This class was created by Brainscape user B H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: B H

Decks in this class (174)

MIIM - Introduction to Infectious Agents - Week 1
How have microorganisms imapcted ...,
Describe nitrogen fixation 2,
Describe ammonification 3
48  cards
MIIM - Pathogenesis of Infection - Week 1
Describe bacterial transformation 1,
Describe transduction 2,
Describe conjugation 3
43  cards
PHARM - Introduction and Subject Overview - Week 1
0  cards
PHARM - Pharmacokinetics - Drug Absorption and Distribution - Week 1
Define pharmacokinetics 1,
What are 4 key questions that are...,
Define administration 3
23  cards
PHARM - Pharmacokinetics - Drug Metabolism and Excretion - Week 1
Describe distribution equilibrium 1,
How does drug elimination rate re...,
Name two ways drugs are eliminate...
32  cards
DISP - Introduction and Hand Neutralisation - Week 1
Describe how to convert between f...,
How can the power sign of a lens ...,
Do positive lens magnify or minif...
4  cards
EIP - Evidence-based Practice and Optometry - Week 1
Define evidence based practice 1,
Describe the five step process fo...,
Describe the pico principle 3
8  cards
MIIM - Bacteria Causing Ocular Infections I & II - Week 2
Describe the protective function ...,
Define antibiosis 2,
Name 4 reasons why skin is a gene...
64  cards
PHARM - Drug Targets and Action - Week 2
Define volume of distribution and...,
What is a composite of colume of ...,
What four factors affect the conc...
33  cards
PHARM - Pharmacodynamics - Week 2
Define drug potency what tow fact...,
What gives an indication of drug ...,
What is the effect of adrenorecep...
15  cards
PHARM - Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics – Why Should You Care? - Week 2
Describe the four structures that...,
Describe the four components of p...,
What kind of drugs can be used fo...
15  cards
DISP - Spectacle Frame Materials - Week 2
What consititues a plastic frame 1,
What constitutes a metal spectacl...,
What constitutes a metal nylon co...
32  cards
DISP - Spectacle Frame Specification and Lens Centration - Week 2
What are the two forms of frame m...,
What is the datum line 2,
Describe how to find the datum ce...
25  cards
EIP - Critical Appraisal and CrowdCARE - Week 2
Describe the 6 stages of the ebp ...,
Name 3 barriers to evidence based...,
Define critical appraisal 3
24  cards
MIIM - Bacteria and Fungi Causing Ocular Infections III - Week 3
What 6 things about the ocular in...,
What 5 things about ocular pathog...,
What gram stain shape and metabol...
68  cards
MIIM - Bacteria and Fungi Causing Ocular Infections IV - Week 3
What gram stain shape and metabol...,
Is moraxella oxidase and catalase...,
Name the two major moraxella path...
70  cards
MIIM - Bacteria and Fungi Causing Ocular Infections V - Week 3
Describe the gram stain shape and...,
What two pigments are produced by...,
What bacteria is the most common ...
62  cards
PHARM - Introduction to Pharmacology of the Nervous System - Week 3
Describe loewi s experiment what ...,
Name 8 major pharmacological mani...,
Define pre junctional receptors 3
14  cards
PHARM - Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System: Cholinergics - Week 3
Describe how ach is made 4 1,
What is the action of botulinum t...,
Define blepharospasm and what can...
19  cards
DISP - Ophthalmic Lens Forms - Week 3
When does and doesn t lens form b...,
Name 4 aberrations that adversely...,
Describe two ways in which off ax...
30  cards
DISP - Vertometry - Week 3
0  cards
EIP - Bias - Week 3
When deciding on the specifics fo...,
Define selection bias when does i...,
Define referral bias what kind of...
36  cards
MIIM - The Immune System and the Response to Infection - Week 4
What are the four principles of i...,
What are pathogen associated mole...,
Which evolved second the innate o...
44  cards
MIIM - Ocular Defences: The Immune System I - Week 4
What are the three main mechanism...,
What are the three main mechanism...,
Name 2 ways pathogens can evade t...
