Day 2 - Neuro3 Quiz Flashcards
Lung CA w/ muscle weakness
Lambert-Eaton syndrome; Improves w/ contraction or use; Assoc. SCLC
66 yo forgetfulness & decreased b/l parietal lobe activity on PET scan
Alzheimer disease
Most sensitive test for MS
MRI head and spinal cord; Shows demyelination
Med decreases frequency of relapses in patients w/ MS
Interferon-beta; Also glatiramer
35 yo W p/w ptosis, diplopia worsens throughout day
Myasthenia gravis (antibodies against ACh receptors at NMJ)
Mechanism of first-line tx of restless legs syndrome
Dopamine agonists
Common cause of syncope & test(s) to dx
Vasovagal syncope: Tilt table test or orthostatic bp
EEG waveform w/ different stages of sleep
(1) Stage N1 - THETA waves - alpha waves relaxed, beta waves awake (2) Stage N2 - Sleep spindles and K complexes (3) Stage N3 & N4 - low frequency, high amplitude delta waves (4) REM sleep - beta wave (high frequency, low amplitude)
Next step once brain tumor identified on head MRI or CT
Full body CT - chest, abdomen, pelvis to determine metastasis from brain or to brain from elsewhere; Bone scan - prior bone tumor or metastasis to other bony location
2 most common brain tumors in adults
Metastasis, Glioblastoma; Think: MGM Studies (Meningioma, Schwannoma)
3 most common brain tumors in kids
Astrocytoma, Medulloblastoma, Ependymoma
First-line tx for essential tremor
Beta blockers; Also consider benzos, primidone, surgery; Patients self-medicate w/ alcohol
Presentations of major types of dementia
(1) Alzheimer’s - clinical diagnosis of exclusion, not like any presentation below (2) Pick’s Disease - behavioral/personality changes prior to dementia, progressive aphasia (3) Lewy Body Dementia - triad of dementia, parkinsonian symptoms, visual hallucinations ; unexpected falls or syncopal episodes
1st line tx restless leg syndrome
Dopamine agonists (like Parkinson’s drugs) - Carbidopa/Levidopa, Pramipexole, Ronipole
ALS p/w
Most commonly, Asymmetrical limb weakness; Dysarthria/Dysphagia; UMN & LMN; Executive function; 3-5 years neuromuscular syndrome
Plasmapharesis or IVIg, early better; Supportive care
Meds for Alzheimer’s disease
Cholinesterase inhibitors (e.g., Donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine); Memantine in addition or by itself; Vitamin E losing favor but still used (increased mortality at high doses)