Crossfit Level 1 - A Theoretical Template for Crossfit's Programming (Methodology) Flashcards
In the broadest view, what is the most common pattern we see?
3 days on; 1 day off
What are the 3 distinct modalities used?
- Monostructural Metabolic Conditioning (M)
- Gymnastics (G)
- Weighlifting (W)
What is the purpsoe of Monostructural Metabolic Conditioning Acitvies?
The purpose is to primarily impove cardiorespiratory capacity and stamina.
What is the purpose of the gymnastic modality?
To imporve body control by improving nuerological components such as coordination, balance, agility, accuracey, and improve functional upper-body capacity and trunk strength.
What is the purpose of the weightlifting modality?
Aim is to increase strength, power and hip/leg capacity.
What are some examples of metabolic conditioning excercies?
Run, bike, row, jump rope
What are some examples of the gymnastics modality?
Air squat, pull-ups, dips, handstand push-ups, rope climbs, muscle-ups, presses to handstand, back/hip expteinosn, sit ups and jumps (vertical, box, broad, etc.)
What are some examples of the weightlifting modality?
Deadlifts, cleans, presses, snatches, clean and jerks, medicine ball drialls, and throws and kettle bell swings
When a workkout includes a single excercise, the focus is what?
A single exercise or effort.
When the element is the single “M” (day 1) the workout is a single effort and typically what type of effort?
A long, slow, distance effort.
When the modality is a single “G” the wrokout is the practice of what?
A practice of a single skill. (typically this skill is sufficiently complex to require great practice but might not be suitable for inclusing in a timed workout because perfomance is not yet dquate for effiicent inclusion).
When the modality is a single “W” the worlout is what and performed at what?
The workout is a single lift and typically performed at a high weight and low repetition.
On two- element days, the structures is typically what and how many rounds?
Typically a couplet and repeated for a total of 3-5 rounds performed for time.
Why are two element days considered “task priority”?
Because the task is set and the time varies.
What level of intensity is two element days desinged to be?
moderate to high intenisty
3 element days are typically what structure?
A triplet of excercies repeated for a specfic number of minutes and scored by number of rotations or repetitions completed.
3 element days are considered what priority and why?
“time priority” because the athlete is kept moving for a specific time and the goal is to complete as many cycles as possible
2 element days are considered what priority and why?
“task priority” because the task is set and the time varies