FFP - LOFTS Flashcards
Older Cast-Iron Loft Building are a maximum of 7 to 8 stories high, with widths of 25 to 50 feet. Which construction feature found in an Older Cast-Iron Loft is incorrect?
A) An indicator of a 3 wall “full” sidewalk vault is a large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line.
B) Vaulted sidewalks may have ceilings constructed of wrought-iron or cast-iron frames with small segmented fixed glass orbs (deadlights), diamond plate, cubed-glass, granite, stone or concrete.
C) Enclosed air/light shafts will normally be located in the corners of the building on the upper floors.
D) Flat floor skylights were found in large dimensional lofts built on interior lots (not on a corner) without existing air shafts. If they have been covered over, the replacement flooring may suffer collapse from either weight and/or fire.
ANSWER: C) Enclosed air/light shafts will normally be located in the corners of the building on the upper floors. (INCORRECT)
- They are normally found in the CENTER of deep loft buildings.
- Windows facing onto such shafts may be provided with hinged iron shutters, roll-down iron shutters or in later built lofts wired-glass to prevent fire extension.
- A good place to locate one of these shafts is inside the FIRST FLOOR BATHROOM.
(FFP - Lofts 5.1.1)
In Older Cast-Iron Lofts, elevators may be found in several different locations. Which is the incorrect point concerning these elevators and their corresponding shafts?
A) Freight elevators, unlike passenger elevators, will not have Fireman Service Capabilities.
B) Freight elevators are not initially used during fire operations due to their proximity to rubbish removal areas.
C) Freight elevators can be used during fire operations after evaluation and approval by the IC.
D) When elevator shafts face the street, any window serving the shaft is required to display a “SHAFTWAY” sign across the outer portion of the window that is clearly visible from the street. These windows may have boards across their lower portion and will look identical to other windows in the front facade.
E) Never place aerial or portables to windows that have “SHAFTWAY” signs. Hose streams shall never be operated into these windows.
ANSWER: E) Never place aerial or portables to windows that have “SHAFTWAY” signs. Hose streams shall never be operated into these windows. (INCORRECT)
- AVOID placing aerial or portable ladders to these shaft windows or operating streams into them UNLESS visible fire is extending up the shaft.
(FFP - Lofts 5.1.2)
Cast-Iron is used exclusively for the construction of arches and columns. Which point is wrong about Cast-Iron?
A) At 1100 degrees F, cast-iron loses 58% of its original strength.
B) If a cast iron column is cooled with a hoseline, the strength lost is regained.
C) A structural cast-iron column unable to move will crack.
D) Cast-iron columns and areas behind squared off cast-iron facade fronts are hollow. Check for fire extension in the wall or on the floor above and below when a cast-iron front is found.
E) A failure of a single cast-iron column can cause the collapse of all columns above leading to a general collapse of the building.
ANSWER: B) If a cast iron column is cooled with a hoseline, the strength lost is regained. (INCORRECT)
- The strength lost is CUMULATIVE and never regained.
(FFP - Lofts 5.1.10)
A proper understanding of construction features found in older cast-iron Lofts will contribute to a more effective operation. Which of the following is incorrect?
A) LW shed roofs built over depressed courtyards, when removed, may provide effective ventilation points for sub-level and 1st floor fires.
B) When straight run stairs are encountered at a fire located at the front of the top floor, enough hose is required to go from the ground floor to the top floor and then travel to the front of the building. These stairs, due to their fireproof design, will not present a fire extension hazard.
C) Synthetic walls are low level windows designed to provide natural light to 1st floor and sub-level areas. These walls provide excellent openings for access, egress, ventilation and hose stream/foam delivery.
D) Quoins provide FFs with a visual contrasting feature to neighboring buildings on Exposures 2 and 4 allowing members to accurately determine the width of the fire building.
ANSWER: B) When straight run stairs are encountered at a fire located at the front of the top floor, enough hose is required to go from the ground floor to the top floor and then travel to the front of the building. These stairs, due to their fireproof design, will not present a fire extension hazard. (INCORRECT)
- These stairs are constructed of wood (NON-FIREPROOF DESIGN) Weren’t required to be fireproof until 1938.
- This is an area that should not be overlooked during overhauling.
(FFP - Lofts 5.1.13)
Newer Cast-Iron Loft Buildings may be 8 to 12 stories high, with common dimensions being 50’ x 90’, but may be 100’ x 200’. Which choice is correct concerning elements found in these buildings?
A) Segmental arch floors were used to span the gap between cast-iron or wrought-iron I-beams. All parts of the floor arch are in compression.
