FFP - ROWFRAMES Flashcards
Members of E238 were discussing Rowframes with their new proby since these buildings are predominant in their response area. Which point made during the discussion was not entirely correct?
A) Row frames are built in rows containing as many as twenty or more buildings and vary in height from 2 to 5 stories. These buildings can be balloon or braced frame construction.
B) One type of Rowframe building is similar to the brownstone layout and generally has 3 front windows per floor with one apartment going from front to rear and no rear fire escapes.
C) Another type of Rowframe, also known as the OLT type, is the railroad flat with 2 apartments per floor and generally 4 windows across the front.
D) In the OLT type of Row frame, a dumbwaiter and its accompanying shaft will always be found along with light shafts.
ANSWER: D) In the OLT type of Row frame, a dumbwaiter and its accompanying shaft will always be found along with light shafts. (INCORRECT)
- There MAY be a dumbwaiter shaft present.
- The presence of light shafts is also a POSSIBILITY.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.1)
Rowframes can be considered large rectangular boxes of dry lumer capable of generating large amounts of heat when burning. There is a danger of fire spreading in all directions. Which point below is correct?
A) The exterior is wood or veneer over the outer wood sheathing. The interior construction is similar to brownstones and tenements usually wood lathe and plaster, and wood studs.
B) The salient feature common to all, regardless of the variations in the design, is the common cornice. The cockloft can range in height from 2’ to 3’ in height.
C) Division walls between buildings are quite frequently no more than the equivalent of a partition wall with nogging present. This nogging effectively limits the spread of fire.
D) Many of these buildings have a retail store on the first floor. The common partition walls between buildings usually does not permit horizontal fire spread to the exposures through adjacent walls.
ANSWER: A) The exterior is wood or veneer over the outer wood sheathing. The interior construction is similar to brownstones and tenements, usually wood lathe and plaster, and wood studs.
B - Salient feature is the COMMON COCKLOFT which ranges in height from ONE (1) FOOT TO TALL ENOUGH FOR A MAN TO STAND IN.
- Brownstone cockloft - 2 to 3 feet
- Taxpayer cockloft - 4” to 6’
C - Nogging DOES NOT effectively limit spread of fire.
D - Common partition walls READILY PERMITS horizontal fire spread to exposures.
(FFP Rowframes - 5.2.1)
The danger of collapse with fires in Rowframe buildings is a factor deserving serious consideration. Which point below regarding collapse is correct?
A) When a serious fire burns out the entire 1st floor, there is a danger of collapse, especially in corner buildings and buildings standing alone.
B) Brick veneer and stucco facing will usually only collapse in sections rather than a complete unit.
C) The weight of a fire escape will usually only cause a partial collapse of an exterior wall.
D) Collapse of sidewalls are also a danger. This is especially true where buildings within the row have been demolished and removed unless the walls bordering this gap are braced.
ANSWSER: A) When a serious fire burns out the entire 1st floor, there is a danger of collapse, especially in corner buildings and buildings standing alone.
B - Brick veneer and stucco facing can collapse in SECTIONS OR AS A COMPLETE UNIT.
C - The weight of a fire escape can cause a COMPLETE COLLAPSE of an exterior wall.
D - EVEN WHEN WALLS BORDERING THIS GAP ARE BRACED, the danger of sidewall collapse is still present.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.4)
From the choices below, which are the TWO major defects or faults in the construction of Rowframe buildings?
A) The common cockloft that spreads over all the buildings in a row.
B) The lack of fire stopping
C) The vast quantity of combustible material used in construction.
D) The thin and flimsy walls between buildings
E) The many pipe recesses and the light and air shafts found in all of these buildings.
F) The common cornices which can spread fire from building to building.
B) The lack of fire stopping
C) The vast quantity of combustible material used in construction
- These are the two major defects in the construction of Rowframes.
(FFP Rowframes - 5.3.2)
Recently members of L101 responded to and operated at four fires in Rowframe buildings. At which fire did they operate incorrectly?
A) Fire #1 - At this fire, L101 was the 1st due truck. The fire was on the top floor of a brownstone type Rowframe. Members of L101’s inside team performed VEIS of the top floor and examined the cockloft.
B) Fire #2 - At this fire, L101 was the 2nd due truck. The fire was on the top floor of a brownstone type Rowframe. Members of L101 split up and examined exposures 2 & 4 for extension.
C) Fire #3 - At this fire, L101 was the 2nd due truck. The fire was on the top floor on an OLT type Rowframe. Members of L101 split up with the outside team going to the adjoining apartment while the inside team examined the most seriously damaged exposure.
D) Fire #4 - At this fire L101 was the 1st due truck. The fire was on the top floor of an OLT type Rowframe. Members of L101’s inside team performed VEIS of the fire apartment and examined the cockloft.
ANSWER: C) Fire #3 - At this fire, L101 was the 2nd due truck. The fire was on the top floor on an OLT type Rowframe. Members of L101 split up with the outside team going to the adjoining apartment while the inside team examined the most seriously damaged exposure. (INCORRECT)
- At top floor fires in the Old Law Tenement (OLT) type layout, the inside team of the first to arrive ladder company will be responsible for VEIS of the fire
apartment, including examination of the cockloft.
*The second to arrive ladder company inside team will be responsible for VEIS of the ADJOINING APARTMENT including examination of the cockloft.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.6.5)
Operational procedures in Rowframe buildings will be based on the layout of the building, either brownstone type layout or the OLT type layout. These are the only two types of Rowframes that units will encounter.
A) True
B) False
ANSWER: B) False
- Operational procedures will be based on the layout of the building, e.g. Brownstone type layout or Old Law Tenement layout, are the types most commonly found, BUT THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS.
(FFP Rowframes - 5.6.3)
Lt. Beck and his members have just arrived 1st due at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 3 story OLT type Rowframe on North Henry Street in Greenpoint. Lieutenant Beck took the following 4 actions at this fire and was correct in all except which one?
A) Upon reaching the door to the fire apartment, Lt. Beck and his inside team immediately started a thorough primary search at this point while proceeding to the seat of the fire.
B) Once Lt. Beck reached the front room, where the main body of fire was located, he shut the door to the bedroom to contain the fire to that room.
C) Lt. Beck informed the Engine of the location of the fire and any unusual layout that may cause difficulty in stretching the line. He also moved a few pieces of furniture out of the way.
D) Lt. Beck notified the IC of a light shaft that had a window facing the room where the fire was since this could be a point of fire extension.
ANSWER: A) Upon reaching the door to the fire apartment, Lt. Beck and his inside team immediately started a thorough primary search at this point while proceeding to the seat of the fire. (INCORRECT)
- 2nd due truck immediately starts primary searches in adjoining apartment or the floor above.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.7)
All hands are working at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 3 story brownstone type Rowframe. The fire is in the kitchen on the 2nd floor and there is some minor extension to the 3rd floor. At this operation which member listed below is not under the immediate supervision of their Officer?
A) The control firefighter of the 1st due Engine who is on the 1st floor feeding the hose up the stairs to the 2nd floor.
B) The Roof FF from the 1st due truck who has just cut an inspection hole in the roof and is talking to his Officer via HT.
C) The OV from the 1st due truck who is on the rear fire escape and can see his Officer trough the window on the fire escape.
D) The LCC from the 2nd due truck who is on the roof and is talking to his Officer through the scuttle opening on the roof.
ANSWER: B) The Roof FF from the 1st due truck who has just cut an inspection hole in the roof and is talking to his Officer via HT. (INCORRECT)
Members are under the “Immediate Supervision” of an officer when:
A. They are within visual or voice contact of the Officer. (WITHOUT USING THE HT)
B. They are working with a search line or hoseline which is
under the supervision of an officer
(FFP Rowframe - 11)
FF Shapiro is the senior man in L101 and is a regular seated chauffeur. He is talking to FF Stein who has just returned from LCC school and had a few questions about being a chauffeur. FF Shapiro gave FF Stein the following three points of information and was incorrect in which one?
A) An LCC must have a working knowledge of the duties and responsibility of all members of 1st alarm Ladders and how they are likely to execute their assignments under different situations. Monitoring the HT will be of assistance in making decisions. The LCC should carry a flashlight, HT and any tool that he deemed necessary to complete his assignment.
B) When arriving at a fire in a brownstone type Rowframe the LCC should position and prepare the apparatus for complete coverage, raise the Aerial to the roof, and then wait for the completion of roof size-up. If the Roof FF indicates that an LSR rescue is required, the LCC will proceed to the roof to assist. If there is no need for a LSR rescue the LCC will place the ladder to the top floor for VEIS.
C) Partitions that separate apartments in Rowframe buildings are fire stopped between the ceiling of one floor and the underside of the floor above. This will stop lateral fire extension across the building; however, it will not stop the smoke from traveling across the building resulting in an unusually heavy smoke condition in the apartment which is not directly over the fire apartment.
