Regarding the properties and characteristics of natural gas, it would be correct to state that?
A) It is classified as a “combustible gas”
B) Depending on the mixture, the explosive range is 5% to 25%.
C) It is colorless and odorless, however mercaptan is added to give it an “egg” smell.
D) It is slighlty heavier than air.
E) When natural gas ignites, it undergoes a rapid increase in volume. If confined, the pressure due to this volume change will create an explosive force.
ANSWER: E) When natural gas ignites, it undergoes a rapid increase in volume. If confined, the pressure due to this volume change will create an explosive force.
A - Classified as a FLAMMABLE GAS
B - Explosive range is 5% to FIFTEEN (15%)
C - Mercaptan gives it a ROTTING smell (bulletin used to say “rotten egg” smell)
(EP Natural Gas - 3)
Regarding the gas system infrastructure, it is incorrect to state that?
A) Gate stations have remote monitoring, but generally have no permanent on-site personnel.
B) An incident at a gate station should be treated as an industrial facility emergency limiting actions to life saving and protecting exposures until consulatation with the Utility Company.
C) Gas is routed via high, medium, and low pressure distribution main. Only high pressure mains have control valves, generally found near street corners.
D) High pressure mains are made of steel. Medium and low pressure mains are made of steel, plastic or if older, cast iron.
ANSWER: C) Gas is routed via high, medium, and low pressure distribution main. Only high pressure mains have control valves, generally found near street corners. (INCORRECT).
- BOTH MEDIUM and HIGH pressure mains have control valves.
(EP - Natural Gas - 4.1)
You are a company officer operating at a major gas emergency where the IC has ordered you to locate the nearest gas main valve cover so that Con Ed can shut down the main if necessary. You should know that Con Ed gas main valve covers have ID numbers located where?
A) Stamped on the south side of the collar, underneath the cover.
B) Stamped on the north side of the collar, underneath the cover.
C) On tags inside of the valve cover.
D) On tags outside of the valve cover.
ANSWER: C) On tags inside of the valve cover.
- National grid ID numbers are located on the north side of the collar, underneath the cover.
(EP - Natural gas - 4.3 pg 8)
A Lieutenant conducting drill on natural gas valves was incorrect to state that curb valves / service valves?
A) Shut the gas supply to an entire building.
B) Are usually found on the street side of the curb.
C) Are usually recessed in from the curb and are covered with a 4” x 4” square or round brittle concrete or steel cover which may be sitting on top of a plastic or wooden plate.
D) Found on National Grid “Long Service” system are sometimes located across the street from the building they supply and may also be found in the street. An arrow cast into the cover will point to the building it supplies.
ANSWER: B) Are usuually found on the street side of the curb. (INCORRECT)
- Found on the SIDEWALK side of the curb.
(EP - Natural Gas 4.4)
A company officer operating at a gas leak in the cellar of an MD sees the letters “NC” and “EFV” stamped on a tag near the service meter. He should know that this indicates which of the following?
- “NC” indicates there is “no cover” over the curb valve
- “EFV” indicates there is an “excess flow valve” in the line on the service pipe.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 1 & 2 D) Neither
ANSWER: B) 2 only
1 - “NC” indicates there is NO CURB VALVE
(EP - Natural Gas - 4.4.2)
There are various valves, regulators and vents to control the supply of gas to occupanices. Which point below is incorrect concerning these devices?
A) Exterior gas service valves control the supply of gas meters installed on the outside of buildings. If an exterior gas service valve is present, no curb valve / service valve is required.
B) Head of service valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the inside of buildings.
C) Service regulators are usually located before the gas meter on medium and high pressure systems to reduce the gas to low pressure.
D) Peck vents are installed on medium or high pressure systems to vent excess gas if a service regulator fails.
E) Peck vents may have a blue cap and normally have an odor of natural gas at the peck vent.
ANSWER: E) Peck vents may have a blue cap and normally have an odor of natural gas at the peck vent. (INCORRECT)
- Peck vents have a RED CAP
- Normally have NO ODOR of gas at peck vent
(EP - Natural Gas - 4.4.2)
Gas meters can supply individual occupancies or an entire building. An officer conducting drill on gas meters was incorrect when he stated?
A) Before the meter there should be a 1/4 turn meter valve that controls the supply of gas to the meter.
B) Shutting a master meter shuts gas to an entire building, including all occupancies in that building. If there are two master meters, the valve to only one meter needs to be closed to shut supply to the entire building.
C) Interior riser valves may exist that come off a master meter, typically near the ceiling. They may be used to isolate only a section of the building.
D) All natural gas appliances should have a 1/4 turn valve.
ANSWER: B) Shutting a master meter shuts gas to an entire building, including all occupancies in that building. If there are two master meters, the valve to only one meter needs to be closed to shut supply to the entire building. (INCORRECT)
- If there are 2 master meters SHUT VALVE TO BOTH METERS.
- The purpose of a double meter is to be able to shut down one in case it needs to be repaired without shutting off gas supply to the entire building.
(EP - Natural gas - 4.4.3)
First alarm units arrive at the scene of a reported gas leak in a 4 story OLT. Which THREE (3) of the following conditions would be indicative of a major gas emergency?
A) Any damage, from small to serious, to a major component like a master meter, gas service pipe, main valve or distribution main.
B) 10% LEL or greater detected outside or inside a building.
C) 15% LEL or greater detected in an invented subsurface structure (manholes, sewers ….)
D) Gas present in one or more subsurface structures (manholes or sewers)
E) Indications of gas migrating into a building from an outside source.
F) Gas leaking inside of a structure and the controlling valve cannot be found or is inoperable.
G) Gas leaking or present inside of a large open area.
C - TWENTY (20%) LEL in unvented substructure
D - Gas present in TWO or more subsurface structures
G - Gas leaking or present inside a WALL or VOID.
7 Indicators of Major Gas Emergencies “10-20 VOIDS”
10% LEL or greater - Inside or Outside
20% LEL - elevated readings in an unvented subsurface
V - Gas leaking inside of a VOID or wall
O - Gas migrating into building from OUTSIDE source
I - Gas leaking inside structure and control valves INOPERABLE or cannot be located.
D - SERIOUS DAMAGE (not any damage) to a major component of gas infrastructure (master meter , main valve etc.)
S - Gas present in TWO or more SUBSURFACE structures.
(EP - Natural Gas - Section 5)
Highly probable test question
Units operating at a gas emergency would be incorrect to perform which tactic?
A) If any natural gas is found on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering a building, or while proceeding to the reported location within a building, the first ladder inside team should proceed directly to the basement / cellar to evaluate conditions.
B) The 1st Ladder outside team should proceed to the natural gas utility meter location, which may be in the basement / cellar or exterior of the building.
C) The 1st Engine Officer should proceed to the reported location or caller when arriving at gas emergency only if arriving before the ladder company. Remaining engine members should prepare to stretch a line, positioned outside of the potential blast zone.
D) Apparatus should not be positioned in front of the reported leak location. Avoid positioning over manholes and sewers. Additional units shall stage at street corners and only enter the block when appropriate.
E) The 1st priority at these responses is to locate and mitigate the gas leak.
ANSWER: E) The 1st priority at these responses is to locate and mitigate the gas leak. (INCORRECT)
- The 1st priority is to determine IF THIS IS A MAJOR GAS EMERGENCY or not.
- The 2nd priority is to locate and mitigate the leak.
(EP - Natural Gas - 6.5)
Regarding the use of gas detectors and gas meters, it would be incorrect to state that?
A) The natural gas detector is used to determine the location of the leak. It is the superior tool for locating leaks in appliances, supply piping, and points of entry.
B) The natural gas meter is used to determine the amount of gas present in an area by visibly displaying the level of gas in % LEL. It is the superior tool for identifying areas where it is no longer safe to operate.
C) Natural gas detectors and meters require warm up times in fresh air. It is good practice to power on these devices before arrival on scene.
D) When using meters to investigate gas emergencies, the best practice is to measure readings at a location high upon entry of the room of the suspected leak and report that % LEL to the IC.
ANSWER: D) When using meters to investigate gas emergencies, the best practice is to measure readings at a location high upon entry of the room of the suspected leak and report that % LEL to the IC. (INCORRECT)
- Measure HIGH AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM of the suspected leak and report this % LEL to IC.
(EP - Natural Gas - 6.4)
When mitigating a gas leak, members would be incorrect to think?
A) Ignition sources near the leak may be removed by utilizing a remote shutoff; this should only be done outside of the area that is within the explosive range.
B) Leaks should be controlled by shutting the closest valve that controls supply.
C) A leak or break in low or medium pressure gas piping may be stopped or greatly diminished by taping or stuffing putty, rags, paper, etc.
D) Leaking plastic pipe found outside should not be touched, folded, or approached
ANSWER: C) A leak or break in low or medium pressure gas piping may be stopped or greatly diminished by taping or stuffing putty, rags, paper, etc. (INOCRRECT)
- A leak in LOW PRESSURE piping only may be stopped or diminished by stuffing putty, rags, paper etc.
(EP - Natural Gas - 6.7)
The priority order of valve closure in the Natural Gas bulletin is appliance vavle followed by which of the following choices?
A) Master meter valve, interior gas riser valve, individual meter valve, head of service valve, curb valve.
B) Interior gas riser valve, individual meter valve, master meter valve, curb valve, head of service valve.
C) Interior gas riser valve, master meter valve, individual meter valve, head of service valve, curb valve.
D) Interior gas riser valve, individual meter valve, master meter valve, head of service valve, curb valve.
ANSWER: D) Interior gas riser valve, individual meter valve, master meter valve, head of service valve, curb valve.
(EP - Natural Gas - pg 22 to 24)
Order of valve closure
- Appliance valve
- Interior gas riser
- Individual meter
- Master meter
- Head of service
- Curb
You are a company officer operating at an incident where there is a major gas leak in a multiple dwelling that cannot be controlled from any valves inside the building. In this situation you would be incorrect to think that?
A) FDNY members are authorized to shut curb valves / service valves, but this should only be done as a last resort and in consultation with the utility company.
B) Curb valves / service valves may be covered with concrete or grass and may not be visible.
C) White curb valves indicate plastic valves that are easily broken with excess force. A white plastic insert is required for both National Grid and Con Edison plastic valves.
D) The FDNY is not permitted to shut a Main valve.
ANSWER: C) White curb valves indicate plastic valves that are easily broken with excess force. A white plastic insert is required for both National Grid and Con Edison plastic valves. (INCORRECT)
- White plastic insert required for NATIONAL GRID only (not Con Ed)
(EP - Natural Gas - pg 24)
Which of the following FDNY isued powered equipment are considered instrinsically safe? (More than one correct)
A) Handie-talkies
B) Natural gas detectors
C) Natural gas meters
D) FDNY issued flashlights
E) Thermal Imaging Cameras
F) Ventilation Fans
ANSWER: A) Handie-talkies / B) Natural gas detectors / C) Natural gas meters / D) FDNY issued flashlights (ALL INTRINSICALLY SAFE)
- Thermal Imaging Camera NOT intinsically safe
- Ventilation fans NOT intrinsically safe
(EP - Natural Gas - 9.1.2)
You are a company officer that has arrived at the scene of a reported odor of gas. On arrival, you determine there are serious indications of a major gas emergency for a leak inside of an OLT. The leak has been found and can be controlled by a valve. In this situation you should be guided by all of the following except which?
A) You should transmit a 10-75 and a 10-80 No Code, specifying a major gas emergency.
B) If gas levels can be kept to less than 80% LEL by venitng, you may continue to operate.
C) If gas levels can be kept to less than 80% LEL, you my remove ignition sources only if this can be done from an area not within the explosive range.
D) If any readings display levels of 80% LEL or greater, the opportunity to cut power has expired.
E) If at any time the gas levels reach 80% LEL or higher, treat the efefcted area as a “potential blast zone”
ANSWER: A) You should transmit a 10-75 and a 10-80 No Code, specifying a major gas emergency. (INCORRECT)
- 10-75 and a 10-80 CODE 1
(EP - Natural Gas - 7.3)
Which of the following are considered potential blast zones in regards to major gas emergencies?
- When a leak is found - and gas levels reach 20% of the LEL or higher.
- When it is suspected that gas has been leaking for a considerable amount of time and is likely trapped in a void space.
- When a leak is not found - and levels cannot be limited to less than 10% LEL by venting, and there are indications that the leak is coming from an outside, subsurface source.
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,3 D) 1,2,3
ANSWER: B) 2,3
1 - When a leak is found and gas levels reach EIGHTY (80%) of LEL or higher.
Potential Blast Zones
- Gas reaches levels of 80% LEL or higher
- Gas leaking for considerable amount of time in void
- Leak NOT found / levels cannot be limited to 10% LEL by venting and there are indications that leak is coming from an outside, subsurface source.
(EP - Natural Gas - pg 32)
Engine 100 & Ladder 99 have arrived at the scene of a major gas emergency for a leak inside of a multiple dwelling where the IC has decided there is an explosive environment and established a potential blast zone. Ladder 99 is instructed to perform rapid evacuation tactics in the potential blast zone. In this situation, Ladder 99 should be guided by which one tactic?
A) Evacuation should be via an available stairway. No elevator in any building shall ever be used because elevators create static electric arcs when activated by a call button or signaled to move.
B) Members shall alert occupants to self evacuate by knocking on doors and moving from door to door. Assistance can be provided to people with special needs or thos requiring assistance.
C) Forcible entry should only be accomplished for suspected life hazards.
D) When forcing entry, use the adz end of the halligan to gap and force the door and / or use conventional forcible entry.
ANSWER: B) Members shall alert occupants to self evacuate by knocking on doors and moving from door to door. Assistance can be provided to people with special needs or thos requiring assistance.
A - CAN USE elevators in some cases if taking the stairs is impractical (High Rise Upper Floors)
C - Forcible entry for KNOWN LIFE HAZARDS
D - Use adz to gap and force OR USE HYDRA RAM.
(EP - Natural Gas - 9.1.3)
Engine 100 and Ladder 99 have arrived at the scene of a major gas emergency for a leak inside of a multiple dwelling where the IC has decided there is an explosive environment and established a potential blast zone. Regarding the water supply and line placement considerations, E-100 would be correct to think?
A) 1 3/4”, 2 1/2” or large caliber streams are all appropriate for defensive positions.
B) All members, apparatus, appliances and hose should be positioned inside of the potential blast zone.
C) Fog streams should be used to help dissipate natural gas venting outside of the structure.
D) A charged fog hoseline may be used to protect utility workers plugging or squeezing a gas pipe under pressure to stop a leak.
ANSWER: D) A charged fog hoseline may be used to protect utility workers plugging or squeezing a gas pipe under pressure to stop a leak.
A - 1 3/4” line IS NOT APPROPRIATE for defensive pos.
B - Everyone should be OUTSIDE of blast zone
C - Fog streams SHOULD NOT be used to help gas venting OUTSIDE of a structure.
Engine 100 & Ladder 99 have arrived at the scene of a major gas emergency for a leak inside of a multiple dwelling where the IC has decided there is an explosive environment and established a potential blast zone. Which point below concerning operations in the potential blast zone is not accurate?
A) The potential blast zone should be identified by “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” tape.
B) The potential blast zone should only be entered for direct, life saving purposes.
C) Certain areas may be considered safe in the potential blast zone if they are too rich to burn.
D) Venting windows and doors as they are passed is permissible in the potential blast zone by rapid evacuation teams if doing so will not delay evacuation.
ANSWER: C) Certain areas may be considered safe in the potential blast zone if they are too rich to burn. (INCORRECT)
- NO AREA may be considered safe in the P.B.Z.
(EP -Natural gas - 9.2.4)
In regards to pulling manhole covers to naturally ventilate subsurface structures, it is correct for members to think?
A) Sewer manhole covers may be removed by FDNY personnel only if approved by both an on scene utility worker and a Chief Officer.
B) Electric manhole covers can be removed by FDNY personnel if requested by an on scene utility company worker, approved by a Chief Officer and the cover has been determined to be free of stray voltage.
C) Only round or square electric manhole covers may be pulled by FDNY personnel
D) Do not pull any electric manhole covers if there is a manhole fire in the area, or smoking or arcing is observed in an electric manhole or transformer vault.
ANSWER: D) Do not pull any electric manhole covers if there is a manhole fire in the area, or smoking or arcing is observed in an electric manhole or transformer vault.
A - Sewer manhole covers (Can be removed by FDNY with CHIEF APPROVAL)
B - Electric manhole covers can be removed by FDNY if requested by utility worker / approved by a Chief and been determined free of stray voltage by an UTILITY COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE.
C - ONLY ROUND manhole covers can be pulled by FDNY.
(EP - Natural Gas - 9.2.4)
Steam piping runs under streets and sidewalks with manholes providing access to the underground steam system. Regarding the delivery of steam, it would be incorrect to state that?
A) Concrete slabs typically cover steam vaults with access manholes placed in pairs.
B) Steam is invisible; the white mist seen is the condensate that forms when steam cools.
C) Steam pressures in generating plants can be as high as 2000 psi with temperatures reaching 900 degrees F.
D) Steam pressures in buried supply piping and in supplied buildings can be as high as 350 psi with temperatures reaching 170 degrees F.
ANSWER: D) Steam pressures in buried supply piping and in supplied buildings can be as high as 350 psi with temperatures reaching 170 degrees F. (INCORRECT)
- Steam pressures in buried supply piping and in supplied buildings can be as high as ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY (170) psi with temperatures reaching THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (350) degrees F.
(EP - Steam - 1.1)
Water slugs formed in steam piping can be pushed at speeds as high as 200 mph. If the slug encounters a bend in the piping, it can cause a steam pipe rupture. Con Ed refers to steam pipe ruptures as a HELB (High Emergency Line Break). Regarding the possibility of asbestos releaase at a HELB, members should know that asbestos has been removed from which of the following?
A) Steam manholes
B) Generating plants
C) Undergroundpipes buried in the street.
D) Buildings supplied with steam.
ANSWER: A) Steam manholes
EP - Steam - 4.1
Members encountering a High Energy Line Break at a generating plant would be correct to think that?
A) FDNY members should be tasked with mitigating the emergency.
B) FDNY members should only enter the plant to perform mitigation.
C) If FDNY members enter the plant, they should stay close to the White Hat.
D) Members may never enter a Con Ed generating plant without Con Ed personnel.
ANSWER: D) Members may never enter a Con Ed generating plant without Con Ed personnel.
A - Only PLANT PERSONNEL will mitigate the emergency
B - FDNY only enters plant for SEARCH & RESCUE (escorted by plant personnel)
C - If FDNY members enter the plant they should stay close to the ESCORT.
(EP - Steam - 4.1)
Members respond to a report of a steam condition in the street in Midtown Manhattan and find a vent pipe over a steam manhole directing steam over the roadway. Members notice that there is a blue stripe on the top on the vent pipe. In this situation, members should know it is the most correct to think this indicates the steam as a result of a?