51  cards
MIIM - Ocular Defences: The Immune System II - Week 4
What antibody is the principle sp...,
Describe in 6 steps how iga is tr...,
How are siga dimers protected fro...
24  cards
MIIM - Ocular Defences: The Immune System III - Week 4
Is the mhc marker and peptide rec...,
Which cell is the best antigen pr...,
In non inflamed tissue how effici...
31  cards
PHARM - Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System: Adrenergics - Week 4
What are three requirements for c...,
Where from the spinal cord do the...,
Where from the spinal cord do the...
27  cards
PHARM - Introduction to Cardiovascular Pharmacology - Week 4
What forms the high and low press...,
Do capillaries have smooth muscle 2,
What is the formula for blood pre...
45  cards
PHARM - Drugs for the Treatment of Hypertension - Week 4
What do diuretic drugs do 1,
In what way do diuretics affect c...,
Name three factors that affect na...
50  cards
PHARM - Lipid Lowering Drugs - Week 4
Define dyslipidaemia 1,
What can dyslipidaemia lead to 3 2,
Name three forms forms of dyslipi...
56  cards
DISP - Ophthalmic Lens Materials - Week 4
Name three modern plastic spectac...,
Name 4 modern glass spectacle len...,
In what form is raw cr 39 3
50  cards
DISP - Spectacle Magnification and Aniseikonia - Week 4
Define spectacle magnification in...,
Define eye magnification includin...,
Do aspheric lenses increase or mi...
36  cards
EIP - Summarising Data - Week 4
Name and describe the two types o...,
List the two types of qualitative...,
Define frequency 3
18  cards
MIIM - Immunopathology I - Week 5
What is a possible disadvantage o...,
Define immunodeficiency and name ...,
Name three abnormal or unwanted r...
51  cards
MIIM - Immunopathology II - Week 5
What three types of hypersensitiv...,
What is autoimmunity due to the a...,
Name three factors that affect th...
46  cards
PHARM - Drugs for the Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Disease - Week 5
What are ischaemic heart diseases...,
What is the principal artery supp...,
In what two ways can blood flow t...
52  cards
PHARM - Drugs for the Treatment of Heart Failure and Arrhythmia - Week 5
Which nodes of the heart does par...,
Which nodes of the heart does sym...,
Compare the sa and the ventricle ...
25  cards
PHARM - Anti-Inflammatory Drugs I: The Arachidonic Acid Pathway and NSAIDS - Week 5
Describe two means of chemical si...,
What are exosomes 2,
Name 5 kinds of important local m...
51  cards
PHARM - Principles of Ocular Prescribing - Week 5
Define the following schedules of...,
Can optometrists prescribe diamox...,
Describe in 5 steps the procedure...
7  cards
DISP - Facial Measures and Frame Fitting - Week 5
In what 5 situations is vertical ...,
If the eye is not centred vertica...,
Consider an eye that is above the...
33  cards
DISP - Frame Adjustment and Repairs - Week 5
How is the contour of a frame che...,
What is x ing 2,
What should the temple arm angles...
19  cards
PHARM - Anti-Inflammatory Drugs II: The Arachidonic Acid Pathway and NSAIDS - Week 6
Name 5 things that inflammation c...,
What three protective mechanisms ...,
List the two main anti inflammato...
30  cards
PHARM - Drugs That Modulate Haemostasis and Thrombosis - Week 6
Define haemostasis 1,
Define coagulation 2,
Define thrombosis 3
71  cards
PHARM - Drugs Used in Gastrointenstinal Disorders - Week 6
What two nerves form the parasymp...,
What nerve form the sympathetic i...,
Name 8 general causes of vomiting 3
41  cards
PHARM - Oral Medications and the Eye - Week 6
What route of drug administration...,
How do topical eye drugs enter th...,
What absorption mode can give dir...
