownstone. Ladder 400’s irons firefighter has become separated from the rest of the inside team while searching the rear of the occupancy. The irons firefighter makes several attempts to contact his officer but he is receiving no response. Which of the following members shall this firefighter attempt to contact next?
A) The Incident Commander
B) Ladder 400’s Extinguisher Firefighter
C) Ladder 400’s LCC
D) Ladder 400’s OV
ANSWER: C) Ladder 400’s LCC
(Comm 9 9.2.2 B)
“CIA” (Chauffeur / IC / Any other member)
Members are operating at a challenging 2nd alarm fire on the top floor of a large multiple dwelling. While searching the top floor fire apartment, the Captain of Ladder 100 discovers an unconscious firefighter. The Captain performed the following actions, but was incorrect in which one?
A) She immediately pressed her EAB and contacted the IC.
B) She transmitted “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Ladder 100 to Command, Mayday.”
C) After receiving acknowledgement, she responded with “Ladder 100 to Command, Mayday-Injured Member”
D) She provided the following information: location, unit and identity of the injured member, nature and extent of the injuries if known, and the resources needed.
ANSWER: C) After receiving acknowledgement, she responded with “Ladder 100 to Command, Mayday-Injured Member” (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 9.4.1 C)
An officer who becomes aware that a member under their supervision is missing shall follow certain procedures to effectively communicate critical information to the IC. Which one procedure stated below is correct?
A) The information provided to the IC in the officer’s “mayday” transmission shall include the missing member’s assigned unit.
B) If the missing member is an officer, any team member can transmit the “mayday” message.
C) If an officer locates the missing member, he/she shall immediately press the EAB of the missing member, and then contact the IC.
D) Any member that locates a missing member shall transmit an “urgent” transmission to the IC stating, “urgent, missing member located.”
ANSWER: B) If the missing member is an officer, any team member can transmit the “mayday” message.
(Comm 9 9.4.1 D)
“LUNA” (Location / Unit working / Name / Assignment)
A - Unit working in THAT TOUR
C - Press your OWN EAB to boost your wattage
D - MAYDAY for missing member located
It’s important for a company officer to know what to expect when the IC decides to discontinue an interior attack and institute an exterior attack. Several key points regarding this scenario are outlined below. Which one is incorrect?
A) The IC shall immediately press their EAB and transmit “urgent-urgent-urgent, Command to all units, urgent back out, back out.”
B) On transmission of this message, all units shall withdraw from the building.
C) Following this transmission, the IC immediately contacts each unit individually by HT to confirm the receipt of this message.
D) The IC shall ensure a roll call is conducted immediately and all members are accounted for.
ANSWER: A) The IC shall immediately press their EAB and transmit “urgent-urgent-urgent, Command to all units, urgent back out, back out.” (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 9.4.2 C)
Members are operating at a 2nd alarm fire in a warehouse. A “mayday” was transmitted for a missing member, and the IC turns to the Captain working in Ladder 300 and directs him to conduct an emergency alert tone assisted rescue. He has the following thoughts. Which one is correct?
A) All members are to operate on a newly designated primary tactical channel.
B) The member designated to produce the tone should be located in proximity to the search activity to avoid confusion among searchers.
C) The emergency alert tone is pressed every few minutes to transmit the emergency alert tone and then pausing, allowing for the possibility of response from the missing, lost or trapped member.
D) When the definite location of member has been determined, the emergency alert tone should be discontinued to lessen the discomfort of trapped member and to enable communication between this member and searchers.
ANSWER: D) When the definite location of member has been determined, the emergency alert tone should be discontinued to lessen the discomfort of trapped member and to enable communication between this member and searchers.
(Comm 9 9.5.3, 9.5.5, 9.5.6B, 9.5.10)
A - All members EXCEPT the member producing the emergency alert tone
B - REMOTE to the search activity
C - Every few SECONDS
The Captain of Ladder 100 wants to order the HT recording for a recent operation where her company operated as the first due truck. The Captain must order these recordings by which of the following methods?
A) Email the HT Recorder Unit.
B) Telephone the HT Recorder Unit.
C) Fax the request through the chain of command.
