At the diagnostic level, there are very high levels of comorbidity between
A) Eating disorders and schizophrenia
B) Bipolar disorder and personality disorders
C) Anxiety and depressive disorders
D) Substance use disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders
C) Anxiety and depressive disorders
When a diagnosis of MDD is made, it is usually also specified whether this is a
A) Secondary, and therefore related to another medical condition
B) First, and therefore single (initial), episode or a recurrent episode (preceded by one or more previous episodes)
C) Acute, and therefore requiring immediate intervention
D) Chronic, and therefore persistent over an extended period
B) First, and therefore single (initial), episode or a recurrent episode (preceded by one or more previous episodes)
Rosa, a 20 year old college student eports that “ever since high school” she has “felt sad, like, all of the time … it doesn’t seem normal and I don’t know why.” Rosa notes that there was no major stressor that she can remember that trig-gered her feelings of sadness, “just the normal high school stuff.” But her feelings of sadness have persisted for nearly 4 years now. When asked about what her sadness is like, she tells the psychologist that she just feels like she is not as good as everyone else—not as smart as the other students, not as attractive as the other girls, and can’t seem to have fun and enjoy college like everyone else seems to be doing.what would be the likely diagnosis for Rosa?
A) bipolar 1
B) acute depression
C) persistent depressive disorder
C) persistent depressive disorder
Joe experienced the unexpected death of his wife 6 months ago, who died in a car accident. He begun displaying excessive responses when startled, aggression and avoiding reminders of what happened, he also blamed himself for not being there to help her. His symptoms began within a few days of the accident and he continues to have intrusive reminders of the event. what would Joe be diagnosed with?
B) acute stress disorder
C) depression
D) adjustment disorder
B) acute stress disorder
Mr A, a taxi driver witnessed two vehicles in front of him crash, where a large truck that was tailgating a SUV failed to brake at a red light and crushed the SUV. Mr A needed to stay and provide a witness statement and observed the procedure of medical staff removing the bodies from the SUV. From then on, whenever he sees a large vehicle from behind him, Mr. A would react immediately and experience elevated anxiety and his fear escalated to other aspects of driving which eventually affected his ability to drive and to be a passenger in a moving vehicle. He had intrusive recollections haunted him at night and nightmares. What would Mr A be diagnosed with?
B) acute stress disorder
C) depression
D) adjustment disorder
when joey was a boy, he witnessed his grandfather vomit while dying and soon after developed an intense persistent fear of vomiting and this fear continued on into middle age , what would Joey be diagnosed with?
A) “other” phobia
B) blood-injection injury phobia
C) situational phobia
D) none of the above
A) “other” phobia
After enduring a panic attack in an elevator at work, Joe began experiencing the attacks more frequently when he was at work. Joe begun having difficulty standing in line at the coffee shop at work and had marked fear of going to work due to the fear of having a panic attack. He begun to avoid going in to work and asked his Boss if he could work from home, which reinforced his isolation behaviour. Eventually Joe was working from home everyday of the week and eventually begun avoiding going to social work events. The most likely diagnosis for Joe is:
A) agoraphobia without history of panic disorder.
B) social phobia.
C) specific phobia, situation type.
D) panic disorder with agoraphobia.
D) panic disorder with agoraphobia.
Rodney worried about his own and his parents health. He was also very worried about his future which made it difficult for him to complete his master thesis. also worried excessively about getting a bad grade even though he had never had one either in college or in graduate school. In classes he worried excessively about what the professor and other students thought of him and he was shy about dating. Rodney also reported muscle tension and becoming easily fatigued. He also reported great difficulty concentrating and a considerable amount of restlessness and pacing and he had experienced panic attacks in the past. At times he had difficulty falling asleep. what would the likely diagnosis be for Rodney?
A) social anxiety disorder
B) agoraphobia
C) panic disorder
Mark had severe thoughts and images about causing harm to others such as running over pedestrians while he was driving. he also had severe thoughts that he would commit a crime or poison family members or friends. one day he thought he had caused an accident and hit a pedestrian at an inter-section, and he felt compelled to spend several hours driving and walking around all parts of that intersection to find evidence of the accident. what would be the likely diagnosis for Mark?
A) social anxiety disorder
D) panic disorder with agoraphobia
Joes thoughts focused on the possibility that he would be implicated in some crime that he had not committed; later, they evolved to the point where he was afraid that he might actually commit a crime and confess to it. what would be the likely diagnosis for Joe?
A) social anxiety disorder
D) panic disorder with agoraphobia
Howard stern describes behaviors such as turning pages in magazines only with his pinky finger, walking through doors with the right side of his body leading, and flipping through television stations in a particular order before turning the set off.
what would be the likely diagnosis for Howard?
