congenital heart disease Flashcards
what are examples of copy no. of chromose variation
whole chormie, triomy e.g. down, monosmy e.g. turneter
part of a chromonsome - 22q11 deletion, williams
what are examples of single nucleotide disorders
noonan, marfans, svas, holt-oran
waht are exampesl of tertarogne gene mutaion cuases
alchol,antiepile drugs e.g. sodium velperte, maternal diabets mellitus, rubella
what chromonse is involed in downs syndorme
trimosy 21
where is downs sydnreom most commonly orinate dfrom
what is sseen on a downs syndorme ultra sound
nuchral tranlucey of over 2.5 cm
what is a common heart condtion with down sydnome
atrio venticular septal defects in 15%
what are other common condtion seen with down syndom
duodenal atreais - bloked bowl
what is the effect of turner syndome
contraction of aota, shot stracutre, gonadal dysgenesi, puffy hands
what are some syndroem whcih cuase neck webbing
turners syndome, noonan syndome, cfc syndome, leopard syndrome, costello syndome
what is the signsof noonan syndome
pulomary stenois , shortsatue, cryptochildism, charteris face
what is eh effect of carido facio cutation syndoem
noon liek syndome, ectodermal probles, delatd developent
what are the symptons of leopard syndome
noonan like, muliple leniges, deafness
what is he symptons of costolleo sydnome
noonnan like, thickne of skin fold, suseptible to wounds, cariomyopy, caner risk
what is the pneumic for 22q11 deletion syndome
c – ardiac malformation
a bdnomal facie
thymic hypoplasia
c left palate
22q11 deletion
- renal consequesi, pyscathic conseques e.g. schitophrenai
what are the sign of william syndome
aortic stensois, hpercalcemia, 5th finer clinodacyt, charcteris face, cochal party manner
what gene is effected on wiliams synoe
deletion of elastin on chome 7
what are the conseque of fetal alchol symde
Intrauterine growth restriction
where are most congetioal heart diseas form , mother or farther
what chromosoem is effected by turners syndoem
45 x
what is the efect of foliac acdi on heart
reduced occurance of vsd
what are teh ct diseaes of the heart
marfans, loeys dietz, ehlers danlos ftaa
what are some familar arrhyms tha arge geneci
long qt, brugada, cpvt, arvc
what are some familary carmyohpy taht occur
hcm, dcm