While conducting a drill on PD’s, Lt. Hamilton made several statements. Which one was incorrect?
A) The use of combustible construction is the major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint.
B) Older construction can be Class 4 (Frame) or Class 3 (NFP). Newer construction is commonly found to be of lightweight materials in both Class 3 and Class 4 construction.
C) Roofs can be flat or peaked. Flat roofs or roofs of low pitch may have a scuttle and or skylight.
D) With semi-attached structures or those with minimal space on one side, the inside cellar stair will usually be found near the side or rear entrance.
E) Dwellings built on slopes terrain can cause communication and operational problems. The top floor may be used as a point of reference.
ANSWER: A) The use of combustible construction is the major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint. (INCORRECT)
- The OPEN UNENCLOSED STAIRWAY is the major weakness in PD fires.
(FFP - PD Ch 1 2.1)
Engine 100, commanded by Captain Spring, and Ladder 200 led by Lt. Winter, arrive at the scene of a reported fire in a PD. Upon arrival, heavy smoke and fire is seen venting from a cellar window of a 2 1/2 story PD. Captain Spring transmits a 10-75, and units begin operating. Which thought of Lt. Winter was incorrect?
A) If the Thermal Imaging Camera shows heat waves emanating across the 1st floor ceiling upon entering the 1st floor main entrance, this indicates that the interior cellar door is closed.
B) The status of the interior cellar door (open, closed, burned through, unable to locate) is a critical factor. This should be communicated to the IC.
C) Door construction can be a critical factor in preventing or slowing fire extension. This should be communicated to the IC.
D) Smoke showing significant force and spread under pressure will indicate that the interior cellar door is open. This interior cellar door should immediately be closed if possible.
ANSWER: A) If the Thermal Imaging Camera shows heat waves emanating across the 1st floor ceiling upon entering the 1st floor main entrance, this indicates that the interior cellar door is closed. (INCORRECT)
- Heat waves emanating across 1st floor ceiling indicates that the interior
cellar door was left OPEN.
(PD Ch. 3 section 2.5)
Engine 100, commanded by Captain Spring, and Ladder 200 led by Lt. Winter, arrive at the scene of a reported fire in a PD. Upon arrival, heavy smoke and fire is seen venting from a cellar window of a 2 1/2 story PD. Captain Spring transmits a 10-75, and units begin operating. After evaluating conditions, Captain Spring contemplates ordering a hose line operated from the exterior into the cellar window for a quick knockdown. He attempts to contact the BC but is informed that the Chief is not yet on scene. Which point about this operation is correct?
A) Captain Spring cannot order this operation, only a Chief Officer may
approve this tactic.
B) This should only be attempted when members are in a safe area in the cellar.
C) This must be coordinated and communicated to all units operating on scene.
D) Any members operating on the 1st floor must immediately leave the building.
ANSWER: C) This must be coordinated and communicated to all units operating on scene.
A - IC CAN GIVE APPROVAL for exterior line into cellar.
B - NO MEMBERS in the cellar when exterior line is operated.
C - Correct (Notify all members on scene)
D - Members on the 1st floor are NOT REQUIRED to leave but should SECURE AN AREA OF REFUGE.
(PD Ch. 3 section 2.6)
Engine 100, commanded by Captain Spring, and Ladder 200 led by Lt. Winter, arrive at the scene of a reported fire in a PD. Upon arrival, heavy smoke and fire is seen venting from a cellar window of a 2 1/2 story PD. Captain Spring transmits a 10-75, and units begin operating. While the line is being stretched, Captain Spring hears a Mayday transmission from the Can FF of L-200, stating that he has fallen through a hole in the 1st floor into the cellar and is surrounded by fire. Which thought is correct?
A) Captain Spring, as the IC, should order the line immediately operated into the cellar window.
B) The line should not be operated into the cellar window if the Can FF cannot secure an area of refuge.
C) The line should not be operated into a cellar window until it is communicated and acknowledged by all units on scene.
D) In this situation, only a Chief Officer can order and coordinate the operation of an exterior line into a cellar window.
ANSWER: A) Captain Spring, as the IC, should order the line immediately operated into the cellar window.
A - Correct (In an emergency, the IC can order the line immediately operated into cellar)
B - DO NOT have to wait for FF to secure area of refuge.
C - DO NOT have to wait to communicate to all units.
D - DOES NOT have to be Chief Officer.
(PD Ch. 3 section 2.6)
There are numerous types of Private Dwellings in NYC. Which type is described incorrectly?
A) Straight line colonials typically 2 1/2 to 3 stories and 20’ x 40’ commonly have balloon frame construction.
B) When a wide line cape has two window dormers facing the street indicating 2nd floor bedrooms, the easiest access to these rooms via portable ladder is from the front of the building.
C) Queen Anne type PDs range from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 stories in height, 25 to 30 feet in width, and 30 to 50 feet in depth. Balloon frame construction is most common.
D) Queen Anne type Dwellings have large open stairs in the living room that connect the 1st and 2nd floors. A narrow rear or side stair connects the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors, or a stair may lead directly to the 3rd floor from the 1st floor.
ANSWER: B) When a wide line cape has two window dormers facing the street indicating 2nd floor bedrooms, the easiest access to these rooms via portable ladder is from the front of the building. (INCORRECT)
- Easiest access to these rooms via portable is from the EXPOSURE 2 and 4 SIDE of the building.
(Private Dwellings Ch. 1 Section 3.5)
While discussing different type of Private Dwellings and features commonly found during a study group, several statements were made. Which one was incorrect?
A) It is not always apparent from the street that a PD has a flat roof. If there is a decorative peak in the front, the absence of a window in the peak may be an indication of a flat roof.
B) In a Ranch type PD, the utilities are located on the 1st floor, along with all living quarters.
C) In a side split level type PD, each floor is separated by a half flight of stairs.
D) In semi attached PDs, each house’s layout is a mirror image of its twin.
E) In PDs constructed of newer lightweight materials, when fire extends from the building contents to the structure, early collapse can be expected.
ANSWER: B) In a Ranch type PD, the utilities are located on the 1st floor, along with all living quarters. (INCORRECT)
- Ranch PDs - Utilities found in BASEMENT/CELLAR
(PD 1 Section 3.5)
Private Dwellings contain many unique features that impact fire operations. Which one is described incorrectly?
A) It is common for PDs to have a lack of a secondary means of egress from upper floors. Control and management of the interior stairs is critical to a successful operation.
B) If a pull down type of stair with rope attached is found giving access to the attic, units should use these stairs for a quick search or line advancement into the attic.
C) The presence of a stoop at a secondary entrance on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the building may indicate that the entrance leads to a 2nd floor stairway.
D) When one or two offset windows are found on the same side of the dwelling as a stoop entrance, these windows are at the top and/or bottom of the 2nd floor staircase and should not be used for VEIS.
ANSWER: B) If a pull down type of stair with rope attached is found giving access to the attic, units should use these stairs for a quick search or line advancement into the attic. (INCORRECT)
- Units SHALL NOT USE pull down type of stairs with rope to access the attic / Use a PORTABLE LADDER.
(PD Ch 1 section 4)
Size up begins with the receipt of the alarm and continues until the fire is under control. Choose the incorrect point concerning size up.
A) Modern 3 family MDs are often built with 3 separate entrances and have no common area. These structures require PD tactics due to their PD style designs.
B) The main entrance is usually located in front of the PD, but sometimes it is located on the side as seen from the front porch.
C) Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction may provide a suitable platform from which to work.
D) Members may use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials to conduct operations.
E) Outside ladder company positions are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked. This information must be transmitted with the signal 10-75, if this can be determined upon arrival.
ANSWER: D) Members may use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials to conduct operations. (INCORRECT)
- DO NOT OPERATE on garage roofs or porches constructed of LW materials (Cannot support the weight of the FF)
(PDs Ch. 2 section 2.6)
A newly assigned Lt. In the 13th division considers several points concerning Engine operations at a PD. Which one is incorrect?
A) If the door to the fire room is controlled and maintained closed, the hose line may be stretched to that location and charged.
B) The primary consideration in the placement of the first hose line for access to a fire on the first floor and floors above in a PD when an interior attack is ordered is the main entrance door to the building.
C) The primary consideration in the placement of the first hose line for access to a cellar when an interior attack is ordered is via the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire area. This may be through either the main entrance or a secondary entrance door.
D) All Engine companies shall take a position at a serviceable hydrant.
E) When booster water is used, the ECC must inform the Officer when the pumper is operating on booster water and then again when using hydrant water.
ANSWER: A) If the door to the fire room is controlled and maintained closed, the hose line may be stretched to that location and charged. (INCORRECT)
- For PD fires, the hose line must be flakes out and charged BEFORE ENTERING THE BUILDING.
(PD Ch 3 section 1.2)
Operating an exterior hose line into a cellar window should be considered in several situations during a PD fire. In which of the following examples should this action be considered?
- Unable to quickly access or locate a secondary cellar entrance and unable to advance down the interior cellar stair.
- Unable to locate any cellar entrance.
- At a serious or advanced cellar fire.
- At a cellar fire involving lightweight construction.
- Heavy fire condition or entry is delayed.
A) 1,2,3 only B) 1,2,3,4,5 C) 1,4,5 only D) 3,4,5 only
ANSWER: B) 1,2,3,4,5
When to operate exterior line into cellar window:
- Unable to quickly access or locate a secondary cellar entrance and unable to advance down the interior cellar stair.
- Unable to locate any cellar entrance.
- At a serious or advanced cellar fire.
- At a cellar fire involving lightweight construction.
- Heavy fire condition or entry is delayed.
(PD Ch. 3 section 2.6)
Which one of the following choices should be used to provide the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish a fire in a Private Dwelling?
A) The secondary entrance found on the side or rear of a detached or semi attached PD.
B) A secondary entrance covered by a Bill style door located in front of the PD.
C) A rear secondary entrance in attached structures (rows of many attached PDs)
D) Through the first floor of exposure 2 or 4 to access an exterior rear secondary entrance in attached structures (Ross of many attached PDs)
ANSWER: A) The secondary entrance found on the side or rear of a detached or semi attached PD.
A - This entrance provides the quickest access to the cellar.
(PD Ch. 3 section 2.7.1)
Lt. Green, the first arriving Engine Officer at a PD fire, would be correct ordering the hose line operated into a cellar window rather than advancing down the interior cellar stairs in all of the following except which?
A) Moderate heat condition at the top of the stairs.
B) Questionable stability of the stairway.
C) Initial size-up indicates a serious fire condition.
D) The safety of the members cannot be secured.
ANSWER: A) Moderate heat condition at the top of the stairs (INCORRECT)
- HIGH HEAT condition at top of stairs.
(PD Ch. 2 section 2.7.2)
E-100, L-200 and L-300 arrive at a fire in the cellar of a 2 story PD. Due to traffic conditions, they are the only units on scene. E-100 stretches a line through the 1st floor main entrance as L-200 attempts to locate the interior cellar door and L-300 ascends the stairs to the 2nd floor. The L-200 Officer transmits “We are unable to locate the interior cellar entrance” via HT. The next HT transmission is “L-200 OV to L-200, there is an exterior cellar entrance in the rear”. Which choice below is correct?
A) E-100 may reposition their line to the exterior cellar entrance if ordered to do so by the Captain working in L-200, who is currently the IC.
B) The members of L-200 may remain on the 1st floor as the line is repositioned if they can find a safe area.
C) The members of L-300 must always exit the building.
D) E-100 cannot reposition their line to the secondary entrance at this time.
ANSWER: D) E-100 cannot reposition their line to the secondary entrance at this time.
A - To reposition a line you need permission of ABC or CHIEF OFFICER.
B - Members on 1st floor must be WITHDRAWN if no protection of a line.
C - Members on 2nd floor DO NOT have to withdraw from building as long as portable ladders are present to second floor windows.
D - Cannot reposition line without permission from CHIEF OFFICER.
(PD Ch. 3 section 2.7.4)
Which guideline concerning the 2nd or 3rd hose line at Private Dwelling fires is incorrect?
A) At cellar, 1st floor, or upper floor fires, the 2nd line shall immediately be positioned and charged outside the fire building to backup the 1st line.
B) At cellar, 1st floor, or upper floor fires, whenever two lines are stretched and operating, a 3rd line will be positioned and charged at the front of the building and operated as ordered by the IC.
C) At cellar fires, if there is a heavy fire condition or entry is delayed, the IC may consider placing the 2nd line to apply water into a cellar window.
D) At cellar fires, if there is a heavy fire condition or entry is delayed, the IC should not consider using the 2nd line to apply water via a Bilco door for a quick knockdown.
ANSWER: D) At cellar fires, if there is a heavy fire condition or entry is delayed, the IC should not consider using the 2nd line to apply water via a Bilco door for a quick knockdown. (INCORRECT)
- The IC SHOULD CONSIDER using the second line in this situation.
(PD Ch. 3 section 4.3)
Engine 11 arrives alone at a fully involved 2 1/2 story Cape style PD that is threatening to extend to Exposure 2 a detached PD. Which action taken by Engine 11 would be incorrect?
A) The apparatus was positioned carefully to leave the front of the building accessible for a TL.
B) Due to reaching the fire building before the hydrant, Engine 11 back stretched to the nearest hydrant and dropped two lines in front of the fire building.
C) Engine 11 stretched a 1 3/4” line for a faster knock down, greater reach of stream, and increased volume of water and increased exposure protection.
D) The initial line was operated on the exterior of the fire building, starting at the top, before entering the fire building. The Officer of Engine 11 made a complete evaluation of collapse potential before entering the building.
ANSWER: C) Engine 11 stretched a 1 3/4” line for a faster knock down, greater reach of stream, and increased volume of water and increased exposure protection. (INCORRECT)
- This statement describes the reason to stretch a TWO AND A HALF INCH LINE.
(PD Ch. 3 section 5.6)
While discussing lifesaving techniques at PD fires, a Captain made several statements. Which one is incorrect?
A) Immediately upon entering a room from a window, members should make a quick check/sweep of the floor in the hall outside the door for victims before closing the door.
B) When the search of the room has been completed, the door shall be kept closed until the main body of fire has been extinguished.
C) If the door to the bedroom is not able to be closed upon entry via a window, the need to exit the window may become necessary.
D) When one occupant is found on an upper floor, the primary function of the Engine company during this critical period should be to protect the interior stairs.
ANSWER: D) When one occupant is found on an upper floor, the primary function of the Engine company during this critical period should be to protect the interior stairs. (INCORRECT)
- When MORE THAN ONE OCCUPANT is found the primary function of the Engine is to protect the interior stairs.
(PD Ch. 4 section 2.4)
A ladder company checking for fire extension would be incorrect in which assumption?
A) If after removing a baseboard on an exterior wall, a sole plate is found, treat the building as balloon construction.
B) High heat accompanied by heavy smoke with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in hidden spaces created by balloon frame construction.
C) In balloon frame construction, concealed fire extension will commonly extend to the attic space, while bypassing intermediate floors.
D) In platform construction, the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor.
E) Rapid fire spread via an open stairway should be a concern to firefighters operating on upper floors.
ANSWER: A) If after removing a baseboard on an exterior wall, a sole plate is found, treat the building as balloon construction. (INCORRECT)
- Presence is a sole plate indicates PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION.
- If no sole plate is found, treat building as balloon frame construction.
(PD Ch. 4 section 3.1)
The inside team of the 1st arriving Ladder Company at a fire in a 2 1/2 story peaked roof PD operated incorrectly in which choice?
A) The Officer ensured the Inside Team was positioned at the entrance door providing access to the fire area.
B) After gaining entry through the entrance door, the Officer shall ensure the door is controlled until the fire area can be further isolated or a charged line is advancing through the door to extinguish the fire.
C) The Can FF, equipped with an extinguisher and a 6’ hook, shall conduct searches and ventilate as ordered.
D) The FE FF, equipped with an axe and Halligan, shall force the entrance door being used by the Inside Team and remove the storm door when necessary.
E) The 1st Ladder Inside Team must shut down the utilities.
ANSWER: E) The 1st Ladder Inside Team must shut down the utilities. (INCORRECT)
- At taxpayer fires it is the responsibility of the 1st due Ladder
- At PD fires it is the responsibility of the 2ND DUE LADDER.
(PD Ch. 4 section 5.1)
Which action taken by the 1st to arrive LCC, OV and Roof FFs at a peaked roof PD fire shall be corrected?
A) If proceeding to the side of rear, visually examine cellar windows. If fire is noticed immediately vent the window.
B) They shall initiate removal of window bars on both the front and rear of the building early in the operation, if conditions allow.
C) The Roof and OV FFs shall Team up and conduct a quick survey of the perimeter for occupants in need of immediate rescue. If none are found, VEIS an upper floor that is most likely to be occupied using a portable ladder.
D) The LCC shall operate in the front or side. When there is an obvious occupied attic, the LCC, when teamed with the 2nd LCC, May perform VEIS of the attic from the Aerial or Tower Ladder.
ANSWER: A) If proceeding to the side of rear, visually examine cellar windows. If fire is noticed immediately vent the window. (INCORRECT)
- Only vent these windows with permission of the LADDER OFFICER IN THE AREA TO BE VENTED.
(PD Ch. 4 section 5.1)
The 1st Ladder Company may sometimes be able to utilize their Aerial Ladder or Tower Ladder At a peaked roof PD. Which choice below is incorrect?
A) Prior to using the Aerial, the Roof and/or OV FF shall conduct a quick survey around the perimeter of the dwelling to ensure there are no occupants in need of immediate rescue in the rear or sides of the building.
B) If an Aerial or TL rescue is indicated, the Roof/OV Team shall conduct a perimeter search immediately to ensure that all potential victims are located.
C) The LCC shall position the apparatus to cover two sides of the building.
D) Once the fire has been controlled and the members in the building are not in immediate danger that would require the use of the Aerial or TL, The LCC shall enter the building and assist with searches and overhauling.
ANSWER: B) If an Aerial or TL rescue is indicated, the Roof/OV Team shall conduct a perimeter search immediately to ensure that all potential victims are located. (INCORRECT)
- The Roof/OV Team shall ENTER THE BUILDING to perform the rescue.
- The 2nd Ladder company will now be responsible to conduct the perimeter search.
(PD Ch.4 section 5.4)
The 2nd arriving Ladder Company operated incorrectly at a peaked roof PD in which choice below?
A) If a BC is not in scene, the Officer communicates with the 1st arriving Ladder as to what areas were not searched and if any assistance is required.
B) Members initiated and augmented the removal of window bars on both the front and the rear of the dwelling.
C) Before proceeding above the fire via the interior stairs, the Officers in the fire floor were notified. A secondary means of egress was secured as soon as possible.
D) At a top floor fire, the Inside Team assisted the 1st Ladder Company with searches on the top floor to ensure victims were located quickly.
ANSWER: D) At a top floor fire, the Inside Team assisted the 1st Ladder Company with searches on the top floor to ensure victims were located quickly. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch. 4 section 5.5)
The outside team of the 2nd arriving Ladder Company was wrong to take which action at a peaked roof private dwelling fire?
A) The Roof/OV Team conducted an outside survey and VEIS areas not covered by the 1st arriving Ladder Outside Team using portable ladders.
B) The LCC teamed with the first LCC for VEIS of upper floors when the apparatus was not being used.
C) When the first Ladder Company is using their Aerial Ladder of TL for VEIS, the 2nd Ladder Roof/OV Team shall operate with portable ladders on upper floors with the greatest possible life hazard.
D) The Roof/OV Team shall vent the roof when ordered by the Engine Officer Inside the fire area to be vented.
ANSWER: D) The Roof/OV Team shall vent the roof when ordered by the Engine Officer Inside the fire area to be vented. (INCORRECT)
- They will vent the roof when ordered by the LADDER OFFICER INSIDE THE FIRE AREA TO BE VENTED.
(PD Ch. 4 section 5.8)
The Roof/OV Team of Ladder 200, the 2nd arriving Ladder Company are ordered to vent the roof of a 3 1/2 story peaked roof Queen Anne. Which thought should be corrected?
A) If Roof skylights are found, they should be vented prior to cutting the roof only when directed by the Ladder Company Officer operating in the fire area.
B) The order of preference for roof access is Tower Ladder, followed by Aerial Ladder, and lastly portable ladder.
C) If using an Aerial Ladder, it should be extended at least 5’ above and to one side of the peak.
D) When cutting a peaked roof with a power saw from an Aerial Ladder, the first hole should be made directly over the fire.
E) When cutting the roof with an axe, working from a position straddling the peak, cut a hole over the fire, parallel to and on the lee side of the ridge. A 10’ hook should be brought to the roof to push down the top floor ceiling.
ANSWER: D) When cutting a peaked roof with a power saw from an Aerial Ladder, the first hole should be made directly over the fire. (INCORRECT)
- Only cut roof with a power saw from a TOWER LADDER BUCKET.
- First hole should be made AT THE MAIN GABLE.
- Order of preference for roof access in Queen Anne is “TAP”
T - Tower Ladder
A - Aerial Ladder
P - Portable Ladder
(PD ch. 4 section 6.3)
Units arrive at a top floor fire at 0230 hours in a 2 story flat roof PD in Staten Island. The entire block is comprised of similar attached wood frame PDs. Which roof FF operated incorrectly?
A) The 1st Roof FF was equipped with a halligan, 6’ hook, and lifesaving rope.