A) social anxiety disorder
D) panic disorder with agoraphobia
Florida reported having mood swings, such as increased irritability and irrational anger and was having fights with her partner for the past year. Florida journalled her mood and noticed that they occured around her period, but would start to improve within a few days after the onset of menstrual cycle, and would not be present in the week following her menstrual cycle. She also reported feeling fatigued and not wanting to eat much, as well as inomnia, and not wanting to spend time with her children as she usually does. Florida also noticed that despite not having much of an appetite, her clothes felt tighter and she could see when she looked in the mirror that her face and stomach were swollen.
what would be the likely diagnosis for Florida?
A) Bipolar Disorder
B) Major Depressive Disorder
C) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
D) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
C) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Kevin is a 35-year-old chef who is seeking treatment at the sugges-tion of both his employer and girlfriend. His presenting problem is that “for the past 10 or so years I have been having extreme ups and downs … pretty serious mood swings.” Kevin says that he knows that some of his employees refer to him as “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” behind his back, and his employer and girlfriend have said that they never know “which Kevin” they are going to see. He describes his mood swings as periods of ups and downs. The “ups” last 3 to 5 days during which he is happy, full of energy and creativity, often expanding his menu, creating new dishes, and experiencing “a deep love of life and everything in it.” The “downs” last a little bit longer, maybe 5 to 7 days, and during those periods he feels down, lacks energy, has to really push himself to get into work and prepare his menu, and is often agitated—yelling at his cooks, occasionally so loud that customers can hear him. This pattern of ups and downs has started to have a negative impact on his work, and is putting a significant strain on his relationship. what is the likely diagnosis for Kevin
A) Persistant depressive disorder
B) Major depressive disorder
C) Cyclothymic disorder
D) Bipolar 1
C) Cyclothymic disorder
Tim is a 25-year-old student and aspiring poet, rapper, and musi-cian. He was just admitted to a psychiatric hospital in an apparent manic episode. Although he has had a fairly stable life in which he lives with his girlfriend, Tessa, takes classes at the local commu-nity college, and works at a coffee shop in town, his behavior has become increasingly erratic. More specifically, his girlfriend reports that Tim has appeared to be “really sped up” the past month, talking faster than usual, expressing some pretty grandiose ideas (e.g., “I’m going to start and finish a PhD in poetry this year,” “I set up a meet-ing with Kanye West to discuss signing with him,” and “I am Tupac reincarnated!”). Tessa reports that things have gotten much worse during the past 2 weeks, during which Tim sleeps just 1 to 2 hours per night and spends the rest of his time in the evenings making music, smoking marijuana, and buying expensive items online (he has maxed out their credit cards buying multiple guitars, turntables, a new refrigerator, and a five-star trip to Paris). She also reports that Tim disappeared for the past 4 days (skipping school and work as well), only to return home this morning saying that he “has been liv-ing with another woman he just met.” Tessa says that this is all very out of character for Tim. Since she has known him he has had peri-ods of pretty severe depression during which he becomes extremely sad, stops playing or making music, sleeps most of the day, and barely leaves the house. However, she has never seen him so sped up and out of control and he has become a completely different person these past few weeks. what is the likely diagnosis for Tim
A) Bipolar 2
B) Major depressive disorder
C) Cyclothymic disorder
D) Bipolar 1
D) Bipolar 1
what diagnosis would be given if a person has full-blown mania. * Person experiences episodes of mania and periods of depression. Even if the periods of depression do not reach the threshold for a major depressive episode
A) Bipolar 2
B) Major depressive disorder
C) Cyclothymic disorder
D) Bipolar 1
D) Bipolar 1
what diagnosis would be given if a Person experiences periods of hypomania, but his or her symptoms are below the threshold for full-blown mania. and the person experiences periods of depressed mood that meet the criteria for major depression.