D) All are correct
ANSWER: C) Partitions that separate apartments are fire stopped between the ceiling of one floor and the underside of the floor above. This will stop lateral fire extension across the building; however, it will not stop the smoke from traveling across the building resulting in an unusually heavy smoke condition in the apartment which is not directly over the fire apartment. (INCORRECT)
- Partitions that separate apartments ARE NOT FIRE STOPPED between the ceiling of one floor and the underside of the floor above. This MAY PERMIT lateral extension across the building and COULD RESULT IN AN UNUSUALLY HEAVY SMOKE CONDITION IN THE APARTMENT WHICH IS NOT DIRECTLY OVER THE FIRE APARTMENT.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.7 D)
On a busy 6x9 tour FF Stein has been assigned the LCC for the first time in L101. After a few runs, L101 receives a phone alarm for a fire on the 2nd floor of an OLT type Rowframe. Upon arrival members of L101 see fire blowing out the windows on the 2nd floor of a 5 story OLT type Rowframe. FF Stein immediately took the following actions; He positioned and prepared the apparatus for complete coverage and raised the Aerial to the roof for the Roof FF since there was no visible life hazard on the front of the building. After the Roof FF reached the roof, FF Stein immediately repositioned the Aerial to the 2nd floor window to VEIS the fire apartment when teamed up with he 2nd due LCC. After VEIS of the fire apartment was completed, FF Stein used the Aerial for VEIS of the adjoining apartment and the apartment above the fire. Do you agree or disagree with the actions taken by FF Stein?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- Raise aerial for roof access by roof firefighter
- After roof firefighter has reached the roof, reposition aerial for VEIS of the fire apartment if fire is on the THIRD (3RD) FLOOR OR ABOVE when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur.
- When fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using PORTABLE LADDERS when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member)
- After VEIS of the fire apartment is complete, the aerial may be used for VEIS of adjoining apartment and/or floors above.
(FFP Rowframes - 5.7 D8)
Except for assisting the LCC in front of the building when Aerial or portable ladders are needed for rescue or removal, the OV’s assignment is to vent the fire area from the exterior providing horizontal ventilation as coordinated with and ordered by the Ladder Officer inside the fire area to be vented. The OV carries a 6 foot hook, halligan, flashlight and a HT. When operating at a brownstone type rowframe, which TWO PIECES of equipment from the list below can be taken to assist in venting and/or gaining access to the different levels of the building?
A) The “A” Frame ladder
B) The 10’ Scissor ladder
C) The 10’ hook
D) A 12’ hook
E) A maul
F) A 16’ straight ladder
ANSWER: B) The 10’ Scissor ladder / C) The 10’ hook
- At “Brownstone type” RowFrames, the 10’ hook or the 10’ scissor ladder can be taken to the rear to assist in venting and/or gaining access as outlined in Brownstone Operations.
(FFP Rowframes - 5.7 E)
During a recent 9x6 tour members of L101 were drilling with their newest member, FF Bongino, who has been assigned the OV for the first time. Each member gave FF Bongino a point of information. Which point of information is not correct?
A) When the fire is on the top floor proceed to the roof with the saw and halligan, and when possible descend the fire escape and provide VEIS. When unable to descend the fire escape, notify the officer. When directed by the Officer operating on the top floor, attempt to vent the fire apartment from the roof level and then assist the Roof FF with roof vent.
B) The OV should assist the chauffeur in any ladder rescue that may be required on the front of the building. When a ladder rescue is not required at the front of the building, the OV shall immediately make their way to the rear to perform outside vent of floors within reach.
C) When a person requires rescue in the rear and the OV determines that is impractical to get a portable ladder to the rear the OV must immediately make his way to the roof to assist the Roof FF with a LSR rescue.
D) It is extremely important for the OV to notify his Officer and the IC of a presence of a rear fire escape via the HT. When the building has a fire escape, the OV shall team up with the Roof FF to VEIS the fire floor and, when not needed for search on that floor, proceed to VEIS the floors above.
ANSWER: C) When a person requires rescue in the rear and the OV determines that is impractical to get a portable ladder to the rear the OV must immediately make his way to the roof to assist the Roof FF with a LSR rescue. (INCORRECT)
- When the OV determines that it is impractical to get a portable ladder to the rear due to room layout, hallways, remodeling, fences between yards, etc. the OV WILL HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION WHETHER TO STAY IN THE REAR REASSURING THE VICTIM THAT HELP IS ON THE WAY OR PROCEED TO THE ROOF AND ASSIST WITH AN LSR RESCUE.
- This decision should be based on:
A -The emotional state of the victim
B -The fire/smoke condition in the immediate vicinity of the victim. The location and severity of the fire
(FFP Rowframes - 5.7 E)
The 1st order of preference when attempting to gain access to the roof of a Rowframe building is the Aerial ladder since access through an adjoining building is often difficult and undependable. Which point listed below is not correct?
A) The size of the scuttle opening on the roof is usually wide, however it is difficult to get through, when wearing a mask, and carrying tools and the LSR.
B) Scuttle ladders are often loose, broken or missing.
C) Scuttle covers are often locked, chained, nailed and/or completely tarred over.
D) The area in the vicinity of scuttle ladder is frequently used for storage of excess household furniture, bicycles, boxes of clothing etc.
ANSWER: A) The size of the scuttle opening on the roof is usually wide, however it is difficult to get through, when wearing a mask, and carrying tools and the LSR. (INCORRECT)
- Size of scuttle opening is usually NARROW making it difficult to get through, especially with a mask, tools and LSR.
- Order of preference to roof is 1st Aerial / 2nd Aerial / Not immediate adjoining building for Rowframes.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.7 F)
L39 has just arrived at a fire in an OLT type Rowframe building. The fire is on the 2nd floor and the building is 4 stories in height. The fire building is located in a row of 4, four story OLT type Rowframes, all of which have rear fire escapes, and is the 2nd building from the left when standing on the street looking at the building(s). As the members of L39 are dismounting the rig, the LCC notifies his Officer that the rig just stalled and that he can’t restart the rig negating the use of the Aerial Ladder. The 2nd due truck has also just reported that they were involved in an accident and are unable to respond. In this situation the roof firefighter would be correct to access the roof via?
A) The rear fire escape of the fire building
B) Exposure 2
C) Exposure 4
D) Exposure 4A
ANSWER: D) Exposure 4A
- The immediate adjoining building should not be used for access to the roof due to the possibility of cockloft involvement.
- The rear fire escape of the fire building would be true for a Tenement Building.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.7)
The duties of the Roof FF at Rowframe buildings demand an experienced, observant, and determined firefighter capable of decisive action. Which point listed below about roof operations is not correct?
A) Initial vertical ventilation tactics must be performed as directed by the ladder officer and includes the venting of bulkheads, scuttles and skylights over stairways and hallways.
B) When venting skylights, the Roof FF should first warn the members below via HT prior to breaking glass, then break out a small pane of glass, and finally break the remaining larger section of glass.
C) When opening up the roof scuttle cover, members should be aware that people attempting to access the roof may have been trapped and/or overcome under the scuttle enclosure.
D) There may be a door on the closet leading to the scuttle which can be used by members to help vent smoke and heat. Members can descend the ladder to open this door.
ANSWER: D) There may be a door on the closet leading to the scuttle which can be used by members to help vent smoke and heat. Members can descend the ladder to open this door. (INCORRECT)
- There may be a door on the closet leading to the scuttle.
Fire or excessive heat may be immediately behind the door. DO NOT DESCEND the scuttle ladder to open the door.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.7)
You are a new Captain working a day tour in L106 and have just arrived as the 2nd due truck for a fire on the top floor of a 3 story brownstone type Rowframe. The fire has fully engulfed the top floor of the original fire building which is in the middle of a row of 5 similar buildings. The most severely threatened exposure is exposure 2 and that is where your unit will operate. You should consider ordering which choice below?
A) Can FF to take two 6’ hooks instead of the can.
B) Can FF to take two 6’ hooks and the can
C) Irons FF to take a 6’ hook in addition to the Irons.
D) Irons FF to take two 6’ hooks instead of the Irons.
ANSWER: A) Can FF to take two 6’ hooks instead of the can.
Consideration should be given to the extinguisher firefighter taking two 6’ hooks in lieu of the pressurized water extinguisher. The forcible entry firefighter can assist with the pulling of ceilings, once finished with other duties
(FFP Rowframe - 5.8.1)
Members were discussing the Roof FF duties when you are the second due truck at a fire in a Rowframe building. Which point made during the discussion was not entirely correct?
A) When possible, cut the roof so at least one room will be vented. After the initial holes are cut and opened, additional holes in the roof shall be made. This will stop the lateral spread of the fire in the cockloft.
