Exam 8 LOVE AND BELONGING Flashcards
Desire to be a part of a group. Marriage Children Community Church Career Clubs
Profound concern and affection for another person
Factors affecting love/belonging
Illness—sometimes people sick do not get visitors like they need or do not get interaction with others
Relationship with significant other— could be abusive
Self-concept—teenagers have a need to belong to a group
Developmental stage—-may be 15 with mental stage of 8
Spirituality/culture–you tend to stick with the people of same beliefs
Family dynamics
Life style choices–choosing a certain church– choices
In the absence of love and belonging you may have
Social anxiety
Nursing care for love and belonging
Encourage support of family/friends
Provide private time to think through what is going on
Therapeutic touch lets them know you are there for them
Do something special for them– paint their nails
Attitude– your attitude can effect the pts sense of belonging
Work to reduce anxiety level
Active in plan of care
Belief in a higher power
Organized and public belief system of worship and practices that generally has a focus on a god or supernatural power.
confident belief that there is something there with no evidence
A positive outlook in even the bleakest moments
Originates in the imagination
could be a wish or desire accompanied by an expectation of its fulfillment
the persons total self, the spirit of the person
The study of the existence of the devine and its relationship to other beings.
THe study of god and gods religion to the world.
The study of the end of the world.
THis person believes nothing can be known about the existence of a higher power.
Denies the existence of a higher power.
Spirituality fulfills specific needs…..
- –meaning of life, illness, crisis, and death
- –senses of security
- –Guides daily habits such as the choices we make between right and wrong
- –Elicits acceptance or rejection of other people
- –Strength when facing life’s crisis
- –Healing strength and support
Spiritual development in children
Children must develop abstract thought before grasping spirituality development
Spirituality development in infancy
Infancy - have faith and trust in the care of other, that you will bring the bottle and change them when they need it. It is built on their secure attachments with mother caregiver.
Preschool (spiritual development)
Filled with fantasy, magical, start to imitate religious behaviors.
when you teach them to pray by bowing your heads and holding hands.
School age (spiritual development)
Where their faith is captured in captured in the stories they hear.
THey understand god in a concrete term and this is where they start to engage in the service and decipleships.
They develop religious values taught by others.
They should know the difference b/t right and wrong.
Adolescence (spiritual development)
Question everything, start to question faith at this age and look at the relevance and start to move toward a more abstract concept of god.
young adult (spiritual development)
They may start to leave church or start to seek different spiritual experiences from what they were taught.
Middle adult (spiritual development)
confronts but accepts the contradictions of religious life.
they want to understand the meaning of life and how faith relates and taking responsibility.
Late Adulthood (spiritual Development)
They want to grown in faith and accept their life story, looking for a purpose and may want to share their faith.
Monotheistic religion
Began in iraq
The earth is one country and mankind is its citizens
Believe there is 19 months and they meet on the first day of each month.
No alcohol or mind altering drugs without a prescription
last month of the year they fast from sun up to sun down.
Religion of understanding rather that belief
Began in India
See life as inevitable process of birth, aging, illness and death.
Believe when you come back in your next life it is because of the way you were in your previous life.
Celebrate full moon day in May.
Do not have a special day for prayer.
May be Vegan, semi -vegetarian.
Pray 5 x a day an may use beads when they pray.
Prefer cremation.
Want a quiet place for meditation.
Monotheistic religion
Spread from the Middle East then throughout the world.
Believe in the trinity. The father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
Forgive those who sin against them in return for God’s forgiveness of their sins.
Sunday’s , Christmas , easter
Jehovah witness are a part of the Christian faith.
No Blood Products.
Christian Monotheistic religion Began in Rome Believe in the Trinity: the father, the son , the Holy Spirit Christians that believe that Jesus Christ is the son of god. Confession Prayer Beads Anointing the sick
Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder day Saints
Mormons - laying on of hands - no alcohol - long underwear to the knees
Christian Domination
Began in early 1800s
Believe in faith in Christ, repentance, confirmation of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.