A) Leaking steam main
B) Water leak from a sewer, water main, or heavy rain contacting the steam pipe.
D) Possible asbestos issue
ANSWER: B) Water leak from a sewer, water main, or heavy rain contacting the steam pipe.
(EP - Steam - 4.3)
You are the 1st due Ladder Officer at an alarm where a high pressure steam riser has ruptured inside of a MD. On your arrival, conditions are severe and you order your outside team to attempt to shut down the steam supply, as Con Ed will be delayed to the scene. In this situation, they would be correct to shut which valve(s) listed below?
A) Only the Outside Service Vavle
B) Only the Inside Service Valve
C) Either the Inside or Outside Service Valve
D) Both the Outside Service Valve and the Inside Service Valve.
ANSWER: B) Only the Inside Service Valve
In an emergency, members may shut the Inside Service Valve. It will be labeled and sealed. IF POSSIBLE, wait for Con Ed steam personnel to shut the necessary
(EP - Steam 4.4)
The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter is a relatively new tool utilized by FDNY units. Which of the following points about the Altair meter are correct?
- The Altair meter has been issued to all Engine & Ladder companies to increase operational effectiveness in dealing with incidents involving natural gas.
- The Altair meter is equipped with two sensors, one for combustible gases and the other for oxygen.
- The meter is capable of detecting other combustible gases and may be used to detect gases other than natural gas when required.
- Before turning the meter on, the member must be in an area free of contamination.
- When the meter has powered on it will run through a self check which takes approximately 40 seconds.
- During the self check, if the meter displays “FAS” on the screen this indicates that the meter has malfunctioned and must be placed OOS at the conclusion of the operation.
A) 1,2,3,4,5,6
B) 1,2,5,6
C) 1,2,5
D) 1,2,4,5
ANSWER: D) 1,2,4,5 (Correct)
- 3 and 6 are INCORRECT
3 - Meter SHOULD NOT BE USED to detect any other gases OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS.
6 - One screen will display “FAS” prompting the user to perform a “Fresh Air Setup”. Press the power button again to perform the FAS (ensure the meter is in an area free of contamination). The FAS is used to “zero” the LEL sensor to ambient air. Not performing FAS may affect the accuracy of meter readings.
Note: The FAS can be bypassed by either pressing the reset (right arrow or ^) button or waiting 10 seconds.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 2.2)
The Altair alarm will activate at all but which of the following LCD readings?
A) 5.0% LEL
B) 10.0% LEL
C) 19.5% O2 (Oxygen deficient)
D) 23.5% O2 (Oxygen enriched)
EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 2.5
When the Altair meter is placed OOS the Officer on duty shall:
A) Call the Battalion to have the meter replaced
B) Call the Division to have the meter replaced
C) Send the meter through the bag to HazMat Operations
D) Call HazMat operations directly to have the meter replaced.
ANSWER: D) Call HazMat operations directly to have the meter replaced.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 3.1)
While operating as the 1st due Ladder at the scene of a gas leak in the cellar of a MD, your Altair begins to alarm. You notice a series of three “X’s” on the screen. You know all the following statements are true except which choice below?
A) The atmosphere is above 100% LEL
B) This is an extremely dangerous atmosphere that is indicative of a potentially explosive environment.
C) The LEL sensor will no longer read natural gas levels.
D) You may quickly turn the meter off and back on to reset the sensor prior to leaving the cellar.
ANSWER: D) You may quickly turn the meter off and back on to reset the sensor prior to leaving the cellar. (INCORRECT)
- To reset the sensor, the meter must be REMOVED TO FRESH AIR and turned off then turned back on.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 4.)
The oxygen sensor was included on the Altair meter since the LEL sensor requires oxygen to function properly. Which of the following statements regarding the oxygen sensor on the Altair meter is incorrect?
A) Upon activation of the oxygen sensor in an oxygen deficient atmopshere, members shall don their SCBA facepiece and notify the IC of abnormal oxygen readings on the Altair meter.
B) Oxygen enriched atmopsheres increase flash points of combustibles and increase the chance of ignition of material not normally thought of as an ignition hazard.
C) A series of three large “+” along the screen under the O2 icon indicates the atmopshere is above 30% oxygen.
D) In oxygen deficient atmopsheres the oxygen is being displaced and the LEL readings may not be accurate.
ANSWER: B) Oxygen enriched atmopsheres increase flash points of combustibles and increase the chance of ignition of material not normally thought of as an ignition hazard. (INCORRECT)
- Oxygen enriched atmospheres DECREASE flash points of combustibles and increases the chance of ignition of material not normally thought of as an ignition hazard.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 5.1)
The SENSIT TKX Combustible Gas Detector is a solid-state, combustible detector carried by Battalions, Haz-Mat Company 1, HMTU, Rescue and Ladder Companies. Which of the following points concerning this detector is correct?
A) It provides a “Geiger Counter” like ticking sound that increases in frequency when a gas source as low as 5 ppm of methane is detected.
B) The SENSIT detector will detect carbon monoxide.
C) The Altair meter must be used in conjunction with this detector.
D) The only maintenance a company may perform on the detector is the replacement of the lithium ion battery pack.
ANSWER: C) The Altair meter must be used in conjunction with this detector.
A - Source as low as TWENTY (20) PPM
B - WILL NOT detect CO
D - Replacement of lithium ion battery ONLY DONE BY HAZMAT.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 5 4.0)
The SENSIT detector is one of the tools used most often by company officers. Understanding the proper way to operate this tool is key to operating safely at gas emergencies. Which of the following statements about the operation of the SENSIT detector is incorrect?
A) Turn the tick adjust dial fully clockwise then in a non-contaminated atmopshere, slide the power switch to the “on” position. A red LED light will illuminate.
B) Rotate the tick adjust dial in a clockwise direction until a uniform ticking sound, which indicates a fully warmed up instrument is heard.
C) Approach the area of the suspected leak until the ticking sound begins to increase. When the ticking increases rotate the tick adjust dial counter clockwise to slow the ticking sound and continue to approach the suspected area of the leak.
D) An increase in the ticking sound and flashing of the red LED indicates that you are approaching the leak.
ANSWER: A) Turn the tick adjust dial fully clockwise then in a non-contaminated atmopshere, slide the power switch to the “on” position. A red LED light will illuminate.
- Turn dial fully COUNTER CLOCKWISE then slide power switch on. A GREEN LED light will illuminate.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 5 4.0)
It should be emphasized hat any entry into the water or onto ice must be considered as a last resort. The safety of our members is paramount and members must use extreme caution and good judgement with any ice or water rescue. There will be times when FDNY members should not enter the water. Listed below are some factors that would affect this decision. Which factor is incorrect?
A) Water/Weather Conditions - Factors such as wave height, wind, rip currents or long shore currents, and lightning storms.
B) Location of victim - How far out the victim is and if they can be reached safely (Ice/Water Tether rope is 200’ and surf tether rop is 600’)
C) Night operations - member should not be allowed into the water after dark.
D) Skill level or rescuer - can the rescuer reach the victim under the above circumstances or will the rescuer eventually become a victim?
ANSWER: C) Night operations - member should not be allowed into the water after dark. (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures - Water Rescue 1 - Section 2)
All members operating at or near a water emergency must wear a PFD. Bunker gear shall only be worn when operating in the immediate vicinity of water/ice operations when absolutely necessary. Members would be correct to know the following point about Bunker Gear and water operations?
A) Bunker gear does not float and will sink instantaneously.
B) Bunker gear floats and will float for less than 1 minute.
C) Bunker gear floats and will float for 1-2 minutes
D) Bunker gear floats and will float for 2-4 minutes
ANSWER: A) Bunker gear does not float and will sink instantaneously.
(EP - Water Rescue 1 - 2.4)
Exposure to cold water can lead to a life threatening medical emergency and immediate interventions must be taken to increase the victim’s chance of survival. After removing a person from cold waters, members of L99 would be correct to take all of the following actions except which one?
A) Remove the victim to a warm shelter to prevent further body cooling.
B) Remove wet clothing and wrap the person in warm blankets.
C) Perform a patient assessment and treat the patient according to CFR protocols
D) Gently massage or rub the victim because the friction created will slowly warm the person.
E) The victim should be transported carefully to avoid heart fibrillation and stress.
ANSWER: D) Gently massage or rub the victim because the friction created will slowly warm the person. (INCORRECT)
- DO NOT massage or rub as this can cause CARDIAC ARREST.
(EP - Water Rescue 1 - 3.5.2)
Cold water victims may appear dead. However, people who have been submerged in cold water for long periods of time have made compete recoveries. Which point about hypothermia listed below is incorrect?
A) The loss of body heat occurs 50 times faster in cold water than in air. Hypothermia (subnormal body temperature) begins when the body’s core (brain, spinal cord, lungs, and vital organs) temperature falls below the level of 92.6 degrees F.
B) Cold water cools the body’s skin and outer tissues very quickly. In approximately 7 to 15 minutes, core body temperature begins to drop significantly, affecting utilization of the arms and legs. Irrational behavior (resisting help) is a good indicator of hypothermia.
C) Early signs of hypothermia begin at approximately 95 degrees causing the body to uncontrollably shiver which is the body’s first reaction to the cold. As the body temperature continues to drop to about 90 degrees the lips turn blue, speech begins to slur, and skin loses color becoming pale.
D) If the body temperature drops below 82 degrees, severe hypothermia sets in and the person loses consciousness. If no intervention is performed the body’s temperature will continue to drop decreasing the heart rate and leading to cardiac arrest and death.
ANSWER: A) The loss of body heat occurs 50 times faster in cold water than in air. Hypothermia (subnormal body temperature) begins when the body’s core (brain, spinal cord, lungs, and vital organs) temperature falls below the level of 92.6 degrees F. (INCORRECT)
- Loss of body heat occurs TWENTY FIVE (25) TIMES faster in cold water than in air.
- Hypothermia occurs when body’s temperature falls BELOW NINETY EIGHT POINT SIX (98.6 degrees)
(EP - Water Rescue 1 - 3.4)
You are a new Officer working a day tour in L99, which is designated as a water rescue company. During roll call FF Johnson tells you that he will have to roof that tour and is also designated as the primary water rescuer. FF Johnson tells you that he can swim, but that FF Smith is a former lifeguard and since he is the OV he is not the primary water rescuer. The senior man, FF Wray tells you that L99’s policy regarding who is the primary water rescuer is predicated on riding position. Whoever is assigned the roof for that tour is then the primary water rescuer. Do you agree or disagree with this company policy?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- FDNY members comfortable in the water, such as former life guards or trained scuba divers, would be the logical choice to select.
- It would not be a good practice to assign your primary water rescuer as a riding position, e.g. nozzle firefighter is always the primary rescuer.
- This member may not feel comfortable in the water and you may have someone with more training and water experience that would be better suited for that assignment.
(EP -Water Rescue 2 - 2.1)
Inflatable water rescue hose may be used during water rescue incidents involving one or more conscious victims. Every company, including Battalions, carries the yellow water rescue fittings. Which point about this equipment and procedure is not entirely correct?
A) When using the inflatable hose, members shall deploy the required lengths of hose near the point of operation, attach the water rescue fittings, and ensure that all connections are spanner tight prior to filling with air.
B) The hose can be filled with air using a SCBA or FAST-PAK. Members shall inflate the hose until it is completely filled and possesses rigidity similar to a charged hoseline.
C) One 45 minute cylinder can fill five lengths of 2 1/2” hose in approximately 1 minute. The apparatus air outlet can also be used to fill hose and will fill five lengths of hose in approximately 1 minute.
D) Inflatable water rescue hose can only be deployed in a loop. When deployed in a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims with each looped length of hose capable of supporting approximately 5 people. Not more than 2 lengths of hose can be used at one time.
ANSWER: D) Inflatable water rescue hose can only be deployed in a loop. When deployed in a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims with each looped length of hose capable of supporting approximately 5 people. Not more than 2 lengths of hose can be used at one time. (INCORRECT)
- Can be deployed in a LOOP OR STRAIGHT.
- Each loop can support TEN (10) PEOPLE
- Each straight hose can support A FEW people
- CAN USE MORE THAN TWO for larger operations.
(EP -Water Rescue 2 - Addendum 1)
Members of L99 were discussing operations when they are assigned as a water safety unit. During the drill each member of L99 made a point. Which point is incorrect?
A) The Officer usually assumes the Rescue Coordinator position and shall be located where they can observe and direct the whole operation.
B) In a 4 FF Engine, the Officer will also assume the responsibility of the Spotter until an additional unit arrives. The Spotter assumes a position from which they can keep sight of the victim.
C) The “throw” method is used in conjunction with the reach method or when the reach method is not feasible and involves the throw bad and/or the life ring with the attached tether line.
D) Members entering the water shall have their feet protected. Members can leave their shoes on for protection. Bunker gear boots shall not be used for foot protection since they will fill with water and pull the member under water.
ANSWER: D) Members entering the water shall have their feet protected. Members can leave their shoes on for protection. Bunker gear boots shall not be used for foot protection since they will fill with water and pull the member under water. (INCORRECT)
- Bunker boots are ALLOWED without the bunker pants
(EP - Water Rescue 2)
Which of the following points regarding Water Rescue are correct?
Point # 1 - The “GO” method is the last method available to water safety units. It is only under extreme life safety emergencies in which a member of a unit equipped with only a water safety kit shall enter the water. Generally, a water safety unit will not enter the water is a water rescue unit is on scene.
Point #2 - Predetermined hand signals have been established to allow the rescuer and tether to communicate. One hand placed on top of the rescuers head indicates the rescuer is ready to be pulled to shore. One arm waving int he air indicated stop pulling.
A) Both points are incorrect
B) Only 1 point is correct
C) Both points are correct
D) Only point 2 is correct
ANSWER: C) Both points are correct
EP - Water Rescue 2
Water rescue equipment must always be properly maintained to ensure that it is in proper working order. Which point about the maintenance of the water rescue equipment is not entirely correct?
A) In January and July, the suit should be removed from the carrying bag and hung on a broad shouldered hangar for at least 48 hours to allow moisture in the suit to dry out, prevent mildew and help extend the service life of the suit.
B) Before repacking the suit into its carrying bag, the zipper should be treated with grease. Close the zipper and run the grease up and down the inside of the zipper. Open and close the zipper 3 times. Store the suit with the zipper in the closed position.
C) If the suit should become soiled or contaminated with oil, scrub with a mild soap solution (dish soap), rinse with fresh water, and allow drying before repacking. Do not use solvents because they may degrade the suit’s seams and materials.
D) Rinse and air dry all ropes suits and caribineers after each use or drill. All Water/Ice Rescue Equipment shall be inspected during January, April, July, and October. Damaged equipment can be sent to Tech Services through normal RT-2 procedures.
ANSWER: B) Before repacking the suit into its carrying bag, the zipper should be treated with grease. Close the zipper and run the grease up and down the inside of the zipper. Open and close the zipper 3 times. Store the suit with the zipper in the closed position. (INCORRECT)
- Treat zipper with CANDLE WAX.
- Close zipper and run CANDLE WAX up and down the OUTSIDE of the zipper.
- Store suit with zipper in the OPEN position.
(EP - Water Rescue - 8)
1st alarm units arrive on the scene of a reported odor of gas in a 6 story MD. In this situation, which one of the following conditions would be indicative of a major gas emergency?
A) Minor damage to a master meter
B) 8% LEL inside the MD
C) 15% LEL detected in one unvented manhole in the street.
D) 2% gas detected in an invented manhole; and 1% gas detected in an invented sewer 200 feet away from the manhole.
ANSWER: D) 2% gas detected in an invented manhole; and 1% gas detected in an invented sewer 200 feet away from the manhole.
“10-20 VOIDS”
A - SERIOUS damage to a master meter
C - 20% LEL in unvented subsurface structure
D - Gas present in two or more subsurface structures (manhole, sewer, etc.)
(EP - Natural Gas - 5)
A Company Officer should know that Con Edison Gas Main valves have ID numbers ________________?
A) On a tag inside of the valve cover
B) On a tag outside of the valve cover
C) Stamped on the North side of the collar, under the cover
D) Stamped on the south side of the cover, on top of the cover
ANSWER: A) On a tag inside of the valve cover
C - Stamped on the North side of the collar, under the cover (NATIONAL GRID)
1st alarm units arrive at an emergency in a building where a high pressure steam riser in the wall of the building has failed and created serious steam conditions. In this situation, members would be correct to think?
A) Steam pipes inside of buildings are typically insulated with asbestos.
B) Members should shut off all of the steam valves inside of the steam control room.
C) In an emergency, members may shut the Outside Service Valve.
D) Steam temperatures in a supplied building can be as high as 900 degrees F.
ANSWER: A) Steam pipes inside of buildings are typically insulated with asbestos.
B - DO NOT start randomly shutting down valves
C - Emergency can cut INSIDE SERVICE VALVE
D - 350 Degrees / 900 degrees for GENERATING PLANTS
(EP - Steam 2.2)
Waterfront and Water Rescue operations may be hazardous for even the most experienced firefighters. All choices below are correct except?
A) At all times, day or night, members should not be allowed past the line of sight from the shore.
B) All members operating at or near a water emergency must wear a PFD. Bunker gear shall only be worn when operating in the immediate vicinity of water/ice operations when absolutely necessary.
C) Bunker gear does not float. Members wearing bunker gear, with or without an SCBA, will sink instantaneously.
D) Entry into the water or onto ice must be considered as a last resort. The safety of members is paramount.
ANSWER: A) At all times, day or night, members should not be allowed past the line of sight from the shore. (INCORRECT)
- NIGHT OPERATIONS - members shall not be allowed past the LOS from the shore.
(EP -Water Rescue 1)
Victims of water/ice rescue operations must be treated with extreme care. Which of the following choices contains incorrect information?
A) Sudden face contact with cold water (below 70 degrees F) initiates a body reflex known as the Mammalian Driving Reflex (MDR).
B) MDR is more pronounced in young people, therefore, they are the best candidates for resuscitation. The colder the water and the younger the victim, the better chance they have of survival.
C) The loss of body heat occurs 25 times faster in cold water than in air. Hypothermia begins when the body’s core temperature falls below the level of 96.6 degrees F.
D) Exposure to cold water necessitates immediate interventions such as removing the victim to a warm shelter, removing wet clothing and wrapping the person in warm blankets, and massaging and rubbing the victim to enhance warming by increasing blood flow.
ANSWER: D) Exposure to cold water necessitates immediate interventions such as removing the victim to a warm shelter, removing wet clothing and wrapping the person in warm blankets, and massaging and rubbing the victim to enhance warming by increasing blood flow. (INCORRECT)
- DO NOT RUB OR MASSAGE as this can lead to cardiac arrest.
(EP - Water Rescue 1 3.3)
The Fire Department has equipped and trained units to properly operate at various types of water and ice emergencies. Which choice below is incorrect?