B) Assist in ventilation of the fire building and necessary exposures. When the fire is on the top floor and the cockloft, both Roof FFs work together to vent the roof with the saw.
C) Make examination holes in returns of the exposures. Use caution in opening returns as the fire may suddenly vent and cause face burns to the members operating. Check for extension, and report the results to the company officer and the IC.
D) Caution should be exercised when choosing returns to be opened. Returns remote from the fire should be avoided, as this action could spread the fire in the cockloft.
ANSWER: A) When possible, cut the roof so at least one room will be vented. After the initial holes are cut and opened, additional holes in the roof shall be made. This will stop the lateral spread of the fire in the cockloft. (INCORRECT)
- Cut roof so AT LEAST TWO (2) rooms should be vented
- After inital hole is cut/opened, ENLARGE THE HOLE
- This MAY STOP the lateral spread of fire in cockloft
(FFP Rowframe - 5.8.1)
Tower Ladder 51 recently was the 1st due truck at two separate fires in Rowframe buildings and operated correctly at which one?
Fire #1 - Fire was located on the 3rd floor of a 4 story brownstone type Rowframe. The LCC remained at the pedestal throughout the operation while the OV operated in the basket. After the completion of roof size-up the OV repositioned the basket to the 3rd floor for ventilation and then moved the basket to the top floor for VEIS.
Fire #2 - Fire was located on the 3rd floor of a 4 story OLT type Rowframe. The LCC remained at the pedestal throughout the operation while the OV operated in the basket. After the completion of roof size up the OV repositioned the basket to the 3rd floor for ventilation.
A) L51 operated incorrectly at both fires
B) L51 operated correctly at both fires
C) L51 operated correctly at fire #1 only
D) L51 operated correctly at fire #2 only
ANSWER: B) L51 operated correctly at both fires.
- Tower Ladder - reposition to FIRE FLOOR for ventilation and then move basket to TOP FLOOR for VEIS.
- Aerial Ladder - LCC raises to roof for roof access then IMMEDIATELY repositions to the TOP FLOOR for VEIS. (ONLY FOR AN OLT TYPE ROWFRAME - do not have to wait for roof size-up because of its rear fire escapes)
(FFP Rowframes - pg 35)
When the 1st to arrive Ladder is a Tower Ladder at a fire in a Rowframe building, the LCC will remain on the pedestal. The LCC of the 2nd to arrive Ladder may be assigned, by their company Officer, to all but which of the duties lsted below.
A) Examination of exposures
B) Assist with roof operations
C) Report to the pedestal of the 1st to arrive T/L and team up with the LCC of the 1st to arrive T/L
D) Be available to team up with another member when needed.
ANSWER: C) Report to the pedestal of the 1st to arrive T/L and team up with the LCC of the 1st to arrive T/L. (INCORRECT)
Roof operations / Examine exposures / Team up
When the first to arrive ladder company is a TL, the chauffeur will remain on the pedestal. Therefore the chauffeur of the second to arrive ladder company DOES NOT HAVE TO report to the pedestal and may be assigned other duties by their company officer.
(FFP Rowframe - 5.10)
During a 4th alarm for a fire in a 4 story brownstone type Rowframe, each Engine listed below stretched and operated hose lines to extinguish the fire. Which Engine company operated correctly?
A) E98 was ordered to take a line into exposure 4 in order to extinguish fire on the 3rd floor of that building. E98 stretched an 1 3/4” line and also took a 6’ hook with them.
B) E99 was ordered to take a line into exposure 2 in order to extinguish fire in the cockloft above exposure 2. E99 stretched an 1 3/4” line and also took a 6’ hook with them.
C) E100 was ordered to take a line into exposure 4A in order to extinguish the fire on the top floor of that building. E100 stretched an 1 3/4” line and also took a set of irons with them.
D) E101 was ordered to take a line into exposure 2A in order to extinguish fire in the cockloft above exposure 2A. E101 stretched a 2 1/2” line and also took a 6’ hook with them.
ANSWER: B) E99 was ordered to take a line into exposure 2 in order to extinguish fire in the cockloft above exposure 2. E99 stretched an 1 3/4” line and also took a 6’ hook with them.
A - Fire was on 3rd floor of a 4 story / no need to take hook if cockloft was not involved.
C - 6’ HOOK (not a set of irons)
D - All lines should be 1 3/4” for speed/mobility/close qtrs
(FFP Rowframe - 6.1)
All hands are operating at a fire in the cellar of a 4 story OLT type Rowframe. The fire is located in the rear of the cellar and is well advanced when units arrive. E99 stretched the 1st hoseline through the front door and did not advance down the cellar stairs due to the intensity of the fire. The 1st hoseline remained on the 1st floor to protect the 1st floor, the interior stairs, and the public hallway. E99 notified the IC that they needed a backup line on the 1st floor, but the IC ordered the 2nd hoseline to be stretched by E98 into the cellar via the outside entrance to the cellar in front of the building. E98 quickly extinguished the fire. The IC ordered E100 to stretch the 3rd line to the 1st floor to backup the 1st hoseline. Do you agree or disagree with the orders of the IC at this fire?
A) Agree
B) Disagree
ANSWER: B) Disagree
- Second hoseline shall back up the first hoseline for a fire in the cellar of a Rowframe.
(FFP Rowframe - 6.2)
Lt. Wright and his members of L99 have just arrived at a fire on the top floor of a 3 story brownstone type Rowframe. L99 is the 2nd due truck at this fire. The fire building is the middle building in a row of three similar attached brownstone type Rowframes. In which choice below did L99 take an incorrect action at this fire?
A) L99 initially went to the top floor of the most severely threatened exposure to perform VEIS of the top floor.
B) Lt. Wright ordered his members to make inspection holes in the ceiling of each room to check for fire extension.
C) When fire was discovered in the cockloft, Lt. Wright notified the IC and called for a line since he determined that a stop could be made in this building.
D) While the line was being stretched members of L99 pulled the entire ceiling to expose the fire in the cockloft.
ANSWER: D) While the line was being stretched members of L99 pulled the entire ceiling to expose the fire in the cockloft. (INCORRECT)
- DO NOT pull ceiling until a CHARGED line is in place
(FFP Rowframe - 5.8.1)
Members of E99 were discussing Engine operations in brownstone type Rowframes. The discussion centered around 1st floor fires in this type of building. In which choice below were operations at these types of fires correctly described?
A) The 1st hoseline shall be stretched through the front door on the 1st floor to extinguish the fire. The 2nd hoseline, if not needed to backup the 1st hoseline, shall be stretched through the front door on the second (parlor) floor to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs.
B) The 1st hoseline shall be stretched through the front foor on the second (parlor) floor to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs while the 2nd hoseline is stretched through the front door on the 1st floor to extinguish the fire.
ANSWER: A) The 1st hoseline shall be stretched through the front door on the 1st floor to extinguish the fire. The 2nd hoseline, if not needed to backup the 1st hoseline, shall be stretched through the front door on the second (parlor) floor to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs.
(FFP Rowframe - 6.3)
Units are operating at a fully involved brownstone type Rowframe located in the middle of a row of 11 brownstone type rowframes. The fire has already spread to the top floor of exposure 2 and is starting to extend to exposure 4. Which action taken by Engine Companies at this fire was not correct?
A) Since the 2nd line was not needed to backup the 1st line, the 3rd due Engine stretched the 2nd line to the top floor of the most severe exposure. While proceeding to the top floor, intermediate floors were checked for fire.
B) Since the building was fully involved with fire already showing in exposures, the first arriving Engine company stretched two 1 3/4” lines. One line was used to enter the fire building and the other for use by another unit.
C) Prior to the use of a TL stream, the multiversal nozzle on the pumper, or a heavy caliber stream, consideration must be given to the life hazard, so the 1st line was stretched into the fire building through the front door.
D) Since the 2nd line was stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure, the 3rd line was stretched to the top floor of the opposite exposure. This line is needed to protect the cockloft and interior stairs.
B) Since the building was fully involved with fire already showing in exposures, the first arriving Engine company stretched two 1 3/4” lines. One line was used to enter the fire building and the other for use by another unit.
- Two lines 3 1/2” for TL & 1 3/4” to advance into building
(FFP Rowframe 6.3)
When dealing with fires on upper floors in Rowframe buildings there are many things to consider for a successful operation. Which point below is not correct when fighting a fire on an upper floor of a Rowframe building?
A) The 1st hoseline should be stretched to the location of the fire via the interior stairs. This line will need to have sufficient length to cover the entire floor.
B) The 2nd line, if not needed to backup the 1st line, should be stretched to the top floor or to the floor above.