D) Fax the request directly to the HT Recorder Unit.
ANSWER: A) Email the HT Recorder Unit.
Comm 9 Addendum 1 8.1
A Captain designated as the roll call officer at an operation should be aware that all of the following statements are correct except which one?
A) Each incident will determine which companies should be called first when the emergency roll call is being conducted.
B) If a company officer does not answer when called, the roll call officer will either call a firefighter operating with that officer or call another company operating in the immediate area of that officer, in an attempt to locate them.
C) If these members are unable to account for the officer and the officer still has not responded to the roll call, the roll call officer must take the required actions for a missing member as outlined in Firefighting Procedures, Managing Members in Distress.
D) The member assisting the roll call officer using the pre-printed forms must record the results of the roll call, accounting for member as they respond.
ANSWER: C) If these members are unable to account for the officer and the officer still has not responded to the roll call, the roll call officer must take the required actions for a missing member as outlined in Firefighting Procedures, Managing Members in Distress. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Addendum 2 4.6, 4.9, 4.10)
- RCO notifies the INCIDENT COMMANDER who will take the required actions as outlines in MMID.
When an emergency roll call is being conducted at an operation the company officers on scene have several responsibilities. Some of these responsibilities are listed below. Which one is incorrect?
A) When answering the roll call, the company officer must state specifically what members they have accounted for.
B) All company officers, when answering the roll call, will state the number of firefighters riding on the apparatus responding to the incident and account only for those members under their immediate supervision.
C) In the event a ladder, rescue or Squad Company has been reduced to four or less firefighters and an emergency roll call is being conducted, the officer must include which position they are riding without in their response to the roll call officer.
D) During an emergency roll call, a company officer shall not transmit unless called by the roll call officer; they have a mayday/urgent of their own; they have critical information affecting the mayday/urgent; or they have critical information regarding the on-going operation.
ANSWER: B) All company officers, when answering the roll call, will state the number of firefighters riding on the apparatus responding to the incident and account only for those members under their immediate supervision. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Addendum 2 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)
The Captain of Ladder 250 is drilling with his new probie on EFAS. He makes the following comments but was incorrect in which one?
A) It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving Battalion Firefighter, before performing any other duties, to monitor EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
B) Upon arrival of the FAST Unit, the EFAS trained member designated at roll call to monitor EFAS shall report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS. This member will then monitor both EFAS and the Battalion’s FAST Unit HT.
C) When the Division is on-scene, it shall be the responsibility of the Division Back-up Firefighter, if available, to report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS to either: assist the EFAS trained member of the FAST UNIT or relieve the Battalion firefighter if the Battalion firefighter has not been relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
D) The member monitoring EFAS shall be identified by radio designation “EFAS” when communicating by HT, e.g., “EFAS to Command” “Command to EFAS”.
ANSWER: A) It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving Battalion Firefighter, before performing any other duties, to monitor EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Addendum 3 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
The EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit is sitting in the Battalion vehicle at an operation when a member presses their emergency alert button and transmits a “mayday” message. The EFAS firefighter should expect all of the following things to occur except which one?
A) The company, position, and name of the transmitting member will be listed in red in both the “Radio Status” and “Maydays” areas.
B) In addition, a hard copy automatically prints showing the company, position and time of the mayday.
C) The EFAS system is capable of handling multiple emergency alert transmissions at the same time. All active maydays will appear in red in both the “Radio Status” and “Maydays” area.
D) Once cleared, the member’s highlighted identity line will change from red (active) to yellow in the “Radio Status” area. The members highlighted identity line will change from red (active) to white (cleared) and will remain in the “Maydays” area.
ANSWER: D) Once cleared, the member’s highlighted identity line will change from red (active) to yellow in the “Radio Status” area. The members highlighted identity line will change from red (active) to white (cleared) and will remain in the “Maydays” area. (INCORRECT)
(Comm 9 Addendum 3 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4)
- Red (active) to WHITE in RADIO STATUS AREA
- Red (active) to YELLOW (cleared) in EA/MAYDAY AREA
Several key features of EFAS are described below. Which one is correct?