B) Segmental arch floors may be breached in order to apply water to a fire below grade.
C) In order to cool the cast-iron and wrought-iron elements of a segmental arch floor, hoselines should be operated directly overhead as they are advanced.
D) Wrought-iron girders, beams and lintels are strong in tension and weak in compression. Wrought-iron does not rust, and will maintain its strength when heated.
ANSWER: A) Segmental arch floors were used to span the gap between cast-iron or wrought-iron I-beams. All parts of the floor arch are in compression.
(FFP - Lofts 5.2.1)
Mill (Heavy Timber) Lofts, are the least common type of lofts. These buildings, which range in height from 4 to 6 stories, have numerous construction features that members should be aware of. Which one is incorrectly described?
A) In some Mill Lofts, square columns, which are 20% stronger than round ones of equal dimensions, are used on lower floors while round columns are used on upper floors.
B) A FF lost on a floor should be aware that the run of the original finished flooring is from one side of the building to the other. This should assist the member in finding a side means of egress.
C) When stars are seen on exterior walls in an irregular pattern, this indicates the floor framing cannot be relied upon to tie-in the opposing walls due to age and deterioration.
D) Sawtooth roofs will hinder roof access, egress, extinguishment, and vertical ventilation. These roofs commonly have paralel roof sections of triangular shape and near vertical glazing, commonly facing due north.
E) Vertical ventilation of heavy timber truss roofs is generally restricted to opening up skylights and stair bulkhead doors.
ANSWER: B) A FF lost on a floor should be aware that the run of the original finished flooring is from one side of the building to the other. This should assist the member in finding a side means of egress. (INCORRECT)
- Original flooring is from FRONT TO REAR
- This should assist the member in finding a FRONT or REAR means of egress.
(FFP - Lofts 5.3.2)
Engine 100, Engine 200, and Engine 300 arrive at a cellar fire in a cast-iron Loft Building in Lower Manhattan. CIDS information states that the cellar is protected by an automatic sprinkler system. Which unit operated incorrectly?
A) The Officer of E100 ordered the members to stretch a 2 1/2” hoseline via the interior to the fire area.
B) Conditions prevented the 1st hoseline from being advanced down the interior stairs, so the Officer of E100 notified the IC and remained at the top of the stairs on the 1st floor.
C) Although a 2nd hoseline was required, E200 assisted E100 with the initial hoseline.
D) E300 should ensure a supply line is stretched to feed the sprinkler system.
ANSWER: D) E300 should ensure a supply line is stretched to feed the sprinkler system. (INCORRECT)
- 3rd Engine is NOT MENTIONED for cellar/sub-cellar fires in Lofts in regards to ensuring sprinkler is supplied.
- Taxpayer = 3rd Engine ensures
- Loft Cellar/sub-cellar = 2nd Engine supplies if not done by 1st Engine
(FFP - Lofts 6.1)
While at MUD, BC Happy discussed Engine Company Operations at lower and upper floor fires in Cast-Iron and Mill Loft Buildings. In which statement was BC Happy incorrect?
A) The 1st Engine Officer, acting as the IC should consider using the Engine’s deck pipe for a quick knock down at an advanced fire. This will allow for a rapid interior attack once a hoseline is in position.
B) Due to the potential for backdrafts on intermediate floors where vertical ventilation is not possible, members may have to start the attack from a few stepd down the stairs from the entrance and immediately discharge the hoselines into the fire area.
C) If present and servicing the fire area, the 3rd Engine Company will ensure the sprinkler system is supplied.
D) The 3rd & 4th Engine companies will stretch the 2nd line. This line shall not advance to the floor above the fire until the 1st line has knocked down the fire.
ANSWER: D) The 3rd & 4th Engine companies will stretch the 2nd line. This line shall not advance to the floor above the fire until the 1st line has knocked down the fire. (INCORRECT)
C - Same as taxpayer fire (3rd Engine ensures)
(FFP - Lofts 6.2.2)
At Cast-Iron and Mill Loft Buildings, the 1st Ladder is responsible for VEIS of the fire floor, and the 2nd Ladder is responsible for VEIS of the floors above. All of the following general tactics are correct with the exception of which one?
A) TLs should be positioned for use of their LCS where needed. A position which also permits the use of an aerial ladder would be ideal.
B) When placing apparatus ladders to the roof or windows, pediments usually do not present a hazard.
C) Large, open floor areas require all Ladder Companies carry search ropes and thermal imaging cameras.
D) The Ladder company officer on the fire floor should request additional assistance if the dimensions of the fire floor make it impractical for one ladder company to effectively and safely operate alone.
