CVS physiology 2 - electical prperties of a heart Flashcards
what are t tubercules
areas betwee saroplacim rectium where the z lines are and actinand myacin filaments
boudnary of skeletal musle fiber and sarocpami reectium
gap junctio
electical coneention
pysical conetion
intercolateed discs
desosone and gap junction
what does the sr relase
what is the z line
connection of actin
contiunusous and increase depolisng after repolaizoin
can cardica musle show tetanus
single or several nucli jointed toighe e..g in a intercolated discs
what is the action potenail time for cardiac muscle
what is the action potential time for skela musle
what is the effect of ca on the tropinin in the cardiac celsl
it does not saturate it so the vary of the strencgh can be regulated
what is teh differn in a pace maker cell to a non pacemaker cell
much faster depolisse in non pacemaker cell then slow back to freshold, often more stable
pace maker - slower depoisoin to threoc and action ptoein, then quicker and symertical repolisation
what are the 5 stages in a non pace maker action ptoesin
leaky postain chnalles open (slow deposizsation)
sodum channels open (quciker depolain until peak)
sodium chanels clsoe and potassium channels stay open (slight repolsation due to sodium cahnel closing)
potasium channels close, calcium channels open (contiue depoliazation)
calcium chansles clsoe potasium channels open (platu)
what is the resting memabre potential for non pacemaker cell
what is l type cell
large, long acting ca channel
what are the 4 steps in pacemaker action potential
If channels open - increa in pna+( slight depolorisatoin)
ca2+ channels open gradully, more later on - t type(large depolisation stadge)
ca2+ ion channels close, k+ ion (at peak, then reploisation starts) channels open
k+ ion chanels close (at end of cycle
if channel open
what are t type cells
tiny, transietn, dont sty open for long
explained by pacemaker cells, regularity of beat
p wave
depoloisation of atrial
qrs complex
ventricular depolaatio
t comples
venticuar repolorisatoin
sinoatrial node
node at top of right atrium, it is a pace maker