Ansci C05 Flashcards
top 3 regions that has the highest distribution of cattle inventory by region
- Central Visayas
- Ilocos Region
ika pila ang Eastern Visayas sa distribution of cattle inventory by region
refers to the special form or purpose for which an animal is to
be used.
meaty,rectangular/square and blocky in form.
Beef type
large, rugged, with considerable length of leg.
Draft type
intermediate between beef or dairy or draft.
2n = 48, 80% in East India, Philippines, North China.
Swamp type
2n = 50, 67% in East India, Middle East, Southern Europe, USSR.
Riverine type
from India, jet black color with white switch (tip of tail), spirally curled horn, milk yield of 5-7 kg/day.
black with white markings on face & legs, white switch, small & lightly coiled horns.
light gray, two stripes (chevron) at ventral jaw, milk yield of 1.45-2.64 kg/day.
Philippine Carabao (PC)
black, long hair, massive and strong horn to form a moonlike crescent which ends upward, milk yield of 0.9-1.0 kg/day.
Thai buffalo
similar to Philippine Carabao except for their more massive horns.
Cambodian (Kampuchean) buffalo
Grades with at least 50% Murrah blood are jet black, chevron completely absent, white switch, blacklegs.
F1 grades look like Murrah crosses with white flock of hair on the forehead and switch of the tail.
Look like the native carabao except the former has massive horn.
Look like Philippine Murrah grades
- Indian origin.
- Large hump; horns curved upward; ears are generally large and pendulous: dewlap has excess skin; more highly developed sweat glands than Bos taurusand perspire freely.
- Northeast Scotland
- World’s largest beef breed registry
- Short horn and wide set eyes
- Early maturity, excellent reproductive performance
- Red to Roan (mixture of red and white)
First breed development in England; white in face, flanks, tail, and creston the neck with cherry to mahogany red color. Polled Hereford developed in1901.
same origin as Angus; with curly black haircoat
Belted Galloway
- Lasater Ranch, Texas.
- ½ Brahman, ¼ Hereford, ¼ Shorthorn.
- Six Essentials -Weight, Conformation, Milking Ability, Fertility, Hardiness (severe range conditions)
and Disposition.
Popular in South America –Brazil
- Spotted, few white markings
- Head –white in front of the eyes
- Lower parts of legs also white
- Excellent maternal traits
- Rapid growth
- Hybrid vigour
- Excellent maternal traits
- Rapid growth
- Hybrid vigour
Cross between Brahman & Angus
- Cross between Red Poll & N’Dama
- Heat tolerant & insect resistance
a Japanese beef cattle
____ means Japanese style and ____ means cattle
Wa; gyu
Brown Swiss, Shorthorn, Devon, Simmental, Ayrshire,
Korean, Holstein and Angus impacted on today’sWagyu.
British and Continental Breeds
consist of 5/8 Shorthorn + 3/8 Brahman, developed in King Ranch (Texas), red or cherry red with short, slick, straight hair and loose hide with neck folds.
Sta. Gertrudis
the controlled propagation of cattle to improve qualities desirable to man.
mating of closely related individuals within a breed; to increase the homozygosity of genes.
mating of close relatives (father-daughter, son-mother, brother,sister)
Close breeding
mating of distant relatives (cousins). Form of mild inbreeding designed to concentrate the genes of a certain ancestor of the genetic constitution of the progeny.
Line breeding
a very mild form of inbreeding which leads to increase homozygosity within the strain in the long term.
Strain breeding
mating of individuals to increase heterozygousity of
genes and capitalize on hybrid vigor(heterosis)
the average quality of the first generation exceeding the
average of two parental breeds.
Hybrid vigor
is displayed mainly in the fitness traits, fertility and viability
Involving two or more breeds, where the crossbred may
stabilize into a breed (eg. Brangus) by “inter se” mating or
crisscross or triple cross.
Systematic crossbreeding
Mating of purebred sires to nondescript or native females & their offsprings generation after generation.
Sexual maturity (bulls/heifer)
6-8 months
Estrus cycle
18-24 days (average= 21 days)
Estrus duration
European = 14-18 hours
Zebu/Indigenous= 10-12hours
10-14 hours after end of estrus
283 days (316-320 in carabao)
Amount of ejaculate
2-12ml, with 500 or more sperm cells/ml.
Sperms urvival at oviduct
48 ours max
Signs of Estrus (period of sexual receptivity of female)
- Reddening & swelling of vulva; mucous discharge
- Isolates herself; seem sickly and has no appetite
- Frequent urination; restlessness, bellowing/mooing
- Mount others; standing still when mounted
conventional use of bull to impregnate a heifer or cow.
Natural Method
a bull in good condition can serve 3-4 times/week or one service every other day.
Hand mating
Modern reproduction techniques that multiply the capacity of superior male or female.
Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer
_____ site of fermentation, receiving area for feed (during eating) and ingesta (during rumination).
_____site of fermentation(by bacteria, protozoa & fungi) of (CH2O)n into VFA (acetic, propionic, butyric acids), and CO2 and CH4 that are eructated to prevent bloat; also synthesize water-soluble vitamins (B complex and C). Proteins are broken into NH3 and CO2 where NH3 is utilized for microbial protein synthesis or absorbed, converted into urea & excreted via urine.
_____ maintains neutral pH
______ is filled with lamella, which increase surface area for absorption of water, VFA, & bicarbonate.
_______ is glandular that secrets pepsin & HCl, site of
digestion of proteins into polypeptides, with acidic pH
The presence of “course digesta” triggers “rumination
reflex” to occur which includes:
- regurgitation
- remastication
- reinsalivation
- reswallowing
process of belching of gas which allows removal of large volume of gases produced in the rumen.
the buildup of gas in the rumen. This gas is produced as part of thenormal processof digestion, and is normally lost by belching (eructation)
which occurs when the gullet is obstructed (often by foreign objects such as potato
Gassy bloat
which happens as the result of a stable foam developing on top of the rumen liquid, which blocks the release of the gas.
Frothy Bloat
Signs of Bloat
- No longer grazing;
- A reluctance to move;
- Distended left abdomen;
- Appear distressed -vocalize, eyes bulging;
- Strain to urinate and defecate;
- Rapid breathing -mouth may be open with tongue protruding ; staggering.
Treatment of Bloating
- Passing a stomach tube
- a trochar and cannula punched through the side into the rumen
- antifoaming agents
transport of metabolic products; cushion of joints; temperature regulation; etc.
for maintenance, growth, work & production. From soluble carbohydrates (starch & sugars), structural carbohydrates (cellulose & hemicellulose), and lipids.
synthesis of muscles, tissues, other body components. Microbial cell protein (MCP) is the source of amino acids (AA) for ruminants.
water-soluble (B-complex) & fat-soluble K vitamins are synthesized in the rumen.
bone & teeth formation, acid-base balance,
nerve impulse transmission.
is the natural cheapest feeds for ruminants and includes not only grasses but also legumes
Forages & Pastures
____ contains 8% CP
____ contains aboit 20% CP
Rice straw, corn stover, corn cobs, sugarcane tops, brewers’ grains, pineapple pulp (highly fibrous).
silage, hay, haylage.
Conserved Forages
grains, agro-industrial by-products like copra meal,
ricebran, & wheat pollard.