B) Hanging electrical wires prevented the 1st Roof FF from obtaining roof access via an Aerial, TL, or portable ladder. The 1st Roof FF brought a scissor ladder to exposure 2 whose front door was open, to gain roof access via the scuttle.
C) Upon hearing that a charged line was advancing into the fire area, the Roof FFs vented the scuttle over the hallway.
D) The 2nd Roof FF was equipped with a 6’ halligan hook and saw.
ANSWER: B) Hanging electrical wires prevented the 1st Roof FF from obtaining roof access via an Aerial, TL, or portable ladder. The 1st Roof FF brought a scissor ladder to exposure 2 whose front door was open, to gain roof access via the scuttle. (INCORRECT)
- If you cannot use Aerial, TL, or portable ladder for roof access, you can use a scissor ladder via the scuttle BUT NOT IN THE IMMEDIATE ADJOINING BUILDING IN AN ATTACHED WOOD FRAME BUILDING because of their common cockloft.
(PD ch 4 section 7.2
Which choice is correct regarding two family private dwellings?
A) Access to the 2nd floor is via an open stairway, which will result in an initial rapid buildup of smoke on the second floor.
B) For a cellar fire, if no visible life hazard is found during a perimeter survey, the Roof/OV Team of the 1st Ladder shall VEIS the cellar.
C) For a 1st floor fire, if there is no visible life hazard is found during a perimeter survey, the Roof/OV Team of the 1st Ladder shall VEIS the 1st floor windows and assist in searches.
D) To access the 2nd floor via an enclosed stairway, if two front doors are present, choose the door furthest from the side wall.
E) If there is a separate small apartment located at the ground floor or below grade level, they will always have two separate means of access.
ANSWER: C) For a 1st floor fire, if there is no visible life hazard is found during a perimeter survey, the Roof/OV Team of the 1st Ladder shall VEIS the 1st floor windows and assist in searches.
A - Access to 2nd floor via an ENCLOSED stair which WILL NOT result in an initial rapid buildup of smoke on 2nd floor.
B - For a cellar fire VEIS FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS (living quarters)
D - Choose door CLOSEST from the side wall for 2nd floor access.
E - Apartments at or below ground level DO NOT ALWAYS have two separate means of access.
(PD ch. 4 section 9.2)
Cellar fires in PDs are extremely dangerous and require communication by the Engine and Ladder Officers. Which choice is incorrect concerning these operations?
A) After size up, the 1st hoseline should be stretched to the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar.
B) The 1st Ladder Company Inside Team should proceed to the same entrance as the first line to provide entry for the Engine Company.
C) When no line is immediately available, the 1st Ladder Officer may decide to advance down the cellar stairs to conduct a rapid primary search of the cellar.
D) When no line is immediately available and the 1st Ladder Officer decides to advance down the cellar stairs, all members of the Inside Team shall descend the cellar to enable a more rapid search.
ANSWER: D) When no line is immediately available and the 1st Ladder Officer decides to advance down the cellar stairs, all members of the Inside Team shall descend the cellar to enable a more rapid search. (INCORRECT)
(PD ch. 4 section 10)
Which Ladder Company operation is incorrect when a secondary entrance is used for cellar access in a PD fire?
A) The Ladder Company shall maintain door control until a charged line advances via the secondary entrance.
B) If an interior door that leads to the first floor is found at the top of the secondary entrance stairs, the Ladder Company Officer should communicate the status of this door to the 2nd Ladder Officer and the IC.
C) If the first Ladder Inside Team proceeds to the cellar via a secondary entrance, they are responsible for VEIS of the 1st floor.
D) If the 1st Ladder Inside Team proceeds to the cellar via a secondary entrance, the 2nd Ladder Inside Team will provide VEIS of the floors above the cellar, including the 1st floor.
ANSWER: C) If the first Ladder Inside Team proceeds to the cellar via a secondary entrance, they are responsible for VEIS of the 1st floor. (INCORRECT)
- The SECOND LADDER INSIDE TEAM responsible for VEIS of 1st floor.
(PD Ch. 4 section 10.3)
When should a Bilco style door be used for cellar access by the first line in a PD fire?
A) When it provides the quickest access.
B) Never
C) When it is the only option.
D) When there is lightweight construction present.
ANSWER: C) When it is the only option.
PD Ch. 4 section 10.3.3
E-36, E-32, E-25, L-71, L-75 and B-93 respond to a reported cellar fire in a 3 1/2 story peaked roof PD. Units arrive in order of the response ticket, and see smoke pushing from the cellar windows. The Roof/OV Team from L-71 are delayed in performing their perimeter survey due to getting the TL set up in front of the building. Not noticing a secondary cellar entrance, the L-71 Inside Team determines that the interior cellar stairway will provide the quickest access. They enter the main entrance on the 1st floor to locate the interior cellar door. If the decision is made to advance the line down the interior cellar stairs, which action below would be considered incorrect?
A) L-71 will perform a primary search of the first floor prior to descending into the cellar to perform a primary search.
B) If E-36 requires assistance in order to advance the line into the cellar, the Officer and one member of the Inside Team shall be sent to the cellar while the other member completes the primary search of the 1st floor.
C) L-75 will report to the IC and augment search operations and ventilation on all floors above the cellar.
D) If B-93 is not on scene, L-71 and L-75 shall communicate to identify areas on the 1st floor and floor(s) above that may require a primary search.
ANSWER: B) If E-36 requires assistance in order to advance the line into the cellar, the Officer and one member of the Inside Team shall be sent to the cellar while the other member completes the primary search of the 1st floor. (INCORRECT)
- If Engine requires assistance advancing the line into cellar, ONE MEMBER OF INSIDE TEAM shall be sent to the cellar while the OFFICER AND OTHER MEMBER search the 1st floor.
(PD ch. 4 section 10.4)
E-36, E-32, E-25, L-71, L-75 and B-93 respond to a reported cellar fire in a 3 1/2 story peaked roof PD. Units arrive in order of the response ticket, and see smoke pushing from the cellar windows. The Roof/OV Team from L-71 are delayed in performing their perimeter survey due to getting the TL set up in front of the building. If a secondary entrance is located and E-36 does not advance down the interior stairs with the first line, which action is incorrect?
A) L-71 Inside Team assumed responsibility for primary search of the 1st floor.
B) L-71 Inside Team assumed responsibility for primary search of the floors above.
C) If smoke is showing significant force and speed under pressure on the 1st floor at the entrance door, the interior cellar door on the first floor must be located and immediately closed, if possible.
D) L-71 Inside Team will coordinate their advance with the 2nd line being stretched by E-32 into the cellar via a secondary entrance and perform a primary search of the cellar.
ANSWER: D) L-71 Inside Team will coordinate their advance with the 2nd line being stretched by E-32 into the cellar via a secondary entrance and perform a primary search of the cellar. (INCORRECT)
- The SECOND LADDER (L-75) will coordinate their advance with the 2nd line being stretched by THE THIRD ENGINE (E-25)
(PD ch. 4 section 10.4.2)
When it comes to potential for roof collapse in Private Dwellings, it would be incorrect to state?
A) In any building construction, the critical area subject to failure as a result of fire is the point of connection.
B) Fast fire spread is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials.
C) In traditional PDs, when there is no ceiling to protect structural components, 20 minutes is the amount of time before collapse is estimated to occur.
D) In PDs constructed with LW materials, when fire extends from the building’s contents to its structural components, collapse may occur within 5-10 minutes.
ANSWER: B) Fast fire spread is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials. (INCORRECT)
- COLLAPSE is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials.
(FFP - PDs - Ch. 6 1.5)
As a good Officer you would know that the most important factor to a safe and successful operation at PDs is to identify the presence of LW construction. The officer should know buildings that are unsupported by columns with spans greater than _____ feet are generally an indication that LW construction is present.
A) 15
B) 20
C) 25
D) 30
FFP - PDs 6 1.8
From the construction features below, select the incorrect choice in regards to LW Private Dwellings.
A) LW truss peaked roof exposed to sufficient fire can be expected to collapse as one complete unit.
B) Laminated wood I-beams are treated with fire retardant material, and will burn rapidly once ignited.
C) Metal C-Joists must be braced with strapping to prevent twisting. Metal C-Joists generally will not fail rapidly when exposed to fire and/or high heat due to the strapping.
D) Composite truss also known as a space joist will react the same as other LW trusses under fire conditions they will lose strength and fail rapidly.
ANSWER: C) Metal C-Joists must be braced with strapping to prevent twisting. Metal C-Joists generally will not fail rapidly when exposed to fire and/or high heat due to the strapping. (INCORRECT)
- When exposed to fire and/or high heat, these lightweight steel joists WILL LOSE STRENGTH AND FAIL RAPIDLY.
(FFP - PDs 3.4)
As 1st alarm units arrive on scene of a 2 story LW constructed building. There is heavy fire and smoke showing from the cellar windows and from the exterior cellar entrance. The 2nd Ladder is on the 1st floor and finds a very minor smoke condition. In this situation, the 2nd Ladder company officer should suspect what type of flooring?
A) This is a tell tale sign of fire in the truss loft over plywood flooring.
B) Ordinary Strand Board (OSB) flooring supported by traditional lumber.
C) Concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel.
D) Vinyl floor over metal c-joists.
ANSWER: C) Concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel.
A heavy fire and smoke condition on a floor or in the cellar accompanied by little or no smoke condition on the floor or floors above may be an indication of a concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel (Q-decking) supported by C-Joists. The additional dead load may lead to early floor collapse; caution should be used at fires in buildings with this type of construction.
(FFP - PDs 6 3.4.2)
You are operating at a fire in a Private Dwelling where LW construction is suspected, you would know that the examination of what voids shall be conducted as soon as condition permits?
A) Wall
B) Floor
C) Ceiling
D) All of the above
ANSWER: C) Ceiling
FFP - PDs 6 4.1.2
You are an officer inspecting a CDA building reportedly using LW construction between its ceiling and floors, and its top floor ceiling and roof above. You should know that unless this building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, their areas should be divided into _______. Which choice is the most correct answer?
A) 400 square feet or less.
B) 500 square feet or less.
C) Less than 400 square feet.
D) Less than 500 square feet.
ANSWER: B) 500 square feet or less.
A covering captain was discussing Engine Company operations at fires in PDs with LW construction. It would be incorrect to state which of the following?
A) Any floor or roof support system that has been heavily damaged due to fire should be hydraulically overhauled from a safe area using the reach of the stream.
B) The nozzle FF should use the duckwalk method of advancing the hoseline.
C) A backup hoseline must be positioned for the first hoseline.
D) If the 2nd line stretch doesn’t back up the 1st line the 3rd line must be stretched as a backup line.
ANSWER: B) The nozzle FF should use the duckwalk method of advancing the hoseline. (INCORRECT)
- Nozzle FFs should use the LEG FORWARD method due to the potential of fire and heat weakening the floor system and causing a collapse.
(FFP - PDs 6 4.1.13)
To officers were discussing the overhauling stage at LW PD fires. The removal of plasterboard on walls & ceilings can cause instability at these fires, particularly in buildings with ______________?
A) Laminated wood I-beams
B) Open web joist
C) Ordinary construction
D) Metal C-joist
ANSWER: D) Metal C-joist
FFP - PDs 6 4.3.5
Once the fire enters the concealed space containing LW trusses or joists, it can rapidly travel to remote locations. The IC shall immediately be notified. All members shall be directed not to enter the fire area or areas directly above the fire until the IC determined the risk of a planned coordinated interior attack. The above statements are especially true in which of the following construction materials listed below?
A) Metal C-Joists and Laminated Wood I-beams
B) Laminated Wood I-beams and compsite trusses
C) Open web LW parallel chord wood and composite trusses
D) Open web LW parallel chord and metal c-joists
ANSWER: C) Open web LW parallel chord wood and composite trusses
(FFP -PDs 6 4.1.4)
Captain Mauser is holding a drill about operations while fighting fires in PDs contructed of LW materials. Which statement was incorrect?
A) A serious fire inside the building may affect the outside deck/balcony supporting members, causing it to fail without warning. When there is any doubt as to its stability, members should not operate on or below the outside deck/balcony.
B) The presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a building may be an indication of a fire in a trussloft. When this warning sign is evident at a PD fire, it is an indication that the probability of collapse is significantly increased.
C) When fire is found in vertical voids, the cockloft/attic space should be promptly checked for extension within the limits of safety.
D) The primary emphasis for a fire in a LW building under construction is that of an exterior attack. Exterior streams should be positioned and operated from safe areas outside the collapse zone.
ANSWER: D) The primary emphasis for a fire in a LW building under construction is that of an exterior attack. Exterior streams should be positioned and operated from safe areas outside the collapse zone. (INCORRECT)
- UNLESS THE FIRE IS MINOR, or CONFINED TO A SMALL AREA, the primary emphasis for a fire in a lightweight building under construction is that of an exterior attack.
(FFP - PDs 6 4.1.7)
You are a new Lt. relieving the assigned Captain of Ladder 1. He tells you that he has been assigned there for 7 years. Then he goes on to tell you about all the new LW constructed PDs in his first alarm area. Just as he is telling you that Ladder 1 is the busiest ladder company in the city, a run comes over for a fire in a PD. Once, 10-84 you see fire out the 2nd floor front windows of a 20x40 peaked roof PD. A 10-75 was given by the 1st due Engine. From the statements below, which is the most correct action taken by the first alarm units?
A) The paramount importance of positioning the 1st hoseline for an aggressive interior attack.
B) The IC shall special call an additional ladder company.
C) The 2nd line was stretched into exposure 2 due to fire extension and the 3rd hosline backed up the 1st hoseline.
D) The fire couldn’t be quickly knocked down with the 3 hoselines, then an outside operation must be considered.
ANSWER: C) The 2nd line was stretched into exposure 2 due to fire extension and the 3rd hosline backed up the 1st hoseline.
A - The positioning of the 1st hoseline for a QUICK KNOCKDOWN OF A CONTENTS FIRE THAT HAS NOT EXTENDED TO THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS is of paramount importance
B - The IC shall special call an ADDITIONAL ENGINE COMPANY for a structural fire in a building constructed of lightweight materials.
D - When the fire is of such magnitude that it cannot be quickly knocked down with THE TWO HOSELINES, then an outside operation must be considered.
(FFP - PDs 6 4.2.1)
Lt. Santangelo is discussing four recent fires in which he had in PDs constructed of LW materials. Which situation below did he operate incorrectly?
A) As the 1st due ladder officer for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 1/2 story PD, he had members make inspection holes in the ceiling on the 1st floor since he suspected LW construction was used.
B) Before he had members entering a room that was involved in fire, one or more inspection holes were made in the ceiling to check for fire extension. He ensured that a charged line is in position before any additional openings were made.
C) While advancing a hoseline over a floor to be known to be LW construction, he made sure members didn’t bunch up on the line.
D) As the 2nd due ladder officer for a fire in the cellar & first floor of a 2 story semi-attached PD where LW construction was suspected, he sent his OV & Roof FFs to the similar attached exposure to make an inspection hole.
ANSWER: D) As the 2nd due ladder officer for a fire in the cellar & first floor of a 2 story semi-attached PD where LW construction was suspected, he sent his OV & Roof FFs to the similar attached exposure to make an inspection hole. (INCORRECT)
- When fire is located in the cellar or the first floor and conditions prevent visual identification of the type of construction, an examination could be made in a
similar attached exposure. This inspection shall be ASSIGNED BY THE IC TO AN AVAILABLE UNIT.
(FFP - PDs 6 4.3.2)
You are the Officer of TL 99 that has just arrived at the top floor fire in a 2 1/2 story, flat roof, 20 x 40, class 4. The CIDS also confirms that the building is constructed of open-web LW wood truss on all floors & roof. Engine 100 has a line stretched to the top floor to knock down a contents fire. On your arrival to the top floor you determine that the fire did not extend from the contents, however there is a heavy smoke condition. In this situation, it would be wrong for the Roof FF to perform which action?
A) Checking the rear and sides of the building for fire extension & trapped occupants.
B) Since the building had no front parapet wall, you had the basket placed to the roof to cut a small inspection hole using the saw.
C) Vent the top floor windows and skylights.
D) Inspecting HVAC Duct Vents
ANSWER: B) Since the building had no front parapet wall, you had the basket placed to the roof to cut a small inspection hole using the saw. (INCORRECT)
- In addition, a saw cut could sever a structural member causing the failure of one or more trusses/joists. Therefore, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE ROOF BE CUT in any peaked or flat roof building of
lightweight construction.
(FFP - PDs 6 4.3.8)
You are operating as the 2nd arriving Ladder company officer at a PD construed of LW materials on all floors & roof. The fire is on the 1st floor and your about to proceed to the floor above. Regarding the operations of the units on the floor above, it would be correct to state which of the following?
A) In all cases, life concerns will dictate feasibility of operating on the floor above.
B) A known or suspected life hazard on the floor(s) above must be addressed within the limits of safety.
C) Searches must be conducted with consideration that interior operational time will be of limited duration. The only exception is when immediate action must be taken to address a known life hazard.
D) If LW components are exposed to fire or high heat, the First Ladder Officer should advise all members not to enter the fire area and the areas directly above.
ANSWER: C) Searches must be conducted with consideration that interior operational time will be of limited duration. The only exception is when immediate action must be taken to address a known life hazard.
A - In all cases, FIRE CONDITIONS will dictate the feasibility of floor above operations.
B - A KNOWN LIFE HAZARD on the floor(s) above must be addressed within the limits of safety.
D - When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the INCIDENT COMMANDER should advise all members not to enter the fire area and the area(s) directly above; a defensive strategy should be strongly considered.
(FFP - PDs 6 4.5.1)
In LW constructed buildings, an adjustment in strategy and tactics will be required when a fire has progressed from a contents fire to a fire involving structural components. Due to the potential failure and early collapse of these LW structural components, a proper risk-reward analysis may determine that a planned coordinated interior attack is not justified. Which are the correct size-up indicators listed below? (more than 1 correct)
A) Extent of the fire (light, medium, heavy)
B) Location of the fire (top floor, cellar, void spaces etc.)
C) Volume of smoke and fire (light, medium, or heavy)
D) Smoke action (pushing, twisting, or rolling under pressure)
ANSWER: All are Correct
A) Extent of the fire (light, medium, heavy)
B) Location of the fire (top floor, cellar, void spaces etc.)
C) Volume of smoke and fire (light, medium, or heavy)
D) Smoke action (pushing, twisting, or rolling under pressure)
While Engine 61 is out for a site inspection for a building using LW material, the company officer determines that an address reported on the FDNY Structural Integrity Report does not comply with proper requirements outlined in the BISP Manual, the company officer shall:
A) Requests Department of Buildings (DOB) to the scene.
B) Request a BC
C) Company Officer forwards DOB High Priority Referral Report.
D) Company officer requests division chief to the scene to vacate.
ANSWER: B) Request a BC
BISP 5 - 9.4
The Captain of a Bronx Ladder Company is reviewing four CIDS cards on this eCIDS application for LW construction. Which entry below is incorrect?
A) Lt. Sweeny classified a Fire-protected structure construed using steel bar joist as a CL2LW in CIDS.
B) Lt. Terry classified a Brownstone being renovated with metal c-joist as a CL3LW.
C) Lt. Corrigan classified a wood frame PD renovating using Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) on the exterior as CL4LW.
D) Lt. Russo classified a wood frame PD being constructed with metal c-joist as a CL4LW.
ANSWER: C) Lt. Corrigan classified a wood frame PD renovating using Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) on the exterior as CL4LW. (INCORRECT)
- When EFIS information is entered into CIDS the lightweight (LW) designation SHALL NOT BE USED. The concern with the EIFS application is for fire spread not structural collapse.
(BISP 5 - 9.4 - 4.1.3)
Engine 248 is the 1st to arrive Engine at a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story detached peaked roof PD. They would be correct to consider which point below concerning Engine operations?
A) Proper placement of the 1st line in this situation is usually through the front door and then down the interior cellar stairs.
B) The safety of civilians is the paramount concern in making the decision to advance down the interior cellar stairs.
C) When operating an exterior hoseline into a cellar window, the primary consideration for members operating on the 1st floor is to close the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
D) Under no circumstances should members direct an exterior hoseline into a cellar window when there are members still operating in the cellar.
ANSWER: C) When operating an exterior hoseline into a cellar window, the primary consideration for members operating on the 1st floor is to close the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
A - Usually through the SECONDARY ENTRANCE in the rear or side of the PD.
B - Safety of MEMBERS is paramount concern
D - TWO CIRCUMSTANCES (Members trapped by fire or a collapse has occurred and members are endangered by fire)
(FFP - PD 2.6)
1st alarm units arrive at a 2nd floor fire in a PD where CIDS indicates that the building is a 2 story, flat roof PD, with LW wooden I-Beams supporting all floors and the roof. In this situation members would be correct to think?
A) An additional Ladder company should be special called on arrival.
B) The second line stretched must always backup the 1st line.
C) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut at this fire.
D) Under no circumstances are members permitted to operate on the roof at this fire.
ANSWER: C) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut at this fire.
A - An additional ENGINE should be special called
B - A second line (not THE second line) must always backup the 1st line
D - Can operate on roof if CONTENTS ONLY FIRE
(FFP - PDs 6 - 4.2)
First alarm units arrive at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story PD where CIDS indicates there is lightweight construction on all floors and the roof. In this situation, members would be correct to think?
