FAC36: Mastitis Approach to Mastitis Problems Flashcards
What are the steps to treat a herd with a high incidence of clinical mastitis?
- Data collection (records, targets, and bulk tank analysis)
- Clinical inspection (ID cows, treat, bacteriology, teat end defences)
- Farm inspection (control measures, 6 point plan, treatment, biosecurity)
What are the contagious pathogens that cause mastitis?
Staph aureus
Strep agalactiae
Strep dysgalactia
What are the environmental mastitis pathogens?
Strep uberis
E coli
Why are straw beds bad for mastitis?
- Bedding wetness
- Require daily maintenance
- Mucking out
Besides bedding and cubicle management, what other factors in cow comfort impact mastitis?
Dietary influences
Stocking rates
Clear away waste food and troughs
Avoid stress
What are the three ways in which contamination can be reduced at the teat end?
Milking routine
Teat disinfection
Aseptic infusion of intramammary tubes
What are the four ways to optimise teat defences?
Milking machine maintenance
Teat end damage care/prevention
Genetic influences
Effective teat seal during the dry period
What are the four ways to manage the immune response of the cow to prevent mastitis?
Avoid stress
Dry cow nutrition
Prevent/treat other diseases
What are the different measurements when doing bulk tank analysis?
- Bactoscan: total number of bacteria
- TBC: total number of viable bacteria
- Thermoduric count (LPC): bacteria which can withstand pasteurisation
- Coliform counts: measure of environmental contamination
- Psychrotrop Indicator Value: bacteria which grow at 2-10C commonly found in dust
- Bacterial differential counts
What are the different sources of bacteria in milk?
Mastitis pathogens from the udder
Environmental contamination
Dirty milking plant
Poor refrigeration of milk
When doing bulk tank analysis, how can you tell your bacteria are from the udder?
- Bactoscan and TBC fluctuate
- High coliform counts are indicative of environmental mastitis
How do you prevent bacterial contamination of milk from the udder?
- Early detection of mastitis
- Reduce mastitis incidence
- Keep mastitic milk out of bulk tank
When doing bulk tank analysis, how can you tell your bacteria are from the environment?
High psychrotroph indicator value
High coliform counts
Bacterial differential counts
How do you prevent environmental contamination of the milk tank?
- Keep cows clean
- Thorough pre-milking teat preparation
- Dry teats before attachment of cluster
When doing bulk tank analysis, how can you tell your bacteria are from the dirty milking plant?
High thermoduric count (LPC)
High bactoscan and TBC
How do you prevent contamination of the milk from the dirty milking plant?
Correct temperature
Correct strength fo detergent
Adequate volume of wash solution
When doing bulk tank analysis, how can you tell your bacteria are from poor refrigeration of milk?
High psychrotroph indicator value
High bactoscan
How do you prevent contamination of the milk from poor refrigeration of milk?
Ensure milk cooled immediately to 4C
What are the benefits of a mastitis control programme?
Increase milk revenue
Decrease replacement rates of cow
Reduced treatment of clinical cases
What are the costs of a mastitis control programme?
Minimal - it is easily incorporated into Hear Health Plans