exam 8 love and belonging Flashcards
Desire to be part of a group
Ex. Marriage,children
Profound concern and affection for another person
Factor affecting love and belonging
Illness Relationship with significant other Developmental stage Spirituality Family dynamics
What is an example of why illness could affect love and belonging
If in reverse isolation flowers can not be sent
Developmental stage is affected by love and belonging if
A person is older than they act
If your baptist you might not feel accepted by Catholics is an example of what factor affecting love and belonging
While caring for the client it is Is important to
Encourage support Private time Communication Therapeutic touch Do something special attitude Work to reduce anxiety Active participation
What are two things spirituality does
Shapes the person
Gives strength and guidance for life
Are religion and spirituality the same
No they are related but not the same
A persons well being is know as
Spiritual health
A belief in a higher power is known as what
Positive outlook in a persons bleakest moment.
Persons total self
The study of the end of the world is known as
The belief that nothing can be k own about the existence of a higher power
Denies existence of higher power is known as
Children must use what kind of thought process
They have hope and trust in the care of others
What age Have a magical thought process; filled with fantasy, start to imitate religious behavior
In what age group is faith captured by story’s they hear; start to engage in service and the discipleship at this age they know the difference between right and wrong
School age
At what age do people question faith, look toward abstract concept, look for relevance and start moving
At what age do people seek new religion
Young adulthood
How do middle adulthood react to spirituality
They accept but contradict
How do the late adulthood react to spirituality
Grow in faith
Accept life story
Looking for a purpose
Want to share faith
These days are set apart by each religion and are different for each group
Holy day
Some aspects of religion are
Hold day Diet Fasting Clothing/modesty Religious symbols Observances Death/terminal illness
Which religion fasts during the last month of year from sunrise to sunset
What religion is monotheistic and began in Iran
This religions motto is the earth is one county and mankind is its citizens
This religion believes the world begins with the individual who must have high moral standards simplicity social mindedness and positive thinking
This religion is a religion of understanding rather than belief
This religion began in India
This religion sees life as an inevitable process of birth,aging, illness, and death
This religion believes that liberation from suffering occurs through the doctrine of the middle way
Monotheistic religion tha started in the Middle East and spread its way around the world
Believe in the trinity: father, son, Holy Spirit
This religion forgives those who sin against them in return for gods forgiveness of their sins
This group is of the Christian denomination and are Mormons
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Began in early 1800s
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Believe in faith in Christ,repentance, confirmation of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Their motto is the glory of god is intelligence
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Monotheistic religion that believes the way of life originated before written history
Believe that the inequalities of birth or mental/physical disabilities are the result of deeds during past lives
Individuals are rewarded by being born into a better or worse situation in the next life according to their actions. This is known as what? And what religion believes it
Hinduism is the belief in four objects. What are these?
Performance of ones duty,
the honest attainment of wealth,
the pursuit of unselfish desires,
The achievement of self actualization
Is a monotheistic religion that began in Saudi Arabia.
Some Islam followers believe in this while others do not
What are Muslims five duties in life:
Faith Prayer Charity Fitting Pilgrimage to Mecca
What religion has many sub types
In what religion is the family the basis of social life with old people respected and cared for especially by their children
Monotheistic religion that began in the Mediterranean
This religion believes in one god who has no physical form, the contract between god and the Jews and the law that shows the way to holiness
This religion is family oriented and each person has the obligation of right and ethical behavior
Monotheistic religion that began in northern India
In the sikhism religion a Learner or disciple is known as
The Sikhism religion encourages their followers to
Live by honest work as a householder, to share success with the less fortunate, and to always be grateful to the almighty
In Sikhism the conduct of life is
Devotion and action
Guided by those who have gone before
How many times a day to Buddhist pray
5 times
What type of burial do Buddhist prefer
Methodist observe what holiday
What is Christianity symbol
What religion can use a blood transfusion If the look has not been stored?
Jehovah witness
A monotheistic religion that began in Rome
This religion has confessions and believes in the trinity
Some people of this religion don’t eat meat on Friday
They believe in the trinity but pray to different people other than Jesus Christ
Birth control is not accepted in what Christianity religion
This Christianity religion does not consume tea coffee alcohol or other addictive substances
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
This religion is a firm believer in the laying of hands
Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints
What do young adults serve as in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
In Hinduism, hold days are celebrated by what
Fasting or feasting
Hinduism usually use what hand to eat
What religion fast multiple times a week
What religion do women wear red thread around neck women will have red dot on forehead
In this religion family members wish to die at home and the family members want to prepare the body
In what way do Islam face while praying
Toward Mecca
This religion require a kosher diet. Prepared over a ritual they do
Eat no pork or scale fish
No food from cow
Usually high in sodium
In Judaism circumscion is done on what day of life and by who
8th day of life by religious personnel
Sikhism wear a Kara what is that
Steel bracelet that shouldn’t be removed
Koran is what religion
Book of Mormon is what religion
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Tripitaka is the book of what religion
Four Vedas is the book of what relgion
Torah is the book of what relgion
Pastor is from what religion
Priest is from what religion
Guru is from what religion
Pope is of what religion
Rabbi is of what religion
They believe in more than one god. They believe more in earth.
Native Americans
Is a collecting of learned adaptive and socially and intergenerationally transmitted behaviors values beliefs and customs that form the context from which group interprets the human experience
Culture includes:
Language Communication style Traditions Religions Art Music Dress Health beliefs Health practices
The bond of kinship people feel with their country of birth or place of ancestral origin
Involves the delivery of care that transcends cultural boundaries and considers a clients culture as it affects health,illness,and lifestyle
Cultural nursing care
What three things are influenced by culture
Dietary preferences
This means that nurses are knowledgeable about the cultures prevalent in their area of practice
Culturally sensitive
This means that nurses apply their knowledge of a clients culture to the care of their delivery
Culturally appropriate
This means that nurses understand and address the entire cultural context of each client within the realm of the care they deliver
Culturally competent
Many cultures consider the mind body spirit to be a single entity therefore what is not made
A distinction between physical and mental illness
Differences n language habits customs attitudes and beliefs can lead to clients feeling of what
Isolation and lonliness
A key prerequisite to the delivery of cultural nursing can is the nurses understanding and awareness of what
Their own culture and any cultural biases that might affect the care of delivery
What are some barriers to providing cultural nursing care
Language and communication differences
Culturally inappropriate tests and tools that lead to misdiagnoses
Ethnic variations in drug metabolism related to genetics
What is the belief that one culture is superior to the other
Occurs when a Client is living a new dominant culture and adopts those pattern of behavior
Set of rules by which individuals in a culture live
Values guide what
Decision making and behavior
A challenge to belief systems or spiritual well being. It often arises as a result of catastrophic event
Spiritual distress
Within ones self
Wit others and the environment
With a unseen higher power
Is a belief in something or relationship with a higher power
Is a system of beliefs practiced outwardly to express ones spirituality
What religion does not prolong life
In what religion do clients want to lie on the floor while dying
Chanting is common as a death ritual In what religion
Where is the prayer said at birth in the Islam religion
In the infants ear
At death in Judaism, what happens
Someone stays with the body at all times
Children re baptized at 8 by immersion in what religion
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints offers what as a death ritual