A) Water “Rescue” Units are specific Engine and Ladder companies trained and equipped for surface Water/Ice rescues. These companies do not search for submerged victims.
B) Water “Safety” Units consist of Engine and Ladder companies, as well as all Battalions. When arriving first, these companies may take action using their Water Safety Kit. Under no conditions shall a member of a Water Safety Unit enter the water.
C) Roll call is the time to determine which member or members will enter the water if the emergency requires. FDNY members comfortable in the water would be the logical choice to select; it is not good practice to assign your primary water rescuer as a riding position.
D) The Water Safety Kit is primarily used for shore-based waterfront operations. Companies with Water Safety Kits can operate from the shore alone as well as assist Water Rescue and SCUBA trained companies when on scene.
ANSWER: B) Water “Safety” Units consist of Engine and Ladder companies, as well as all Battalions. When arriving first, these companies may take action using their Water Safety Kit. Under no conditions shall a member of a Water Safety Unit enter the water. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Water Resue 2 1.2)
All members must be familiar with proper water rescue operations. All of the following choices below contain correct information except?
A) Members selected at roll call will don PFDs at quarters prior to boarding apparatus when responding to a possible water rescue emergency.
B) The “Spotter” may be a firefighter, designated by the company Officer, to keep sight of the victim. In a 4 FF Engine company, the Officer will assume the responsibilities of the Spotter until an additional unit arrives.
C) Once it has been confirmed that there is a victim to be rescued, notify the dispatcher and request additional resources.
D) When utilizing the “throw” method for rescue, the member’s non-dominant hand will throw the bag while the dominant hand holds the rope. Throw the bag directly towards the victim.
ANSWER: D) When utilizing the “throw” method for rescue, the member’s non-dominant hand will throw the bag while the dominant hand holds the rope. Throw the bag directly towards the victim. (INCORRECT)
- Dominant hand THROWS BAG
- Throw bag OVER AND PAST the victim.
(EP - Water Rescue 2 3.8.4)
Two members discussing water rescue procedures during drill were able to identify which incorrect comment made earlier during that tour?
A) Members entering the water shall have their feet protected. Member can leave shoes on, or if wearing bunker gear, step out of the pants, remove boots from the pants, and put the boots back on.
B) All members except the Primary and Secondary Rescuers shall be equipped with HTs. The Primary and Secondary Tethers and all members near the water shall wear PFDs.
C) Notify the Dispatcher when an FDNY member enters the water.
D) If the victim is more than 75’ from shore they will be out of the range of a single tether line. Additional lines may be needed.
ANSWER: D) If the victim is more than 75’ from shore they will be out of the range of a single tether line. Additional lines may be needed. (INCORRECT)
(EP -Water Rescue 2 4.4.6)
Lt. Smith was conducting a water rescue drill with members of his unit and had to correct which incorrect comment made during the training?
A) All members entering the water are to wear cold water suits or a PFD and shall be tethered. Prior to entering the water, the rescuer and officer should gauge the direction and speed of the current; entry should be upstream.
B) Utilize the quickest and safest means to remove the victim from the water.
C) One hand placed on top of the rescuer’s head indicates stop pulling. One arm waving in the air indicates the rescuer is ready to be pulled to shore.
D) Additional members shall ensure a portable ladder is in place if needed. Secure the ladder and tether it in place. The top rung of the ladder can be used as an anchor point for the 2:1 mechanical advantage system.
ANSWER: C) One hand placed on top of the rescuer’s head indicates stop pulling. One arm waving in the air indicates the rescuer is ready to be pulled to shore. (INCORRECT)
- Hand on top of head = PULL INTO SHORE
- One arm waving in the air = STOP PULLING
(EP - Water Rescue 2 5.3)
In regards to FDNY Water Rescue Procedures, which command consideration is listed incorrectly?
A) Only victims who enter the water that complain of illness or injury should be evaluated by EMS. No routine evaluations are to be conducted.
B) The IC shall ensure a TL or Aerial Ladder is raised as a vantage point to assist the victim spotter.
C) When it is determined that a water rescue is not safe. the IC will have to rely on the technical capabilities of the Marine units and/or FDNY Rescue Divers.
D) Consider the need for a Decon Engine whenever members enter the water.
ANSWER: A) Only victims who enter the water that complain of illness or injury should be evaluated by EMS. No routine evaluations are to be conducted. (INCORRECT)
- VICTIMS AS WELL AS MEMBERS who enter the water shall be evaluated by EMS.
(EP - Water Rescue 2 7.12)
Proper maintenance of water rescue equipment is essential to ensuring these tools function properly when required. Which choice below is incorrect?
A) All Water/Ice Rescue equipment shall be inspected during January, April, July and October.
B) In January and July, the cold water suit should be removed from the carrying bag and hung on a borad shouldered hangar for at least 48 hours to allow moisture inside the suit to dry out, prevent mildew, and help extend the service life of the suit.
C) Before repacking the suit into its carrying bag, the zipper should be treated with candle wax. Close the zipper and run the candle wax up and down the inside of the zipper. Open and close the zipper 1-2 times. Store the suit with the zipper in the closed position.
D) If the suit should become soiled or contaminated with oil, scrub with a mild soap solution (dish soap). rinse with fresh water, and allow drying before repacking. Do not use solvents because they degreade the suit’s seams and material.
ANSWER: C) Before repacking the suit into its carrying bag, the zipper should be treated with candle wax. Close the zipper and run the candle wax up and down the inside of the zipper. Open and close the zipper 1-2 times. Store the suit with the zipper in the closed position. (INCORRECT)
- Close zipper and run candle wax up and down the OUTSIDE of the zipper.
- Open and close the zipper TWO TO THREE (2-3) TIMES
- Store the suit with the zipper in the OPEN position
(EP - Water Rescue 2 8.2)
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the inflatable water rescue hose?
A) Every company, including Battalions, carry the yellow water rescue fittings.
B) Supply air to the hose directly from the SCBA cylinder. If close enough, the apparatus sir outlet may also be used.
C) One 45 minute cylinder can fill 5 lengths of 2 1/2” hose in approximately 1 minute.
D) The apparatus air outlet can fill 5 lengths of hose in approximately 1 minute.
ANSWER: B) Supply air to the hose directly from the SCBA cylinder. If close enough, the apparatus sir outlet may also be used. (INCORRECT)
- Supply air from either the SCBA or FAST Pak using the HANSEN FITTING.
- DO NOT fill the hose directly from the SCBA cylinder.
(EP - Water Rescue 2 Addendum 1 1.1)
Proper knowledge of how to deploy inflatable water rescue hose is necessary to an effective operation. Which choice is incorrect?
A) Inflatable water rescue hose can be deployed in a straight line or loop. Straight line deployment can be used at incidents from a pier or shore involving a few victims within close proximity. It can also be used to reach a victim on ice.
B) When deployed as a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims. Each looped length is capable of supporting approximately 20 people.
C) More than 2 lengths of hose can be used for larger operations, increasing the amount of people that can be supported.
D) Deployed air-filled hose should be secured with utility rope. Take note of the water current as it may be necessary to deploy the hose ahead of the anticipated path of water travel.
ANSWER: B) When deployed as a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims. Each looped length is capable of supporting approximately 20 people. (INCORRECT)
- TWENTY (20) people
(EP - Water Rescue 2 Addendum 1 4.1)
Ice Rescues can be extremely complicated and dangerous. All of the following choices below are correct except which?
A) Victims exposed to cold water will have reduced motor skills and manual dexterity, making the “reach” and “throw” methods ineffective. For this reason the “go” method is used as soon as properly equipped members are on the scene and the victim has not been rescued. This can be used in conjunction with the reach and throw methods.
B) The PFD is only worn over the cold water suit ny the primary and backup rescuers when performing an ice rescue. The PFD is not used in conjunction with the cold water suit when performing a water rescue.
C) Whenever going on ice, a tethered ladder can be useful in distributing the rescuer’s weight. Surf Rescue units shall consider utilizing the surfboard with the fins removed to access victims more remote from shore as the surfboard helps to distribute the weight of the rescuer.
D) The Primary Rescuer should approach the victim from the front and should be the only member to approach the victim unless assistance from the secondary rescuer is needed. If possible, the primary rescuer shall be the only member communicating with the victim.
ANSWER: D) The Primary Rescuer should approach the victim from the front and should be the only member to approach the victim unless assistance from the secondary rescuer is needed. If possible, the primary rescuer shall be the only member communicating with the victim. (INCORRECT)
- Approach the members from the SIDE OR REAR
- Approaching from the front may cause the already weakened ice to break.
(EP - Water Rescue 3 4.3.5)
Surf Rescues require specially trained units. An Officer qualified to supervise a surf rescue unit should know that which choice below is incorrect?
A) Long shore currents are more pronounced at outgoing tides and are common at any beach that is exposed to breaking surf. The longer and straighter the beach is, the more powerful and swift the Long shore current will be.
B) Rescuers should enter the water upstream of the Long shore current (sweep tide) and swim witht he current to reach the victim. Contact with the victim will be difficult if the rescuer takes a straight on approach because they will be swimming against the sweep to get to the victim.
C) Rough water and larger wave height are more ideal conditions to utilize the surfboard. When encountering calm water and small waves, members should enter the water without the surfboard.
D) When the NYPD helicopter is operating in close proximity, be aware that the area beneath the helicopter can be dangerous due to rotor downwash.
ANSWER: C) Rough water and larger wave height are more ideal conditions to utilize the surfboard. When encountering calm water and small waves, members should enter the water without the surfboard. (INCORRECT)
- Ideal conditions for the surfboard are CALM WATER and SMALL WAVES
- Do not use surfboard when there is ROUGH WATER and LARGE WAVES.
(EP - Water Rescue 4 2.4)
The FDNY has trained and equipped Rescue companies in Dive Rescue operations. When a victim is submerged below the surface, the incident is now beyond the capability of a water rescue unit, yet 1st arriving units still play a key role in facilitating effective operations. Which choice below is incorrect?
A) Upon arrival, determine if there is a confirmed victim or victims in the water and if the victim(s) is on the surface or submerged. Notify incoming units of the status of the victim via the Borough Dispatcher.
B) If the victim is submerged, immediately search for a reliable witness. Once located, immediately remove the witness to the location of the Command Post so he/she can report exactly what occurred to the IC.
C) Once the last location of the victim is confirmed, units on scene shall determine the best access point for the entry of the Rescue Divers. This shall be relayed to the responding Rescue company Officer, who, upon his arrival will determine if the selected site is suitable or adjust if necessary.
D) In order to expedite the rescue effort, units should be prepared to assist the Rescue Divers with transporting any needed equipment to the entry point. The assistance of at least one company will have to be dedicated to this task.
ANSWER: B) If the victim is submerged, immediately search for a reliable witness. Once located, immediately remove the witness to the location of the Command Post so he/she can report exactly what occurred to the IC. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Water Rescue 5 2.1)
NYC uses over two billion cubic feet of natural gas every day, supplying two-thirds of our total energy needs. Natural gas is supplied to NYC by three interstate pipelines and several interconnections under the management of several distributors. Which of the following statements is correct pertaining to the gas system infrastructure?
A) Natural gas is piped to customers along Distribution Mains which may be high or medium pressure only.
B) High and medium pressure Distribution Mains are made of steel, plastic, or if older, cast iron.
C) Only high pressure Distribution Mains have control valves that are exercised (partially) on a schedule to ensure working order.
D) Gate station facilities have remote monitoring by the Utility Company’s Gas Control Centers but generally have no permanent on-site personnel.
D) Gate station facilities have remote monitoring by the Utility Company’s Gas Control Centers but generally have no permanent on-site personnel.
A - Natural Gas is piped to customers along Distribution Mains which may be HIGH, MEDIUM OR LOW pressure.
B - MEDIUM AND LOW PRESSURE Distribution Mains are made of steel, plastic or if older, cast-iron.
C - HIGH AND MEDIUM pressure Distribution Mains have control valves that are exercised (partially) on a schedule to ensure working order.
(Natural Gas 4.1, 4.3)
Natural gas is a hazardous material classified as a “Flammable Gas” and exhibits the following properties. Which property is listed correctly?
A) When natural gas ignites, it undergoes a rapid decrease in volume. If confined, the pressure, due to the volume change, will create an explosive force.
B) Natural gas is colorless and has a natural “rotting” smell.
C) Natural gas is significantly lighter than air.
D) Regardless of the mixture, the explosive range of natural gas is 5%-15%.
ANSWER: C) Natural gas is significantly lighter than air.
(Natural Gas Section 3)
A - Gas undergoes a rapid INCREASE in volume
B - Colorless and ODORLESS: however, to aid in detection, MERCAPTAN IS ADDED to natural gas as an odorant giving it a “rotting” smell.
D - DEPENDING on the mixture the explosive range of natural gas is 5% - 15%.
Any FDNY unit can find themselves with the difficult task of a water rescue emergency. To prepare for these emergencies the FDNY has trained and/or equipped all companies to specific levels in order to address these water rescue emergencies. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A) Water Rescue Units are specific Engine and Ladder companies trained and equipped for surface water/ice rescues. These companies do not search for submerged victims.
B) Water Safety Units have been issued a Water Safety Kit to use when a Water Rescue Unit is not on scene. When arriving first, these companies may take action using this kit, however, entry into the water shall not be attempted by these units.
C) Roll call is the time to determine which members will enter the water if required. It would not be a good practice to assign your primary water rescuer as a riding position, e.g. nozzle firefighter is always the primary rescuer.
D) All FDNY Companies and Battalions have been trained to operate as Water Safety Units.
ANSWER: B) Water Safety Units have been issued a Water Safety Kit to use when a Water Rescue Unit is not on scene. When arriving first, these companies may take action using this kit, however, entry into the water shall not be attempted by these units. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 2: 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 3.1)
B - Entry into the water SHOULD ONLY BE ATTEMPTED when consistent with safety and after a proper size-up.
Personnel at the scene of a motor vehicle accident with victim(s) pinned must have a specific strategy for overall safety and efficient victim removal. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A) The Engine Officer should divide the company into 2 teams. The Officer and one CFR-D trained FF (equipped with trauma bag and cervical collars) proceed to the scene of the accident.
B) When fire or a hazardous condition exists upon arrival, stretching and charging a hoseline is paramount. Consider a foam handline.
C) The ladder should ensure the disconnection of the battery. When disconnecting the battery, remove the negtive terminal first.
D) Never right a vehicle with a victim inside.
ANSWER: A) The Engine Officer should divide the company into 2 teams. The Officer and one CFR-D trained FF (equipped with trauma bag and cervical collars) proceed to the scene of the accident. (INCORRECT)
- The Officer and TWO (2) TRAINED CFRD FFs proceed to the scene of the accident.
(EP - Disentanglement and Extrication 4.1)
Steam pipes run under streets and sidewalks with manholes providing access to the underground steam system. Which statement below is correct regarding the steam system?
A) Con Edison is the only entity generating high pressure steam in NYC.
B) Steam is invisible.
C) Steam pressures in generating plants can be as high as 900 psi with temperatures reaching 2000 degrees F.
D) Steam pressures in the buried supply piping and in supplied buildings can be as high as 350 psi and temperatures as high as 170 degrees F.
ANSWER: B) Steam is invisible
(Emergency Procedures - Steam 1.2; 2.1; 2.2)
A - Con Edison IS NOT the only entity generating steam
B - Steam is invisible. The white mist seen is the condensate that forms when steam cools.
C - Steam pressures in generating plants can be as high as TWO THOUSAND (2000 psi) with temperatures reaching NINE HUNDRED (900 degrees F)
D - Steam pressures in the buried supply piping and in supplied buildings can be as high as ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY (170 psi) and temperatures as high as THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (350 degrees F)
Care must be taken to differentiate between gas curb valves/service valves and gas main valves. Which of the following points below is correct concerning these types of valves?
A) On the National Grid “Long Service” system, the curb valve/service valve is sometimes located across the street from the building it supplies, and it may be found in the street.
B) Con Edison main valve covers are identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the collar, underneath the cover; however, these numbers may be difficult to see.
C) Main valves are usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb and these valves shut the gas supply to the entire building.
D) An “NSV” stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates there is no service valve.
ANSWER: A) On the National Grid “Long Service” system, the curb valve/service valve is sometimes located across the street from the building it supplies, and it may be found in the street.
(Emergency Procedures - Natural Gas 4.3; 4.4)
B - NATIONAL GRID main valve covers are identified by an ID number STAMPED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE COLLAR.
C - CURB VALVE/SERVICE VALVES are usually found on the SIDEWALK SIDE of the curb and shut off the gas to the entire building.
D - A “NC” stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates there is NO CURB VALVE OR SERVICE VALVE
NOTE: Con Edison main valves have ID numbers on TAGS inside the valve cover.
The Sensit TKX combustible gas detector provides a “Geiger Counter” like ticking sound that increases in frequency when a gas source as low as ___ ppm of Methane is detected.
A) 6
B) 9
C) 20
D) 35
Fully charged allows 20 hours of continuous use
Detects gas source as low as 20ppm
(Natural Gas Addendum 5 Section 1 and 3)
Which of the following tactics is incorrect when dealing with a High Energy Line Break in a Steam generating plant?
A) Never enter a Con Ed steam generating plant without Con Ed personnel unless life is in danger.
B) Con Ed plant personnel will mitigate the emergency.
C) FDNY personnel should only enter the plant to perform search and rescue for missing plant personnel.
D) The Con Ed White Hat can remain at the Command Post as a Technical Specialist.
ANSWER: A) Never enter a Con Ed steam generating plant without Con Ed personnel unless life is in danger. (INCORRECT)
(Steam System Emergencies 4.1)
- NEVER enter a Con Ed steam generating plant without Con Ed personnel.
It should be emphasized that any entry into the water or onto ice must be considered as a last resort. The safety of our members is paramount. Which general safety precaution at ice/water/surf incidents mentioned below is incorrect?
A) At night operations, members should not be allowed past the line of sight from the shore.
B) Bunker gear does not float.
C) Bunker gear shall never be worn when operating in the immediate vicinity of water/ice operations.
D) Tests have shown that members wearing bunker gear with or without an SCBA will sink instantaneously.
ANSWER: C) Bunker gear shall never be worn when operating in the immediate vicinity of water/ice operations. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 1: 2.2.4; 2.3; 2.4)
D - Correct as written in Water Rescue Bulletin but Cross Reference Safety Bulletin 81 2.1:
“Results of testing have shown that members wearing bunker gear, with or without an SCBA, QUICKLY BECOME SUBMERSED.”
When a victim is required to be removed from a vehicle, the large majority of the time they are removed via the doors. However, roof removal may be necessary for victim access or possibly even victim removal. Which tactic is correct when performing total roof removal?
A) Cut high on the A Post and low on the B, C and D Posts with cutters.
B) Cut all the posts on one side before passing the tool to cut the posts on the opposite side of the vehicle.