A) The 2nd line stretched must always back up the 1st hoseline
B) The 1st line stretched must be backed up by a second line.
C) An additional Engine and Ladder must be special called for any structural fire.
D) Under no circumstances should an interior attack be attempted if the fire building is under construction.
ANSWER: B) The 1st line stretched must be backed up by a second line.
A - A 2nd line MUST be positioned to backup the first line (It DOES
NOT have to be the 2nd line stretched) If 2nd line stretched does not backup the first then the 3rd line stretched will backup the 1st.
C - An additional ENGINE only
(PDs 6 - 4.1.7)
First alarm units arrive at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story PD where CIDS indicates there is lightweight construction on all floors and the roof. Which tactical point would be most correct at this fire?
A) The nozzle FF should use the duck walk method when advancing the attack line
B) After the fire is knocked down, the ladder company should enter the fire room and make an inspection hole in that ceiling to check for extension.
C) If there is a clear indication that fire is not in the cockloft, only then may the roof be cut.
D) Members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof if there are any indications that fire has extended to the cockloft
ANSWER: D) Members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof if there are any indications that fire has extended to the cockloft.
B -
(PDs 6 - 4.3.11)
First alarm units arrive at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story PD where CIDS indicates there is lightweight construction on all floors and the roof. In this situation, members would be correct to think?
A) The 2nd line stretched must always back up the 1st hoseline
B) The 1st line stretched must be backed up by a second line.
C) An additional Engine and Ladder must be special called for any structural fire.
D) Under no circumstances should an interior attack be attempted if the fire building is under construction.
ANSWER: B) The 1st line stretched must be backed up by a second line.
A - A 2nd line MUST be positioned to backup the first line (It DOES
NOT have to be the 2nd line stretched) If 2nd line stretched does not backup the first then the 3rd line stretched will backup the 1st.
C - An additional ENGINE only
D - Can attempt interior attack if fire or area is SMALL.
(PDs 6 - 4.1.7)
First alarm units arrive at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story PD where CIDS indicates there is lightweight construction on all floors and the roof. Which tactical point would be most correct at this fire?
A) The nozzle FF should use the duck walk method when advancing the attack line
B) After the fire is knocked down, the ladder company should enter the fire room and make an inspection hole in that ceiling to check for extension.
C) If there is a clear indication that fire is not in the cockloft, only then may the roof be cut.
D) Members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof if there are any indications that fire has extended to the cockloft
ANSWER: D) Members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof if there are any indications that fire has extended to the cockloft.
B - BEFORE ENTERING FIRE ROOM make inspection hole in the ceiling area to check for fire extension.
(PDs 6 - 4.3.11)
The major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint in a Private dwelling is the?
A) Lack of a second egress on the upper floors
B) Occupied spaces in the cellar
C) Open and unenclosed stairway
D) Use of lightweight materials
ANSWER: C) Open and unenclosed stairway
PDs Ch. 1 - 2.1
Queen Anne PDs may have all of the following characteristics except which?
A) Balloon construction
B) Large open areas in the living room that connect the 1st floor directly to the 3rd floor
C) Dumbwaiter shafts
D) Fire escapes or a sprinklered stairway
ANSWER: B) Large open areas in the living room that connect the 1st floor directly to the 3rd floor. (INCORRECT)
- Connects the 1st floor to the SECOND FLOOR.
(PDs Ch. 1 - 3.3)
A company Officer discussing PD size up concerns was incorrect when he stated that?
A) Balloon frame construction lacks fire stopping on interior walls allowing rapid fire extension.
B) The lack of windows on the side of a PD combined with a secondary entrance with a stoop is indicative of a possible second floor apartment with its only entrance on that side of the house.
C) Offset windows should not be entered for VEIS
D) When transmitting a 10-75, indicate if the roof is peaked or flat if this can be determined upon arrival/
ANSWER: A) Balloon frame construction lacks fire stopping on interior walls allowing rapid fire extension. (INCORRECT)
- Lacks fire stopping on EXTERIOR walls
(PDs Ch. 2 - 2.6)
An officer conducting drill on PD fires was correct when he stated?
A) The primary consideration in the placement of the 1st line for access to a fire on any floor in a PD, is via the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire area.
B) Members operating on the 1st floor above a cellar fire where there are lightweight constructed floors, must be aware that they are in a very dangerous area, regardless of the fire severity.
C) Only a Chief Officer can order an exterior line into a cellar window.
D) An exterior line should never be operated into a cellar window if members are operating in the cellar.
ANSWER: B) Members operating on the 1st floor above a cellar fire where there are lightweight constructed floors, must be aware that they are in a very dangerous area, regardless of the fire severity.
A - Primary consideration in the placement of the first line for for a fire in the CELLAR is via the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire area.
C - THE INCIDENT COMMANDER (Could be first arriving Officer) can order an exterior line operated into a cellar window.
D - Exterior line SHOULD NOT BE operated into a cellar window if members are operating in the cellar UNLESS they are trapped by fire or caught in a collapse and are threatened by fire.
(PDs Ch. 3 - 1.6)
When an exterior line is operated into a cellar window at a PD fire, the primary consideration for members on the first floor above a cellar fire is?
A) An area of refuge
B) Exiting the building
C) The protection of a charged line on the 1st floor
D) Closing the cellar door at top of the cellar stairs
ANSWER: D) Closing the cellar door at top of the cellar stairs.
(PDs Ch. 3 - 2.6)
You are an Engine Officer that arrives 1st due at a cellar fire in a semi-attached PD. Regarding the placement of the first line in this situation, you would be correct to think that?
A) Stretching the 1st line through the front door is generally the fastest option to apply water on the fire.
B) The paramount concern in deciding whether to advance down the interior cellar stairs is whether the cellar is occupied or unoccupied.
C) High heat found at the bottom of the interior stairs precludes the descent of the 1st line down that stair.
D) The least desirable secondary entrance to attack the fire is a Bilco style door. A Bilco door should not be utilized unless it is the only option.
ANSWER: D) The least desirable secondary entrance to attack the fire is a Bilco style door. A Bilco door should not be utilized unless it is the only option.
A - Stretching first line through the SIDE OR REAR door is generally the fastest option to apply water in a semi-attached PD cellar fire.
B - Paramount concern in deciding whether or not to advance down the interior cellar stairs is the SAFETY OF OUR MEMBERS
C - High heat found at the TOP OF THE CELLAR STAIR precludes descent of 1st line down the stair.
(PDs Ch. 3 - 2.7.1)
When a first line has been stretched through the main entrance on the first floor of a PD, the repositioning of that line to a secondary entrance is a decision that can only be made by an Acting Chief Officer or a Chief Officer?
A) Agree
B) Disagree, Acting Chiefs cannot make this decision
C) Disagree, Company Officers may also make this decision.
D) Disagree, this tactic is not permitted
ANSWER: A) Agree
- Acting Chiefs of BC can make decision to reposition 1st line to a secondary entrance at PD fires.
(PDs Ch. 3 - 2.7.4)
First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fully involved wood frame PD. In this situation, they would be correct to think that?
A) If the 1st arriving Engine is backstretching to a hydrant, they should drop a 3 1/2” line and 1 3/4” line in front of the building.
B) An 1 3/4” line must be the first line stretched into a wood frame PD, even if it is fully involved.
C) After the first line enters the building, a 2nd hoseline should be operated on the exterior to protect exposures.
D) Buildings fully involved have an increased collapse potential and require a complete evaluation by the IC before entering.
ANSWER: D) Buildings fully involved have an increased collapse potential and require a complete evaluation by the IC before entering.
A - Units shall maintain the front of fire building accessible for tower ladder placement. Drop TWO 1 3/4” lines even if the building is fully involved. (Fully involved Rowframe mandates we drop a 3 1/2” line for TL)
B - Consider a 2 1/2” for faster knock down, greater reach of stream,increased volume of water and increased exposure protection (Also for wind impacted fires or heavily involved first floor fire in a larger style Private Dwelling / Queen Anne )
C - Operate the hoseline on the exterior to protect exposures BEFORE entering the building.
(PDs Ch 3. - 5.1)
A company Officer searching for fire extension in a wood frame PD would be correct to think that?
A) Many older and larger 2 1/2 - 3 story PDs are built of braced frame construction.
B) A sole plate found on an exterior wall is an indication of balloon construction.
C) In balloon frame construction, fires originating in the cellar can easily extend to the attic, while bypassing intermediate floors.
D) In platform construction, exterior wall studs are capped at the ceiling level with ribbon ledger board.
ANSWER: C) In balloon frame construction, fires originating in the cellar can easily extend to the attic, while bypassing intermediate floors.
D - Capped at ceiling level with a TOP PLATE
(PDs Ch. 4 - 3.2)
First alarm ladder companies arrive at the scene of a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story peaked roof, wood frame PD that has extended to the 1st floor. If the peaked roof needs to be vented, which FFs should be assigned this task?
A) 1st Roof and OV
B) 1st Roof and 1st LCC
C) 2nd Roof and 2nd OV
D) 2nd Roof and LCC
ANSWER: C) 2nd Roof and 2nd OV
PDs 4 - pg 12
First alarm ladder companies arrive at the scene of a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story peaked roof, wood frame PD that has extended to the 1st floor. The 1st ladder company members would be correct to think that?
A) The outside team should initiate removal of window bars on either the front or the rear of the building early into the operation, if conditions allow.
B) Roof operations are an initial consideration.
C) The Roof/OV team should conduct a quick survey around the permiter of the PD for occupants in need of immediate rescue. If there is no visible life hazard, they should perform VEIS of the 1st floor.
D) If the attic is obviously occupied, the LCC when teamed up with the 2nd LCC or another member, may utilize the Aerial or TL to perform VEIS of the attic area.
ANSWER: D) If the attic is obviously occupied, the LCC when teamed up with the 2nd LCC or another member, may utilize the Aerial or TL to perform VEIS of the attic area.
A - Remove BOTH front and rear window bars early into operation if conditions allow.
B - This scenario is for a PEAKED roof PD therefore roof operations ARE NOT AN INITIAL CONSIDERATION.
C - VEIS an UPPER FLOOR (2nd floor in this scenario) where rooms are likely to be occupied.
D - Note slight conflict in this choice / TL LCC is supposed to remain at pedestal throughout operation.
(PDs 4 - Pg 8/9)
First alarm ladder companies arrive at the scene of a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story peaked roof, wood frame PD that has extended to the 1st floor. The IC decides to physically cut the roof to alleviate the smoke condition. Regarding roof access for this tactic, it would be correct to think that?
A) At an advanced fire, the main objective concerning roof access is to position an Aerial Ladder in front of the building.
B) The preferred position for a TL is to place the basket over the corner of the building to the valley area.
C) When using an Aerial Ladder, it should be extended over the corner of the building at least 5’ above and to one side of the peak.
D) After cutting the roof, any skylights found on the roof should then be vented.
ANSWER: C) When using an Aerial Ladder, it should be extended over the corner of the building at least 5’ above and to one side of the peak.
A - Main objective concerning roof access is to position a TOWER LADDER IFO the building.
B - Preferred position for the TL is to place the apparatus parallel to the front of building, so the basket can be placed over the corner of the building near the PEAK OF THE ROOF. (Turntable should be positioned to cover 2 sides of the building)
- If the apparatus cannot be placed in the preferred position, place the basket to the “valley” area where a hook ladder can be used to reach the peak.
D - BEFORE cutting roof take skylights on roof when directed by the ladder company officer operating in the fire area.
(PDs 4 - 6.1)
First alarm ladder companies arrive at the scene of a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story peaked roof, wood frame PD that has extended to the 1st floor. When members are physically opening a peaked roof with an axe, they would be correct to think?
A) The 1st hole should be made at the main gable as this will vent the blind attic space, knee walls, attic hall and the rooms below.
B) They should work from a position straddling the peak to cut a hole over the fire, parallel to and on the windward side of the ridge.
C) The size of the opening made will generally be about 3’ x 6’
D) A 10’ hook should be brought to the roof for all PDs to push down ceilings.
ANSWER: A) The 1st hole should be made at the main gable as this will vent the blind attic space, knee walls, attic hall and the rooms below.
B - Parallel to and on the LEEWARD SIDE of the ridge
C - Size of opening is TWO FEET X THREE FEET (2’ x 3’)
D - A SIX FOOT (6’) HOOK should be brought to the roof to push down ceilings
- A TEN (10) foot hook should be brought for QUEEN ANNE type PDs.
(PDs 4 - 6.3)
First alarm ladder companies arrive at the scene of a 1st floor fire in an attached 2 story, flat roof, wood frame PD. The PD with the fire is in the middle building in a row of 11 attached frame PDs. Regarding the first due Roof FFs duties, it would be correct to state?
A) The 1st Roof FF should take a halligan, 6’ halligan hook and power saw.
B) If using an attached exposure to get to the roof, exposures 2 and 4 should not be utilized
C) The Roof FF shall never descend to the lower floors using the scuttle ladder, until the fire is knocked down.
D) If a LSR rescue is required, the 1st Roof FF should contact the OV via HT for assistance on the roof.
ANSWER: B) If using an attached exposure to get to the roof, exposures 2 and 4 should not be utilized.
A - 1st Roof FF takes Halligan, Halligan hook and LSR (Life saving rope should be taken to the roof when there will be a delay in laddering the rear of the building due to attached exposures and/or the height of the building requires the LSR)
C - The Roof FF shall never descend to the lower floors using the scuttle ladder, until the fire is UNDER CONTROL.
D - Contact the 1st LCC for assitance on the roof
(PDs 4 - 7.1)
First alarm ladder companies arrive at the scene of a 1st floor fire in an attached 2 story, flat roof, wood frame PD. The PD with the fire is in the middle building in a row of 11 attached frame PDs. The 2nd Roof FF should bring what tools to the roof?
A) 6’ halligan hook and a halligan
B) 6’ halligan hook and a saw
C) Halligan and saw
D) 6’ Halligan hook, halligan and a saw
ANSWER: B) 6’ halligan hook and a saw
PDs 4 - 7.2
You are the officer of the 1st arriving ladder at a cellar fire in a row of attached PDs where you will be using the main entrance to attack the fire. In this situation, you would be incorrect to think that?
A) You should maintain door control of the main entrance door until a charged line advances via this entrance.
B) You should perform a primary search of the 1st floor prior to descending into the cellar.
C) If the Engine requires assistance to advance the line through the cellar, two members from your unit should provide assistance while you complete the primary search on the 1st floor.
D) It is critical that the 1st ladder inside team operate in a manner that supports the first line in quickly applying water on the fire.
ANSWER: C) If the Engine requires assistance to advance the line through the cellar, two members from your unit should provide assistance while you complete the primary search on the 1st floor. (INCORRECT)
- ONE MEMBER should assist the Engine while you and the other member complete primary of 1st floor.
(PDs 4 10.4.1)
A company officer discussing PDs with LW construction at a drill was incorrect in which on of the following statements that he made?
A) In any building construction, the critical area subject to failure as a result of fire is the point of connection.
B) For fires in PDs built of ordinary wood frame construction, early collapse is not a primary consideration.
C) Collapse is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with LW materials.
D) Areas unsupported by columns with spans greater than 20’ are generally an indication that LW construction is present.
ANSWER: D) Areas unsupported by columns with spans greater than 20’ are generally an indication that LW construction is present. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 6 - 1.8)
The NYC Building Code requires LW constructed spaces between the ceiling and the floor above or the ceiling and the roof above to be divided into approximately equal areas of __________ square feet or less, unless the building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system.
A) 500
B) 600
C) 750
D) 1000
ANSWER: A) 500
PDs 6 - 2.2.6 A
An Officer discussing different types of LW construction found in Private Dwellings was incorrect to state that?
A) LW Wood Truss Peaked Roof - when exposed to sufficient fire, the rafters (top chord), the roof decking, and the ceiling joists (bottom chord) can be expected to collapse as one complete unit.
B) LW Parallel Chord Wood Truss - have sheet metal gusset plates that only penetrate 1/4” to 1/2” into the wood truss members and are the weakest point of the support system.
C) Laminated Wood I-Beams - have 1/2” oriented strand board or 3/8” - 1/2” plywood web members with 2” x 3” or 2” x 4” wood flanges. The strength of the Wood I-Beam is a function of the mass of the flange and the width of the web.
D) Metal C-Joists - cold formed steel joists that have an 1/8” thick web which must be braced with strapping or blocking to prevent them from twisting.
E) Composite Truss - are comprised of wood and steel - and have sheet metal web attached to 2” x 3” or 2” x 4” wood chords with nails or sheet metal gang nails. Commercially they are known as a space joist.
ANSWER: C) Laminated Wood I-Beams - have 1/2” oriented strand board or 3/8” - 1/2” plywood web members with 2” x 3” or 2” x 4” wood flanges. The strength of the Wood I-Beam is a function of the mass of the flange and the width of the web. (INCORRECT)
- Mass of the flange and DEPTH of the web.
(PDs 6 - 3.3)
In any building construction, the critical area subject to failure as a result of fire is the point of connection. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: A) Agree
PDs Lightweight Construction Ch 6 1.5
Collapse is __________ the primary consideration in building constructed with lightweight materials.
A) Always
B) Generally
C) Often
D) Usually
ANSWER: A) Always
PDs 6 - 1.6
According to FFP - Private Dwellings, an area in a building that is unsupported by columns with spans greater than _____ feet is generally an indication that lightweight construction is present.
A) 15 B) 20 C) 25 D) 30
PDs 6, section 1.8
According to the Private Dwellings Chapter 6, which of the following lightweight materials when used as beams to support floors, would create what is known as a trust loft? (More than 1 correct)
A) Laminated wooden I beams
B) Lightweight parallel chord wood truss
C) Metal C-joists
D) Composite truss
B) Lightweight parallel chord wood truss
D) Composite truss
(PDs 6)
*Both are open web which create wide open horizontal areas.
You are the officer of an Engine Company that is inspecting a CDA building reportedly using lightweight construction between its ceiling and floors, and it’s top floor ceiling and roof above. You should know that unless this building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, these areas with lightweight construction are required to be divided into equal areas of _______ square feet or less?
A) 400
B) 500
C) 750
D) 1000
ANSWER: B) 500
PDs 6, section 2.2.6 A
Units respond to the scene of a fire reported in a 2 story PD with lightweight construction that is still under construction. In this situation, an interior attack is permissible ____________________?
A) only if the fire is minor
B) only if the fire is confined to a small area
C) only if the fire is minor or confined to a small area.
D) only if the fire is minor or medium or confined to a small area.
E) Under no circumstances should an interior attack be conducted in an unoccupied PD under construction with lightweight construction.
ANSWER: C) only if the fire is minor or confined to a small area.
(PDs 6, section 4.1.7)
You are the officer of the 1st arriving engine at a scene of a fire in a 2 1/2 story PD with CIDS indicating lightweight construction. Your size up on arrival finds a medium fire condition on the first floor of the structure and there are no window bars on the building. In this situation, after transmitting a 10-75 and giving the size up, you would be most correct to request an additional ______________?
A) Engine
B) Ladder
C) Engine and Ladder
D) Ladder and BC
ANSWER: A) Engine
(PDs 6, section 4.2.1)
- Call an EXTRA ENGINE for hose line stretch in a Private Dwelling constructed of LW materials.
Regarding engine company operations at fires in PDs with lightweight construction, it would be incorrect to state which statement below?
A) Nozzle FFs should use the leg forward method.
B) A backup hose line must be positioned for the first hose line.
C) The second hose line stretched must be stretched as the backup line.
D) Any floor or roof support system that has been heavily damaged due to fire should be hydraulically overhauled from a safe area using the reach of the stream.
ANSWER: C) The second hose line stretched must be stretched as the backup line. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 6, section 4.2.6)
- SECOND OR THIRD line stretched can be backup line.
In which of the following situations should a member be allowed to cut the roof of either a peaked or flat roof PD with lightweight construction?
A) Inspection holes only at a top floor fire
B) Top floor fire where there is a clear indication that the fire has not entered the cockloft.
C) Fire on a floor other than the top floor where there is a clear indication that the fire has no entered the cockloft.
D) Only from the safety of a TL, when necessary for operations.
E) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
ANSWER: E) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
(PDs 6, section 4.3.8)
In private dwellings constructed with lightweight materials, when fire extends from the buildings contents to its structural components, collapse may occur within ________ minutes.
A) 20 minutes
B) 1 hour
C) 5 to 10 min
D) 15 minutes
ANSWER: C) 5-10 minutes
FFP PDs 6, 1.7
Please choose an incorrect item about fires in “traditional” private dwellings built of ordinary/wood frame construction from the list below.
A) Early collapse is always a primary consideration.
B) Depending on the duration and intensity of fire, the size of the structural components, and the type of construction involved, the amount of time before collapse occurs is generally estimated to be an hour.
C) When there is no ceiling to provide protection, therefore exposing structural components, failure can occur within 20 minutes.
D) Only 2 of 3 statements above are correct.
ANSWER: A) Early collapse is always a primary consideration. (INCORRECT)
(FFP PDs 6, 1.6)
- Early collapse is NOT a primary consideration in TRADITIONAL PDs.