A) EFAS defaults to tactical channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 channels, excluding UTAC and NYMAC channels.
B) EFAS is installed on the MDT of all Battalion and Division vehicles.
C) The EFAS startup is delayed 30 seconds to allow it to connect to Starfire. Do not attempt to select the EFAS button during this time.
D) When viewing the EFAS screen, units arriving on scene, and pressing 10-84 will cause the Battalion or Division MDT to automatically switch back to Starfire.
ANSWER: B) EFAS is installed on the MDT of all Battalion and Division vehicles.
(Comm 9 Addendum 3 1.4, 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 6.1)
A - INCLUDING UTAC and REPEATER CHANNELS, however it can only monitor one channel at a time.
C - EFAS is delayed ONE MINUTE
D - Doing this WILL NOT cause the screen to switch back to Starfire.
Which 10 code was given correctly?
A) 10-35-2 for unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing
B) 10-42 for a tree down
C) 10-40-3 for a steam emergency
D) 10-43 for standing by at a suspicious package
ANSWER: B) 10-42 for a tree down
(Communications Ch 8)
A - 10-35-1 is for alarm system testing or servicing….10-35-2 is for Construction activities
C - 10-40-3 is for a Water condition…..10-40-4 is for steam
D - 10-39 is for standing by at a suspicious package…….10-43 is for any non-fire related rescue
Which Unit correctly depicts a Communications Unit
A) E200S
B) E200C
C) E200I
D) E200Y
(Communications Ch 2 p-37)
A - E200S Communications Unit
B - E200C CFR Unit
C - E200I FireIce Unit
D - E200Y Systems Control Unit
Note: No Ladder companies as Communications Unit……L200S would be a SOC Support Truck
A renovated Non-Fireproof structure using light-weight materials would be correctly entered into the ecids program how?
(Communications ch 4 p-7)
A - Wood frame structure
C - Fire Protected structure
D - Fire Proof Structure
Once an apparatus radio is OOS, the company officer must take several steps to ensure the unit is placed back in service. Choose the incorrect step.
A) Officer shall notify the Dispatcher, Battalion, and Division
B) The Division will supply the Unit with a portable citywide radio that must be worn by the officer while out of quarters
C) Once the portable citywide radio is received, the officer shall perform an operational check by requesting a 10-11 radio test count from their respective borough dispatcher
D) If a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio, the officer shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating radio. The dispatcher will then ensure that an additional unit with an operating apparatus radio is dispatched to the same alarm
ANSWER: B) The Division will supply the Unit with a portable citywide radio that must be worn by the officer while out of quarters
(Communications ch 8 sec 8.14)
- Portable citywide radio shall remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher
There are several responses that the FDNY classifies as “Modified Response.” Which choice is considered a “Modified Response.”
A) Salvage Truck
B) ERS no contact @ 1200 hrs
C) Lock-in with person having difficulty breathing
D) Tree down onto parked car
ANSWER: A) Salvage Truck
(Communications ch 6 add 1 sec 2)
Modified Response “WELTS”
W - Water leak
E - ERS no contact (2300-0800 hours)
L - Lock-ins (NO reported food on the stove or other associated emergency)
T - Trees down (NO wires, buildings or vehicles affected)
S -Salvage Truck
Upon arrival at a Class “E” alarm in an engine company, you carry out several actions according to FDNY policy. Choose the incorrect action.
A) Officer shall enter the building with all the firefighters except for the chauffeur
B) Engine firefighters shall bring in forcible entry tools into the lobby; at this time no rolled up lengths of hose will be required
C) Officer shall make contact with building personnel, inquire about alarm, and have a firefighter reset the alarm system. If the alarm does reset, the officer shall remain approximately two to three minutes to ensure that the reset holds.
D) If the alarm panel does not reset or is again activated, the officer must view the panel for the alarm location and verify the floor from which the alarm is being transmitted
ANSWER: C) Officer shall make contact with building personnel, inquire about alarm, and have a firefighter reset the alarm system. If the alarm does reset, the officer shall remain approximately two to three minutes to ensure that the reset holds. (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 6 add 2 p-2)
- Direct BUILDING PERSONNEL to reset alarm system
Choose the most correct 10 code.