C) Cut across the bottom of the windshield using the Sawzall with the metal cutting blade.
D) After completing cuts, slowly carry the roof toward the rear of the vehicle.
ANSWER: B) Cut all the posts on one side before passing the tool to cut the posts on the opposite side of the vehicle.
(EP - Disentanglement and Extrication 8.2)
A - Cut LOW on the A Post and HIGH on the B, C and D Posts with cutters.
C - WOOD cutting blade.
In order to safely mitigate gas related emergencies, firefighters must be familiar with the methods the utility companies use to provide gas service to customers. Which description below is correct regarding these various methods?
A) Head of service valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the outside of buildings.
B) If an exterior gas service valves is present, a curb valve/service valve is also required.
C) Service regulators are usually located after the gas meter on medium and high pressure systems to reduce gas to low pressure (1/4 psi).
D) Peck vents are installed on systems supplied by medium or high pressure to vent excess gas to the exterior if the service regulator fails. There should normally be no odor of natural gas at a peck vent.
ANSWER: D) Peck vents are installed on systems supplied by medium or high pressure to vent excess gas to the exterior if the service regulator fails. There should normally be no odor of natural gas at a peck vent.
(Natural Gas 4.4.1 & 4.4.2)
A - Head of Service valves INSIDE of buildings.
B - If an exterior gas service valve is present, NO curb valve/service valve is required.
C - Serive regulators are usually located BEFORE the gas meter.
In which of the following rescue scenarios must the primary and backup rescuers wear both the Cold Water Suit and a PFD?
A) Water and Ice rescue
B) Water rescue only
C) Ice rescue only
D) Neither Water or Ice rescue
ANSWER: C) Ice rescue only
(Water Rescue 2: Water Rescue: 4.3.3; 4.3.5)
(Water Rescue 3: Ice Rescue: 4.3.5 A)
Water Safety Units: PFD only
Water Rescue Units: Cold Water Suit Only
Both Cold Water Suit AND PFD
As a newly promoted officer, you must be well versed in all types of emergencies, including all three types of suspended scaffold emergencies. Choose the incorrect procedure followed at a Suspended Scaffold emergency.
A) If the scaffold is occupied and the need for possible rescue exists then Ladder Companies should respond with their LSR. Engine Companies LSR may also need to be utilized
B) Upon arrival, have FFs survey the roof to determine if the scaffold anchoring system has been compromised due to excessive movement. If any roof rigging is suspect, attempt to secure with LSR
C) If it is determined that the hoist motor overheated due to scaffold overload during a occupied stalled suspended scaffold emergency, then allow it to cool for at least 15 minutes. Then have the worker push the reset button
D) A LSR evolution can only lower a victim down and it is a very dangerous operation for the victim.
ANSWER: B) Upon arrival, have FFs survey the roof to determine if the scaffold anchoring system has been compromised due to excessive movement. If any roof rigging is suspect, attempt to secure with LSR. (INCORRECT)
(Training Bulletins Emergency 4)
B - With Utility rope.
While operating at a vehicle extrication, members must take certain safety precautions to avoid injury and safely remove the victim from the vehicle. Which of the following safety precautions is incorrect?
A) Always treat airbags as if they are live, observe the rule 5-10-20. The rule is at least 5” from the side airbags, 10” from the passenger airbags and 20” from the driver airbags.
B) An area of safety measuring the fully opened length and width of the jaws must be maintained.
C) Never position any part of your body between the tool and the vehicle.
D) If a member gets hydraulic fluid in their eyes, the member should flush their eyes with clean water for at least 20 minutes and immediately seek medical attention.
ANSWER: A) Always treat airbags as if they are live, observe the rule 5-10-20. The rule is at least 5” from the side airbags, 10” from the passenger airbags and 20” from the driver airbags.
(Disentanglement and Extrication 14.2; 14.4; 14.12; 14.14)
- 5” from side, 10” from driver, 20” from passenger
Buildings supplied with steam will have a steam control room filled with pipes. There will be a number of valves to control the supply of steam. Do not randomly shut steam valves inside of a supplied building. Shutting the wrong valve can cause damage to the system creating other hazardous conditions. Which of the following tactics in incorrect?
A) The inside service valve will be labeled and sealed and shall only be shut by members under the direction of Con Ed personnel.
B) Members shall not attempt to shut the building steam shutoff outside the building under any circumstances.
C) Before any valve can be reopened by Con Ed personnel the system will have to be drained.
D) Adjoining areas to the steam leak must be searched.
ANSWER: A) The inside service valve will be labeled and sealed and shall only be shut by members under the direction of Con Ed personnel. (INCORRECT)
(Steam System Emergencies 4.4)
- In an EMERGENCY, members MAY SHUT the Inside Service Valve. It will be labeled and sealed. IF POSSIBLE, wait for Con Ed steam personnel to shut the necessary valves.
The following conditions are indicative of a major gas emergency and may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety (including utility personnel and first responders). Which one is correct?
A) Minor damage to a major component of the gas infrastructure.
B) A minimum of 20% LEL or greater detected outside.
C) 10% LEL in an unvented subsurface structure.
D) 5% LEL in two subsurface structures.
ANSWER: D) 5% LEL in two subsurface structures.
(Natural Gas Section 5)
- Gas present in two or more subsurface structures
A - SERIOUS damage to a major component…
B - 10% LEL OR GREATER detected outside or inside.
C -20% LEL OR GREATER in an unvented subsurface structure.
Inflatable Water Rescue Hose may be used during Water/Ice rescue incidents involving one or more conscious victims. Every company, including Battalions, carry the Yellow Water Rescue Fittings. Which comment below about inflatable water rescue hose is incorrect?
A) Water rescue hose can be supplied with air from an SCBA. The FAST Pak shall not be used.
B) Yellow water rescue fittings are made up of one 2 ½” female cap with a shackle and snap bolt and one 2 ½” male fitting with a shackle and check valve.
C) One 45 minute cylinder can fill five lengths of 2 ½” hose in approximately 1 minute.
D) The apparatus air outlet can fill five lengths of hose in approximately 1 minute.
ANSWER: A) Water rescue hose can be supplied with air from an SCBA. The FAST Pak shall not be used. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 2 Addendum 1: 2.1; 3.2; 3.3)
- Supply air from either a SCBA or Fast-Pak using the Hansen fitting.
Con Edison may place stack vents over minor steam leaks to direct the steam up over the roadway. If a vent pipe has a ______ stripe on the top of it, this indicates that the steam is a result of a water leak, not a leaking steam main.
A) Blue
B) Yellow
C) Black
D) Orange
Emergency Procedures - Steam - 4.3
When responding to gas emergencies, gather information available from the response ticket. Construction type, occupancy, caller location and description should be combined with the responder’s knowledge of natural gas systems to increase situational awareness. Which of the following response considerations is incorrect?
A) The gas utility company is required to give an ETA, and response times are typically within 30 minutes.
B) If a strong odor is present on approach, stop and meter the area. If the meter displays a minimum of 20% or above of the LEL, this may indicate a potentially serious leak and may require treating the incident as a major gas emergency.
C) The apparatus shall not be positioned in front of the reported leak location.
D) Additional units shall stage at street corners, and only enter the block where appropriate.
ANSWER: B) If a strong odor is present on approach, stop and meter the area. If the meter displays a minimum of 20% or above of the LEL, this may indicate a potentially serious leak and may require treating the incident as a major gas emergency.
(Emergency Procedures - Natural Gas 6.1)
- 10% of the LEL indicates a potentially dangerous leak and may require treating the incident as a major gas emergency.
- 20% LEL in unvented subsurface structure
The FDNY has trained and equipped its Rescue companies in Dive Rescue operations. When a victim is submerged below the surface, the incident is now beyond the capability of a water rescue unit. Rescue divers will be deployed in order to recover the victim. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A) If the victim is submerged, immediately search for a reliable witness.
B) Once located, ensure the witness keeps their reference point and visually maintains the last location where they saw the victim prior to submerging.
C) Do not allow the witness to be removed from this reference point until the arrival of the rescue company. Then have the witness report to the command post.
D) Once the last location of victim is confirmed, units on the scene shall determine the best access point for the entry of the Rescue divers.
ANSWER: C) Do not allow the witness to be removed from this reference point until the arrival of the rescue company. Then have the witness report to the command post.
(Water Rescue 5: 2.2; 2.3)
- Do not allow the witness to be removed from this reference point. KEEP THE WITNESS AT THIS LOCATION THROUGHOUT THE OPERATION.
Con Edison Gas routinely monitors their Gas Transmission System for the potential need of repair work and will notify the borough dispatcher when repair work is to be performed. Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding this policy?
A) Upon notification, the borough dispatcher will assign the nearest available Battalion and Engine Company for an administrative assignment. Units shall respond in emergency mode to the incident location.
B) Repair work on the Gas Transmissions System is considered high hazard repair work due to the high pressure gas which can range between 240-420 psig in Manhattan, Queens an the Bronx.
C) The Con Ed representative will be at the location o meet the responding units for familiarization and to review aspects of the planned repair work.
D) Aspects of the planned repair work to be reviewed at this time include leak repair procedures and estimated schedule, safety precautions, monitoring of conditions with gas meters, street closures and any adverse impact on emergency/fire operations.
ANSWER: A) Upon notification, the borough dispatcher will assign the nearest available Battalion and Engine Company for an administrative assignment. Units shall respond in emergency mode to the incident location. (INCORRECT)
(EP Gas Addendum 1)
- Engine OR LADDER company will be called as well as the Battalion.
- Units will respond in MODIFIED 10-20 mode.
Of the following choices, which contains correct information regarding the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter?
A) The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter has been issued only to special units and Ladder Companies. It may be used in place of the SENSIT TKX Detector as it possesses the same capabilities.
B) The meter is calibrated to methane, but is capable of detecting other combustible gases. For this reason, this meter is preferred in detecting gases other than natural gas.
C) To tun the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter on, press the power button located in the center of the meter above the LCD screen. When powered on, it will run through a self-check test which takes approximately 40 seconds.
D) While air monitoring, the meter will emit a vibrating pulse and flashing red LED light every 60 seconds to alert the use that the meter is operating.
ANSWER: C) To tun the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter on, press the power button located in the center of the meter above the LCD screen. When powered on, it will run through a self-check test which takes approximately 40 seconds.
(EP Natural Gas - Addendum 2 2.2)
D - Meter emits flashing GREEN light every THIRTY (30) SECONDS to alert the user the meter is operating.
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding readings and alarm levels of the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter
A) In fresh air, the normal sensor readings on the LCD should read LEL 0.0% and O2 20.8%
B) The meter will alarm at LEL 1.0%
C) The meter will alarm at O2 23.5% (Oxygen enriched)
D) The meter will alarm at O2 19.5% (Oxygen deficient)
ANSWER: B) The meter will alarm at LEL 1.0% (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 2.4)
- Meter will alarm at 10% LEL.
All members should know how to properly operate with the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A) Normal air readings should display 0.0% LEL. When the atmopshere is above 100% LEL, “XXX” will be displayed under the COMB/EX icon. This is an extremely dangerous atmosphere that is indicative of a potentially explosive environment.
B) When LEL readings exceed 100%, the meter will enter a Lock Alarm State, which causes the meter to shut down the LEL sensor and no longer read natural gas levels.
C) Once in the Lock Alarm State, the meter shall be placed out of service and returned to HazMat Operations for calibration.
D) The oxygen sensor was included on the meter since the LEL sensor requires oxygen to function properly. In an oxygen deficient atmopshere, the LEL sensors will not be accurate.
ANSWER: C) Once in the Lock Alarm State, the meter shall be placed out of service and returned to HazMat Operations for calibration. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 4.2)
The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter can be of great assistance at incidents where the percentage of oxygen in the air may become a hazard to members. All of the following choices are correct except?
A) The normal oxygen reading on the meter is 20.8%
B) The low oxygen level alarm is set at 19.5%. Upon activation of the oxygen sensor, members shall don their SCBA facepiece and notify the IC of abnormal oxygen readings on the Altair Meter.
C) The high oxygen sensor will alarm at 23.5%. Oxyge enriched atmospheres decrease flash points of combustibles and increases the chance of ignition of material not normally thought of as an ignition hazard.
D) “XXX” along the screen under the O2 icon indicates the atmosphere is above 23.5% oxygen.
ANSWER: D) “XXX” along the screen under the O2 icon indicates the atmosphere is above 23.5% oxygen. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 2 - 5.2)
- When the atmopshere is above 100% LEL, “XXX” will be displayed under the COMB/EX icon.
- ”+++” (Oxygen is ABOVE THIRTY (30) PERCENT)
Members trained in the use of intrinsically safe electric fans would know which choice below to contain incorrect information?
A) The motor and entire length of cord are considered intrinsically safe. The plug should, if possible, be plugged in prior to engaging the “ON” switch.
B) There is a grounding cable that must be connected to the body of the fan.
C) Put the intrinsically safe fan on the adapter with the exhaust arrow facing up. All actions will be performed by SOC members wearing full PPE.
D) The intrinsically safe fans can be used to provide fresh air to a bottom of a confined space. Or if heavier than air, gases are collecting at the bottom of a confined space, the fan can be reversed to remove these gases.
ANSWER: A) The motor and entire length of cord are considered intrinsically safe. The plug should, if possible, be plugged in prior to engaging the “ON” switch.
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 3 pg 2)
- The plug MUST be plugged in prior to turning “ON”
The SENSIT TKX Combustible Gas Detector is a solid-state electronic, combustible gas detector. All of the following choices are correct regarding this device except?
A) It is carried by Battalions, HazMat Company 1, HMTUs, Rescues, Ladder Companies and may be used in almost any situation where combustible gas, vapor, residue or carbon monoxide needs to be located.
B) It provides a “Geiger Counter” like ticking sound that increases in frequency when a gas source as low as 20 ppm of Methane is detected.
C) Approach the area of the suspected leak with the sensor until the ticking sound begins to increase. When the ticking increases, rotate the tick adjust dial counterclockwise to slow the ticking sound and continue to approach the suspected area of the leak. Continue in this manner until the location of the leak is pinpointed.
D) An increase in the ticking sound and flashing of the red LED indicates that you are approaching a leak. A decrease in both the ticking sound and the flashing LED indicates that you are moving away from the leak.
ANSWER: A) It is carried by Battalions, HazMat Company 1, HMTUs, Rescues, Ladder Companies and may be used in almost any situation where combustible gas, vapor, residue or carbon monoxide needs to be located. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 5)
Proper maintenance of the SENSIT TKX Combustible Gas Detector is essential to ensuring the device works properly when required. Which of the following choices contains incorrect information?
A) A fully rechargeable battery supplies approximately 20 hours of continuous use.
B) A recharge takes 2 to 5 hours and the LED will illuminate green to indicate a fully charged battery.
C) When placed OOS, attach an RT-2 and send the device through the bag to HazMat Ops.
D) Detectors must be stored in the carrying case when not in use to prevent damage. The probe is extremely susceptible to damage when improperly stored.
ANSWER: C) When placed OOS, attach an RT-2 and send the device through the bag to HazMat Ops. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas - Addendum 5)
Con Edison workers refer to a steam pipe rupture on the street as a High Energy Line Break (HELB). Which of the following points concerning a HELB in the street is correct?
A) Escaping high pressure steam can hurl debris at 200 MPH.
B) Asbestos has been removed from most of the underground piping.
C) If a vent pipe has a green stripe on the top of it, this indicates that the steam is the result of a water leak, not a leaking steam main.
D) When operating at a HELB, the HVAC systems of nearby buildings must be shut down.
ANSWER: A) Escaping high pressure steam can hurl debris at 200 MPH.
(EP - Steam System Emergencies: 4.2 / 4.3)
B - Asbestos has been removed from Con Edison steam manholes but REMAINS ON MOST UNDERGROUND PIPING.
D - CONSIDER shutting the HVAC of nearby buildings.
When operating at a gas emergency, if the leak cannot be controlled by shutting the appliance valve or the interior gas riser valve which of the following valves would you attempt to shut next?
A) Individual meter valve
B) Master meter valve
C) Head of service valve
D) Curb valve/service valve
ANSWER: A) Individual meter valve
(EP - Natural Gas 6.7.3)
“Any Interior Individual Might Have Closed”
Priority Order of Valve Closure:
- Appliance Valve
- Interior Gas Riser Valve
- Individual Meter Valve
- Master Meter Valve
- Head of Service Valve
- Curb Valve/Service Valve
Glass removal is an important part of operating at motor vehicle accidents. Which point below about glass removal is incorrect?
A) There are two predominate types of glass used for vehicle windows, tempered glass which is used for the windshield, and laminated safety glass which is found on the sides and rear of a vehicle.
B) Salvage plastic may be used to protect victims and/or rescuers from airborne glass debris.
C) The axe should be considered as a last resort for removing a windshield.
D) The center-punch or halligan can be used to break tempered glass.
ANSWER: A) There are two predominate types of glass used for vehicle windows, tempered glass which is used for the windshield, and laminated safety glass which is found on the sides and rear of a vehicle. (INCORRECT)
(Disentanglement and Extrication Section 11)
- There are two predominate types of glass used for vehicle windows; LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS which is used for the windshields, and TEMPERED GLASS which is found on the sides and rear of a vehicle.
A master meter valve may control the flow of natural gas to just a few appliances (i.e., in a private dwelling), or to many appliances (i.e., in an apartment house). Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning members shutting down gas at the master meter valve?
A) When possible, prior to shutting a master meter valve notify the Utility Company and inquire as to possible alternatives (i.e., plugging/taping the leak, venting pending arrival of the Utility Company, etc.).
B) A unit may shut the master meter valve without consulting the utility if natural gas levels are still rising despite trying other methods to control the leak.
C) A master meter may have a second master meter adjacent to it. This second meter is used in the event of a malfunction in the primary master meter in use.
D) When shutting down the gas supply to the building via the master meter, members must ensure they only shut the primary master meter.
ANSWER: D) When shutting down the gas supply to the building via the master meter, members must ensure they only shut the primary master meter. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 4.4.3; 6.7.3)
- The valves to BOTH METERS would need to be closed to shut supply to the building.
All members entering a confined space must be breathing air from the SCBA unless the atmosphere is proven non-hazardous via continuous meter readings. listed below are safe atmospheric conditions for different hazards that may be encountered. Which one is not correct?
A) The flammable range should not exceed 10% LEL
B) CO levels should not exceed 35 PPM.
C) Hydrogen sulfide levels should not exceed 10 PPM.