91  cards
DISP - Bifocals - Week 6
What are the two formulae for nor...,
What are two possible causes of p...,
What is the near addition 3
27  cards
DISP - Trifocals and Matrix Optics - Week 6
What do trifocals do to the range...,
How are trifocals fitted 2,
On a 2x2 matrix where is the hori...
3  cards
EIP - Normal Distribution - Week 6
Are normal distributions symmetri...,
What can a normal distribution be...,
What is the central limit theorem 3
6  cards
MIIM - Diagnosis of Ocular Infections - Week 7
0  cards
PHARM - Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System: Asthma - Week 7
Define athsma 1,
List 4 symptoms of athsma 2,
What is the prognosis of athsma l...
27  cards
PHARM - Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System: COPD - Week 7
Define copd 1,
Are copds preventable and or cura...,
Compare death rates for coronary ...
36  cards
PHARM - Paediatrics, Pregnancy, and Ocular Drugs - Week 7
See pharm oral medications and th...
1  cards
DISP - Coatings and Tints - Week 7
From what two sources can ghost i...,
Does reflectance increase or decr...,
Describe how antireflective coati...
36  cards
DISP - Impact Resistance - Week 7
Is protecting the eye a first ste...,
What 9 considerations must be giv...,
What is the most common mechanism...
41  cards
EIP - Probability and Significance Tests - Week 7
Define probability 1,
Define random variable 2,
Must you sum probabilities of eve...
12  cards
MIIM - Sterilisation, Disinfection, and Infection Control - Week 8
Define aseptic technique 1,
Define infection control 2,
Define cross infection 3 3
75  cards
PHARM - Drugs Used to Treat Diabetes - Week 8
What cell is responsible for the ...,
What two cells are responsible fo...,
Describe in 4 steps the physiolog...
62  cards
PHARM - Obesity: A Multi-Targeted Treatment Approach - Week 8
Describe the formula for body mas...,
Describe the range and overall he...,
Describe the range and overall he...
40  cards
PHARM - Drugs Used to Treat Bone Disorders - Week 8
Name three mechanical functions o...,
Name two metabolic functions for ...,
Name one synthesis function of bo...
66  cards
PHARM - Drugs for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease - Week 8
Define 6 characteristics of demen...,
What is the most common form of d...,
What are two hallmarks of alzheim...
77  cards
DISP - Progressive Lenses - Week 8
What happens to the range of clea...,
List 7 advantages of progressive ...,
List 4 disadvantages of progressi...
16  cards
EIP - Choice of Test and Confidence Intervals - Week 8
Describe what a 95 confidence int...,
What is the usual estimator of a ...,
Will different samples drawn from...
8  cards
MIIM - Antibiotics I - Week 9
What is the multiplication thresh...,
What are antibiotics and other dr...,
List the four classifications of ...
34  cards
MIIM - Antibiotics II - Week 9
Name 3 nucleic acid pathways that...,
What nucleic acid pathway do quin...,
What is the action of dna gyrase 3
36  cards
PHARM - Drugs Used to Treat Depression and Bipolar Disorders - Week 9
What are affective disorders 1,
What happens with mood swings 2,
Do unipolar major depression have...
43  cards
PHARM - Drugs of Abuse - Week 9
Why does dependence to drugs occur 1,
What happens to homeostasis in re...,
If there is a dependence on drugs...
88  cards
PHARM - Drugs for Pain Management - Week 9
Define pain 1,
What is the vital purpose of pain 2,
Is pain objective or subjective 3
79  cards
PHARM - Drug Administration to the Eye: Pharmacokinetic and Toxicological Considerations - Week 9
0  cards
DISP - Standards: Are Those Spectacles Right? - Week 9
0  cards
EIP - χ2 and t-test - Week 9
What is a t test used to assess 1,
What can the t test be thought of...,
What is the chi squared test used...
5  cards
MIIM - Parasites Causing Ocular Infections - Week 10
In what 5 situations would you su...,
Define parasitism 2,
Define commensalism 3
60  cards
PHARM - Antipsychotic Drugs - Week 10
Name 9 ways neurotransmitter func...,
What percentage of the population...,
Does schizophrenia affect individ...