The most important factor to a safe and successful operation at a fire in a building constructed of lightweight construction is the identification of the presence of lightweight materials. Areas unsupported by columns with spans greater than ________ are generally an indication that lightweight construction is present.
A) 15 feet
B) 20 feet
C) 25 feet
D) None of the above
ANSWER: C) 25 feet
FFP PDs 6, 1.8
Please choose the correct procedure from the list below?
A) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
B) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked roof building of lightweight construction, flat roofs using lightweight construction can be cut with extreme caution.
C) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any flat roof building of lightweight construction, peaked roof’s using lightweight construction can be cut from a TL basket.
D) Under certain circumstances the roof can be cut in a peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
ANSWER: A) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
(FFP PDs 6, 4.3.8)
The major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint at private dwelling fires is the?
A) Lack of a secondary egress from the upper floors
B) Open and unenclosed stairway
C) Use of balloon frame construction
D) Use of lightweight construction
ANSWER: B) Open and unenclosed stairway
Private Dwellings Ch 1, 2.1
The primary consideration in the placement of the first hose line for access to a fire in a PD is via the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire area for fires in the?
A) Cellar only
B) Cellar and 1st floor
C) Cellar and upper floors only
D) Entire building - on all floors
ANSWER: A) Cellar only
(PDs 3, 1.6)
- Cellar fires = line via entrance door that provides quickest access
- 1st and upper floors = line via main entrance to house
A company officer conducting drill on cellar fires was incorrect in which one of the following points?
A) The status and door construction of the interior cellar door is a critical factor and should be determined and communicated to the IC.
B) A thermal imaging camera showing heat waves emanating across the first floor ceiling indicates the interior cellar door is open.
C) Smoke showing significant force and speed under pressure on the 1st floor indicates that the cellar interior door is open.
D) Only a Chief Officer may order an exterior hose line operated into a cellar window.
ANSWER: D) Only a Chief Officer may order an exterior hose line operated into a cellar window. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 3, 2.5)
- The INCIDENT COMMANDER can order an exterior hose line operated into a cellar window. (Chief OR Company Officer)
A first due ladder company is operating at a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story PD where they have found the fire, but the engine has just suffered a burst length and cannot attack the fire. The Irons FF then gives a “Mayday” indicating he is trapped in the rear of the cellar by fire. The IC then orders the Officer in charge of the 2nd line to knockdown the fire from the exterior side cellar window due to the delay in applying water to the fire. In this situation, the Company Officer should be aware that the operation of the line into a cellar window with members still in the cellar is?
A) Not permitted under any circumstances.
B) Not permitted unless the members in the cellar have an area of refuge in the cellar.
C) Not permitted unless the members in the cellar have a charged line
D) Only permitted in an emergency.
ANSWER: D) Only permitted in an emergency
PDs 3, 2.6
Engine companies operating at cellar fires in private dwellings would be correct to consider which point(s)? (More than 1 correct)
A) Proper placement of the 1st line requires a coordinated sizeup and communication between the first engine and ladder officer.
B) The 1st line should be stretched to the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish the fire.
C) In detached and semi attached PDs, the main entrance is usually the option that provides the quickest access to the cellar.
D) In attached structures, stretching the 1st line through a rear secondary entrance is generally the fastest option to apply water quickly on the fire.
E) At serious cellar fires, it is good practice to have a precautionary charged line in position near the side of the building for emergency conditions that may develop.
A) Proper placement of the 1st line requires a coordinated sizeup and communication between the first engine and ladder officer.
B) The 1st line should be stretched to the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish the fire
(PDs 3, 26)
C - Detached/semi attached = SECONDARY entrance is quickest cellar access.
D - Attached = line through FRONT door is generally fastest option to put water on fire.
E - Serious cellar fires = good practice to have a precautionary charged line in position near the FRONT of the building for emergencies.
1st alarm units arriving at a fire in the cellar of a 2 story detached, flat roof private dwelling would be incorrect to consider which one of the following tactics?
A) High heat at the top on the interior cellar stairs precludes the descent of the first hoseline down the interior cellar stairs.
B) Questionable stability of the interior cellar stairs precludes the descent of the first hoseline down the interior cellar stairs.
C) When there is a serious fire condition in the cellar, the first line must advance through the main entrance to protect the first floor, and the second line should advance to extinguish the fire via a secondary entrance.
D) The safety of members is the paramount concern in making the decision to advance down the interior cellar stairs.
ANSWER: C) When there is a serious fire condition in the cellar, the first line must advance through the main entrance to protect the first floor, and the second line should advance to extinguish the fire via a secondary entrance. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 3, 2.7.2)
- For cellar fires in PDs, stretch the first line to the entrance that provides the quickest access to the fire.
The first arriving engine at a PD cellar fire has stretched an 1 3/4” line through the main entrance of the PD, but the first ladder is unable to locate an interior cellar entrance. At this time there are no other engine companies at the scene. In this situation, the repositioning of this hoseline to a secondary entrance may be performed by the engine officer only if?
A) Ordered by a BC, but not by an acting BC.
B) Ordered by an acting BC or a BC.
C) Odered by an acting BC, a BC or a company officer who is the IC where there is only one engine at the scene.
D) The engine officer transmits an “Urgent” utilizing the EAB, insures it is acknowledged by the ladder company, and insures that ladder members operating on the first floor are withdrawn before repositioning occurs.
ANSWER: B) Ordered by an acting BC or a BC.
PDs 3, 2.7.4
A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a piece of baseboard on an __________ wall, and check for the presence of a _________.
A) Interior, Ribbon
B) Exterior, Sole Plate
C) Interior, Ledger Board
D) Exterior, Header
ANSWER: B) Exterior, Sole Plate
PDs 4, 3.1
What is NOT a characteristic of private dwelling construction that would lead to rapid fire extension?
A) Balloon framing
B) Open joist construction in cellar ceiling
C) Platform frame construction
D) Open and unenclosed interior stairway.
ANSWER C) Platform frame construction (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Private Dwellings)
- Platform frame construction LIMITS FIRE EXTENSION.
You respond as first due ladder for a fire in a private dwelling. When you arrive you transmit a 10-75 for a fire in a peaked roof wide lined cape style. There are window dormers facing the street. You would know all the following to be true except?
A) The presence of these dormers increases the likelihood of second floor bedrooms.
B) Portable laddering of these dormers can be very difficult.
C) Easiest exterior access to these rooms, via portable ladders is through the windows on the exposure 3 side of the house.
D) These homes may have a full sized second floor or dormer in rear.
ANSWER: C) Easiest exterior access to these rooms, via portable ladders is through the windows on the exposure 3 side of the house. (INCORRECT)
(FFP - Private Dwellings 1, 3.2)
- Easiest access to these rooms is on the EXPOSURE 2 and EXPOSURE 4 SIDES of the house.
Which of the following is not a reason for an Engine company to stretch a 2 1/2” hand line at a fully involved private dwelling?
A) The officer believes the fire is wind impacted
B) Greater reach of the stream.
C) Faster knockdown of the fire
D) Increased speed of deployment and better maneuverability.
ANSWER: D) Increased speed of deployment and better maneuverability. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings 3, 1.1)
- Due to the need for speed and mobility an 1 3/4” line is
An officer conducting drill on opening a peaked roof at a fire in a Queen Anne PD was correct when he stated that?
A) The 1st hole should be cut at the main gable
B) The power saw may only be used from an aerial ladder or tower ladder.
C) If cutting a peak roof with an axe, cut over the fire parallel to and on the windward side of the ridge.
D) After the cut is made, push down the ceiling with a 6’ hook.
ANSWER: A) The 1st hole should be cut at the main gable.
(PDs 4, 6.3)
B - Power saw can only be used from a TOWER LADDER.
C - Cut over fire parallel to and on the LEEWARD side of ridge.
D - After cut is made push down the ceiling with a TEN (10) foot hook. (10’ hook for Queen Anne)
Regarding peaked roof operations at PD fires, it would be inaccurate to state that?
A) The order of preference for roof access is Tower Ladder, Aerial ladder, the portable ladder.
B) The preferred position of the Tower Ladder is parallel to the front of the building so that the basket can be placed over the corner of the building near the peak of the roof.
C) An aerial ladder placed to a peaked roof shall have the ladder extended at least 5’ above and to one side of the peak.
D) Whenever an aerial ladder or tower ladder basket cannot be placed near the peak, it should be placed in the “valley” area where a hook ladder can be used to reach the peak.
E) If roof skylights are found, they should be vented prior to cutting the roof only when directed by the IC.
ANSWER: E) If roof skylights are found, they should be vented prior to cutting the roof only when directed by the IC. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 4, 6.2)
How many of the following construction features of lightweight construction are correctly stated?
- A lightweight wood truss peaked roof exposed to sufficient fire can be expected to collapse as one complete unit into the structure.
- Plywood burns rapidly and fails at a fast rate, allowing fires that extend to the cockloft/attic area to quickly vent through the roof.
- The weakest point of lightweight parallel wood chord truss is the sheet metal gusset plates.
- Metal C-joists must be braced with strapping to prevent them from twisting.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
ANSWER: D) 4 (All are correct)
PDs 6, section 2.2.5
Regarding the potential for collapse in private dwellings, it would be incorrect to state which of the following?
A) Early collapse is NOT a primary consideration at traditional PDs.
B) In traditional PDs, one hour is the amount of time before collapse is estimated to occur.
C) In traditional PDs, when there is no ceiling to protect structural components, 30 minutes is the amount of time before collapse is estimated to occur.
D) When fire extends to the structural components in a PD constructed with lightweight materials, collapse may occur suddenly, with little or no warning signs within 5-10 minutes.
ANSWER: C) In traditional PDs, when there is no ceiling to protect structural components, 30 minutes is the amount of time before collapse is estimated to occur. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Lightweight Construction Ch 6 1.6)
First alarm units arrive on the scene of a fire in a 2 story lightweight constructed building. There is a heavy fire and smoke condition showing on the first floor. The second ladder is on the floor above and finds a very minor smoke condition. In this situation, the second ladder company officer should suspect what kind of flooring?
A) Oriental Strand Board flooring
B) Plywood flooring
C) Vinyl flooring
D) Concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel.
ANSWER: D) Concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel.
(PDs 6, section 2.2.4)
Units arrive on scene of a fire on the second floor of a newer type PD where lightweight construction is suspected. In this situation, it would be incorrect for them to believe which point stated below?
A) The IC shall ensure that all members on the scene are made aware of the presence of lightweight construction.
B) The borough dispatcher shall be advised in preliminary and progress reports of the presence of lightweight construction.
C) As soon as conditions permit, an immediate inspection of the ceiling voids should be conducted. In this case an inspection hole should be made immediately upon entering the first floor.
D) If fire enters concealed spaces with lightweight construction, all members shall be directed not to enter the fire area or areas above until the IC determines the risk of a planned coordinated attack, especially when C-joists and Wooden I-beams are involved.
ANSWER: D) If fire enters concealed spaces with lightweight construction, all members shall be directed not to enter the fire area or areas above until the IC determines the risk of a planned coordinated attack, especially when C-joists and Wooden I beams are involved. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 6, section 4.1.4)
- Especially when it’s OPEN WEB DESIGN of lightweight parallel chord wood and composite trusses (TRUSSLOFT)
Units arrive on the scene of a fire in a 3 story, new type of PD and observe during size up the presence of smoke pushing at the 2nd floor line on the outside of the building. In this situation, they should suspect what?
A) Laminated wood I beams
B) Open web truss
C) Metal C-joists
D) Ordinary construction
ANSWER: B) Open web truss
- The presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on theoutside of a building may be an indication of a fire in a trussloft. When this warning sign is evident at a private dwelling fire, it is an indication that the probability of collapse is significantly increased
(PDs 6, section 4.1.12)
Indiscriminate removal of plasterboard on ceilings and walls during the overhaul stage can cause instability in PDs of lightweight construction, particularly in buildings with _____________?
A) Laminated wood I beams
B) Open web truss
C) Metal C-joists
D) Ordinary construction
ANSWER: C) Metal C-joists
(PDs 6, section 4.3.5)
- Metal C-joists need bracing
You are the officer of L-153 that has just arrived at a top floor fire in a 2 story PD with lightweight construction. E-254 stretched a line to the 2nd floor and knocked down the fire and reports a contents fire only. On your arrival on the top floor you determine that it is clearly a contents fire as well, however there is a significant smoke condition. In this situation, it would be most correct for you to order your Roof FF to do which choice below?
A) To not go to the roof under any circumstances - because the fire is already knocked down
B) To not to go to the roof under any circumstances - regardless of the status of the fire.
C) To go to the roof, but only check the rear and sides, vent the top floor windows and skylights, and inspect HVAC duct vents for unusual heat. Then immediately leave the roof.
D) To go to the roof, to check the rear and sides, vent top floor windows and skylights, and inspect HVAC duct vents for unusual heat. Then, contact the Ladder Officer or IC as to whether they require you to remain on the roof for other duties.
ANSWER: C) To go to the roof, but only check the rear and sides, vent the top floor windows and skylights, and inspect HVAC duct vents for unusual heat. Then immediately leave the roof.
- All members shall be removed from the roof upon completion of these duties
(PDs 6, section 4.3.10)
A Battalion Chief conducting a drill on Ladder Company operations at PD fires suspected to have lightweight construction made the following comments:
- If fire is located on the cellar or first floor preventing visual identification of the type of construction, an available unit can be assigned to make an examination, preferably in a similar detached structure.
- If any room was involved in fire, immediately enter the room to make one or more inspection holes in the ceiling to check for extension.
- If any room was involved in fire, ladder officers shall ensure a hose line is in position before any additional openings are made besides inspection holes.
- When not already completed by the first ladder, the second ladder operating on the floor above shall make inspection holes to determine the type of construction and the extent of fire in any concealed areas.
The BC was correct in how many statements?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
ANSWER: B) 2 (Choices 3 and 4 are CORRECT)
(PDs 6, section 4.3.1)
1 - Make examination in a similar ATTACHED structure
2 - BEFORE ENTERING THE ROOM make one or more inspection holes in ceiling to check for extension.
Regarding the operation of units above the fire in a lightweight constructed PD, which if the following choices is correct?
A) In all cases, life concerns will dictate the feasibility of floor above operations.
B) A suspected or known life hazard must be addressed within the limits of safety.
C) If lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat all members should be advised by the IC not to enter the fire area or the areas directly above.
D) Searches must be conducted with consideration that interior operational time will be of limited duration. The only exception is when immediate action must be taken to address a suspected or known life hazard.
ANSWER: C) If lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat all members should be advised by the IC not to enter the fire area or the areas directly above.
(PDs 6, section 4.5.2)
A - FIRE CONDITIONS dictate feasibility of floor above ops.
B - A KNOWN LIFE HAZARD must be addressed within the limits of safety.
D - Immediate action must be taken to address only a KNOWN LIFE HAZARD.
KEY size up indicators for the IC at a fire in a PD with lightweight construction include which if the following? (More than 1 correct)
A) Extent of the fire
B) Location of the fire
C) Height.
D) Area
E) Auxiliary appliances
F) Weather
G) Volume of smoke/fire
H) Smoke action
“ELVS” (Key size up indicators for LWPD)
E - Extent of fire
L - Location of fire
V - Volume of smoke and fire
S - Smoke action
(PDs 6, section 4.6.3)
The presence of smoke pushing at the floor line, on the outside of a private dwelling may be an indication of a fire in a _________________?
A) Floor constructed with metal “C” joists
B) Floor constructed with laminated wood “I” beams
C) Truss-loft
D) All of the above
ANSWER: C) Truss-loft
(PDs 6, 4.1.12)
- Also known as Parallel Chord Wood Truss or Composite Truss
What is the approximate height of an attic in a private dwelling that would indicate an attic occupancy?
A) 10 feet
B) 7 feet
C) 9 feet
D) 8 feet
ANSWER: B) 7 feet
- Possible indications of attic occupancy may be: attic area with a dormer, adequate height (approximately seven feet in attic), air conditioner at attic level, and/or windows of fair
size and normal appearance with curtains and drapes.
(PDs 2 - 2.4)
Who’s responsibility is it to bring the saw to the roof of a flat roof Private Dwelling?
A) 1st OV
B) 1st Roof
C) 2nd Roof
D) 2nd OV
ANSWER: C) 2nd Roof
(Private dwellings)
- 1st due Roof bring LSR.
Units arrive at a 2 story Private Dwelling with fire on the top floor. Which member brings the first saw to the roof?
A) 1st due roof
B) 1st due OV
C) 2nd due Roof
D) 2nd due OV
ANSWER: C) 2nd due Roof
(PDs 4, 10.2 A)
A - 1st Roof takes halligan, 6’ halligan hook and LSR
B - 1st OV takes halligan and/or 6’ hook and portable ladder.
C - 2nd Roof takes 6’ halligan hook and saw (The location of fire does not matter for a flat roof PD, 2nd Roof brings saw*)
D - 2nd OV takes halligan and/or 6’ hook and portable ladder.
Members operating at PD attic fires would be incorrect to believe?
A) When opening knee walls in attic spaces, avoid opening walls near the stairs.
B) Opening up a 3’ section of ceiling on the floor below may allow the engine to sweep the attic area from a small extension ladder.
C) If wood is encountered when attempting to open the attic are above, shift about 1-2 feet to one side and make another opening.
D) The bent tip or cockloft nozzle may be used effectively at attic fires.
ANSWER: C) If wood is encountered when attempting to open the attic are above, shift about 1-2 feet to one side and make another opening. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 4, 11)
- Shift about THREE (3) FEET to one side and make another opening
First alarm units arrive at a PD cellar fire where the first engine and ladder officers decide the quickest access to the cellar is through the main entrance. In this situation, the ladder officer would be incorrect to believe that?
A) The Engine Officer shall maintain door control of the main entrance door until a charged line advances via the main entrance.
B) The 1st inside team will perform a primary search of the first floor prior to descending into the cellar.
C) If the engine company requires assistance in order to advance the line through the cellar, one member of the inside team shall be sent to provide assistance, while the ladder company officer and the other member complete the primary search of the first floor.
D) If the first hose line does not advance down the interior cellar stair, the first ladder inside team will assume responsibility for the primary search of the first floor and the floors above.
ANSWER A) The Engine Officer shall maintain door control of the main entrance door until a charged line advances via the main entrance (INCORRECT)
(PDs 4, 10.4)
- LADDER OFFICER controls door of main entrance until charged line is advancing via the main entrance.
- When using main entrance: The first arriving ladder company inside team will perform a primary search of the first floor prior to descending into the cellar to perform the primary search and examination of the cellar.
You are the first due ladder at a cellar fire in a 2 1/2 story PD. After conducting a sizeup, it is decided to use a secondary entrance to quickly apply water on the fire. In this situation you would be correct to believe?
A) If the 2nd due ladder is not yet on scene, the inside team should perform a quick primary search of the first floor, then proceed to the same entrance as the first hose line.
B) If no line is immediately available, and conditions permit, descend the interior cellar stairs with both members of the inside team to conduct a rapid, thorough primary search and attempt to confine the fire.
C) When descending the interior cellar stair via the secondary entrance, you should close any interior door found at the top of the stairs that leads to the first floor.
D) If a Bilco style door covers the exterior cellar entrance and might provide the quickest access to the cellar, it should be utilized in preference to other cellar entrances.
ANSWER: C) When descending the interior cellar stair via the secondary entrance, you should close any interior door found at the top of the stairs that leads to the first floor.
(PDs 4, 10.1)
A - When the first ladder inside team proceeds to the cellar via a secondary entrance, the SECOND LADDER INSIDE team will then provide VEIS of the floors above the
B - Take ONE member of inside team to do a rapid, thorough primary and attempt to confine fire. One member remains at top of cellar stairs to control the door.
D - Bilco door should be utilized as A LAST RESORT.
On arrival at a cellar fire in a two family, peaked roof private dwelling, the Roof/OV team of the first arriving ladder company conducted a survey around the perimeter of the dwelling for occupants in need of immediate rescue and found no visible life hazard. In this situation, they should then immediately perform VEIS of the _______?
A) Cellar
B) 1st floor
C) 2nd floor
D) Attic
ANSWER: B) 1st floor
PDs 4, 9.2
At 0300 hours, first alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story, flat roof PD. They note that the fire building is of Class 4 construction with three attached exposures on each side. Exposure 2 is showing significant smoke on the 2nd floor, while exposure 4 has a light smoke condition on the second floor. There are no victims showing on the front of the building requiring rescue at this time. Which member below would not be operating correctly at this incident if they performed the indicated tactics?
A) The first OV should go to the rear and check for life hazards and perform VEIS.
B) The first LCC should assist the first Roof FF with portable ladder placement to the roof.
C) The second Inside Team should proceed to exposure 2 to check for extension, and the officer may direct the 2nd LCC to check exposure 4.
D) The 2nd OV should conduct a survey of the rear and sides for victims, insure ventilation is completed as required in the rear, then if not needed to assist with any VEIS, team up with the 2nd LCC as needed in exposure 4.
E) The 2nd Roof FF should take a 6’ halligan hook and halligan to the roof and assist in roof ventilation of the fire building and necessary exposures.
ANSWER: E) The 2nd Roof FF should take a 6’ halligan hook and halligan to the roof and assist in roof ventilation of the fire building and necessary exposures. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 4, 5.5)
- Second due Roof ALSO BRINGS SAW.