No tobacco, No alcohol, No addictive substances
Modest clothing
Monotheistic Religion
Believe that the inequalities of birth or mental/physical disabilities are the result of deeds during past lives.
Individuals are rewarded by being born into a better or worse situation in the next life according to their actions (karma)
THey may only eat what the family brings in.
May refuse to eat beef or pork and may only eat with the right hand.
Fasting several times a week from sunrise to sunset.
Privacy for prayer and meditation several x a day.
prefer disposable dishes
women covered all over, men from waist to knees (prefer own pants)
Same sex caregiver- red mark on forehead.
women Wear thread around neck.
way of life originated before written history
Four objects: performance of one’s duty, the honest attainment of wealth, the pursuit of unselfish desires, and the acheivement of self-actualization.
Men wear thread over right shoulder, waist or arm, only time to remove is when there is a potential for harm.
Hinduism (Part 2)
Usually wish to die at home on the floor to be closer to Mother Earth.
Family wishes to prepare the body.
They believe in cleanliness and washing with running water to purify before prayers.
Right hand is considered clean and left hand is considered dirty.
Began in Saudi Arabia
Believe in Raumada
Some believe in reincarnation and others do not
Muslims have five duties in life: faith, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgirimage to Mecca
Women are covered from head to toe.
Family is basis of social life with old people respected and cared for, especially by their children
Women may need consent from head of family for pain meds etc.
Many sub-types
Follow Lunar calendar, holy days are different each year.
Rinse their mouth with water after eating.
Pray 5 x a day and face toward Mecca
Believe hospital gowns are indecent
same sex care givers are mandatory
Monotheistic religion
Sabbath is sunset friday to sunset saturday
Believe in Haunikka
Began in Eastern Mediterranean
No lotions, No ointments
Kosher diet - prepared by Rabi
Believes in one god who has no physical form, the contract between god and the jews, and the law that shows the way to holiness.
will not eat cow—fork can not touch the plate
Family orientated and each person has the obligation of right and ethical behavior.
Circumcision is performed on all males on the 8th day of life.
Monotheistic religion
Began in Northern India
Refuse to have hair cut
Sikh - learner or disciple
Encouraged to live by honest work as a householder, to share success with the less fortunate , and to always be greatful to the almighty
The conduct of life is knowledge, devotion and action, guided by those who have gone before.
same sex care givers
Sacred Writings
Bible-christians Koran - book of Islams Book of Mormon Tripitaki - buddahs Four Vedas , Epics--hindu Torah - Jews
Religious leaders
Pastor Minister Priest Guru - Hindu Rabbi - Jews Pope - Catholic
Adoration Praise Thanksgiving Penitence Offering Intercession Petition
Barriers to spiritual care
Inadequate knowledge of spirituality
Lack of awareness of personal beliefs
Spiritual problems—-Spiritual distress
Question meaning of life
Afraid to sleep at night or other fears
Anger at god/higher power
Feels a sense of emptiness . loss of direction
Talks about feelings of being left by god/higher power
Questions the meaning of suffering
Pain and other physical symptoms can be expressions of spiritual distress
Nursing Assessment
Spiritual assessment tools - hope tool - in the chapter Faith / belief Overall view of life Fellowship/community vocation culture / rituals H- Sources of hope, meaning, peace, love O- organized religion they are in P- personal spirituality and practice E- effects of medical care and end of life practices
common nursing diagnosis
Spiritual distress Hopelessness Fear Anxiety Powerlessness Ineffective Coping
Planning (Spiritual Interventions)
Collaberation with client and family
Includes pastoral care or religious leader
Incorporate rituals / observances
Nursing Care
Show respect for religious differences Show respect for the individual Keep an open mind Make no assumptions Ask questions Listen actively to verbal and non verbal responses of the patient
Successful outcomes should reveal the client developing and increased or restored sense of connectedness with family, maintaining, renewing, or reforming a sense of purpose in life and, for some , a confidence and trust in a supreme being of power