29  cards
PHARM - Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Drugs - Week 10
What other condition do anxiety d...,
What four aspects of life are anx...,
Briefly describe panic disorder 3
53  cards
PHARM - Antiepileptic Drugs - Week 10
What percentage of the worlds pop...,
What percentage of those with epi...,
Is there a genetic link to epilep...
23  cards
PHARM - Ocular Analgaesics - Week 10
What is red eye generally associa...,
What three things may cause persi...,
What pathway do nsaids inhibit 3
24  cards
DISP - Edging and Fitting Lenses - Week 10
How are templates produced 1,
Describe what is meant by marking...,
What is done if prism is required...
8  cards
DISP - Business Aspects of Dispensing - Week 10
0  cards
EIP - Rates, Ratios and Risks - Week 10
What can cross sectional studies ...,
Is there an implication of cause ...,
True or false cohort studies are ...
18  cards
MIIM - Characteristics of Viruses and Diagnosis of Infections - Week 11
0  cards
MIIM - Viral Replication and Chemotherapy - Week 11
0  cards
MIIM - Ocular Viral Infections - Week 11
0  cards
PHARM - Drugs Used for CNS Disorders: - A Clinical Perspective - Week 11
0  cards
PHARM - Anaesthetics (General and Local) - Week 11
0  cards
PHARM - Chemotherapeutic Approaches to Cancer - Week 11
0  cards
PHARM - Lubricants and Contact Lens Solutions - Week 11
0  cards
DISP - Managing Common Dispensing Problems - Week 11
0  cards
DISP - Sunglass Standards - Week 11
When prescribing sunglasses for p...,
What colour do brown lenses typic...,
What is the ideal colour lenses f...
5  cards
EIP - Screening and Diagnostic Tests - Week 11
Define screening test 1,
Only when what criteria is met sh...,
Define a 100 sensitive test 3
15  cards
MIIM - Other Important Viral Infections: HIV and HTLV - Week 12
0  cards
PHARM - General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy: Anti-Bacterial Therapy - Week 12
0  cards
PHARM - General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy - Anti-Viral Therapy - Week 12
0  cards
AED - Cell Injury I - Week 1
When a cell encounters an injurou...,
Name 8 common causes of cell inju...,
Define atrophy 3
36  cards
AED - Cell Injury II - Week 1
Define hypoxia 1,
Define anoxia 2,
What is the most common cause of ...
29  cards
AED - Inflammation - Week 1
List 8 causes of inflammation 1,
List 4 classic signs of acute inf...,
What two cells are more involved ...
49  cards
AED - Immunopathology - Week 1
Are lymphatic vessels present int...,
List where in the eye lymphatic v...,
What are malts 3
33  cards
CLM - Introduction: History and Physiology of CLs - Week 1
List the three main corneal metab...,
Wwhich metabolic pathay is more a...,
List 4 reasons why o2 flux is imp...
23  cards
ND - Object Perception - Week 1
Describe the visual ventral pathw...,
What does v1 do 3 2,
Are there short or long range int...
11  cards
ND - Motion Perception - Week 1
Distinguish between simple and ap...,
List three natural reasons why mo...,
Define optic flow 3
13  cards
AED - Allergy and Hypersensitivity - Week 2
1 1
1  cards
AED - Lumps and Bumps I & II - Week 2
What are two general causes of a ...,
List 14 possible causes of a lump...,
List the two types of neoplasia h...
93  cards
AED - Introduction to Therapeutics - Week 2
What is a surgical sieve 1,
What does the classical surgical ...,
What does the diagnostic sieve mn...
9  cards
AED - Wet Eye - Week 2
How thick is the tear flim descri...,
What does lid action do to the te...,
What do meibomian secretions aid ...
44  cards
CLM - Nomenclature and Verification of CLs - Week 2
Describe the 5 steps in contact l...,
Define bozr 2,
Define bodz 3
22  cards
CLM - Preliminary Examination, Insertion, and Removal - Week 2
Does having contact lenses exclud...,
List 5 personal indications for c...,
List 8 personal contraindications...