C) If a fire is reported in the exposure, the 2nd line may be more effective being stretched to the exposure, with the 3rd or 4th line stretched to backup the 1st line. This line will need to have sufficient length to cover the entire building.
D) If necessary the IC should order a 3rd line stretched as needed into the fire building, to an exposure, to supply a Tower Ladder, or through an exposure to the rear yard.
ANSWER: A) The 1st hoseline should be stretched to the location of the fire via the interior stairs. This line will need to have sufficient length to cover the entire floor. (INCORRECT)
- To cover the ENTIRE BUILDING
(FFP Rowframe - 6.4)
Company Officers shoud know that when they arrive at the scene of a Rowframe fire, they have a second alarm situation if?
A) One floor is fully involved in fire from the front to rear
B) Two or more floors are fully involved
C) A top floor fire has extended to the cockloft
D) Fire is blowing out all four windows on the top floor of one building and there is fire blowing out one window of exposure 4.
ANSWER: D) Fire is blowing out all four windows on the top floor of one building and there is fire blowing out one window of exposure 4.
- When two buildings are involved, we have a 2nd alarm situation
- One floor fully involved in fire from front to rear a FULL 1st ALARM ASSIGNMENT is required. It is ADVISABLE to call for an extra Engine & Ladder.
- When two or more floors are fully involved or a top floor fire has extended into cockloft the need for a second alarm must be CONSIDERED.
(FFP Rowframe - 7.6 A)
Engine 222 arrives 1st at a fire in an occupied 3 story Rowframe. They find the building is fully involved with fire and that fire has already extended into exposure 2. In this scenario, they would be most correct to?
A) Drop two 1 3/4” lines in front of the building and stretch the first line into the fire building.
B) Stretch an 1 3/4” into exposure 2, and stretch a 3 1/2” supply line for a TL.
C) Stretch an 1 3/4” line into the fire building, and stretch a 3 1/2” supply line for a TL.
D) Stretch a 2 1/2” line into the fire building and stretch a 3 1/2” line to supply a TL.
ANSWER: C) Stretch an 1 3/4” line into the fire building, and stretch a 3 1/2” supply line for a TL.
A - Correct for BROWNSTONE
B - Correct for VACAN ROWFRAME
D - NEVER stretch a 2 1/2” line into a Rowframe
(Rowframes 6.5)
The incorrect description of a Rowframe can be found in which choice?
A) One type is similar to the Brownstone layout of rooms. They generally have 3 front windows per floor with 1 apartment going front to rear and no rear fire escape
B) Another type is the railroad flat with 2 apartments per floor. They generally have 4 windows across the front with a rear fire escape
C) Rowframe buildings are generally platform construction
D) Rowframe cockloft may vary in height from 1 foot to a height tall enough for a man to stand in
ANSWER: C) Rowframe buildings are generally platform construction. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes p-26-27)
- Rowframes can be either BALLOON frame or BRACED framed construction.
All fire officers must be knowledgeable in the dangers of collapse, especially in Rowframes . Choose the incorrect statement made in regards to collapse in Rowframe buildings.
A) When a serious fire burns out the entire top floor, there is danger of collapse, especially in corner buildings and buildings standing alone
B) Rear walls can pull away from the building and collapse in one section into the yard
C) Collapse of sidewalls is also a danger. This is especially true where buildings within the row have been demolished. Even when walls bordering this gap are braced, the danger is still present
D) The weight of a fire escape can cause a complete collapse of an exterior wall
ANSWER: A) When a serious fire burns out the entire top floor, there is danger of collapse, especially in corner buildings and buildings standing alone. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes sec 5.4)
The incorrect tool assignment/position for the second arriving Ladder Company when operating at a Brownstone type Rowframe can be found in which choice?
A) 2nd due Extinguisher FF shall consider taking two 6’ hooks in lieu of the pressurized water extinguisher to the top floor (for a top floor fire)
B) 2nd arriving LCC when no longer needed at Aerial, goes into an exposure as directed by their officer
C) For a top floor fire, the 2nd OV FF shall team up with the 1st OV FF for VEIS of top floor
D) 2nd arriving Roof FF when examining returns of exposures, the returns remote from the fire should be avoided, as this action could spread the fire in the cockloft
ANSWER: A) 2nd due Extinguisher FF shall consider taking two 6’ hooks in lieu of the pressurized water extinguisher to the top floor (for a top floor fire) (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes 5.8.1)
- Initially, the top floor of the MOST SEVERELY THREATENED EXPOSURE (for a top floor fire).
With the fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 story Brownstone type Rowframe, the LCC of the first arriving Ladder Company completed his assignment in which correct choice?
A) Raised Aerial to roof of exposure 2
B) After Roof FF has reached the roof, reposition aerial for VEIS of fire apartment if fire is on the 3rd floor or above when teamed up with the 2nd LCC
C) When repositioning Aerial to top floor with fire lapping out of the 3rd floor windows, the LCC will wait until lapping fire has been eliminated, then vent all windows on top floor. Entry into top floor via aerial may then be attempted when the 2nd to arrive Ladder has not already “made” the top floor via interior
D) The LCC must notify the IC of intended destination when leaving the front of the building
ANSWER: C) When repositioning Aerial to top floor with fire lapping out of the 3rd floor windows, the LCC will wait until lapping fire has been eliminated, then vent all windows on top floor. Entry into top floor via aerial may then be attempted when the 2nd to arrive Ladder has not already “made” the top floor via interior.
(Rowframes pg 35)
A - Raised Aerial to Roof of FIRE BUILDING
B -TO TOP FLOOR for Brownstone type Rowframe…..To fire floor if fire is on 3rd floor or above for OLT TYPE ROWFRAME.
D - Notify their COMPANY OFFICER.
The most correct position for the Roof FF during an OLT Rowframe fire, can be found in which choice?
A) When the building has a rear fire escape, after completing roof ventilation duties, the 1st arriving Roof FF shall team up with the inside team on the fire floor for assistance
B) The 1st arriving Roof FF descended the scuttle ladder after the fire was placed “Probably Will Hold”
C) With no ability to vent the interior stairs at roof level (tarred over roof skylights), the 1st arriving Roof FF communicated to his officer that he wasn’t able to provide ventilation
D) When there is no fire escape, after completing their roof responsibilities, the 1st arriving Roof FF will descend the Aerial ladder, when it is still in position at the roof, and team up with the LCC for VEIS of the top floor
ANSWER: D) When there is no fire escape, after completing their roof responsibilities, the 1st arriving Roof FF will descend the Aerial ladder, when it is still in position at the roof, and team up with the LCC for VEIS of the top floor.
A - Roof FF shall team up with the 1st arriving OV to VEIS the fire floor (other than a top floor fire)
B - After placed “Under Control”
C - No skylight or tarred over roof skylights, a SAW must be called for in these instances.
Rowframe room arrangements will vary with the design of the building. Which description of Rowframe building types and relevant features below contains correct information?
A) An OLT type Rowframe will generally have three front windows per floor with one apartment going front to rear and no rear fire escape.
B) Members referring to the 1st story of a fire in a Brownstone type building may, during fireground communications, use the term “basement”. (Example: “Engine 200 to Command, we have fire in the basement extending to the second floor”)
C) A Brownstone type Rowframe will generally have four windows across the front, with a rear fire escape, and the apartment type being railroad flat with two apartments per floor.
D) Rowframes can either be balloon frame or braced frame construction.
ANSWER: D) Rowframes can either be balloon frame or braced frame construction.
(Rowframe 5.1.2 / 5.1.3)
A - BROWNSTONE TYPE ROWFRAME generally has THREE (3) windows per floor with one apartment going front to rear and no rear fire escape.
B - “Basement” is NOT to be used on the fireground.
C - OLT TYPE ROWFRAME will generally have FOUR (4) windows across the front, with a rear fire escape, and the apartment type being railroad flat with two apartments per floor.
Of the many features present in Rowframe buildings, which is incorrectly described?
A) The “salient feature” common to all, regardless of variations in design, is the common cockloft spreading over all the buildings in a row. This cockloft may vary in height from one foot to a height tall enough for a member to stand in.
B) The “life hazard” is great due to the large number of occupants and the rapidity with which the fire may spread. Loss of life may occur within the building, or as a result of the occupants jumping from windows.
C) The “major defects” or faults in the construction are the lack of the fire stopping and the vast quantity of combustible material used in the construction.
D) There are many variations in the construction of these buildings. Light and airshafts are found in some, while not in others; usually the buildings of shorter length will have the shafts.
ANSWER: D) There are many variations in the construction of these buildings. Light and airshafts are found in some, while not in others; usually the buildings of shorter length will have the shafts. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 5.2.2)
- Buildings of LONGER length will have shafts.
The danger of collapse with fires in Rowframes is a distinct possibility and a factor deserving consideration. Which of the following choices contains incorrect information?