E) Fire-vented windows where wind is blowing the fire back into the fire occupancy may require the deployment of the KO Curtain(s) and/or the fire window blanket.
ANSWER: B) When placing apparatus ladders to the roof or windows, pediments usually do not present a hazard. (INCORRECT)
- Pediments MUST BE AVOIDED when positioning apparatus ladders due to uneven contact points and the prohibitive distance from the ladder to the roof surface. Small pediments situated over windows may also be found. They are often loose, cracked or broken and must also be avoided when placing ladders.
(FFP - Lofts 7.1.2)
While discussing the duties of Ladder Companies at cellar and sub-cellar fires in Cast-Iron and Mill Loft buildings, several statements were made. Which one was incorrect?
A) If the 1st Ladder Company Inside team is unable to gain access to the fire area via the interior stairs, the Officer shall notify the IC & attempt to gain access via an alternate method.
B) After completion of laddering duties, the 1st & 2nd LCCs should assist in ventilation by opening up sidewalk access points. This should be accomplished by remaining in the front of the building.
C) The 1st OV FF should communicate the need for an alternate means of access for the 1t hoseline.
D) The Roof FFs should coordinate vertical ventilation over straight run stairs being used for attack with the Inside Team and Engine company Officers.
E) The Roof FFs should gain access to the roof via an adjoining building, aerial/TL, or a fire escape, including front fire escapes.
ANSWER: A) If the 1st Ladder Company Inside team is unable to gain access to the fire area via the interior stairs, the Officer shall notify the IC & attempt to gain access via an alternate method. (INCORRECT)
- The first ladder company will remain with the first hoseline on the floor above the fire searching for life, fire extension, and providing ventilation.
- The second ladder company will gain access to the fire area via alternate means (exterior, adjoining building, etc.) for the second hoseline.
(FFP - Lofts 7.2.1)
Which guideline for the 1st and 2nd arriving Ladder companies at a fire in a Cast-Iron or Mill Loft building is correct?
A) At a lower or upper floor fire, the 1st Ladder shall notify the IC if straight run stairs are encountered.
B) The 1st LCC and 2nd LCCs remained in front of the building at lower floor fires as required.
C) At a lower or upper floor fire, the 1st & 2nd OV FFs must proceed to the rear.
D) For top floor fires, the 2nd Roof FF will bring the saw to the roof.
ANSWER: D) For top floor fires, the 2nd Roof FF will bring the saw to the roof.
A - Lower floor fire = SECOND LADDER notifies IC if straight run stairs are encountered.
Upper floor fire = First Ladder notified IC of straight run stairs
B - First LCC should remain in front of the builing. A possible subsequent assignment for the 2nd LCC may entail assisting the OV Firefighter in the REAR as necessary.
C - OVs will operate in the rear UNLESS there is a immediate life hazard in front of the building.
- Good separator question
(FFP - Lofts 7.2.2)
Captain Lofty was discussing characteristics of cast-iron used in Loft buildings at a drill. He would be correct to state that at 1100 degrees F, cast iron ___________
A) Loses 42% of its original strength, and the loss is cumulative and never regained
B) Loses 58% of its original strength, and the loss is cumulative and never regained.
C) Loses 42% of its original strength, but when cooled the loss is regained.
D) Loses 58% of its original strength, but when cooled the loss is regained.
ANSWER: B) Loses 58% of its original strength, and the loss is cumulative and never regained.
(FFP - Lofts 5.1.10)
Of the following choices, which is incorrect regarding the various types of loft buildings in NYC?
A) Fireproof lofts are the newest and most common type.
B) Mill Lofts are also known as Heavy Timber lofts.
C) Newer Cast Iron Lofts are a maximum of 7 to 8 stories in height having front and rear exterior walls of brick, stone or iron. Side exterior walls are of brick construction.
D) All exterior walls of Newer Cast Iron Lofts have a minimum 3 hour fire resistive rating.
ANSWER: C) Newer Cast Iron Lofts are a maximum of 7 to 8 stories in height having front and rear exterior walls of brick, stone or iron. Side exterior walls are of brick construction. (INCORRECT)
(Lofts 2.3, 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1)
- OLDER Cast Iron Lofts are a maximum of 7 to 8 stories in height having front and rear exterior walls of brick, stone or iron. Side exterior walls are of brick construction.
- Newer Cast-Iron Loft Buildings may be 8 to 12 stories high, with common dimensions being 50’ x 90’, but may be 100’ x 200’.
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information regarding elevators in Older Cast-Iron Lofts?
A) Passenger and freight elevators are normally located within the area of the front wall, on either side or in the middle of the building.