22  cards
ND - Brain Lesions Causing Visual Field Defects - Week 2
Define homonymous 1,
List three possible locations of ...,
List three possible locations of ...
23  cards
ND - Visual Attention - Week 2
0  cards
ND - Visual Development and Amblyopia - Week 3
Infants have poorer visual acuity...,
Explain the state of the peripher...,
Do the afferent pathways from the...
20  cards
ND - Agnosia, Neglect, Dyslexia and Synaesthesia - Week 3
Consider the three pathways in th...,
How many visual areas are they be...,
What is v1 3
35  cards
AED - Allergy - Week 3
Is type i inflammation immediate ...,
What are the main causes of type ...,
What typically forms with type i ...
83  cards
AED - Infection I & II - Week 3
List 5 mechanisms of tissue injur...,
Which gram type generally release...,
List 4 mechanisms of damage in vi...
49  cards
AED - Lumps and Bumps III - Week 3
Can pigmented masses be found in ...,
Where does colouration of pigment...,
Define naevus 3
65  cards
CLM - Optics of Contact Lenses I - Week 3
What are 5 major differences betw...,
Can the same back vertex power be...,
Do myopes generally require more ...
24  cards
CLM - Optics of Contact Lenses II - Week 3
Define the tear lens how thicc is...,
Is the tear lens involved in the ...,
Comparing the bozr to the k readi...
25  cards
AED - Lumps and Bumps IV - Week 4
Briefly describe the anatomy of t...,
Is the gland of moll a hair folli...,
What is an inclusion cyst is it h...
74  cards
AED - Conjunctival Degeneration - Week 4
Describe the soap mnemonic 1,
Where are goblet cells located 2,
List three structures that secret...
125  cards
AED - Dry Eye Assessment - Week 4
Describe the thickness and origin...,
Describe the two kinds of dry eye...,
List three possible causes of aqu...
32  cards
AED - Dry Eye Management - Week 4
What are the two most useful test...,
What is a positive result for the...,
What is the general treatment opt...
46  cards
CLM - Soft and RGP Materials - Week 4
List 9 requirements of a contact ...,
If a contact lens is surface coat...,
What is pmma is it thermoplastic ...
42  cards
CLM - Soft Contact Lenses - Week 4
Does australia have a high or low...,
Hat is the most popular modality ...,
Do contact lenses have a short or...
48  cards
ND - Depth Perception - Week 4
List four possible visual outcome...,
What is the first point in the vi...,
Can we see depth without edges ex...
16  cards
ND - Medical Imaging and VEP - Week 4
What is an alternate name for the...,
What kind of exposure does tissue...,
What kind of exposure does dense ...
38  cards
BVP - Introduction to Clinical Management of Binocular Vision Disorders - Week 5
What is the tradeoff of having a ...,
What 5 sensory input problems can...,
What 2 motor output problems can ...
62  cards
BVP - Assessment of Binocular Vision Disorders and Accommodation-Vergence Problems - Week 5
What is posture of accommodation 1,
List two tests that assess postur...,
Is mem retinoscopy subjective or ...
41  cards
AED - Anti-bacterial Agents I - Week 5
List the six considerations in th...,
List the 11 classes of anti bacte...,
What is propamidine used for list...
28  cards
CLM - Mechanisms Regulating Ocular Growth and Refractive Error Development - Week 5
Define emmetropisation 1,
What is the approximate change in...,
What is the average axial length ...
49  cards
ND - Plasticity and Learning - Week 5
List two purposes of the critical...,
What two synaptic mechanisms enab...,
Describe what is meant by a hebbi...
14  cards
ND - Major Psychiatric Disorders - Week 5
What percentage of australians wi...,
What percentage of australian ind...,
List 4 healthcare and lifestyle i...
18  cards
AED - Anti-bacterial Agents II - Week 6
What 8 factors are taken into acc...,
List the 5 classes of commonly us...,
Are penicillins commonly used in ...