A) A heavy fire in the cockloft will burn roof supports and cause the collapse of the roof into the top floor.
B) Collapse of sidewalls is a danger; this is especially true where buildings within the row have been demolished and removed. Even when walls bordering this gap are braced, the danger is still present.
C) Rear walls can pull away from the building and collapse in one section into the yard. Additionally, the weight of a fire escape can cause a complete collapse of an exterior wall.
D) When a serious fire burns out a portion of the 1st floor, there is a danger of collapse, especially in buildings in the middle of a row.
ANSWER: D) When a serious fire burns out a portion of the 1st floor, there is a danger of collapse, especially in buildings in the middle of a row. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 5.4)
For fires in Rowframes, operational procedures will be based on the layout of the building. Which choice below is incorrect?
A) At top floor fires in the Brownstone type layout, the inside team of the first arriving ladder will be responsible for VEIS of the top floor, including examination of the cockloft.
B) At top floor fires in the Brownstone type layout, the second ladder company will assist the first arriving ladder in VEIS of the top floor, including examination of the cockloft.
C) At top floor fires in the OLT type layout, the inside team of the first to arrive ladder will be responsible for VEIS of the fire apartment, including examination of the cockloft.
D) At top floor fires in the OLT type layout, the second to arrive ladder company Inside Team will be responsible for VEIS of the adjoining apartment including examination of the cockloft.
ANSWER: B) At top floor fires in the Brownstone type layout, the second ladder company will assist the first arriving ladder in VEIS of the top floor, including examination of the cockloft. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 5.6.3)
- Second ladder will SPLIT THE COMPANY and examine exposures 2 and 4 for extension.
The 1st arriving LCC has many duties to perform when operating at a Rowframe fire. Which duty below is not in accordance with Department policy?
A) For a Brownstone layout (3 window front), raise the Aerial to the roof. Wait for completion of roof size-up, and, when the roof firefighter indicates no need for an LSR rescue, place the ladder to the top floor of VEIS.
B) In a Brownstone type Rowframe, generally, the window over the main entrance opens into one small room (on all upper floors); the other two windows open into a large room which originally, and in many cases still is, connected railroad fashion to other rooms deeper in the building. It is best to select the window over the main entrance for VEIS, instead of the windows which open into the large room.
C) For an OLT layout (4 window front), raise the Aerial for roof access by the roof firefighter. After the Roof FF has reached the roof, reposition the Aerial for VEIS of the fire apartment if the fire is on the 3rd floor or above when teamed up with the second Chauffeur (or another available member)
D) For an OLT layout (4 window front), raise the Aerial for roof access by the Roof FF. After the Roof FF has reached the roof, if fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using portable ladders when teamed up with the 2nd Chauffeur (or another available member).
ANSWER: B) In a Brownstone type Rowframe, generally, the window over the main entrance opens into one small room (on all upper floors); the other two windows open into a large room which originally, and in many cases still is, connected railroad fashion to other rooms deeper in the building. It is best to select the window over the main entrance for VEIS, instead of the windows which open into the large room. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 5.7 D)
- It is best to select the windows which open into the LARGE ROOM instead of the window over the main entrance.
As the 1st arriving OV FF of an Aerial Ladder, operating at a fire on the top floor of a Rowframe, you would be correct in each of the following actions except?
A) Bring the 6’ hook, Halligan tool, Flashlight and HT.
B) Proceed to the roof.
C) When possible, descend the fire escape and provide VEIS. When unable to descend the fire escape, notify the company officer.
D) When directed by the Ladder Officer operating on the top floor, attempt to vent the fire apartment from the roof level, and then assist the Roof FF with roof vent.
ANSWER: A) Bring the 6’ hook, Halligan tool, Flashlight and HT. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 5.7 E)
- Take SAW in place of 6’ HOOK
The 1st arriving Roof FF at a fire in a Rowframe should follow the procedures outlined in all choices below except?
A) The order of preference for accessing the roof is the Aerial Ladder, second arriving Aerial Ladder (when available) and an adjoining building that is not immediately adjoining the fire building.
B) When ventilating the skylight over the stairs, units should first break out a small pane of glass as a warning to the members moving up the stairs below, and then make a HT announcement prior to breaking the remainder of the glass.
C) When the building has a rear fire escape, after completing roof ventilation duties, team up with the OV (or another available member) to VEIS the fire floor and, when not needed for search on that floor, proceed to VEIS the floors above.
D) When there is no fire escape, after completing roof responsibilities, descend the aerial ladder when it is still in position at the roof and team up with the chauffeur for VEIS of the top floor. When the aerial ladder is not in position, the Roof FF shall contact their company Officer and be guided by their direction.
ANSWER: B) When ventilating the skylight over the stairs, units should first break out a small pane of glass as a warning to the members moving up the stairs below, and then make a HT announcement prior to breaking the remainder of the glass. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 5.7 F)
- 1st give a HT to members
- 2nd take a small pane of glass as a warning to members
- 3rd take the remaining glass
For a fire on the 1st floor of a Rowframe, each of the following choices reflects correct hoseline placement positions and FD operations except?
A) The 1st line should be stretched to the location of the fire and the 2nd line, if not needed to backup the 1st line, should be stretched to the floor above the fire.
B) In a Brownstone type Rowframe, the 1st line shall be stretched through the front door on the 1st floor to extinguish the fire. The 2nd line, if not needed to backup the 1st line, shall be stretched through the front door on the second floor (parlor) floor to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs.
C) Interior wooden stairs connect the 1st floor and 2nd floor (parlor). If interior stair doors are present at the top and/or bottom of these stairs, they should remain open with a line properly positioned, to allow for proper ventilation.
D) When necessary, the IC may order the 3rd line stretched to the fire building, to an exposure, through an exposure to the rear yard, or to supply a TL.
ANSWER: C) Interior wooden stairs connect the 1st floor and 2nd floor (parlor). If interior stair doors are present at the top and/or bottom of these stairs, they should remain open with a line properly positioned, to allow for proper ventilation. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 6.3)
- Stairs should remain CLOSED with a line in place.
When encountering a fire in a vacant building in a row of occupied frames, each of the following guidelines should be followed except?
A) The 1st to arrive Engine Company should drop two hoselines, both 1 3/4”.
B) The 1st line is stretched to the most severe exposure
C) If not needed to backup the 1st line, the 2nd line shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure.
D) The 3rd line is stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure, depending on where the 2nd line was stretched.
ANSWER: A) The 1st to arrive Engine Company should drop two hoselines, both 1 3/4”. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 6.7 A)
- 1 3/4” and a 3 1/2” for a Tower Ladder.
When fighting a fire in a row of vacant frames, you would be correct to follow the procedures in each of the choices below except?
A) The 1st to arrive Engine stretches a 3 1/2” line to supply a TL, and a line for use on the exterior of the building.
B) The 1st line initially operates from the exterior until the TL, multiversal, or heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. The line is then stretched into the fire building.
C) If not needed to backup the 1st line, the 2nd line is stretched to the opposite exposure or through an exposure to the rear yard.
D) Additional lines are stretched as directed by the IC.
ANSWER: B) The 1st line initially operates from the exterior until the TL, multiversal, or heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. The line is then stretched into the fire building. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframe 6.7 B)
- Stretched into the MOST SEVERE EXPOSURE
All company Officers should be aware of what units to special call and what alarms to transmit based on conditions encountered on arrival at Rowframe fires. Which of the following choices contains correct information?
A) When a floor is fully involved in fire from the front to the rear, a full 1st alarm assignment is required. It is also advisable to transmit a 2nd alarm.
B) When 2 or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, the need for a 2nd alarm must be considered.
C) When two buildings are involved, you shall special call an extra Engine and Ladder.
D) You shall always transmit a 3rd alarm when fire extends beyond two buildings.
ANSWER: B) When 2 or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, the need for a 2nd alarm must be considered.
(Rowframe 7.6)
C - 2nd ALARM
D - PROMPT CONSIDERATION for giving a 3rd alarm
Ladder 100 is operating 2nd due at a fire on the top floor of a brownstone type rowframe. Which action performed by Ladder 100 is incorrect?
A) The company split and examined exposures for extension to the cockloft with the inside team operating in the most severely threatened exposure.
B) If Ladder 100’s inside team determines that a stop of the fire can be made in the exposure, a hand line must be called for.
C) Ladder 100’s roof firefighter made an examination of the returns of the exposures. Returns remote from the fire must be checked for extension to the cockloft.
D) Because there was no rear fire escape, Ladder 100’s OV firefighter proceeded to the roof.
ANSWER: C) Ladder 100’s roof firefighter made an examination of the returns of the exposures. Returns remote from the fire must be checked for extension to the cockloft. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes 5.8)
- Ladder 100’s roof firefighter made an examination of the returns of the exposures. Returns remote from the fire SHOULD BE AVOIDED AS THIS ACTION COULD SPREAD THE FIRE IN THE COCKLOFT.
