Drugs in sports Flashcards
Drugs in sports
a. topical phenylephrine is prohibited
False. Bupropion, caffeine, nicotine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pipradrol, and synephrine: These substances are included in the 2020 Monitoring Program, and are not considered Prohibited Substances.
b. tamoxifen reduces the gynaecomastic effects of testosterone
True. Tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, is effective for recent-onset and tender gynecomastia when used in doses of 10-20 mg twice daily.
c. the excessive use of growth hormone increases the risk of acromegaly
d. probenecid increases the renal excretion of nandrolone
True. Probenecid is indicate for gout. It promotes the renal excretion of urates.
e. amphetamine improves response time
True. Stimulants improves reaction time
Drug use in sports
a. nandrolone stimulates red blood cell production
True. Erythropoietic action: Nandrolone stimulates kidney production of erythropoietin, leading to increases in red blood cell mass and volume.
b. hydrochlorothiazide assists in weight loss
True. Diuretics are used to lose weight
c. tamoxifene causes gynaecomastia
d. amphetamine reduces tremor during archery
Beta blockers reduce tremor
e. probenecid decreases the renal excretion of testosterone
False. increases
Match the following with its effect:
a.Beta Blockers
1. Increases strength = more powerful punches 2. Keep calm = steady aiming 3. Meet the fighting weight 4. Can perform whilst injured 5.Increases red blood cells = carry more oxygen 6. React quickly to the shots = higher rate of success
- Keep calm = steady aiming
Match the following with its effect:
b.Peptide Hormones
1. Increases strength = more powerful punches 2. Keep calm = steady aiming 3. Meet the fighting weight 4. Can perform whilst injured 5.Increases red blood cells = carry more oxygen 6. React quickly to the shots = higher rate of success
- Increases red blood cells = carry
more oxygen
Match the following with its effect:
c. Stimulants
1. Increases strength = more powerful punches 2. Keep calm = steady aiming 3. Meet the fighting weight 4. Can perform whilst injured 5.Increases red blood cells = carry more oxygen 6. React quickly to the shots = higher rate of success
- React quickly to the shots =
higher rate of success
Match the following with its effect:
d. Anabolic Steroids
1. Increases strength = more powerful punches 2. Keep calm = steady aiming 3. Meet the fighting weight 4. Can perform whilst injured 5.Increases red blood cells = carry more oxygen 6. React quickly to the shots = higher rate of success
- Increases strength = more
powerful punches
Match the following with its effect:
e. Narcotic Analgesics
1. Increases strength = more powerful punches 2. Keep calm = steady aiming 3. Meet the fighting weight 4. Can perform whilst injured 5.Increases red blood cells = carry more oxygen 6. React quickly to the shots = higher rate of success
- Can perform whilst injured
Match the following with its effect:
f. Diuretcs
1. Increases strength = more powerful punches 2. Keep calm = steady aiming 3. Meet the fighting weight 4. Can perform whilst injured 5.Increases red blood cells = carry more oxygen 6. React quickly to the shots = higher rate of success
- Meet the fighting weight
Drugs in sport
a. in long distance cyclists peptide hormone increases red blood cell production
a. true, (EPO)
Drugs in sport
b. archery athletes use beta blockers to provide a steady aim
b. true
Drugs in sport
c. use of anabolic steroids by boxers improves musculoskeletal muscle
c. true
Drugs in sport
d. goalkeepers use stimulants to decrease their reaction time
d. false, increase
Drugs in sport
e. weight-lifters use diuretics to decrease body weight
e. false, weight lifters don’t want to cut
Effect of Anabolic Steroids doping in men
a. increases sperm count
a. False, decrease
Effect of Anabolic Steroids doping in men
b. . decrease in estrogen levels
b. False, increase estorgen levels
Effect of Anabolic Steroids doping in men
c. acne on face and back
c. True
Effect of Anabolic Steroids doping in men
d. impaired liver function
d. True
Effect of Anabolic Steroids doping in men
e. errectile dysfunction
e. True
A 25 year old jockey chooses to illegally lose weight prior to the required weigh-in before a major horse racing competition. Which category drug would best serve this intention?
A 17 year old rugby player wants to play in the 1st team. He is advised by a coaching assistant of a supplement product that contains an anabolic steroid to increase his muscle mass. Which compound is the steroid that was in his supplement ?
Drugs in sports
a. methamphetamine enhances endurance
a. true
Drugs in sports
b. nandrolone protects skeletal muscle from the catabolic action of cortisol
b. true
Drugs in sports
c. salbutamol syrup use is prohibited in sport
c. true
Drugs in sports
d. exogenously administered erythropoietin reduces red blood cell oxygen - carrying capacity
d. false, increases
Drugs in sports
e. danazol reduces aggressive behaviour
e. false, increases