A) 10-80 no code- for gas leaking from a stove
B) 10-48- for a police response for a perp apprehension
C) 10-41-3 for an unoccupied structure
D) 10-38-3- for a CO detector activation; CO emergency 1-9 PPM
ANSWER: A) 10-80 no code- for gas leaking from a stove
(Communications ch 8)
- When examples are given for codes, please know them. It makes for an easy question.
A - Gas leaking from stove is the example used for a 10-80 no code.
B - 10-47- for Police Response- Police assistance is needed for crowd or traffic control, security, apprehension.
10-48- for Police Response for Firefighters are being harmed and Police assistance is needed immediately
C - 10-41-3- for a Unoccupied Vehicle
D - 10-38-1- defective detector
10-38-2- Incident 1-9 PPM
10-38-3- Emergency >9 PPM
10-38-4- No detector activation, but there is a CO incident or emergency
You are on scene for a fire on the 4th floor of a 6th story 40x80 tenement when suddenly there is a partial building collapse. The IC turns to you and asks you to perform the emergency roll call. You performed incorrectly in which choice?
A) The person conducting the Roll Call is known as the Roll Call Officer (RCO) and must be assisted by another member
B) The RCO retrieved a pad of pre-printed Emergency Roll Call forms from the Battalion vehicle
C) The RCO and member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an area close to the Command Post as possible
D) If weather is an issue, the RCO and assisting member will have to take a position in a dry area, such as an apparatus cab or Battalion vehicle
ANSWER: C) The RCO and member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an area close to the Command Post as possible. (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 9 add 2 sec 4)
- The RCO and member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an area AWAY FROM THE COMMAND POST. This will reduce radio feedback
You arrive on scene to a CFRD call after an EMS unit. Knowing the communication protocols, you initiate contact with the EMS unit on which correct HT channel?
A) Channel 10
B) Channel 13
C) Channel 14
D) Channel 1
ANSWER: D) Channel 1
(Communications ch 14 add 1 p-1)
- A CFR Unit arrives and an EMS Unit is on-scene: Fire unit will initiate contact utilizing Fire HT Channel 1 with the unit designation
- When Fire units are unable to contact EMS via HT Channel 1, information may be relayed through the FD dispatcher to the EMS unit assigned
- When the use of HT Channel 1 is impractical, EMS/Fire frequency (Channel 10) may be used at non-fire emergencies to facilitate communications. An example would be a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) where a Medical Branch communications plan is implemented
When activating the Building Radio Communications System (ARCS), the first arriving Ladder Officer shall, 1) use the 1620 key to turn the key switch to on, 2) instruct a member to staff the Command Post to monitor the tactical and/or repeater channel to relay messages, 3) remain on channel 1 or switch to what building duplex UHF radio repeater channel?
A) Channel 13
B) Channel 14,15
C) Channel 16
D) Channel 11, 12
ANSWER: D) Channel 11, 12
(Communications ch 13 sec 3.1)
Channel 11 and 12 are Building ARCS channels
A - TAC “U” 13
B - Subway Channels 14,15
C - Emergency 16
One of the primary uses of the Post Radio will be during High-Rise Operations. When operating at a High-Rise Office building fire, the procedure that is described incorrectly prior to the arrival of the 2nd BC, in regards to the Post Radio, can be found in which choice?
A) The 1st arriving Battalion Chief shall give the Post Radio to the 2nd arriving Engine Officer
B) The 2nd arriving Engine Officer shall provide a communication link between the lobby and the fire area pending the establishment of the Fire Sector/Branch on a floor below the fire
C) Arriving on the floor below, the 2nd arriving Engine Officer shall bring the Post Radio in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the first handline is being stretched
D) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the 2nd Engine Officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post on the tactical channel via the Post Radio
ANSWER: D) Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the 2nd Engine Officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post on the tactical channel via the Post Radio (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 12 sec 6.2)
- Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the 2nd Engine Officer shall establish contact with the Incident Command Post on the COMMAND channel via the Post Radio
Several firefighters in a recent study group were discussing the newly issued Motorola APX8000XE HT radios. These firefighters made many points on the importance of the radio features. Which point made is incorrect?