Several features of rowframe buildings are described below. Which one is incorrect?
A) These buildings can be either balloon or platform construction.
B) The salient feature common to all, regardless of variations in design, is the common cockloft spreading over all the buildings in a row.
C) Common or poorly fire stopped cockloft and cornice permits rapid fire spread into exposures.
D) Light and airshafts are found in some, while not in others. Usually, the buildings of longer length will have the shafts.
ANSWER: A) These buildings can be either balloon or platform construction. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes 5.1.3, 5.2.2, 5.2.4, 5.2.6)
- These buildings can be either balloon or BRACED FRAME construction.
The ticket reads as follows: E100, E200, E300, E400, L99, TL500, L600F, B150, B200, D2…..All units are 10-84 and in position for a fire on the top floor of a 4 story OLT type rowframe. From the following choices, which unit/position carried out their duties correctly?
A) TL500 split the company and examined exposures for extension in the cockloft. The inside team operated in the most severely threatened exposure
B) L99 Roof FF accessed the roof via L99’s Aerial ladder and brought the Halligan tool and Saw (in place of hook)
C) TL500 LCC went to top floor of an exposure for examination when not needed in front of building.
D) TL500 Roof FF accessed the roof via L99 Aerial Ladder with LSR and 6’ Halligan Hook
ANSWER: C) TL500 LCC went to top floor of an exposure for examination when not needed in front of building.
(Firefighting Procedures/RowFrames pg 41)
- This can be for OLT and Brownstone type when not needed in front of building AND directed by officer..
A - For Brownstone type. NOT OLT type. For OLT type, TL500 inside team went to top floor adjacent apartment.
B - L99 OV FF does this (1st due)…..L99 Roof FF access roof via L99’s Aerial and brought Halligan tool, 6’ Halligan hook, and LIFE SAVING ROPE.
D - TL500 Roof FF (2nd due) accesses the roof via L99’s Aerial Ladder (order of preference) with a SAW and 6’ Halligan hook.
The ticket reads as follows: E100, E200, E300, E400, L99, TL500, L600F, B150, B200, D2…..All units are 10-84 and in position for a fire on the top floor of a 4 story OLT type rowframe. From the following choices, which unit/position carried out their duties correctly?
A) E300, who was ordered to take a line to the top floor of an exposure to extinguish fire in the cockloft, decided to take a 1/2” OST with them to use as an overhaul tip
B) Since the building is now considered a fully involved occupied rowframe in the middle of the block of other occupied frames, E100 stretched the first line into the fire building through the front door
C) Since the building is now considered a fully involved vacant rowframe in a row of occupied rowframes, E300 stretched the 2nd line into the most severe exposure because it wasn’t needed to back up the 1st line
D) Since the building is now considered a fully involved occupied rowframe in the middle of the block of other occupied frames with fire in exposures, E100 dropped two 1 3/4” handlines in front of building for rapid deployment
ANSWER: B) Since the building is now considered a fully involved occupied rowframe in the middle of the block of other occupied frames, E100 stretched the first line into the fire building through the front door.
(Firefighting Procedures/Rowframes pg 49)
A - An engine company ordered to stretch a hoseline to the top floor of an exposure for purposes of extinguishing the fire in the cockloft, should take a SIX FOOT (6’) hook to pull ceilings.
C - Vacant building in a row of occupied frames….1st line goes to most severe exposure….2nd line if not needed to back up 1st line then goes to the fire building or to opposite exposure.
D - When a building is fully involved with fire showing in exposure(s) the first arriving engine should stretch one 3 1/2” supply line for a TL, and a hoseline for entering the building.
- Remember: when stretching handlines inside a Rowframe all interior hoselines stretched will be considered 1 3/4”
The ticket reads as follows: E100, E200, E300, E400, L99, TL500, L600F, B150, B200, D2…..All units are 10-84 and in position for a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 story OLT type rowframe. From the following choices, which unit/position carried out their duties correctly?
A) After Roof FF has reached the roof, L99’s LCC teamed up with TL500’s LCC to VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using portable ladders
B) After VEIS of the fire apartment, L99’s LCC used the Aerial ladder to VEIS the adjoining apartment
C) Even though rescues were being conducted in front of the building, L99’s OV FF ensured horizontal ventilation was conducted of the fire area since she was 1st due
D) After TL500’s OV FF dropped the Roof FF off on the roof, she waited for completion of roof size-up before re-positioning the basket.
ANSWER: B) After VEIS of the fire apartment, L99’s LCC used the Aerial ladder to VEIS the adjoining apartment.
(Rowframes pg 36)
A - Re-positioned the Aerial for this. When the fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using portable ladders when teamed up with the 2nd LCC (or another available member)…p-36
C - Except for assisting the LCC in front of the fire building when aerial or portable ladders are needed for rescue or removal, assignment is to ventilate the fire area from the exterior providing horizontal ventilation…..p-36
D - This is done when your first due. p-47
For a fire in a vacant row frame building in a row of occupied frames, the 2nd hoseline shall be initially stretched where?
A) Backup the first line
B) Fire building
C) Most severe exposure
D) Through an exposure to the rear yard
ANSWER: A) Backup the first line
(Rowframes sec 6.7)
2nd hoseline….If not needed to backup the 1st hoseline, it shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure
In this scenario:
1st line to most severe exposure
2nd line - If not needed to backup the 1st hoseline, it shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure
3rd line - stretched to fire building or to opposite exposure depending on where the 2nd line was stretched
4th line - as per IC
Which tactic was carried out correctly for a fire in a Rowframe?
A) After several minutes of searching for a fire in a Brownstone type Rowframe the Ladder officer communicated to the IC that “we found the fire. Its located on the basement level in the rear”
B) At a top floor fire in a Brownstone type rowframe, the 2nd ladder company will operate on all floors below and relieve the 1st ladder company when necessary
C) For a top floor fire in a OLT type rowframe, the 2nd arriving OV FF will assist both Roof FFs to vent roof of fire building and necessary exposures
D) When ever the TL basket is used for roof access the saw and LSR will be brought to the roof.
ANSWER: D) When ever the TL basket is used for roof access the saw and LSR will be brought to the roof.
(Rowframes pg 45)
A - Same as Brownstones, the word BASEMENT shall not be used in fireground communications. Refer to basement as “first floor”.
B - Top floor fire Brownstone type, the 2nd ladder will split the company and examine exposures 2 and 4 for extension. The inside team should operate in the most severely threatened exposure.
C - Top floor fire, 2nd OV FF will operate from fire escape for VEIS of the top floor with 1st OV FF or another available member.
Units are operating at an advanced fire in the cellar of a 4-story old law tenement type rowframe building. Hoselines were deployed in the following manner. Which hoseline was stretched to the incorrect location?
A) The first hoseline was advanced through the front door, then to the cellar via the interior stairs.
B) After the cellar fire was controlled by the second hoseline, the first line was advanced to the top floor.
C) The first hoseline was used to cover the first floor public hall, so the second hoseline was immediately stretched to the cellar via the interior stairs.
D) The first hoseline was stretched to the cellar and the second hoseline was stretched as a backup line for the first line.
ANSWER: C) The first hoseline was used to cover the first floor public hall, so the second hoseline was immediately stretched to the cellar via the interior stairs. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes 6.2)
- If the first hoseline is used to cover the first floor public hall, AND A BACKUP LINE IS NOT NEEDED, the second hoseline will be stretched into the cellar VIA THE OUTSIDE CELLAR ENTRANCE to extinguish the fire.
- NOTE: CROSS REF BROWSTONES 3.1: If the first line is used to cover the first floor, the second line is stretched to the cellar via the INTERIOR STAIRS.**
You’re the 3rd arriving engine company officer at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4-story rowframe building. The 2nd ladder officer reports that fire has extended to exposure 2. The IC orders you to stretch a second line. You’d be correct to stretch this line to which of the following locations?
A) This line must always be stretched to backup the first hoseline and stay there.
B) If not needed as a backup line, this line must be stretched to the floor above the fire.
C) If not needed as a backup line, this line must be stretched to the top floor of the fire building.
D) This line was immediately stretched to exposure 2, with an additional hoseline stretched to backup the first line.
ANSWER: D) This line was immediately stretched to exposure 2, with an additional hoseline stretched to backup the first line.
(Rowframes 6.4)
- The second hoseline, if not needed to back up the first hoseline, should be stretched to the top floor or to the floor above.
- IF FIRE IS REPORTED IN THE EXPOSURE the second hoseline may be more effective being stretched to the exposure, with the third or fourth hoseline stretched to back up hoseline #1. This hoseline will need to have sufficient length to cover the entire building.