44  cards
AED - Anti-inflammatory Agents I - Week 6
List 7 kinds of anti inflammatory...,
Consider topical steroids what is...,
What kind of potency and penetrat...
48  cards
AED - Anti-inflammatory Agents II - Week 6
See aed anti inflammatory agents ...
1  cards
CLM - Soft Contact Lens Fitting I - Week 6
List the 8 parameters for contact...,
Define bozr 2,
Define dk 3
53  cards
CLM - Soft Contact Lens Fitting II - Week 6
95 of astigmatic patients have a ...,
What is generally considered clin...,
List three advantages of soft tor...
37  cards
ND - Colour Vision Disorders I - Week 6
Compare a normal trichromat to an...,
What is the genetic mode of inher...,
Compared to normals what is satur...
9  cards
ND - Colour Vision Disorders II - Week 6
What was an early proposition on ...,
What is the fundamental concept b...,
What is the peak spectral sensiti...
30  cards
BVP - Diagnosis of Binocular Vision Disorders and Accommodation-Vergence Problems - Week 6
What are five approaches to makin...,
Is graphical analysis practiced c...,
What does graphical analysis not ...
26  cards
BVP - Management and Clinical Care of Binocular Vision Disorders and Accommodation-Vergence Problems - Week 6
What are some pieces of advice to...,
List the overall sequential manag...,
What is the principle behind the ...
37  cards
AED - Rarer Conjunctivis - Lid Disorders - Week 7
When does phthalmia neonatorum ty...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Aside from the most common cause ...
79  cards
AED - Conjunctival Infections I - Week 7
Define conjunctivitis 1,
List 7 diverse aetiologies for co...,
List 5 possible symptoms of conju...
73  cards
CLM - Pathological Changes in High Myopia - Week 7
List the power ranges huhuhu asso...,
Define pathological myopia 2,
What is the prevalence of high my...
43  cards
CLM - Non-Surgical Management of Myopia I - Week 7
Define myopia control 1,
List two categories for optical s...,
Aside from optical and pharmacolo...
16  cards
ND - Colour Vision Disorders III - Week 7
What do photoreceptors truly do w...,
When colour matching how many wav...,
What are the three kinds of monoc...
24  cards
ND - Colour Vision Disorders IV - Week 7
See nd colour vision disorders i ...
1  cards
BVP - Introductory Developmental Paediatrics - Week 7
Is development hard wired and is ...,
When do babies develop primitive ...,
When do babies develop secondary ...
10  cards
AED - Conjunctival Infections II - Week 8
Aed rarer conjunctivis lid disord...
1  cards
AED - Conjunctival Complex and Eyelids - Week 8
Aed rarer conjunctivis lid disord...
1  cards
CLM - Soft Contact Lens Fitting III - Week 8
Skip 1
1  cards
CLM - Soft Contact Lens Maintenance - Week 8
List 6 key requirements for conta...,
List 7 possible components of a c...,
Give an example of an osmolarity ...
42  cards
AED - Conjunctiva - Week 9
See aed rarer conjunctivis lid di...
1  cards
AED - Superficial Corneal Diseases - Week 9
How thick is the cornea centrally...,
How many cells thick is the corne...,
What layer of the cornea is signi...
117  cards
CLM - Non-Surgical Management of Myopia II - Week 9
What does traditional myopic corr...,
Which region of the retina is par...,
What is myopic peripheral defocus...
31  cards
CLM - Non-Surgical Management of Myopia III - Week 9
List two topical muscarinic m rec...,
Briefly describe a possible direc...,
Describe the direct effect of atr...
32  cards
ND - Perceptual Disorders as a Higher Level Dysfunction - Week 9
Define visual illusion 1,
Define hallucination 2,
Are most visual distortions due t...
41  cards
ND - CNS Disorders and Cranial Tumours - Week 9
What is the general prevalence of...,
What are the two kinds of dementi...,
What is the most common form of d...
59  cards
BVP - Introduction to Paediatric Optometry - Week 9
List 5 physical developmental fea...,
List 2 intellectual developmental...,
List 2 emotional developmental fe...