B) When elevator shafts face the street, any window serving the shaft is required to display a “SHAFTWAY” sign across the outer portion of the window that is clearly visible from the street. Never place aerial or portable ladders to these shaft windows or operate streams into them.
C) Frequently, freight elevator shafts were built using terra cotta tile which can be readily breached if needed.
D) Freight elevators will not be installed with Fire Service capabilities. They are not initially used during fire operations due to their proximity to rubbish removal areas which are commonly fire origin locations.
ANSWER: B) When elevator shafts face the street, any window serving the shaft is required to display a “SHAFTWAY” sign across the outer portion of the window that is clearly visible from the street. Never place aerial or portable ladders to these shaft windows or operate streams into them. (INCORRECT)
(Lofts 5.1.2)
- AVOID placing aerial or portable ladders to these shaft windows or operating streams into them UNLESS visible fire is extending up the shaft.
D - After evaluation and approval for use by the Incident Commander (IC), these elevators will allow for greater movement of members, tools and equipment due to their large size.
At Loft buildings, _________ are fixed glass segments that are imbedded in cast iron frames or masonry to provide natural light for sidewalk vaults.
A) Deadlights
B) Quoins
C) Scuppers
D) Buttresses
ANSWER: A) Deadlights
(Lofts Glossary)
- The removal of deadlights over a sidewalk vault can provide vertical ventilation for cellar and sub-cellar fires.
According to the Loft Bulletin, steel tension cables or rods can fail at _________ degrees Fahrenheit.
A) 800
B) 700
C) 600
D) 900
ANSWER: A) 800
Lofts 5.3.8
Loft buildings pose a certain degree of collapse potential depending on conditions encountered and actions by members. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A) A brick wall with sand lime mortar can have this bonding material washed out by a LCS dislodging bricks and seriously weakening the wall.
B) Floor collapse can be initiated by the failure of a single column. Members should avoid striking columns with a LCS.
C) If the structural stability of gravity tank supports is questionable, consider draining the contents of the tank onto the roof and top floor to reduce the hazard of water weight concentrated at one point.
D) Wide-dimensional cast-iron lofts having front and rear walls supporting girders pose catastrophic collapse potential should they be compromised.
ANSWER: C) If the structural stability of gravity tank supports is questionable, consider draining the contents of the tank onto the roof and top floor to reduce the hazard of water weight concentrated at one point. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 9.1.1, 9.1.4, 9.1.5, 9.1.6)
- If the structural stability of gravity tank supports is questionable, consider draining the contents of the tank and diverting the water OFF THE ROOF into a drain pipe, or by opening a standpipe outlet on a lower floor.
- During winter operations, ice can accumulate on the outside of a gravity tank. These ice formations have broken away and fallen through the roof of loft buildings or adjoining buildings.
Which of the following Engine Company tactics to be employed in Cast-Iron and Mill Loft Buildings is not entirely correct?
A) Initial hoselines shall be 2 ½ inch.
B) After two lines have been stretched up a stairway, additional lines should be stretched via alternate stairways (if available), exterior rope stretches, or fire escapes. Interconnected buildings may also provide access.
C) Segmental arch floors exposed to fire should be extinguished by using the reach of the stream to operate directly overhead.
D) High ceilings and large un-compartmented areas can mask high heat conditions. Be aware of the possibility of heat and smoke passing overhead and fire breaking out behind the operating hoseline.
ANSWER: C) Segmental arch floors exposed to fire should be extinguished by using the reach of the stream to operate directly overhead. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 6.1.1-6.1.3, 6.1.8)
- Segmental arch floors exposed to fire can spall violently and possibly fail when struck by water from a hoseline below.
- Use the reach of the stream and DO NOT operate the stream directly overhead.
- D Note: The last member on the hoseline must maintain surveillance of the area to the rear. Similarly, a member positioned at the interior entrance to the fire area should monitor conditions.
Which collapse consideration is listed incorrectly for loft buildings?
A) Wide-dimensional Cast-iron lofts having front and rear walls supporting girders pose catastrophic collapse potential should they be compromised.
B) Floor and/or wall collapse can be caused by excessive water use and water absorption into structural elements and building contents. Roof and floor drains should be checked by firefighters and cleared of debris, as necessary, utilizing hand tools.
C) If the structural stability of gravity tank supports is questionable, consider draining the contents of the tank and diverting the water off the roof into a drain pipe, or by opening a standpipe outlet on an upper floor.
D) A brick wall with sand lime mortar can have this bonding material washed out by large caliber streams, dislodging bricks and seriously weakening the wall.
