Exam 8 COGNITION Flashcards
The degree a person is aware of their surroundings
must have awareness to have cognition
The way we think, learn and make judgements.
Intellectual functioning-thinking, reasoning, use of language
——controlled by the cortex of the brain
Disorders that affect cognition and awareness
Anything that interrupts cognition - impaired thinking
- inadequate blood flow
- ventilation
- pulmonary circulation
- cardiac
- abnormal HGB levels - leads to hypoxia
- Rapidly occurring, temporary, short term cognitive alterations
- may be anxious
- confused, disorientated, agitated
- resolves when the cause resolves
- like a high fever with a child - when the fever goes away the symptoms of delirium goes away
- With Elders
- —-Present with dehydration
- —-hospital psychosis
- —-Sundowners
- Permanent Disorder
- Based on more serious damage to the brain
- Alzheimer’s
- Problems with memory
- problems with judgement, abstract thinking
- changes in personality
3 Types of cognitive problems that occur with Delirium and Dementia
- Hallucinations
- Illusions
- Delusions
Cognitive Disorders
Delirium Dementia Hallucinations Illusions Delusions
Seeing or hearing something that is not there.
EX: I see a pink elephant
EX: Hearing voices
Visual, Auditory or Olfactory
- Misinterpretations of real sights, sounds or smells.
- See a dog outside and think it is a Tiger
Persistent false psychotic belief regarding self, or persons or objects outside self.
Alterations in Awareness
- Consciousness - able to talk and respond to stimuli - Alert
- Lethargy/ Somnolence/ Drowsiness - Sleepy appears to be resting- dozing can be with stimuli
- Stupor - Sleepy needs continual stimuli to stay awake
- Light Coma / Semi Comatose - no longer responds to verbal stimuli - may respond to physical stimuli
- Deep Coma/ Comatose - Totally unresponsive- responds to severe pain- no voluntary movement
- ——–protective reflexes are lost- gag, cough and blink are gone.
Assessment for Cognitive problems
- Interview - client and family
- —-If ever any problems with interview always go back to the orientation (person, place, time)
- Physical
- —-Grooming and hygiene
- Highest level to lowest level
- —-1.mental status, questions about physical problems - habits
- —-2.Vital signs
- —-3. Cranial nerve function
- —-4. Sensory function
- —-5. Motor function
- —-6. Reflexes - hand grips
- Vital signs
- —-changes with pulse pressure can indicate increased innercranial pressure
- —-Blood pressure meds can cause this too
- Assessment of level of consciousness/awareness—-? Alert
- Orientation - person, place, and time
- —-always go back to orientation if something is wrong
Assessment of Cognition
- Attention span
- —-serial 7s…….world backwards
- Memory
- —-what did you eat for breakfast
- Judgement
- —-See someone pick pocket- what would you do?
- Abstract thinking
- —-A rolling stone gathers no moss
- Emotional state
- —-Stressors
- Thought processes
- —-? disruptive thoughts and if they are able to control disruptive thoughts
- Perception
- —-Do they hear voices? Do they smell strange odors?
- Orientation
- —-Person, place, time
- Registration
- —-Name 3 objects - later ask the patient what 3 objects you said
- Attention and calculation
- —-5 - serial sevens
- Recall
- —-3 - registration recall
- Language
- —-2-naming a pencil and a watch
- Total points
Praxis- planned coordinated movement
Impairment of language function due to brain involvement.
- Expressive
- Receptive
- Global
Interference with annunciation and articulation
Impairment of motor nerves to muscles of speech
Nursing Diagnosis for Cognitive problems
High risk for Injury Altered Health maintenance Altered thought process Self-care deficits Anxiety
Planning and Implementation with cognitive problems
- –Reality orientation
- —-Adults benefit from this
- –Validation therapy
- —-Irreversible cognition impairment
Care for the client with speech impairment
- Need a way to communicate with the patient
- Speech therapist is your friend
- Communication
- –may be agitated, depressed or frustrated
- Do not shout
- Don’t talk down to them
- –Use simple words
- Maintain eye contact
- —–speak slowly and distinctly
- Follow speech therapist plan to help relearn speech
- A quiet well organized environment is best
- Simple symbol board
- Dry erase board
Care of a client with decreased awareness
- Protect from Injury
- —-heating pads
- —-do not inject or stick side effected
- —-bed in low position
- Supplement deficiencies
- Assess level of Awareness
- —Glasco Coma Scale is best way to do this
- —-Coma patient - tell them you are going to touch them
Types of Aphasia
- Expressive
- REceptive
- Global
Expressive Aphasia
- Problems expressing correct word for objects although understanding is intact
- EX: client may call a chair a television but they know that it is a chair
Receptive Aphasia
Problem understanding spoken or written word.
Have difficulty following directions.
Global Aphasia
Refers to having a problem with both Expressive and Receptive Aphasia
Very difficult to communicate with this patient
Reality Orientation
- Adults benefit from this
- Calendar with correct date
- Clock with correct time
- Pictures of Family
- Comforting touch
used with Delirium
Validation Therapy
- Used with Dementia
- I want to see my mother (when their mother is dead)
- ——-Ask them to tell you about their mother
- ——-Do not agree with a confused client
- ——-Do not argue with them
- Use short directions
- —-raise your arm
- Frequent observations - frequently check on them
- used for irreversible cognitive impariment
Difficulty in swallowing
Being in an unfamiliar environment
I went to see a James Bond movie and I think I am a Bond girl
There is spiders all over the wall lets kill them.
See a garden hose in the yard and think it is a snake!
Pain Response
- Talk louder and louder
- put thumb under—–press in
- pinch or squeeze the muscle b/t neck and shoulder
- sternal rub
- If no response after 20-30 seconds do not keep doing it.
Conscious States
Delirium Dementia Confusion Normal Consciousness Somnolence
Unconscious States
Vegetative State