30  cards
BVP - The Paediatric Examination: Communication and Management Approach - Week 9
In what two paediatric cases is m...,
What is a possible way to begin v...,
Consider how va is normally teste...
21  cards
AED - Corneal Infection I - Week 10
0  cards
AED - Corneal Dystrophies - Week 10
Are corneal dystrophies normally ...,
Are corneal dystrophies fast or s...,
What region of the cornea is typi...
126  cards
AED - Corneal Degenerations and Deposits - Week 10
Are corneal degenerations typical...,
Are corneal degenerations symmetr...,
Define corneal degeneration and n...
128  cards
ND - Headaches - Week 10
Define a headache 1,
Is a headache considered a sympto...,
Define active headache disorder 3
45  cards
BVP - Paediatric Ocular and Systemic Conditions - Week 10
List 5 general paediatric ocular ...,
List 7 general management options...,
List the guidelines most helpful ...
64  cards
BVP - Paediatric Accommodation Vergence Problems - Week 10
List and define the three key fac...,
What percentage of school aged ch...,
By what age should every child ha...
27  cards
AED - Corneal Ectasia - Week 11
Is bowmans membrane a basement me...,
How thicc is the corneal stroma t...,
What is corneal ectasia character...
99  cards
AED - Corneal Infection II - Week 11
0  cards
AED - Anterior Eye SOAP - Week 11
0  cards
CLM - Non-Surgical Management of Hyperopia - Week 11
During what period does the major...,
What magnitude is most hyperopia ...,
Is the refractive state of a chil...
16  cards
BVP - Strabismus Assessment I - Week 11
Define strabismus 1,
Define phoria 2,
Define sensory fusion 3
39  cards
BVP - Strabismus Assessment II - Week 11
How can the comitancy of strabism...,
What is meant by a comitant strab...,
What is meant by a incomitant str...
21  cards
AED - Foreign Body Removal and Micro Techniques - Week 12
0  cards
BVP - Strabismus Assessment III - Week 12
List the 6 sensory aspects of str...,
Where is fixation on the retina i...,
Describe eccentric fixation and h...
23  cards
BVP - Strabismus Assessment IV: Amblyopia - Week 12
Define amblyopia 1,
What can amblyopia result in the ...,
Hat is one of the most common for...
43  cards
AED - Anterior Eye Diseases Slide Exam Revision I: Characteristics - SWOTVAC
Name define causes 2 features mal...,
Name causes 2 features malignancy...,
Name features biopsy malignancy f...
93  cards
AED - Anterior Eye Diseases Slide Exam Revision II: Management - SWOTVAC
Name mx 3 1,
Name mx 2 2,
Name mx 1 3
96  cards
AED - Anterior Eye Diseases Slide Exam Revision III: Symptoms - SWOTVAC
Name describe appearance is it sy...,
Name list symptoms 1 2,
Name symptoms 3 3
53  cards
AED - Anterior Eye Diseases Slide Exam Revision IV: Assessment - SWOTVAC
Name how would you assess 2 1,
Name how would you assess 3 2,
Name ax 4 3
28  cards

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  • 2368 flashcards
  • 5 learners
Decks: D Spectacle Frame Materials Week 2, D Spectacle Frame Specification Week 2, D Ophthalmic Lens Forms Week 3, And more!
OD2 S2
  • 63 decks
  • 2434 flashcards
  • 6 learners
Decks: Wk1 Aed Cell Injury 1, Wk1 Aed Cell Injury 2, Wk1 Aed Immunopath, And more!
  • 31 decks
  • 782 flashcards
  • 4 learners
Decks: 1 Intro To Aed, 2 Cell Injury I, 3 Cell Injury Ii, And more!
OD2 Semester 2 - Applied Clinical Tra...
  • 63 decks
  • 2434 flashcards
  • 20 learners
Decks: Wk1 Aed Cell Injury 1, Wk1 Aed Cell Injury 2, Wk1 Aed Immunopath, And more!
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