ANSWER: C) If the structural stability of gravity tank supports is questionable, consider draining the contents of the tank and diverting the water off the roof into a drain pipe, or by opening a standpipe outlet on an upper floor. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 9.1.1, 9.1.3-9.1.5)
- If the structural stability of gravity tank supports is questionable, consider draining the contents of the tank and diverting the water off the roof into a drain pipe, or by opening a standpipe outlet on a LOWER floor.
All of the following features are indicative of Newer Cast-Iron Lofts (1880s – 1901) except?
A) These lofts have exterior walls made from brick, stone, framed wrought-iron/cast-iron or steel.
B) These lofts may be 8-12 stories, and 50 feet wide by 90 feet deep.
C) All exterior walls have a minimum 2 hour fire resistive rating.
D) Windows are operable but the installation of central HVAC systems are more often found serving multiple floors of a common tenant.
ANSWER: C) All exterior walls have a minimum 2 hour fire resistive rating.
(Lofts 4.2.1)
- All exterior walls have a minimum THREE 3 hour fire resistive rating.
B Note: There are also larger, irregularly (P-shaped) constructed buildings as well as buildings with conventional dimensions having up to 100 feet frontages and 200 feet depths.
Which feature of “fireproof lofts” is incorrectly described below?
A) These buildings range from 10-15 stories in height. Rectangular dimensions are usually between 50 to 100 feet or more in width and from 75 to 200 feet deep; some, however, can span an entire block.
B) Loading docks may be covered by large metal canopies supported by cables or rods tied into the exterior walls of the building.
C) Interior stairs are open, and one or more fire towers may be provided in buildings over 75 feet in height. Fireproof lofts may have exterior screened stairways leading either to either side of the building.
D) Automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems, as required by law, are tied into the city water system or roof gravity tank.
ANSWER: C) Interior stairs are open, and one or more fire towers may be provided in buildings over 75 feet in height. Fireproof lofts may have exterior screened stairways leading either to either side of the building. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 4.4)
- Interior stairs are ENCLOSED, and one or more fire towers may be provided in buildings over 75 feet in height. Fireproof lofts may have exterior screened stairways leading either to the FRONT or REAR of the building.
Units are operating at the scene of a 2nd alarm cellar fire in a cast-iron loft building. First alarm ladder companies are performing primary searches in the fire building. There are four hoselines stretched at this fire. Which hoseline was deployed incorrectly?
A) The first line was stretched to the interior of the first floor to the top of the interior cellar stairs. This line must remain on the first floor to prevent upward extension of fire.
B) Depending on conditions, the second hoseline may need to gain an alternate access point to the fire in the cellar.
C) The IC ordered the third hoseline into exposure 2 which was interconnected to the fire building below grade.
D) The IC ordered the fourth hoseline to supply a cellar pipe.
ANSWER: A) The first line was stretched to the interior of the first floor to the top of the interior cellar stairs. This line must remain on the first floor to prevent upward extension of fire. (INCORRECT)
(LOFTS 6.2)
- The first engine company should stretch the initial hoseline via the interior to the fire area. If conditions prevent initial hoseline from advancing down the interior stairs, notify the IC and remain at this position to prevent upward extension.
- If the first hoseline is unable to advance into the fire area, the second hoseline may need to gain an alternate access point into the fire area.
Additional hoselines may be needed to:
- Back up the hoseline advancing into the cellar.
- Operate from other access points if initial hoseline is unable to advance.
- Protect exposures (below grade areas may be interconnected).
- Supply cellar pipes, sub-cellar pipes, and distributors.
For a lower floor fire in a cast-iron or mill loft building, which Ladder Company position is listed incorrectly below?
A) The first and second ladder companies will VES the fire floor; the floors above will be covered by additional arriving units.
B) The Roof FF’s access to the roof will be via an adjoining building, aerial/tower ladder, or a fire escape.
C) The first ladder OV FF’s primary position is the rear of the building to perform coordinated ventilation and report fire conditions. An exception to this would be assisting the chauffeur with an immediate life hazard in the front.
D) The second ladder OV FF will proceed to the rear to reinforce and ensure this position has been covered.
ANSWER: A) The first and second ladder companies will VES the fire floor; the floors above will be covered by additional arriving units. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 7.2.1 D1, 7.2.2)
- The first ladder company will VES the fire floor
- The second ladder company will VES the floors above.
At a sub-cellar fire in a loft building, which engine company is responsible to ensure the sprinkler system is supplied?
A) 1st
B) 2nd
C) 3rd
D) 4th
ANSWER: B) 2nd
(Lofts 6.2.1 B)
Older cast iron lofts may have cast iron columns with the following features. Which feature is incorrectly described?