A) To activate the High Visibility LED light located on the remote mic, press and hold the light button down for 2 seconds
B) When the push to talk button is depressed, the member should pause 1/2 second allowing HT ID to be transmitted
C) To correct the “stuck button” problem, the radio cuts off the transmission after 20 seconds of continuous transmission.
D) To activate the Emergency Alert, depress the Emergency Alert Button approximately 1 second
ANSWER: C) To correct the “stuck button” problem, the radio cuts off the transmission after 20 seconds of continuous transmission. (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 11)
- THIRTY (30) SECOND time-out-timer…..This feature cuts off the transmitter after 30 seconds of continuous transmission and is especially useful to correct the “stuck button” problem. At the remote mic, the radio emits a short audible warning tone approximately 26 seconds and a continuous tone at approximately 30 seconds.
When encountering an imminently hazardous condition in a building, an immediate CIDS entry can be entered into the eCIDS application by all of the following except?
A) Complete and fax a CD-201 via the chain of command to the administrative Deputy Chief
B) Change the “CIDS type” dropdown from “Original” or “Revised” to “Immediate.”
C) After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the administrative Battalion Chief by phone to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS
D) An immediate CIDS entry will always appear at the top of a units pending list and be in bold print
ANSWER: A) Complete and fax a CD-201 via the chain of command to the administrative Deputy Chief (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 4 sec 4.3.3)
- Use the eCIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS. Faxed paper copies of the CD-201 are no longer accepted
You would enter an eCIDS for all of the following except?
A) High-Rise MDs where a three length would not be sufficient
B) High-Rise MDs with communication systems
C) High-Rise MDs with sprinklers in below grade areas
D) Non-standpipe low-rise fireproof MDs where 1 3/4” hose may be used
ANSWER: C) High-Rise MDs with sprinklers in below grade areas (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 4 sec 4.3.2)
- High-Rise MDs with sprinklers in areas OTHER than below grade
Upon arrival to a building with an Auxiliary Radio Communication System, the first arriving Ladder Company shall activate the system in an effort to provide the necessary communications to all members on scene. The incorrect activation procedure can be found in which choice?
A) First arriving Ladder Officer will activate the ARCS (1620 key or on/off switch) at the Fire Command Station/Console, if so equipped
B) First arriving Officer will instruct the member designated to staff the Incident Command Post to monitor the tactical and/or repeater channel/relay messages
C) First arriving Officer will remain on channel 1, acquire in-house radios set to the appropriate repeater channel, or switch HT to the duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 14 and 15), as appropriate.
D) First arriving Officer will ensure a functional test is performed prior to leaving the lobby
E) First arriving Officer will notify the Dispatcher for re-transmittal to all incoming units if in-house radios or Channel 11 and 12 are being used
ANSWER: C) First arriving Officer will remain on channel 1, acquire in-house radios set to the appropriate repeater channel, or switch HT to the duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 14 and 15), as appropriate. (INCORRECT)
(Communications ch 13)
- First arriving Officer will switch to channel 1, acquire in-house radios set to the appropriate repeater channel, or switch HT to the duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 11 and 12), as appropriate.
- Channels 14 and 15 (subway 1 and subway 2) are Subway repeater channels at 5 watts.
- Remember: The HT relay (Channel 1-Primary Tactical) must still be established
The only correct procedure when requesting a spare radio due to an OOS radio can be found in which choice?
A) Immediately notify the administrative Battalion
B) Advise the Battalion of the unit and position of the radio being placed OOS
C) Upon receipt of spare radio, ensure proper ID has been placed in HT by transmitting from spare HT to another unit HT. The following channels must be checked for proper ID: HT-1/Tac 1, HT-2/CMD-1, and HT-9/Tac SEC
D) Upon receiving spare radio verify it comes with a leather case
ANSWER: C) Upon receipt of spare radio, ensure proper ID has been placed in HT by transmitting from spare HT to another unit HT. The following channels must be checked for proper ID: HT-1/Tac 1, HT-2/CMD-1, and HT-9/Tac SEC
(Communications ch 11 add 4 sec 2.1)
A - Administrative Division
B - Division
D - Verify time of day clock is correct
Whenever a member who has transmitted an Emergency Alert (EA) depresses the push to talk (PTT) button, members receiving such a transmission will observe what color band on their HT display screen?