At 0300 hours, first alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story, flat roof PD. They note that the fire building is of Class 4 construction with three attached exposures on each side. Exposure 2 is showing significant smoke on the 2nd floor, while exposure 4 has a light smoke condition on the second floor. There are no victims showing on the front of the building requiring rescue at this time. In this situation, it would be correct for the 1st Roof FF to take which action?
A) Go to roof of fire building, bringing the halligan and 6’ halligan hook. He should not bring the LSR because the building is only 2 stories in height.
B) Use the scuttle in exposure 4 if it offers the easiest access to its interior than any other attached exposure.
C) Contact the LCC for assistance in the roof if a LSR rescue is required.
D) Immediately vent the skylight if he hears over the HT that the first engine is advancing into the first floor with a charged line.
ANSWER: C) Contact the LCC for assistance in the roof if a LSR rescue is required.
(PDs 4, 7.1)
B - For wood frame buildings, DO NOT use scuttle in exposures for roof access.
D - Engine must be advancing into FIRE AREA with a charged line in order for Roof FF to initiate vertical ventilation.
The 2nd ladder company arrives with their aerial ladder to the scene of a PD first floor fire with heavy smoke conditions on the 2nd floor and finds the first ladder Roof/OV team is using the bucket for VEIS. In this situation, the second ladder Roof/OV team should survey the sides and rear of the PD and then operate using?
A) Ladders on the lower or upper floors in the area with the greatest life hazard.
B) Their aerial ladder to the upper floors in the area with the greatest life hazard.
C) A portable ladder to the upper floors in the area with the greatest life hazard.
D) Their aerial ladder to the upper floors, or a portable ladder in the area of the greatest life hazard.
ANSWER: C) A portable ladder to the upper floors in the area with the greatest life hazard.
(PDs 4, 5.7)
*When the first arriving Roof/OV team is using the aerial ladder for VEIS, the second arriving Roof/OV team shall survey the sides and rear of the building and will operate with portable ladders on UPPER FLOORS in areas with the greatest possible life hazard.
The 2nd arriving ladder company at PD fires would be incorrect to think that?
A) It is critical that the 2nd ladder officer contact the first ladder officer to determine the 1st ladder inside teams location.
B) Prior to proceeding to the floors above via the interior stairs, the second ladder officer must notify either the first engine or ladder officer operating on the fire floor.
C) At top floor fires, the 2nd ladder officer should remain with the inside team on the floor below until needed, checking the floors below for fire.
D) At top floor fires in attached PDs, the 2nd ladder inside team should examine exposures for possible extension.
ANSWER: B) Prior to proceeding to the floors above via the interior stairs, the second ladder officer must notify either the first engine or ladder officer operating on the fire floor. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 4, 5.5)
- 2nd ladder officer, prior to proceeding to the floors above via the interior stairs, notify ALL company officers operating on the fire floor.
Regarding the operations of the first arriving ladder company outside team at PD fires, it would be correct to state that?
A) A member proceeding to the rear at an apparent first or second floor fire may vent a small cellar window, without requesting permission, to insure the fire did not start in the cellar.
B) At portable ladder operations, where the initial survey indicates there is no visible life hazard, the position of the first Roof/OV team, is to perform VEIS on the lower or upper floor area that is most likely to be occupied.
C) One member of the first Roof/OV team should carry a 6’ halligan hook and or halligan, while the other member brings the appropriate portable ladder.
D) Where there is an obvious occupied attic, the first ladder LCC, when teamed up, may perform VEIS of the attic area using an aerial ladder or tower ladder.
E) Early ventilation of an unoccupied attic window by the 1st LCC at cellar and first floor fires does not require permission and should be initiated to improve the overall condition on the upper floors.
ANSWER: D) Where there is an obvious occupied attic, the first ladder LCC, when teamed up, may perform VEIS of the attic area using an aerial ladder or tower ladder.
(PDs 4, 5.1)
A - A member proceeding to the rear should VISUALLY EXAMINE cellar windows (do not ventilate)
B - VEIS UPPER FLOORS ONLY (not lower floor)
C - BOTH members should bring their Halligans and hooks
E - ALL VENTILATION requires permission
Ladder 155 arrives as the first truck at a fire on the 1st floor of a 2 family private dwelling in a rear bedroom. After gaining entry to the first floor through the main entrance, the Irons FF was left at the front entrance door to hold it in a closed position. The Irons FF would be correct to control the front door until?
- The ladder officer informed him that the door to the rear bedroom was closed, confining the fire.
- A charged line was advancing through the front door.
- The Can FF had placed water on the fire with the can.
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,3 D) 1,2,3 E) Only #2
(PDs 4, 5.1)
- Maintain entrance door in a closed position until the fire has been further isolated (Choice 1) or a charged hoseline is advancing through the main entrance (Choice 2)
Regarding the responsibilities of ladder companies at PD fires, the 1st due ladder is generally responsible for which two tasks?
A) Ventilation of a peaked roof
B) Ventilation of a flat roof
C) Shutting down utilities
D) Attempting an examination of the cellar for fire
ANSWER: B and D are 1st Truck Responsibilities
B) Ventilation of a flat roof
D) Attempting an examination of the cellar for fire
- A and C are 2nd Truck Responsibilities
(PDs 4, 4.1)
A ladder officer conducting drill on VEIS at PD fires was incorrect when she stated that?
A) Ventilation for extinguishment is a controlled and coordinated tactic which should coincide with the engine company extinguishment of the fire.
B) Ventilation for search is a controlled and coordinated tactic performed to facilitate the movement of a firefighter into an area to conduct a search.
C) Immediately upon entering a room from a window, members should make a quick check/sweep of the floor in the hall outside the door for victims, before closing the door.
D) When the search of a room has been completed and the main body of fire has not yet been extinguished, the door to the room shall be opened.
E) When more than one occupant is found on an upper floor, the primary function of the engine is to protect the interior stairs.
ANSWER: D) When the search of a room has been completed and the main body of fire has not yet been extinguished, the door to the room shall be opened. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 4, 2.1)
- The door to the room shall REMAIN CLOSED.
A lieutenant conducting drill on the stretching of hose lines at PD fires was incorrect when he stated that?
A) At all fires (cellar, first floor, upper floors) the 2nd line should be initially positioned and charged outside the fire building.
B) At 1st floor fires, the 1st line should be stretched through the main entrance door on the 1st floor.
C) At upper floor fires, the 1st line should be stretched through the main entrance door on the first floor.
D) At a fully involved PD fire, the first arriving engine should drop two handlines if they are back stretching, and make a cursory evaluation of the building for collapse potential before entering.
ANSWER: D) At a fully involved PD fire, the first arriving engine should drop two handlines if they are back stretching, and make a cursory evaluation of the building for collapse potential before entering. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 3, pgs 5-7)
- Drop 2 handlines if they are backstretching and make a COMPLETE evaluation of the building for collapse potential before entering.
- Buildings fully involved have an increased collapse potential and require acomplete evaluation by the IC before entering.
A Bilco style door covering an exterior cellar entrance at a Private Dwelling is indicative of what?
A) An unoccupied cellar, and should be normally utilized for hoseline placement.
B) An occupied cellar, but should never be utilized for hoseline placement.
C) An unoccupied cellar and should be normally utilized for hoseline placement.
D) An unoccupied cellar and should not be utilized for hoseline placement unless it is the only option.
ANSWER: D) An unoccupied cellar and should not be utilized for hoseline placement unless it is the only option.
(PDs 3, 2.7.1)
At private dwelling fires, a 1 3/4” line is recommended in?
A) All situations due to the need for speed and mobility.
B) Most situations, but a 2 1/2” line should be considered under certain conditions.
ANSWER: B) Most situations, but a 2 1/2” line should be considered under certain conditions.
(PDs 3, 5.3)
Consider a 2 1/2” line:
1) Faster knock down
2) Increased volume of water
3) Wind impacted fire
4) Heavily involved first floor fire in a larger style Private Dwelling (Queen Anne )
5) Greater reach of stream
6) Increased exposure protection.
When transmitting a 10-75 for a fire in a PD, which point(s) must also be transmitted if they can be determined? (More than 1 correct)
A) Whether the roof is peaked or flat
B) The presence of window bars
C) The height of the building
D) The type of building / occupancy
E) The location of the fire
PDs 2, 2.8
A lieutenant arriving at a fire in a private dwelling would be correct in which of the following size up considerations? (More than 1 correct)
A) Exterior cellar entrances may be found on the front, rear or sides of PDs and indicate a possible cellar occupancy.
B) An attic occupancy is indicated by an adequate height of 6 feet or more.
C) The lack of windows on the side of a PD combined with a secondary entrance that has a stoop on that same side of the house is indicative of a 2nd floor apartment with two entrances to the stairway leading upstairs.
D) Porch roofs constructed of wood frame, aluminum or lightweight materials may provide a suitable platform from which to work.
E) Modern 3 family MDs are often built with three separate entrances that have no common area - requiring PD tactics.
F) Balloon framing construction lacks fire stopping between floors on both interior and exterior walls.
G) Early collapse can be expected in open (no ceiling) or closed (Sheetrock ceiling) lightweight construction.
A) Exterior cellar entrances may be found on the front, rear or sides of PDs and indicate a possible cellar occupancy.
E) Modern 3 family MDs are often built with three separate entrances that have no common area - requiring PD tactics.
(PDs 2, 2.4)
B - Attic occupancy = height of SEVEN (7) feet or more.
C - Lack of windows on side of PD and a secondary entrance with stoop on that same side of the house is indicative of a 2nd floor apartment with ONLY ONE ENTRANCE to the stairway leading upstairs.
D - DO NOT operate on aluminum / lightweight materials.
F - Balloon construction lacks fire stopping between floors on EXTERIOR WALLS ONLY.
G - Early collapse expected in open (no ceiling) LW construction. There is a DANGER of collapse (however not early) in closed (Sheetrock ceiling) construction.
Offset windows on the exposure 2 or 4 side of a private dwelling should be used as necessary for VEIS, especially for known life hazards.
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
PDs 1, 4
Engine 302 arrives at the scene of a fire on the 2nd floor of a private dwelling where fire is showing out of a side window. How many of the following construction features found on the exterior of the PD are indicators of the location of the stairway to the 2nd floor?
- Two secondary entrances found adjacent to each other on the same side of the house, one with a stoop and one at ground level.
- A stoop at the main front entrance to the house.
- A stoop on a secondary side entrance to the house.
- Offset windows found on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the house.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
ANSWER: C) 3 (1/3/4 are CORRECT)
(PDs 1, 4)
- 1,3,4 are all construction features found on the exterior of PDs that indicate the location of the stairway to the 2nd floor.
- A stoop at the main entrance to the house DOES NOT tell you anything about stair location.
All of the following construction features are commonly associated with each type of private dwelling indicated below except?
A) Straight line colonial - Have kitchens with a stairway leading to both the side door and the cellar.
B) Cape Style - Have dormers indicating the likely 2nd floor bedrooms whose easiest access is via portable ladders to windows on the exposure 1 and 3 sides of the house.
C) Queen Anne - may have old hot air ducts and or dumbwaiter shafts.
D) Flat Roof - Have decorative peaks in the front without a window indicating flat roof construction.
ANSWER: B) Cape Style - Have dormers indicating the likely 2nd floor bedrooms whose easiest access is via portable ladders to windows on the exposure 1 and 3 sides of the house. (INCORRECT)
(PDs 1, 3.1)
- Dormers indicate 2nd floor bedrooms whose easiest access is via portable ladders to windows on the exposure TWO (2) and FOUR (4) sides of the house.
- Choice D - Flat roofs may have decorative peaks, however they are not common.
Balloon frame construction is commonly found in which three types of private dwellings?
A) Straight line colonial
B) Cape style
C) Queen Anne
D) Flat Roof
E) Ranch
F) Split level
G) Semi attached
H) Older, larger 2 1/2 - 3 story PDs.
A) Straight line colonial
C) Queen Anne
H) Older, larger 2 1/2 - 3 story PDs.
(PDs 1, 3.1)
- All have balloon framing.
In LW constructed buildings, an adjustment in strategy and tactics will be required when a fire has progressed from a contents fire to a fire involving structural components. Due to the potential failure and early collapse of these LW structural components, a proper risk-reward analysis may determine that a planned coordinated interior attack is not justified. Key size-up indicators for the IC include: Please choose the correct size-up indicator(s) from the list below. (More than 1 correct)
A) Extent of the fire (light, medium, heavy)
B) Location of the fire (top floor, cellar, void spaces)
C) Volume of smoke and fire (light, medium, heavy)
D) Smoke action (pushing, twisting, or rolling under pressure)
(PD 6)
E - Extent of the fire (light, medium, heavy)
L - Location of the fire (top floor, cellar, void spaces)
V - Volume of smoke and fire (light, medium, heavy)
S - Smoke action (pushing, twisting, or rolling under pressure
You are operating as the 2nd ladder company officer at a fire in a private dwelling constructed of lightweight materials on all the floors and the roof. The fire is on the 1st floor and you are about to proceed to the 2nd floor. You would know to consider all of the following prior to proceeding above the fire except which?
A) Location of the fire
B) Extent of the fire
C) Presence of a life hazard (known only)
D) Position and progress of the 1st and 2nd hose lines.
ANSWER: C) Presence of a life hazard (known only)
(FFP PDs 6, 4.4)
When the fire is on the top floor of a building where the roof is constructed using lightweight materials and there is a clear indication that the fire has not entered the cockloft, roof operations shall be limited to which correct item(s) listed below? (More than one right)
A) Checking the rear and sides of the building.
B) Venting the top floor windows after coordinating with the IC only, and skylights if present.
C) Inspecting HVAC duct vents for unusual heat.
D) All of the above
A) Checking the rear and sides of the building
C) Inspecting HVAC duct vents for unusual heat
(FFP PDs 6, 4.3.10)
B - Roof Ops will be limited to venting the top floor windows after coordinating with the LADDER COMPANY OFFICER inside fire area to be vented.
- If fire HAS entered the cockloft = notify IC (no one on roof)
You are operating as the 1st due Engine Officer at a fire in a PD with the following CIDS message:
PD 3 STY 25x60 CL4LW-L/W
Please choose an incorrect engine company tactic at this type of fire?
A) The positioning of the 1st hoseline for a quick knock down of a contents fire that has not extended to the structural components is of paramount importance.
B) A 2nd hose line must be positioned to back up the 1st line.
C) When the 2nd line is needed to address a potential life hazard or is directed by the IC to a location remote from the 1st hose line, a 3rd hose line should be considered as a backup line.
D) When the fire is of such magnitude that it cannot be quickly knocked down with two hose lines, then an outside operation must be considered.
ANSWER: C) When the 2nd line is needed to address a potential life hazard or is directed by the IC to a location remote from the 1st hose line, a 3rd hose line should be considered as a backup line. (INCORRECT)
(FFP PDs 6, 4.2)
- A 3rd line MUST BE stretched as a backup line.
The presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a private dwelling may be an indication of a fire in a _________________.
A) ceiling where the floor is constructed of wood I-beams
B) ceiling where the floor is constructed of metal C-joists
C) ceiling where the floor is constructed of lightweight parallel chord wood truss.
D) None of the above
ANSWER: C) ceiling where the floor is constructed of lightweight parallel chord wood truss.
(FFP PDs 6)
- Also known as “truss loft”
You are conducting drill on general operations while firefighting at a PD constructed of LW materials. Which is an incorrect statement that you made during the drill?
A) A thermal imaging camera should be used to assist in detecting fire and heat in concealed spaces. When inspection holes are made, the TIC should be used to determine if any heat is present in and around metal gusset plates and C-joists.
B) Units operating above the fire should use caution, since the TIC may not always detect the intensity of the fire below. In addition, it may not detect heat or fire where double 5/8” plasterboard is used.
C) Unless the fire is minor, or confined to a small area, the primary emphasis for a fire in a LW building under construction is that of an exterior attack. Exterior streams should be positioned and operated from safe areas outside the collapse zone.
D) When fire is found in a vertical void, the cellar space should be promptly checked for extension within the limits of safety.
ANSWER: D) When fire is found in a vertical void, the cellar space should be promptly checked for extension within the limits of safety. (INCORRECT)
(FFP PDs 6, 4.1.5)
- COCKLOFT/ATTIC should be promptly checked
Once fire enters the concealed space containing lightweight trusses or joists, it can rapidly travel to remote locations. The IC shall immediately be notified. All members shall be directed not to enter the fire area or areas directly above the fire until the IC determines the risk of a planned coordinated interior attack. The above statements are especially true with which of the following constructed material(s) listed below? (More than one correct)
A) Open web lightweight parallel chord wood truss
B) Composite truss
C) Laminated wood I-beams
D) Metal C-Joists
A) Open web lightweight parallel chord wood truss
B) Composite truss
(FFP PDs 6, 4.1.4)
You are operating at a fire in a private dwelling where lightweight construction is suspected, you would know that the examination of what voids shall be conducted as soon as conditions permit?
A) Wall
B) Floor
C) Ceiling
D) All of the above
ANSWER: C) Ceiling
(FFP PDs 6, 4.1.2)
- Try to determine the LW technique used.
Under fire conditions, the “Space Joists” will not react the same as other lightweight (wood or metal) trusses. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
(FFP PDs 6, 3.5)
- Under fire conditions, the composite truss will react the same as other lightweight (wood or metal) trusses, they will lose strength and fail rapidly.
A heavy fire and smoke condition on a floor or in the cellar of a private dwelling accompanied by little or no smoke on the floor or floors above may be an indication of a concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel (Q-decking) supported by __________________.
A) Lightweight Parallel Wood Chord Truss
B) Laminated Wood I-Beams
C) Metal C-Joists
D) Composite truss
ANSWER: C) Metal C-Joists
(FFP PDs 6, 3.4.3)
- Early floor collapse in these buildings.
Please choose an incorrect item in regards to Metal C-joists.
A) This type of support system uses lightweight cold-formed steel joists to support the floors and/or roof.
B) In order to stabilize the building, the joists must be braced with strapping and/or blocking to prevent them from twisting.
C) Metal C-joists may come with pre-drilled holes for plumbing and electrical lines.
D) A newer type of C-joist, with design characteristics similar to laminated wood I-beams, has larger openings that allows for the easier running of utilities, and the potential for fire and heat spread is significantly greater.
E) When exposed to fire and/or high heat, these lightweight steel joists will lose strength and fail rapidly.
ANSWER: D) A newer type of C-joist, with design characteristics similar to laminated wood I-beams, has larger openings that allows for the easier running of utilities, and the potential for fire and heat spread is significantly greater. (INCORRECT)
(FFP PDs 6, 3.4)
- Metal C-Joists are a newer type of C-Joist, with designs similar to LIGHTWEIGHT PARALLEL WOOD CHORD TRUSS, has larger openings that allow for easier running of utilities, and the potential for fire and heat spread is significantly greater.
Please choose a correct item in regards to Lamimated Wood I-Beams?
A) This type of support system is primarily comprised of 1/2” oriental strand board (OSB) or 3/8” - 1/2” plywood web members, and 2x3” or 2x4” wood flanges.
B) The web is fitted and nailed into a routed slot in the top and bottom flanges.
C) In some cases, they may span lengths of over 45 feet, never more than 60 feet.
D) The strength of the beam is a function of the depth of the flange and the mass of the web. These beams are usually connected to load bearing walls with sheet metal joist hangers.
ANSWER: A) This type of support system is primarily comprised of 1/2” oriental strand board (OSB) or 3/8” - 1/2” plywood web members, and 2x3” or 2x4” wood flanges.
(FFP PDs 6, 3.3)
B - Web is GLUED not nailed
C - They may span lengths of OVER 60 FEET.
D - Strength of beam is a function of the MASS of the flange and the DEPTH of the web.
Please choose an incorrect item in regards to Lightweight Parallel Chord Wood Truss.
A) When lightweight wood trusses are exposed to fire, high heat, or, prolonged exposure to water, the gang nails may loosen and fail, causing the entire span of that particular truss section to fail.
B) The surface to mass ratio of the wood trusses provides an abundant fuel source, and the air supply in the concealed truss void allows for rapid horizontal extension.
C) Due to the open web characteristic of the truss system, fire which has entered a ceiling (truss loft) or roof space (cockloft/attic) may likely affect all truss supports on that level, creating the potential for a large scale collapse of the area supported by the affected trusses.
D) This type of support system is made up of 2x3” or 2x4” wooden web and chord members, these members are the weakest point of the support system.
ANSWER: D) This type of support system is made up of 2x3” or 2x4” wooden web and chord members, these members are the weakest point of the support system. (INCORRECT)
(FFP PDs 6, 3.2)
- GANG NAILS (Gusset Plates) are the weakest point
The most common type of peaked roof found in private dwellings using lightweight construction is the ____________________.
A) open web lightweight wood truss
B) closed web lightweight wood truss
C) wood I-beams
D) metal c-joists
ANSWER: A) open web lightweight wood truss
PD 6
Please choose an incorrect general construction deficiency found in private dwellings constructed of lightweight construction?