D) O2 concentration should be between 18% and 20%
ANSWER: D) O2 concentration should be between 18% and 20%. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Confined Space 4.1)
- Between 19.5% and 23.5%
E99 has just responded to a CFRD run for a “male down”. Upon arrival members find a male patient who fell into a manhole. The patient is barely breathing, moaning,and bleeding heavily from his head. The Officer of E99, Lieutenant Hernandez then took the following actions. He had his ECC transmit the box and used the Altair Meter to ensure the O2 level was sufficient in the manhole. The only training the members of E99 have is CFRD training and none have any special training in confined space emergencies. Lieutenant Hernandez then ordered his nozzle firefighter, who was secured to a LSR, to enter the confined space and start to treat the patient since his injuries were life threatening. Do you agree or disagree with the actions and orders Lt. Hernandez took in the scenario above?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
(EP - Confined Space 4.3)
- Entires by members NOT SPECIFICALLY TRAINED IN CONFINED SPACE RESCUE SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED, except in extreme circumstances.
- 1st alarm units SHOULD NOT CONSIDER lowering a rescuer with the LSR unless extreme circumstances exist.
- What is needed is a high point for a pulley over the opening to allow several members to pull horizontally while the victim or rescuer is raised vertically.
- A very stable, easily created high point anchor that may be available at the scene is a TOWER LADDER, or if there is no better alternative, an Aerial Ladder.
E99 and L100 were out on MUD and were discussing different points about confined space rescue including using a high point anchor to remove a person. Which point made during the drill is not correct?
A) Each member entering a confined space shall be secured to a safety line and have a method of retreival. The primary purpose for remaining attached to the safety line is to allow members outside to remove an overcome rescuer if conditions deteriorate.
B) 1st alarm units should not consider lowering a rescuer with the LSR unless extreme circumstances exist, and they must have a plan for removing that member.
C) The TL is preferred due to its greater weight-supporting capacity, at least 1000 lbs, compared to only 250 pounds for an Aerial. The most important point to remember is that the Tower or Aerial ladder shall never be used to lift a person.
D) The Tower or Aerial Ladder is only to be utilized as a high point anchor over the opening, as a place to secure the pulley. Once the boom or ladder is in position, all personnel except the LCC should be removed from the turntable and the Engine shut off to prevent accidental movement.
ANSWER: D) The Tower or Aerial Ladder is only to be utilized as a high point anchor over the opening, as a place to secure the pulley. Once the boom or ladder is in position, all personnel except the LCC should be removed from the turntable and the Engine shut off to prevent accidental movement. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Confined Space 4.3)
When operating in the vicinity of airbags our members should always treat the area around the airbag as if they have not deployed. Members should remain at least ___ from the driver airbags.
A) 5”
B) 10”
C) 15”
D) 20”
ANSWER: B) 10”
(Disentanglement 2.6)
Side 5”: Shortest word shortest length
Driver 10”: Middle word middle length
Passenger 20”: Longest word longest length
When operating at a stalled scaffold units should determine if the hoist motor overheated due to an overloaded scaffold. If the hoist is overheated, allow it to cool for at least ___ minutes, then have a ___ push the reset button.
A) 10; member
B) 10; worker
C) 15; member
D) 15; worker
ANSWER: D) 15; worker
EP - Scaffold Emergencies 5.4
Which of the following conditions is not an indicator of a major gas emergency?
A) 10% LEL detected outside.
B) 10% LEL detected inside.
C) 10% LEL detected in an unvented subsurface structure.
D) 10% LEL in two subsurface structures.
ANSWER: C) 10% LEL detected in an unvented subsurface structure. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 6.5 Pg 18)
- TWENTY PERCENT (20%) OR GREATER detected in an unvented subsurface structure.
7 Indicators of Major Gas Emergencies “10-20 VOIDS”
10% LEL or greater - Inside or Outside
20% LEL - elevated readings in an unvented subsurface
V - Gas leaking inside of a VOID or wall
O - Gas migrating into building from OUTSIDE source
I - Gas leaking inside structure and control valves INOPERABLE or cannot be located.
D - SERIOUS DAMAGE (not any damage) to a major component of gas infrastructure (master meter , main valve etc.)
S - Gas present in TWO or more SUBSURFACE structures.
When on scene of a steam emergency, shutting the wrong valve can cause damage to the system creating other hazardous conditions. Choose the incorrect procedure when shutting steam valves.
A) In an emergency, members may shut the Inside Service Valve. It will be labeled and sealed. If possible, wait for Con Ed steam personnel to shut the necessary valves
B) Once a steam valve is shut, it can only be reopened with the permission of the on scene Battalion Chief.
C) Notify Con Ed if a valve is shut
D) There is a building steam shutoff located outside the building. Members should not attempt to shut this valve. This valve should only by shut by Con Ed steam personnel
ANSWER: B) Once a steam valve is shut, it can only be reopened with the permission of the on scene Battalion Chief. (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures Steam sec 4.4)
- Once a steam valve is shut, DO NOT REOPEN IT. The system will have to be drained before reopening the valve
When operating at the scene of a high energy line break in a steam generating plant which statement below is incorrect?
A) Asbestos pipe insulation can be found in the plant, on pipes buried under the street and in the buildings supplied with steam.
B) Never enter a Con Edison generating plant without Con Ed personnel.
C) FDNY personnel should only enter the plant to mitigate the emergency and perform search and rescue.
D) A pinhole leak in a high pressure steam pipe, though invisible near the source, is capable of instantly cutting through a steel bolt.
ANSWER: C) FDNY personnel should only enter the plant to mitigate the emergency and perform search and rescue. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Steam 4.1)
- FDNY personnel should only enter the plant to perform search and rescue.
Engine 99 arrives first due at the scene of a reported gas leak in apartment 3A on the 3rd floor of a multiple dwelling. There are no other units on-scene. The officer takes the following actions. Which one is incorrect?
A) The gas meter was activated prior to entering the building.
B) The meter displayed 5% LEL in the lobby, so the officer proceeded to the callers apartment to gather more information.
C) The remaining members of the company immediately stretched a precautionary hoseline into the lobby of the building.
D) The officer reported the conditions to the ladder officer and the BC upon their arrival.
ANSWER: C) The remaining members of the company immediately stretched a precautionary hoseline into the lobby of the building.
(Natural Gas 6.5 Pg 20)
- The remaining members of the company were PREPARED TO stretch a precautionary hoseline POSITIONED OUTSIDE THE POTENTIAL BLAST ZONE.
The department has provided each ladder company with two types of natural gas investigative tools. Which choice below is CORRECT regarding the Natural gas meter?
A) The natural gas meter uses an audible tick that increases in frequency as it approaches the source of escaping gas.
B) The natural gas meter is a superior tool for identifying areas in which it is no longer safe to operate
C) The natural gas meter should be used at an appliance, pipe or crack as high levels of gas are expected at these locations.
D) The natural gas meter is used to determine the location of a natural gas leak.
ANSWER: B) The natural gas meter is a superior tool for identifying areas in which it is no longer safe to operate
A – Function of a natural gas DETECTOR. 6.4
C – Should NOT be used at an appliance. 6.4
D – Function of a natural gas DETECTOR. 6.4
- Know difference between METER and DETECTOR
The statement that incorrectly describes the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter can be found in which choice?
A) The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter does not replace existing Sensit TKX Detectors, but must be used in conjunction with the Sensit TKX Detector
B) The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter is equipped with two senors, one for combustible gas and the other for oxygen
C) When the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter is OOS, the officer on duty shall not send the meter through the bag for a replacement, instead the officer on duty shall call Haz-Mat Operations and request a replacement
D) The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter can be used to detect gases other than natural gas.
ANSWER: D) The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter can be used to detect gases other than natural gas. (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures Natural Gas add 2)
- The meter should NOT be used to detect gases other than natural gas.
Following the priority order for valve closures when operating at a gas emergency, which valve would you shut if you were unable to shut the master meter valve?
A) Interior gas riser valve
B) Individual meter valve
C) Head of service valve
D) Curb valve
ANSWER: C) Head of service valve
(Natural Gas 6.7.3)
- Appliance valve
- Interior gas riser valve
- Individual meter valve
- Master meter valve
- Head of service valve
- Curb valve/Service valve
- Main Valve
When performing rapid evacuation at a major gas emergency, which one tactic mentioned is incorrect?
A) This is similar to primary searches conducted at fires and is accomplished with as few members in the potential blast zone as possible.
B) Rapid evacuation is conducted by knocking on doors and moving from door to door to alert occupants.
C) Forcible entry should only be accomplished for a known life hazard and should not be attempted to access areas that show no signs of being occupied.
D) Conventional forcible entry involving the use of an axe to strike the halligan is not permitted.
ANSWER: A) This is similar to primary searches conducted at fires and is accomplished with as few members in the potential blast zone as possible.
(EP - Natural Gas 9.1.3)
- This is SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT FROM primary searches conducted at fires and is accomplished with as few members in the potential blast zone as possible.
Motor vehicle accidents with victims pinned pose a unique challenge to our members. Which comment below describing these operations is incorrect?
A) The “golden hour” refers to the first hour from the beginning of an accident with critical injuries. A victim delivered to a surgical team within this first hour has the best chance for survival.
B) Crumple zones have drastically increased the ability of occupants to survive the impact, but it can complicate the disentanglement effort due to the strength of the deformed metal structures.
C) The transverse dash beam located behind the dashboard ties into the B posts and the floor pan making dashboard lifts more difficult.
D) The side door beam, when driven into the frame upon impact, will make door removal more difficult due to its strength.
ANSWER: C) The transverse dash beam located behind the dashboard ties into the B posts and the floor pan making dashboard lifts more difficult.
(Disentanglement 1.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
- The transverse dash beam located behind the dashboard ties into the A POSTS and the floor pan making dashboard lifts more difficult.
Which of the following is CORRECT regarding power removal during a natural gas emergency?
A) In most cases, power cannot be removed from the potential blast zone without introducing the risk of ignition.
B) If members can remove power from the area of the leak before natural gas readings reach greater than 80% LEL, it should be done.
C) If any readings display levels greater than 80% LEL, the opportunity to cut power has expired.
D) When unable to locate the source of the leak, do not cut power.
ANSWER:D) When unable to locate the source of the leak, do not cut power.
A – Power cannot be removed without introducing the risk of ignition.
B – BEFORE natural gas readings REACH 80% LEL
C – IF any readings display LEVELS OF 80% LEL OR GREATER, the opportunity has expired.
Inflatable water rescue hose can be deployed in either a straight line or loop. Which other feature of this operation is described incorrectly?
A) More than two lengths of hose can be used for larger operations increasing the amount of people that can be supported.
B) Units should have the air filled hose secured with the lifesaving rope.
C) Each looped length is capable of supporting 10 people.
D) Straight line deployment can be used at incidents from a pier or shore involving a few victims within close proximity.
ANSWER: B) Units should have the air filled hose secured with the lifesaving rope. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 2 Addendum 1: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
- Units should have the air filled hose secured with UTILITY ROPE.
When operating at a scaffold emergency, the following units are on scene: *1. Ladder Company *2. Squad Company *3. Rescue Company *4. SOC Support Ladder Company. Which units are able to perform glass cutting?
A) 2,3
B) 3 only
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,2,3,4
ANSWER: A) 2,3
A vent pipe over a manhole that has a blue stripe on the top of it, indicates which of the following conditions?
A) High pressure steam leak
B) Asbestos wrapped steam pipe
C) Low pressure steam leak
D) Water leak
ANSWER: D) Water leak
Steam 4.3
When a series of three large “+” symbols appears on the screen of the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter under the O2 icon, this indicates the atmosphere is above a minimum of ___% oxygen.
A) 19.5
B) 23.5
C) 25
D) 30
(Natural Gas Addendum 2: 5.3)
- Oxygen enriched atmospheres: The high oxygen sensor will alarm at 23.5%.
- A series three large “+” along the screen under the O2 icon indicates the atmosphere is above 30% oxygen
When removing a windshield during a vehicle extrication, the four tools that can be used include all of the following except?
A) Windshield saw
B) Sawzall
C) Beluga knife
D) Circular saw with wood cutting blade
ANSWER: D) Circular saw with wood cutting blade (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures Vehicle Disentanglement 11.3)
Windshield Saw / Sawzall / Beluga Knife / Axe
- Axe is the 4th tool (used as a last resort)
- The Beluga knife was added recently to this bulletin
In addition to firefighting positions given out at roll call, every water safety unit will designate positions in the case of a water rescue emergency. Which position below is described correctly?
A) The LCC/ECC usually assumes the position of rescue coordinator and shall be located where they can observe and direct the whole operation.
B) A Tower Ladder may be raised to facilitate spotter positioning and set up lights if needed. An aerial ladder shall not be used for this purpose.
C) Both the primary and secondary rescuer will don a PFD and be tended by a member controlling a tether line.
D) The primary objective of the secondary rescue team is to enter the water for a second victim.
ANSWER: C) Both the primary and secondary rescuer will don a PFD and be tended by a member controlling a tether line.
(Water Rescue 2: 3.7)
A - The COMPANY OFFICER is rescue coordinator
B - An AERIAL OR TOWER LADDER may be raised.
You’re a company officer discussing metering at natural gas emergencies with your members at roll call. You relay the following information to your members but you’re incorrect in which statement?
A) The natural gas detector is used to determine the amount of gas present in an area.
B) The natural gas detector detects natural gas at low levels and is the superior tool for locating leaks in appliances, supply piping, and points of entry into the building.
C) The natural gas meter is a superior tool for identifying areas which are no longer safe to operate.
D) When metering, the best practice is to measure readings at a location high and in the middle of the room of the suspected leak; this is the % LEL to be reported to the IC.
ANSWER: A) The natural gas detector is used to determine the amount of gas present in an area. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 6.4)
- The natural gas METER is used to determine the amount of gas present in the area.
When operating at a vehicle disentanglement and/or a patient extrication, Company Commanders must ensure their Officers and FFs follow operating procedures that the FDNY has in place. Choose the incorrect operating procedure when operating at a vehicle disentanglement and/or a patient extrication.
A) Upon arrival at a vehicle disentanglement and/or a patient extrication in an Engine, the Officer and one CFR FF (equipped with trauma bag and cervical collars) proceed to the scene of the accident.
B) Upon arrival at a vehicle disentanglement and/or a patient extrication in a Ladder, the Roof and OV bring the Hurst tool equipment to the scene of accident and initiate operation
C) Never right a vehicle with a victim inside
D) An axe may be used to remove a windshield
ANSWER: A) Upon arrival at a vehicle disentanglement and/or a patient extrication in an Engine, the Officer and one CFR FF (equipped with trauma bag and cervical collars) proceed to the scene of the accident. (INCORRECT)
(EP Vehicle Disentanglement/Patient Extrication 4.1)
- Officer and TWO CFR FFs. The remaining members shall stretch and charge a precautionary handline.
D - 4 tools may be used to remove a windshield (windshield saw, sawzall, Beluga auto glass knife, or an AXE)
When operating at a gas emergency you should consider treating it as a major gas emergency if the leak is serious enough to consider shutting which of the following valves: *1. Master Meter Valve *2. Head of Service Valve *3. Curb/Service Valve.
A) 3 only
B) 2 or 3 only
C) 1 or 2 only
D) 1, 2 or 3
ANSWER: D) 1, 2 or 3
(Natural Gas Page 25 2nd Bullet)
There are 6 valves that FD members can shut:
- Appliance
- Interior Gas Riser
- Individual Meter
- Master Meter
- Head of Service
- Curb/Service Valve
When operating at the scene of a water rescue, a water safety unit has unsuccessfully attempted the “Reach” and “Throw” methods of rescuing the victim. You’re the company officer and you have the following thoughts about attempting the “Go” method. Which one is incorrect?
A) It is only under extreme life safety emergencies in which a member of a unit equipped with only a Water Safety Kit shall enter the water.
B) Members entering the water shall have their feet protected. A member can leave their shoes on. Bunker boots must not be worn.
C) Members must be properly tethered utilizing the Life Saving Rope or 75’ Throw Rope attached to the “O” ring on the back of the PFD using the snap hook.
D) If the tether line becomes tangled the firefighter can pull the quick release which will release the tether line.
ANSWER: B) Members entering the water shall have their feet protected. A member can leave their shoes on. Bunker boots must not be worn. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 2: 3.8.5)
- Members entering water shall have their feet protected. Members may have no idea of the depth of the water or debris present until they enter it. Member can leave shoes on OR IF WEARING BUNKER GEAR STEP OUT OF PANTS REMOVE BOOTS FROM PANTS AND PUT BOOTS BACK ON.
During a Confined Space operation, a very stable, easily created high point anchor that may be available at the scene is a Tower Ladder and/or an Aerial Ladder. From the choices listed below, choose the most correct statement made about these two Ladders.
A) When using the TL, and the boom in position, all personnel must be removed from the turntable and the engine shut off to prevent accidental movement except for the chauffeur. The chauffeur shall remain on the turntable.
B) The Aerial Ladder is preferred due to its reach
C) A TL or an Aerial may be used to lift a person if first evaluated by the on scene IC (Battalion Chief or higher)
D) Under no circumstances can a TL or an Aerial be used to lift a person
ANSWER: D) Under no circumstances can a TL or an Aerial be used to lift a person
(EP - Confined Space Operations sec 4.3)
- The most important point to remember is that the TOWER OR AERIAL LADDER SHALL NEVER BE USED TO LIFT A PERSON
A - ALL Personnel….it never gives an exception
B - The TL is preferred due to its greater weight-supporting capacity, at least 1000 lbs, compared to only 250 lbs for an Aerial Ladder
C - TL or Aerial Ladder shall never be used to lift a person
You’re the ladder company officer conducting an investigation at a reported gas leak in apartment 3A on the 3rd floor of a 5-story multiple dwelling. Which of the following comments concerning this operation is incorrect?
A) You’re first priority is to ensure there is not a major gas emergency.
B) After receiving natural gas readings on your Altair meter upon entering the building, you proceeded directly to the callers apartment to evaluate conditions.
C) You directed your outside team to the natural gas utility meter location.
D) When detector and meter readings are present, it is not acceptable to leave the scene of an “odor of gas” response after the odor has dissipated without mitigation or coordination with utility company representatives.
ANSWER: B) After receiving natural gas readings on your Altair meter upon entering the building, you proceeded directly to the callers apartment to evaluate conditions. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 6.5 Pages 18-20)
- If any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building, or while proceeding to the reported location within the building, the inside team should PROCEED DIRECTLY TO THE BASEMENT/CELLAR TO EVALUATE CONDITIONS.
A water safety unit must follow certain procedures when operating at the scene of an ice rescue. Which procedure below is incorrect?
A) Generally there are two methods Water Safety Units have available to them for an ice rescue: the reach method and the throw method.
B) Rescuer shall consider the use of FDNY ladders. NYC parks department ladders placed near bodies of water are unreliable and shall not be used.
C) The reach method should not be abandoned even after the Water Rescue Unit is on scene and a rescuer is making their way out to the victim.
D) The throw method does not necessarily follow the reach method, in fact, they should be employed simultaneously when conditions allow or when the victim is beyond reach.
