Day 1 - Neuro Part 1 Quiz Flashcards
Spinal cord lesion: fasciculations, spastic paralysis
ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s disease
Spinal cord lesion: impaired proprioception, pupils not relate to light
Tertiary Syphilis
Spinal cord lesion: loss of pain and temp below lesion, Hand weakness
Spinal cord lesion: Bilateral loss of vibration sense & spastic paralysis of legs then arms
B12 deficiency
Spinal cord lesion: Bilateral loss of pain and temp below lesion, B/l spastic paralysis below lesion, B/l flaccid paralysis at level of lesion
Anterior spinal artery occlusion (Note: bilateral)
Brown-Sequard syndrome classically p/w
All tracts affected on one side; Ipsilateral loss of vibration/touch discrimiation, spastic paralysis, flaccid paralysis, contralateral loss of pain/temp 1-2 levels below
Most likely HA: 40 yo F, made worse by bending over
Sinus headache
HA: 30 yo F, left temporal region, vision of flashing lights
Migraine HA
First-line med for acute tx of migraine HA
Preferred antihypertensive chronic HTN & recurrent migraine
CCBs or Beta blockers
Most effective med in tx trigeminal neuralgia
Med given to close contacts of patients w/ HiB or S. pneumo meningitis
4 most common sequelae of meningitis in kids
(1) Hearing loss (2) Mental retardation (3) Seizure disorder (4) Spastic paralysis
Tx for fungal meningitis
Amphotericin B intrathecally
Tx for Tb meningitis
Rifampin, Isonazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol
Cerebral artery infarct: Aphasia
Classic CSF findings differ in bacterial, fungal, or viral meningitis
Bacterial/Fungal/Tb - decreased glucose, increased protein, elevated pressure; Bacterial - PMNs, Fungal/Tb - Lymphocytes; Viral - pressure not as elevated, protein & glucose normal, Lymphocytes
CSF culture for meningitis shows: (1) gram (+) diplococci (2) gram (-) diplococci (3) small pleomorphic coccobacilli (4) gram (+) coccobacilli
(1) S. pneumo (2) N. meningitidis (3) H. influenzae (4) Listeria