A) Cast-iron columns cast improperly and/or not meeting the acceptable thickness commensurate to the load they are required to support are inherently weak links in the overall construction of the building. There is no reliable way to know if a column was cast properly.
B) Cast-iron columns are not designed to withstand an eccentric load.
C) Any heated, cast column cooled by a hoseline will contract disproportionately and shatter, leading to failure.
D) When subjected to the heat from a fire for long periods of time, cast-iron columns can fracture and fail. At 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, cast-iron loses 58% of its original strength and the strength lost is cumulative and never regained.
ANSWER: C) Any heated, cast column cooled by a hoseline will contract disproportionately and shatter, leading to failure. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 5.1.10 B-F)
- The statement that all cast-iron columns exposed to fire will shatter when cooled by a hoseline is a myth.
- However, if an IMPROPERLY CAST column is cooled by a hoseline it can contract disproportionately leading to potential failure.
- Iron fibers (like steel) when heated elongate or extend the column. A structural cast-iron column, however, unable to move will crack.
Which of the following regarding Cast Iron Columns in loft buildings in INCORRECT?
A) There is no reliable way to know if cast iron columns were cast properly.
B) Cast iron columns cast improperly and/or not meeting the acceptable thickness commensurate to the load they are required to support are inherently weak links in the construction of the building.
C) When properly cast, cast iron columns can withstand an eccentric load.
D) The statement that all cast iron columns exposed to fire will shatter when cooled by a hose line is a myth.
ANSWER: C) When properly cast, cast iron columns can withstand an eccentric load. (INCORRECT)
- Cast Iron Columns are NOT designed to withstand an eccentric load
Of the following choices, which is incorrect regarding Older Cast-Iron Lofts built from the 1840s to the 1870s?
A) Larger dimensional buildings can be irregularly (L-shaped) constructed with frontage on two adjacent streets, or 200 feet deep with frontage on 2 parallel streets. Buildings with larger frontages (up to 50 feet) have wider windows and entranceways with cast-iron columns and arches to support heavy timber or iron girders.
B) Interior support columns can be composed of cast-iron, wrought-iron, brick or wood. Wooden floor joists run from side wall to side wall, while girders and columns run front to rear.
C) Interior walls, flooring, and trim are of wooden construction and the height between the floor and ceiling is a minimum of 8 feet. The roof is built flat using wood rafters and some top floors have dropped-ceilings below the roof, creating cockloft areas.
D) These structures have two enclosed, fireproof stairs. Interior stairs leading to the cellar may be remote from the main interior stairway and of open, wooden construction.
ANSWER: D) These structures have two enclosed, fireproof stairs. Interior stairs leading to the cellar may be remote from the main interior stairway and of open, wooden construction. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 4.1.2-4.1.4)
- These structures have ONE UNENCLOSED WOODEN STAIR, often winding around the elevator shaft, OR ONE STRAIGHT RUN STAIR. Interior stairs leading to the cellar may be remote from the main interior stairway and of open, wooden construction.
Note: Fire escapes can be found on the front, rear, as well as the sides (corner buildings).
A Note: These girders may be supported by the rear wall and on flanges at the back of the cast-iron front wall. Ornamental cast-iron plating may also be found bolted into front facade masonry.
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information regarding Mill Lofts?
A) Also known as Heavy Timber lofts, they range from 4 to 6 stories in height, having all 4 exterior walls load-bearing and constructed of brick, concrete block or stone. Exterior walls and interior columns are typically larger at lower levels.
B) Dimensions are commonly rectangular and range from 100-150 feet frontages to up to 200 feet in depth with an abundance of large operable windows. Interior non load-bearing walls will be of non-combustible materials.
C) Mill construction provides a large space of continuous floor area with minimal concealed spaces. High ceilings with vertical openings (chutes, freight elevators, conveyor belts, etc.) are characteristic of this type construction.
D) Fire tower stairs and elevators are placed in the inner core of the building. Automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems will not be found in these buildings.
ANSWER: D) Fire tower stairs and elevators are placed in the inner core of the building. Automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems will not be found in these buildings. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 4.3)
- Fire tower stairs and elevators are placed on the PERIMETER of the building. Automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, are supplied by either a city water main or gravity tank located on the roof.
Of the following Engine Company tactics, which is incorrect for a cellar/sub-cellar fire in a Mill or Cast-Iron Loft Building?
A) The first Engine Company should stretch the initial hoseline via the interior to the fire area; ensure there is enough hoseline to cover the anticipated fire area prior to advancing. If conditions prevent the initial hoseline from advancing down the interior stairs, notify the IC and remain at this position to prevent upward extension.