ANSWER: B) Rescuer shall consider the use of FDNY ladders. NYC parks department ladders placed near bodies of water are unreliable and shall not be used. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 3: 3.3.2; 3.3.3; 3.3.4)
You’re the first ladder company officer operating at a major gas emergency in the cellar of a 6-story H-Type multiple dwelling. The leak has been found at the master meter. Which action taken below is incorrect?
A) If the leak can be controlled by a valve or, on low pressure service (or medium/high pressure service after the service regulator) by taping or plugging, then do so.
B) Only if levels can be kept to less than 10% LEL by venting may you continue to operate.
C) If at any time gas levels reach 80% of the LEL or higher, treat the affected area as a “potential blast zone.”
D) If it is suspected that natural gas has been leaking for a considerable amount of time and is likely trapped in a void space, treat the affected area as a “potential blast zone.”
ANSWER: B) Only if levels can be kept to less than 10% LEL by venting may you continue to operate. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas Page 32)
- IF THE LEAK IS FOUND, and levels can be kept to LESS THAN 80% LEL by venting, you may continue to operate. (THE LEAK HAD BEEN FOUND AS STATED IN QUESTION)
The following is a list of valves that may be shut by FDNY members in order to control a gas leak. What is the priority order of valves closure for the listed valves?
- Appliance valve
- Individual meter valve
- Interior gas riser valve
- Master meter valve
- Head of service Valve
- Curb/Service valve.
A) 1,2,3,4,5,6
B) 1,3,2,4,5,6
C) 1,2,3,5,4,6
D) 1,3,2,5,4,6
ANSWER: B) 1,3,2,4,5,6
(Natural Gas Pgs 22-24)
ACRONYMN: “Any Interior Individual Might Have Closed”
- Appliance valve
- Interior gas riser valve
- Individual meter valve
- Master meter valve
- Head of service Valve
- Curb/Service valve
When the Sensit combustible gas detector is placed out of service the officer on duty shall call who?
A) Their administrative Battalion and request a replacement.
B) Their administrative Division and request a replacement.
C) Research and Development and request a replacement.
D) Haz-Mat Operations directly and request a replacement.
ANSWER: D) Haz-Mat Operations directly and request a replacement.
(Natural Gas Addendum 5: Section 5)
Many curb valves are old and require skill to shut to avoid breaking the valve. Newer plastic valves can also be easily broken if too much force is used. Which statement below concerning curb valves/service valves is incorrect?
A) If the curb valve/service valve on a low or medium pressure system becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve a utility company construction crew ripping up the street to isolate/repair the leak.
B) Although the FDNY is authorized to shut curb valves/service valves, it should only be done as a last resort and in consultation with the utility company.
C) If the curb valve/service valve of a high pressure distribution system becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve the utility company shutting the main valve.
D) The curb valve/service valve is usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb and shuts the natural gas supply to the entire building.
ANSWER: A) If the curb valve/service valve on a low or medium pressure system becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve a utility company construction crew ripping up the street to isolate/repair the leak. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas Section 6 Pg 24)
- If the curb valve/service valve on a LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM ONLY becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve a utility company construction crew ripping up the street to isolate/repair the leak.
- Also: FDNY is NOT permitted to shut a main valve
Tidal conditions, wind conditions, and currents are just some additional size-up concerns that must be considered during a surf rescue. Rescuers should be familiar with tides and how they will impact the operation. Which statement below is correct?
A) Rip currents can be used by the rescuer to reach the victim quickly.
B) Rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast moving water and occur when the tide is coming in.
C) The water flow is most rapid in the “head” of the rip.
D) If caught in a rip current the correct action is to swim perpendicular to the shore until out of the head and then swim back to the land at an angle in the onshore throw.
ANSWER: A) Rip currents can be used by the rescuer to reach the victim quickly.
(Water Rescue 4 2.3; 2.3.3; 2.3.4)
B - Rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast moving water and occur when the tide is GOING OUT.
C - The water flow is most rapid in the “NECK” of the rip.
D - If caught in a rip current the correct action is to swim PARALLEL to the shore until out of the head and then swim back to the land at an angle in the onshore throw.
Which of the following tools may be used to remove a windshield during a vehicle extrication:
- Windshield saw
- Sawzall
- Beluga auto glass knife
- Axe
A) 1,2,3 only
B) 1,2,3,4
C) 1,3 only
D) 1,2,3 only
ANSWER: B) 1,2,3,4
(EP - Disentanglement and Extrication Section 11)
UPDATED 11/12/19
Which of the following points describing the strategy for a major gas emergency at an outside leak is incorrect?
A) Stopping a leak from a high pressure main will generally require the utility company construction crew plug or clamp (squeeze) the pipe to interrupt natural gas flow.
B) Stopping the leak from a medium pressure main generally involves the utility company finding and operating the correct upstream valves to interrupt the flow of natural gas.
C) If a leak is caused by a backhoe, it’s possible to have a leak where the backhoe was operating, another leak at the building line or in the building, and still another one at a coupling or where the service pipe connects to the distribution main.
D) If the natural gas ignites do not extinguish the fire.
ANSWER: A) Stopping a leak from a high pressure main will generally require the utility company construction crew plug or clamp (squeeze) the pipe to interrupt natural gas flow. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas Section 8)
- Stopping a leak from a LOW PRESSURE main will generally require the utility company construction crew plug or clamp (squeeze) the pipe to interrupt natural gas flow.
- Medium AND High mains - utility company finding and operating the correct upstream valves to interrupt the flow of gas.
Which statement below regarding the potential blast zone at a major gas emergency is incorrect?
A) At major gas emergencies the potential blast zone shall be considered an exclusion zone for all personnel and shall only be entered for direct, life-saving purposes.
B) This zone will be determined by the IC and identified by red hazardous materials tape.
C) Tactics inside the potential blast zone shall be limited to rapid evacuation.
D) The size of the potential blast zone shall include the area likely to be affected by structural collapse.
ANSWER: B) This zone will be determined by the IC and identified by red hazardous materials tape. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Natural Gas Section 9)
- This zone will be determined by the IC and identified by red “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” TAPE.
The first arriving units at a scaffold emergency should contact a building representative to gather information. Which of the following choices is most correct regarding this process?
A) They should ascertain if the building’s windows are openable.
B) The information obtained should be communicated to the IC within a reasonable amount of time.
C) The type of work being done from the scaffold is not a consideration.
D) The information obtained should be communicated to Rescue after they are 10-84(on scene).
ANSWER: A) They should ascertain if the building’s windows are openable.
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies sec. 3.1)
- NEW info 1/2020 *
A - Correct
B - Info ASAP to IC
C - Incorrect.
D - Should be communicated to the RESPONDING Rescue and Squad, ASAP.
Units operating at a suspended scaffold emergency operated in accord with FDNY protocols in which one choice below?
A) With an occupied scaffold in an inaccessible area they did not consider breaching a wall above the scaffold. This was to avoid having debris falling on top of the victim.
B) While operating at a stalled-occupied scaffold, in a building where the windows did not open, the first due Ladder company did not remove the window to retrieve the stranded worker who was trapped directly outside of the window. They waited for Rescue or Squad to arrive and remove the window.
C) If necessary, units may begin dismantling the scaffold. If possible this should be accomplished via the interior of the building.
D) Members Used the Tower Ladder to remove two trapped workers on an off-level scaffold.
ANSWER: B) While operating at a stalled-occupied scaffold, in a building where the windows did not open, the first due Ladder company did not remove the window to retrieve the stranded worker who was trapped directly outside of the window. They waited for Rescue or Squad to arrive and remove the window.
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies - 5.3)
A - CONSIDER BREACHING THE WALL, all tools and material need to be secured as you will be working above the scaffold.
B - Window removal/cutting shall be performed by Rescue/Squad. Glass cutting shall ONLY be performed by Rescue or Squad.
C - MUST be done from the INTERIOR. Utilize rescue & Squad, Await Dept. of Buildings Derrick and Crane unit.
D - Tower/Aerial Ladder removal is only an option for occupied stalled suspended scaffolds. However, sec 5.5 also applies to occupied off level/hanging - Unless condition dictates immediate action, removal should be accomplished with high angle rope (are they referring to glass removal, TL/AL or both?)
The first due engine captain arrives at a scaffold emergency and he is the initial-on-scene IC for a few minutes. The incident will dictate which resources are necessary. Which of the following are listed in the FDNY’s new and improved Suspended Scaffold Emergencies bulletin as resources that may be needed?
1) Rescue & Squad
2) Medical Assistance
4) DOB
5) A scaffold mechanic
6) Glassier contractors.
A) 1,2,3 and 4 but not 5 and 6
B) 1,2,4,5 and 6, but not 3
C) 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
D) 1,2,3,4 and 6, but not 5
ANSWER: C) 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies - 2.2)
- Recent additions to the list 1/2020:
1 - Rescue and Squad for their high angle rigging and glass removal equipment.
2 - Scaffold mechanic
3 - Building or glassier contractors.
- NOTE: NYPD for crowd and traffic control NOT ESU for help & DOB for their Derricks and Crane Unit.
Out of the four choices listed, which is the proper tool assignment for a unit that is operating at a scaffold incident, where the scaffold is occupied and the need for possible rescue may exist?
A) Rescue and Squad companies will respond in with 1800 feet of ½” Kermantle rope.
B) Extra cans as a water source may be used in the area where walls are being breached.
C) Ladder companies’ complete tool assignment is their assigned tools and the lifesaving rope.
D) Engine companies’ lifesaving ropes may need to be utilized.
ANSWER: D) Engine companies’ lifesaving ropes may need to be utilized.
(Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold - 3.3)
A - Rescue and Squad have high angle equipment, rigging, and glass cutting capabilities. All mentions of the Kermantle rope has been removed as of 1/2020.
B - In the area where GLASS IS BEING CUT.
C - Complete assignment will be assigned tools, LSR, AND UTILITY ROPES.
Hazardous materials may be a concern at many scaffold incidents. Which point below is not an accurate description of these dangerous substances at scaffold incidents?
A) Open buckets may indicate that dangerous chemicals are in use.
B) Some chemicals encountered may damage and degrade rope.
C) If the scaffold is unoccupied it is not likely that the wall is coated with chemicals.
D) Chemicals may be on the wall above the scaffold, coating the scaffold and workers, or any level below the work area.
ANSWER: C) If the scaffold is unoccupied it is not likely that the wall is coated with chemicals. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies, sec 8.1)
- Even if it is unoccupied or not during usual work hours, the wall MAY BE coated with chemicals. Some need to set up overnight.
While conducting a scaffold emergency drill, a newly promoted lieutenant stated the following points. In which one should he be corrected?
A) The anchor points of the scaffolding must be evaluated by the first arriving units as soon as possible.
B) Anchor points may be located on setbacks or suspended from BMUs (Building Maintenance Units)
C) If tie backs or hooks are damaged members shall secure them with utility rope. Rescue and squad can secure them with wire rope if necessary.
D) Due to the Building Code, anchor points will not be present in shafts.
ANSWER: D) Due to the Building Code, anchor points will not be present in shafts.
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies, sec. 3.2)
- MAY BE located in shafts, setbacks or suspended from Building Maintenance Units.
Which choice below is most accurate regarding FDNY operations at scaffold emergencies?
A) A lifesaving Rope evolution is a very dangerous operation for the victim. However, lowering or raising a victim with high angle rope can be done in complete safety.
B) Before removing a window, a rescue company officer shall seek assistance from building personnel or a glazier.
C) Only in an extreme emergency shall an FDNY member go out onto an unoccupied scaffold.
D) If ARC welding is being performed from the scaffold, ensure the unit has a proper secondary ground before commencing removal procedures.
ANSWER: A) A lifesaving Rope evolution is a very dangerous operation for the victim. However, lowering or raising a victim with high angle rope can be done in complete safety.
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies - 5.5)
B - This has been removed from bulletin. 1/2020.
C - AT NO TIME shall any member go out onto an unoccupied scaffold.
D - Recent change 1/2020 - ensure all welding has ceased for the duration of the incident and that all power sources to the welders have been shut down.
As a newly promoted Lieutenant you respond to a scaffold emergency. You mentally review FDNY protocols while in route to the incident. In which consideration below were you most correct?
A In all instances, the NYPD should cordon off the area below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
B) All apparatus shall be kept clear of the danger area.
C) All members must only enter the building from an entrance outside of the danger area.
D) The area below the scaffold shall be taped off. This will mark the danger zone for all except operating members.
ANSWER: B) All apparatus shall be kept clear of the danger area.
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies, sec. 3.1)
A - In all instances, FDNY UNITS should cordon off the area below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
- (Cross reference AUC 276) Area evacuation is CORE competency of NYPD, but establishing zones for protection of public and responders is life safety. FD has complete responsibility for life safety.
B - Correct as written. If the scaffold is within reach of a TL/AL, this may be used to effect removal. This is for occupied stalled only. Unless imminently dangerous condition dictates immediate action, removal should be by high angle rope.
C - IF POSSIBLE enter building from an entrance outside the danger area. (Not a “must”)
D - Danger zone for civilians AND FD personnel.
Dive operations are complex incidents that require flexibility of units. Units shall be prepared to operate as the scene dictates. You’re the engine company officer operating at the scene of a dive rescue operation. You have the following thoughts. Which one is incorrect?
A) The assistance of at least one member will be dedicated to assisting Rescue divers with transporting any needed equipment to the entry point.
B) An engine company on the scene shall be dedicated to CFR duties and members should be staged as near as practical to the exit point of the victims/rescuers.
C) An engine company on the scene shall hookup to a hydrant and have a hoseline stretched and charged which may be used to cool back-up divers on a very hot day.
D) An available member can be used by the Rescue officer to assist in keeping track of his/her members’ in-water times and on-air times.
ANSWER: A) The assistance of at least one member will be dedicated to assisting Rescue divers with transporting any needed equipment to the entry point. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 5: 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6)
- The assistance of at least one COMPANY will be dedicated to assisting Rescue divers with transporting any needed equipment to the entry point.
At all major natural gas leaks, the dispatcher shall be notified to have the appropriate electric utility company respond. Power cannot be removed from the potential blast zone without introducing the risk of ignition. When considering power removal at a major gas leak which of the following comments is correct?
A) FDNY members can remove power from the area of the leak only when gas readings are 10% LEL or less.
B) In order to determine if it’s safe to remove power, explosive readings must be taken wherever the lowest concentration of natural gas has accumulated in the building.
C) Under certain conditions, after evacuation and upon consultation with the utility company, the IC may consider allowing the utility to cut power remotely from a utility pole or manhole, even if natural gas levels are in the explosive range.
D) If any readings display levels of 10% LEL or greater, the opportunity to cut power has expired.
ANSWER: C) Under certain conditions, after evacuation and upon consultation with the utility company, the IC may consider allowing the utility to cut power remotely from a utility pole or manhole, even if natural gas levels are in the explosive range.
(Natural Gas 9.2.2)
A - FDNY members can remove power from the area of the leak only when gas readings are below (EIGHTY) 80% LEL or less.
B - In order to determine if it’s safe to remove power, explosive readings must be taken wherever the HIGHEST concentration of natural gas has accumulated in the building.
D - If any readings display levels of (EIGHTY) 80% LEL or greater, the opportunity to cut power has expired.
All persons (including FDNY and Utility Company personnel) remain withdrawn from the potential blast zone. It is important to remain aware that even remote power removal may trigger an explosion.
The location from which the Utility Company is cutting power (utility pole or manhole) is not located within the potential blast zone.
Which of the following tools is intrinsically safe?
A) Thermal Imaging Camera
B) Cell Phones
C) Handie-talkies
D) Megaphones
ANSWER: C) Handie-talkies
(Natural Gas 9.1.2 and Natural Gas Addendum 3)
Instrinsically Safe: Handie-talkies Natural Gas Detectors Natural Gas Meters Flashlights issued by FDNY Intrinsically Safe Ventilation Fans (NEW)
NOT Intrinsically Safe: Thermal Imaging Cameras Ventilation Fans (other than new intrinsically safe ones) Cell Phones Megaphones
While operating at a major gas emergency rapid evacuation will allow members to locate and rescue civilians from an explosive atmosphere, while limiting their exposure to potential extreme hazards. Which comment regarding rapid evacuation is incorrect?
A) This is significantly different from primary searches conducted at fires and is accomplished with as few members in the potential blast zone as possible to cover the greatest area, and exit the potential blast zone in the shortest time possible.
B) Evacuation should be via an available stairway; elevators should not be used.
C) If no one answers the door to an area or apartment, members should force entry to check for occupants.
D) When forcible entry is required in an explosive environment it should be accomplished using equipment and techniques that will limit the chance of causing a spark.
ANSWER: C) If no one answers the door to an area or apartment, members should force entry to check for occupants. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 9.1.3)
“In structures with elevators, occupants should be instructed to use the stairs and not the elevators unless the situation makes it impractical (e.g., gas leak on an upper floor of a high- rise residential building where FDNY members utilize elevators to evacuate civilians). Elevators in the potential blast zone are NOT to be used by civilian or FDNY personnel. Elevators create electric arcs whenever they are activated by the call button or signaled to move.”
At natural gas emergencies, units may be directed to work with utility company personnel in pulling manhole covers to create paths for natural gas to vent to open air. In this case members should abide by the following provisions. Which one is incorrect?
A) Sewer manhole covers may be removed by FDNY personnel with the approval of their company officer.
B) Round, electric manhole covers can be removed by FDNY personnel when requested by an on-scene utility worker and approved by an on-scene chief officer. Additionally, the cover must be determined to be free of stray voltage by the on-scene utility company.
C) Round manhole covers can be removed by two firefighters utilizing manhole hooks.
D) Rectangular or square electric manhole covers shall not be pulled by FDNY personnel.
ANSWER: A) Sewer manhole covers may be removed by FDNY personnel with the approval of their company officer. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 9.2.4 #3)
- Sewer manhole covers may be removed by FDNY personnel with the approval AN ON-SCENE CHIEF OFFICER.
Emergencies involving scaffolding will present FDNY units with unique challenges. Modern scaffolding used for building maintenance and construction, coupled with construction features of modern high-rise buildings will require specialized equipment and training. Which statement below is incorrect regarding these operations?
A) In all instances, units should cordon off the area below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
B) The anchor points of the scaffolding must be evaluated by the first arriving units as soon as possible.
C) The anchor points will always be located on the roof of the building.
D) If it is necessary to dismantle the scaffold to leave the area in a safe condition this must be done from the interior of the building.
ANSWER: C) The anchor points will always be located on the roof of the building. (INCORRECT)
(EP - Suspended Scaffold Emergencies 3.1, 3.2, 3.4)
- The anchor points will USUALLY be located on the roof of the building BUT MAY BE LOCATED ON SETBACKS, IN SHAFTS, OR SUSPENDED FROM BUILDING MAINTENANCE UNITS.
Intrinsically safe fans are a new tool that the FDNY has at its disposal for combating natural gas leaks in subsurface structures. Which description below is correct regarding these fans?