A) Orange
B) Yellow
C) Red
D) Blue
ANSWER: A) Orange
(Communications ch 11 sec and fig 12a)
- Whenever a member who has transmitted an EA depresses the PTT button, members receiving such a transmission will observe an ORANGE band with Emergency call appearing on Main display with Unit and Position.
There is a fire in a Pizza store, which is in a row of stores that makes up a 100X100 Taxpayer. The fire extended to the adjoining store (LTQs Cleaners) that is left of the Pizza store. For identification purposes using the Alpha/Numeric system for identifying exposures, the correct exposure can be found which choice?
A) Exposure 2A
B) Exposure 4
C) Exposure 0-2A
D) 0-2
ANSWER: D) 0-2
(Communications ch 10 add 2 p-3)
Fire store is 0 (pizza store)
First store to the left of the pizza store (adjoining) is 0-2
Second store to the left of pizza store is 0-2A
Third store to the left of pizza store is 0-2B
Same for if it was to the right ex: pizza store is 0, first store to the right is 0-4, 0-4A, 0-4B, etc.
The incorrect statement made in regards to our current Handie Talkies (APX8000XE) can be found in which choice?
A) Member using the the HT shall pause 1 second after Push To Talk (PTT) is depressed to allow HT ID to be transmitted
B) To correct the “stuck button” problem the HT will emit a short audible warning tone at 26 seconds and a continuous tone at approximately 30 seconds
C) The encrypted tactical channel is HT-9/TAC SEC
D) When requesting a spare radio, you shall notify the administrative Division
ANSWER: A) Member using the the HT shall pause 1 second after Push To Talk (PTT) is depressed to allow HT ID to be transmitted. (INCORRECT)
(Comm ch 11 page 11-11)
- 1/2 second.
Note C - This channel is always active (strapped)
The correct 10 code given can be found in which choice?
A) 10-29-2 for an Occupied stuck elevator
B) 10-34-2 for a defective sprinkler
C) 10-35-1 for construction activities causing an unnecessary alarm
D) 10-36 “no code” for a vehicle with a flat tire
ANSWER: D) 10-36 “no code” for a vehicle with a flat tire.
Comm ch 8
- Elevator Emergency
10-29-1 Occupied
10-29-2 Unoccupied
- Sprinkler System Emergency “DUH”
10-34-1 Defective sprinkler device or system (defective alarm valve, broken pipe, etc.)
10-34-2 Unwarranted sprinkler alarm-Not defective (surge in pressure, people working on system, etc.)
10-34-3 Sprinkler has been activated by heat source not associated with an accidental fire
- Unwarranted/Unnecessary Alarm “S-C-OH-OK”
10-35 no code defective condition of alarm device, low battery, alarm activations without a known cause
10-35-1 unnecessary alarm caused by testing or servicing
10-35-2 unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities
10-35-3 unnecessary alarm caused by ordinary household activities (toast, steam, aerosol spray)
10-35-4 unnecessary alarm caused by other known cause (ex: cigarette smoking)
- Vehicle Accident or Emergency “WAIT”
10-36-1 Vehicle accident or emergency requiring washdown
10-36-2 Vehicle accident, no injuries and no washdown
10-36-3 Vehicle accident with injuries
10-36-4 Vehicle accident with or without injuries, with a trapped victim requiring extrication
10-36 no code Vehicle emergency other than described above
In order to enhance FDNY H/T communications in some facilities, auxiliary radio communications (ARCS) may be installed. From the list below select the most correct reference to ARCS.
A) Simplex channels are 1-16 on the current HT (APX 8000XE
B) Duplex channels are 10,13,12,14, and 15 on the current HT (APX 8000XE)
C) Just like the elevator lobby control panel, when you insert your 1620 key into the ARCS console, it is removable in the ON/Active position
D) Duplex radio repeater systems will not support multiple simultaneous transmissions
ANSWER: D) Duplex radio repeater systems will not support multiple simultaneous transmissions.
