BVP - Diagnosis of Binocular Vision Disorders and Accommodation-Vergence Problems - Week 6 Flashcards
What are five approaches to making a diagnosis?
Graphical analysis
Morgan’s normative analysis
Fixation disparity
Analytic analysis
Integrative analysis
Is graphical analysis practiced clinically? Explain why.
No, it is cumbersome and time consuming
What does graphical analysis not take into consideration?
Doesnt take into account all elements of testing
What is morgan’s normative analysis? Is it commonly used?
Tests grouped after data is compared with morgan’s table of expected finsingds and trends determined
Not commonly used
What is fixation disparity? How is it carried out? Is it used clinically? Explain why.
Fixation disparity is the small misalignment of the eye under binocular conditions from exact bi-foveal fixation
Prism required to emilinate fixation disparity is plotted
Not practical clinically as it is time consuming
When is fixation disparity of use?
Only of use if prism is being considered in the management plan
What is the OEP analytic analysis? Where is all the testing based? Is it commonly used?
Uses the OEP model 21 point test system
Testing is all phoropter based
Not commonly used in practice
What is the most widely used diagnostic approach clinically?
Integrative analysis approach
Explain the integrative analysis approach (4).
Compares individual test results against expected values published
Identifies any patterns or characteristic signs of dysfunction
Integrates this with the patient’s history and needs
Narrows the possible diagnoses
What are the three steps in carrying out an intergrative analysis approach?
Compare test findings to the normal values
Group the findings outside the normal range
Identify possible diagnoses based on the pattern
What can fatigue/stress/prolonged near work be a risk factor for (4)?
Accommodative insufficiency
Accommodative excess
Convergence insufficiency
Convergence excess
What can genetic predispositions be a risk factor for (4)?
Convergence insufficiency
Convergence excess
Divergence insufficiency
Divergence excess
What can uncorrected refractive error be a risk factor for (3)?
Convergence excess
Basic esophoria
Accommodative insufficiency
What can systemic diseases like diabetes, myasthenia gravis, and parkinsons disease be a risk factor for (4)?
Accommodative insufficiency
Accommodative excess
Binocularity problems (EOM)
Vergence disorders
What can trauma be a risk factor for (2)?
Accommodative spasm
Convergence insufficiency
Do myopic contact lens wearers have poorer or better accommodation and vergence function compared to spectacle wearers? Should these functions be assessed with both contact lenses (if they wear them) and spectacles, or is this unnecessary?
Generally poorer
They should be assessed with both contact lenses and spectacles
Can test results be considered in isolation?
They mean little in isolation and should be put together
List four diagnostic patterns of convergence insufficiency.
Exophoria - D < N
Low AC/A ratio
Reduced NPC
Reduced fusional convergence
List four diagnostic patterns of divergence excess.
Exophoria - D > N
High AC/A ratio
High tonic exophoria
Large exophoria/tropia at distance
List two diagnostic patterns of basic exophoria.
Exophoria - D = N
Normal AC/A ratio
List two diagnostic patterns of convergence excess.
Esophoria - D < N
High AC/A ratio
List three diagnostic patterns of divergence insufficiency.
Esophoria - D > N
Low AC/A ratio
High tonic esophoria
List two diagnostic patterns of basic esophoria.
Esophoria N = D
Normal AC/A ratio
List three diagnostic patterns of vergence insufficiency.
Normal AC/A ratio
Restricted fusional vergence amplitude
Steep fixation disparity curve
List two diagnostic patterns of vertical phorias.
Comitant deviations
Noncomitant deviations
What nerve palsy can result in vertical phorias?
4th nerve