Cprt Module 6 - Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Flashcards
True or False
Michel Bacher and Bacon coined the term “Integrated Pest Control”
What year was Integrated pest control coined?
In 1959, – Stern et, al. defined Integrated Pest Control (IPC) as?
Applied Pest Control
Who coined the term “Pest management” and what year was it coined?
Geier ; 1969
The IPC definition is supported by ____ while the PM definition is supported by ____?
Americans ; Australians
True or False
In 1989, R.F Smith and R. Van den Bosch introduced the Term IPPM
The year was 1967
A pest management system, that, in the context of associated environment and population dynamics of the pest species, utilizes all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as possible and maintains pest populations at levels below those causing economic injury
IPM was first used in agriculture beginning in the ____ in response growing knowledge about the negative sideeffects of pesticide overuse.
Who were the people awarded for the World Food Prize for Pioneering work on implementation of IPM?
Smith and Adkisson
True or False
In 1978, DA through BPI formally introduced IPM to educate the farmers on the concept and practice of need-based insecticide spraying.
True or False
The Philippines adopted IPM as the core of crop protection policy in agriculture on June 1986 by President Corazon C. Aquino
IPM was adopted on May 1986
On May 3, 1993, former Pres. Fidel Ramos launched a revitalized National IPM Programme through?
Memorandum Order No. 126
Memorandum Order No. 126 is also dubbed as?
Kasaganaan ng Sakaban At Kalikasan
The local name for the Philippine National Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program
What are the crops covered with the KASAKALIKASAN Program in the Philippines?
Rice, corn, and vegetables
True or False
KASAKALIKASAN, seeks to assist farmers in developing their ability to make critical and informed decisions that render their farming systems more productive, profitable, and sustainable
The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
implemented an IPM program for rice pests, which involved ____
Farmer’s Participatory Research
It contains a list of economic threshold levels of different pests of rice in each growth stage of rice
IPM Rice Pocket Reference Manual
True or False
The IPM Rice Pocket Reference Manual was published jointly by the Philippine-German Crop Protection Program and the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture
True mama
Where and when was the first Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - assisted IPM-FFS experiment implemented in?
Antique Philippines in 1991
What does AESA stand for?
agroecosystem analysis
Basic principles of rice IPM-FFS
- Grow a healthy crop
- Conserve natural enemies
- Regular field observation (AESA or agroecosystem analysis) was implemented.
- Farmers become experts.
- The end view is that they will be experts enough to train other farmers to be better equipped in their farming endeavors.
Applies a holistic solution to the problem of
managing pests to be controlled by employing good crop management practices and maximizing the many controls already existing in nature
True or False
Chemical control and biological control are compatible with each other
True or False
There is no need to apply pesticides or spend on any control methods when the pest population is below the ETL
ETL of Gall midge
Panicle stage:
Nursery and tillering:
- 2% of white ears per sq. m.
- One silvershoot per hill or 5% silvershoot per sq. m.
ETL of Leaf folder
All stages:
1-2 damaged leaves per hill or 4% folded leaves per sq. m.
ETL of Hispa
Tillering stage:
2 adults per hill or 2 damaged leaves per hill
ETL of green leaf hopper
- one or two insects per sq. m.
- 10 insects per hill
- 20 insects per hill
ETL of Gundhi bug
1 - 2 adults per hill
ETL of climbing cut worm
All stages:
4 - 5 larvae per sq. m.
The IPM Program for Diamond Back Moth of Cabbage was implemented in ____ through the ____
Cordillera’s highlands ; Asian Vegetable Network Collaborative Program
Pest Management Technologies Available for Integration Into an IPM Program
1) Regulatory methods
2) Cultural methods
3) Physical and mechanical methods
4) Biological methods
5) Genetic control and use of host plant resistance
6) Chemical methods
Time pest controls with points in the pest life cycle when they are most susceptible to controls
windows of opportunity
What agency proposed an inverted triangle hierarchy of pest management methods
Department of Agriculture in Maryland, USA
Recite the inverted triangle in IPM (top to bottom)
- regulatory
- cultural
- physical & mechanical
- host resistance
- biological
- chemical
True or False
Each trichocard may contain 1,500 2,000 parasitoids
The Trichogramma evanescens parasitoid is glued over the surface of a card known as?
The trichocard is hanged on a corn plant at the ____ or ____
third leaf from the base ; near the leaf sheath
The cards are placed on the cornfield at the rate of ____ of corn starting at ____ after planting, when there are 3-5 corn borer egg mass sampled in 100 plants
70 - 100 cards per ha ; 20 - 25 days
What program contributed to the success of corn-IPM in the Philippines?
Farmers-Field School (FFS)
The reference manual for Corn-IPM was published by ____ in ____
Department of Agriculture through the Philippine-German Crop Protection Program ; 1987
- It considers varietal resistance as vital to large scale corn production
- emphasized the importance of pest monitoring and use of economic threshold levels to come up with a need-based decision rather than calendar-based spraying
reference manual for Corn-IPM
A private organization that developed a mass rearing facility for Trichogramma parasitiod
Albuera Ormoc Mill District Development Council Foundation, Inc.
What parasitoid parasitizes the egg of sugarcane borer?
*Trichogramma chilonis *
A site-specific “Integrated Plant Management for Mango” as a component of the DOST PCARRD funded project entitled, ____ was developed in the Philippines
Enhancing the Philippine Mango Industry
It involves selective control methods to reduce the amount of insecticide applied to mango.
Integrated Plant Management for Mango
Participatory workshops were done in mango production areas such as?
Guimaras, Palawan, and Davao Oriental
True or False
Pruning is recommended after harvest and before flushing
True or False
The more vulnerable stage for disease development is identified at the flushing stage (0-15 days after bud break), between flower bud break and fruit set
True mama yes mama
When is it recommended to bag fruits?
15-60 days after flower induction
- It is an intensive field guide designed for use in mango IPM farmer’s field school (mango IPM-FFS).
- It considers not only pests but the entire mango production schemes
- an essential tool in IPM-Mango FFS in the Philippines
Field Guide of Discovery-Based IPM Exercises for Mango IPM
Who published the book Field Guide of Discovery-Based IPM Exercises for Mango IPM
When was the book Field Guide of Discovery-Based IPM Exercises for Mango IPM published
Mango IPM in Palawan is emphasized on?
mango pulp weevil