A) Intrinsically safe fans may be used for positive pressure ventilation at fires.
B) The motor is the only component that is intrinsically safe.
C) There is a grounding cable pre-connected to the body of the fan.
D) The intrinsically safe fans can be used to provide fresh air to a bottom of a confined space to remove heavier than air gases that are collecting at the bottom of a confined space.
ANSWER: B) The motor is the only component that is intrinsically safe.
(Natural Gas Addendum 3: 1.3)
A - Intrinsically safe fans SHALL NOT BE used for positive pressure ventilation at fires.
C - There is a grounding cable THAT MUST BE CONNECTED to the body of the fan.
D - The intrinsically safe fans can be used to provide fresh air to a bottom of a confined space, OR IF HEAVIER THAN AIR GASES ARE COLLECTING AT THE BOTTOM OF A CONFINED SPACE, THEY CAN BE REVERSED TO REMOVE THESE GASES.
While operating at a major gas emergency, units may take several actions outside of the potential blast zone. Which action described below is incorrect?
A) Units may be deployed to stretch precautionary hose lines for the protection of structures. 1 3/4” or 2 1/2” hose are appropriate in this situation.
B) Fog stream should not be used to dissipate natural venting outside of a structure; let the gas vent naturally.
C) When required and consistent with safety, a charged fog hose line may be used to protect workers placing a plug or operating a clamp.
D) All members, apparatus, appliances and hose should be positioned outside of the potential blast zone.
ANSWER: A) Units may be deployed to stretch precautionary hose lines for the protection of structures. 1 3/4” or 2 1/2” hose are appropriate in this situation. (INCORRECT)
(Natural Gas 9.2.1)
- Units may be deployed to stretch precautionary hose lines for the protection of structures. 2 1/2” hose OR LARGE CALIBER STREAMS are appropriate FOR THESE DEFENSIVE POSITIONS AND WILL ALLOW GREATER REACH.
Members of a water rescue unit are discussing line rescue operations for a surf rescue during drill. They make the following comments. Which one is incorrect?
A) The primary rescuer will enter the water upstream and swim out to the victim letting the torpedo drag behind.
B) The secondary rescuer shall remain on shore unless needed.
C) When necessary, the primary rescuer shall swim perpendicular to the shoreline removing themselves and the victim from the rip current.
D) When ready, the primary rescuer shall give the signal to be pulled in (one hand on top of rescuers head).
ANSWER: C) When necessary, the primary rescuer shall swim perpendicular to the shoreline removing themselves and the victim from the rip current. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 4 - 3.1)
- When necessary, the primary rescuers shall swim PARALLEL to the shoreline removing themselves and the victim from the rip current.
Units are responding to a reported suspended scaffold emergency in Manhattan. The officer of the first due ladder company has the following thoughts while responding. Which one is incorrect?
A) In all instances, units should cordon off the are below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
B) If possible, members should enter the building from an entrance out of the danger area.
C) The anchor points of the scaffolding are usually located on the roof, and they must be evaluated by first arriving units as soon as possible.
D) Upon inspection, if the tie backs and hooks are damaged, members shall secure them with the lifesaving rope.
ANSWER: D) Upon inspection, if the tie backs and hooks are damaged, members shall secure them with the lifesaving rope. (INCORRECT)
(Suspended Scaffold Emergencies 3.1, 3.2)
D - Upon inspection, if the tie backs and hooks are damaged, members shall secure them with UTILITY ROPE.
When operating at an unoccupied swinging suspended scaffold emergency which of the following actions is incorrect?
A) If roof rigging is suspect, attempt to secure it with a utility rope.
B) Member shall not go out onto an unoccupied scaffold unless absolutely necessary.
C) Members operating near windows or the roof edge shall utilize safety lines as a precaution against falling.
D) Avoid operating below the scaffold to avoid being struck by the scaffold or falling building material.
ANSWER: B) Member shall not go out onto an unoccupied scaffold unless absolutely necessary. (INCORRECT)
(Suspended Scaffold Emergencies 4.2, 4.3)
- AT NO TIME SHALL ANY MEMBER go out onto an unoccupied scaffold.
While responding to the scene of a surf rescue, the IC shall consider the following points. Which one is incorrect?
A) Request from the marine unit if the tide is incoming or outgoing.
B) Verify ETA of the marine unit.
C) Use of the 800 MHz radio.
D) Monitoring of the TAC-U Channel.
D. Monitoring of the NYPD SOD CHANNEL
ANSWER: D) Monitoring of the TAC-U Channel. (INCORRECT)
(Water Rescue 4: 4.1)
U - USE OF 800 MHZ
You are the first arriving ladder company officer on the scene of a confined space emergency where members will have to make an entry to remove an injured and unconscious worker. Recalling your knowledge of safe atmospheric conditions in which to operate, which choice listed below is INCORRECT?
A) Carbon Monoxide levels not over 35 PPM.
B) Oxygen concentration levels between 18.5% and 22.5%.
C) Hydrogen Sulfide levels not over 10 PPM.
D) Flammability range not over 10% of LEL.
ANSWER: B) Oxygen concentration levels between 18.5% and 22.5%. (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures Confined Space - 4.1)
- Oxygen concentrations between 19.5% and 23.5%.
Engine 48 and Ladder 56 arrive in that order at a single car accident involving a pin where there are four victims in the vehicle and no fire condition. According to disentanglement and extrication procedures, which is the only CORRECT action taken by the units at this box?
A) The engine split into two teams. The officer and two CFR firefighters went to the car to gain access to the victims, the remaining members stretched a dry precautionary handline.
B) The truck company chauffeur used the apparatus to block traffic before proceeding to chock the wheels of the vehicle.
C) Once the door was popped, the inside team performed patient stabilization.
D) The Roof and OV brought the Hurst tool and equipment to the operation. The power unit was placed in the front of the vehicle.
ANSWER: D) The Roof and OV brought the Hurst tool and equipment to the operation. The power unit was placed in the front of the vehicle.
- The power unit should be placed in the front or rear of the vehicle. 4.2.2 - Roof and OV bring Hurst tool equipment to scene of accident and initiate operation.
A – The remaining members shall stretch AND CHARGE a precautionary hand line. (4.1)
B – The OFFICER AND FE TEAM are responsible for initiating a perimeter survey and chocking the vehicle. (4.2.1)
C – If an engine or EMS is NOT on the scene, members shall stabilize the patient. Once an engine or EMS arrives, the inside team can pass off patient stabilization and assist the outside team. The Engine was on the scene. (4.2.1)
Engine 2, a Water/Ice Rescue Company, was out procuring the meal along Spring Creek and is flagged down for a couple of people that fell in the water and cannot get themselves out. One of the members suggests deploying the inflatable water rescue hose. Which choice below is CORRECT regarding this operation?
A) Only Water/Ice Rescue companies are equipped with the inflatable hose and equipment. They will be designated by the suffix “W” on the response ticket.
B) Supply air from either an SCBA or Fast Pak using the Hansen fitting. The hose can be filled directly from a cylinder or if close enough, via the apparatus air outlet.
C) Five lengths of 2½ hose can be inflated in approximately 45 seconds from on standard 45-minute cylinder. The apparatus air outlet can supply 5 lengths in approximately 1 minute.
D) When deployed as a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims. Each looped length is capable of supporting approximately 10 people.
ANSWER: D) When deployed as a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims. Each looped length is capable of supporting approximately 10 people.
A – EVERY COMPANY including Battalions carry the yellow water rescue fittings. The equipment is found in the Water Safety Kit that is issued to all units. (1.1 and 2.1 – COMM CH 2 PG 37)
B – Do NOT fill the hose directly from the cylinder. (2.1)
C – BOTH can fill 5 lengths of 2 ½ in approximately one minute. 3.2 and 3.3
Ladder 199 is assigned on a single unit response for a steam leak. Upon arrival they find a High Energy Line Break in a building. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding this type of response?
A) If possible, members should wait for Con Edison personnel to shut the necessary valves.
B) In an emergency, members should attempt to shut the building steam shutoff outside the building.
C) Do not shut the inside service valve. This valve should only be shut by Con Edison Personnel.
D) High Pressure steam pipes inside buildings are typically insulated, but unlike the street, a HELB in a building will not result in an asbestos release.
ANSWER: A) If possible, members should wait for Con Edison personnel to shut the necessary valves.
B – FD members should NOT attempt to shut this valve.
C – In an emergency, members MAY shut the INSIDE SERVICE VALVE.
D – Steam pipes are typically insulated and a HELB in a building will LIKELY RELEASE ASBESTOS inside the building.
Battalion 99 stopped by for drill and was discussing steam leaks and high energy line breaks to which the companies responded. Which of the following statements made during the drill was CORRECT?
A) Never enter a Con Edison generating plant without Con Ed personnel, unless there is a confirmed life hazard.
B) A vent stack on the street with a blue stripe on the top of it indicates a leaking steam main.
C) At a Con Ed facility, plant personnel will mitigate the emergency. FD should only enter to perform search and rescue for missing plant personnel.
D) High heat may make it impossible to enter the affected area for search and rescue, however, the level of oxygen in the air is unaffected by steam.
ANSWER: C) At a Con Ed facility, plant personnel will mitigate the emergency. FD should only enter to perform search and rescue for missing plant personnel.
A – The bulletin does not address confirmed life hazards. NEVER enter a Con Edison facility without Con Edison personnel. When entering a plant, stay close to the provided escort and be guided by their advice.
B – If a vent pipe has a blue stripe on the top of it, this indicates that the steam is the result of a WATER LEAK, not a leaking steam main.
D – 4.4
During the change of tours, your lieutenant presents you with a malfunctioning MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter. As the knowledgeable Company Commander that you are, you tell him the only correct way to receive a replacement can be found in which choice?
A) Notify the administrative Battalion Chief
B) Place meter in the “bag” and forward to Haz-Mat Operations
C) Notify the Tool Room
D) Notify Haz-Mat Operations for pick-up
ANSWER: D) Notify Haz-Mat Operations for pick-up
(Emergency Procedures Natural Gas add 2 sec 3.1)
Notify Haz-Mat Operations. Haz-Mat Operations shall arrange for pick-up of the OOS meter and issue a replacement
The Borough dispatch just announced they are in Fallback step 3 when you receive a ticket for a possible confined space incident at the intersection of Ralph ave and Broadway. Since units are scarce during Fallback step 3, the 1st arriving BC will be severely delayed. As the initial IC at a confined space operation, which tactic did you operate incorrectly?
A) In extreme circumstances, you had the first due
Ladder Company attempt to make entry to rescue the trapped worker
B) You know that SOC Support Ladders are only trained in “line-of-sight” confined space rescues
C) First alarm units should not consider lowering a rescuer with the LSR unless extreme circumstances exist, and they must have a plan for removing that member
D) If using a TL or an Aerial as a high point, all personnel must be removed from the apparatus with only the chauffeur remaining on the turntable for overall safety
ANSWER: D) If using a TL or an Aerial as a high point, all personnel must be removed from the apparatus with only the chauffeur remaining on the turntable for overall safety (INCORRECT)
(EP - Confined Spaces Operations 4.3)
- ALL PERSONNEL must be removed from the turntable and the engine shut off to prevent accidental movement.
- The Tower Ladder is preferred due to its greater weight-supporting capacity, at least 1000 lbs, compared to only 250 lbs for an Aerial Ladder
Today is August 15, 2020, and you just received a ticket to 811 Cortelyou rd for a report of a gas leak on the 2nd floor of a 6 sty 100X100 H-Type multiple dwelling. As you approach the scene you are trying to remember the major points of the new procedures for operating at Natural Gas Emergencies. Choose the incorrect point.
A) If a strong odor is present on approach, stop and meter the area. If the meter displays 10 percent of the LEL, this may indicate a potentially serious leak and may require treating the incident as a Major Gas Emergency
B) Only the first due units shall be positioned in front of the reported leak location. Additional units shall stage at street corners, and only enter into block when appropriate
C) The first priority at natural gas emergencies is to ensure there is not a Major Gas Emergency
D) If any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building or while proceeding to the reported location within the building, the inside ladder team should proceed directly to the basement/cellar to evaluate conditions
E) The priority order of valve closure is: Appliance Valve; Interior Gas Riser Valve; Individual Meter Valve; Master Meter Valve; Head of Service Valve; Curb Valve; Main Valve
ANSWER: B) Only the first due units shall be positioned in front of the reported leak location. Additional units shall stage at street corners, and only enter into block when appropriate (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures Natural Gas Emergencies 6.2)
- The apparatus should NOT be positioned in front of the reported leak location. Additional units shall stage at street corners, and only enter into block when appropriate.
- FDNY units are NOT allowed to shut a main valve, but it is still part of the priority order of valve closure in this bulletin. We just wouldn’t do it.
During potential gas emergencies, company officers must utilize powered equipment that is intrinsically safe (can be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere) Choose the piece of powered equipment that is NOT considered intrinsically safe.
A) Thermal Imaging Camera
B) Natural Gas Detector
C) Natural Gas Meter
D) FDNY Flashlight
ANSWER: A) Thermal Imaging Camera
(EP Natural Gas Emergencies sec 9.1.2)
- Thermal Imaging Cameras, Ventilation Fans, Cell Phones, and Megaphones are NOT intrinsically safe
The most correct tactic used during a steam emergency can be found in which choice?
A) In an attempt to stop a steam leak inside of a building, its an acceptable practice to randomly shut steam valves to locate the correct valve
B) Once a steam valve is shut, only open it to relieve the head pressure upon the orders of the IC
C) If the building is equipped with an outside steam valve, members may shut this valve
D) In an emergency, members may shut the Inside Service Valve
ANSWER: D) In an emergency, members may shut the Inside Service Valve
(EP - Steam)
A - DO NOT randomly shut steam valves inside of a supplied building.
B - Once a steam valve is shut, DO NOT reopen it. The system will have to be drained before reopening the valve
D - If there is a building steam shutoff located outside the building, members should NOT attempt to shut this valve. This valve should only be shut by Con Edison steam personnel
Which one of the following situations is indicative of a major gas emergency?
A) 10 % LEL in an unvented manhole
B) 20 % LEL in a vented sewer
C) Gas present in two manholes
D) Minor damage to a Master Meter
ANSWER: C) Gas present in two manholes
(EP - Natural Gas 5)
Indications of a Major Gas Leak “10-20 VOIDS”
10 - 10% LEL or greater detected outside or inside
20 - 20% LEL in an unvented, sub-surface structure (manhole, sewer etc.)
V - Gas leaking or present inside a wall or VOID.
O - Indications of gas migrating into a building from an OUTSIDE source.
I - Gas leaking inside structure and controlling valve cannot be located or is INOPERABLE.
D - SERIOUS DAMAGE to major components of gas infastructure.
S - Gas present in 2 or more SUB-SURFACE STRUCTURES.
(10% LEL inside or outside / 20% underground / Void / Outside to inside migration / Inoperable valve / Damage (serious damage) / Subsurface structures (2 or more)
A - 20% would be correct for unvented manhole.
B - 20% would be correct for unvented sewer.
D - SERIOUS damage to a Master Meter
You are a Lieutenant in a Ladder Company operating at a natural gas leak in an OLT building. You are in the cellar and cannot locate the leak, and there are indications that the leak is coming from an outside, subsurface source. In this situation, you should treat the affected area as a potential blast zone if LEL levels cannot be limited to less than _______, by venting?
A) 10 %
B) 20 %
C) 50 %
D) 80 %
ANSWER: A) 10 %
Nat Gas - Pg 32
A Company Officer using the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter would be correct to think that?
Select one:
A) In fresh air, the normal sensor reading for LEL is 0%; and the normal sensor reading for oxygen is 21.8 % in fresh air
B) Meter alarms at 5 % LEL, 19.5 % O2, and 23.5 % O2
C) If the atmosphere is above 100 % LEL, the LCD symbol XXX will be displayed and the meter will enter a Lock Alarm State.
D) A series of three large “+” symbols under the O2 icon indicates the atmosphere is above 25% oxygen
ANSWER: C) If the atmosphere is above 100 % LEL, the LCD symbol XXX will be displayed and the meter will enter a Lock Alarm State.
(Nat Gas Add 2—2.4, 2.5, 4.1, 4.2)
A - Normal reading is LEL 0% and 20.8% O2
B - Alarms at 10% LEL, 19.5% O2, and 23.5% O2
D - (+++) Atmosphere is above (THIRTY) 30% O2
Ladder 99 arrives first on the scene of a worker stuck on an off-level suspended scaffold near the 59th floor of a High-Rise Office building. In this situation, the officer of Ladder 99 would be incorrect to have the members of his unit?
A) Check the anchor points of the scaffolding as soon as possible
B) Lower down a life saving rope to the worker, and have him clip it onto his safety harness, if the worker’s safety line is suspect or missing
C) Bring their assigned tools, a life saving rope, and a utility rope
D) Cut the glass near the worker to haul the worker in, only if the worker is injured or in danger of falling
ANSWER: D) Cut the glass near the worker to haul the worker in, only if the worker is injured or in danger of falling. (INCORRECT)
(Scaffolds—3.2, 3.2 B, 3.3)
- Rescue and Squad Companies have a multitude of high angle equipment, rigging and GLASS CUTTING CAPABILITIES. Their equipment, training, and experience should be utilized.
At 2300 hours, Engine 266 and Ladder 121 arrive at an incident in the ocean where there is a report of a victim submerged below the surface of the water. Because this will be a “Dive Rescue Operation”, the officers would be correct to ensure what equipment is brought to the scene?
- Ladders
- Hooks
- Search Rope
- Stokes basket / backboard
- Portable lights
A) 1, 2, 3, 4
B) 1, 3, 4, 5
C) 1, 2, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 4, 5
ANSWER: C) 1, 2, 4, 5
(Water Rescue—Ch 5—3.3)
- Cross reference with what FAST Team brings (PAK/PAK/ROPE/ROPE/STOKES) FAST team brings 2:1 rope and search rope and not LSR.
Which of the following gas emergencies may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety?
A) Any damage to major components of the gas infrastructure (i.e., a minor leak at the Master Meter.)
B) 5% LEL detected inside a structure.
C) Gas present in a single manhole located on a main thoroughfare.
D) 25% LEL detected in an unvented, subsurface sewer.
ANSWER: D) 25% LEL detected in an unvented, subsurface sewer.
(EP Gas 5)
- The following conditions are INDICATIVE of a Major Gas Emergency and MAY require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety (including utility personnel and first responders). “10-20 VOIDS”
10 - 10% LEL or greater detected outside or inside
20 - Elevated natural gas reading (20% LEL or greater) in an unvented, subsurface structure (manhole, sewer, etc.)
V - Gas leaking or present inside of a wall or VOID in a structure.
O - Indications of gas migrating into a building from an OUTSIDE source.
I - Gas leaking inside of a structure and the controlling valve cannot be located or is INOPERABLE.