When a rowframe building is fully involved and fire is in the exposures, engine companies shall conduct a “holding operation.” Which line placement described below is correct for this operation?
A) The first arriving engine company dropped two handlines in front of the fire building.
B) The first two lines were stretched into the fire building, because the first line needed back up.
C) The first line was stretched to the most severe exposure.
D) The third line must be stretched to the exposure opposite the most severe exposure.
ANSWER: B) The first two lines were stretched into the fire building, because the first line needed back up. (A/C/D are INCORRECT)
(Rowframes 6.5)
Proper line placement at rowframes is critical to preventing the rapid extension of fire to exposures. When operating at a fire in a vacant building in a row of occupied rowframes which line placement below is correct?
A) The first hoseline must be stretched to the most severe exposure.
B) If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second hoseline must be stretched to the opposite exposure.
C) The third hoseline must be stretched to the fire building.
D) The fourth hoseline must be stretched through an exposure to the rear yard.
ANSWER: A) The first hoseline must be stretched to the most severe exposure.
(Rowframes 6.7 A)
B - If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second line shall be stretched TO THE FIRE BUILDING OR THE OPPOSITE EXPOSURE.
D - The fourth hoseline is stretched AS ORDERED BY THE IC.
Ladder 199 is an aerial ladder company first due at heavy fire venting from the second floor of a four story OLT type rowframe. The chauffeur made several decisions based on conditions. Which one of the choices was INCORRECT?
A) The LCC raised the aerial to the roof of the fire building for rapid ascent by the roof firefighter.
B) The LCC waited for the roof size up prior to repositioning the aerial ladder to the fire floor.
C) The LCC teamed up with the second arriving LCC prior to providing VEIS of the fire apartment.
D) The LCC repositioned the aerial to the floors above for VEIS.
ANSWER: B) The LCC waited for the roof size up prior to repositioning the aerial ladder to the fire floor. (INCORRECT)
- When fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using PORTABLE LADDERS when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member)
Units operated at a cellar fire in a 4 story row frame. Hoselines were deployed in the following fashion. Which one is incorrect?
A) The first line was stretched to the first floor and remained there to protect the public hall due to the intensity of the fire.
B) The first line was advanced through the front door and, then to the cellar via the interior stairs to extinguish the fire.
C) When needed, the second hoseline was stretched to backup the first line on the first floor.
D) When not needed as a backup line for the first line on the first floor, the second line was stretched to the cellar via the interior stairs.
ANSWER: D) When not needed as a backup line for the first line on the first floor, the second line was stretched to the cellar via the interior stairs. (INCORRECT)
(Rowframes 6.2)
- When not needed as a backup line for the first line on the first floor, the second line was stretched to the cellar via the OUTSIDE CELLAR ENTRANCE.
Single engine companies arrive alone at fire conditions in Brownstone and Row Frame buildings. Special Call guidelines can often fall on the first arriving units at a structural fire. Which Engine was CORRECT according to the guidelines set forth in the bulletin?
A) Engine 1 transmitted a 2nd alarm for fire on the 3rd & 4th floors of a 4-story Brownstone.
B) Engine 2 transmitted a 2nd alarm for heavy fire in the cellar and 1st floor (basement) of a Brownstone.
C) Engine 3 transmitted a 2nd alarm for heavy fire front to rear on the top floor of an OLT type Row Frame.
D) Engine 4 transmitted a 2nd alarm for heavy fire on the 2nd and 3rd floors of a 4-story Brownstone type Row Frame.
ANSWER: B) Engine 2 transmitted a 2nd alarm for heavy fire in the cellar and 1st floor (basement) of a Brownstone.
B IS CORRECT – Transmit a second alarm for HEAVY fire in the cellar and basement (1st floor) of a brownstone 4.4
A – Special call an ADDITIONAL ENGINE A ND TRUCK for two floors of fire. (4.4)
C - When a floor is fully involved in fire from the front to the rear a full first alarm assignment is required. It is also ADVISABLE TO CALL FOR AN ADDITIONAL ENGINE AND LADDER. (7.6A)
D - When two or more floors are FULLY INVOLVED, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, the need for a second alarm MUST BE CONSIDERED. (7.6)
Your unit arrives as the first due aerial Ladder Company at a fire on the 2nd floor of a 4-story Old Law Tenement-type Rowframe. Of the following choices, which action is incorrect?
A) For this fire, the OV FF’s tool assignment includes a 6’ hook, halligan tool, flashlight and HT.
B) After the Roof FF has reached the roof, the LCC should reposition the aerial for VEIS of the fire apartment when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member).
C) The Roof FF should proceed to the roof with the halligan tool , 6’ halligan hook, flashlight, HT and Life Saving Rope (LSR).
D) The company officer should inform the Engine Company Officer of the fire location and any unusual layout that will cause difficulty in reaching the fire. Provide and maintain an unobstructed path through which the hoseline can advance.
ANSWER: B) After the Roof FF has reached the roof, the LCC should reposition the aerial for VEIS of the fire apartment when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member). (INCORRECT)
(RF 5.7)
- After the Roof FF has reached the roof, reposition the aerial for VEIS of the fire apartment if fire is on the 3rd floor or above when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member). When fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using PORTABLE LADDERS when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member).
Multiple alarm units are operating at the scene of a holding operation for a fire in multiple row frames. Hoselines are deployed as follows. Which one was deployed to the correct location?
A) The first line was stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure.
B) The second line was stretched to the opposite exposure.
C) The third hoseline was stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure.
D) When not needed to back up the first line, the second line was stretched into the fire building.
ANSWER: C) The third hoseline was stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure.
(Rowframes 6.5)
The first hoseline is stretched into the fire building through the front door.
The second hoseline, if not needed to back up the first hoseline, is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure.
If the second hoseline is needed to back up the first hoseline, the third hoseline is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure. If the second hoseline is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure, the third hoseline is stretched to the top floor of the opposite exposure.
For a fire in a vacant rowframe, in the middle of a block of occupied frames, which line placement consideration below is incorrect?
A) The first to arrive Engine company should drop two hoselines; one 3 1/2” line to supply a TL, and a 1 3/4” hoseline.
B) The first hose line shall enter the most severe exposure.
C) If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second hoseline shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure.
D) The third hoseline is stretched through an exposure to the rear yard.
ANSWER: D) The third hoseline is stretched through an exposure to the rear yard. (INCORRECT)
(RF 6.7 A)
- The third hoseline is stretched to the FIRE BUILDING OR OPPOSITE EXPOSURE, depending on where the second hoseline was stretched.
- Vacant Buildings in a Row of Occupied Frames
The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one a 3 ½” line to supply a TL, and a hoseline to enter the most severe exposure.
If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second hoseline shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure.
The third hoseline is stretched to the fire building or opposite exposure, depending on where the second hoseline was stretched.
After being a Lieutenant for 10 years in the Great Borough of the Bronx, you are recently promoted to Captain, and working in the Bushwick section of the Borough of Fire. During this tour, you are 1st to arrive to two floors of fire (fully involved) in a 20X60 4sty Rowframe occupied multiple dwelling. Before exiting the apparatus, you consider to transmit, which correct signal?
A) 2nd alarm
B) 3rd alarm
C) 10-75
D) 10-75 with an extra engine and truck
ANSWER: A) 2nd alarm
(Rowframes - 7.6)
- When two or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, the need for a second alarm must be considered.
- When a floor is fully involved in fire from the front to the rear a full first alarm assignment is required. It is also advisable to call for an additional engine and ladder.
The unit that operated correctly for a fire in a Rowframe, can be found in which choice?
A) For a top floor fire in a Brownstone type Rowframe the first arriving Ladder Company split the company and examined exposures 2 and 4 for extension
B) For a fire in a Brownstone type Rowframe, on confirmation of a LSR rescue, the first arriving chauffeur re-positioned the aerial ladder to the top floor for VEIS when teamed up with the second arriving chauffeur
C) After the roof firefighter reached the roof for a fire on the second floor of a 4 sty OLT type Rowframe, the first arriving chauffeur re-positioned aerial ladder to the fire apartment for VEIS when teamed up with the second arriving chauffeur
D) For a top floor fire in an OLT type Rowframe the first arriving OV FF shall proceed to the roof with a saw and halligan
ANSWER: D) For a top floor fire in an OLT type Rowframe the first arriving OV FF shall proceed to the roof with a saw and halligan.
(Rowframes pg 36)
A - First arriving Ladder Company will be responsible for VEIS of the top floor, including examination of the cockloft. The SECOND ladder company to arrive will split the company and examine exposures 2 and 4 for extension.
B - On confirmation of a LSR rescue the chauffeur shall PROCEED TO THE ROOF.