B) The second Engine Company shall assist the first Engine with the initial hoseline.
C) In a building protected by a sprinkler system servicing the fire area, if staffing and conditions permit, the second Engine Company shall have a supply line stretched to feed this system. If the second Engine has not supplied it, the third Engine Company shall stretch a supply line to feed this system.
D) The third Engine Company shall be assisted by the fourth Engine Company in stretching the second hoseline. If the first hoseline is unable to advance into the fire area, the second hoseline may need to gain an alternate access point into the fire area.
ANSWER: C) In a building protected by a sprinkler system servicing the fire area, if staffing and conditions permit, the second Engine Company shall have a supply line stretched to feed this system. If the second Engine has not supplied it, the third Engine Company shall stretch a supply line to feed this system. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 6.2.1)
- In a building protected by a sprinkler system servicing the fire area, if staffing and conditions permit, the FIRST Engine Company shall have a supply line stretched to feed this system. If the first Engine has not supplied it, the SECOND Engine Company SHALL stretch a supply line to feed this system.
Which “general tactic” in Cast-Iron and Mill Loft Buildings is not in accordance with Department policy?
A) The Ladder Company officer on the fire floor should transmit the fire conditions, layout and all pertinent features to the Incident Commander. Request additional assistance if the dimensions of the fire floor make it impractical for one ladder company to effectively and safely operate alone.
B) Large, open floor areas require all ladder companies carry search ropes and thermal imaging cameras.
C) Fire-vented windows, where wind is blowing the fire back into the fire occupancy, may require the deployment of KO curtain(s) and/or the fire window blanket.
D) Extensive overhaul is necessary in these buildings; particularly the underside of segmental arch floors. Floor collapse is not a consideration with these types of floors.
ANSWER: D) Extensive overhaul is necessary in these buildings; particularly the underside of segmental arch floors. Floor collapse is not a consideration with these types of floors. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 7.1.7, 7.1.12, 7.1.16, 7.1.19)
- Indiscriminate overhauling on the underside of segmental arch floors CAN cause a localized collapse.
Which tactic was incorrectly performed at a recent Loft building fire?
A) In a Newer Cast-Iron loft building, FFs opened up sections of a Segmental Arched floor checking for extension
B) Initially, all hoselines stretched shall be 2 1/2”
C) During a cellar fire in a Cast-Iron loft building with a sprinkler servicing the fire area, if the first engine has not supplied it, the second engine shall stretch a supply line to feed this system
D) During a lower floor fire in a Cast-Iron loft building with a sprinkler servicing the fire area, if the first and second engine couldn’t supply the sprinkler, the third engine will ensure the sprinkler system is supplied
ANSWER: A) In a Newer Cast-Iron loft building, FFs opened up sections of a Segmental Arched floor checking for extension. (INCORRECT)
A - Segmental arch floors should NOT be breached for fear of causing a general floor collapse (sec 5.2.1)
B - sec 6.1.1, 6.3.1, 6.3.2
C - sec 6.1.1.B
D - sec 6.2.2
A Captain is working his first tour in a SOHO Ladder Company. Lofts are very prevalent in this area. The Captain takes the members out to drill at a nearby loft building. He should know that which of the following features is an indicator of a “full” sidewalk vault?
A) Wrought-iron I-beams.
B) Cast-iron structural members.
C) A large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line.
D) Segmented fixed glass orbs (deadlights).
ANSWER: C) A large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line.
(Lofts 5.1.1)
A prevalent feature in loft buildings are cast iron columns. Which one description below is incorrect regarding cast-iron construction?
A) Cast-iron columns are not designed to withstand an axial load.
B) When properly cast, these structural members will withstand a great deal of thermal stress.
C) At 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, cast iron retains 42% of its original strength.
D) There is no reliable way to know if a column was cast properly.
ANSWER: A) Cast-iron columns are not designed to withstand an axial load. (INCORRECT)
(Lofts 5.1.10)
- Cast-iron columns are not designed to withstand an ECCENTRIC LOAD.
Captain SoHo is taking up from his first due fire on the top floor of a cast-iron loft building. The Captain is discussing the operation with the members of his unit. Operations went well, except for which one incorrect procedure below?
A) His roof firefighter coordinated vertical ventilation over the straight run stairs being used for attack with the inside team and engine company officer.
B) The second roof firefighter brought the saw to the roof.
C) The second due ladder was responsible to notify the IC of the presence of the straight run stairs.