(Communications ch 13)
A - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13, and 16 (SIMPLEX)
B - 11,12,14, and 15 (DUPLEX)
C - Just like the elevator lobby control panel, when you insert your 1620 key into the ARCS console, it is NOT removable in the ON/Active position.
While enroute, or on scene of a fire/emergency, you wont have access to the “books” to transmit signals or carry out assigned duties. From the list below, choose the incorrect signal or assigned duties.
A) Enroute to a 10-76, the MDT shows E100Y, which means you are designated the Systems Control Unit
B) Since the BC is not on scene, you transmit a 10-35-2 for an unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities, which activated the alarm panel
C) Upon arrival at a 10-76 as the Lobby Control Unit, the main responsibility/duty is for the operation and control of elevators
D) The duties of a Roll Call Officer (RCO) include staying as close as possible to the IC even in severe weather to ensure the IC hears everyone is accounted for.
ANSWER: D) The duties of a Roll Call Officer (RCO) include staying as close as possible to the IC even in severe weather to ensure the IC hears everyone is accounted for. (INCORRECT)
(Communications 9 Addendum 2 4.4) (ICS 2 Add 4)
- RCO should be in an area AWAY from the command post to reduce radio feedback. If weather is an issue, the RCO and assisting member will have to take a position in a dry area, such as an apparatus cab or Battalion vehicle.
A - E100Y (Systems Control Unit) E100L (Lobby Control Unit).
B - Comm ch 8
C - ICS ch 2 add 4
Lobby Control Unit
- Assume control of elevators and provide operators
- Ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched
- Establish controls to account for personnel exiting and entering the elevators
- Provide resources to transport personnel to upper floors as required
- The Lobby Control Unit shall take on the duties of the System Control Unit when directed by the IC
In order to remove a facility from a CFR response (CFR Hold), a company officer shall ensure the facility meets a certain criteria. Choose the incorrect criteria.
A) Facility personnel on duty are trained in CPR and be able to provide oxygen to the patient
B) Facility personnel are trained in the use of a defibrillator, and all the necessary equipment is available to the trained personnel
C) All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available during all hours of operation. To qualify for removal, the facility shall be operational on a 24/7 basis
D) To be eligible for “CFR Hold” only the floors of the buildings address that meet the criteria shall be removed from the CFR response matrix
ANSWER: D) To be eligible for “CFR Hold” only the floors of the buildings address that meet the criteria shall be removed from the CFR response matrix. (INCORRECT)
(Comm ch 4 add 1)
- Significant change as of 10/2/20
- In addition to the above requirements found in Choices A, B, C, the facility must be “CFR Hold Eligible” ON ALL FLOORS of the buildings address.
The incorrect Unit designation can be found in which choice?
A) E100I FireIce Unit
B) E100K Division Task Force
C) E100F Fast Unit
D) E100HP High Pressure Engine
ANSWER: D) E100HP High Pressure Engine
(Comm ch 2 p-37)
- E100P
The most correct Mayday/Urgent given can be found in which choice?
A) URGENT URGENT URGENT, Engine 100 to Command URGENT……Command to E100, go ahead with your URGENT….E100 to Command, URGENT-Unconscious Member
B) URGENT URGENT URGENT, Engine 100 to Command URGENT……Command to E100, go ahead with your URGENT….E100 to Command, URGENT- Collapsed Feared
C) MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, L200 to Command, MAYDAY….Command to L200, go ahead with your MAYDAY….L200 to Command MAYDAY- Collapsed Feared
D) MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, L200 to Command, MAYDAY….Command to L200, go ahead with your MAYDAY….L200 to Command MAYDAY- Fire entering an Exposure
ANSWER: B) URGENT URGENT URGENT, Engine 100 to Command URGENT……Command to E100, go ahead with your URGENT….E100 to Command, URGENT- Collapsed Feared
(Communications ch 9)
A - MAYDAY for an unconscious member. URGENT for a injured member (Non-Life threatening)