C - When the fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using portable ladders when teamed up with the second chauffeur (or another available member).
D - For top floor fires, the saw is taken in place of the hook.
The most correct hoseline placement for a fire in a Rowframe can be found in which choice?
A) For a Vacant building in a Row of Occupied frames the first arriving Engine dropped two 1 3/4” hoselines
B) For a Vacant building in a Row of Occupied frames the first arriving Engine stretched the first 1 3/4” handline into the fire building
C) For a Rowframe building fully involved with fire showing in exposures, the first hoseline is stretched to the most severe exposure
D) For a Vacant Rowframe in a row of Vacants, the first hoseline is stretched into the most severe exposure
ANSWER: D) For a Vacant Rowframe in a row of Vacants, the first hoseline is stretched into the most severe exposure.
(Rowframes 6.7.B.1)
A - For a Vacant building in a Row of Occupied frames the first arriving Engine dropped two hoselines; one 3 1/2” line to supply a TL, and a hoseline to enter the most severe exposure.
B - First hoseline is stretched to MOST SEVERE EXPOSURE
C - First hoseline is stretched into the FIRE BUILDING through the front door.
D - Initially operate from the exterior until the TL, multiversal, or a heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. The hoseline is then stretched into the most severe exposure.
First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire on the top floor of a 4-story, Old Law Tenement Type Row Frame building with 4 windows per floor. On arrival, fire is found lapping out of two front windows on the top floor from the railroad flat on the exposure 2 side of the building. There are 5 buildings in this row, and the fire building is the middle building. In this situation, which member operated correctly?
Exposure / Exposure / Fire Bldg / Exposure / Exposure
A) The first arriving OV took a saw and 6’ hook to the roof, then descended the rear fire escape when teamed up, provide VEIS in the fire apartment
B) Because aerial ladders were being used for removals, the first Roof FF took Exposure 4, the least exposed side, to the roof.
C) The second ladder company inside team went immediately to the top floor of exposure two, the most severe exposure, to operate on the top floor, including examination of the cockloft.
D) The second arriving Roof FF brought a saw and 6’ halligan hook to the roof of the fire building. After assisting in venting the roof, she made examination holes in the returns of exposure 2, which were very close to the fire location
ANSWER: D) The second arriving Roof FF brought a saw and 6’ halligan hook to the roof of the fire building. After assisting in venting the roof, she made examination holes in the returns of exposure 2, which were very close to the fire location.
(FFP—Row Frames—Pages 36, 39, 41, 45)
A - Saw and HALLIGAN
B - IMMEDIATE adjoining SHOULD NOT be used.
C - 2nd due Ladder:
- In Brownstone type, SPLIT the company and examine exposures for extension in the cockloft. The inside team should operate in the most severely threatened exposure.
- In OLT type, the inside team will proceed to the top floor of the fire building and be responsible for VEIS of the ADJOINING APARTMENT, including examination of the cockloft.
- In both situations described above, the Ladder Company Officer can assign the chauffeur to an exposure, when they are no longer needed at the aerial or for other laddering operations on the front of the building.
There is a fire in the cellar of an Old Law Tenement type Row Frame and the first alarm units will arrive at the scene. Which of the following regarding line placement by the engine companies is CORRECT for this fire scenario?
A) The first hose line is stretched through the front door and to the top of the cellar stairs unless the fire is minor.
B) If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second hoseline will be stretched into the cellar via the outside cellar entrance to extinguish the fire.
C) If the first hoseline is used to cover the first floor public hall, and a backup line is not needed, the second line shall proceed to the top floor checking intervening floors for fire.
D) The first hoseline can be advanced to the top floor to cover any extension to that area or the cockloft after the second hoseline is advancing on the cellar fire.
ANSWER: B) If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second hoseline will be stretched into the cellar via the outside cellar entrance to extinguish the fire.
A – Quoted out of MD’s for cellar fires. Line is advanced into the cellar unless is cannot advance due to the intensity of the fire.
C – Second line advances into the cellar via the exterior cellar entrance
D – After the cellar fire has been CONTROLLED by the second hoseline.
Your unit arrives at a fully involved Vacant Rowframe, located in the middle of a row of occupied frames. Which hose line placement decision would not be in accordance with Department policy?
A) The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one a 3 ½” line to supply a TL, and a hoseline to enter the fire building.
B) The second hoseline, if not needed to back up the first hoseline, shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure.
C) The third hoseline is stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure, depending on where the second hoseline was stretched.
D) The fourth hoseline is stretched as ordered by the Incident Commander.
ANSWER: A) The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one a 3 ½” line to supply a TL, and a hoseline to enter the fire building. (INCORRECT)
(RF 6.7 A)
- The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one a 3 ½” line to supply a TL, and a hoseline to enter the MOST SEVERE EXPOSURE.
- FYI….Occupied exposures should be given the first consideration and all operations should be in that direction. A heavy fire requires the use of one or more tower ladders…..hoselines should be laid by engine companies with this in mind.
The engine companies in Battalion 99 will arrive at a fully involved, vacant four-story Rowframe in the middle of a row of vacant frames and take the following actions. Which of the line placement decisions was CORRECT?
A) The 1st to arrive engine stretched a 3½” line to supply a tower ladder, and stretched a handline for entry into the fire building.
B) The 1st handline was initially stretched into the most severe exposure.
C) The 2nd handline was not needed to back up the first handline and was stretched into the most severe exposure.
D) The 2nd handline was not needed to back up the first and was stretched through an exposure to the rear yard.
ANSWER: D) The 2nd handline was not needed to back up the first and was stretched through an exposure to the rear yard.
A – First hoseline initially operates from the EXTERIOR until the tower ladder, multiversal, or heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. The hoseline is THEN stretched into the most severe exposure.
C – If not needed to back up the first hoseline, the second hoseline is stretched to the opposite exposure or through an exposure to the rear yard.
Engine 200 is a slashing outfit that went to four first due fires in their response district in Wood City. As the seasoned captain discussed his decision making upon arrival, which of the following was CORRECT strictly according to the general guidelines regarding special calls and additional alarms at fires in Brownstone & Rowframe buildings?
A) Upon arrival at the heavy fire in the cellar and first floor of a Brownstone, the officer transmitted a 1075 and special called an additional engine and truck.
B) Upon arrival at the fire on the top floor of the Rowframe that extended to the cockloft, the officer transmitted a 1075 and considered a 2nd Alarm.
C) Upon arrival at the heavy fire on the second and third floors of a Brownstone, the officer transmitted a second alarm.
D) Upon arrival at a fully involved floor from front to rear in the Old Law Tenement type Rowframe, the officer transmitted a second alarm.
ANSWER: B) Upon arrival at the fire on the top floor of the Rowframe that extended to the cockloft, the officer transmitted a 1075 and considered a 2nd Alarm.
B IS CORRECT – Top floor fire that has extended to the cockloft THE NEED FOR A SECOND ALARM MUST BE CONSIDERED.
A – TRANSMIT A SECOND ALARM for heavy fire in the cellar and first floor of a Brownstone
C – Special call an extra engine and truck for two floors of fire in a Brownstone
D – Advisable to call for an Extra Engine and Truck for a fully involved floor from front to rear in a Rowframe
At an operation encompassing a row frame building fully involved, with fire showing in both exposures, the following actions were taken. Which was not in accordance with Department policy?
A) The first arriving Engine stretched two 1 3/4” hoselines for entering the building.
B) The first hoseline was stretched into the fire building through the front door.
C) The second hoseline was stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure since it was not needed to back up the first hoseline.
D) The third hoseline was stretched to the top floor of the opposite exposure.
ANSWER: A) The first arriving Engine stretched two 1 3/4” hoselines for entering the building. (INCORRECT)
(RF 6.5)
“Holding Operation”
- The first arriving Engine stretched one 3 ½” supply line for a Tower Ladder, and a hoseline for entering the building.
Ladder 199 is an aerial ladder company that’s first due for heavy fire venting from the second floor of a four story OLT type rowframe. Upon arrival, the chauffeur made several decisions based on conditions. Which of the choices was CORRECT?
A) The LCC initially positioned the aerial ladder to the top floor for VEIS.
B) The LCC waited for the roof size up prior to repositioning the aerial ladder to the fire floor for VEIS when teamed up with the 2nd arriving LCC.
C) The LCC teamed up with the OV prior to providing VEIS of the fire apartment via portable ladder in the front.
D) The LCC repositioned the aerial to the floors above after VEIS of the fire apartment was complete
ANSWER: D) The LCC repositioned the aerial to the floors above after VEIS of the fire apartment was complete.
A – Raise aerial for roof access by roof firefighter.
B – When fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using portable ladders when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member).
C – 2nd arriving LCC. The OV operates in the rear performing outside vent of floors within reach.