D - SERIOUS DAMAGE to major components of the gas infrastructure (i.e., a Master Meter servicing many appliances, gas service pipe, Main Valves, Distribution Mains, etc.)
S - Gas present in TWO or more SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES (manhole, sewer, etc.)
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding mitigation of a steam emergency inside of a building?
A) Do not randomly shut steam valves inside of a supplied building.
B) Once a steam valve is shut, do not reopen it.
C) Notify Con Edison if a valve is shut. Failure to do so can result in damage to the system and injury to Con Edison personnel working to restore the system.
D) In an emergency, members may shut the Outside Service Valve. If possible, wait for Con Ed steam personnel to shut the necessary valves.
ANSWER: D) In an emergency, members may shut the Outside Service Valve. If possible, wait for Con Ed steam personnel to shut the necessary valves. (INCORRECT)
(EP Steam 4.4)
- In an emergency, members may shut the INSIDE Service Valve. It will be labeled and sealed. If possible, wait for Con Ed steam personnel to shut the necessary valves.
There is a building steam shutoff located outside the building. FD members should NOT attempt to shut this valve. This valve should ONLY be shut by Con Edison steam personnel.
A Note: Shutting the wrong valve can cause damage to the system creating other hazardous conditions.
B Note: The system will have to be drained before reopening the valve.
During company drill, members were discussing water and ice rescue operations. Which comment made during drill was incorrect?
A) Under no circumstances should members be allowed past the line of sight from the shore.
B) The loss of body heat occurs 25 times faster in cold water than in air. Hypothermia begins when the body’s core temperature falls below 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
C) Early signs of hypothermia begin at approximately 95 degrees causing the body to uncontrollably shiver, which is the body’s first reaction to the cold.
D) Sudden face contact with cold water (below 70 degrees Fahrenheit) initiates a body reflex known as the Mammalian Diving Reflex (MDR). MDR is more pronounced in young people therefore, they are the best candidates for resuscitation.
ANSWER: A) Under no circumstances should members be allowed past the line of sight from the shore. (INCORRECT)
(EP WR 1 2.2.4, 3.3.1, 3.3.3, 3.4)
- AT NIGHT, members should not be allowed past the line of sight from the shore.
D Note: The colder the water and the younger the victim, the better chance they have of survival. This oxygen conserving mechanism is common to whales, porpoises, and seals and allows these mammals to stay underwater for long periods of time.
Vehicle disentanglement and extrication is a dangerous operation that must be conducted carefully. Which of the following is not in accordance with Department policy?
A) Vehicles are stabilized as they are found. Never right a vehicle with a victim inside.
B) One of four tools may be used when removing a windshield; a windshield saw, Beluga auto glass knife, an axe and a sawzall. The sawzall should be considered as a last resort for this procedure.
C) When encountering a vehicle that has side or rear windows that are laminated or rigid plastic, a sawzall may be used to gain access.
D) One method of gaining access to the passenger compartment of a vehicle on its side is to cut an opening in the roof of the vehicle. The air chisel would be the tool of choice for this.
ANSWER: B) One of four tools may be used when removing a windshield; a windshield saw, Beluga auto glass knife, an axe and a sawzall. The sawzall should be considered as a last resort for this procedure. (INCORRECT)
(Emergency Procedures D / E 5.2. 11.3, 11.5)
Windshields: One of four tools may be used when removing a windshield; a windshield saw, sawzall, Beluga auto glass knife or an axe. The AXE should be considered as a LAST RESORT for this procedure.
B Note: Before using the windshield saw, make sure that the blade is installed correctly (the teeth facing the handle of the tool).
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information about the SENSIT TKX Combustible Gas Detector?
A) It is carried by Battalions, Haz-Mat Co. 1, HMTU, Rescue and Ladder Companies.
B) It provides a “Geiger Counter” like ticking sound that increases in frequency when a gas source as low as 20 ppm of Methane is detected.
C) It may be used in almost any situation where combustible gas, vapor, or residues need to be located but will not detect Carbon Monoxide.
D) A decrease in the ticking sound and flashing of the red LED indicates that you are approaching a leak.
ANSWER: D) A decrease in the ticking sound and flashing of the red LED indicates that you are approaching a leak. (INCORRECT)
(EP Gas Add 5 1, 2, 4)
- An INCREASE in the ticking sound and flashing of the red LED indicates that you are APPROACHING a leak. A DECREASE in both the ticking sound and the flashing red LED indicates that you are MOVING AWAY from the leak.
All members entering a confined space must be breathing air from the SCBA unless the atmosphere is proven non-hazardous via continuous meter readings. Safe atmospheric conditions Are indicated in each choice below except?
A) Oxygen Concentration between 19.5% and 23.5%
B) Flammable Range - Not over 80% of LEL
C) Toxicity - Not over 35 PPM of Carbon Monoxide
D) Toxicity - Not over 10 PPM of Hydrogen Sulfide
ANSWER: B) Flammable Range - Not over 80% of LEL (INCORRECT)
(EP CS 4.1)
- Flammable Range - Not over 10% of LEL
Which choice below is not in accordance with Department policy on operations during a suspended scaffold emergency?
A) Generally, there is no need for any firefighter to be lowered by a lifesaving rope to reach stranded workers. Unless the workers are in danger of falling, injured, or some other imminently dangerous condition dictates immediate action, removal should be accomplished with high angle rope equipment.
B) Glass cutting requires specialized knowledge, training and equipment and shall be performed only by the members of a Rescue, Squad or SOC Support Ladder.
C) If ARC welding is being performed from the scaffold, ensure that all welding has ceased for the duration of the incident and that all power sources to the welders have been shut down.
D) At no time shall any member go out onto an unoccupied scaffold. All operations shall be conducted from within the building or from the roof level.
ANSWER: B) Glass cutting requires specialized knowledge, training and equipment and shall be performed only by the members of a Rescue, Squad or SOC Support Ladder. (INCORRECT)
(EP Scaffold 4.3, 5.5, 7.1, 8.2)
Glass cutting requires specialized knowledge, training and equipment and shall be performed only by the members of a RESCUE or SQUAD company. THERE IS NO MENTION OF A SOC SUPPORT LADDER BEING ABLE TO DO THIS.
D Note: Members operating near windows or the roof edge shall take precautions against falling, including utilizing safety lines. Avoid operating below the scaffold to avoid being struck by the scaffold or falling building material.
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding the MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter?
A) In fresh air, the normal sensor readings on the LCD should read: LEL - 0.0% and O2 - 20.8%
B) The meter will alarm at LEL - 10.0%, O2 - 23.5% (Oxygen enriched) and O2 - 19.5% (Oxygen deficient).
C) When the atmosphere is above 100% LEL, the LCD symbol “XXX” will be displayed.
D) When the atmosphere is above 20.8% oxygen, the LCD symbol “+++” will be displayed.
ANSWER: D) When the atmosphere is above 20.8% oxygen, the LCD symbol “+++” will be displayed. (INCORRECT)
(EP Gas Add 2 2.4, 2.5, 4.1, 5.3)
- When the atmosphere is ABOVE 30% OXYGEN, the LCD symbol “+++” will be displayed.
Which tactic below contains incorrect information regarding the Ladder Company’s investigation of a gas leak?
A) The Inside Team should activate the Natural Gas Detector and Natural Gas Meter prior to investigating.
B) If any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building, the Inside Team should proceed directly to the reported location/caller noting odors, information gathered and detector/meter activity.
C) The Outside Team should activate detectors/meters prior to commencing their investigation, if additional detectors/meters are available.
D) The Outside Team should proceed to the natural gas utility meter location, which may be a basement/cellar level utility room or on the exterior of the building, and report conditions and operate as directed by the Ladder Company Officer.
ANSWER: B) If any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building, the Inside Team should proceed directly to the reported location/caller noting odors, information gathered and detector/meter activity.
(EP Gas 6.5 p19)
- The Inside Team should proceed to the reported location/caller noting odors, information gathered and detector/meter activity. If, however, any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building, or while proceeding to the reported location within the building, the Inside Team should proceed DIRECTLY TO THE BASEMENT/CELLAR to evaluate conditions.
During a recent drill on gas emergencies, the covering officer made four statements, one of which was incorrect. Indicate the incorrect statement.
A) The Gas Utility Company is required to give an estimated time of arrival (ETA). Gas Utility Company response times are typically within 30 minutes.
B) If a strong odor is present on approach, stop the apparatus and meter the area. If the meter displays 10% of the LEL, this may indicate a potentially serious leak and may require treating the incident as a Major Gas Emergency.
C) The apparatus should be positioned in front of the reported leak location, in a safe location. In addition, units should avoid positioning over manholes and sewers.
D) Vent holes, otherwise known as prospecting “bar” holes, are a series of roughly 1” holes in the pavement and indicate recent Gas Utility Company work.
ANSWER: C) The apparatus should be positioned in front of the reported leak location, in a safe location. In addition, units should avoid positioning over manholes and sewers.
(EP Gas 6.1 - 6.3)
- The apparatus should NOT be positioned in front of the reported leak location. In addition, units should avoid positioning over manholes and sewers.
C Note : The purpose of positioning apparatus in this manner is to protect members while keeping curb valves, service valves, and main valves clear in the event of a significant leak. Additional units shall stage at street corners, and only enter into the block when appropriate.
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information regarding surf rescue procedures?
A) Use of the surfboard is preferred when encountering very rough water and large breaking waves.
B) The Primary Rescuer shall always enter the water utilizing the torpedo.
C) Rescuers should enter the water upstream of the Long Shore Current (Sweep Tide) and swim with the current to reach the victim.
D) Rip Currents can be used to the advantage of the rescuer in order to reach the victim quickly. Entering this current will help carry the rescuer out to the location of victim.
ANSWER: A) Use of the surfboard is preferred when encountering very rough water and large breaking waves. (INCORRECT)
(EP WR 4 2.3.4, 2.4.2, 3.1)
- Calm water and smaller wave height are MORE IDEAL conditions to utilize the surfboard. When encountering very rough water and large breaking waves the surfboard will be difficult to control.
D Note: After contact is made with the victim, the Primary Rescuer will bring the victim out of the head of the current before signaling to be pulled to shore.
Officers should have some familiarity with NYC’s natural gas infrastructure. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A) A “NC” stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates there is no curb valve or service valve. An “EFV” stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates an “excess flow valve” exists in line on the service pipe, which should limit or stop excess flow.
B) Curb valves/service valves are usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb and shut the gas supply to the entire building. They are usually recessed in from the curb and are covered with a 4” X 4” square or round, brittle concrete or steel cover which may be sitting on top of a plastic or wooden plate.
C) Con Edison Gas main valves have ID numbers on tags on top of the valve cover. National Grid main valve covers are identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the cover; however, these numbers may be difficult to see.
D) Low pressure (¼ psi) Distribution Mains generally do not have valves and isolating sections of low pressure Distribution Mains requires plugging or “squeezing off” the pipe while still under pressure (live). Only the Utility Company can safely plug or squeeze-off Distribution or Service Mains.
ANSWER: C) Con Edison Gas main valves have ID numbers on tags on top of the valve cover. National Grid main valve covers are identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the cover; however, these numbers may be difficult to see.
(EP Gas 4.4)
- Con Edison Gas main valves have ID numbers on tags INSIDE of the valve cover.
- National Grid main valve covers are identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the COLLAR, UNDERNEATH the cover; however, these numbers may be difficult to see.
Steam emergencies can cause a considerable number of challenges for responding members. Of the following choices, which is not in accordance with Department policy?
A) Con Edison is not the only entity generating high pressure steam in New York City. High pressure steam, which can be found in any borough, generated by District Steam systems shall be entered into the CIDS Program when discovered.
B) Steam pressures in generating plants can be as high as 2,000 psi with temperatures reaching 900ºF. Steam pressures in the buried supply piping and in supplied buildings can be as high as 170 psi and temperatures as high as 350ºF.
C) Steam can be frequently seen rising from the ground or from steam manholes in New York City. A vent stack with a blue stripe on top of it indicates that the steam is the result of a leaking steam main, and the steam is being directed away from traffic.
D) A high energy line break in the street may generate noise, making radio and verbal communication ineffective in the immediate vicinity of the release. Prepare for decontamination of civilians, firefighters, bunker gear, tools, equipment and vehicles and consider shutting the HVAC systems of nearby buildings.
ANSWER: C) Steam can be frequently seen rising from the ground or from steam manholes in New York City. A vent stack with a blue stripe on top of it indicates that the steam is the result of a leaking steam main, and the steam is being directed away from traffic. (INCORRECT)
(EP Steam 1.2, 2.2, 4.2, 4.3)
- Steam frequently seen rising from the ground and from steam manholes is usually not the result of a high energy line break. More often, it is the result of water from a heavy rain or a leaking sewer or water main, contacting the steam pipe and turning to steam. A vent stack with a blue stripe on top of it indicates that the steam is the result of a WATER LEAK, NOT a leaking steam main.
When encountering an occupied, stalled suspended scaffold with workers on it, you would be correct to have your members take each of the following actions except?
A) If a wire rope hoist is jammed within the unit, never allow workers to attempt to continue to operate the hoist.
B) If a scaffold is in reach of a tower/aerial ladder, this may be used to effect removal. Window removal/glass cutting to retrieve stranded workers shall be performed by a Rescue or Squad company.
C) If an electric hoist motor overheated due to an overloaded scaffold and a reset button is present, immediately have a worker push the reset button on the hoist.
D) If workers must be hauled in through an open window and they need to disconnect from their safety line to enter, a life saving rope or high angle rope secured to a substantial object or high angle rope system must be attached to the worker’s harness before disconnecting them from their rope.
ANSWER: C) If an electric hoist motor overheated due to an overloaded scaffold and a reset button is present, immediately have a worker push the reset button on the hoist. (INCORRECT)
(EP Scaffold 5.3, 5.4)
- If an electric hoist motor overheated due to an overloaded scaffold and a reset button is present, ALLOW IT TO COOL FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, then have a worker push the reset button on the hoist.
A Note: If they operate the hoist, it can sever the wire rope and cause the end of the scaffold to fall.
Engine 256, a single engine arrives at a major gas leak in a multiple dwelling prior to any other unit. Which action taken by the engine company officer was CORRECT?
A) Observing no odor in the street, the engine officer turned on his gas meter & FDNY issued flashlight upon detecting an odor in the lobby.
B) Once the odor was discovered in the lobby, the officer proceeded to 3B, the apartment of the caller.
C) Once it was determined the leak was from a construction site next door, the officer had the members position themselves outside the potential blast zone and stretch a 1¾ handline for a defensive position.
D) A fog stream was stretched to protect a worker plugging a natural gas pipe. The same line was used to dissipate the leaking gas in the street.
ANSWER: B) Once the odor was discovered in the lobby, the officer proceeded to 3B, the apartment of the caller.
- ENGINE OFFICER to callers apartment / LADDER INSIDE TEAM would go to basement upon getting an odor from the lobby.
A – Activate gas meter BEFORE entering the building
C - 2½ hose and larger streams
D – Fog streams should NOT be used to dissipate natural gas venting outside of the structure; let the gas vent naturally.
At “Major Gas Emergencies,” specific tactics are required to ensure the safety of members while mitigating the hazard. Which of the following choices is incorrect?
A) The potential blast zone shall be considered an exclusion zone for all personnel and shall only be entered for direct, life-saving purposes.
B) Tactics inside of the potential blast zone should be limited to rapid evacuation, removing ignition sources and venting.
C) During rapid evacuation, conventional forcible entry involving the use of an axe to strike the Halligan is not permitted. Entry should be conducted with the use of the adz end of the Halligan to gap and force the door and/or with the use of the hydraulic forcible entry tool (Hydra-Ram).
D) Currently, the only FDNY-issued powered equipment considered intrinsically safe include handie-talkies, Natural Gas Detectors, Natural Gas Meters and flashlights issued by the FDNY.
ANSWER: B) Tactics inside of the potential blast zone should be limited to rapid evacuation, removing ignition sources and venting. (INCORRECT)
(EP Gas 9, 9.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3)
- Tactics inside of the potential blast zone should be limited to rapid evacuation. Removing ignition sources and venting are NOT options within the potential blast zone.
C Note: As a precaution, these devices should be powered on in a clear environment and remain on until returned to a clear environment.
Battalion 59 is 1084 at a gas leak in the street IFO 1234 Smith Street. Units are conducting a search of the street and residence and the companies on the scene are giving reports. Which report received by itself is not indicative of a major gas leak?
A) Ladder 1 OV reports to command that they are getting 15% LEL on the gas meter in the manhole in front of the address.
B) Ladder 1 Officer reports receiving 10% LEL on the gas meter in the cellar of 1234 Smith Street.
C) Ladder 1 Officer reports there is an indication that gas from the street is migrating into the residence through the electric service conduit.
D) Ladder 1 OV reports to command that his meter is reading 10% in the street IFO 1234 Smith Street.
ANSWER: A) Ladder 1 OV reports to command that they are getting 15% LEL on the gas meter in the manhole in front of the address. (INCORRECT)
- Elevated natural gas reading (TWENTY - 20% lel or greater) in an unvented, subsurface structure (manhole, sewer, etc.).
B – 10% LEL or greater detected inside or outside
C – Indications of gas migrating into a building from an outside source.
D – 10% LEL or greater detected outside or inside.
A newly assigned member to Captain Blue’s unit was questioning standard operating procedures for water rescues. The Captain informed this member of a number of tactics; one of which was incorrect. Which procedure was incorrect?
A) Water Safety Units have been issued a Water Safety Kit to use when a water rescue trained company is not on the scene; when arriving first, these Companies may take action using this kit. Entry into the water should only be attempted when consistent with safety and after a proper size-up.
B) Roll Call is the time to determine which member or members will enter the water if the emergency requires. It would not be a good practice to assign your primary water rescuer as a riding position, e.g. “nozzle position.”
C) The company officer will usually assume the position of “Rescue Coordinator” and shall be located where they can observe and direct the whole operation. In a 4-firefighter Engine Company, the officer will also assume the responsibilities of the “Spotter” until an additional unit arrives. Tools include the handie-talkie, flashlight and thermal imaging camera, if available.
D) Inflatable water rescue hose can be used as a flotation device and can be deployed in a straight line or a loop. Each length of 2 ½ of hose can keep afloat approximately 20 people.
ANSWER: D) Inflatable water rescue hose can be used as a flotation device and can be deployed in a straight line or a loop. Each length of 2 ½ of hose can keep afloat approximately 20 people. (INCORRECT)
(EP - WR 2 1.3, 2.1, 3.7.1, 3.8.3)
- Inflatable water rescue hose can be used as a flotation device and can be deployed in a straight line or a loop. Each length of 2 ½ of hose can keep afloat approximately 10 PEOPLE.
C Note: As “Rescue Coordinator” he/she will choose the point of operation and decide whether or not to attempt a rescue. When a rescue is attempted he/she shall supervise operations and control members.