A) Bipolar 2
B) Major depressive disorder
C) Cyclothymic disorder
D) Bipolar 1
A) Bipolar 2
a group of conditions involving disruptions in a person’s normally integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception
A) Bipolar Disorders
B) Dissociative disorders
C) Schizophrenia
D) Anxiety
B) Dissociative disorders
a feeling that puzzles the experiencers: the changed condition is perceived as unreal, and as discontinuous with his or her previous ego-states
A) Bipolar Disorders
B) Dissociative disorders
C) Schizophrenia
D) Anxiety
B) Dissociative disorders
what disorder is commonly described as “isolated, lifeless, strange, and unfa-miliar; oneself and others are perceived as ‘automatons,’ behaving mechanically, without initiative or self-control”
A) Bipolar Disorders
B) Dissociative disorders
C) Schizophrenia
D) Anxiety
B) Dissociative disorders
a condition in which normally integrated aspects of memory, identity, and consciousness are no longer integrated
A) Bipolar Disorders
B) Dissociative identity disorder
C) Depersonalisation disorder
D) Anxiety
B) Dissociative identity disorder
what disorders are those usually diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence
A) Personality disorders
B) Developmental disorders
C) Anxiety disorders
D) Mood disorders
B) Developmental disorders
what disorders are the most common mental disorder among childhood and adolescence
A) Personality disorders
B) Developmental disorders
C) Anxiety disorders
D) Mood disorders
C) Anxiety disorders
more misdiagnoses probably occur here than in any other category of disorder
A) mood
C) personality
D) anxiety
C) personality
The patient, a 46-year-old male who worked in a blue collar job, was admitted to the psychiatric hospital after he made a suicide attempt. In his teenage years, he had been involved in a car accident and was hospitalized for head trauma and brain concussion. He also had a long history of abusing alcohol. Those who knew him described him as hypersensitive, touchy, suspicious, and mistrustful. His most prominent feature, however, was concern about his wife’s fidelity. He repeatedly accused her of being unfaithful and “interrogated” her frequently about a wide range of matters. When he drank, he suspects, without sufficient basis that others are exploit-ing, harming, or deceiving him
A) narcissistic PD
B) paranoid PD
C) schizoid PD
D) histrionic PD
B) paranoid PD
Jason, a 20-year-old, was awaiting trial for theft, burglary and rob-bery. He had a long history of displaying deviant behaviors and arrests as early as age 10, when he was caught stealing snacks from a convenient store at a petrol station. He was expelled from school for vandalizing school property and his disruptive behavior. On a few occasions, Jason was also caught stealing money from his classmate, after which he would run away from his school and home for a few days. As a result, he did not have many friends. At age 16, he was sent to a rehabilitation center after misusing marijuana for a prolonged period. After his most recent arrest, he was referred for a psychological evaluation and was diagnosed with
A) narcissistic PD
B) major depression
C) conduct disorder
D) antisocial PD
D) antisocial PD
People find Adam difficult to be around. His behavior is unpredictable and erratic but most often is annoying to others. he doest seem to learn from his bad experiences, instead he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over. His family says adam has been like this since at least junior high school. Adam most likely has:
a. a mood disorder
b. an anxiety disorder
c. a dissociative disorder
d. a personality disorder
d. a personality disorder
Ms. R. is 19 years old. Although she has no formal history of psy-chiatric treatment, she reports a long history of mood instability, suicidal gestures, and skin cutting. She also has had many stormy relationships, including a history of physical abuse, as well as three abortions. She was admitted to the hospital for the first time after she threatened to kill herself following a physical fight with her boy-friend and crashing the family car. The patient says that she recently moved out of her family home and went to live with her boyfriend. After a fight with her boyfriend that left her with a bloody lip, she was feeling “depressed.” She returned home and began to fight with her mother. She then stole the family car and crashed into a pole. When a neighbor found her, she stated she was going to kill herself. Her mother subsequently brought her to the hospital. On admission, Ms. R said she was “depressed” and suicidal. She was described as angry, entitled, manipulative, and “regressed.” what would be the likely diagnosis for Ms.R
a. a mood disorder
b. an anxiety disorder
c. a dissociative disorder
d. a borderline PD
d. a borderline PD
Patricia, a 22-year-old English major at a prestigious university, attended most of her classes alone. The few acquaintances she had were people she was forced to work with for group assignments. She had always been shy and withdrawn since childhood, and people who knew her said she was very insecure and afraid of criticism. As an undergraduate student, she used to have a few close friends but she had decided to distance herself from them because her GPA wasn’t as good as theirs. Afraid of looking bad, Patricia cut off all ties with them.
n the early treatment sessions, she sat silently, not wanting to talk much about herself. She also found excuses to either leave the sessions early or delay her appointments. Sometimes even after arriving at the treatment facility on time, she would change her mind and leave if she believed her attire was improper.
what would be the likely diagnosis for patricia
a. avoidant persoanlity disorder
b. an anxiety disorder
c. a dissociative disorder
d. a borderline PD
a. avoidant persoanlity disorder
the most prevalent and difficult-to-treat mental health problems facing our society today
A) mood disorders
B) anxiety disorders
C) personality disorders
D) addictive behaviors
D) addictive behaviors
is a major problem around the world and is among the most destructive of the psychiatric disorders
A) addiction
B) alcohol use disorder
C) schizophrenia
D) depression
B) alcohol use disorder
Alex was brought into the detoxification unit of a local hospital by the police after a reported incident at a restaurant. He was arrested for his disorderly conduct towards other customers, such as leaning over people who were eating dinner, inappropriately touching some customers, and even spilling his drink on other patrons. When he was being admitted to the hospital, Alex was disoriented, incoherent, and confused. He did not know where he was and could not remember his name. When asked about what he was doing at the restaurant, he said that he was “completing an oil painting using his hand and color paints
what is the likely diagnosis for Alex
A) Chronic intoxication
B) Alcohol withdrawal delirium
C) Alcohol amnestic disorder
D) Wernicke’s encephalopathy
C) Alcohol amnestic disorder