DISP - Spectacle Frame Specification and Lens Centration - Week 2 Flashcards
What are the two forms of frame measurement systems and which is older? Which is most often used?
Boxing - used more often
What is the datum line?
It is a line made halfway between two horizontal lines encasing the top and bottom of the lens (and not the frame).
Describe how to find the datum centre.
Once the datum line is found, the datum centre is the midpoint between the edges of the lens using the datum line as a reference.
Define eye size in the datum system.
It is the width of the lens at the datum line.
Define bridge size according to the datum system.
It is the distance between the two lenses at the datum line.
What was the boxing system introduced for?
Elongated and asymmetrical lenses
Define the effective diameter and describe how it is related to the geometric centre of the lens. What system uses this?
Used by the boxing system, the effective diameter is the largest diameter possible for a given lens.
It is twice the longest distance from the geometric centre to the farthest rim/edge of the lens.
It is used by the boxing system.
Is the geometric centre the same as the datum centre?
Describe the lens/eye size in the boxing system and compare it to the datum system. What is done to eye size in the boxing system?
In the boxing system, the lens size is the width of the box around the lens and not the width of the datum line, as it is in the datum system.
In the boxing system, 1mm is added to allow for the groove of the frame.
Define bridge size for the boxing system and compare it to the datum system. what is usually done to bridge size in the boxing system?
It is the distance between the boxes of each lens - ie the smallest distance between each lens.
In the datum system, it is the distance between each lens at the datum line.
In the boxing system, 1mm is subtracted to allow for the groove of the frame.
How is the geometric centre found?
It is in the centre of the box in the boxing system.
How is frame size/frame PD found?
Eyesize plus bridge size
What three things are typically not the same between the boxing and datum systems?
Eye size
Bridge size
Box centre ≠ datum centre
What is the reference point for all frame measurements, both datum and boxing systems?
The peak of the bevel
Describe the format for frame specification and mention where in the spectacles it can be found.
Eye size/bridge size temple length make, model and colour
i.e. 52/18 140 MW Atlas Grey
Markings can be found on either side of the nose pad, or somewhere on the temple arm