A) Inadequate fire stopping
B) Improperly installed metal gang nails
C) Inadequate bracing
D) Out of plumb structural components
E) Cracked or damaged truss components
F) Unauthorized alterations
G) Protected wood floor joists
ANSWER: G) Protected wood floor joists (INCORRECT)
(FFP PDs 6, 2.2.5)
- UNPROTECTED wood floor joists
Please choose the correct lightweight construction description(s) from the list below? (More than one correct)
A) The strength of a lightweight system is obtained through the interconnection of multiple structural components providing support in compression only.
B) The decrease in size and mass of the individual structural components will impact the stability of all other structural components; if one fails, the other may fail as well.
C) In any building construction, the critical area subject to failure as a result of fire is the point of connection.
D) All of the above
B) The decrease in size and mass of the individual structural components will impact the stability of all other structural components; if one fails, the other may fail as well.
C) In any building construction, the critical area subject to failure as a result of fire is the point of connection.
(FFP PDs, chapter 6, 1.4)
A - Compression AND TENSION.
If the size up of a lightweight PD fire determines that the fire involves only the contents and has not extended to the structural components, then standard tactics for PD fires are generally appropriate. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: A) Agree
PDs 6, section 4.6.4
Which member brings the first saw to the roof for a cellar fire at a 2 story flat roof private dwelling?
A) 2nd due roof FF
B) 2nd due OV FF
C) No saw is bought to the roof for cellar fires
D) Saw is bought to the roof by roof FF of extra ladder on initial alarm, if they are special called
ANSWER: A) 2nd due Roof FF
(Private Dwellings Ch 4 sec 7.2 A)
- The 2nd roof brings the 6’ halligan hook and SAW regardless of where the fire is located in a flat roof PD.
- 1st roof FF brings a Life Saving Rope to the roof when there will be a delay in laddering the rear of the building due to attached exposures and/or the height of the building requires the LSR.
- 1st roof FF tools are a Halligan, 6’ halligan hook and life saving rope.
Private dwelling fires challenge the expertise of firefighting forces and require a coordinated team effort. From a firefighting and fire protection standpoint, what is the major weakness in private dwelling fires?
A) Balloon frame construction
B) Open and unenclosed stairway
C) Open joist construction in the cellar
D) Lack of built-in fire stopping in exterior walls
ANSWER: B) Open and unenclosed stairway
PD Chapter 1 Sec 2
For fires in “traditional” private dwellings built of ordinary/wood frame construction, early collapse is not a primary consideration. At these types of buildings, depending on the duration and intensity of the fire, the size of the structural components, and the type of construction involved, the amount of time before collapse occurs is generally estimated to be ___. However, when there is no ceiling to provide protection, therefore exposing structural components, failure can occur within ___.
A) 20 minutes; 5 to 10 minutes
B) 60 minutes; 20 minutes
C) 60 minutes; 5 to 10 minutes
D) 30 minutes; 15 minutes
ANSWER: B) 60 minutes; 20 minutes
FFP - PDs Ch. 6 1.6
Which of the following statements provides correct information pertaining to the description of Queen Anne private dwellings?
A) Braced frame construction is most common and early attempts at built-in fire stopping are negated by poor workmanship, open holes for house service lines etc.
B) Large open stairs in the living room connect the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors.
C) A narrow rear or side stair may lead directly to the 3rd floor from the 1st floor.
D) The fire escape will be attached to a non-combustible wall. Careful consideration should be given to its use due to age, or if that wall is exposed to or involved in fire.
ANSWER: C) A narrow rear or side stair may lead directly to the 3rd floor from the 1st floor.
A - BALLOON frame construction is most common
B - Large Open stair connects 1st and 2nd floors
D - Fire escape will be attached to a COMBUSTIBLE wall
(PD Chapter 1 3.3)
The following features are common in private dwellings and create special fire safety and firefighting problems. Indicate the incorrect statement.
A) Some homes provide access to the attic via pull-down type stairs with a rope attached for ease of use. These are lightweight stairs and should not be used for attic access or line advancement unless absolutely necessary.
B) Open joist construction in the cellar combined with heavy fire and an overloaded first floor, may cause an early collapse of the first floor. This can be either a local or a complete collapse.
C) The presence of a stoop at a secondary entrance on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the building may indicate that the entrance leads to a second floor stairway.
D) When multiple secondary entrances (one with a stoop, and one at ground level) are found adjacent to each other on the same side (exposure 2 or 4) of the building, the entrance at the ground level will most likely have a few steps leading to the kitchen and also half flight of stairs leading to the cellar.
A. …should not be used for attic access or line advancement. A portable ladder should be used.
PD Chapter 1 Sec 4
ANSWER: A) Some homes provide access to the attic via pull-down type stairs with a rope attached for ease of use. These are lightweight stairs and should not be used for attic access or line advancement unless absolutely necessary. (INCORRECT)
A - Should not be used for attic access or line advancement. A portable ladder should be used.
(PD Chapter 1 Sec 4)
Size-up begins with the receipt of the alarm and continues until the fire is under control. The following are factors that can be included in the size-up for engine and ladder companies operating at private dwellings. Which one is correct?
A) Inside ladder company operations are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked. This information must be transmitted with the signal 10-75, if this can be determined upon arrival.
B) Balloon frame construction lacks fire stopping between the floors on interior walls, allowing for rapid fire extension.
C) The lack of windows on the side of a PD combined with a secondary entrance on that side of the house with a stoop is indicative of a possible second floor apartment with the only entrance to the second floor from that side of the house.
D) Possible indications of attic occupancy may be: attic area with a dormer, adequate height (approximately six feet in the attic), air conditioner at attic level, and/or windows of fair size and normal appearance with curtains and drapes.
ANSWER: C) The lack of windows on the side of a PD combined with a secondary entrance on that side of the house with a stoop is indicative of a possible second floor apartment with the only entrance to the second floor from that side of the house.
(PD Chapter 2: 2.4; 2.6; 2.7)
A - OUTSIDE ladder company operations are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked.
B - Balloon frame construction lacks fire stopping between floors on EXTERIOR WALLS
D - Attic height is approximately SEVEN FEET
Cellars in private dwellings that are used for living quarters may contain large amounts of combustible household items, contributing to a large fire load. Which of the following indications of a cellar fire is incorrect?
A) Smoke pushing from the chimney (especially during warmer weather).
B) Smoke from the attic windows or louvered vents, especially in newer homes with lightweight construction.
C) Very hot floorboards on the 1st floor or smoke showing from the baseboard areas on the first floor.
D) High heat and heavy smoke with no visible fire on the first floor.
ANSWER: B) Smoke from the attic windows or louvered vents, especially in newer homes with lightweight construction. (INCORRECT)
(PD Chapter 3: 2.2)
B - Especially in OLDER homes with BALLOON FRAME construction.
You’re the company officer working in a busy Queens Engine Company discussing line placement at cellar fires in private dwellings. You make the following comments to your members but you’re incorrect in which one?
A) The first hose line should be stretched to the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish the fire.
B) The BILCO door should not be utilized for hoseline placement unless it is the fastest option.
C) The second line is initially positioned outside the fire building as a back-up for the first line.
D) Depending on where the first line was stretched and the progress of this hoseline, the IC should consider having the second hoseline stretched into an exposure.
ANSWER: B) The BILCO door should not be utilized for hoseline placement unless it is the fastest option. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings 2.7.1; 2.8.2)
- Bilco doors shall not be used unless its the ONLY option
In rare instances there may be a situation where the first hoseline was advanced through the main entrance of a private dwelling, and units are unable to locate an interior cellar entrance, and there is no other hoseline available on scene to attempt entry via the secondary entrance. If the decision is made to reposition the first hoseline to a secondary entrance which of the following tactics is correct?
A) Only a Chief officer can make this decision.
B) The IC shall transmit an URGENT message utilizing the emergency alert button to broadcast this to all members and ensure acknowledgment is received from all units/members on scene.
C) Ladder company members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before the first hoseline is repositioned from that floor.
D) Members operating on the upper floors must be withdrawn to a safe area.
ANSWER: C) Ladder company members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before the first hoseline is repositioned from that floor.
(Private Dwellings Ch 3: 2.7.4)
B - Ensure acknowledgement is received from all units/members OPERATING IN THE INTERIOR.
Units are operating at an advanced cellar fire in a private dwelling. First alarm units are on scene and in proper position including 3 engines 2 ladders and the first BC. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding this operation?
A) When entering the first floor main entrance above a cellar fire, smoke showing significant force and speed under pressure will indicate that the interior cellar door is open.
B0 Members operating on the first floor above a cellar fire must be aware that they are operating in a very dangerous area. This is particularly important when members are working over lightweight constructed floors, regardless of fire severity.
C) Since the first engine is unable to quickly access or locate a secondary cellar entrance, their officer orders the line operated into the cellar window for a quick knockdown.
D) The primary consideration for members operating on the first floor above a cellar fire is to close the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
ANSWER: C) Since the first engine is unable to quickly access or locate a secondary cellar entrance, their officer orders the line operated into the cellar window for a quick knockdown. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 3: 2.5; 2.6)
S - Secondary cellar entrance cannot be accessed or located quickly
A - Advancing down interior stairs cannot be done
A - Advanced/serious fire
L - Locating any cellar entrance cannot be done
L - Lightweight construction
E -Emergency such as members trapped by fire in cellar or endangered by fire because of collapse
You’re the engine company officer arriving first due to a fully involved private dwelling. Your unit takes the following actions one of which is incorrect:
A) Your members performed a backstretch to the hydrant, dropping two lines in front of the fire building: one handline and one 3 ½ inch line for supplying a Tower Ladder.
B) The first hoseline was operated on the exterior to protect exposures before entering the fire building.
C) You considered having a 2 ½ inch line stretched for faster knockdown, greater reach of the stream, increased volume of water and increased exposure protection.
D) Buildings fully involved have an increased collapse potential and require a complete evaluation by the IC before entering.
ANSWER: A) Your members performed a backstretch to the hydrant, dropping two lines in front of the fire building: one handline and one 3 ½ inch line for supplying a Tower Ladder. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 3 Section 5)
- They should drop TWO HANDLINES in front of the building.
- Consider 2 ½ inch line at PD’s for: “WHIFE”
W - Wind impacted fire
H - Heavily Involved 1st FL fire in large PD (Queen Anne)
IF - Fully involved building
E - Exposure protection
The four most common types of lightweight systems that may be encountered in private dwellings include all of the following except:
A) Composite Truss
B) Bowstring Truss
C) Laminated Wood I-Beams
D) Lightweight Parallel Chord Truss
ANSWER: B) Bowstring Truss (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6 3.1)
B - Metal C-Joists
Fire extension at a wood frame private dwelling is a major concern for operating members. When discussing fire extension with her members, a company officer made the following remarks. Which one of them was incorrect?
A) Although balloon framing is very common in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2 ½ - 3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction.
B) In this type of construction, the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill (located on the top of the foundation wall), to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate.
C) A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If a sole plate is found, treat the building as balloon construction.
D) In platform construction the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor.
ANSWER: C) A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If a sole plate is found, treat the building as balloon construction. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 3.1; 3.3)
- If NONE is found treat the building as balloon frame construction.
Which general area of responsibility for the first ladder company to arrive at a fire in a private dwelling is listed incorrectly?
A) Attempt an examination of the cellar for fire.
B) Primary search of the perimeter.
C) Roof ventilation of peaked roof buildings.
D) All exterior ventilation (horizontal and vertical) must be controlled, communicated and coordinated by the ladder company officer inside the fire area to be vented.
ANSWER: C) Roof ventilation of peaked roof buildings.
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 4.1)
- 1st Truck responsible for ventilation of FLAT roof bldg.
- Roof ventilation if needed (peaked roof) is the responsibility of the SECOND LADDER COMPANY.
You’re the officer of the first arriving ladder company at a fire on the first floor of peaked roof private dwelling. There are reports of someone trapped in the rear of the second floor. Your units takes the following actions. Which one is incorrect?
A) If manpower and conditions permit, have members conduct an examination of the cellar to determine if the fire started at this location.
B) Members proceeding to the side or rear must visually examine cellar windows to determine interior fire conditions. They shall not vent the windows unless orders by the ladder company officer.
C) There was no visible life hazard, so the roof/OV team performed VEIS of the rear of the first floor.
D) The first ladder company officer is the only one who can initiate the request for additional ventilation on the first floor.
ANSWER: C) There was no visible life hazard, so the roof/OV team performed VEIS of the rear of the first floor. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 5.1; 5.2)
- If there is no visible life hazard, perform VEIS of an area on an UPPER FLOOR that is most likely to be occupied.
You’re a ladder company officer drilling with your members on the duties of the second to arrive ladder company at a top floor fire of a peaked roof private dwelling. Which responsibility described below is incorrect?
A) Check the floors below to ensure the fire did not start on or drop down to lower floors.
B) Members must remain on the floor below until needed.
C) At top floor fires in detached PD’s, examine the exposures for possible extension.
D) The Roof/OV team should be assigned to vent the roof when necessary.
ANSWER: C) At top floor fires in detached PD’s, examine the exposures for possible extension. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 5.5 #6)
- At top floor fires in ATTACHED PDs
Tower Ladder 200 arrived second due to a fire on the first floor of a peaked roof private dwelling. Ladder 100 is already on-scene and operating as per department SOP’s. Members of TL200 took the following actions. Which one was incorrect?
A) The Roof/OV team took a 6’ halligan hook and a halligan for each member.
B) The Roof/OV team vented the roof as directed by their officer.
C) With the Roof/OV team utilizing the bucket for VEIS, the LCC remained on the turntable until the fire was controlled and members inside were not in immediate danger.
D) After determining that the second arriving apparatus would not be used, the LCC contacted the first arriving LCC to determine if assistance was required.
ANSWER: B) The Roof/OV team vented the roof as directed by their officer. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 5.8)
Members of your unit are drilling on ladder company tactics at peaked roof private dwellings. They are discussing the tactical use of both tower ladders and aerial ladders. They are also instructing the junior firefighter about proper positioning of portable ladders. Which one of the comments made by your members was correct?
A) The preferred position of the tower ladder is parallel to the front of the building, so the basket can be placed to the “valley” area where a hook ladder can be used to reach the peak.
B) The aerial ladder shall be positioned to facilitate raising and extending the ladder over the corner of the building. Extend the ladder at least 2 feet above and to one side of the peak.
C) The aerial ladder is the most versatile, efficient and safest method to ventilate the roof.
D) A portable extension ladder may be used from the porch roof to the main peak.
ANSWER: D) A portable extension ladder may be used from the porch roof to the main peak.
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 6.2)
C - THE TOWER LADDER is the most versatile, efficient and safest.
Units are taking up from a 2nd alarm in a peaked roof Queen Anne private dwelling. Due to the heavy body of fire, the Incident Commander had ladder company members ventilate the roof to relieve interior conditions and facilitate the extinguishment of the fire. Which tactic mentioned below was incorrect?
A) The first hole was made at the main gable.
B) Members operated the power saw from the basket of the tower ladder.
C) After the hole was cut, the ceiling on the top floor was pushed down with a 6-foot hook.
D) Members realized that if they were to cut the roof with an axe, the opening would be limited to the members reach, but would generally be about 2’ X 3’.
ANSWER: C) After the hole was cut, the ceiling on the top floor was pushed down with a 6-foot hook.
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 6.3)
- 10’ hook for QUEEN ANNE.
You are the first to arrive ladder company officer at a flat roof attached private dwelling of ordinary brick construction. CIDS indicates that there are firewalls between each building. Your roof firefighter takes the following actions. Which one is correct?
A) She realized that she must take the LSR as part of her tool assignment for any flat roof private dwelling.
B) She understood that the immediate adjoining building must not be used for roof access despite offering the easiest access to the interior.
C) She took a scissor ladder to a similar uninvolved attached exposure top floor to gain access to the roof via the scuttle.
D) Once she realized that a LSR rescue was required, she contacted the first OV via HT for assistance on the roof.
ANSWER: C) She took a scissor ladder to a similar uninvolved attached exposure top floor to gain access to the roof via the scuttle.
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 7.1)
B - Use of an attached exposure for interior access to the roof depends on the type of building construction. In ATTACHED WOOD FRAME type P.D.’s the immediate adjoining building should not be used due to the possibility of cockloft involvement. For attached P.D.’s of ORDINARY BRICK CONSTRUCTION WHERE FIREWALLS EXIST BETWEEN BUILDINGS, choose the building offering the easiest access to its interior.
D - She contacted THE CHAUFFER
Which tool assignment listed below is incorrect for flat roof private dwellings?
A) 1st Roof Firefighter: Halligan, 6’ Halligan Hook, LSR (when necessary)
B) 1st OV: Halligan and/or 6’ Hook and Saw
C) 2nd Roof: 6’ Halligan Hook and Saw
D) 2nd OV: Portable ladder, Halligan and/or 6’ Hook
ANSWER: B) 1st OV: Halligan and/or 6’ Hook & Saw (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 7.1 and 7.2)
- Halligan and/or 6’ Hook and PORTABLE LADDER
Members of your unit are conducting MUD at a two family private dwelling. They are discussing operational variations as compared to single family private dwellings. Which comment below is correct regarding ladder company operations at two family private dwellings?
A) Access to the second floor is via an unenclosed stairway.
B) At two family PD’s, there will not be the initial rapid buildup of smoke on the second floor.
C) For a 1st floor fire, if there’s no visible life hazard discovered by the first arriving ladder’s Roof/OV team, they shall VEIS the second floor windows and assist in searches.
D) There are some private dwellings designed with a separate small apartment located at the ground floor or below grade level. These apartments will always have a secondary means of egress.
ANSWER: B) At two family PD’s, there will not be the initial rapid buildup of smoke on the second floor.
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 9.1; 9.2; 9.3)
A - Access to the 2nd floor is via an ENCLOSED stairway.
C - VEIS the FIRST FLOOR windows
D - These apartments may have a separate and distinct entrance AS THE ONLY MEANS OF EGRESS.
You’re the first arriving ladder company arriving at a fire in the cellar of a semi-attached private dwelling. The first line is being stretched to a secondary entrance on the exposure 2 side of the fire building because it provides the quickest access to the cellar. The second ladder company has just pulled up and proceeds according to department SOP’s. Which action taken at this operation is incorrect?
A) The first arriving ladder company proceeded via the main entrance to conduct a primary search of the first floor prior to proceeding down the interior cellar stairs.
B) The first ladder company is responsible for the primary search of the cellar.
C) The interior door that leads to the first floor at the top of the stairs to the cellar was maintained closed.
D) The second ladder company inside team provided VEIS of all floors above the cellar.
ANSWER: A) The first arriving ladder company proceeded via the main entrance to conduct a primary search of the first floor prior to proceeding down the interior cellar stairs. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 10.1; 10.3.1; 10.3.2)
- The first ladder inside team should proceed to the SAME ENTRANCE AS THE FIRST HOSELINE, to provide entry for the engine company.
All of the following would preclude the descent of the first hoseline down the interior cellar stairs during a Private Dwelling fire except?
A) High Heat conditions at the top of the stairs
B) Questionable stability of the stairway
C) Initial size-up indicating a serious fire condition
D) High Heat conditions at the bottom of the stairs
ANSWER: D: High Heat conditions at the bottom of the stairs (INCORRECT)
- High Heat conditions at the TOP of the stairs as stated in choice A
(Private Dwellings ch sec 2.7.2)
The Staten Island dispatcher is getting multiple calls for a cellar fire in a 2 story unattached flat roof PD. Which members tool assignment requires him/her to bring the first saw to the roof?
A) 2nd Roof FF
B) 2nd OV FF
C) Roof FF of extra truck that was special called
D) No saw is bought for a cellar fire in a 2 story flat roof PD
ANSWER: A) 2nd Roof FF
(PD ch 4 sec 7.2 A)
- Whether the fire is in the cellar, first floor, or top floor, it is ALWAYS the 2nd due roof FF that brings the first saw to the roof.
Which unit is responsible for shutting the utilities at a Private Dwelling fire?
A) 1st arriving Ladder Company
B) 2nd arriving Ladder Company
C) Rescue
D) Squad
ANSWER: B) 2nd arriving Ladder Company
Private Dwellings ch 4 sec 4.2
Due to their large size, elaborate construction features (especially the attic and roof area) and unique internal features, Queen Anne type private dwellings present a more complex fire problem than the average private dwelling. Due to the number of firefighters that may be needed for portable ladder rescue and the number of sleeping areas that may have to be entered and searched, it is good practice for the IC to _____ at fires in Queen Anne PDs.
A) Special call an additional engine and ladder company
B) Special call an additional engine company
C) Special call an additional ladder company
D) Transmit a second alarm
ANSWER: C) Special call an additional ladder company.
Private Dwellings Ch 4: 8.4
At a cellar fire in a private dwelling where the quickest access to the cellar is through the main entrance, the first arriving ladder company inside team shall enter through the main dwelling entrance on the first floor to initiate searches and locate the top of the interior cellar stairs. Which additional tactic mentioned below is incorrect?
A) The first ladder company shall maintain door control of the main entrance door until a charged hoseline advances via the main entrance.
B) The first arriving ladder company inside team will perform a primary search of the first floor prior to descending into the cellar to perform the primary search of the cellar.
C) If the engine company requires assistance in order to advance the line through the cellar, the ladder company officer and one member of the interior team will provide assistance.
D) The second ladder company will report to the IC and augment search operations and ventilation efforts on all floors above the cellar.