D) The first due OV went to the rear of the building to perform coordinated ventilation and report fire conditions since there was no immediate life hazard in the front.
ANSWER: C) The second due ladder was responsible to notify the IC of the presence of the straight run stairs. (INCORRECT)
(Lofts 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3)
- The FIRST due ladder was responsible to notify the IC of the presence of the straight run stairs.
Knowledge of construction features is an important part of successful operations at Loft building fires. A Captain overhears his members discussing some of the features, but they were incorrect in which one statement below?
A) Flat slab “mushroom” floors are unique to fireproof loft buildings.
B) Steel tension rods in mill lofts buildings that were put in post-construction are indicated by a uniform pattern.
C) Sand lime mortar is water soluble and may erode when heavy caliber streams are used causing a collapse which can force out bricks over a large area.
D) Steel tension cables or rods can fail at 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
ANSWER: B) Steel tension rods in mill lofts buildings that were put in post-construction are indicated by a uniform pattern. (INCORRECT)
(Lofts 5.3.8, 5.3.9, 5.4.1)
- Steel tension rods in mill lofts buildings that were put in post-construction are indicated by AN IRREGULAR PATTERN.
Members arriving at the scene of a fire in a Loft building should know which structural feature below is described incorrectly?
A) Mill Lofts, also known as Heavy Timber lofts, have four exterior walls that are load bearing
B) An indicator of a full sidewalk vault in an older cast-iron loft building is a large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line
C) When elevator shafts face the street in loft buildings, any window serving the shaft is required to display an “ELEVATOR” sign across the outer portion of the window
D) Quoins on the outline of buildings provide firefighters with a visual contrast to neighboring buildings on exposure 2 and 4 allowing members to accurately discern the width of the building
ANSWER: C) When elevator shafts face the street in loft buildings, any window serving the shaft is required to display an “ELEVATOR” sign across the outer portion of the window (INCORRECT)
(FFP—Lofts—4.3.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.23)
- Sign will read “SHAFTWAY”
It is important that sprinkler systems are supplied by Department units during fire operations. Which choice below is not reflective of Department policy?
A) Taxpayer Cellar Fire - 3rd Engine ensures the sprinkler is supplied
B) Taxpayer Store Fire - 3rd Engine ensures the sprinkler is supplied
C) Cast-iron/Mill loft cellar fire - 3rd Engine ensures the sprinkler is supplied
D) Cast-iron/Mill loft lower floor fire - 3rd Engine ensures the sprinkler is supplied
ANSWER: C) Cast-iron/Mill loft cellar fire - 3rd Engine ensures the sprinkler is supplied. (INCORRECT)
(Loft 6.2.1 B, C, 6.2.2 C2)
(Txpyr 6.2.3 C, 7.3.5 A)
- For cellar/sub-cellar fires in cast-iron/mill lofts, it ultimately falls on the 2nd Engine to supply the sprinkler.
“The second engine company shall assist the first engine with initial hoseline. In a building protected by a sprinkler system servicing the fire area, if first engine has not supplied it, a supply line shall be stretched to feed this system.”
For all other fires in Lofts and Taxpayers, the 3rd Engine “ensures” the sprinkler is supplied.
One of the hardest topics that most study groups breakdown is fires in Loft buildings. One study group in particular broke down Engine and Ladder operations into four testable points. Choose the incorrect testable point.
A) For a fire in a Sub-Cellar of a Cast-Iron/Mill Loft building equipped with a sprinkler system servicing the fire area, the 2nd arriving Engine made sure a supply line was stretched to feed the sprinkler system. However, if the fire was on a lower floor and there was a sprinkler system servicing the fire area, the 3rd arriving Engine would make sure the sprinkler system was a supplied
B) Initially, all hoselines for Cast-Iron/Mill Loft/Fireproof Loft buildings shall be 2 1/2”
C) For a fire in a Sub-Cellar of a Cast-Iron/Mill Loft building, vertical ventilation over straight run stairs being used for attack should be coordinated with the Inside Team and Engine Officers
D) For a lower floor fire in a Cast-Iron/Mill Loft building, the 1st arriving Ladder Company Officer will notify the IC if straight run stairs are encountered
ANSWER: D) For a lower floor fire in a Cast-Iron/Mill Loft building, the 1st arriving Ladder Company Officer will notify the IC if straight run stairs are encountered. (INCORRECT)
(LOFTS 6.2.1)
- Lower floor fire the 2nd arriving Ladder Company Officer notifies the IC if straight run stairs are encountered.
- For upper floor fires, the 1st arriving Ladder Company Officer shall notify the IC if straight run stairs are encountered.
“1 UP / 2 LOW”