ANSWER: C) If the engine company requires assistance in order to advance the line through the cellar, the ladder company officer and one member of the interior team will provide assistance. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 10.4)
Captain James responds as the first due engine to a cellar fire in a private dwelling. She has the following thoughts but was incorrect in which one?
A) The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to a fire in the cellar when an interior attack is ordered is via the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire area.
B) At an advanced cellar fire, the IC (Chief or Company Officer) should consider ordering an exterior hoseline operated into the cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown.
C) If necessary, the decision to reposition the first hoseline from the main entrance to a secondary entrance can only be made by the Incident Commander (Chief or Company Officer).
D) Ladder company members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before the first hoseline is repositioned from that floor.
ANSWER: C) If necessary, the decision to reposition the first hoseline from the main entrance to a secondary entrance can only be made by the Incident Commander (Chief or Company Officer). (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Chapter 3 1.7, 2.6, 2.7.4)
- If necessary, the decision to reposition the first hoseline from the main entrance to a secondary entrance can only be made by AN ACTING CHIEF OFFICER/CHIEF OFFICER.
Which of the following statements regarding private dwellings built with lightweight construction is incorrect?
A) In private dwellings constructed with lightweight materials, when fire extends from the building’s contents to its structural components, collapse may occur within 5 to 10 minutes.
B) Collapse is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials.
C) Areas unsupported by columns with spans greater than 25’ are generally an indication that lightweight construction is present.
D) It is critical that any member becoming aware of lightweight construction notify their company officer.
ANSWER: D) It is critical that any member becoming aware of lightweight construction notify their company officer. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 1.7; 1.8; 1.9)
Understanding the construction features of private dwellings built of lightweight materials is important to safely operating at fires in these types of buildings. Which description below is correct?
A) Attached or semi-attached private dwellings are normally separated by a fire wall that may extend through the attic/cockloft.
B) During renovations, it is not permissible to combine ordinary construction and lightweight construction within the same structure.
C) In attached structures, double 5/8”-1” plasterboard is used on the partition walls between structures. This will always prevent fire extension between structures.
D) On exterior walls, the heavier type of exterior finishing products (stone or brick veneer) may be anchored to the structure with metal straps or wire mesh. These walls will tend to break apart before they fail when exposed to fire and high heat.
ANSWER: A) Attached or semi-attached private dwellings are normally separated by a fire wall that may extend through the attic/cockloft.
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 2.1.1; 2.1.3; 2.2.1; 2.2.2)
B - A combination of both lightweight and ordinary construction MAY BE USED in the same structure (i.e. renovated private dwellings).
C - In attached structures, double 5/8”- 1” plasterboard is used on the partition walls between structures. When these fire-resistant barriers are compromised by shoddy workmanship or renovations, FIRE MAY EXTEND INTO THE STRUCTURE WHERE THESE LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIALS ARE PRESENT.
D - The heavier type of exterior finishing products (stone or brick veneer) may be anchored to the structure with metal straps or wire mesh. These walls MAY POTENTIALLY FAIL AS ONE COMPLETE UNIT WHEN EXPOSED TO FIRE AND HIGH HEAT.
First alarm units are operating at the scene of a stubborn cellar fire in a 2 1/2-story peaked roof private dwelling. Size-up indicates a serious fire in the cellar. The main entrance is in the front of the dwelling, and there is a secondary entrance on the exposure 4 side. It has been determined that the quickest access to the cellar is through the main entrance on the first floor. Which action below is correct at this operation?
A) The first engine advanced the first hoseline through the front door and down the interior cellar stairs.
B) Only a Chief Officer may consider ordering an exterior hoseline operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown.
C) The first arriving ladder company inside team will assume responsibility for primary search of the first floor and floors above.
D) The second arriving ladder inside team will coordinate their advance with the second hoseline into the cellar via the main entrance.
ANSWER: C) The first arriving ladder company inside team will assume responsibility for primary search of the first floor and floors above.
(Private Dwellings Ch 3 - 2.6, 2.7.2; Ch 4 Section 10.4.2)
A - The first engine advanced the first hoseline through the front door and MAINTAINS ITS POSITION ON THE FIRST FLOOR (IF SAFETY ALLOWS) UNTIL THE CELLAR FIRE IS CONTROLLED.
NOTE: A “serious fire condition” (AS STATED IN THE QUESTION) is one of the conditions that would preclude the descent of the first hoseline down the interior stairs. The other two are: high heat conditions at the top of the stairs and questionable stability of the stairs.
B - THE IC (CHIEF OR COMPANY OFFICER) may consider ordering an exterior hoseline operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown.
D - The second arriving ladder inside team will coordinate their advance with the second hoseline into the cellar via the SECONDARY entrance.
What is the most common type of peaked roof found in lightweight construction?
A) Laminated wood I-Beams
B) Metal C-joists
C) Composite Truss
D) Open-web lightweight wood truss
ANSWER: D) Open-web lightweight wood truss
Private Dwellings Ch 6: 2.2.5 A
Identification of lightweight construction in private dwellings is critical to effectively managing fire operations in these buildings. Which comment below is incorrect regarding identification of this construction feature?
A) When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC shall be notified immediately and interior operations must be suspended until a further assessment of structural stability and collapse potential can be made.
B) It is mandatory that the eCIDS program be utilized to identify buildings of lightweight construction so that units are notified prior to arrival.
C) Lightweight buildings under construction, within a units administrative area, should be subject of company familiarization drills.
D) Private dwellings with lightweight construction are generally 1-3 stories in height, and have either flat or peaked roof.
ANSWER: A) When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC shall be notified immediately and interior operations must be suspended until a further assessment of structural stability and collapse potential can be made. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 1.10; 1.11; 1.12; 2.1.1)
- When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC shall be notified immediately and IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO REMOVE MEMBERS OR SUSPEND INTERIOR OPERATIONS until a further assessment of structural stability and collapse potential can be made.
Which description of a lightweight parallel chord wood truss is incorrect?
A) This type of support system is made up of 2x3” or 2x4” wooden web and chord members connected with sheet metal gusset plates.
B) The gusset plates penetrate 1/4”-1/2” into the wooden truss member.
C) The web is the weakest point of the support system.
D) Due to the open-web characteristic of the truss system, fire which has entered a ceiling (trussloft) or roof space (cockloft/attic) may likely affect all truss supports on that level.
ANSWER: C) The web is the weakest point of the support system. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 3.2; 3.2.1)
- The GANG NAILS (AKA GUSSET PLATES) are the weakest point in the support system.
The NYC Building Code requires lightweight constructed spaces between the ceiling and the floor above or the ceiling and the roof above to be divided into approximately equal areas of ___ sq. ft. or less unless the building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system.
A) 250
B) 500
C) 750
D) 1000
ANSWER: B) 500
Private Dwellings Ch 6: 2.2.6 A
Laminated wood I-Beams are primarily comprised of 1/2” oriented strand board or 3/8”-1/2” plywood members, and 2x3” or 2x4” wood flanges. Which of the following statements regarding these types of beams is correct?
A) In some cases, they span lengths of over 80 feet.
B) The strength of the beam is a function of the mass of the web and depth of the flange.
C) These beams are usually connected to non-load bearing walls with sheet metal joist hangers.
D) A fire-retardant material sprayed on the beam will tend to dry out the wood over time.
ANSWER: D) A fire-retardant material sprayed on the beam will tend to dry out the wood over time.
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 3.3.1; 3.3.2)
A - SIXTY (60) feet
B - The strength of the beam is a function of the MASS OF THE FLANGE and DEPTH OF THE WEB.
C - These beams are usually connected to LOAD BEARING WALLS with sheet metal joist hangers.
Metal C-Joist construction has become very common in recent years. Understanding the properties and drawbacks of this type of construction is key to safely operating at buildings constructed with this material. Which statement below is incorrect?
A) In order to stabilize the building, these joists must be braced with strapping and/or blocking to prevent them from twisting.
B) A newer type C-Joist, with design characteristics similar to lightweight parallel chord wood truss, has larger openings that allows for the easier running of utilities, and the potential for fire and heat spread is significantly greater.
C) This type of support system may be used to support the roof of a private dwelling.
D) A heavy fire and smoke condition on a floor accompanied by a heavy smoke condition on the floor above may be an indication of a concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel (Q-decking) supported by C-Joists.
ANSWER: D) A heavy fire and smoke condition on a floor accompanied by a heavy smoke condition on the floor above may be an indication of a concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel (Q-decking) supported by C-Joists. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 3.4)
- A heavy fire and smoke condition on a floor accompanied by LITTLE OR NO SMOKE condition on the floor above may be an indication of a concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel (Q-decking) supported by C-Joists.
A composite truss is another type of lightweight construction that units may encounter in the field. Which characteristic of composite trusses is described correctly?
A) This type of truss system is similar in design to laminated wood I-Beams.
B) This type of truss is comprised of steel only.
C) A composite truss is commercially known as a space joist.
D) Under fire conditions, the composite truss reacts differently than other lightweight trusses, and will maintain its strength for longer periods of time.
ANSWER: C) A composite truss is commercially known as a space joist.
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 3.5)
A - This type of truss system is similar in design to PARALLEL CHORD WOOD TRUSS.
B - This type of truss is comprised of TWO TYPES OF MATERIALS: WOOD AND STEEL.
When operating at a private dwelling constructed of lightweight materials it is critical that all firefighting units are made aware that a lightweight support system is present. Which general operating procedure at these types of buildings is incorrect?
A) When lightweight construction is suspected, an immediate examination of the ceiling voids shall be conducted as soon as conditions permit.
B) Once lightweight construction is discovered, this information shall be transmitted to IC for relay to the borough dispatcher.
C) When fire enters a confined space containing lightweight trusses or joists, it can rapidly travel to remote locations especially when dealing with metal c-joists and laminated wood I-beams.
D) When heated gases build up in the concealed spaces of a trussloft and attic/cockloft, there is a much greater potential for backdraft to occur.
ANSWER: C) When fire enters a confined space containing lightweight trusses or joists, it can rapidly travel to remote locations especially when dealing with metal c-joists and laminated wood I-beams. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4)
- When fire enters a confined space containing lightweight trusses or joists, it can rapidly travel to remote locations especially when dealing with THE OPEN-WEB DESIGN OF LIGHTWEIGHT PARALLEL CHORD WOOD AND COMPOSITE TRUSSES.
- Wording is a bit different for 4.1.2 and 4.3.1. One says as soon as conditions permit and the other says immediately upon arrival.
- When lightweight construction is suspected, the first arriving ladder company shall make an inspection hole in the ceiling from a safe area in order to determine the type of support system present. This critical task shall be done immediately upon arrival.
You’re a company officer discussing engine company tactics at private dwellings built using lightweight construction materials. You make the following comments. Which one is incorrect?
A) The positioning of the 1st hoseline for a quick knock-down of a contents fire that has not extended to the structural components is of paramount importance.
B) The 2nd hoseline must be positioned on the floor above.
C) The IC shall special call an additional engine company for a structural fire in a building constructed of lightweight materials.
D) When the fire is of such magnitude that it cannot be knocked down with two hoselines, then an outside operation must be considered.
ANSWER: B) The 2nd hoseline must be positioned on the floor above.
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 4.2)
- A 2nd hoseline must be positioned to BACK UP THE 1ST LINE.
At private dwelling fires constructed of lightweight material which method shall the nozzle firefighter employ while advancing the hoseline?
A) The standing method
B) The crawling method.
C) The duckwalk method.
D) The leg forward method.
ANSWER: D) The leg forward method.
(Private Dwellings - CH 6 4.2.6)
- The leg forward method due to the potential of fire and heat weakening the floor system and causing a collapse.
CROSS REF: Engine Ops Ch 5 5.3.14
You’re the first ladder company officer operating at a fire on the second floor of a private dwelling. You suspect that it may be constructed of lightweight materials. Your unit takes the following actions. Which one is incorrect?
A) An inspection hole was made in the ceiling of the first floor immediately upon arrival to determine the type of support system present.
B) The examination of the ceiling on the floor below was done immediately after the main body of fire was knocked down.
C) You ordered your members to make an inspection hole in the ceiling before entering any room that was involved in fire.
D) You ensured your members did not make any additional openings beyond the inspection holes without a charged line in position.
ANSWER: B) The examination of the ceiling on the floor below was done immediately after the main body of fire was knocked down. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6 - 4.3)
- The examination of the ceiling on the floor below was done immediately UPON ARRIVAL.
When operating at private dwellings constructed of lightweight materials the age of the building as well as any signs of recent renovations should be included as part of the initial size-up. Which additional statement below regarding operations at these buildings is incorrect?
A) Once lightweight construction is discovered at an operation, this information shall be transmitted by the IC to the dispatcher so it can be relayed to responding units via the dispatcher.
B) The presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of the building may be an indication of fire in a trussloft.
C) The primary emphasis for any fire, even a minor fire, in a lightweight building under construction is that of an exterior attack.
D) Any floor or roof support system that has been heavily damaged due to fire should be hydraulically overhauled from a safe area using the reach of the hose stream.
ANSWER: C) The primary emphasis for any fire, even a minor fire, in a lightweight building under construction is that of an exterior attack. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6 4.1.3, 4.1.7, 4.1.12, 4.1.13)
- UNLESS THE FIRE IS MINOR OR CONFINED TO A SMALL AREA, the primary emphasis for A fire in a lightweight building under construction is that of an exterior attack.
Units are operating at a cellar fire in a private dwelling. The Incident Commander has decided to reposition the first hoseline from the first floor to the cellar. Which guideline below is stated incorrectly when implementing this tactic?
A) This decision can only be made by an Acting Chief Officer or Chief Officer serving as the IC.
B) Ladder company members operating on the first floor must either secure a safe area of refuge or be withdrawn before the first hoseline is repositioned.
C) Members operating on the floor above may need to be withdrawn to a safe area if no portable ladders are positioned and readily available.
D) The IC shall transmit an “urgent” message to broadcast this tactic to all member and ensure and acknowledgment is received from all units/members operating in the interior.
ANSWER: B) Ladder company members operating on the first floor must either secure a safe area of refuge or be withdrawn before the first hoseline is repositioned. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 3 2.7.4)
- Ladder company members operating on the first floor MUST BE WITHDRAWN before the first hoseline is repositioned.
Which tactic performed by the first arriving ladder company at a peaked roof private dwelling fire is stated incorrectly?
A) The ladder company officer conducting a search and examination on the fire floor in a private dwelling should be the only one to initiate the request for additional ventilation on that floor or the floor above.
B) The entrance door shall be controlled until the fire area can be further isolated or a charged hoseline is advancing through the door to extinguish the fire.
C) The Roof/OV team’s tool assignment for portable ladder operations is a portable ladder, 6’ halligan hook and/or halligan for each member.
D) Primary consideration for entry for a fire in the cellar is the entrance door providing quickest access to the fire area.
ANSWER: A) The ladder company officer conducting a search and examination on the fire floor in a private dwelling should be the only one to initiate the request for additional ventilation on that floor or the floor above. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 5.1, 5.2)
- The ladder company officer conducting a search and examination on the fire floor in a private dwelling should be the only one to initiate the request for additional ventilation on that floor ONLY.
When the IC is considering ordering an exterior hoseline operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown at a cellar fire in a PD, what is the primary consideration for members operating on the first floor?
A) Operating under the protection of a hoseline.
B) Securing an area of refuge, ensuring a ready means of egress.
C) Exiting the building.
D) Closing the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
ANSWER: D) Closing the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
(Private Dwellings Ch 2: 2.6)
At a cellar fire in an attached private dwelling the main entrance door is generally the quickest access to the cellar. When using the main entrance for a cellar fire, which ladder company tactic below is incorrect?
A) The ladder company shall maintain door control of the main entrance door until a hoseline advances via a secondary entrance.
B) The first arriving ladder company inside team will perform a primary search of the first floor prior to descending into the cellar to perform the primary search and examination of the cellar.
C) If the first hoseline does not advance down the cellar stairs, the first arriving ladder company inside team will assume responsibility for primary search and examination of the first floor and floors above.
D) An indication of an open interior cellar door is the thermal imaging camera showing heat waves emanating across the first floor ceiling when entering the first floor via the entrance door.
ANSWER: A) The ladder company shall maintain door control of the main entrance door until a hoseline advances via a secondary entrance. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 4: 10.4.1, 10.4.2)
A - The ladder company shall maintain door control of the main entrance door until a hoseline advances via THE MAIN ENTRANCE.
At private dwellings constructed of lightweight materials, when fire condition are so severe that any additional roof ventilation would necessitate the roof to be cut, the IC should consider an exterior attack. Which additional point below is incorrect regarding roof operations at these buildings?
A) Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
B) For any fire on the top floor the IC shall be immediately notified and members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof.
C) Any fire present in the attic/cockloft represents the potential for a partial or complete collapse of the roof.
D) Members should use caution when placing aerial ladder, tower ladder, or portable ladder to a flat roof with a decorative parapet constructed of lightweight materials.
ANSWER: B) For any fire on the top floor the IC shall be immediately notified and members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6: 4.3.8, 4.3.10, 4.3.11, 4.3.12)
- For a fire on the top floor THAT HAS EXTENDED TO THE ATTIC/COCKLOFT, the IC shall be immediately notified and members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof.
The officer of an engine company is discussing line placement at a cellar fire in a private dwelling. He makes the following comments. Which one is incorrect?
A) When the first line is stretched to the interior on the first floor, high heat conditions at the bottom of the stairs would preclude the descent of the first line down the interior cellar stairs.
B) After size-up, the first hoseline should be stretched to the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to the extinguish the fire.
C) In semi-attached private dwellings the secondary entrance found on the side or rear of the dwelling is generally the fastest option.
D) Depending on where the first hoseline was stretched and the progress of this hoseline, the IC should consider applying water into a cellar window (or BILCO door) for a quick knockdown if there is a heavy fire condition or entry is delayed.
ANSWER: A) When the first line is stretched to the interior on the first floor, high heat conditions at the bottom of the stairs would preclude the descent of the first line down the interior cellar stairs. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwelling ch 3 sec 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8.2)
- When the first line is stretched to the interior on the first floor, high heat conditions at the TOP of the stairs would preclude the descent of the first line down the interior cellar stairs.
The Roof/OV team of the first arriving ladder company are performing aerial ladder operations at a peaked roof private dwelling fire. Which action taken below is incorrect?
A) Prior to using the aerial ladder the roof and/or OV firefighters shall conduct a quick survey around the perimeter of the dwelling to ensure there are no occupants in need of immediate rescue in the rear or on either side of the building.
B) If an aerial ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated, the roof/ov team will make entry. Perimeter searches will be communicated and tasked to the first arriving ladder chauffeur.
C) Prior to conducting any horizontal ventilation tactics from the exterior, the members shall request permission from the ladder company officer operating in the fire area in order to coordinate ventilation tactics with interior operations.
D) The roof/OV tool assignment is a 6’ halligan hook and/or halligan for each member.
ANSWER: B) If an aerial ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated, the roof/ov team will make entry. Perimeter searches will be communicated and tasked to the first arriving ladder chauffeur. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Chapter 4: 5.3)
- If an aerial ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated, the roof/OV team will make entry. Perimeter searches will be communicated and tasked to the SECOND ARRIVING LADDER COMPANY.
For fires in “traditional” private dwellings built of ordinary/wood frame construction depending on the duration and intensity of the fire, the size of the structural components, and the type of construction involved, the amount of time before collapse occurs is generally estimated to be ___ minutes. However, when there is no ceiling to provide protection, therefore exposing structural components, failure can occur within ___ minutes.
A) 30; 20
B) 30; 5-10
C) 60; 20
D) 60; 5-10
ANSWER: C) 60; 20
Private Dwellings Ch 6: 1.6
Units are operating at a private dwelling fire constructed of lightweight materials. There is an occupant unaccounted for in the fire building. Due to this potential life hazard, the following tactics are implemented. Which one is incorrect?
A) The second hoseline was directed by the IC to a location remote from the first hoseline.
B) The IC special called an additional engine company to this operation.
C) A 2nd hoseline must backup the first hoseline.
D) If the fire is of such magnitude that it cannot be quickly knocked down with the first hoseline, then an exterior attack must be considered.
ANSWER: D) If the fire is of such magnitude that it cannot be quickly knocked down with the first hoseline, then an exterior attack must be considered. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings 4.2.1, 4.2.2)
- If the fire is of such magnitude that it cannot be quickly knocked down with the THE TWO HOSELINES, then an exterior attack must be considered.
As with all other types of occupancies, size-up in private dwellings is essential to a successful operation. Which size-up factor mentioned below is incorrect?
A) Modern three family MDs are often built with three separate entrances that have no common area. These structures require private dwelling tactics due to their PD style design.
B) The main entrance is usually located in front of a PD, but sometimes it is located on the side as seen from the street. Secondary entrances can be located on the front, side and/or rear.
C) Open joist construction of cellar ceilings increases the potential for rapid spread of heat, smoke, and fire. Open lightweight construction with a sheetrock ceiling will lead to early collapse.
D) One or two offset windows on the exposure 2 or 4 side of a dwelling indicates that these are windows at the top and/or bottom of the second floor staircase. These offset windows should not be entered for VEIS.
ANSWER: C) Open joist construction of cellar ceilings increases the potential for rapid spread of heat, smoke, and fire. Open lightweight construction with a sheetrock ceiling will lead to early collapse. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 2: 2.4, 2.6, 2.7)
- Open joist construction of cellar ceilings increases the potential for rapid spread of heat, smoke, and fire. Open lightweight construction (ABSENCE OF A SHEETROCK CEILING) will lead to early collapse.
Members arrive at the scene of a fire on the second floor of a 2 ½ story peaked roof private dwelling where the battalion will be delayed. There are windows bars on the first and second floor of the house. The IC (could be a Lt or Capt) takes the following actions. Which one is correct?
A) The IC special calls an additional ladder company only.
B) The special called truck must be a Tower Ladder.
C) The IC has the FAST unit remove the window bars on at least one window on the first and second floor.
D) The second line must remain as a backup line for the first hoseline.
ANSWER: C) The IC has the FAST unit remove the window bars on at least one window on the first and second floor.
(Private Dwellings Ch 5: 1.2.C)
(Managing Member in Distress Ch 4: 4.1)
(Safety Bulletin 84: 4.5; 4.8)
A - Special called an additional ENGINE AND LADDER. (Private Dwellings Ch 5: 1.2 C)
B - The special called ladder company shall be a tower ladder, IF ONE IS NOT ASSIGNED ON THE INITIAL ALARM. (Private Dwellings Ch 5: 1.2 C)
D - The second line stretched should back up the first line. IF NOT NEEDED, IT SHALL THEN GO TO THE FLOOR ABOVE. (Safety Bulletin 84: 4.5)
“Have the FAST unit provide additional egress routes while still maintaining unit integrity, e.g., remove window bars, place portable ladders.” (Managing Members in Distress Ch 4: 4.1)
You are the officer in the Fast Truck assigned to a fire in the cellar of a private dwelling where the first line does not advance down the main interior cellar entrance due to fire conditions and a second line is entering the secondary entrance. A mayday transmission is received from the second due ladder company’s Irons firefighter. The BC activates you as the fast truck. Based on your knowledge of private dwellings, which is the CORRECT location you’re most likely to encounter this firefighter?
A) Augmenting searches on the first floor.
B) Conducting primary searches on the upper floors.
C) Operating in the cellar conducting searches
D) Making portable ladder removals in the rear
ANSWER: C) Operating in the cellar conducting searches
(Private Dwellings Chapter 4 - pg 23)
When 1st line does not advance down the interior cellar stairs:
- 2nd Due truck assumes responsibility for searches of the cellar.
- 1st due conducts primary of the first floor and upper floors.
- The second arriving ladder inside team will coordinate their advance with the second hoseline into the cellar via a secondary entrance. They will assume responsibility for primary search and examination of the cellar.
Members are operating at the scene of a 2½ story peaked roof private dwelling fire with window bars throughout and the fire is in the cellar with extension to the first floor. There is a secondary entrance to the cellar through a Bilco door in the rear and heavy smoke is showing from the attic windows and louvered vents. Which choice below represents INCORRECT firefighting procedures at this fire?
A) Operating as the only officer 10-84, the 1st arriving engine officer ordered the hand line operated into a cellar window on the advanced cellar fire.
B) Unable to locate an interior stair and operating as the only available hand line, the engine officer had the members reposition the line to the rear entrance.
C) The FAST truck was utilized to remove some of the window bars from the cellar and first floor windows pending the arrival of the extra truck.
D) Upon arrival, the extra truck made sure to remove at least one window bar on the fire floor and on the floor above for placement of ladders.
ANSWER: B) Unable to locate an interior stair and operating as the only available hand line, the engine officer had the members reposition the line to the rear entrance. (INCORRECT)
B IS INCORRECT – The decision to reposition the first hoseline to a secondary entrance can only be made by an ABC OR CHIEF OFFICER. (PD 2.7.4)
A – PD’S Chapter 3 2.6 – the IC (Chief or Company Officer) can operate into cellar window.
C – MMID CH 4 – 4.1 – Under IC - Have the FAST unit provide additional egress routes while still maintaining unit integrity, e.g., remove window bars, place portable ladders.
D – Safety Bulletin 84 4.8
Units arrives at a fire in a private dwelling constructed of lightweight materials. The Captain of the first arriving Engine has the following thoughts. Which one is incorrect?
A) The positioning of the first hoseline for a quick knock-down of contents fire that has not extended to the structural components is of paramount importance.
B) The IC shall special call an additional ladder company for a structural fire in a building constructed of lightweight materials.
C) A 2nd hoseline must be positioned to back up the first line.
D) When the 2nd line is needed to address a potential life hazard or is directed by the IC to a location remote from the 1st hose line, a 3rd hose line must be positioned as a back-up line.
ANSWER: B) The IC shall special call an additional ladder company for a structural fire in a building constructed of lightweight materials. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings Ch 6 4.2.1, 4.2.2)
- The IC shall special call an additional ENGINE COMPANY for a structural fire in a building constructed of lightweight materials.
A captain should know that which of the following roof operations are allowed at a private dwelling fire constructed of lightweight materials when there are indications that a top floor fire has extended to the attic/cockloft?
A) Only check the rear and sides of the building and inspecting HVAC duct vents for unusual heat.
B) Only vent the top floor windows, and skylights if present.
C) Both A and B
D) No members shall be permitted to operate on the roof.
ANSWER: D) No members shall be permitted to operate on the roof.
(Private Dwellings 4.3.10, 4.3.11)
- A and B are allowed when there is clear indication that fire HAS NOT SPREAD TO THE COCKLOFT**
Fire extension at wood frame private dwelling is a major concern of the fire service. A Captain should know that which one statement below is incorrect?
A) The chimney could have been the original source of the fire with heat transmitting through loosened bricks or mortar into the chimney header and trimmer beams, spreading fire into the structure.
B) Although balloon framing is very rare in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2 1/2 -3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction.
C) If no sole plate is found on an exterior wall, this indicates balloon frame construction.
D) In balloon frame construction 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill)located on top of the foundation wall), to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate.
ANSWER: B) Although balloon framing is very rare in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2 1/2 - 3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction. (INCORRECT)
(Private Dwellings 3.1, 3.2)
- Although balloon framing is very COMMON in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2 1/2 -3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction.
Engine 308 arrives at a cellar fire in a 2 ½ story Private Dwelling. The Captain in E308 is considering ordering an exterior hose line to be operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown. In this situation, he would be correct to think?
A) He may not give this order as a Company Officer, even if he is the IC
B) This tactic may be considered for a medium fire condition if there is lightweight construction
C) This tactic should only be attempted if there are no civilians reported in the cellar
D) The primary consideration for ladder members operating on the first floor during this operation is to secure an area of refuge.
ANSWER: B) This tactic may be considered for a medium fire condition if there is lightweight construction
(FFP—PD—Chap 3—2.6)
A - The IC (Chief or company officer) CAN order a line into a cellar window
C - Should only be attempted when NO MEMBERS are in the cellar. However, in an emergency (members in cellar trapped by fire on endangered by collapse) we can operate line into cellar with members down there.
First alarm units arrive at a fire on the second floor of a 2-story, flat roof, Private Dwelling which has lightweight construction throughout. In this situation, they would be correct to think that?
A) The second hoseline stretched must be positioned to back up the first hose line.
B) An additional Engine and Ladder should be special called by the IC.
C) The roof may only be cut if there is a clear indication that the fire has not entered the cockloft
D) Smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a building may be an indication of a fire in a trussloft.
ANSWER: D) Smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a building may be an indication of a fire in a trussloft.
(PD—Chapter 6—4.1.12, 4.2.2, 4.3.8)
- When this warning sign is evident at a private dwelling fire, it is an indication that the probability of collapse is significantly increased.
A - When the 2nd line is needed to address a potential life hazard or is directed by the IC to a location remote from the 1st hoseline, a 3rd hoseline must be positioned as a back-up line.
B - Additional ENGINE for structure fire in lightweight Private Dwelling
C - UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
During company drill on private dwelling fire operations, your members made a number of statements, one of which was incorrect. Indicate the incorrect statement.
A) Units should be cognizant of the status of surrounding units; depending on conditions found units should be proactive in calling for additional units early.
B) Outside ladder company positions are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked. This information must be transmitted with the signal 10-75, if this can be determined upon arrival.
C) Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction will not provide a suitable platform from which to work. Members shall not use these porch and garage roofs to conduct operations.
D) Modern three family MDs are often built with three separate entrances that have no common area. These structures require private dwelling tactics due to their PD style design.
ANSWER: C) Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction will not provide a suitable platform from which to work. Members shall not use these porch and garage roofs to conduct operations. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 2 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8)
- Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction MAY provide a suitable platform from which to work. Windows at these locations will allow quick access to the upper floor rooms. Be aware that screened or open porches may not provide protection from fire venting below. Note: Members shall NOT use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials to conduct operations.
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding fires encountered in private dwellings?
A) Interior stairs are often narrow and sometimes winding. Landings are small; thus restricting movement of the operating forces and making an interior attack more difficult.
B) Control and management of the interior stairs is critical to a successful operation.
C) The presence of a stoop at a secondary entrance on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the building will indicate that the entrance leads directly to the first floor and will not access the second floor stairway.
D) When there are multiple secondary entrances and only one or two offset windows are seen from the exterior on the same side of the dwelling as the stoop entrance, these offset windows should not be used for VEIS.
ANSWER: C) The presence of a stoop at a secondary entrance on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the building will indicate that the entrance leads directly to the first floor and will not access the second floor stairway. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 1 - Section 4)
- The presence of a stoop at a secondary entrance on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the building MAY indicate that the entrance leads to A SECOND FLOOR STAIRWAY.
D Note: These offset windows are at the top and/or bottom of the second floor staircase and should not be used for VEIS.
Engine operations must be carefully coordinated when operating at a fire in a private dwelling. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A) The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to a fire on the first floor or floors above, when an interior attack is ordered, is the main entrance door to the building.
B) The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to a fire in the cellar, when an interior attack is ordered, is always via the main entrance door to the building.
C) The rapid knockdown and extinguishment of the main body of fire provides the greatest protection for both civilians and members.
D) During the initial size-up at apparent first floor and/or second floor fires, members should ensure they check to determine that the fire did not start on a lower floor or in the cellar, before committing the first hoseline.
ANSWER: B) The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to a fire in the cellar, when an interior attack is ordered, is always via the main entrance door to the building.
(PD ch 3 1.6, 1.7)
- The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to a fire in the cellar, when an interior attack is ordered, is via the entrance door that provides the QUICKEST ACCESS to the fire area. This MAY be through the main entrance OR a secondary entrance door.
A Note: Generally, for a fire on the first floor or floors above, the main entrance door provides the quickest access to the fire area and also enables a charged hoseline the ability to contain fire extension via the open interior stairs, providing protection to members as well as victims trapped or unconscious on the floor(s) above.
Due to increased construction activity throughout Queens, Captain Stanford decided to have his Lieutenants stress a number of points during company drill. Which point below should not be made to members, because it is incorrect?
A) For fires in “traditional” private dwellings built of ordinary/wood frame construction, early collapse is not a primary consideration.
B) In traditional private dwellings, built of ordinary/wood frame construction, depending on the duration and intensity of fire, the size of the structural components, and the type of construction involved, the amount of time before collapse occurs is generally estimated to be an hour.
C) In traditional private dwellings, built of ordinary/wood frame construction, when there is no ceiling to provide protection, therefore exposing structural components, failure can occur within 5 to 10 minutes.
D) In private dwellings constructed with lightweight materials, when fire extends from the building’s contents to its structural components, collapse may occur within 5 to 10 minutes.
ANSWER: C) In traditional private dwellings, built of ordinary/wood frame construction, when there is no ceiling to provide protection, therefore exposing structural components, failure can occur within 5 to 10 minutes. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 6 1.6, 1.7)
- In traditional private dwellings, built of ordinary/wood frame construction, when there is no ceiling to provide protection, therefore exposing structural components, failure can occur WITHIN 20 MINUTES.
FYI….Collapse is always the PRIMARY consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials.
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding private dwellings of lightweight construction?
A) Unless the fire is minor, or confined to a small area, the primary emphasis for a fire in any building of lightweight construction is that of an exterior attack. Exterior streams should be positioned and operated from safe areas outside the collapse zone.
B) The presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a private dwelling of lightweight construction may be an indication of a fire in a trussloft. When this warning sign is evident, it is an indication that the probability of collapse is significantly increased.
C) During overhaul, only the minimum number of firefighters necessary to complete the task should be used. Any floor or roof support system that has been heavily damaged due to fire should be hydraulically overhauled from a safe area using the reach of the hose stream.
D) When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC shall be immediately notified. It may be necessary to remove members or suspend interior operations until further assessment of structural stability and collapse potential can be made.
ANSWER: A) Unless the fire is minor, or confined to a small area, the primary emphasis for a fire in any building of lightweight construction is that of an exterior attack. Exterior streams should be positioned and operated from safe areas outside the collapse zone. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 6 1.10, 4.1.7, 4.1.12, 4.1.13)
- Unless the fire is minor, or confined to a small area, the primary emphasis for a fire in a lightweight building UNDER CONSTRUCTION is that of an exterior attack. Exterior streams should be positioned and operated from safe areas outside the collapse zone.
C Note: Members should not operate directly above or below the structurally damaged area, including the entire length of the joist.
Certain private dwellings found in NYC are typically 2½ to 3 stories and 20’x40’. Balloon frame construction is commonly found and the side door generally gives access to the kitchen and to the cellar stairway. The utilities are found in the cellar. The 1st floor has a front porch area, a living room with an open stairway to the 2nd floor, a dining room, and a kitchen in the rear. The 2nd floor has 2 or 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, and access to the attic. These private dwellings are known as?
A) Cape Style Houses
B) Queen Annes
C) Split-Level Homes
D) Straight Line Colonial Homes
ANSWER: D) Straight Line Colonial Homes
PD Ch 1 3.1
Captain Laurel was the highest ranking officer on scene at a cellar fire in a private dwelling when he ordered an exterior hoseline operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown. Which decision made at this fire was incorrect?
A) He ordered the exterior hoseline operated into the cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown, prior to the BC’s arrival.
B) He ordered the exterior hoseline operated into the cellar window, carefully coordinating and communicated this to the Ladder Company operating in the cellar.
C) He advised members operating on the first floor above the cellar fire that their primary consideration was to close the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
D) He advised members operating on the first floor above the cellar fire to secure an area of refuge, ensuring a ready means of egress.
ANSWER: B) He ordered the exterior hoseline operated into the cellar window, carefully coordinating and communicated this to the Ladder Company operating in the cellar. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 3 2.6)
- This should ONLY be attempted when NO members are operating in the cellar. It must be carefully coordinated with and communicated to ALL UNITS operating on scene.
- The IC (Chief OR Company Officer) should consider ordering an exterior hoseline operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown when there will be a delay in applying water from the interior or whenever fire conditions dictate. Some examples are as follows:
1) Unable to quickly access or locate a secondary cellar entrance and unable to advance down the interior cellar stair.
2) Unable to locate any cellar entrance.
3) At a serious or advanced cellar fire.
4) At a cellar fire involving lightweight construction. - This should only be attempted when NO members are operating in the cellar. It must be carefully coordinated with and communicated to ALL units operating on scene. The PRIMARY CONSIDERATION for members operating on the first floor above a cellar fire is to close the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs.
- The following options should be considered for the safety of the members remaining on the first floor, based on conditions encountered:
1) Operate under the protection of a charged hoseline on the floor(s) above.
2) Secure an area of refuge, ensuring a ready means of egress.
3) Exiting the building.
Note: In an emergency such as members trapped by fire in the cellar or endangered by fire because a collapse has occurred, the IC should order the immediate operation of a hoseline into a cellar window. It is a good practice at PD fires, especially serious cellar fires, to have a precautionary charged hoseline in position near the front of the building.
In attached structures (i.e. rows of many attached private dwellings), the use of a rear secondary entrance, or stretching through an attached exposure, would not normally provide for the fastest application of water on a cellar fire. In this case, stretching the first line through the front door of the fire building to attempt an attack via the interior cellar stairs is generally the fastest option. In some situations, however, various factors would preclude the descent of the first hoseline down the interior cellar stairs. Which of the following factors is listed incorrectly?
A) Initial size-up indicating a serious fire condition would preclude descent.
B) Lack of a cellar door at the top of the interior cellar stairway would preclude descent.
C) High heat conditions at the top of the stairs would preclude descent.
D) Questionable stability of the stairway would preclude descent.
ANSWER: B) Lack of a cellar door at the top of the interior cellar stairway would preclude descent. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 3 2.7.2)
- In choices A, C and D, hoseline advancement via a secondary entrance or water applied through a cellar window will be available options.
Do not descend cellar stairs if: “HIS”
H - High heat at top of stair
I - Interior cellar stairs of questionable stability
S - Serious fire condition in the cellar
Captain Smith had to retrain his members on Private Dwelling operations since only one correct statement was made during drill. Which statement is correct?
A) If there are three windows on the second floor, exposure 1, of a private dwelling, the two windows with the distance between them that’s less are more likely to give access to different rooms.
B) Private Dwellings were constructed with interior cellar stairs. In some cases these stairs were removed or blocked off during renovations.
C) Outside ladder company positions are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked. This information must be transmitted with the signal 10-77, if this can be determined upon arrival.
D) Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction do not provide a suitable platform from which to work. Members should use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar materials to conduct operations.
ANSWER: B) Private Dwellings were constructed with interior cellar stairs. In some cases these stairs were removed or blocked off during renovations.
(PD Ch 2 p5,6, 2.8)
A - If there are three windows on the second floor, exposure 1, of a private dwelling, the two windows with the distance between them that’s LESS are more likely to give access to the SAME ROOM.
C - Outside ladder company positions are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked. This information must be transmitted with the signal 10-75, if this can be determined upon arrival.
D - Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction MAY provide a suitable platform from which to work. Members shall NOT use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials to conduct operations.
What is the “most common” type of peaked roof found in lightweight private dwelling construction?
A) Open-web lightweight wood truss
B) Laminated wood I-beams
C) Metal C-joists
D) Composite truss
ANSWER: A) Open-web lightweight wood truss
(PD Ch 6 2.2.5 A)
- Lightweight wood truss roofs may be flat or peaked. A large, open cockloft/attic is commonly found in either design.
All members should be familiar with the ways in which fire may extend in a private dwelling. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A) In balloon frame construction, fires originating in the cellar can easily extend to the attic via the exterior wall channels created by continuous studding. This type of concealed fire extension will commonly extend to the attic space, while bypassing intermediate floors.
B) In braced frame construction, the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor. They are capped at the ceiling level of each floor with a horizontal 2”x4” called a “top plate” which acts effectively as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
C) Rapid fire spread via an open stairway should be a concern to firefighters operating on the upper floors of a private dwelling.
D) The chimney could have been the original source of the fire with heat transmitting through loosened bricks or mortar into the chimney header and trimmer beams, spreading fire into the structure. Some buildings have floor supports butted against or built directly into the chimney itself.
ANSWER: B) In braced frame construction, the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor. They are capped at the ceiling level of each floor with a horizontal 2”x4” called a “top plate” which acts effectively as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 4 3.2-3.5)
- In PLATFORM construction, the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor. They are capped at the ceiling level of each floor with a horizontal 2”x4” called a “top plate” which acts effectively as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
D Note: Considerable structural damage may be required to adequately open up and expose this area.
Each of the following choices reflects a duty of the 1st arriving Ladder Company at a private dwelling fire except in which choice?
A) Attempt an examination of the cellar for fire.
B) Pending arrival of the second Ladder Company, assume responsibility for the entire dwelling.
C) Primary search of the perimeter.
D) Roof ventilation of peak roof buildings.
ANSWER: D) Roof ventilation of peak roof buildings. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 4 4.2)
- Roof ventilation of FLAT roof buildings.
- The second Ladder Company will PROVIDE roof ventilation if needed (peak roof) or ENSURE roof ventilation (flat roof).
“Queen Anne” private dwellings can cause considerable challenges for units during fire operations. Which of the following choices is incorrect regarding features of Queen Anne private dwellings?
A) The overall size of these structures ranges from 2½ to 3½ stories in height, 25 to 30 feet in width, and 30 to 50 feet in depth.
B) Construction is wood frame and roofs have many peaks dormers, overhanging eaves and possibly a cupola.
C) Platform construction is most common and early attempts at built-in fire stopping are negated by poor workmanship, open holes for house service lines, etc.
D) Large open stairs in the living room connect the 1st and 2nd floors. A narrow rear or side stair connects the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors, or a stair may lead directly to the 3rd floor from the 1st floor.
ANSWER: C) Platform construction is most common and early attempts at built-in fire stopping are negated by poor workmanship, open holes for house service lines, etc. (INCORRECT)
(PD Ch 1 3.3)
- BALLOON construction is most common and early attempts at built-in fire stopping are negated by poor workmanship, open holes for house service lines, etc.
Other features include: - Vertical arteries supplied by old hot air ducts, dumbwaiter shafts, boxed in space around fireplaces and pipe recesses, contribute to undetected and fast upward fire travel.
- There are hidden voids in attics around hips, valleys, dormers, ridges, etc.
- They may have a fire escape or a sprinklered stairway. The fire escape will be attached to a combustible wall. Careful consideration should be given to its use due to age, or if that wall is exposed to or involved in fire.